EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCT. 14, 1916. NEW TODAY - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING BATES, CIDER PRKN.H Wnntod, must be cheap, Phone 70P11;' octlli Bate per word New Today: (Each insertion, per word.. WOOD One week (0 insertions), per word.-.Sc 1.TJ2J. Ons month(28 insertions) per word 17a . The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one Insertion for errors in Classified Advertismeots. Bead your advertisement! the first day It appears and. notify us immediately 1 ! ! -I 1 . CHOPPER Wanted. TRESPASS Notices for sale at Jour- oal office. - RUBBER Stamps made 165 8. Coml .WANTED Ci hi Ifor general house work, no washing. Phone 77 M. ocH HARRY Window cleaner. Phono .7(18. . . , - . ..... novl I IIARHKR WANTED At 140 S. High. oetl POTATOES WANTED Phone SOD or cull 220 N. Liberty. ootlO WE HAVE Ruled hay and oats for sale. C.eorgc Sweigle, Clanlen roiul. tf VUU SALE Chester White sow with several little pigs. Phone UTO. oclb AV A NT ED Pasture for 3 young hors es. Phone Gl. ''m FOR SALE Fresh milch cow. Phone 'J07.M. l'-OU N.'Uitn street. WANTED A fresh cow, also good single top buggy. Phone Stil'4. octH BEST Chinese dishes, noodle 10c. Bin 410 Ferry St.. " " Phone oct20 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, 0114 N. Corn 'I. Phone 24."4W. . oetlO FOR RENT 0 room house, modern. Enquire at 10.10 North Winter St. or 2;t7 State. octl4 FOR SALE Edison diamond disc pho . nogrnph lit a bargain, terms if de sired. Phone 125, 757 Center St. ocl4 WANTED To trade' nursery stock for liny, oats, potatoes or wood sawing. Howard .Jones, phone 4111. octl4 EXCHANGE Finest inside resident corner for outside lot or tract and difference. J. W. care Journal. oetlO THE MARKETS The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, Ld not what ia paid to the producer. All other p.-ices are those paid the producer.- Corrections axe made daily. Lady finger grapes, the long white variety as distinguished from the round white nnd the round black, are in the market now nnd are quoted at $1.75 per box. There is practically no change in the market situation otherwise- Wheat ....... Oats, new : Rolled barley 1.001.08 3S40c 38.50 (Bran $25.00 WANTED Room with heat and light, Ans. immediately 11. cure Journal. octl4 WANTED WORK With dairy or on much, or would rent on shares; ex perienced. Address Sale in Route 2, box 2. oetlO SPITZES Hl'ltO And Baldwin npplos, 5Uc Iiii., extra funcy ,.c, good pota toes lc lb. Phone evenings 04P21, Mrs. O. Meyer. octlli Sin, Kilt SALE Chenp, two good cows. 20K2 I.ee St. milk oct 14 FOB KENT SIONS For sale at Cap Hal Journal office. v FOR SALE Two good cows, a bargain. . T. A. Meade, 910 Shipping. oetlO OET PRICES On farm sale bills at The' Journal office. FOR SALE Oood young orchard horse also apples. lStl Chemeketn St. oi l .WANTED Second hand wagon. Phone 78FU. ' ' 01,114 OLD TAPERS For sale at Capital Journal office 10 cents a bundle, tf FURNISHED Apartments, also bare suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage GET YOUR Trespass Notices, new supply of cloth ones at utpnui nal j,OST Presto tank between Chemnwn and fairgrounds. Return to dideon Stolz Co. 0,'t17 !FOU RENT Modern house on Slate St. with garage. Phone 20.'i.l. M. P. Dennis. octll fiTRAYEDh One small yellow Jersey co. one horn short. Finder phone 773M. Oct I t WANTED First class milk cow, Hoi utein preferred. Oeo. S. Cooper, phone 41F2:t. Oct 10 MAN With family wishes position on ranch or will rent ranch on shares. Phone 11 IM. octIT CLOVER Prune and flax laud to lease or sell, splendid proposition. Cloll Harden, Salem, Oregon. oetlO FOR RENT My furnished home of 7 rooms, bnth and toilet. Call at KttO North Seventeenth street. S. F. White tf FOR RENT A bodern sleeping room with hot and cold water mid outside entrance, close in. 2."0 S. College. Phone 773R. Oct 14 WANTED Business woman or man ami wife for established business. Office work in connection. Takes two people. Small investment. X Y Jour nal office. octl4 LOST OR ST RAVED A red Durham cow came to my place l mi. east on penitentiary road. Party may have smue by calling to this office and paving for this and feeding her. M. Bu'lliillion. 