THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCT. 14, 1916. r SEVEN ft Armstrong's Baby Dolls UiL unuuo::n .;.( 1 : i HIPPODROME J ROMOW-e i ft it BinnniiiiiHiHa . A Novelty Surprise nmraaamimira Comedy Singing and Talking BBtBiBHmmnnnBa Character Comedian and Impersonator l! GIHlIlliniElIl In a Comedy Irish Sketch "AN IRISH ARDEN" Monologist laaiaiiiiiainn mmm Aerial Acrobats and Comedians Matinee and Evening GRAND Theatre i ai iuc uiauu uiuiuajnj. The management of tho Bligh thea ter announces that he is booked to ap pear in the local theater tho Armstrong Baby Dolls Co. which comes diroct from Pantnges circuit, The Armstrong Baby Dolls are a well down musical coineily company, having played long engagements in all the principal cit ies. Last season the company played from the Pacific coast to Netf York nnd back. While in New York Mr. Arm strong under whose personal direction each of the productions is staged pro cured a number of the latest eastern successes and is offering them to the local theater goers with all the latest song hits Rud novelties of the season. Mr. Armstrong has selected a very strong cast of principals for this sea son s tour ami lids also been most par ticular in the selection of his chorus. As well as'bcing very pretty, the young ladies who go to make up the Baby Doll chorus, are clever dancers as well as artistic singers. The company car ries special scenery for each of the productions with special lightning ef fects. Mr. Armstrong has paid partic ular attention to tho wardrobe which the Baby Dolls wear in the various shows. The company comes to Bligh for Sunday and Monday. Hippodrome Vaudeville E at The Grand Sunday Oj KM Edgar and Eddy, acrobats nnd come- Z (linns, coining to tno urawi euuuny,nij matinee and evening, with five otlier Sl nmmliir Hinnndrnmn nets, have fl novel Ud athletic, offering of much cleverness. Others on the bill are Sifits and Clnrk, comedy singing and talking, Bert Len on, character comedian nnd imperson ator, Maurice Downey and Co. in a comedy sketch "An Irish Arden." .lack Baxley, monologist; The Three Flying Lnmnrs, aerial acrobats with comedy and feature Mutual Photo plays. MAE MARSH AS "GOODY TWO SHOES" AT THE OREGON a a LM a In New Triangle Play She Not' Only Tollows Father's Footsteps, But Wears His Boots. te wiLkUN, rox e no ouction- THINKS THIRTEEN LUCKY George Morgan Tells of System He One Knew "The greatest work of the 'system' I ever saw at a race track," said George Morgan, who is Jn Williajn Fox's racing picture, "Sporting lilood" at Ye Liberty Sunday and Monday, "was a man who oeiievcil that the number 13 was lucky. "He would always bet on the thir teenth horse on a card, and if there were not thirteen entries, he would count down ami then up until he got to the thirteenth horse. He was always careful to count the bottom and top names twice, as he said he counted all the other names twice in running up ami down over the list. "After he had carefully counted the thirteenth horse, he would verify the number, then bet on him. "Tho thirteen scheme worked just about as well as any other system of which I've heard." Discouraged Actor. "No, Christmas tree this year?" "No," replied Mrs. Bliggins. "Children outgrown tinsel and toys." "No. Father has lost his ambition to play Santa Claus." Journal Want Ads Get Eesults Too vnt Try one and see. SUNDAY AND MONDAY-OCTOBER 15-16TH SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT ARMSTONG'S RABY nOLLS nr i V 3 PRETTY GIRLS IW CATCHY SONGS' New Novelties-The Big Show Matinee and Evening BLIGH THEATRE It is a little vanity of Mae Marsh, the Triangle star, that whenever she creates a new part in a picture she in sists upon contributing some telling point of characterization of her very I own. I In "The Marriage of Molly-O," her j newest picture, in which she is fea tured with Robert Hnrron, this little I point was just an unpromising pair of 'shoes. The director was not altogether ! satisfied to let her put these shoes into ; the story until she explained what she intended to do with them. "Well, then, I'll tell you," said Miss Marsh with some asperity. "I'm sup posed to be the poverty-stricken daugh ter of an Irish peasant who has just died- I'm not supposed to have ever known what it was to have even crea ture comforts, and anything, even a pair of .shoes, that is too much of a luxury for everyday use is going to menu a great deal to me. "The heuil of the household has a pair of