Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 12, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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fEESPASS Notices tor sale at Jour-
nai ounce, til
BTJBBEE Stamps made 165 8. Com'i
- - - U
FOR SALE CHEAP A good gentle
driving horse. Phone "'-4. oct 12
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Phone 2504.12. oct 12
II AR R V Window cleaner. Phone 708.
call 220 X. Liberty. Oct 10
FOB BENT SIGNS For sale at Cap
ital Journal office. t)
WANTED Fresh eow. F. A. Meade,
1(10 Shipping. Phone 1099J. oct 13
FOB R EXT 5 room cottage at 078 X.
Cottage. . oct III
GET PRICES On farm tale bills at
The Journal office.
FOR SALE Zinii ' randy store, make
me nn offer. oct 13
SALE Good young orchard horse
also apples. 1930 Chemeketn St. o!4
WAXTED Second hand wagon. Phone
78F11. octll
FOB SALE Or trade for wood, gaso
line engine. Phone 451. ti
OLD PAPERS For sale at Capital
Journal office 10 cents a bundle, tf
FUEXISHED Apartments, alBO barn
suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage.
$5, worth more. Dr. Mav, Hubbard
bldg. octl3
GET YOt'B Trespass Xotices, , now
supply of cloth ones at Capital Jour
nal tf
F17RX1SHED Housekeeping rooms,
rates reasonable. 271 D St. North
Commercial. octl2
WANTED Girl wants Ksition gener
al housework, good references. Call
' phone .1810 mornings. octl2
I'l'IUjlC ATXTJOX At Henry Ful
nier's 10l- -miles south of Sulem on
Pacific Highway, Oct. 14. oetl2
MAX With family wishes position on
ranch or will rent ranch on shares.
Phone 11. octl7
FOR SALE Good canning pencbes nt
lmliih fruit furm in Polk count v.
Phone 52F11. Oct 13
CLOVER Prune and flax land to
lease or sell, splendid ' proposition.
Clell Hnyden, Suleny Oregon. octlO
WAXTED Cabbage for . kraut. Vail
and make arrangements. Gideon Stolz
Co. octU
FOB BEXT Seven room house, furn
ished, close in, rent $13.00. Sec G
W. Johnson, phone 47 or 4.
FLl'FF RCGS Rag rugs and rag ear
pets woven at reasonable prices. Mrs.
Lillie Dellord, ISPS Currant Ave. olS
FURNISHED Rooms and honsekeep
ing apartments, rates reasonable
close in, 160 Court V
MEN WAXTED In mill, yards and
logging enmp. Apply Hammond Lum
ber Co., Mill City, Oregon. oct21
FOB SALE Lnrge reed baby buggy,
reasonable, rhouc li2.l, or call at
1133 4th. St. oct!2
MODERX--5 room house for rent, verj
reasonable, near school, church and I
atrcet car line, inquire 1401 Bouts
. Com'l. . .. . tf
ed. Will pay cash on delivery. Sacks
furniAed. Gideon Stolz Co., ucar cor
ner Summer and Mill Sts. .. tf
FOR SALE Cheap, twenty acres half
mile from Salem, good honse, running
water, river bottom. Address box 240
FOK-UEXT Furnished house, ft rooms,
hot wnter heat. Phone 40!t between
0 tml 10 p. in. nnd 7 nnd 8 a. m. or
catt nt S33 X. Capitol. tf
GIRLS AXD WOMEN Wanted nt the
glove factory, 1455 Onk St. Steady
, y work. oct 14
6ALF.M Bug and Carpet Works re
moved from -USMi S. 12th St. to 2075
Mill St. Blue ribbon at state fnir. H.
E.'Spencer. octU
WANTED Vso of driving horse and
hiiggy in exchange for its keep dur
ing winter. Address K enre Journal.
oct 12
HELP WANTED A woman to take
chnrge of a kitchen for 10 or 12, no
washing or ironing. Address (lervois
Route 2, box 43. or phone 3F11. or 13
FOR- BENT Or sale, a small farm
near fairgrounds, all under jdow, no
buildings. Address .1. care Journal.
oct 13
WANTED To buy 0 or 8 choice milk
cows, must be fresh now or soon, none
but parties owning choice cows need
call. Phono 1431 or 491. tf
FOB RENT Furnish house, 7 room,
642 X. High; also 7 room unfurnish
ed house at 475 X. High. Inquire si
660 X. High or phone 1090. tf
Hi Adjust i:n;Ni i'ii.i.a m
M V.1 1rr. t.rrf..,, V
as- n
WAXTED Girl for general housework.
r-iione 2144. oetli
WAXTED Stock hogs weighing about
0 to 100 lba..Phone 14F15. octl3
LOST Gold watch chain, leave at .".87
State St. Reward. C. W. Smith. octl3
FOR BEXT Furnished housekeeping
rooms, 094 X. Com'l. Phone 2454 W.
FOR RENT ti room house, modern.
