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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1916)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, OCT. 16, 1916. FIVE LAST TIMES TONIGHT Everybody More Than Pleased With Our Show Yesterday As a great many w.ere unable to get in, we will no doubt be crowded again tonight and tomorrow, so come early. i! f' - - :' 0 , V'X I f ARMSTRONG'S BABY MILS The Big Musical Comedy Show Pretty Girls, Catchy. Songs, New Novelties, All New. Show Tonight FULL SHOWS 7:15 and 9:15 ii if SI V J TUffATBff V,' -University Notes Of.inestimable valuo to the general student body has been the scries of sermons during the past week in Waller chapel by Dr. Lynn Harold Hough of the Garrett Biblical institute of Chicago. From his initial appearance last Friday morning to the closing cer mon Thursday evening Dr. Hough's contagious enthusiasm, buoyant spirit and innn-to-nian presentation of the liest ideals of life iu usable doses won him an enviable .place in the hearts of hia hearers nnd assure him a royal re turn at any hour or day when ho shall so see fit. Dr. Hough struck homo and - got after the student's problems from a student's point of view and his brief stay is a source of much regret to those who were privileged to know him. Willametto students wero very much surprised to learn on reading the last (Collegian that one of the most digni fied nnd studious men of the faculty was tho holder of the world's mile rec j ird for amateur ice skating. While a mere lad of '20 this versatilo specialist in tho social sciences, Dr. John O. Hull to be exact, was one of J 1 chosen from Norway to represent that country at the I'aris exposition of 1880. He also is a charter member of tho Norwegian Tjalve, an organisation formed to re vive tho ancient Olympic games. Dr. Hall also holds records for long distance skiing. That certain classes in the universi ty" are very much overcrowded this year is shown by tho registration of over 250 students for work in psychol ogy and education under Dr. Charles Leonard Sherman of New York univer sity. The professor, expecting a larger enrollment, moved his classroom, but the additional registration of 45 over and above that of last year will almost force him to meot his classcp on the Toof before long. Courses in the Swedish language were offered in the university curricu lum this year, but sufficient interest in tho prospective study was not forth 6 When your child's permanent teeth are forming that's the time to begin the .use of v t For The Teeth Powder Cream Prepared by a DxtoT of Dental Surgery Bend 2c sump today for a generous trial package of either Dr.Ljron's PerfectToo'h Powder or Dental Cream. I. W.Lyon ASoni, Inc., 061 W. 27th St., N. Y. City Let the Pan-Dandy Kids Do Your BaMsg They'll use the same pure ingredients that you would. Flour carefully selected, and milk tested scien tifiically for purity and for richness. Such a bread, baked in modern ovens, is bound to be good. '."Sr? Pan-Dandy Bread And baking tens of thousands of loaves every day, we can sell such a bread for a fraction of what it would cost you to bake. Your m-ocer has it. Tell him to send out I a loaf, and judge But see that it bears the label. SALEM ROYAL BAKERY, 240 S. Commercial Street coming to warrant giving the course. If there are many students especially do siring to study this Soandivaviun lan guage in the spring. Dr. .1. U. Hall of the social science department will offer tnc courses. Resolutions of the alumni association which were adopted last June regard ing qualifications for membership arc being faTorably received by those for mer students who were debarred bv the limitations of membership. The as sociation extended the privilege or membership both to any person holding a degreo from any affiliated colic se of the university and to any liberal arts student admittance as a, non-graduate member of the association upon appli cation, Non-graduuto members are. not! eligible to hold office or serve as an alumni trustee, ti is believed by the association members that the graduates of the affiliated colleges will feel a closer connection their alma mater and will serve to encourage a spirit of good fellowship among all old students. The association dues arc $1.00 a year. To stimulate interest in scientific oral exhaustion, commonly known as Tooting to college- lads, Leland Austin, assistant yell king, announces a prise contest tor the purpose oi securing a broader and more usable array of Wil lamette yells. ' The person submitting the best yell will be awarded a Willam ette pillow to and the second best is to receive a felt table cover. As ait yells are to be submitted by next Wed nesday, anonymous snorts and vocal pyrotechnics in obscure corners shows that not a few intend to submit some brand new noisemakers. Literally ."an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" was tho slogan of tho lowerclass participants in the an nual bag rush contest Thursday after noon on Willamette field when by vir tue of better bodily prowess and a freshman gift the class of 191!! won the indisputable right to be known as conquerors of . the freshmen for the nonce at least. The fracas marked the culmination of a three weeks' reign of terror and feast of anti-brotherly love 3 for yourself. 