11. 0, box 35. oct!4 Shorts, per ton tiay, clover .. Hay, cheat ... Hay, vetch . Hay, timothy. (28.00 910 ..$10.0011.00 $1112 15fl8 Batter. Butterfat 37c Creamery butter, per pound 40c Country butter 2527c Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, case count, cash 32c Eggs, trade 34c Hens, pound 2'1!13Kc Roosters, old, per pound 8c Broilers, under 2 pounds .. ...... J 4', if Broilers, 1 lb, or less 10c Turkeys 2021c Pork, Veal and Mutton. Pork, dressed 1 1 '-.(fflllc Pork, on foot l 8 l-29c Spring lambs, 1910 77 l-4r Veal, according to quality .... Grille Steers fi6 Cows 3 l-24c Bulls 33 1-4 Ewes 4(5)4 l-2c Wethers 6 1 2 FEMALE HELP WANTED At once, ten ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell well established Hue to our deal ers. Previous experience not neces sary. Oood pay. Railroad fate paid, (ioodrich Drug Co., Dept. 515, Oma ha, Nebr. Vegetable. Tomatoes, Oregon Cabbage Cucumbers String garlic Potatoes, sweet Potatoes Green onions Green peppers 500 REWARD 1 will pay 500 reward Cor the arrest nnd conviction of the person or persons who set fire to mid burned my barns on tho Hall ranch, three miles and a half south of Snlein , Rt. 3, Wednesday night, Oct. 4. 111)5. Charles D. Sehmid. olS SOCIETY (Continued from page two.) FOR SALE 1 Jersey cow, 8 shoats, 1 brood sow. first street east. 3d house north of asylum. Oct 13 FHONE 200 When you have wood sawing to ho done, all work guaran teed. Jim Rogers, Salem, Or. octl4 FOR SALE Oood house and lot, fine home cheap, must sell at once, ( all or write E, 1.! C. 1130 Fnirmount Ave. octM LOST A yearling steer from pasture near church at Hayesville, reward offered for information. Phono 2444. 1 Oi'tl4 .WANTED To buy, a good used Ford auto, must be cheap for cash. Ad dress P. A. Kvans at Snlcm hotel. octll WANTED TO RENT 10 or more acres ; iu cultivation with buildings, eloso to Salem. Shares or reasonable cash rent. S. V. 1450 Mill Ct. Oct 14 Mrs. Fred Ilernnrdi motored out to the Page ranch Wednesday and were the dinner guests of Miss .Mabel Puge, who passes much of her time in the coun try. . Addison M. Pago necompauicd by Scott I'nge and Stanley Culver, motored to (lutes during the week for a deer hunt. They will return the first of. the week. . During the Oregon state Baptist con? vvntion to be held iu Salem next week, Mrs. Mildred Brooks and Miss Mabel Roberts will have nr. their guest, Mrs. Corwin Slinnk of Seattle, who is presi dent of the Columbia River division of the Baptist Women's Missionary so ciety. The Philotlorinn halls at the Willam ette University were the scene of u de lightfully informal jollvup of tho Wil lamette sophomore clnss in celebration of the detent of the freshmen in the annual bng rush, A lively round of ' Mrginin Keels anil "Tucker' was interspersed with college songs and Inter the class enjoyed a bonfire behind the university gymnasium, where a In in t y picnic lunch was served bv the clnss committee under the direction of Miss Maud Maclean, vice president of the clnss. loiter the clnss reassembled in the hulls tor games and adjourned Inter iu the evening to attend the fare well address of Dr. Lynn Howard Hough In Waller chapel, ; FLUFF RUGS Rag rugs and rag ear- iiets woven at reasonable prices, Mrs. .illie lHBord, LSUS Currant Ave. olS FURNISHED Rooms and noutekeep iag apartments, rates reaionablt close in, 190 Court V MEN WANTED In mill, yards and ' logging- camp. Apply Hammond l.um ; bor Co., Mill City, Oregon. oet21 G1F1L8 AND WOMEN Wanted at the glove factory, 1455 Onk St. Steady work. " oot 14 SALEM Rug and Carpet Works re moved from WO 8. 