Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 12, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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"Salem Agents for Butterick Patterns and the Delineator"
Wintry days will find you snug and warm in
For Men, Women and Children
Get an outfit of Winter Munsing
wear and you've gone a long way to
ward getting ready for the cold
weather and insuring against colds
and discomfort. It's tailored from
fine fabrics that are warm without
being too heavy, worsted fabrics
that are unusually soft and non-irritating,
cotton fabrics of unusual
quality-also cotton and woo 1 or '
silk and Wool mixtures.
We are also Agents for Merode
Underwear a MjrnJ
for Women IV1C uac
gjjj I land-Finished)
Misses JJnderzvear
(tltnJ "insWt
New Gloves
We are indeed fortunate in receiving a ship
ment of the celebrated "Luken" Doeskin washable
white Gloves with black embroidery, in all sizes,
and recommend them to our customers being the
best domestic glove on the market today, price
$1.50 and $2.00 per Pair
Sugar is still going up, but it la still
fur from the mark it bit last May.
Dance at armory Sat. night. octl3
The season for pheasants closes next
Sunday night at turndown. (
Dance at armory Sat. night. octl.3
Fred S. Walters, of this city, was ar
retted thin morning on a charge of
non-support. '
Foresters of America tonight at eight
o clock.
Colonel "Bert" Lawson, former war
den of the penitentiary, was in town
today, lie-was en route from Portland
to his huiiie tit Cottngc drove.
And irons and fire sets. C. S. Ham
ilton, house furnisher.
A building permit has been Issued by
the city recorder to M. .1. Trestor for
a dwelling to coat WOO at J2S.'i Madi
son st met.
Fibre suit cases, regular $1.60 value
1.15. '. H. Hamilton, house, furnisher.
The University of Nebraska's foot
ball team will play Oregon agricultural
! college at Portland October 21. The
i Nebraska society is milking arrange
j ments for a banquet.
Foresters of America tonight at eight
I o'clock.
Visit our bedding department for
comforts, blankets, mattresses und I 1
lows. You will like our goods and prices
('. 8. Hamilton, house furnisher, 310
Court at.
Dance at armory Sat. night. octl3
Eev. H. C. Stoyer, of the Central
t oiigrcgutionnl ciiurco. is expecteit to
return tonight from The Dalles, whero
ho has been in attendance at the an
nual conference of the Congregationnl
churches of Oregon.
i it
Coal and wood heating stoves. We
will take your old one in exchange. (J.
S. Hamilton, houso furnisher.
Myron K. Pogue, Arvil Wilson and
Kd Koslciu took n hunting trip this
week ami secured 12 birds, which is
considered a good ling for this year.
They found the birds considerably scat
tered and had to walk considerably to
get them.
Dance at armory Sat. night. oi l 1.1
All Around Town
Oct. 11. I. I. Bonk, Head Con
sul, W. O. V., in the city.
October 12. Conference of col
lege presidents at Willuinetto
Oct. 13. Inauguration of Dr.
Carl Gregg Doney as presi
dent of Willamette Universi
ty. October 13. Bundle Pny in Sa
turn. October 11 Bundle, Day in Sa
lem. October 10-17. Degree of Hon
or convention.
October 17-20. Bunrint state
convention, Salem."
November 6. City primnry
November 7. Presidential election.
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, flu glaase
M eorrectly. U. 8. Bank. Bid..
The local hop market continues very
Drink Cereo, the nquta food, the
health drink. Ask your grocer. tf
Louis Bechtel, who for the past sev
ral years has occupied a room on tho
first Moor of the llayue building on
Mate street as a real estate office,
lllf,v4 nut liiu It.Oi.n. :.. .,...,.....)..
Jle and his tamily are going onto their i
iMBcn east oi mo city.
There are times when we want some-
thiug, and now it the time i want Jour
vote in the flection for city recorder.
Yours truly, J. A. .Mills. (I'd! Ad.) oel2
Dr. R. Meuric Huberts, osteopathic
physician, MM Masonic lildg. Phono 40!)
Thus far locnl wood dealers have
been able to deliver all orders, despite
fenrs which have existed to the con
trary. Your gift with our imprint needs no
further recommendation. Set your
watch by our Btreot clock. (Inrdner &
Keene, Salem 's most reliable jewelers.
It is announced that the making of
Apple-.lu will begin next week at the
plant of the Nortwest Fruit Products
Vou cannot vote for all of the seven
candidates for city recorder, so kindly
select one nud if it is the undersigned
he will grentlv appreciate it. Yours
truly, J. A. Mills. (I'd. Adv.) octl2
ft fl I
rJts dellel
OUS flavor, nlus
the richness
and strength of
Durum whole
wheat makes
Krumbles an
Ideal winter
this signature
PENDLETON $125,000
And one-twenty-fifth of a mill for a normal school
only 21 miles from where the state owns a good
plant at Weston which requires but one-fortieth of
a mill annual maintenance to put it in successful
operation? Read page 28 of the voters' pamphlet;
and if you want to avoid needless taxation, vote
309 X No
Paid advertisement E. 0. Demos, Weston, Or.
