Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 16, 1916, Image 4

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Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
Octuiwr Ki, wio.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
President. Yico-l'resident.
Hoc. und Treas.
Daily by carrier, per year
Daily by mail, per year .,
$5.00 l'er month 45c
3.00 Per monlli 35e
New York, Ward-Lewis Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building
Chicago, W. H. Htockwcll, People's Ous Building
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
paper to you on time, kindly plume the circulation munager, as this is the only
way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions.
Phone Main 81 before 7:110 o'clock nnd a paper will be sent you by speciul
messenger if the carrier lias missed you.
The controversy ith P.riliiin mid Fiance nliout seizure of mails may take
this course:
May 24, lull!. Wilson says; "Stop it."
October 12, ft' III. Grey replies: "We refuse."
Way 24, 1017. Wilson says: "I insist on your slopping it."
October 12, 10I7- Grey replies: "We still refuse."
May 21, IMS. Wilon says: "1 ng'uiii insist on your stopping it."
October 12, IMS. Grey replies: "The war is over. We have tiliniiihuird
the mail censorship as it has served ils purpose. Surry to have inconvenienced
you. Send in your bill. If it is too high, we will arbitrate."
October KI,' IMS. 'Wilson says: "Your Offer accepted. We knew you
would recognize in the end thai we were riht."
October J4, IMS. All the Wilson organs: "Wilson wins another diploma
tic triumph."
This is what would probably happen if .Mr. Wilson were re-elected Presi
dent. As lie will not be re-elected, events will tnke ti decidedly different
course. Oiegoniiiu.
Why not continue these "speculations" far enough to
tell us just what Hughes will do if he is elected? Will he
fight Great Britain and France if they refuse to heed his
protest? that is the only inference to be drawn from the
Oregonian "speculations."
Hughes has said in effect that he would have broken
off diplomatic relations with Germany when the Lusitania
was sunk and gone to war if necessary to gain the objects
this country sought. Colonel Roosevelt, campaigning for
Hughes, declares that if he had been president he would
have resisted with armed force the violation of Belgium's
neutrality by Germany.
The Oregonian and other supporters of Hughes de
mand a "stronger foreign policy" and intimate constantly
as in. the above "speculations" that American demands
should be backed up by armed force.
This steady pressure of the Hughes' party for war is
good reason why the great mass of American voters
should be kept cool and not be led away by strains of
martial music.
..The European war is not over it may last for years
yet. Daily it is forcing grave international questions
upon this country questions that should not be handled
by men who are constantly demanding resort to force.
If the American boys march to the front in a war with
European powers many of them will never return, or they
will come back home maimed and helpless wrecks. The
country felt grave, and fathers, mothers and sisters and
sweethearts wept in spite of heroic efforts at self control
.when the boys of the National Guard entrained for the
Mexican border a few weeks ago; how will they feel if
the call comes to fill the trenches on a European battle
And here is a "speculation" of our own; if Hughes is
elected and carries out his promise to club Germany, the
Allies and Mexico into thinking his way about matters
which may come up, and war ensues as a result, we want
to speculate one hundred to one that the blood thirsty
editor of the Oregonian will not be on the firing line.
Mr. Hughes and the colonel both insist the Adamson
bill is not an eight hour measure but simply a wage meas
ure. They assert that congress and the administration
made a cowardly surrender to force and passed the bill
under duress and without giving the subject proper con
sideration. If these gentlemen are correct where do
Congressmen Hawley and Sinnott get off? When these
gentlemen slap the administration they also take a whack
at our own congressman, Mr. Hawley. The voters are
watching with more or less interest to see how Congress
man Hawley will take this kind of a shaking up from his
big leader. ' Will he confess and plead for forgiveness
turning the other cheek? Well hardly, for the blow is
square between the eyes, and he would have to turn the
back of his neck, if anything. He will probably kiss the
hand that smote him and feel thankful he received any
notice whatever from the "potential president."
California has two small issues and one large one be
fore her at the coming election. The first is the Hiram
Johnson race for the United States senatorship; the sec
ond the Wilson-Hughes bout, and the main one the ques
tion as to whether the state will remain wet, or go into
the dry column. Hornibrook waits with "baited breath"
for the announcement of the result; at least it has the
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18G3
CAPITAL $300,000.00
Transact a General Banking; Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
Now someone has discovered that the reason folks do
not go back to the farm is that "man is a gregarious
animal and gets lonesome away from the crowds of the
cities." This might do if it was correct, which it isn't.