12th St. to 2075 Mill St. Blue ribbon at state fair. II. K. Spencer. octl4 WANTED To buy 6 or 3 choice milk cows, must be fresh now or soon, none but parties owning choice cows need call. Phone 1431 or 491. tf THE HIGHLAND Coiifectiouery at 705 lliighland Ave. wilt open Satnr lav. Oct, 14. A complete line of inn i v home innde and noveltv randies will be carried. Also cigars and to baecos, octll iALESMEN WANTED Old concern offers permanent position, salesman to sell general trade in Oregon. New merchandising plan. Commission eon tract. Liberal weekly advance. Va cancy now. O, R. Williams, Snlesmur 2(15 42 Continental 'Imilding, Cleve land. Ohio. octU $1.25 . 40c ... 40c 15c 2 l-2c lc .. 40 5c Carrots, dozen 40 Frulta. Muckmelons $1.00 Peaches, Oregon 25(5 00c drapes, lady finger , $1.75 Grapes, ladyfingers $1.75 Apples S0c$1.00 Oranges, Valencies $4.75 Lemons, per box $(i.r(l(d 7.U0 C'nutnloupes, per box $1.25 Bananas, pound k California, grape fruit $3.50 u.oo ... 8c $3.50 Florida grape fruit ... Pineapples .......... Uoney .. ...,45c $8.25 Retail Prices. Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch Sugar, eime Sugar, beet $8.05 Creamery butter : 45c Hour, hard wheat $1.80(3)2.15 Flour, valley $1.55(iil.75 PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Or., Oct. 14 Wheat, club $1.30 Bluostem $1.38 Fortyfold $1.33 Red Russian $1.27 ' Oats, No. 1 white feed $28.75 Barley, feed $34 Hogs, best live $9.50 Prime steers $7 Fnacy cows $5.75 Calves $7.50 Spring lambs $8.75 Butter city creamery .We F.ggs, selected local ex, 42e Ileus 15(a I5t:jc Broilers lOfifKc Geese ll(ftMP:.c frey, Miss Grace Babeock nnd Albert Howell, J. P. Read, Donald W. Miles. L ! WAY TO TALK TO GOAL MINERS Takes Card With Him Show ing He Belongs to One of Railway Bortherhoods , By J. P. Yoder, 1 (United Press Staff Correspondent.) New York, Oct. 14. Colonel Roose velt left New York today for his sec ond quick thrust and return to base be fore he starts his big offensive in the interests, of Republican Candidate Chnrles Evan Hughes next Tuesday. He is to speak tonight nt Wilkesbarc, Pa., to a gathering of miners. He re turns here Sunday and leaves for his big western swing Tuesday. The colonel goes into the heart of the min ing district ''loaded for the A'uanison eight hour law bugbear," as he put it, less than a week after President White of the United Mine Workers declared for President Wilson. He intends to tell the miners ho be lieves in an eight hour law, but 'that ho doesn't believe the Adamson law is one. And'hc will tell his audience nt the start that he doesn't speak alto gether as a former president of the United States and as a stump speaker for the present cnadidate for tl t of fice, but as n brother member of the miners union. He took, his honorary membership card with him, along with another printed paatboard which shows he is a member o1&he of the railway brotherhoods in good standing. The present trip of the colonel is ad mittedly to attempt a turning of the lubor 4te tide. He was expected to go deeply into detnil regarding the labor records of President Wilson nnd Hughes in his effort to provo the lat ter a more solid friend of union labor and of workers who do not belong to unions. ft is a coincidence that Roosevelt a visit to Wilkesbar're today is his first campaign trip in Pennsylvania since he spoke there for Vance McComiiek two years ago when the national democratic chairman, as the. democratic guberna torial nominee, had been endorsed by the progressive party of Pennsylvania. CITY NEWS t SALEM-JEI 1 liKBUXH jn.m.n At the end of third qutirtcr 'tho football game between Sa lem high and Jeffcfson high, of Portland, was: Jefferson, 27; Snltm, 7. Electric torches and red fire will be a fenrure of the campaign celebration this evening when the women who nre cam paigning for Charles E. Hughes will speak nt the Orand opera house. The electric torches will be carried