A narrow escape from death was that
of i'red I'Yixnu, the Salem contractor,
when the automobile which he wns
driving was struck by a Southern l'n
,cific train near (hcmtiwn lute yester
day alternnnu. The machine was prac
tically demolished, but beyond a few
minor scratches and bruises Mr, Krixon
was not injured.
Forcators of America tonight at eight
o 'clock.
Mrs. Prances Sclnneidio, who was in
jured Tuesday by a full on the stairs
of the IT. S. National bank building,
and who was attended by Dr. 10. K.
Pisher. is reported us getting along
nicely. Her injuries, . while painful,
were not dangerous to life and it is ex
pected she will be fully reco'vered in a
few weeks.
Safety First, our spark guards for
your lire places are better than tire
insurance. Price $1,110 lip. ('. S. Hamil
ton, house furnisher.
Tho annual sale of the Jersey breed
ers of Polk county, held at Independ
ence yesterday, many buyers wore in
nl ten. i. nice and satisfactory prices pre
vailed. A. J. .loliuson, of Corvnllis, paid
2!l( for (loldcu Tulip of S. B., a six
yea rold cow. J. A. Wood, of Walla
Walla, Wash., paid $275 for a young
cow consigned by (1. (!. Hewitt, of Mon
mouth, tioldcn Tulip was, consigned by
W. I). Morrow, of Independence. The
following breeders had stock at the sale:
W. (). Morrow, Frank I.ougharv, (1. ().
Hewitt, McArthur & Stauff, V. K. T.ynn,
C. V. Hembree, O. 11. Newman, 1. W.
Newman. W. B. Allen. W. 1.. Hull, W.
P. Mcllee, C. A. Dobell, X. C. Ander
son, H. lliff, Fred I.ov.
t Salem-Independence Auto
t Service t
Phone 051) or 1255
Leaves Salem, cor. State and
Liberty Street daily, 8:00 a. m.,
11:00 a. m 2:30 p. ffi. and
0:00 p. m.
Leaves Independence opposite
Postoffice dally.
y:00 a. m., 12:30 p. m., 4:00 p. m.
and 7:00 p. m.
t Fare, 50c J
Extra Can for Country Trips.
Ives a brilliant doxy thine that
k not rub off or dost oil Mint 1
meiUs to I ho Iron that 1U (our D
uo u Ions as any ottaar.
lack Silk Stove Polish I
In clnft by ltHf. It' mor H
tftulh mtuleAtul muvlc H
fry It on ywtr parky H
Hir rub i-nuu, C' 11 " -
yt' ltlon't Ami it I f. fW'J1 ft
vbvtt polish you 'V7ji7 II
r d w m r r U
Folks With Furniture Forethought
Always come to our store. Our Furniture not only looks
:!!? good today or tomorrow, but will be a credit to the family
S during the coming generations. See us. A few sugges
tions are here given for your consideration
rti .if
it i t
arc trie oest selec
ted stock in Salem.
HEATERS as shown
X in cut as low as
Others priced as
low as
! i
If you want the best furni
ture at the lowest prices,
see our line of bed-room
furniture. We do not sell
inferior goods for high
grade merchandise.
We handle the famous
Crescent line of Ranges
and the Universal -coal,
wood or gas. See them
on display. Terms if desired
Geer-Krueger Furniture
Entire New Wexford Building
467 Court Street Salem, Oregon
-M-4 --
See our line of Trunks, Bags
Suit Cases. The best in the
city at the price you want to pay
The newly appointed .state bank ex
aminer, Marshall Hooper, of (irnnts
Pass, arrived in ,Salem yesterday.
Foresters of America tonight at eiglit
0 Vlork.
Ivan O. McDaniels, secretary of the i MfM'D
(SMlein Commereial club, is on a flyinj; "'
tup to t ortlniKl. Ho is expected to re
turn Into this evenhig-
The Sonora tar.i'.ng machine took
first prize for rlearnesH mid sweetness
of tone. Myrtle Knowlaml, lL'1 Court
Colonel E. Hofor, who has been in San
Franeiseo for some time on business, is
reported buck in Salem again.
The committee working on the Y. M.
C. A. fiiiniiiiul enmpaijn is meeting
with excellent results and in the three
days that it has been on have seemed
ifLSiSTO. The sum to be raised is over
1,000 and it is expected that this
amount will soon be secured.
Foresters of America tonight at eight
o 'clock.
A horse, hitched to a buggy, slipped
and fell on Stale street yesterday af
ternoon. The animal continued on its
side until the opinion hail been lienor
IB i 13 CH ' T
Any KinD
First-cln9S work. All kinds
of repairing. All work guar
anteed. Twenty -five years'
experience. Leave orders at
Wylie B. Allen Co., phono 1187.
Residence phone 1405.
015 Highland Avenue.
Business changes in the downtown
district are recorded for the week as
follows: 1). II. Mosher, tailor on State
street, moves over to Court street: A.
