THE DAILY CAPITAL .TOTRNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY. OCT. 14 191R. THREE , Willamette Valley News HHtttOtlMIMmtltWt DUttt Mltltt to Woodburn News (Capital Journal Kpec.inl Service) " Woodburn", Ore., Oct.' 14. Miss Flor ence Stoner was a Portland visitor Sat urday. . . . Mrs. Viletta Johnson was Tnjoyably snrprised Monday evening by the l'hi Inthea class of the I'resbyterian church Aunt Vi was showered with handker chiefs by the girls. A pleasant evening was passed and dainty refreshments were served by Ks.hcr Doud, Olive Haskell and Ida Schermer. Those pres ent were iMrs. H. Overton, Mrs. Jolm-j - v son, .lessie Hicks, Xellie Brnnigar, Ofa (Capital Journal- Special Service) Broylcs, Alice Roberts, (fertrude Brown,! t. ., 0 ... j,, Ida .Sc.hermer. Father Doud and Olive Kost'dale,. Or., Ocvt. Jt.-The prune Haskell. crop is harvested and some nre market- Mrs. J. W. Gibson of Keedville is a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Richards. A. Vi, umyes was a wootlbiirn vis- Dallas Local News A.' Hoffard made a. business tri i orrwuu r riaay. . P. I). Settlemeir, Mr. and Mrs. I). Webb returned from' Aetarts .Monday (Capital Journal Special Service) ingot. ;, . .. I. Dallas. Ore.. Oct. 14. Walter Youna Harvey Bowers- of Woodburn and! was a business visitor in SSheridnii the Frances , Garrew of Hubbard, also C'.i first of the week. J. Ekeen,. Woodburn and Alice Hoek-I .Mrs. J. M. Grant returned this week ctt of Hubbard were granted licenses! from a short visit at the homo of her at Hubbard last week, - . daughter. Mrs. Simon Uriiidheim, iu Mrs. C. Goodall entertained thei Portland. Priscilla club at her home last Friday C. B. Suiidberi' mminircr of the rii.l. afternoon. Rosedale News iter from Monitor Montlny T. P. Houlcs, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Soulos and Mrs. M. L. Hendricks motored to Albany Thursday to nttend the round up. Mrs. Soulea will visit her mother and Mrs. Hendricks her daughter, Mrs. A. T. Humphreys. Dr. Thomas Sims wus a Portland vis itor Friday. Miss Geraldine Purdy visited Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Brink at Fargo Saturday and Sunday. Miss Carrie Christenson left Moudny evening lor Chicago via San Francis co. On October 4th a tin shower was giv en J. W., the bachelor pro lessor, at the home of Mrs. Hrackmuu, the occasion being his birthday. Jt was given as a surprise to help Mr. Leou liardt in his baching, also to give him a hint to procure a housekeeper. The evening whs spent quickly with games. Refreshments of ice cream and cake was served. Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Rogers left for Topcka, Kansas, Friday afternoon. The seniors will give the freshics a lnrije reception in the gymnasium Fri day night. Lloyd Fleenor and Geo. Phillips left for Albany Thursday morning to at tend the round up. A farewell reception was -given Air. and Mrs. L. C. Poor at the home of Miss Carrie Waterbury Friday evening. About 85 people attended. All express ed sincere regret at the departure of the pastor and wife. The Woodburn foot ball team played las Telephone company, was a Falls I City visitor Wednesday afternoon. I Mrs. Fred Hulmnn visited with rela tives in .McMinnville Wednesday. A. D. Brnun has gone to Raymond, Wash., to look 'tor a business location. Mr. Brnun was formerly proprietor of the Dallas bakery. Mrs. F.Ua J. Metzger returned., this ween irom a visit with relatives and ing the fruit; pickers returned home with their wages, merchants are got-! friends in Lebanon. ting their share of it. Smoke is still i Mr. and Mrs. M. I.. Thompson, of seen at some of the driers vet. I Falls City, are Dallas visitors the first till! M M M M M M MM The patrons of the Rosedale school."1 '"B "f.eK- . , . , .. . ... . , Airs. . S. Cary will leave Saturday held a social gathering at the school