Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 16, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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, ' - V. 9. a.
I . . ggr I J
Foods come and go, but for
nearly twenty years Grape
Nuts food has held first place
among ready-cooked cereals.
In homes where Grape-Nuts is not known,
a single package from the grocer would
make it a fast friend and standby becnuse
of its wonderful pleasing flavor and
staunch nourishment the supreme good
ness of whole wheat and barley.
Every table should have
its daily ration of
"There's a Reason"
Propose Shortening the Lords
Prayer and the Ten
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Onepackage
proves it 25c at all druggists. .
St Louis, Mo., Oct. 16. Whether ne
gro clcreymeu shall have a voice in-the
affairs of the Protestant Episcopal
church of America, was debated in the
house of deputies today. A hot fight on
this yesterday was expected and deio
iratea looked for a prolonged debate.
The important report of the joint
commission on business methods in the
church will come up some time this
week and' there are Borne indications it
might be called to a hearing late to
day. The report is expected to arraign
the lack of business methods in the
handling of church funds.
There was much comment today a
mong the bishops and deputies as to
uosaible action on the proposed short
ening of the Lord's prayer, the short
ening of the ten commandments and
the changing of the marriage ceremony
of the church. The pros and cons were
busy getting in their prc-debate cam
paigning. Reunions and social meetings of var
ious auxiliary associations of the church
were the order of the day among those
not members of either houso.
Big Parade to Open House
Which Was Packed to Ut
most Capacity
Mrs. Jessie Minto hag gone to Hono
lulu, where she will pass the greater
part of the winter visiting her nioco,
Mrs. llert L. Smith (Fay Wriglitman.,)
Mrs. .Smith, who ia the daughter of
Frank T. Wrightman of this city, is
well known in Salem, having lived here
when a young girl.
Miss Catharine Curson, who went to
Portland Saturday to attend the wed
ding of Miss Carroll McColluin, which
took place Saturday evening, will re
turn tonight. During her visit in Port
land Miss Carson has been the guest
of the ' McCollums.
Mrs. George E. Watera had as her
week end gueBts, the Missos Dorothy
Jenkins and Luella Waters of Portland,
who came to Salem Saturday to attend
the football game. Tomorrow Mrs.
Waters will go to Portland for a sev
eral dars visit to her mother, Mrs. K.
. .
Miss Lora Jane Taylor, a popular
ana much feted bride-etcct, Iihb chosen
Tuesday, October seventeenth, for hor
marriage to Mr. Harry Martin. Haw
kins of Salem. The ceremony will take
place in the First PreabyleriBn church.
Preceding the ceremony, Miss Blanche
Ruth Hummel of Corvailis will sing and
Mr. Frederick Hi glow Newton, of
Portland will preside at the organ. Miss
4!rrty Taylor will be maid of honor and
Mimes Winnifred Austin and Zona
Haight will act as bridesmaids. Mr.
Robert W. McMurray of Portland will
erve, the groom as bost man, and the
truest will be ushered by Messrs. Rob
Roberts, Salem, Harry Morton, Salem,
YVederick B. Newton, Ilortland, and
Aadrew K. Henson, Portland. Albany
Kvening Herald.
Another fall wedding that has caused
a ripple of surprise was that which
took place Saturday eveniug at the
highland church, when Miss Mollie
Runcorn became the bride of ltvron F.
Itnink. The news is of much interest as
both young folk are quite widely known
the bride gaining a large acquaintance
through a number of years association
with the editorial department of the
local newspapers, serving as society od
Mor, and also through her contributions
to outside publications. Mr. Drunk is
a member of ono of Oregon's best
known pioneer families. The ceremony
was a very simple affair, only a few
clone friends and relatives being askct.
licv. Josephine Hockett ot'liciiited,
and Miss Bculah i'resuall played tin'
wedding march. i
After November the first Mr. and
Mrs. Drunk will be at home ut J). '10
Laurel avenuo.' " .
