Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 13, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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"Butterick Patterns and
A Determined Clearance of
Women's Stylish Dresses
"li 11111111 111 11 til! 1 tf 1111111 Utttltlilttlf tttXttlitU tttttttl
And one-twenty-fifth of a mill for a normal school
only 21 miles from where the state owns a good
plant at Weston which requires but one-fortieth of
a mill annual maintenance to put it in successful
operation? Read page 28 of the voters' pamphlet;
; and if you want to avoid needless taxation, vote
309 X No
Paid advertisement E. O. Demos, Weston, Or.
A new Powers "6B" machine has
just been added to the equipment of tliu
Oregon theatre, and Operutor Hum Col
liiril now has an fine an equipment to
work with as there U in tho United
, States. With two machines of this typo,
nil J other conditions as favornlilo as it
i possible to make them, the patrons
of tie Oregon should experience eon
siderahle difficulty in finding any
cause for complaint.
Elbertn peaches 40c;Oonoords 35c and
Site; hndy Finders, Tokay anil MalnH
grapes 3 lbs. for !!"ic. Hoth tlrocery
Specials for
10 lbs. Sweet Potatoes Or
lor 0C
30c Sleel Cut Coffee.... 25c
Creainerv Butter . 40c
Vieuli Ki!i;s, dozen.. 35c
Hard Wheat T'lour, T1 7C
itunrautocd, suck ...... y I d
No Rent Low Prices
855 N. Com'l St.
pi THE Social Serv
j ice Center is a
Sj charitable organiza
jj tion and makes ab-
solutely no charges
jj for any clothing Jis
; tributed by them.
Delineator" "W. B.
Garments that formerly sold up to $30.00, Your Choice $9.95
Dresses of Silk, Wool or Pongee in pleasing styles and colorings. See this
big rack of Dresses up to $30.00 Clearance Price $995
Clearance of Women's Dressy Waists
Formerly Priced Up to $10.00
Beautiful Waists of Nets, Crepe de Chine, Georgette Crepe, Taffetas,
Messaline, etc., in plain and fancy effects: your Choice $3.95
Special Sale Prices This Week on Children's Coats
See the window o? Women's Outing Flannel Gowns
extra value.
We Sll Xtra Good
Suits for
Sturdy Boys
' Dance at armory Sat. night, octlli
Tomorrow is bundle day and the Com
mon' in 1 club asks that nil persons who
will linve bundles to send in their names
and addresses nt once. Over J 00 names
are listed already and it is expected a
lurgo number will come in this evening.
Miss Grace Young, who has been act
ing as assistant in the office of Drs.
Steeves and Findley, is spending her
vacation in l.os Angeles visiting her
mother. Miss Alice l'liliner is taking
her place in the office.
O. J. Schei, who will open up a gents'
furnishing store in tho l'ntton building
on State street within a short timo, has
rented the H. B. Houston residence prop
erty at 745 South Commercial street.
His family will be hero Monday.
The funeral of Dr. Joseph H. Brewer,
who died Thursday, October 12, will lie
held nt the First Christian church Satur
day at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. In
terment will be in City view cemetery.
The bodv is under the cure of Webb
Hairy Cronise, of this city, leaves
this nflcriioon to attend the Albany
Kound-Cp. -Mis. II. 1). Trover, of Sa
lem, and ilrs. l.aughliu, of l.n (Iriindo,
who have been visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Cronise, left this morning for
''The Molting Pot", one of the most
successful dramas of modern times,
will be given by a company of the
country's best players nt t lie (iruud
tonight. Considering the high char
acter of tho production, seats ure very
reasonably priced.
There will be a football gama (Satur
day afternoon ut 2:30 o'clock nt Che
inawa between the Indians and the
I freshmeu of the Oregon Agricultural col
j lege. Hoth sides are reported to be in
excellent condition and ti snappy and
uuru game is expectcil.
Next Wednesday eveuing fhe regular
monthly meeting of the members of the
Salem Commercial club will be hold. At
this time A. W. (irnhum, of the O. C. T.
company, will address the club on the
subject; "The Possibilities of Devel
opment of Hotter Water Transportation
Hot ween Portland nnd Siilein."
Corsets" "Munsing
AH Around Town
October 11 Bundle Day in Su
lem. October 16-17. Degree of Hon
or convention.
October 17-20. BarHt state
convention, Salem.'
November 6. City primary
November 7. Presidential elec
tion. Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasse-
correctly. U. 8. Bank. Bid,;.
Dance at armory sat. night. octl3
The ..Business ..Men's class of the
Salem Y. M. C. A. meets tins evening.