for llcl. ,,, iu j,()gle Kiv(,rj Qe house Friday night at which the teach-j will be accompanied by her mother, Mrs. er and county superintendent were S. S. Aldrich. Dr. Cary left for Rogue present. A few short talks were given, after which ' light refreshments were served by the mothers. Uleal weather still prevails to close up the harvest of fruit and the gath ering in of the winter stores, then comes the showers of blessings upon the earth again. The Rosedale school opened Monday morning with a brand new teacher, a Miss Cook of New-berg. Twenty chil dren 'put in their .appearance from the surrounding hills. Koedale-is coming to the front, we can buy our groceries at home; a small shuck has been erected for the present, we hope they will erect a permanent building and curry on the enterprise. Walter Pemberton is out for a few days again buying horses for war pur poses. Fred is kept busy with his gns engine chopping corn for silos. SCHRAM -GRASSMAN WEDDING A verv quiet nnd impressive wed ding was solemnized at the home of Air. and Airs. J. W". Grassniaii Tuesday aft ernoon, when their duughter, Pearl Ed iin, was united in marriage to Walter T. Schram, of Woodburn. Rev. Father Mahr, of Woodburn, officiating- None but imemdiate relatives were present. The bride, wore a blue traveling "Mt Anael nnd were defeated 7-0. This was a good score considering the small slt. .. . amount of practice oiir boys have had.i' .Atter a short visit to Port and they m:. m., ., u v,ii.,i,..u.i .i nr,i,n i will mnke their home in Woodburn, Whitehead were guests of Mrs. Dave "here the groom is a ealued employe, of .lnekuon Inst t m iiostlnv i.iilllt-ii u. vyuiuiu. Mrs. Bruce Beamaiti who hag visiting her mother, Mrs. Welch for her home in Butte, Montana day. Thomas Kennedy, her son, accom River the first of the week. Mr. and Airs. H. C. Seymour, iff C'or- vallis, were Dnllus visitors this week, jur. tseymour attending the Polk couuty teachers' institute. .Mr. Seymour was tormcrly school superintendent of this county und is now connected with the Oregon Agricultural college. Air. and .Mrs. Art .Meyers and family have gone to Xeskov. in where they will spend tho winter. Aliss Marion Cooper who lias been vis iting in this vicinity for the past sev eral months left this week for her home in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Ben Werner left Wednesday night for an extended trip in parts of Southern California. He was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. A. M. Werner. Homer Link, a progressive farmer from the Airlie neighborhood was a Dallas visitor this week. O. C. Smith, proprietor of the Orphe um theatre left Tuesday for a visit in Seattle. He was accompanied by his son, J. D. Smith. Independence Items . (Cnpital Journal Special Service.) Independence, Ore., Oct. 1.1. Mrs. Walter Gilbert, of. Kellogg, Idaho, is visiting at the home of her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sperling. Mrs. Alpha Bascue was a Salem visit or on Thursday afternoon. Air. Walter Nelson motored to Al bany to attend the Round -Up on Thurs day, lie was accompanied by his mother, iss -; , . , ,, . . , i .v, ne whs accompuiiieo uv ins iuiitii The Star along with the many friends M A. Nelson, sister Hutli nnd Al 1(.It,of the young people wish them every ,stapi,ton. ' Fri-1 happiness. Gervais War. Mrs j D- Tl,,,in retarneii to ier ,,, pnmed her. Mm. Fred Dose visited in Portland irom Thursday to Saturday. Kllis Harper left for Butte, Monta nn, Monday morning to go into the mines. He hns been taking a mining anil engineering course at O. A. C. and goes to Butte for practical experience. Clariel Ogle visited friends and rela tives iu town last Friday. He camel HUBBARD NEWS Born, to Mr. ad Airs. K. E. Good, Friduy night, October (i, a 12 1-2 pound boy. Airs. Frank Fish and daughter, Amy, are home from the