Rev. ami Mrs. William Itiley Jef
frey, Jr., arrived in Salem Saturday
from Koscburg, en route to Sheldon,
Illinois, where Key. Jeffrey was trans
ferred at the recent Methodist conven
tion in Lebnnou.
During their stay here Rev. and Mrs.
Jeffrey will be the guests of their
son, w. K. jeltrey. Jfetore going east
the Jeffreys will pass several (lavs In
Seattle, visiting Miss Dorothy Jeffrey,
a member of the 1919 class of the Wil
lamette university, who is now attend
ing the University of Washington.
The regular meeting of the Salem
Women's club was held Saturday af
ternoon in the public library, and was
presided over by Miss Jessie U. Cox
who gave an interesting talk on the
" Keview of the Diplomatic RelutioiiB
of the United States."
During the afternoon a report of the
annual convention of the State Fed
eration of Oregon Women's clubs, re
cently held at Seaside, was given by
Mrs. C. P. Bishop, Mrs. W. W. Hamil
ton and Miss Kuith Hnznrd.
Dr. Lynn II. Hough and his mother,
Mrs. Kunice Hough, of Chicago, who
have been the guests of Dr. and Mrs.
Carl Gregg Doney left Saturday for
their home in the cast.
Dr. Hough is associated with the
Garrett Biblical school at Chicago. Kit
route home tlie visitors will visit Ta
coma, Spokane and other places of in
terest. ...
Mrs. Helen B. Knnppenbnrg of lone,
Morrow county, who bus property in
terests in Sulem, was a visitor her Yii
. . .
Mr. and Mrs. William Walsh of South
Commercial street have had visiting
M0 Ltllllitttitttttttttt
An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade
Just Received
Made of strictly all wool velour,
only by careful manufacturing
and specialization have been
able to offer this high quality for
French Gray and New Tan.
Also we have received other
new models.
Price $10 to $20
them, Mr. Walsh's sister, Miss Grace
Walsh, of Portland.
Mrs. L. H. Bowermnn, Mrs. F. E.
Oliver and Mrs. Francis Leiter left this
afternoon for Portland, where tney win
join the "White Ribbon" special for
Pendleton to attend the W. C. T. U.
convention. Mrs. Bowerman represents
the Salem union. Mrs. Oliver the Mar-,
ion county and Mrs. Leiter the High
land. They will be away for about a
v i
Market Was Active
and Stocks Higher
New York, Oct. 16. The New York
Evening Sun financial review today
said: ,
In the greater part of today s ses
sion, prices moved in the direction of
higher levels, marked strength being
reported in the steel and shipping
shares, in some of the rails, including
low priced issues, aud in various special
ties. Buying was in moderately active
volume for both accounts, with a fair
proportion of the purchases coming from
outside sources.
Active covering marked the business
in all the prominent stocks, notably in
the Mercantile Marine, Atlantic, Gulf
and West Indies, United States Steel,
Union Pacific, Rock Island, American
Hide and Leather shares and Chesa
peake & Ohio, which showed advances
of from 2 to i points. Street gossip
as a rule was far more bullish than had
been noted in recent preceding days, not
only regarding inteiuationul relations,
but home politics as well, the latter find
ing expression in rather optimistic cal
culations on the floor of the exchange
and in commission house circles regard
ing the prospects for republican sue-
net., in November.
Prices reached the highest level or
the day in the late trading.
Suit for S15.000 Comes
From Real bstate Deal
Judgment for the sum of 15,000 for
alleged false and wrongful representa
tions eoncernine the condition of real
estate in Benton county for wnicn tney
were to trade city property valued,
without mortgage, at $17,00", Is asaea
by Elvira A. Lawler against F. W. Wa'
tMr. Msrv E. Bates and her husband
The plaintiff charges the defendants
with cnnsnlracv to cheat aud defraud in
regard to the state of the land, which
is situated in Benton county about 12
miles from Corvailis iu the Coast range
The complaint alleges that the acres
are uncleared, unfit for cultivation, that
tho timber is of no value, the soil dobey
and worthless unless draiued by a cost
ly drainage system, that the cultivable
land is worn' out and that everything
elsn L run down.
