.""til J.WWBWBS W -J TEN THE DAILY CAPITAL JOU RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCT. 14, 1916. For Good Goods Go to Meyers "Salem's Big Department Store" 18 Vr T fUT the utmost in IKJU UHr I Style, the ut most in Quality, the utmost in Ser vice when you buy your WINTER GARMENTS at Meyers, "Salem's Big Style Stored Stunning New Suits and Coats, in the popular style effects and fabrics for this season. Choose from the largest and best selected stock in this section and your satis faction will be complete. 4 Our No. 817 Wednesday Surprise Sale . An Immense Offering of Women's New Petticoats at 98c Each " - Here are very desirable Petticoats made of good quality sateen. Several good styles to choose from and a truly surprising quality at this sale price for next Wednesday only one day price 9gc acn On sale at 8:150 a. m. - See window display No phone orders taken for these. A Determined Clearance of Women's Stylish Dresses Garments that formerly sold up to $30.00, your Choice $9.95 Dresses of Silk, Wool or Pongee in pleasing styles and color ings. See this big rack of Dresses up to $30.00, ............... Clearance Price $9.95 Clearance of Women's Dressy Waists Formerly Priced Up to $10.00 ! Beautiful Waists of Nets, Crepe de Chine, Georgette Crepe, Taffetas, Messaline, etc.; in plain and fancy effects ...... your Choice $3.95 Another Lot, Women's Waists your Choice $2.39 GUARD THE BOY'S HEALTH Warmth and Comfort for the Bov in one of these "Xtra Good" Brand Overcoats New Pinch Back models that will please in all respects. You'll make no mistake in choosing one of these. We also show an excellent assortment of Boys' Mackinaws in sizes up to 20 years. flannel Shirts for Men and Young Men- - An excellent cold weather garment in several weights greys, blue,-brown, tan,- olive and lighf mottle grey.. I'nced m ci j . .......... m 111 WJ If II New showing - of Knitted Scarfs and Tarns in desirable and attrac tive color combinations. Sold in sets or separately. (Ready-to-wear section.) Special Sale Prices On Children's Coats :this week. (Ready-to-Wear Section.) QUALITY AND SERVICE Onyx Hosiery Butterick Patterns lttmtttimuiiiiimitiimmniiiiiiiiin!ti imniiwa Tvirs. P. J, Dorsejr, who was police ma iron at the Oregon Klectric depot dur ing tba tnto fuir, in visiting at the home of -Mm. O. F. l'eed, at Fruit limit, for a week or 10 days. .Mr. feed left during the week for tilulio nml on Thurs ilii.v waa at Pendleton. He ri'iirtn that the mirages along the route nre filled with broken down automobiles, an the people in that part of the country drive over rough roads a hard and fust nti people here do over the paved at reel. Bemodeled, repainted and with mod ern eiuiumeiit car 'No. 71 of the Sn lem Street Kail way went on il ill v tkik morning as ear No. Kii5. It waa remodel ed at the ear shops at Heaverton nuA now ha a closed vestilmle, button sig nal, folding atepa and new Kelipse fond IT. Tll! lli.W ViiHtilitil.i mir. .1...,: ed to eliminate uecident hazard from j KiMiing on nun oi r cars uetoroi thpv nr. Mliiitiwnl I1 V..1..... - - ---.. .... imv- .-.iii-iii aro being equipped with tho new Kelipse OLD EYES MADE YOUNG We can't give you new eyes, but we can make your old ones as good as new With a pair of our carefully fitted glasses. We under stand eyes and glasses; our business is to fit the one Let us help you to see as you used to see possi bly as you never saw before. Miss A. McCulloch, Optometrist '208-209 Hubbard Building Phone 109 A mock election is being planned to eiime off soon nt Willamette university between the republicans and the demo crats, and considerable enthusiasm is be ing 'aroused for the respective .candi dates. Hughes sentiment at the univer sity is said to be gniuiiig in spite of the fact that President Donoy ia reported to be a democrat. The Bungalow Christian church, cor. ner of Seventeenth and Court streets, Frank K. Jones, pastor, will hold serv ices Sunday morning Milde school nt 10 o'clock, preaching at 11 o'clock on the subject "Bindon Rearing." Iu the ev ening thero will be the Christian Kn deliver meeting at 6-.S0 o'clock and preaching at :30 o'clock ou the sub ject "Danger