hospitul. Amy went home last Saturday and Airs. Fish on Tuesday, the 10th, or just two months after both received nroken limns in 1 lie f rom Scapoose. From here he went to B!?iont of AuBust 10 011 ,he Nw Kra j.ugene 10 see tne uregon-vt iiiaitiette football game. Walter Schramm- and Pearl Grussmnn of- Gervais were married at the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony was performed by Father Maher of this city. After a trip to Seattle and the coast they will reside in Woodburn. Miss Evangeline Kckhout returned hill . Mrs. J. C. Aloomuk and Edna return ed home Alondny from several weeks spent with relatives at Myrtle Point. They were accompanied by Air. and Airs. W. "C. Bement and little girl who will visit here a few days. The trip was made by auto. Fish arrived home last Monday f.iun San Diego, where she has been;fter ni nrrow pe rn injury on visaing friends. lleryle Robinson was a week his return from a hunting trip. It seems pn(i Tiiar resi.nnn positive quiei at .uercy (nest at the Fleenor home from Fort la m). ' . John Dinwoodii', David Clark and X. RHEUMATISM GOES IF HOOjyS IS USED The genuine old reliable Hood's Paisnparilla comets the acid condi tion of the blood and builds up the whole system. It drives out rheuma tism because it cleauses the blood. It has been successfully used for fully years in many thousands 'of cases the world over. There is no better remedy for skin and blood diseases, for loss of appe tite, rheumatism, stomach and kid ney troubles, general debility and all ills arising from impure, impover ished, devitalized Hood. It is unnecessary to suffer. Start treatment at once. Get a bottle of Hood's Snrsaparilla from your near est druggist. You vill be pleased witb the results. hospital at Roseburg, brought him out all right. He was accompanied on the home trip by bis sister, Airs- Zoa Bald win, and Miss Elliott. The party left the train at. Woodburn and went home from there by autq, ,. At Vancouver last Saturday occurred the marriage of Harvey A. Bowers, of Woodburn, and Frances " A. Garern, of Hubbard and C. J. Skeen, of Woodburu, and Alice L. Hockett, of Hubbard. The young people went to Vancouver on the early morning train. The double wed ding was a surprise to most of their friends who wish them well. Air. nnd Arrs. .Skeen left Thursday for a short stay at Newport. , ' Forest E. Mills shook hands with his many friends in Hubbard Tuesday, be fore going to his new location at Craw fordsville, Linn county, to which place the family went Tuesduy morning. Their household goods were shipped Alonday. His ranch there is a 247 acre stock ranch, with 35 head of cattle, eight horses, SO hogs, all farm implements, water system, 90 tons of hay, l.fiOO bushels of . grain, blacksmith outfit, woodsaw attachment, loO chickens and 39 geese. The Ralph Aekley Land com pany, a Portland 'firm, interested the parties. News. GOINGUP! Bcza n II II II II ii II II il II II II II II II II II :: ii ii ii ii u G. E. .Electric Irons advance 25c in price on October 15. This is the LAST DAY. to buy these ELECTRIC IRONS AT $3.75 Save a quarter by getting yours today. Phone calls today for delivery next week will be accepted THE ELECTRIC CO. Telephone 85 State and Commercial I! II II home in Portland on Wednesday after spend ing a week here with her husband nnd daughter. Airs. Charlie Smith returned home this week from Seattle, Wash., where she has been visiting her daughter for some time. Airs. Frank Whitenker and Airs. C. (1. Skinner were Salem visitors on Wednes day. Airs. E. J. Fowler returned home on Tuesday from the Salem hospital, where she hns been 'for the past week. Airs. Opal Hunt, of Cordova, Alaska, arrived her a few days ago and will spend the winter here with her mother, Mrs. Throne. Mr. Rov DcArmond, Wm. Huff nnd Guy Walker left a few days ago for Yachnts, where they