After tho general class work, they ex
pect to pull off a sharp and snuppy
biff ball nine. The class niocts at
5:30 o'clock.
Drink Cereo, tike liquid Xood, the
feealtb drink. Ask your grocer. tf
Dance at armory Sat. night. octl3
L. P. Swan, a well-known Elk of
this city, who fell some time ago and
fractured his hip is reported as doing
nicely at his homo near Hutteville. He
is an idd man and tho fracture is sirfd
to be a bad one.
Dance at armory Sat. night,
Ice Cream melons black seed, 3c lb.;
Cassaba 3c lb.; cantaloupes 2"e do.
Both lirocery Co,
Farmer's Hardware store is replac-
ing the wooden awning that projects
tiw. u..ti. : i 4V. I -iv -.i
H. " ,?f !,1",,.V",, ,
........ .m,K. jm. ;
wooden awning was pretty badly worn
and the in
w one is quite an linprove-
Dance at armory Sat. night. ocll3
10 lbs. fancy sweet potatoes, 25c;
ob 41 plant and red peppers, Koth tlro
cery Co.
Mr. O. E. Franzke, of Barnes' Cash
Store, who was in Portland yesterday
on business for the estnblishment, re
turned yesterday evening. He brought
his wife and baby buck with him.
They had been visiting in Portland for
the past week.
A real show, not a picture," "The
Melting Tot" nt the (Irnnd tonight.
New Meat Market Mr. Roy Rae
will open up a meat market at 177 S.j
Com'l St. Sat. Oct. 14, to be known nsj
Hue's Market. Mr. line will hnudloi
both fresh and cured meats at reus-l,
unable prices. I
will call in Afternoon-PHONE 302-Autos will call in Afternoon
Anything acceptable-PHONE 302 Clothing is
and Merode Underwear"
at 98c. They're very
Not a Movie "The Melting Pot" at
the (iiimd tonight.-
Secretary Ooodin, of the state hoard
of control, went to Koseburg today on
stato business. Ho expects to return
Suiidny night.
Original Cast of players in "The
Melting Pot" at the Orand tonight.
Dr. Earle Rice, formerely of this city,
but now in tho war zone, 1s suffering
from blood poisoning duo to a needle
wound on the hand received during a
surgical operation.
Frederick S. Lamport, lawyer; has
moved to No. 212-t.l Hubbard bldg. tf
A chimney at the residence of R. M.
Potter, at 1UN5 Mouth High street, burn
ed out between 2 and 3 o'clock yester
day afternoon. An alarm was rung in
and the department went out. No dam
age. They get a hit and make a hit with
the smoker llygrade Salem made ci
gars. . C. K. Spaulding, of the Spaulding
Lumber company, who has been on a
business trip to Suu Francisco, is expect
ed to return this evening. He has been
irone about 10 nW. and wr Wl. v,
by steamer. '
Ingrey and dewberry have moved
their barber shop from Court street to
315 State street. . octll
It Is estimated at the city recorder's
office that the registration in Wards'
Nos. 2. 3, 5 and 0 will be about 1,000
each, nnd in Wards No. 1 and 7 about
700 each. This is about three-nuarters
Jof what tho registration should be,
u , , , v. 1
!r 0? c,"b
tomorrow at the library. Miss Jesse V.
ill give a review of diplomatic
rtltiona of the 1'nlted States. The
,,,.,,,,,,, to tllp stnt VlU.riltU)ll wM,
give their report.
Try the Journal Classified Ads.
Salem-Independence Auto
$ Service $
rhono 059 or 1255
Leaves Salem, cor. Stnte and
Liberty Street daily, 8:00 a. m.,
11:00 a. m 2:30 p. m. and
6:00 p. m.
Leaves Independence opposite
Postoffiee dailv.
9:00 a. m., 12:30 p. m.,'4:00 p. m.
and 7:00 p. m.
P Cfl
rUlC; JuC
Extra Cars for Country Trips, $
Kev. Carl H. Klliott returned this
morning from Kugene, where he partici
pated in the formal installation of the
now pastor of the First Presbyterian
church, Kev. W. M. Case.
Among those who arrived to attend
the exercises at Willamette university
today were: Hon. K. A. Booth and wife
and President P- L. Campbell, of the
State university, from Kugene, nnd
President Kerrof the O. A. C, Corvul
lis. Mr. J. Levy, of this city, left Salem
yesterday for San Prnnrisro, lie is ex
pected to be gone for some time.