Signals. " "The Melting Pot," Israel. Zang will's great plav on the amalgamation of the races, which was scheduled for Sttlem last night at the lirnnd 0era house, was not shown. The performance was cancelled when the players arrived in the city and it was found there was no seat sale- Manager Wigh declared their contract broken because they had not sent any advance sheets of adver tising paper aa he hail wired for and consequently there was scarcely any ad vertising out on the boards. ' He said I he would give the player the proceeds I or ine entire house if they would play nui tney rtrusel. At S o'elovk there were only About 20 seats sold. MWMMsMMMHMMMPHMHsnnMIMMMMi All Around Town COMING EVENTS t October 11 Bundle Dny In Sa lem. October 16-17. Degree of Hon or convention. October 17-20. Baptist state convention, Salem. November 6. City primary election. November 7. Presidential election. Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fit glasse- correctly. U. S. Bank. Bid i. . Dr. stone's Drag Store for trusses. A. C. Bohrnstedt, of Salem, was reg istered' at the Seward hotel, Portland, yesterday. Dr. Stone makes no charge for con imitation, examination or prescription. 0 Drink Cereo, tne liquid food, tba health drink. Ask your' grocer. tf Ingrev and fteVberry nave moved their barber shoo from Court street to loij oiiue street. ocin o See me at my new location at 47-1 Court St. 1). H. Mosher, tailor to men and women. The not uncommon habit of putting nail paper over an unused stovepipe hole resulted in another fire this morn ing at -bout 11:30. This time it hap pened at the residence of A. W. Bee man, (i25 South Nineteenth street, flight damage was done. o Dr. R. Meuric Roberts, osteopathic physician, 309 Masonic bldg. Phone 409 Dance -AumsviUe tonight, Salem or chestra, best floor; Dancing 30c. Salesman -McCuUock, of the H. L. Mann automobile-concern of Portland, and also state distributor for the Miller carburetor, was in Salem this morning, stopping nt the Dwight Misuer garage on South Commercial street. He motor ed on to Albany where he will spend the day. 0- Tour gift with our imprint needs no further recommendation. Set your watch by our street clock. Gardner & Kcene, Salem's most reliable jewelers. Dr. L. O. Altaian, homeopathic phy sician, 290 X. Liberty. Phone 147. Members of the Salem Rifle club who have qualified as marksmen will go to Finier Sunday to shoot the sharpshooter course. There are six of these but about 15 or 20 others may go out also. The season ia getting short and Captain Ros enberg desired to qualify as many men us possible. , ' Dr. R. T. Mclntire, physician and surgeon, 214 Masonic tiidg. Phone 440. Special 2 lb. paoVcages Queen table salt oc each, ti for 2'x-ts. Win. (iahls dorf, the store of houseware, phone 07. wtlO Mrs. Eva Jones, of San Francisco, who, who motored to Sulcm from Cali fornia a few days ago, left Salem yes terdny afternoon for Portland, where she will take passage on the Great Northern for her home. While here she w as the guest of her brother, George F. Rodgers. ' Dropped patterns In Hoosier Kitchen cabinets at a big savin 'i, regular price 2!U0 now V21.WI; regular 940.00 enbi nets, now $:il.i0. Max O. Hurcn, Chica go store block. La Corona cigars Salem made for Salem trade smoke them over Sunday. o Orley Lef flngwell, who was with Com pany M on the Mexican border during the summer, took the examination for the navy the other doy and passed. He was going to go to Portlnnd to complete his enlistment but his mother objected and withhold her consent. Consequent ly, he will not lenve Salein to join the tinvy as was announced. D. H. Mosher will be in his new loca tion at 474 Court St. on and after Oct. Kith. o At the meeting of the Salem council Monday night the matter of the budget ordinance will come up for first rend ing. The drainage proposition of Soutn east Salem will also come up. Dr. F. H. Thompson now specializes in ear, eye, nose and throat, 414 Bank of Commerce bldg. oct21 o J. A. Maxwell has moved from Fort land to the old Kildahl place east of Brooks. Mr. Maxwell is general sales man for tho Farmers' Agricultural Line company whose h-eadqunrters are at Portland. Fine showing of carpets and rugs. All sixes up to 11.3x15, regular $12.00 Tiger Brussels rugs 9x12 now selling at .M0. Max O. Buren. 