will upend a week li u n tint und fishing. Air. Buck Foster left for Albany on Thursday to nttend the Round-lIp. Mr. Herbert Hoyser, Bert Gwiun ami Johnnie Becker left on Tuesday for a couple of weeks' outing at Yachats. Airs. Eley Fluke, who underwent an operation at the Salem hospital some time ago, is now able to be removed to her home here. Cold Nights Are now here and you will need more and wanner Bedding. We have anticipated your needs and are ready with an assortment of new and splendid values in Bedding of all kinds. Every piece is new and fresh and represents the best value to be found in Salem. See our window display for good mt- TV: Warm Bedding- ii An exceptionally nne line 01 waitresses arc awaiting your inspection, priced from $3 00 to $20 00 I ft Viia UTOfll lira rtAFrtM i,am n A J T71l i. 11.11 1 1 , ,. i . ... . - x vctn. wt unci jiuu a -iu-yimiiu wuitun rcti, iviauress, g0oa graae art ticking, roll edge, well stitched vuntaiuD iiuming uuc guuu cuwuii, ieiLcu aim win give years oi sausiaction ana comiort, regular price $10.00. Special ' $865 Come to this store and examine goods quoted in this ad and you will agree with us when we say they are PRICED ' TTTTTTTTTfTTT $25 OVERSTUFFED LEATHER ROCKERS $1 9.85 1 Cloverdale Items (Capital Journal Special Service ) Turner, Ore., Oct. 14 Herman reel a received word today that liin brother, l.ou. of Indiana, died last nii;ht. i.ou reetz has been Hick with typhoid fever for about eight weeks. Hid' moth er. Mrs. l'eetz, and Herman l'eetz. left thin afternoon for the cant to attend the fuuerul.. l.ou l'eetx was well known in iiim viviuii.v uuu in ituieni ana leaves a bout of frienda to mourn his loss. - Mr. larrm haa finished the elover hulling in these parts and has moved his machine home. Nearly all the ilos are filled around here and Mr. Wood and Levi Kliflet are exacted to be home soon with their ma chine. -Mr. and Mrs. Karris were in Salem trading Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Whitehead were Salem visitors Wednesday. Mrs. F. A. Woods was in Salem Mon day. Ray Farris motored to Salem today. Bert Whitehead was in Salem on Tuesday. I..' K. Hennis made a business trip to ruicm Touuy. 1'rune drying is finished and the men are hauling them to Salem. Ed I'eeta and wife, of Salem, have been visiting this week at his brother's, Herman IVetx, but returned home today on hearing of the death of their brother, l.ou, of Indiana. TTJENEE EA8TEEN STAB. . Turner Chapter ofthe Kastern Star entertained delegations from Salem, Jefferson and Stay ton Chapters on Wednesday evening of this week. After the initiation of several new members at which Mrs. Ellen Lambert officiated as Worthy Matron, .ludirc Moreland, as Worthy Patron, and Mrs. Cotton Filled Comforts $1.50 72x78 Cotton Filled Comforts $2.00 to $3.00 72x84 Sateen covered Comforts ..... $3.00 to $4.00 72x84 Sateen covered, 9-in. satin border, $4 to $5.00 20x27 Mixed Feather Pillows $2.00 pair 22x27 Good Down Pillows $4.75 pair 64x76 Cotton Blankets ............. $1.00 to $1.75 66x80 Cotton and Wool Blankets ....... $4.00 pair 66x80 Light Wool Blankets $4.75 pair It 70x80 All Wool Blankets $6.75 pair it 22x27 Duck Feather Pillows 22x28 Extra Choice Down Pillows .$j.!ju pair tj $7.00 nair U tt 11 INI Willi Plllll. Ill Wll This sounds extremely cheap and it is, when we can offer you high grade rockers upholstered in brown Spanish leather (not imitation), spring seats, well made, all per fectly plain and above all very comfortable. Come and try one. Special $19.85 RIGHT EXTRA SPECIAL OAK LIBRARY TABLE $7.95 Here is a splendid value, exactly as shown in illus tration, in an all-oak Library Table. The plank top measures 24 x 42 inches, heavy posts, roomy lower shelf, one large drawer with wood pulls, in wax, golden fin- ish, .a pleasing design, ZZZ very moderately priced, special $7.95 