Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 14, 1916, Image 1

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l$ i 'js )f s(t 3(5
ESTIMATED AT 2,620.000
Hermans Place Loss of ATi'-i Three and a Half Months
On Somme Front at Xj'k
f f If .
Russians in rour Month .s ft
Balkans More Violent-
by Rumanians
Berlin, via wireless, to Sayviji . Oct. 14 Ninety fresh
Anglo-French divisions (about 1,620,000 men) were prac
tically annihilated in the three months and a half of the
Somme offensive the military critic of the semi-official
news agency asserted today.
These divisions were withdrawn and disappeared
completely from the battle, he wrote. Fifty five divisions,
in consequence of heavy losses, could engage in the com
bat only twice; fifteen divisions were in action three
times and only one remained so intact that it could enter
the battle four different times. Four divisions were
beaten so badly that after the second engagement they
had to be sent to fronts where little fighting occurred,
but on critical days were recalled and sent to other fronts.
j v Since the beginning of the Somme offensive, 178 divis
ions (3,184,000 men) partly new and partly filled up, have
been launched against the German positions, the military
critic stated.
Russian losses from June to October 1, he estimated
at about 1,000,000 men, quoting the statement of a Kiev
fficerin a Swiss paper as authority. Some Siberian
regiments were completely annihilated, he asserted, and
the Fourth Siberian army corps alone lost between
1.1,000 and 14,000 men from August 31 to September 3.
Germans Checked ill Balkans. . moved by theoretical international to-
. London, . Oct. 14. The Rumanians
liuve halted au attempted Austro-Ger-
man invasion south of the Red- Tower
1'usa and have driven the Teuton back
for a short distance from the border.
Bucharest dispatches todnv reported
that General Fnlkenhayn's udvance has!
l.uon ehnplfa.l vorvhUI- .
southern Truusylvaninn frontier. On the! night, and also trenches northwest of
eastern frontier the Germans have been 'the town, it was officially announced to
stopped ou the Rumanian northern wing day The Flnch imPmdiately counter
and thrown back at - some points by .. . , , , ., ' .
t,. ..m., .h.,i.. vi.h, m, attacked and drove the Teutons from
Rumanian resistance is stiffening.
' The battles on both allied wings in
the Balkans are again becoming more
violent. The British are at the out
Skirts of the city of Seres, already ure
tier bombardment, and have cleared the
surrounding country of the enemy.
' On the left wing the Bulgarg havt
been counter attacking desperately, but
Irtive been unable to bend buck the Ser
bian line.
, King Constantino, despite the growth
of the Venizelos movement in (ireece,
continues to delay plans for Greece'
ontry into the war.
The king told a diplomat, according
to the Athens correspondent of the
Daily Chronicle, that he was convinced
the Germans would overrun Rumania
witnin JS days and that he tenred
(ireece would meet a like fate if she
joined the allies. '
Want to Keep Territory.
Berlin, Oct. 14. German socialists
back from the horrors of the trenches
win never consent to the evacuation of
French and Belgian territory for which
they paid the price in blood, the social
ist uewspnper Die Glocke declared.
Die Glocke disagrees with Philip
Scheidemann, socialist lender, who de
clared in a leichstng speech that France
could see her soil mid that of that Bel
gium freed
tiTlluT" YuTi
-lied ling another drop of blood
woum consent to pence, me
ir sue would consent to pence, me
iicwjpaper reminds Selicidemniin that
socialist soldiers are not apt to bo
Ther'll be free fer all trot at Me
loi.ieon hall t 'night. Th ' peaches on
top o ' th ' baskets are unusually large
au ' fine thu fall.
0 Men, and That of the
S" . AAA AAA r 1
i,uuu,uuu rignnng in
L ian Advance Checked
Oil ' y
cialistia ideas.
Took Trenches But' Lost Them.
Paris, Oct. 14. The German!) succeed'
ed in re-occupying part of Ablaincourt
village in a violent attack, preceded by
screen lire. soutu or tne .somme inst
the positions.