The main reason why here in America the farm has no
attractions, is that the returns for the money invested
are smaller than in any other pursuit; and on top of it
there is more hard work connected with securing even
these meager returns. This applies to those who have
money enough to buy and stock a farm. The poor man
cannot go back to the farm, any more than he can go into
the banking or money lending business, for the simple
reason he has not the means. He cannot rent, under usual
conditions for this same reason. When some arrange
ment is made, if it ever is, by which a man without means
can get a chance to rent farm lands and be furnished
money for necessary teams, etc., there will be a move
ment back to the soil, but not before. The same reason
that kept American money out of the mercantile marine
for so many years applies to the farm. Other industries
offer better and bigger inducements.
Mrs. William Kent, wife of a progressive republican
congressman of California, who heads the Wilson non
partisan league, is campaigning against Wilson and the
democratic national caniddates, because, she says, "of the
stand oi tne democratic party on suffrage. She must be
a lady of acute sensibilities if she can find anv difference
between the stand of democrats and republicans on this
question, ihe platiorms ot the two parties are exactly
the same on this subject, each saying suffrage should be
settled by the individual states, and that it is not a na
tional matter. It is a case of a republican pot calling
the democratic kettle blackface. Mr. Hughes has simply
repudiated his platform and should he be elected his party
may refuse to back him up in his pledge to the rich
women suffragists of the east.
The Oregonian says women can get the national suf
frage only through the republican party, and points out
that Mr. Hughes is for it. It does not state, though, that
the republican convention considered the matter fully and
in its platform declared for exactly the same thing the
democratic platform does: that it is a matter for each
state to settle for itself. There is absolutely no difference
between the parties on this subject. Mr. Hughes' per
sonal indorsement of it, is like a great many other things
that gentleman talks about, a matter of vote getting only.
And if the republican party is so keen for woman suf
frage why hasn't it done something in that direction dur
ing it's forty odd years of power since the Civil War?
L. H. McMahan, independent candidate for present
ing attorney, was the originator and leader in the munici
pal bathing beach movement in Salem, and more than any
one else responsible for its success. This beach has not
only furnished recreation and enjoyment for thousands
during the past two summers, but it has no doubt reduced
the annual toll in life taken by the treacherous Willam
ette river. The fathers and mothers of Salem owe much
to Mr. McMahan for his work in this respect which is only
one of the many movements in behalf of thj public good
that he has been instrumental in carrying through
Marion county will get one of the ablest and fairest of
ficials it ever had if McMahan is elected.
To the Editor: To correct sundry er
rors in a biographical sketch of my bus
iness career in last Saturday 's Journal,
please say that I was born in Wheeling
then irginia, February S, 1S.'19, moved
wirn my -parents to Cadiz, Ohie, in 1840
an, to Nellsvillc, Ohio, in 1S45. In
!" to Lansing, Iowa, was admitted
to the bar .Nov. lSo", but never prac
ticeu, was employed by G. W. Gray &
y.o., lorwarclnig and commission and
I'ruiiuec ueaiers in jrtiw; hecaine a mem
ber of the tirm m 1.SII2, Mr. Gray re
tiring from active business when J as
sumed the management, .the firm con
sisting ot Mr. Gray and myself. In
isiif -Mr. ,lohn Berry was admitted to
the firm and. Mr. Gray retiring from
me presidency ot first .ationa bank
ot Lansing, with myself as junior part
ner, organizing the private bank of
tirav i!c (Jo. of which 1 was cashier. In
ixi. we ihi1) out at Lansing and arm
ed in Salem July IXCm, when G. W.
Gray, John Berry and myself as part
ners opened a general merchandise store
under the tirm inline of G. W. tirav &
Co. at the comer of State and Liberty.
the present location of the liarr Jewel
ry store. In ISliS 1 withdrew from the
firm, and entered the employ of Ladd
A: IJusn, opened tho bank as cuslner,
filling that position for more than 17
years until Oct. 1S,S", when associated
with the late R. S. Wnllm-e, we organ
ized the Capital National bank. My
long association with a gentleman of
Mr. Kusli 's character and attainments
I regard as the most potent educational
factor of my life. About 1S77 with G.