Enquire at 1030 North Winter St. or
237 State. ' octll
A STl'DEBAKER Auto to trade for
team and harness. 148 Miller. Not
less than 1200. ' 0ctl2
FOR SALE CHEAP One heifer 18
months old, two heifers 8 months old.
B. O. Brown, K. 5, Salem. - octl2
FOR SALE Ten volumes of Messages
of the Presidents, never been used.
X y 7. Journal. octl2
FOR SALE 1 Jersey cow, 2 shoats, 1
brood sow, first street east, 3d house
north of asylum. octl3
CLEAN Small white beans delivered
in city, 14 lbs. for $1.00, 30 lbs. for
$2.00. Phono evenings 14F15. octli
FOR SALE 2nd hand lumber, cheap,
call at Salem Iron Works, between
12 and 1, ask for Ross. oct!2
FOR SALE One double set heavy har
ness, one 3V4 wagon. H. A. Clark,
Yew Park, 1110 Cross St. octl2
LOST A yearling steer from pasture
near church at Hayesville, reward
offered for information. Phone 2444.
$."00 REWAUO-l will pay "00 rewnvd
for the nirest and conviction of the
person or persons who set fire to
nnd burned mv barns on tho Bull
ranch, three miles and a half south j
of Mucin , lit. .i, v. eiinesuny iiiiii,
Oct. 4, lit 13. Charles D. Schmld. olS
Copenhagen, Oct. 12 King Otlo of
Bavaria, Europe's "mad king," died
suddenly nt the castle of Fueistenried,
where lie has been coufined insane, for
several years.
Bag-Rush On for
This Afternoon
Keen expectation of Willamette uni
versity students has been aroused over
the annual frlsh-soph bug-rush which
is to be pulled off this afternoon nt 5
o 'clock on the Willamette field. At the
student body meeting held Tuesday,
President Flegel npointed the follow
ing committee to look after the event:
Arlie Walker, Grover Gates, Arnold Grn
lapp, Violet Maclean and Gertrude Cun
ning ham. The following rules will ob
tain for the government of the partici
pants in the rush:
The bag-rush shall tnke plnre
Thursday at Si p. m- There shall be
nt least" 12 men on each Bide, but if the
smaller class has more men eligible the
other class shall put ns many more in
tho contest. There shall be two-thirds
u-s manv bags less one ns tho number of
men on each team. After a man has
carried n bag over the goal line he is
out of the contest. The sacks shall be
filled with wet sawdust. Coach Math
ews shall be the head official; seven
others shall be appointed by president
of student body. There shnli bo one
official nt each goal and five on the
field. Any unsportsmun-like conduct
will cause any mnit to be ordered off the
field. - .
Mrs. Iddings Struck
by Wreck of Auto
Mrs. Celestin Iddings, a clerk in
Barnes' Cash' Store, narrowly escaped
serious injury last evening about 7:30
o'clock when she was struck on the
shoulder by n projecting piece of the
wreck of Fred r.rixon's automobile,
which was being brought into this city
from Chemawn on an nnto truck. Ac
cording to Mrs. Iddings. she nnd some
friends were Tiding on the 1'acitic
Highway last evening when they
passed the truck, which did not have
a red light on the projecting portion
to warn of danger.
Mr. Will Albright wns driving the
car when it approached the car carry
ing the wrecked machine He gave
what was ordinarily considered suf
ficient room for passing a ear but the
wreck extended out nliout four feet,
it is estimated, from the body of tho
car carrying it nnd it struck, the wind
shield of the Albright machine and hit
Mrs. Tddings On the shoulder. She
ducked her head or it is believed she
would hnve been hurt seriously. As it
wns shn wns partially stunned nnd the
lignments of her shoulder slightly, torn.
Dr. Gnrn.jobst, of Fisher & Gnrnjobst,
was called-nnd gave wbnt medical at
tendance wns necessary. 1f.s morn
ing Mrs. lllings wns back to her work
in llnrnes Cash Store, looking none tho
worse for her narrow escape.
In the car were Mr. and Mrs. Will
Albright. Mrs. Slioer. of Humes' Cash
store, and her dnughter, and Mrs. Id
dings. Howard H. Caldwell, who is touring
the const in behnlf of tho socialist
partv, delivered an address nt the cor
ner of State and Liberty streets Inst
ninht. He was given close attention by
a fair sized crowd. He is a good
speaker and his argument wns convinc
ing. - Children Cry -.