Loss 28,000 in Two Days.
London, Oct. 14. The Austrinus have
lost 28,000 men in the lust two days of
fighting on the Carso plateau, said a
wireless dispatch from Rome today. The
battle continues with undiminished vio'
Submarine Sunk Cruiser.
Berlin, Oct. 14. A Oerman submarine
sank the French cruiser Rigel in the
Mediterranean October 2 and torpedoed
the French cruiser Gallia on October 4,
1,000 French and Serbian troops perish
ing, it was officially announced to-
a German submarine in the Me.li
terranean October 2, sank by two tor
pedoes the small French cruiser Rigel,
built as a destroyer and on October 4,
the French auxiliary cruiser Gallia, by
one torpedo," said tho official state-
! ment.
About 1,000 men of the Frnneo-Ser
bian troops on board the Gallia, bound
for Salonika, perished. The ship sank
wtihin 15 minutes."
Loss of the Gnllia was admitted by
the French admiralty a few days ago
and it was stated that more than S00
JTV"? mil,aine- The French steamer!
Kigel, of 3,375 tons registered at Mar-
seilles. is bel inVPil to lin flirt ftmnll '
seilles. is believed in h tlm mnll
"French cruiser" mentioned in the
Berlin sttacment.
Market Rather Quiet
Prices Unchanged
New York, Oct. 14. The New York
Evening Sun financial review today
On a moderately active volume of
trailing prices showed active volume of
dencies in the best part of the short ses
sion, with early movements either way
confined, as a rule, to small factional
changes. In the greater number of
stocks, however, opening quotations
were slightly above yesterday's closing,
while throughout the first hour ad
vances and losses from the initial fig
ures were about evenly distributed. It
was almost wholly a professional specu
lation in which traders exhibited little
disposition to make extended committ
ment on either side of the account. To
a great extent activity was provided
by the steel and copper issues, the equip
ment shares, Borne of the motors, the
shipping issues and a few of the rails,
most of which sold off before the close
of the market.
Among the specialties Consolidated
Gas, International Paper was in demand
and othter low priced securities appear
ed to be attracting buying, notably Erie
and Rock Island. Advanees in the first
of the session induced more or less liqui
dation in all active stocks, but offerings
were easily absorbed.
Socialist A. I.. Benson spoke
at San Francisco Friday night.
Campaigning in San Francisco
Saturday with no set speeches.
Will speak at Oakland, Cal., Sun
day uight.
Prohibitionist The prohibi
tion special with Candidates
J, Frank Hanly and V- Ifa
I.andrith on board, touring easti
em Kentucky and Tennessee.
Will hold big rally at Nash
ville Saturday night.
Republican Charles Evans
Hughes swinging through Ne
braska. Will speak at Lincoln
Saturday night.
Democrat President Wilson ;
at Shadow Lawn. Is scheduled
to address a large party of Penn
sylvania democrats Saturday
Would Place An Embargo On
Foodstuffs to Relieve
Living Cost
San Francisco, Oct. 14. Allan L. Ben
son, socialist candidate for president,
will conclude his campaign in the San
Francisco bay cities tomorrow night
with an address in Oakland, where so
cialist lenders expect a large attend
ance. Benson continued to dwell at Iciieth
upon the draft clause of the Hay-Cham
berlain army reorganization bill in his
address here last night, lie criticised
tho attitude of both President Wilson
and Republican Candidate Hughes' in
this regard, declaring they have a "gen
tlemen's agreement" not to mention
the subject.
.Discussing what he would do if he
were president, Benson declared: "I
would use the great navy to establish
a blockade that would prevent any food
from going out of this country so long
as there wag a hungry man, woman or
child in it.'?
He denounced Hughes' record as gov
ernor of New York and asserted that
President Wilson is audacious in his at
tempt to pose aa. the friend of labor.
Benson will be the guest of the News
papermen's club of this city at a recep
tion tonight.