shoes. When he dies, they arc not going to let them go to waste. Naturally, the daughter of the house gets them, because the mother is bc vong the stage of primping up, and it is part of the daughter's duty to try to get a man." "But the shoes will ze too big," pro tested the director, looking down at her little feet. "That's oil the better," cried Miss Marsh enthusiastically. "The ridicu lousness of it would never npepal to persons living as poor Molly-0 docs. A pair of shoes are too precious in their eyes for anything but admira tion." " "M-m-m " mused the director. "Don't you think so!" inquired Miss Marsh naively. He thought a moment longer, and then said, "Well, go ahead." But when Miss Maarsh made her ap pearance on the scene with these clumsy, pathetic old shoes he gave an exclamation of pleasure and clapped his hands. "Great! " snid he. And it may be de pended upon that the little Triangle PJ U Last Times Tonight, Bessie Barriscale in 'The Payment" Tommonfow Billie Burke GLORIA'S mm 4000 feet. Also HAROLD LOCKWGOD "THE RIVER OF ROMANCE" 'he Charming 5 Act Metro Picture of the Season BasBCzascaasasnsi VAUDEVILLE BILLIE SMALL VIOLINIST COMEDIAN Known from Coast to Coast r 0 1 Harold LockwooeV Zl 7 CONTINUOUS SHOW FROM 2 TILL 11 P. M. BBBBBraDBaaanBai ?SecaiSsMatince Oregon Theatre ffK Qioaiiiiineniiiniiiiiniiiiiiiniaiiisinaoo Blue Diamonds Come From Brazil, But Most of Them Stay There sartorial needs. This hns the one draw back that it renders them very open to the argument of a paternal puddling. . State House News brow. To give you a precious jewel rather than to call you one certainly has its fine points but unfortunately there is another setting to this jewelled adoration. l'eople of moderate means actually put themselves in a poverty stricken condition in order that the wife may make an adequately jeweled impression. They pinch mid scrimp and save and Car shortnge figures took a lump this give their heart's blood for a pigeon ! morning, the Southern 1'acific, reporting blood nihy. .lust imagine going without ; to tnc public servieo commission a total all the comforts of home just to show ! shortago of 1,811, with 49 empties the neighbors how crazy your husband ! checked in at Ashlnml. The orders 1 is about you. I on file show a dcinnnd for 2,171 curs. I guess after all it's better to have i j a loving arm around your neck than a! The Oregon Navigation company, of, Idinmond necklnce. " I Portland, hns filed its articles of in-; j Aside from boasting the most brilliant corporation "with Corporation Cominis-. blue diamonds iu the-world, rainbow sioner Hchuldermau. Its capital stock' J showing of semi precious stones. Tour- is $1,000. . , malines; fcreVrf "and" pinlf- nannrtlnrinesj'""-- - - " - I . i k t on iu at .,! amethysts, topazes, yellow and rose,! The weekly report of the industrial Kio He Jniuere, pepl. JU. (By .Mail.) j tourouoisp. finals nnd mrntes. In fmt. I accident commission shown flint 'from On every hand in Hio de Janierc you there are several attractive little shops I October 0 to 12. inclusive, there were the Jockey club, the Derby , devoted exclusively to the sale of these JUS accidents', none of which tvero fa- native Brazilian semi-precious stones, iui. ur tno toiai number zoi were sun- ci,.i,: imi-'ilirliVf . By Margaret Mason. They sny nil blue diamonds Come from Brazil, But believe me, you'll find that A lot stav there still. If. 4 , , , ft", , ' ' J- . . I ? - i find clubs- club, Engineers club the Anglo-Ameri can club, the Navel club, etc., on every hand in Eio you also find, dinmonds and in everv feminine ear as well. Great blazing stones that take your, breath away and your cash too if you attempt to acquire any. "Kind hearts are more than coro nets" would never be a popular motto here where earrings are more to be de sired than shoes. Positively it 's a poor ear indeed whose lobe doesn't sag with the weight of a huge ruby, emerald or sapphire surrounded by diamonds. Kven the poorest natives nnd ncgresses, shambling along barefooted or clumping along iu the ungainly native shoes heavy wooden soles leave the heel ex posed aud have a thick piece of leather across the front for a toe hold, have their ears all duded up in gold hoops. When it comes to rings no finger is spurned, slighted or overlooked. If some poor little feminine finger does happen to be shy ita circling band of jewels it looks almost indecently nude. The men also affect several rings and an