1 Juanita Hansen FIRST LINE DEFENSE IS MOTION PICTUBE Famous Author and Correspondent Sees Nation-Wide Way to Reach American People That the influenco of the motion pic ture is sufficient to place it in the plan of our national defense is the state ment recently made by E. Alexandor Powell, P. R". G. S. "1 have learned to hato war." sam Mr. Powell, "but I have also learned to respect those prepared to wage it. Extensive propaganda has always pre ceded armed preparation. It will be the same in tins' country now. me thought camo to mo recently that in the motion picture there lived a way to reach ail the people and bring to them the message of our unprepared- is. 'When I was invited to write the novelization of 'The Secret of tho Sub marine' I immediately assented when I learned that the message of pre paredness would constituto an impor tant part of the story, for I realize to tho fullest extent the national influ ence of nictures. portraying, as this one will, a realism of besetting dan gers and the talsity of our assumeu national safety. In the nicturo production of "The Secret of the Submarine" ono chapter of which will be Bhown weekly at tho Blieh theatre, the leading roles will be taken by Thomas Chattcrton and Juanita Hansen. on nart of the sophomores ami juniors of the university wnien nan consisted of wild joy rides into the wilds of Polk county, shaved skulls, battered phy siques and sundry other mortifications of Hie flesh. All rules for tho contest had been definitely formulated by an uppercluss committee, but the mere complications oi ruies was noi sum- cient to overcome the antagonistic spir its of the rival classes ami the affair became no Boston Tea party. Under the direction of Coach Mathews the adher ents of the opposing- forces lined up at each goal line and dashed for the bags in tho center or the fieiu. Here iricna- lv Rtrife auneared as efforts were made to couvev the bags to one or too oin- er goals. Beddingfield got away for the first bag down lor the sophomores ami C'aDtain Johnny Mann soon followed suit. Through the courtesy of two high ly excited and menially unbalanced freshmen an additional bag was pre sented to the sophomores, tho verdant classmen believing it to be their own goal. Priddy brought home the tourtn bag to roost shortly after Holt got away for the lone frosh bag down. Although it was difficult to distin guish tho sawdust gladiators in the heat of the contest, many amusing entangle ments occurred during the autumnal matinee. One valiaiitjophomore warrior at one time hud no less than three freshmen in his power through iiu utsu holds. This contest marked the third affair of a similar nature on the grid iron in recent years. The sophomore lineup consisted of Mann, Murstcrs, Ohling, Tasker, Ksteb, Stewart, Beding- fiolcl, Kloster, Mehol, Sparks, Priddy, and Attebcry. In the freshmen ranks were Rauch, Notion, Olson, Holt, Payue Cramer, Hardin, Schicwe, Fruke, Wright, (.'oats and Barleigk. WILL OPEN GOLD MINE. Sullivan & Endner of Portland have acquired a promising prospect for a gold mine near the Hlack Kuglo con cern on the roail out from Gates. The new road is reported to be in excellent condition, and last Sunday the first automobile reached the 'Delia" hold ings, the name of the new location. I On Tuesday of this week, a big load of supplies went through btayton, and in a talk with Mr. Ender's son, Harry, he stated that a carload of material was at Gates waiting transportation. It is planned to erect houses immedi ately on the ground for the workmen and to commence development at onco. A part of this work will be in charge of Walter Steepy, a competent mine worker. Assays already niacle show a paying quantity of gold with no trace of copper. Stayton Mail. Dr. Arthur L. Hunt, inspecteor of in-' fantile paralysis cases for the District of Columbia." is said to be in a serious condition from the disease with which he has been ill for a week. Heals Skin Diseases It is unnecessary for vou to suffer with eczema, ringworm, rashes and sim ilar skin troubles. A little semo. aotten at any drug store for Uijc, or-$1.00 for extraUarge bottle, and promptly applied wHI usually give instant renei iroin iien ing torture. It cleanses and soothes the rkia ami heals quickly and effectively moot skin diseases. Xemo is a wonderful disappearing liquid and does not smart the most delicate skin. It