She states that her property, less rne
mortgage, is worth $17,500 but that the
land of the defendants, less the rnort
gage on it, was worth only 2,500. She
sava she feels she has been cheated al
though she agreed to trade under cor
tain conditions.
' Bed fire and electric torches, a
street parade, and a mass meeting at
the Grand opera house formed the fea
tures of the reception Salem gave to
the eastern women who arrived here
Saturday night on "The Golden Spe
cial' 'to advise the women of the coast
why they should vote for Charles E.
Hughes at the coming presidential elec
tion. Upon arrival at Trade and Commer
cial streets, the visiting women were
met by a delegation of Salem republi
cans and a parade was immediately
formed. Headed by tho Salem Military
band the procession, which included the
Women's auxiliary of the Spanish War
veterans, the women of the Uoldon spe
cial and Salem women carrying flags
and men with torches, proceeded to the
opera house, which was packed to the
doors, with people moved by curiosity
who wished to get a glimpse of the
women who were taking sucn an un
usual iaunt across the continent.
Walter L. Tooze. Sr., president Of tnc
Oregon branch of the National Hughes
alliance, was the presiding officer. He
introduced Governor Vt itnyconiDC, wno
mado a brief address of welcome. The
hairman then introduced the speakers,
giving tneir name auu auurcss, aim
rofessiou. Tnen Salem women present
ed the visitors with Caroline lestout
roses. Brief speeches were mado by the
women outlining tbr position aim rea
son ror tneir oeuer - iu auppurmiB
Hughes. '
Dr. Katherine Bement Liavia, wao is
hnirmnn of the board ot parole, ot
New York citv. oiened the speech mak
ing on the part of the visitors. She was
followed by Mrs. Editn smitn or renn
svlvania. Mrs. Ramond Robma of Chi
e'ago, president of the National Wom
an's Trade Union; Mrs. Frank Mebane,
of Spray, North Carolina; Mary Antin,
Russian Jew immigrant io America uuu
writer; Mrs. Noble Prentiss, of Kansas
ity; Dr. Hazeline Walker ot tnicago,
Mrs. E. B. Hanley of Medford, lirst
vice president of the Oregon branch
of the National Hughes alliance, and
Miss Elizabeth Freeman of -New ioik,
social service worker.
Earlv Sunday the Golden Special left
Salem 'for the south, the firBt stop be-
ng at Koseburg.' . r . : V
:- . M
'I i
a-; ?. t a .
' 7 M
There's Real Comfort
as well as Style in Our
Splendid Coats
Better coats for motoring or traveling or for the
iM ho -AYt in find.
Uoa V Vt VJy OVA T AV.V vrx
The range of styles is comprehensive and quite it
certain to piease you, Decause eacn siyie nas uven .
chosen with thought of your particular needs.
Fabrics are Broadcloths, Wool Plush, kVVool
Velours, Silk Plush, Mixtures-r-splendid in quality -made
by best men taikrs---designed to give;
maximum warmth with least weight.
There are scores of these Coats
Priced, $7.50 to $50
And your own good judgment will tell you at first
glance that it is economy to own them at our
moderate prices.