His Body Found In His Room
Last Night His Hand Still
Holding Razor
The body of George Evanoff, a
young man who for a number of
months has beeu working at the
Spaulding mill, was found in room No.
2 of tho W. O. T. tl. rooming house at
the corner of Commercial and Ferry
streets last night shortly before 0
o'clock. His throat had been cut with
a razor, which was still in his hand.
He was last seen Tuesday, and it is
thought that he had been dead since
that day.
Coroner dough was immediately no-
ified by the caretaker of the rooming
hase, and in turn notified the police
The c'01.om.r ,,.(.i(i(,d it ,0 be of
v. : -n i i i
suicide. No inquest will be held.
Jn n pocketbook of the dead man's
cont was found a card asking that M.
Cerssin, 301 Madison street, Portland,
be notified. Coroner ('lough has sent
notice to this address, but ns vet has
received no response.
Evanoff, who was about 20 years old
came here a number of months ago to
visit a brother, who is a patient in
the state hospital for the insane. Since
that time he hus been working as n
laborer for the Spaulding company.
Last Saturday he gave up his job there,
but did not collect the wages due him.
lie is described as having been of n
despondent nuture, seldom seeking the
companionship of his fellow workers.
Wheat Off a Shade
In Chicago Markets
Chicago, Oct. 14. Wheat closed low
er today on free selling. Reports of
unfavorable Argentine weather were un
able to offset the drop, which was due
to the desire to sell than to hold over
Sunday; while uncertain conditions ex
ist. December closed down 5-8 nt l..r7
3-S and May down O S at (157 3-H.
Corn was down slightly on reports of
good crop weather. Pcember closed
down quarter at 70 3-4, and May down
quarter at 78 1-2.
Oats were lower. December closing
down 3-8 it 41 and May down 1-8 at
51 1-8.
Provisions were irregular, pork show
ing sharp losses.
J. M. Brown of Silverton Says
Alms Was Going 30
Miles an Hour
films' Car . About Two Feet
From South Edge of Road
Skidded 100 Feet
Two hours and a half of deliberation
on the part of the coroner's jury in the
attempt to fix the responsibiltv for the
death of Mrs. C. M. Matlock, killed yes-
ivruay morning, as me result or tne col
lision of two automobiles, failed to
agree on a verdict at 2:30 this after
noon, but rendered the opinion that she
came to. her death as the result of a col
lision of automobiles, for the collision
of which there were two causes the
first was tho position of the Chalmers
oar and its high rate of speed, and the
second was tae turning to the left of
the Ford car. i. ' '
The jury was composed of the follow
ing: Earl Race, chairman; J. A. Mills,
Hal D. Patton, Frank Morrison, A. M.
Dalrymple and J. F. Davis.
Tostimony of tho principals and wit
nesses of the airtomobiile tragedy that
startled Salem yesterday morning when
Mrs. C. M. Matlock, well known resi
dent of this city, was instantly killod
in a collision between a Ford automo
biile driven by Mrs. L. E. Weeks and
a Chalmers ear-lriven bv Christian Aim
or siiverton, ciiv indicated that
Chris. ian Aim wjufMrjvfiig bWcnr on
the wrong aide of the road and at a
rato of speed believed to be not less
than thirty miles per honr.
Christian Aim was the first called to
the g.and by District Attorney Ernest
Ringo. He said his acre was 22 years
and that he left Silverton about 8:30'
Friday morning and was bound for the
round up at Albany, intending to re
turn late that night. He said he believ
ed the accident occurred about H:.'M
o'clock and that he was driving about
20 miles per hour. He said he believed
he was running about the center of the
road when he saw a car loom up out of
the fog. Oa acCnit of the- density
of the fog, he believed he could not
sec 'much more than 200 feet in ad
vance. He declared that immediately he saw
the approaching car he put oa ' the
brakes as ae realized there was danger
of a collision. He said he did not sound
his horn. He informed the jury that as
soon as he put on the brakes be shut
off the gas and did all he could to
stop the car.