by the Willamette university Hughes club, which will bo a feature of the parade This club expects to effect a permnnent organization next Tuesday evening at a meeting to be held in the Masonic temple. At that Hm? Ronnld Glover, secretary of Representative W. C. Haw ley, will talk on the subject: "Repub licanism From n Young Man's Stand point." Mayor White, of Salem; has been ask ed to lielo locnto Wilbur Perry Clow. He is the father of Mrs. E. A. Bowden, of Macon, tin., nnd she hns not heard from him in 2 years- The last she. heard of him he wns in Senttlo, Wash. Sho also wants tho addresses of any "Clows" in Oregon. In her letter to Mavor White, she says sho was reared under the false impression that her father died when she was 11 months old Sho says she has learned since that he did not dio nnd is now probably alive. ' She admits she ia 20 years old and mar- Bundles of every size and description are being gathered by the Commercial club. They are coming from every part of the city and tho couutry by tne nun dreds. MMiss Minetta Magers Invited to Marshfield The members of Chndwiek Chapter .l of the Order of Eastern Star motor ed to Turner Wednesday to attend the initiatory exercises of the Victoria Chapter 07. The affair which was held at the lodge rooms in the Masonic hall, was also attended by several other vis iting chapters. Tim evening wns closed with nn club orate banquet, nt which Judge .1. C nlurelund of this city acted as tast- ninster. ' Among those going from here to par ticipate in the festivities were: Mr. and Mrs. F, A. Reinliart, Mr. and Mrs. George 11. Burnett, Mr.ud MrsC, F. Elgin Mr. and Mrs. I., C. Cavannugh, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. M. Smith, Mr. and Mis. P. A. Turner. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. II Cnmpbell, Mr. and Mrs. E. K, Ringojnt Tillamook Mr. and Mrs. .1. C, Morelnnd, Mr. and Mrs, R. O. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Jos eph Bernard!, Mr. and Mrs. William Guhlsdorf, Mr. and Mrs. Chns. McCar- ter, Mr. and Mrs. .1. P. King, Mr, and Mrs. D. A. Wright, Mrs. Elizabeth Shn fer, Mrs. Eugenia Gilliiighnm, Mrs. Eliv.nbelh Lamb. Mrs. .1. S. Austin, Mrs. Florence Wise, Mrs, L. K. Page, Mrs. Ida M. Babeock, Mrs. Cora Buyer, Airs. Kin B. Godfrey, Mrs. Carrie 11. 1'jwle, Mis. Elir.abeth Read. Mrs. Ad die Dunsford, Mrs. Louise Drunk, Mrs. Agues Dinsmnre, Mrs. Margaret Witt schen, Mrs. D. K. Ileuhler, Mrs. II. 11. Cory, Mrs. O. P. Hoff, Mrs. B. J. Miles, Mrs, G. Roseuquest, Miss Min nie Mnellvr, Miss Mary Chndwiek, Miss Joy Turner, Miss Ethel Thomas, Miss Hanoi Bishop, Miss Mary Morrison, Mis Teresa Fowle, Miss Emmn God- The ladies of the First Christian church were entertained at a delightful informal afternoon in the church on Thursday, The hostesses for the nffuir wero Mrs. Ida Godfrey, Mrs. H. O.lried, White, Mrs. D. A. White and Mrs. V. E, Loose. During the afternoon nn interesting talk ou children was given by Mrs. L. L. Rodgers and Miss Clnrn Ahlgren of the Feeble Minded school. Later re freshments closed the meeting. Those gathering for the afternoon were: Mesdames Alico Wenger, J. E. Watson, Jl. E. Eppley, A. C. King, W. E. Thompson, L. N. White, C. E. Know-' land. C. W. Elgin. A. E. King, E. L. Tow nsend. Win. Goodrich, (.'. C. Wetzel, 'Signal honor has come to Miss Minet- ('. J, Miles, A. Aim, D. D. Olmsted, C. tn Magers, Salem music teacher in tho F. linker, W. A. Fenney, Thomas B. ! invitation sho hns received to give a Kay, Thomas Brunk, E. W. Powers, J.I series of talks on music at tho Coos F. McDonald, C. C. Simeral. County Teachers' Institute, which is to I be held In Marshfield the 18, 19, 20 of !0l,0.ber;r ... . Miss Magers, who has been promineut j, tr m n a MATCC 'n Suloin's musical circles for a nam I lit V OA ilUlCu ,er ' .vort, feels highly eomplinient- j, ed to receive the invitation as it is ' 'cognition of the quality of her musi- leal