This Is Heater and Range Season Satisfactory Stoves at satisfactory prices. The "Opal" Heaters and Ranges are made to satisfy. They are not built for appearance alone. Remember when huvino- a rano-P nr hpatev that it the outside appearance alone the parts you are paying for are not always visible. They are on the inside TT onI ova nvmmn nfw fm'nl TUJ- i ,..1 i " ..... I , i'lu,,tI1 ailcl a "iai JLUctl' iS wy every woman wno owns an "upai ' recommends it to her neighbor. Built of "Armco" iron, the great rust resister. ii Opal Heaters from $12.00 to $16.50. Opal Ranges from $33 to $55.00. Other Heaters from $1.50 $7.50 4 f4444.4.,..4 Your Old Heater or Range Taken as Part Payment "- --- 4 C. S. HAMILTON t 340 Court Street Telephone .29 Complete House Furnisher s 444-f-f44-4444444 it Eola News Notes (Cnpital Juurnul hifciHl Servire.), Ore, Oc t. H. .Mr. ' Matlif Davis ii iid I'liililmi, iiIko Mrs. (irovcr Fanner and cliililrm npi-iit m'vornl clnyn lartt week vivitniir relatives in faleui VlOlllltV. Ali3 Julia liuedixlieiiner liun guno to Her liouie near May tun tor a euuplc yf woekn' viit. Mr. Kenton wan in Kola Friday. There will be n uiixinetm meeting of the J-.ola rarent-Teaehers' aHsoeintion Siitnrday eveiiinit, Jlr. T. 1.. I'littemon will (rive a talk oa " l'nrliameiitui y Law." Cleorge Mitty liaM.gone to work for iTonileys. Our aeuool m inn king u very K1""' start. , . Clifford Brunk ami Kutlicr l.urHa were married at the Chrintian rhiireh in Salem luesuny eveiuiir and came to their home iu Kola the tmmu evcuinii. A erowu of their friends Moon collected ami treated them to an old utyle ehari vcri with eireular naw, flow hells, etc.. The band was galled in by the yomiK couple and treated to eiuurs, pie and ottke, after whieh they hail mimic on the piano, Hinging ami a good time generally. JOHN MOSER PASSES John MoHcr, who came to Oregon with bin parents from Andrew county, Missouri, during the year of Is.'i.l, pann ed away at hi home in thin city Thurii dny morning, October 11!, lull), ut the ripe age of .19 yearn. .Mr. .Moscr lian been a man of won- lerful vitality and during hin long niege Emma Wilbur an Klectn, a niimptiioiin j Df sickness has borne without biViqnet wan provided by the Turner Chnpter, with rover for l."0 members, Judge .Morelanil acting an tonst master, with res)oiise by nevernl prominent nieinbern. Thone present from Rtnyton were: Mm. Emma Wilbur, .Mr. and Mm. I,. S. Lninhort and Minsen Inn and Delia Harold. Ktayton Mail. Journal Want Ads Oet Results. plaint the pain which at times mont,. severe. On the occasion of hin MmIi birthday, which took place August L'O, a four generation picture was taken which in cluded Mr. Moser. The surviving jchildren are J. H. Moner, Nilverton; 1. A. Moner, Wanh i n at on ntnte; .Margaret Del.ore, Frans ville; I.em Moser, I'alifornin; Mrs. Znk Davenport, Mm. Henry, Mm. II. A. Hartley, Ktnncwull Moser, Silver ton. Funeral servicen will be held from the Christian church, Sunday afternoon at I o'clock, conducted by Albyn Ks miii, Hilverton Appeal. STAYTON SCHOOL FAIR The third nnuuiil xchool fair in over and gone, and it in the consensus of opinion that it wan the bent arranged exhibit that hail been put up. It in true that the hull did nut look no crowded with exhibits as lust year, but the arrangement wan much better, (hunks to those who no kindly helped, that mure wun put in a smaller space, giving more uisle room, III the poultry nnd live stock depart nient there were fully 50 per cent more entries than lust year, and many new coopn hail to be built. Kvervthing wan ill complete order bv one o'clock Friday, ami the judging commenced a half hour later. Mr. I.nrnnn of O. A. C, M. Nchuff of Stavtnn and Curtin Cole of lunn conn tv judged the agricultural anil live stock exhibits, while . Mm. .1. T. Hunt of the Waldo Hills, Mm. Chan. Loose of Went