W. Gray as a partner, under the firm
name of G. W. Gray & Co., we bought
the Linseed Oil Mills from the Pioneer I
Oil (o., insolvent. I wns not active
the business. After, some two vears of
profitnWe business I sold out mv inter
est ami tho business wns conducted
thereafter bv G. W. Grnv and Sons.
If you're already an OWL smoker,
we just want to say "Hello! Wo
smoke it, too 1"
If you haven't started yet why,
my dear Sir! do you realize you've
missed another whole day of good
smoke enjoyment?
Better step right over to the
'counter now and exchange your
nickel for an OWL. Or make it two,
if you insist. Now you're talking!
The weather bureau is a regular killjoy. One week
ago it announced that it would rain during the latter part
of the week in this section. After' putting a dash of cold
water on all western Oregon, which was enjoying the best
brand of weather put up anywhere, the weather man's
predictions tailed to materialize and the weather. was per
feet. Today the same prediction of rain at the last of
the week is made, and this while we are having ideal Fall
days. It is bad enough to have bad weather announced
the day before, but when it comes to spoiling things a
week ahead with prognostications that may not material
ize it becomes almost a crime.
' J3 1)4
The doctor says that pies are harmful, I
must eat them no more; and that is why
they seem so charmful I'd like to eat a
score. Before me there are wholesome vit
tles that I may safely try; I'll have of them
no jots or tittles, my system shrieks for pie.
I didn't much enjoy my smoking until the
doctor came, informing me I'd soon be
croaking unless I quit the same. ' Then
fascinating and enchanting seemed my old
pipe of oak, and here I'm sitting, yearning,
panting, for something I can smoke. Last
winter, when the boys were skating a sport of which I'm
fond I, too, began absquatulating along the village pond.
The boys all said I was a winner, for fluent legs are mine,
until I saw, where ice was thinner, a big square "Danger"
sign. I skated up to see it closer you should have seen
me sink! .It took two blacksmiths and a grocer to drag
me from the drink. Who cares a kopeck for a warning?
Man to his doom inclines because he takes a pride in
scorning all sorts of danger signs. ' ;
(From the Tucoinn Tribune.)
On Friday Tncoma is to be treated
to the most amazing spectacle of an
amazing campaign. A tram load of
eastern women, whose expenses are
paid by the millionaire wives of Wall
street manipulators, will arrive in
this city to tell women here how they
should vote in tho coming election.
The east, which lias never had the
Vote, is coming to tell the west,
which has had the ballot for years,
what to do with it. The most con
vincing campaigners, one might sup
pose, are those who take a practical
as well as an' 'academic interest in
voting. The women of the west, who
won the ballot years ago, might take
a great deal more interest in the. mes
sage that the eastern women are
preaching if the easterners had had a
little more success in getting tha bal
lot themselves.
The. west is proud of its women
voters and the part they have played
in the ntfuirs ot the country. It be
lieves that the women of the east
have plenty of. evils in their own
bailiwicks to correct without traveling
3000 miles to conduct a school in bnl
lot marking. hv not send back a
trniiilond of western women to show
the easterners a few practical things
about the gentle art of vtotegotting.
Nothing Immoral
in Death Though Nude
New York, Oct. Ki. There's nothing
immoral in a picture of a mule woman
when the woiaaii is "dend." l'oticeman
Riley, former sign painted, played this
role before his superiors today and set
a new precedent for Kcw York's censor
ship. The police received a hurry call to
send a censoi to a Fifty-first street art
store where a shocked citizen said nn
indecent picture twas on display in the
window, Riley was nssigned as censor.
He found a picture portraying a man
on his knees, weeping beside the body of
a woman. Riley was About to hide the
pieture behind newspapers he intended
to paste on the window, when an art
loving pedestrian objected.
"Why man, tho woman's dead,"
Rilev was told.
"Then I' guess she can't hurt any
one," replied Riley, and he so reported
lo headquarters.
Argontino is spending 1(00,000,000 on
nn irrigation system.
American moving picture films ar
being sold in increasing quantities ia.