work as a teacher in the Salem pub Miss Liu H. James general 8mre- 'ie K-liool and nlno a private Wruc- l,., v f lh. Portland Y W. C. A., will 1'-. At. ,b Coos c0'"!y ' llt 5olr Graf onola Outfit now-$82.80 For this large GRAFONOLA OUTFIT, including 24 Selec tions (12 10-in. D. D. Records) This machine is the Columbia . Graf onola No. 75, finished in mahogany, golden oak, fumed oak or walnut. It has the new No. 6 reproducer, tone control shutters, ' etc., in fact, all the qualities found in the $200 models. , . i ' !. -'li Let Us Demonstrate It for You. Sold On Easy Terms GEO. C. WILL Salem, Oregon LU! Rub Pain Right Out Small Trial Bottle of Old "St. Jacob's Oil" Stop "'dosing" liheunmtlsm. It's pain only; not one enso in fifty requires internal treatment. Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacob's Oil ' right ou tho tender spot, ' and by the time you sny Jack Robinson out comes the rheumatic pain nnd dis tress. "St. Jacob's Oil" is a harm less rheumatism liniment which never disappoints and doesn't burn tho skin. It tukes pain, soreness and stiffuess from aching joints, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, line Hue-lie and neuralgia. Limber upt Oct a smnll trial bottle of .old-time, honest ''St. Jacob's Oil" from any drug store, nod in a mo ment you'll be free from pains, aches and stiffuess. Don't Buffer! Rub rheumatism nwny. E Leaders Talk One Way But Congressman Vote Against Them principal reason for asking Miss Mag ers to lecture at the institute is that the Coos county ieople wish to stir up enthusiasm for more nnd better music in their schools. While in Marshfield Miss Magers will be tho guest of Miss Bess Elliott and the teachers who live at "The Teachers' Bungalow." She leaves next Tuesdny for Marshfield. Lieutenant C. W. Nlemeyer, of the Canadian expeditionary forces on . the Kuroiienn continent, who hns been in Salem for several, months recuperating, from hardships endured on the battle front -in France, left Snlem yesterday to rejoin the Cnnndinn forces. He goes with higher rnul( us he hns been made captain and adjutant of a new cavalry unit that is to leave for overseas duty shortly. Mrs. Blancho Liston Niemeyer, his wife, is expected to accompanv him across the Atlantiic as soon as he re ceives definito orders. Lieutenant Kie meycr has become quite well known in this city since his return to recover from being gassed and if ho returns! after the war is over plnns on making his homo here. - ! A Christian is a man who believes in eternal punishment for those who don 't believe as he does. (Tinted Press Staff Correspondent.) By Robert J. Bender, Shadow Lawn, X. J., Oct. 14. '"America is always ready to fight for things that are American." Speaking to several thousand Penn sylvaninns this afternoon at the uutunm white house, President Wilson thus answered those who ho declared, hnve said hat "the people of this country don't want to fight fbr any thing." "liut America," the president con tinued, ''must fight for the elements of justice and peace. When once she is challenged there is no man so mean or so forgetful of the history of this nation who would not give everything, even his life, to stand by the honor of this country." The president warned ngainst control of the government by men '' who won 't tell you what thev are going to do," and ripped into the republican party. I tie declared that his opponents don't know what they want and are not say ing what they would do. He said that progressives have been shamefully deceived and betrayed by those "who merely wanted to gain con trol of the republican party." ''Now we see standiug out tho fam iliar old guard," he continued. "Re member the things done by the govern ment are not done by the president, but by congress and I want to bear witness to the kind of control the republican machine has tried to wield incongress." Thereupon, he scathingly called atten tion