Bays Both Da Center of Road '
Regarding the position of the Ford
ear he said he believed it was In the
center of the road. He said bo saw the
other car turn just at the same he diid,
and that it sounded no horn. After that
all he heard was the crash. He could not
remember any details of the accident.
He said thnt Emil Swan, who was in
(Continued on pnge six.)
President Tells Governor
Whitman Militia Is Doing
Needed Work on Border
By Robert J. Bender.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Asbury Park, X. J., Oct. 14. Condi
tions in northern Mexico are improving
and the government will soon be able
to do more in relieving the militiumen
now on the bonier, President Wilson de
clured in a letter to Governor Whitman
of New York, made public today. At
present, however, need for troops still
"From the beginning of the difficul
ty which necessitated the cull for mili
tia," wrote the president, "1 have been
deeply sensitive of the inconvenience
caused to the members of these citizen
militia organizations by their separa-"lzcd
tions from their families and from their
ordinary business engagements and pur
suits. "In order to minimize these sacrif
ices, the war department is sending to
the border from time to tune militia
which have not participated in service
there, nnd as each fresh Contingent goes,
Oenerul Fuunton selects for return to
home stations such units ns in his judg
ment can best be spared. This policy
will distribute this duty over e.s wide an
area as possible and make its burden
fall as equally as practicable upon or
ganized militia forces. The emergency
which led to the call of the militia was
the possibility of aggression from Mex
ico and protection of our frontier- This
emergency still, unhappily, exists and I
am advised by the military authorities
that withdrawal of the militia at any
Shouts of Welcome to New
York Bunch Drowned by
Cries for Wilson
One of These Head: "Which
Goose Laid the Hughes
Golden Special Egg?"
Portland, Ore., Oct. 14. Amazonian
warfare raged in the street of Portland
today as women supporters of Hughes
and Wilson clashed repeatedly in pitch
ed verbal battles.
The old days of militant suffragist
exploits in England were recalled wheu
flying squadrons of Wilson women heck
eled campaigners from the Hughes spe
cial ' meeting cries of "vote for
Hughes!" with screams of "We want
Wilson!" . .
All down town street meetings except
one were cancelled nt the last minute
in an effort to defeat- the well nlannd
democratic series of counter demonstra
tions. .
The location of tho street . meeting
was kept secret. Flying brigades of
Wilson women -paraded the sidewalks
watching tho automobiles loaded -with
Hughes supporters.
At Sixth and- Alder streets an anti
prohibition speaker was haranguing a
small crowd. Vp dashed a big automo
bile bearing Mrs. Katherine 1. Edson
of I.os Angeles and Miss Elizabeth Free
man oli Seattle. t ,
The "wet" speaker-was pressed into
service to introduce the ladies: -
Dr. Marie Equi, a local suffragist and
Wilson supporter, started speaking from
a soap box directly across the street.
Her Crowd drowned Mrs. Edson 't first
words with cheers for Wilson..
The Hughes crowd was silent, atten
tive- The Wilson women were .noisy
and demonstrative. Dr. Equi soon ceased
her speech in derision of the so-called
"golden special" and assumed the role
of yell leader.
Police strove to keep the moving
crowds separated while those gathered
about Miss Edson 's machine vainly
tried to hear what she atd.
More Wilsoa automobiles, loaded with
pretty girlg who scattered democratic
literature among the Hughes crowd,
wedged into the throng. Police made
them move on.
Soon, however, the crowd was too
dense for more muchiues to move. Then
the Hughes women attacked in battle
formation. Three huge automobiles load
ed with women from the special train
drove up and led in cheers fur Huubes-
Miss Frcomnn started speaking while
the Hughes women apparently bad tho
upper hand.
Vhen the HugheB machines slowlv
crawled out of tho dense crowd, tho
noisiest street meeting ever held in
Portland broke up with a wild mingling
of cheers, yells and cat culls.