179 Commer cial St. Dr. Mcndelshon now has his offices remodeled mid is prepared to handle his practice to a better advantage than before. Mjss Goodspeed announces the open- of her studio for painting at :ts7 Court street. WANTED Household Furniture. AVoodry the Auctioneer will pav highest cash price for same. Phone oil. Our stock on Globe-Wernecke Book cases .affords you a rare opportunity to save money. Buy now while the pric es are greatly reduced. Max (J. Buren, Chicago store block. -o - Miss Beryl Holt, daughter of XT. G. Holt, of this city, who graduated re cently from Willumette university, and who is teaching in the high school at In dependence, is visiting with her parents over Sunday. She came here yesterday to attend the inaugural ceremonies nt Willamette university. The first regular meeting of the Y. W. C. A. Choral club was held last ev ening at the Y. W. C. A. rooms at which time the following officers were elected, Miss Kuby Wilson, pres.; Miss Ethel McDonald, sec, and Miss Audrey Hii-ks, treas. After its election of of ficers a short time was spent in practice The club wiil meet for practice under the direction of Miss Lucile Barton every Monday evening at 7:30, the next meeting to be held on Oct. 2Hrd. W. I. Staley, of the Capital Business college, is receiving applications for in formation as to his courses from far and near. Wloreni-e Lindell, of Glacier Park, Montana, has just arrived to take up the course in stenography with him. Miss Bemadetta Wilson, of Airlie, Polk county, is also here for the same pur pose. The outlook for a large registra tion in the night school, according to Professor Staley is good. There is one f irm in Salem which be lieves that hard times huve departed. The Cherrv Citv Flouring mill has or dors booked for more than six months ahead and these area t war orders cith er. Their ultimate destinations are through San Francisco to South Ameri ca, Mexico and Hawaii. The company has just placed an order with the Thom as McFeeley Co, of Philadelphia for another middlings disintegrator which will increase capacity anil quality -in fullest confidence that prosperous times are on the way. Decrees of divorce were granted by Judge Galloway this morning to the plaintiffs in the following actions: ninree Knight vs. Cluude Knight, Mar tha Chester vs. William Chester, anil Maud Louise McConnell-vs. I.nvene Mc Connell. In the Chester case the chil dren were awarded to the juvenile cdbrt of Multnomah county until such time as the mother, who is not in good health, shall have become able to care for them. Tho two other couples have no children. Her maiden name of Maree Fawk is re stored to Mrs. Knight, and Mrs. Mc Council is to resume her maiden name of Mnud Louise Willcox. San Francisco, Cul., Aug. 20, 19lo. Sonora Phonograph Corporation, Gentlemen: At the recent contest on phonngrnphs held before the Group Jury of Awards at the Pannma-Pncific International Exposition will say, that the Sonora Phonograph received the only perfect score for tone qualities. This decision was unanimously adopt ed bv the .Inrv. (Signed) ADOI.PR HOSF.NRKCKKK. Member of the Jury Conductor of Orchestra. Can be heard at Myrtle Knowlands, 421 Cortrt. o- Charles Archer, chairman, and Mayor White, Rev. James F.lvin, Rev. F. T. Por ter and T. U. Bligh are the committee of the Salein Commercial club that will have in hand the eutertaiiiment of the 30 boys from California who arrive here Tuesday on a trip over the Northwest. The boys are those who won first prizes in the Agricultural schools extension courses offered in California. They are scheduled to arrive here at 5:1)0 a. m. and slay until 9:;i0 a. m- The commit tee plans to tuke the boys to Cottage farm, the flax farm at the penitentiary and the Salem Fruit I'nion. There are none of these agricultural extension courses or boys iu Oregon, so it is snid, as the people do not tuke kindly to them. AUCTION SALE fli' Consisting of FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS. The undersigned auctioneer has received instruction from J. O. Grit ton to sell at public auction at the J. W. Meredith farm which is located 4 1-2 miles south of Salem on River side road, turn to left nt I.ivesley 'a. Friday, October 20, 1916 i J. O. C.R1TTOV, Owner. F. X. WOODRV Auctioneer. "M-4-M-M-M II II ' II i iru ti vi r f CAR5 Of Any kimd Any time FIANO TUNING First class work. All kinds of repairing. All work guar anteed. Twenty-five years' experience. Leave order at Wylie B. Allen Co., phone 1187. Residence phone 1405. J. E. HOCKETT, 915 Highland Avenue. Cherry City Flouring Mill Plant it- -.