to the big- vote of republicans in congress favoring warning Americans not to travel on armed ships. "If the republican lenders are so Work On Front Street Stopped by Injunction The work) of excavating on Front street, between Court and State, for the purposo of building a spur railway track for commercial use has been brought to a stop by the filing of an application for an injunction. Walter Morley, whose home rs in California, owns the property on the east sido of FTOnt street at this point, and it. was his attorney, Walter E. Keyes, who yesterday afternoon filed the petition asking the court to re strain the Southern Pacific company from continuing operations there. The contention is made that the building of the spur truck wil 1 depreciate the value of the Morley property, on which there are three dwellings and a store building, the last named of which is used as a fence factory. Authority to construct the spur has been granted the railway company by the city council. Moiiey estimates the damage to his property from the work already done at $2000 and asks judgment in that sum. . Y. M. C. A. Campaign Has Secured Oyer $2,600 During the past week the financial campaign now being waged by the Salem V. M. C. A. has resulted iu ov"e $2600 being securad for tie coming year. About four thousand dollars ia necessary to run the institution during the year and it is expected this sum will be contributed within a few days. The campaign will begin with a big rush next Monday, and an endeavor to close it up quickly will be made. There was no meeting of the cam-' paign committee today but the mem bers worked on lists already in hand. It is expected a big aount of money will be turned in Monday. keen for American rights," he said, "why don't their representatives in congress follow themf If they are so stiff for full privileges on the high sea why don't they instruct thcjjr party members in congress." durinK.he Baptist church conference. JX andse0." Miss Kuthryn Jone, of Independence ior .,,i"sh m'ho01 m,,,ho,,!, ot ,0";h",R Miss Magers received her invitation from Superintendent Raymond F.. Bak er, head of the Coos county schools. The lius returned to Snlem after a sojourn Miss Bertha Ooldthnrpe will leave for her home iu Plymouth, Iowa, on Mon elected: Miss Kuby Wilson, president:; Miss Ethel McDoiiuld, secretary: Miss: Miss Klixsltetli Fox, dean of women at'Audrev Ha-ks, treasurer. The members: the t'niversity of Oregon, has been iu present were: (iruce llidwell, Clnrai Rroupi Mealy. I.ida Bell, Angeline MeCulloch,; the citv today arranging for a of her students to visit the state insti tutions, the later par of nex week. Miss Fox was formerly student secretary of the northwest field of the V. W. C. A. and wns much interested in seeing the progress which hns been made in the Snlem association since her Inst visit here. The Woman's ChoraJ club held an enthusiastic meeting Inst night at the Y. . C. A. A short business meeting Dora Andresen, Ainv Martin, Marg-uct Crahnm, Lorena Vltoa, Mae Pierce, Bertha f'onnoy, Ethel McDonald. Mary Tolman, Marion Tolinnr, Mrs. Myrtle C.ilbert, Lillie Winkler, Mrs. Carrie Chase. Ruth Hnusbro, Mrs. Elsie Sim eral, Esther Billings. Silitiie Beatty, Ruby Bilker, Audrey llicks, and Ruby Wilson. The next meeting will be held Monday night. October 23dr. at 7:30. and the club will meet regularly on Monday evening thereafter. Those in- was held, tho following officers being terosted are invited to join. IF IT'S EMPTY - FILL I T UP Capital , Journal FOR RENT ad will do the job. It only co$ts lc a word, and you can't worry for that amount--- Just Phone 81 I CI DO WONDERS WITH THAT OLD CAR We can make that old car like new; add all the latest equipments and make your old car give you as much pleasure as a brand new one. Repairs quickly and well done. Full line of accessories GREAT WESTERN GARAGE Opposite Court House. C C SIMERAL, Proprietor