is not greasy, is easily applied ana costs little. Get it today and save all Billie Burke in Gloria's Romance 4000 Ft. A Showre to Please CATHOLIC FORESTERS WIN. The Catholic Order of P'oresters of Stayton and Sublimity held a joint pub lic installation of officers in tho 1. O. O. V. hull here on Monday night of this week. There were many visitors from'other cities, among whom were Rev. Fr. Moore and Thomas Brown of Salem, Rev. Fr. Dominick of Mt. Angel and Rev. Fr. Lainck of Sublimity. Their remarks were much apreciated by the audience. It is estimated that fully two hundred people from Sublimity, Mt. Angel, Jordan, Lvons and Salem wero present. The officers installed by the Stayton Court were: Geo. Spaniel, chief ranger; (.'has. Frank, vice chief; W. F. Kleck er, speaker; Antone Schindler, rec. sec; Frank Fcrv, tin. sec; A. rery, treas.; Chas. Gehlen, trustee; D. M. Doll and Will Kcrber, conductors; Joe. Spamol and Frank Kerber, sentinels. For Sublimity the following officers were installed: Antone Van Handel, chief ranger; F. A. Zimmerman, past chief; Conrad Spenuer, vico chief; F. J. Riestercr, speakor; Henry Stein- kamp, rec. sec; John Zuber, tin. sec; I. J. Boedigheiiner, trees.; August Al biis, trustee; Geo. Susbsuer nnd Michael Benedict, conductors. After the business session, the time j was pleasantly spent in a splendid ban ! quet provided by the wives and daugh ters of the Stayton and SuDiinury members, and in speeches by the visit ors, music, etc. W. F. Klccker was toastmnster for the occasion, and it is stated on good authority that lie is one of the best in the country. The erowd broke up at a late hour, voting that they had had one of the best times of their lives. San Francisco to Welcome the Gold Bugs San Francisco, Oct. 1(1. Republican man nii1 u-nmnn in nil nf tllP ("itlM will give a rousing welcome to the Hugh . ...u ...... on CampiUgll S?riHi, wucu Mini I'mtv wi u or more women reaches here tomorrow presidential candidate. A delegation of "ci : .. 1. -1 women irom mui r rum men. uhaiuhu and other cities went to Sacramento to day to meet the special upon its arrival this afternoon. A big reception and r LANSING AND PRESIDENT DISCUSS THE SITUATION Germany Has Kept All Promises Made as to Submarine Warfare Solve the Question See the Great Film Novel of the Hour EVERY TUESDAY ft WEDNESDAY What Do You Think? Is Humanity in the Grip of Evil? President Wilson says: "The strongholds of evil and of wrong in the world are not all as strong as they look." Governor Dunne of niinois says: "The world Is Improxng." The Mayor of Boston says: -We are In the grip of evil." See these great pictures fea turing Jackie Saunders and Koland Bottomley. Every Tuesday and Wednesday. JJ THEATRE Harold The River 5 Act OREGON EVANOFF INSANE IS' POLICEGIF'S IDEA Had Recently Fasted 18 Days Was Not In Any Financial Difficulties Insanity is believed to be the cause of the suicide of Ueorge Evnuoff iu tho rooms of the W. C. T. U. lodging house of last week, according to Chief of Po lice Welsh this mdrning. No motive has been fouud that would lead the mau to commit suicide has been found among ms ertects and papers, which are now in the hands of the chief. Dr. Evans, physician at tho asylum, told Chief Welsh no was of the opinion Evanotf was insane. Financial troubles apparently were not the cause because all his wages for the mouth of September and up un til October 0 were clue him. It is be lieved he was subject to stomach trou bleT"lt is known that he recently fast ed for 18 days and that fact may have caused derangement of his mind. At that time the doctor warned Evnuoff that he would be committed to the asy lum if he continued such practices. That the strain of insanity rus in the family is shown by the fact that At anas Evauoff, George's brother, is now au in mate of the asylum here. George visit ed his brother frequently. Hecent pictures found in Evanoff'e room show him to be in good henlth and others show him during his fust. Among his effects were a passport, a card showing he came to this country by steerage from Varna, Bulgaria, a diploma from the male gymnasium "Ferdinand I" and that ho took work in the scientific department. He was employed by the Spaulding Logging company from August 5 until Octo ber t). luncheon will lie temlcrej Tlie n-umeniii Oakland. Speeches will bo made at tho luncheon aud later in factories and shops in Oak land, and in the Alameda city hall. Lute in the afternoon, the party will reach San Francisco and will be escorted to the St. Frnncis hotel. A banquet will be followed by the women's speeches at the St. Francis, anil following this, they will leave to carry their message to the women of southern California- Nothing defeinite can be learned of plans for a counter demount ration here by women supporters of Wilson, al though such plans have boen