-! -ink mk l : ' f ---- - f ,5 ( 'u ? ll ltxi s"!Sa tit The Home of Geiser's Best Bakers' Flour Tip Top Pancake Cherry City Patent Flour Oregon Whole Wheat Oak Blend Flour Oregon Graham Economy Flour Oregon Wheatola The bread baked from our hard wheat flour won first prize at the Oregon State Fair in competition with other hard wheat flour. Your grocer has these, ask for them. Mill Phone 2:m P. W. Geiser, Mgr. INST I Kugene Jinny iriiaru. ) i The ftiun of the job deals with reali ties. The fellow who wants the job denls with theories. The mistakes of the1 man on the job can be magnified by j an inferior workman. The question to decide is whether the house as a whole: is well built. It is a great deal easier to- find fault, than to perform a real'; constructive service. Kvery other ninn: yon meet might condemn one man be-! cause w hile driving ninny nails the ham-1 mer slipped from one or two and mar-' red the woodwork ami yet not one of j them put to the test could drive one-1 half so many nails home w ithout many slips. i llere is the constructive record o'i I one man as president of the United , iStates. . His work is not to be passed j upon by one party. It is to be judged by the 'American people as a whole. He is entitled to consideration w ithout prej-1 ud ice. I Wood row Wilson nhen elected as' president of the I nited SStutes was com4 parntively unknown. He had been gov j ernSr of New Jersey and president of : Princeton university, but even so the ' step to the presidency was great. A ' world war broke out and it was not long until he ea to be recognized as the , diplomat ofimtions. Pining the lust ' few months criticism without end has' been hurled nt his policies, but as the j records stand they show that he has ae-1 tually accomplished more than all the butchery which has made all Kurope run ! red and left great countries with mil- j lions of widows, orphans ami cripples. There are few men and women who can not recall the many crises which have confronted the nation during the last two years. They know that within , their time no president has been eon- fronted with so many great internution-'. PRESIDENT WILSON SUmma Mat AStocTHTar nl problems. They know that with Woodrow Wilson as the head of their government they hud a feeling of con fidence. His Inst firm note to Berlin brought a fnvoriilde reply. They did not want war. They did not expect war. sknncliow they hud a ieeling that Wood low Wilson would keep them out of war. He did, nml more. He took the con trol of the federal treasury from Wall street and gave it back to the people. He brought his government and your government a little closer to true "gov ernment of the people, by the people and for the people." To the man whose vision is not wholly blinded by partisan ship, the following record of the admin istration of Woodrow Wilson ns presi dent of the fnited States is submit ted: Federal reserve bunk luw. Farm loan law. Kight hoiir dny lnw. Workmen's coinpensntion law. Child labor law-. Anti-injunction law- An inheritance tnx law. ' Kuilway safety lnw. Parcel post improved. l'ostoftiie self-supporting. Seamen welfare law. Taritf revised dowjjwurd. Agricultural extension law. Non-partisan tariff commission law. Income tax law. t.ood roads law. Merchant marine law. Anti-trust law strengthened- War risk insurance lnw. Children's bureau. Law giving president power to re taliate against foreign governments which vilnte American rights. The nation's first great step in real preparedness to insure continuance if peace. (Paid Adv.) CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING YOU RESULTS. ft,