The Central Congregational church
on South Nineteenth street will be the
scene of a "Homecoming Social" to
night. Mr. and Km. Guyer, who had charge
of the Argo hotel lust winter, arc in
the city. They expect to go south for
the winter.
. Dr. and Mrs. W. Carleton Smith are
in Portland today on professional busi
ness. They motored down and are ex
pected back late this evening.
Sergeant French, in charge of the
army recruiting station here, is absent
on a trip to Dallas, Fulls City, mid
Hiclireall. lie left Thursday and is ex
pected back in Salem on Saturday.
W. F. Buckner, who lives at Four
teenth and Court, brought into the Jour
nal office this afternoon a sprig of
Cuthbert raspberries which is bearing
its second crop of berries this year.
The berries are large nnd luscious and
have a fine taste. Mr- Kuckner has been
getting berries 'from these bushes ever
since September 1.
6. E. Franzke, who will direct the
wrestling for the Salem V. M. C. A.,
suiil this morning that his classes
would start next Monday evening in
the association rooms, it lis the plan
of the association not to clevVlop pro
fessional wrestlers but to give the
young men opportunity to indulge in
u pastime thut offers exceptionally
good exercise.
A." H. Davis, an Elk who belongs to
nil Aberdeen lodge, but who is proprie
tor of the Sunnybrook Dairy, is ill nt
the Salem hospital of blood poison. He
has been unconscious for some time
but yesterday came from out of the
coma. He had scratched his hand and
blood poison set ill with startling rapid
ity mid his lifo was despaired of. He
is getting better, according to reports
today at the Elk's club.
Ten Salemites were initiated into the
Klks lodge last evening. They were:
Joseph H. Bach, U. i. Boyer, Boy C.
Bnrth, Max (iehllutr, Arthur T. Johnson,
K. M. Harding, 1.. H. Wenger, A. J.
Wenger, A. F. Baker, and George M.
Stutesinuu. After the initiation vaude
ville acts from Bligh 's theatre furnished
amusement. The meeting held late and
it was about. 12 o'clock when they ad
journed.. There was a rumor about yesterday
that the Spaulding Logging company's
saw mill ill this city would shut down on
account of lack of cars to handle their
product. This rumor was denied nt the
company's office this morning as they
said they had received three cars yes
terday and expected more today. Four
cars per day are needed to handle the
output anil the company officials admit
"1" ". , '
1 tlie-v nre Hcnously handicapped by the
j 8re"y f ra
Chemawa Indians observed October 12
as Columbus clay, on which day in 1402
Christopher Columbus is said to have
discovered Amerii-n. Numerous socie
ties also observed the day. No business
houses in Salem took note of the fact.
There is considerable controveisv over
the discovetry of Anirien as most Am
ericans nre not quite willing to concede
tho honor to Columbus on account of his
never lauding on the continent as did
l.ief Krixon in about the year 1000.
Rev. Joseph Hoberg, of McMinnville,
who is a pioneer Methodist preacher
of the Willamette valley, is stopping
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D.
Purdy, on .Mill street. Mr. and Mrs.
Putd'v and -Mr. Hoberg were Iowa
friends fifty years ago. Ke'. Hoberg
organized the Sunday school class
which was the beginning of the Leslie
Methodist, church in South Salem. He
was also present at the dedication of
the Jason Lee Memoriul church in
North Salem.
The addition of a new Powers "6-B"
projecting machine to the updating
room equipment ot the Oregon theatre
Lives that place of amusement facilities
which nre not excelled anywhere in the
l'nited States. Operator Sam Collard
now has two machines of the Powers
"(IB" type with which to prevent the
patrons of the Oregon from 'finding any
grounds for complaint. This is a similar
.equipment to that in the projo.-tion room
j of the Kinlto theatre in New York.
I which has the reputation of being the
, most perfect picture theatre in the
fount rv.
made over for the
Plan Now Is For Each to Pun
ish Him and Then Pass
Him Along
w.... X. I.... M..4 l-V,mf t,.t..l
today are seeking the custody of D. M.
Dclmns, confessed forger and bank
wrecker arrested here Wednesday with
a girl companion as he was preparing
to leave after passing a fraudulent
check. The Texas authorities want Del
inns so"1ie ran finish an unexpired term
in prison for bank wrecking. Oregon,
Washington and California all want him
for forgery. The local authorities plan
to try Dclmns here, then send him to
the northwestern sttnes, nnd let them
send him to Texas when his seuteuees
are finished.