rumored. Willamette Notes Results of a rising vote taken among the Willamette university student body this morning showed a great majority of students favoring Portland as the ren dezvous for the annual fall excursion to au out of town 'game. The vote cast was so decided that there is no doubt that the trip will be- the most successful in recent years. Why the Btudents voter in favor of Portland may be traced directly to a famous sentence which has been often quoted during tho past few years, "We of the Willamette spirit take more pride in playing a strong team with a possible defeat than in seizing the many victories for the sakT? of a large score." That Willamette may have the (greatest excursion of her history, 'Veil King l.yon has already started the preliminary plans in motion for the November day when the team clashes with the Multnomah Athletic club warriors of Portland. r SENSATIONAL, SOUL-STIRRING, STUPENDOUS THE IN FIVE ACTS As Presented at the Tivoli Opera House, San Francisco "THEY TRAPPED HER" In the most wonderful Underworld Photoplay, All Star Cast A VITAL DRAMA OF MORAL UPLIFT GRAND THEATRE TodTa Admission 20c. Children 10c, and not admitted under 16 except with parents. Lockwood The of Romance Comedy THEATRE Sceno from "The Luro" tlio wonderful today and In the juost wonderful underworld photoplay. An all Btar cast. In brief the story shows that while attending dancing school, .Charlotte linker meets a fascinating youth, Paul, with whom sho becomes infatuated. Not being able to resist his declaration of love and promises to mnrry, she derides to elope with him only to find herself drugged and taken to a resort of the underworld. Once inside the bouse, she is trapped and made an inmate. The detective disguised as a gas man enters the house ih search ef Charlotte t Court House News $ )etsle(cjk 4 Ren West, Marion county assessor, exports to have the school and road district valuation for tho I!I17 tuxes ready to bo sent out to tho various cities, school and road districts by the end of this week. At that time he ex pects to have the .total valuation fig ured, lie has an extra force of II. 11. Kloepping and ('. A. Lewis totalling up the tax rolls and getting the ma terial ready to send nut. After that they will be busy extending the tuxes on tho rolls, D. G. Drnger, Marion county treas urer, received Saturday n tax turnover from Sheriff Ksch amounting to $4.1, 417.73. Of this amount school district Xo. 24, the Salem district, gets .", 048.03 aud the city of Siileiu 1),7H1..'1S. The first Issue of The Clarion, the official publication "of the associated student body of tho Salem High school, came out this week and it shows a clever work in its material, and get up. It comes out as a bi monthly newspaper and is chuck full of pep and ginger. It has five columns and tells tho news of tin; school in nj way that makes interesting rending. The staff consists of the following: Editor, Thomas McGilchrist; associate editor, Phillips Elliott; athletics, Wnl l eott Tturenj society, Ha Spnulding; 'Wlmt Others Do", Dewey I'robst; The Spectator, Helen Hose; and Jokes, Harold Aspinwull. New Departments, have been added und altogether it is a classy sheet. t Use the Journal Want Ad Way. , .. ,Ttw. . ' - I - (S m 4 vv , J mm -? Billie Small Violinist Talk of Salem No Raise in Prices ft underworld photoplay at the- Grand tomorrow. linker; and to his surprise he finds the girl ho loves, Sylvia who was lso trnpped, thinking this to be her reason for not allowing him to know her dwelling place denounces her, but "fin ally finds that sho to has been trapped, ami at onco plans for escape, during which many thrilling adventures take dace. Sho is finally restored to her sick mother; nt the same time the de tective has filled his mission in the employ of tho Halter's and has succeed ed in jailing the youth Paul, with the liian higher up. FOR COUGHS and COLDS i uennn tucaiypius uinimam AT ALL DRUQ TORCl Tube 26o jars eoc WAGES 00 NOI KEEP PACEWiTH PRICES Food Stuffs Increase 50 Per Cent in Four YearsTough On the Wage Earner New York, Oct. 1(1. The average citizen constantly is being forced into a lower standard of living because tho i no roll so In prices exceeds increase iu wages. W. Frank Persons, economist, announced today as a result of series of inxestigatious. Persons said his investigations show a family of five cannot live on less than 22.75 a week. This, he declared, his equivalent ill purchasing value tu a if 1 7 income four years ago. Foodstuffs have increased 50 per cent in four years, according to Person 's figures. ' Flour is up almost 100 per cent, vegetables 70 to 110 per cent, eonl has ndvanccd from $5.50 to 7 2.") a ton, hnrdwaro has advanced ()0 per cent; lumber, 30 to 40 per cent and all tex tiles and drygoods have made t'ijf jumps. further distress. , Zemo, Cleveland, 2L