Every wanted item in Ready-to-Wear and Ready-to-Use
.Merchandise for Women, Misses and
Children. -
U. G. Shipley Co.
145 N. Liberty St. Salem, Oregon
Prominent Men of Salem
Court House News
An Iniunction a train st tho Southern
Pacific railroad company and the Ore
gon and California railway company
was asked or tne circuit couri oi .Mar
ion county this morning by Walter
Morley, who Uvea on Front street, ask
ing that the railroad company be re
strained from excavating on tho west
side of Front street for the purpose of
putting in tracking. The plaintiff de
rlnrc. that he is being damaged to the
extont of $2000 as it.sbuts off ingress
and egress from three dwellings and a
tore building he states he owns on
that street'. The excavation he says in
bis complaint askinc for the injunction
i. he n; made bctweca tne- cum anu
his property and destroys the parking
mrtA Mirlpwalk. VtltD tniS COllUUlun VI
affairs, he declares it will be impossi
ble for him to use nia property anu ut
prays the court to award him damages.
A marriage license was issued this
' , 18 BTATB STREET - " ;
Princeton. N. J.. Oct. -HI. Every pos
sible care was taken today to guard
against spread ot infantile paralysis in
Princeton university following tne aenrn
of Krie Bmiiuow, a freshman from the
disease. The college, however, was not
under quarantine and President Hibben
denied that such a step is contemplated-
(Continued from page one.)
were being baked, rolled, pressed and
polished before their final marine in
spection and shipment to Kiel.
We were the guests of Director Von
Bodeahausen, who has visited the steel
works both in Pittsburg and Gary, Ind.,
and has met Judge Oary and other Am
erican steel officiuls. Bodcnhausen said
he saw no chances for peace now, but he
echoed the views of some other indus
trial leaders that if the I'uitvd Mates
would stop ammunition shipments to
Europe the war would end.
Hoseuhnusen ' coutradicted DavTB
I.loyd-Ueorge'a statement to the I'nited
Press that England didn't complain
when 4liQ war was against her. Just the
reverse ia true, he said. Regardless of
whether Germany pursue a vigorous
submarine warfare during the coming
monthshe is convinced that Knglaud'e
food situation will be uncomfortable uy
next spring.
Stopped Most Terrible Suf
fering by Getting Heir Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegeta
ble Compound.
Denison, Texas. "After my little
girl was bora two years ago I began suf
fering witn female
trouble and could
hardly do my work.
I was very nervous
but just kept drag
ging on until last
summer when I got
where I could not do
my work. I would
have a chill every
day and hot flashes
and dizzy spells and
my head would al
most burst, I got where I was almost
walking skeleton and life was a burden
to me until one day my husband's step
sister told my husband if he did not do
something for me I would not last long
and told him to get your medicine. So he
got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound for me, and after taking the first
three doses I began to improve. I con
tinued its use, and I have never had any
female trouble since. I feel that I owe
my life to you and your remedies. They
did for me what doctors could not do
and I will always praise It wherever I
go." Mrs. G. O. Lowerv, 1 W.Mon
terey Street, Denison, Texas.
If you are suffering from any form of
female ills, get a bottle of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and
commence tie treatment without oelay.
i ir in
There is one sure, tafe way to
avoid a blotchy, pknplv ikin. A
good or bad complexion comes from
within. If you want aclcai complexion,
a clean skin rosy checks and. good
health, your blood must be pure and
the poisonous matter must be carried off.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
assist nature to remove all poisonous
waste matter in the system. .They act
on the liver and bowels like calomel yet
have no dangerous after-effects. . They
are reliable safe and cannot harm
are used by women folks everywhere.
. Constipation ii nearly always the
caoseof all ailments of women. The in
testines must be made to do their work
as nature intended in a normal way.
.. Have color in your cheeks. Takeone
ortwotablctsnightlyand note the pleas
ing results. All druggists 10c and 25c
(Continued from page one.)
Glen McCaddain, field superintendent
with tho Kllison. White Chautauqua
system, came to Salem rive years ago
from northern Idaho and rntcred Wil
lamette university as a freshman. He
worked his way through college and in
1H15 Graduated from tho college of lib
eral arts. While ia school he launched
and managed a number of successful
enterprises which shewed exceptional
business aDility, nmong inem oeiug rue
first successful college book Btorc.