Detains' chief concern is regarding
the plight of his companion, Signc
Gerstedt. The police intend to hold her
as an accessory, but Detains insists she
knows nothing of his operations. He
said he intended to marry her if he
made successful "hauls" here and -in
Los Angeles fleeing afterward to South
America to begin life anew. The girl,
still unconvinced thut the man she loves
is a criminal, says she will work here
until he is out of trouble, and then
mnrry him.
Today, Dclmns admitted passing a
$100 check in Seattle, checks tor ."(
and $100 in Portland, and a loo check
Mrs. Frank A. English, of North Sa
lem, severely cut her hand yesterday
while attempting to tighten the lid on
a glass jar. The top of the jar broke
and cut her hand in several places with
the result that the doctor had to time
nine stitches to bring the wounds to
gether. The Salem Commercial club wants a
short, snappy, punchy, typical slogan
that it can print on a button for Salem
week, which is to be held October 30
to November 4. There will probably be
no prizes .awarded but the satisfaction
of providing a catchy slogan is believed
to be remuneration enough.
Walter Flynn, aged 18 years, who
lives at 404 South High street, c'nlist
ed in the 1'nited States army and was
seat doVn to Vancouver today by M.
M. Wiishtonk, who is in charge of the
Salem recruiting sttntirin during the
absence of Sergeant French. He will go
into the coast artillery.
The football team of the Salem high
school is to meet the pigskin warriors
of the Jefferson high school Saturday
afternoon at two o'clock on Sweetlund
field. This is the first game of the sea
son and the Snlem bunch is reported to
be slinky on account of a bunch of inex
perienced players getting their brea
king in. A rally to inspire enthusiasm is
scheduled for this evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Peetz, of this city,
and H. H. Peetz, of Turner, left Salem
yesterday over the Oregon Electric for
Anderson, Indiana, where they were
cailed by the death of J. L. Peetz, who
was formerly a resident of this city,
of typhoid fever. J. L. Teetz died Wed
nesday nt the age of 4!) years. He was
in the furniture business in Salem and
took an active interest in the affairs
of the city. He was associated with K.
N. Peetz, his brother.
All retail grocers of the city of Sa
lem, whether members of the Com
mercial club or not, are urgently invit
ed to utteud a meeting in the Commer
cial club auditorium this evening at
7:30 o'clock. The directors of the Bus
iness men's league. Messrs. Denton,
Steuslotf mid t.'nhlsdorf. issue the call
and say there is very important busi
ness to conic be. ore the meeting. They
say it will be important to the size of
the merchant. 's poeketbook and will
decrease the bank account of those who
do not attend, (lood speakers are prom
ised and some data, given that will
make the grocers si: up and take no
tice. Jack Retlaw, who has attained much
fame as the founder of hotels "De
Oink'' in various cities of the country
and who is perhaps as good an authori
ty on the (piestion of the unemployed
as there is, .aid the Capital Jourmil a
little visit this afternoon. The hotel
"Detiink," ns most readers of newspa
pers are aware, is an institution con
ceived for the relief of the worthy un
employed. In it the hobo finds a com
fortable place to sleep and sufficient
food to eat until he can shift for him
self. The first hotel of this character
was s'arte.l in Seattie three years ago.
Mr. b'etiaw says that unemployed con
ditions on this coast nre the best at
present in ten years. Two years ago the
number of unemployed on the coast
was esiiniated at 32".00ij, while at pres
ent it is between "o.OOO and 10(1,000.
According to Mr. Ketlaw, Kansas City
has at .resent more unemployed in pro
portion to its size than any other city
in the country.
TTse the Journnl Want. Ad Wnv.
FOU can help the
Social Service
Center to furnish
clothing for the needy
by donating tomor
row. Phone 302 9
giving name and address.
Household Furniture. I will pay
highest cash price for sumo,
rhone 511.
Woodry, the Auctioneer,
Families of Salem who
took advantage of the
wonderful prices at the
Midget last Saturday.
Bring your basket and
be a booster.
371 State Street
Originators of
Low Prices
When in SALEM, OBEQOif, (toy at
Strictly Modern
Free and Private Baths
RATES: 7fii 11 on ci nn vri Ttiv
The only hotel in the business district.
t!aj-eb tu mi -uopois, xneaires ana
Capital Buildings.
A Home Away From Home.
T. a. BLIGH, Pro.
Both Phones. Free Anto Bus.
amy KiiiD
First-class work. All kinds
of repairing. All work guar-
antced. Twenty-five years'
experience. Leave orders at
Wylie B. Allen Co., phono 1187.
Residence phone 14t5.
915 Highland Avenue.
""" 111
I Plfl II rZ I
wm CO