France owing to the curtailment of tho
French and Italian film output due to
the war.
Swine provided 00 per cent of the t.
tal meat consumed in the German em
pire last year.
of a Checking
OVER ninety per cent of the
transfers of funds are made
by the convenient bank check.
The, reasons for this are. first, it offers
security for funds. It is extremely unsafe
to carry large sums on the person, or keep
them about tne premises.
Then, check being drawn in favor of a certain
person or firm, if lost, .is worthless to the finder.
It may be mailed across the city at a great saving of
time. It involves no question of making proper change ;
it is, in itself, an acknowledgment of the payment ot
an obligation, tor upon being paia Dy Dans.n. is re
turned to the orte who drew it, and becomes
indisputable evidence of the payment.
Lastly, the practice Of depositing one's funds
in bank, and paying taem out Dy cnecK,
establishes an acquaintance there, open
ing the way to many privileges wnicn
the stranger to the
bank does not
Salem, Oregon
Member Federal Reserve Bank
wr. (isn't she graceful?" Muriel exclaimed
'What makes you so quiet?" Burton
asked just before we reuched the restau-
"Why nothing!" I replied, not con
scious that I had been so engrossed in
my thoughts of Clifford. Now I exert
ed myself, aud chatted continuously uu
til we drew up before the brilliantly
lighted place.
"Oh, how lovely!" I gasped, as. aft
er disposing of our wraps and dabbing
our noses with powder, we rejoined Bur
ton. "Does look rather nice." doesn't
it?" he returned, as he led the way to
a table marked "reserved." "I'm glad
I telephoned for a table. We might not
have been able to get oue if I hadn't."
I was too excited to talk. The restau
rant was beautifully decorated. There
were wonderful plants and flowers on
the tables anil scattered about the room.
The men and women were all in evening
dress and made such a brave showing.
I remembered thinking it would take a
very courageous man or woman w hoi self to the dinner, and to mv host and
would appear there in afternoon clothes, hostess, trying to forget to wonder
The orchestra was placed oil a raised! where Clifford was and what he was do
plutform. not too near, yet where weiiiig. But with indifferent success,
could hear the music perfectly. Really . Professional Dancers,
nothing could be nicer, I thought. I "There they are! look quick, Mildred!
A Good Dinner.
While our dinner was
nnd we were mhnlmir nn tho hn A . I
oeuvres, the dancing commenced. First. "ho are they?
one couple then another would leave j in admiration.
their dinner and take a few- turns) "They are the professional dancer.
iirmitwl the mnm. I .l. i 1 . . . "al uuueera
i..;, u "7 ;w , A . "uu u"4e "n nired to da
......... .. vu . i.t Ur me season."
woum you preier to wan until atter we
have our dinnerf" itr. Franklyn asked.
"Dinner first for me!" iiuriel de
clared. "I'm terribly hungry."
"Would you like a turn first?" Bur
ton turned to inc.
"No thank you! I feel just as Muriel
does. I'd rather have my dinner."
"For real comfort give me two sen
sible women like you two," Burton
laughed- "I'm as hungry as a bear. I
shall enjoy dancing much more after I
have eaten. Here comes "our waiter
now. " ' ,
He had ordered a delicious dinner. As 'again turned to our
iLil" "nnged the table audi S.f Zu!d sav
Bn.tu iur tuu, x iuukoi arouna to see
if there was any one there I knew. I
could discover no one: so devoted mv-
' I asked, as I gazed
once here for
Oh, isa't she wonderful" T
as I watched the slender hrwlv
perfect rhythm with the music. "She
me most graceful creature I have
ever seen!"
Dinners were left untasted, vc-vm.
turns halted as the dnncer. glided
around the space reserved for dancirur.
When they finished the applause was
thunderous. Clearville had seldom beca
so entertained.
''le'8 pe?h! and her partner isnt
u recunu. uurtnn remarked.
nftrti tl,An I.-i j ,
.ry uuu uuncea an
encore, wa
SAV nnt TTa : . i .
. rru. -Ana isn't that clon
of gray tulle she is wearing the loveliest
"She is wonderful!" I repeated, mr
cheeks burning with excitement, t
don t wonder the dances professionally
when she can dunce like that! "
(Tomorrow A Surprise.)