While a senior Mr. McCnddum started
the Salem Lyceum Course and put it
in such splendid condition that when
he graduated his present position was
tendered him.
This year tho lyeeum course is again
under Mr. MvCaddani 's management
aud is offering the public six stellar at
tractions, four of them of world wide
reputation. From present indications,
the course bids fair te lie as successful
as in the past with approximately 1000
tickets sold and a week to go.
morning to Joseph Guttridge, a farmer
of Kstaeada, and Rose Elizabeth Zurch-
a nurse of Silvertou.
The will of Silas Biggs, who died
Here recently, was aamuiea io prouii.-
this morning by the Marion county
court. The estate is appraised at $23,-
000, of which all but S.'I.OOO
cally annihilated in the buttles around
Hcrmanstadt, on the Sinca sector and
near Kronstadt. The second Rumanian
army lost nearly two divisions in re
treating upon Kronstadt from an Aus-tro-German
enveloping movement on
both sides of the Ait valley.
No new step to end the European
war has been; taken bv ;he I'nited
property in Polk county. The heirs at:j;tatM! and go far a9 Washington of
law are Sarah E. Riggs. widow, aged . ficiula can forsee. none is likelv to be
05 years, of Snlem, and Hattie V. Starr, taken in the near future, according to
a daughter aged 43 years, of Dallas, an authoriative position obtained in big
Polk county. - j of ficial circles.
The estate of John Moser, who died
October 12, li8, at the ago of 89
vears, was filed this morning in the
Marion eouuty court. The personal
property is valued at 20,000. The
heirs at law are Joseph H. Moser, Isiah
Moser, Margaret E. Dalore, Mary 11.
Davenport, Falista V. Grazer, Albert L.
Moser, lsabell Hartley and Stonewall
Romanians Annihilated.
Berlin, via wireless to Sayville, I- I..
Oct. 10. Onlv "pitiful fragments" of
ih Rumanian armv that invaded south
eastern Transylvania escaped to hiding
places in the mouutains, said tne niui-
fr eritie of the semi-official news-
asencv. in a review of the Rumanian!
nner&tions todav.
The first Rumanian army aud the
largest part of the second were practi
Use the Journal Want 4 We.
presence of the representatives of the
peoplo in congress; and those represen
tatives were asked to abdicate their
authority and the executive, instead,
of standing for tho official, aird mor
al power of the' American people, when
a great fundumentul principle' of our
institutions were involved, threw up
his hands, gave up the), principle 'Of -arbitration
and went to congress demand
ing an increase by law, without in
quiry or knowledge of its justice, of
wages amounting to millions of dol
lars, suggesting that there would be an
increase of freight rates, if necessary
to pay the bill.
"I am opposed to that sort of gov
ernment, it is not government which,
can have any regard, or can be deemed
to have any regard for the just inter
ests of coinmuuiti' 4 like this. am in
favor of everything that can reason
ably be -done for tho promotion of ag
riculture 1 am glad to note tho work
of our agricultural department. That
work was begun under republican ad
ministration. It gets its Impetus mi. lor
republican administration. It has been
continued under democratic adminis
tration. It will be continued with nio
if 1 am entrusted with power, to the
utmost of efficiency, under my admin
istration. "Hut it is idle to talk of interest
in the fanner, when you have action
like this taken in congress., over night,
against the protests of the farmer, and
levelling a body blow at the interests)
of our agricultural communities."
" Onyx " 0 Hosiery
You Ct GOOD Value at ANYPrk sn Lute ar Com ScfS.Mt ftlr
Lmery-tfeers Gampany.inc.
A Skin Like Velvet fB00f,,;5Lue.
Vte tne exquisitely fragrant cream of Tj tA f -!
the beauty flower of India and be lull JLM)l.Ej
complimented on your complexion, -ty n . .
Your dealer baa Li cava or will get iu JlAiA. 1 A