(Continued on page six.)
time from the date of its original call
up to and including the present, would,
in all human likelihood, have been fol
lowed by fresh aggressions from Mex
ico upon the lives und property of the
people of the I'uited States. Militia
have, therefore, been used und are be
ing used to repel invasion nnd are ren
dering service of the highest quality
und the most urgently needed character
of their country. 1 am happy to be
lievo thnt the condition in northern
Mexico is improving and that in the
near future wo will be able to do even
more than has been done to relieve em
barrassments under which these organ
militia regiments have necessarily
suffered. I share your admiration, my
dear governor, for the spirit iu which
these men hnve served nnd are serving
their country and would be very sorry
to have it supposed their retention on
the border is for any mere purpose of
completing their military training or,
indeed, any less commanding purKse
than tho preaervution of our frontier
from aggression."
The president's letter wns iu reply
to an interrogation from Governor Whit
mnn regarding the continued presence of
New York militiamen on the border. The
president said that a substantial num
ber of the New York contingent either
hnve been or are in the course of be
ing released now and that ho hopes
Gencrnl Funston soon will be able to
afford tho New York militia further relief.
Boilermakers Strike
' May Soon Be Settled
San Francisco; Oct. 14 Two thou
sand members of the boilcrmakers union
who are on strike at the Union Iron
Works today, are of the opinion that thi
difference will be amicably settled and
the men will return to work in a few
days. This follows a conference be
tween the boilermakers ofticials, offic
ials of the shipfitters union and Union
Iron Works officials at the mayor's of
fice. .. .
The present strike is peculiar in the
fact that the wages, hours, etc., are sat
isfactory to the nienjfind they are work
ing under an ngreen etit with their em
ployers that is satisfactory to all.
Offers of the law and order commit
tee of the cl umber of commerce to sup
ply men to take the places of the strik
ing boilermakers were declined by the
Union IropVorks, which prefers to set
tle the matter with its men alone. .
This Is Substance of Day's
Activities Noted by Re
porter with Him
By Perry Arnold.
(United Press Btaff correspondent.)
On Board Governor Hughes' Special
Train, Beatrice, Neb., Oct. 14. Swing
ing across the Nebraska prairies today,
today Governor Hughes struck vigor
ously at-the democratic tariff policy
and cried solemn warning against the
evil days to come after the war if the
democratic for revenue policy was con
tinued. He was in splendid fighting
trim,-his voice clear and resonant. -
Today tho republican nominee was
feeling particularly good after a new
course of - treatment administered by
Physical Director James J. Gibson; It
was nothing more or less than an ath
letic rubbing down, which Gibson start
ed yesterday to. (jive the nominee after
each one of his big speeches.
Uuehej finished these oratorical ef
forts in dripping poispiratioa.- lfe hust
led into his overcoat and hurried to his
hotel or his private car, where he nets
a shower and then clambers into bed,
while Gibson kneads his muscles with
alcohol and witch hazel. As a result the
nominee get Up 15 minutes lator Reel
ing thoroughly revived and refreshed.
Mrs. - Hughes narrowly - escaped, the
loss of her favorite coat at the meet
ing, at Joplfti last, night. The crowd
was jammed into the ball. The cam
paigning party got lost, Mrs. Hughes be
ing separated from the governor. She
took off her coat and sat down near
by, later moving nearer to her husband
but neglecting to carry her coat. Some
bystander picked it up . end when time
came to leave Mrs. Hughes could not
find it. The governor himself finally
espied and rescued it. It waa the only
heavy coat Mrs. Hughes has with her
and she was extremely pleased to get it
Hughes waa scheduled for six speeches
today, starting at Fall City at B o'clock
and ending up at Lincoln tonight.
Commissioner Wilson to Try
New Plan of Returning
Men to Work
Biiyonne, N. J., Oct. 14 Convinced
they hnvo broken the strike of several
thousand oil workers In which three per
sons have beeu killed and scores injured,
Bayuiuie officials today planned to turn
the workers back to their tasks through
un entirely new departure in the hand-
linit of such situations. A monster meet
ing of strikers nnd those who refused
to take chunees of violence by staying
on the job, was called for this morning
by Commissioner or i'uulic Snicty n'n
ry ilson.