Ktayton anil Minn Anna Mullen nf Htnytnn judged the cooking, canning and needlework. While the attendance wan good, it wan not no large as last year, being about three hundred adults Slid per Imps twice that manv younger persons. Mail. UNION HILL NOTES KINGSTON NEWS I Lewis liny returned home Snturdirv I ' "Ml the mini lit n i iik with hin nlieen. Mr. aud Mrs. Kov Hrenner nticnt Si a. day at the I', II. Lambert homo. Kd Smith, wife and iliiuuhtcrs. and Maude, Fred Smith, 11. K. Slim.',, wile und sou, Kuvmoiid, ISImlvn lud Lulu Donning, Zm,a Kay and Willis llulier niieut Sunday at the Mrs. Itnxie J, Bui'sou, o'f Stayton, in nnwiiig wood iu this vicinity this week. Tom Fleming wan n Muytnii visitor Monday. Itobt, Darby and wife were Sunday guests at the l.lston llarliv home. .luugnirth Bros., of Jnrdiin, hulled Slinnk hiiiiie. clover at the Thus Archer place Mon- Mrs. W. H. Hay left Sunday for Lit- !' , anon to be with' her mother, M in. Km (i. F. Harold, ltaleigh Harold and Irvine, who in iuitc ill. Juhii Sundiier, Jr., went to Indepeml- H. Sen, and noun hnve niircliased i It J. Kimsey and Oen. Scott mnde a business trip to Salem Tuesday, N. Johunon and fannlv are moving tn Hilverton .where they expect to live in the future. Mm. W. D. Hurt spent Thursday and Friday at the Kd Tate home. Geo. Scott and family nnd Will Car ter and family spent Sunday at tho N Johnson home. A farewell party was given the John ton family Tuesday night. All reported a good time. W. D. Hurt madn a bnninenn trip tn Salem Saturday Stayton Mail. cnee Tuesday to iittend the registered .lerney cattle mile. C. C. lleern, of Lyons, was a business visitor at the Curtin Cole home Satur day. Mr. Heern purchased a registered Shorthorn bull from Mr. Cole, WEST STAYTON NEWS School opened Monthly with Fi d'. Hironn und Mrs. L. Walker an tenches. C. V. I.iiiimc flint wife itntoi't ii i it... I I'eter Rundt purchased a new Ford of p,lrty f frit.aiH llt their home Sunduv O. M. Huker this week. evening. Tho dairy inspector was nrountl Wen (ienliv, llarrv Vorter. tiliver F..- through this part of the country this rette nnd Leonard Walker attended the; ,vi7'k; , ., Hound-Cp at McMiniiville last Thin- Kalph Cole visited home folks iu Hil- day. yen Den Sunday. Air. Couiicilninii and fnmilv "were tn.d- Mike Hilyeil, of Jordan, ptirchnsed a jg Mj, stnvton ineichautn'siitiiiilav. new Ford of ). M. linker Inst week. . Mr. Spoon'nnd fumily have moved to Dudley Hntes in building a neiv house Colorado. thin ftlll. . N,,.!, K,.,lllitx mill wife eiille.l ,t !.. nr. iieiiuciinuip, or sinyion, nan can- John unKykeiu home Suiiduy ut'l.i noon. .Mis. A. Wolf culled on Mm. A. V,r rette Wednesday. Andy Shaiib and family moved on the Walter Shnt't't place lust week. Hniee Honne cut ensilnca tho first "f Staytoh (he week. I Frank Wotf and family visited at the "" Arthur Forrette home Sundav. Mail. MT. PLEASANT ITEMS ni i Wigg "Funny thing about Piiniit- W. If. Dyer ami wife, of Oreenview, tie. He' alwnvn lnnlcin.r t.,r ..I," Cal., are viniting at Mrn. Dyer's broth- 'ggit Yei! t'0 to be pre)1lr;,, t er, John Huber. tlodtic it if it over conies his wav-." e to the Curtis Cole home .Monday to see little Howard, who is suffering with an attack of bronchitis but in reported better. Juke Xeibert, of Stayton, visited nl the McKen.ic home Thursday where he purchased two buck sheep. Mail. Minn Nina Hoves. of A Minn v. is visit ing with Mrs. ().' 11 Kay. ' I Lou flerber, of I'intunu motored to the I. If. Lumbert home ISuniluv. Mr, nnd Mrn. W. R. Ruv and dniigh- ters, and Mrn. Linn Lambert motored to Albany Friday. Frank Hiibberninn und wife nnd Mm. Fred Maclntyre nnd daughter motoretl to Salem Sundny. Church nervicen were well attended both morning and evening. i Use tha Journal Want 1 Wf. 1 ron Chilblains Dennis Eucalyptus Olntmtnt AT ALL DRUQ 1TOHI Tubes 88c Jan Boc