elaborately jewelled one on the first finger of the right hand is the finger mark of a lawyer, doctor or scholar. Even affections are tested here by a jewelled guagc ana the depth of a man j mill accidents lead tho list, followed by logging, construction, railroad opera I tion. iron and steel, paper mill, ship building and mining, in the order ' named. semi-precious stones, As for the general jewelry stores they ject to tho provisions of tho compensa are even more plentiful than saloons in tion act. As is usually tho case, snw Isew York nnd vie in numbers here with the tobacco shops and lottery places. Even the birds, of the uir and the bugs of the earth are pressed into serv ice as jewelry. Out of tho manv green and bronzo and irridesccnt, hard-shelled Brazilian beetles, unique scarf pins, hut A new Industry lias appeared in Ore pins, brooches, necklaces and bracelets j gon in the form of peppermint oil. Ho arc made. Tiny opalescent beetles too ports to the Labor Commissioner's of fragile to use in this manner are mount-1 fice show thst 15.0011 tioumls hnvn hnpn ed iu groups of two nnd three between I produced in Oregon this year. Average disks of crystal bound in gold or silver ! yields have been 55, 5S, 5U and 02 and used as pendants. 801110 of the pounds, an average thus far reported, be gorgeouB butterfly wings arc also used , inff 5S.3 pounds to the acre. Average in this manner. Perhaps the most unique price per pound, (.'J.25 Vuluo of crop, LAST TIMES TODAY HEEN HOLMES. In a powerful dramatization of the great novel by tho world famous writer, Frank Hamilton Spearman "WHISPERING SMITH" 1 Five Acts, 'MEDICINE BEND," five reels and the end of the story of 'WHISPEBINO SMITH" will be shown next Thnrsday, Friday, Saturday. Vaudeville The Galloons Formerly an Orpheum Act BLIGH THEATRE and attractive of all these conceits is the tiny ruby nnd bronze or green and gold head of n humming bird it's heuk sheathed iu gold set in the middle of a pair of gold metul outspread wings 011 a bar pin. Other jewels ns omnipresent nnd mul titudinous as the kind the lapidaries recognize are those of which Cornelia once boasted. Little sous and daughters are indeed very popular In Rio mill no family seems complete without at least four or five. They are bright little blaekeyed kid dies but all seem to have a tendency $18,750. Cost per acre of growing und Harvesting crop y 11.11). "Harold, you mustn't strike your fn ther when is asleep." "But "mother, I'm a submarine." By the time a man is ready to wear Fame's laurel wreath, his head is gen orally so big that it no lunger fits. Sayings of the Daughter. "It's hard to be a hero to your own dnughler." "What's the inatler now!" "My child looked me over this morn ing nod said, Pa, ma surely must, have mumed for your money."" mission fur better hnlf is slinv.n liv tho toward a pasty pallor rather than the number of jewels that she wears." This healthy brown or. apple red cheeks of appealed to me strongly at first. Think!01"" owu '"nhy Nf"',,1 American off how attractive to have'your husband in ! l"nR. This is due 110 doubt to the lieu of pouring houeved words in your't thBt n,'ir misguided parents .ling cur usiug earrings instead and pressing j them at all hours to the cinemas and a tiura rather than a kiss on vour "rve strong Brazilian coffee and otlier heavy native dishes indiscriminately ( nnd promiwiously to tender tummies. Kio kiddies all show a nonchalant dis regnrd for lingerie and .unless they be of the "haute moinle" indeed a single gnrment suffices beautifully for their stur made the most of her little con tribution. v At the Oregon theatre Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday, LAST TIMES TODAY SESSUE HAYAKAWA Tbe Noted Japanese Actor in "HONORABLE FRIEND" The House of Consistent Quality. $10,000 Against the Girl This is the stake whfch Dave Garrison offers to Mary Ballard in WILLIAM FOX'S Drama of the Turf SPORTING BLOOD Mary accepts the challenge and beats the man at his own gambling game. DOROTHY BERNARD & GLEN WHITE Star i;f this galloping romance of the race-track. ft 1 t "v SPECIAL ATTRACTION ! A VITAL DRAMA OF MORAL UPLIFT a. i .v. v. . - J1 A 91 ir m 1 fir m lib in Five Acts As presented at the Tivoli Opera House, San Francisco. "THEY TRAPPED HER" In the most wonderful underworld Photo-Play, an AH Star Cast SENSATIONAL, SOUL - STIRRING, STUPENDOUS. MONDAY AND TUESDAY-OCTOBER 16-17 The Grand Theatre SUNDAY AND MONDAY YE LIBERTY THEATRE Z3iC