The Business Men's Adjustment com-1
pany has filed suits in justice court
against Howard Churchill and Joseph.
any expressed that it was en route to c Devoe, boot and shoe man, who has
horse heaven, and then it got up ami. ,ei,n ia thc store room with Mosh-
winked at the bystanders. (r maVfa to North Commercial street;
. . . , , the store room vacated bv these firms
They win-Hygrade cigars win first wiu llc 0,t.llilM Bhor,iv b. a irtn,.a
place in the hearts of Salem .) cent m,erdnsherv firm, and alterations are
vij;nrit. Ibeinif made to nceomniodiite them:
o li,.,,k u;uo i,,,w,B o,,.i uk,,
Howard Jewett, who graduated from. ,,,,, the y M v moves to 255 North
i onimercinl, while a poultry and fish
Household Furniture. I will pay
i,:.,i., ...,..i
Despite a hail storm in August, which , i t,,,,,,,. m, 1 '
is said to have destroyed i!5 per cent Woodry, tUe Auctioneer,
of the crop, farmers at rnneville are M
threshing out HIU linshels of wheat to i wiygsrwaaiOTBr WUilllllfl
the acre, if we are to believe newspaper!
reports from that section.
Albany 's bi round up opens today. ,
Albany claims the biggest show in the
northwest this year, with the exception
of the one at Pendleton. The manage-;
nient will spend 10,000.
Articles of incorporation have been
filed ut the office of the corporation
commissioner by the Hamburg Miinu-j
facturiiig company, of Mt. Angel, tnaiiu-1
facturers of metal and wooden articles.;
The company's capital stock is 10,(1(10:
and its incorporators ore J. H. Hum-
burg, Willium Eseh nnd 1'. F. Killian. i
Members of the Chadwick chapter!
No. ;17 of the Eastern Star order jour-1
reyed to Turner last night and assist- j
e l Victoria chapter No. 7(i in initiating,
four new members. About 50 members
of the Salem chapter went. The journey I
was made by automobile. After the in
itiation the Turner Indies cave the vis-
On Friday, Oct. 13, at 10 a. m.
At tho Harden farm, which is on
tho Salem and Independence
road, beiii' 4 miles north of In
dependence; consisting of horses,
cattle, hogs, liny, farm machin
ery, etc. See bills for particulars.
Geo. Orey,
F. X, Woodry,
Funeral services over the body of
Mrs. Mnrguret White, who died at h"r
home early this week, were held tlrs
morning at the Webb & Clough under-
itnrs a banquet, which was thoroughly j taking parlors ut 10 o'clock. Inti r-
enjoyed. The Salem people returned ' nient was in l.ec M issioa cemetery. Hov.
home about 12 o'clock. K. N. Avisou conducted the services.
Willamette I'niversitv last June and
who was prominent In university ath
leticis, is teaching science and athletics
in the high school at Cottage drove,
lie has" remembered his Salem friends
und has oidered football material from
llnuser Brothers sporting goods house.
He has a big game at Cottage drove
Friday and expects to use the Salem
material to win it.
market will move into the old store
room formerly oeriipied by Watt
shipp.'s gun store.
Dance at armory Sat, night.
Aulf - tdvoB nn,K.. ft Balftm nA
..v f, p, v w iuu u.1 w .ww- .
plo are expected to attend tho bi'll
show at Albany from today until the!
end of the week. The event is called the
Willamette Valley Harvest Festival!
and Western Oregon Uound-up. Over j
oO cow boys and cow girls are ready toi
exhibit their skill with the hmkini'
ponies. In addition to the round tipj
features, there will be a big agricultur
al fair, a stock show, a school Indus-j
trial fair and carnival attractions.
Enthusiastic interest is being shown;
in the Y. V. C. A. choral club, as it ;
seems to fill a long felt want, about
25 have already expressed a desire to1
join and it is expected as many more;
will become member, later. The duo is
open to the ladies of the city and those
who desire to join are requested to lie $
present at thj first meeting at the Y.ljfr
W. C. A. fridny night tvt. 13 at 7:30
Uuring the year the club expects to $
give two or three concerts, one during
the Christmas season and live others in
At the tjuiek Exchange Auction
Market, on Saturday, Oct. 14,
consisting of 1 hack, 1-2 section
harrow, 1 plow, 3 sets double
harness, 2 good heifers, horses,
1 set single harness, good
spring wagon, 2 delivery
The above will be sold at 10
a. in. Tho furniture will be
sold at 1:30 p. m., consisting of
a number of rugs and carpets,
window curtains, 4-hole stoV,
3 heaters, 1 oak side board, 1
box couch, 2 good dressers, 1
oak) chiffonier, kitchen tables,
dishes, kitchen utensils, dining
chairs, rockers. 1 good incu
bator and brooder, bedsteads,
sanitary couch, etc.
Note The stock and farm ma
chinery will be sold each and
every Saturday at 10 a. m. and
the furniture at 1:30 p. in.
Phone 811 Auctioneer
An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Trade"
Service . -T,
Style 'f
English Walker Neolin Sole
Special $3.50
tho spring.