' Wilson plunnod to address the strik
ers on a big open plain known as "the
Flats" to tell them the strike is brok
en and that he has the promise of the
companies that nil will be given back
their places.
The plan admittedly was an experi
ment and desnitc the claim that police
authority now prevails, following the
I gun play that accompanied rioting and
looting, every avaiiume policeman was
on the job armed with rifle or automatic
when the workors sturted for "the
Fluts" in the heart of the strike zone.
A comparatively quiet night gave of
ficials further hope today that the po
lice have thoroughly cowed the rioters
by the almost incessunt raids they have
been mulling for the lust three days on
the homes of workmen suspected of hav
ing arms and ammunition. This search
will continue tonight and Sunday. By
Monday, whea the big plants of the
Standard Oil company of New Jersey
own, officials hope to have completely
-(:.'...... I ..... nu 4.. .....I. .!
disorders as marked the course of the
strike up to yesterday.
Germany's Greatest Editor'
Says Germany Can't Be
"Knocked Out
All Wilson Could Do Is To
Suggest Meeting of
Special Envoys
. By Carl W. Acker-man.
(United Press staff correspondent.)..
Cologne, Oct. 14 "If those Jellowi
make , peace only when Germany ia
'knocked out' then we will never make
peace." 1
This emphatic declaration came today
from Earnest Posze, chief editor of the
Cologne Gazette and . probably Ger
many 's greatest editor. His 32 years
connection with that powerful journal
makos him perhaps the best unofficial
spokesman of the empire in replying to
L.ioyu-ueorge's recent statement to the
United Press that the war must bo on to
a finish.
"For weeks the allies have conducted
a press campaign against peace, espe
cially at Washington," said Poaze,
i uey nave said repeatodly that ther
will be no peace until wo are broken,
until they reach the Rhine. ,
"These statements have strengthened
our position enormously. In my opinion
the military situation is better today
than it was a year ago. The allies will
never be able to broak the west front,
while the situation on othor fronts may
improve. The people are filled with
confidence in Hiudenburg. " .
i'.,Cnn President Wilson make peace)"
he was aaked. . 1
"This waria so enormous that meth
ods for bringing peace, which applied
formerly, do not apply today," he replied-
"An international congress can
not settle it. The only plan is for Wil
son, through ambassadors, to suggest
that special envoys meet In Washington
but I do not believe this would succeed
now. .
' Can't Consider Allies' Term.
"The allies want peace on their owi
terms, which we certainly will not con
sider. Here, as elsewhere, there are
pcuce-at-any-prico folk, but the German
people as a whole want peace only when
we can exist as a nation."
Three things, the Gazette editor con
siders essential for peace, so far aa Ger
many is concerned.
First, the military situation must be
considered, he said. Germany must Yol
low nismarcK a policy of protecting her
western boundary, perhaps by taking
the French fortress of Belfort, and, aa
the chancellor indicated, bIio must have
an independent Poland' on her other
frontier to protect her against Russian
Second, Germany must develop and
protect her agricultural resources so
that she will no longer be dependent
on Argentine or Russia for wheat or
cattle. She must protect her indus
tries so she can exist in the event of
another war without outside aid if
Third, Germany must consider her
international position and must have
l'os.o believes that Chancellor Von
Betlimann-Holhvcg will retain his post
for the remainder of the war despite the
attacks of his critics. Field Marshal
Von Hiudenburg, ho feels, is tho koy to
the whole situation and so long as Hin
denburg and tho kuiser joiu with Holl
weg iu opposing unlimited submarine
warfare, it will not be renewed.
St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 14. The
House of Deputies und the
House of Bishops of the Protes
tant Episcopal church in joint
session this afternoon killed a
resolution that would have pro
hibited the marriage of all di
vorced persons iu tho church.
Oregon: Fair
toniuht and Snn
d a y ; westerly
(dtT out OF