Dispute Over Sale
of Moving Picture Show
An answer was filed this morning in
the case of T. G. Bligh vs. A. E. Laflar,
George B. Guthrie, H. B- Fogarty and
J. W. Maloney. The answer alleges that
the plaintiff represented the earnings
of the theatre at Albany which he sold
to the defendants to be $900 a' month;
that he did not give them access to the
books, and that thev had no means of
ascertaining the truth or falsity of
piamtitf b representations beyond bis
word.' It is affirmed that plaintiff's
representations were entirely false, so
far as the business done by the theatre
are concerned, and for this reason the
defendants have refused to pay him any
portion of the $3,500 Balance churned
to be due on the contract. It is further
alleged that the plaintiff owned only a
portion of the property covered by the
contract, and that the defendants have
surrendered to Conrad Meyer,' of Al
bany, who owns the property in which
the theatre is located, all their interest
in payment for rentals. The defendants
demand that the plaintiff take nothing
by this action and pray that they be
given judgment against him for $2,200,
this being the amount paid out by them
during their possession of the property.
: CITY news
O. C- Franzke, of Barnes" Cash store,
is in Portland. He went down last ev
ening in his automobile and is exp-cted
to bring back his wife and baby who
have been visiting there for several
Frank A. Pike, in police court this
morning, was given his choice between
a $10 fine or five days in jail. Xot hav
ing the former, he took the latter. He
was arrested Inst night on a charge of
An Improvement is being made In
the property owned by the I. O. O. F.
society on Court street, occupied by the
C. M. Roberts grocery store. The wall
on the west side of the building will
be covered with stucco.
Mrs. R. MacNider, mother of Mrs. F.
J. Bupert of this city, who has been
visiting a daughter in Alberta, Canada,
the past three mouths, has returned to
Salem. She is accompanied by her grand
sou, Elliott Barnes, who is a guest at
the Bupert home on Chemekota street.
Judge C. L. McNary, attorney of this
city, who is in Pendleton today attend
ing the republican rally there, is- ex
pected back in his office Friday morn
ing. He is chairman of the rally there
and introduced Representative Morris,
of Iudiuua, who was one of the prin
cipal speakers-
Reports continue to come from up and
down the Southern Paeific railway of
the pinch due to the car shortage, which
in some instances has become acute.
It is stated that all along tho line in
the valley wheat, hay, vetch and wood
are piled high waiting cars. Many
farmers are afraid to contract their pro
duce because of the uncertainty of de
livery. 0
Merrill D. Richmond, who graduated
from the Salem high school in 1014,
stood third in the preliminary examina
tions for candidates for the West Point
in ili tH rv academy lieU at Portland. J
W. Sheehy aud D. H. Xelson, both of
Portland, ' stood first and second re
spectively. Mr. Richmond is a son of
II. A. Richmond, of 1430 Xorth Fourth
Mr. and Mrs- T. E. Waldorf and fam
ily, of 1305 Xorth Sixteenth street, left
yesterday for their new home at Sheri
dan, where they will live on a big farm.
They are quite well known in Sulem as
thev lived here for over five years.
Emma Waldorf, of tho-W. W. Moore
furniture store, and Bertha Waldorf, of
Hobsou's store, their daughters, will
remain in Salem.
o -
Dean Alden of Willamette university,
announces that the inaugural procession
will, form on the campus in front of
Eaton hall Friday morning at 9:30
o'clock if the weather permits. Those
desiring to wear caps and gowns may
do' so at their pleasure, but they will
not be required, the dean said this aft
ernoon. If the weather does not per
mit, tho procession will form iu Eaton
Sergeant W. B. bchumann, who is in
chnrge of the Marine Corps recruiting
office in this city, had a prospective
recruit in the person of W. J. Mulkey,
of Monmouth and sent him down to
Portland for completion of his enlist
ment when the boy's parents objected
so strenuously the ntatter was dropped.
The boy is 20 years of age and under
the new law could bo accepted with
out his parents' consent.
Sergeant Bchuman, of the United
States Mnririft rnrns. who has his office
in thf Snlt.m lifistrif f icp Imi 111 ill ir. hnsiKurz. W. II. Xorris, George Fcndrick
received information from friends that
Count Franz I.azarinni, a remittance
man well-known in Central America,
went to a jungle near .Managua, Xica
ragua, and kept himself alive for five
months by eating monkev flesh, roots,
nud berries. Sergeant Schumann says
that the count was too proud to beg and
found himself on the vergo of starva
tion on account of tho impoverishment
of his family in Europe. He was found
by a party of I nitert States marines
while on a big game hunting expedition
and the titled foreigner wns taken back
Money to Loan
- ON Good Heal Estate Security.
Orex Ladd k Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon
mount; low rates; promptly closed
attractive pre-paying privileges. I
.iave 5 per cent insurance money
to loan on Salem business and resi
dence property. Thos. A. Roberts,
205 U. S. Xat'l Bank bldg.
HONEY TO LOAN I have made ar
rangements for loaning eastern
money, will make very low rata of
interest on highly improved farms.
3omer H. Smith, room 9 McCornack
Bldg., Salem, Ore., Phone SB.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
to the sapital. He says the count fought
his rescuers and begged them to let
him remain iu the jungle. The marines
overpowered him and are now attempt
ing to nuiso him DacK to health and
reason at their commodious barracks iu
the American legation.
Dr. J. H. Brewer, head of the Brewer
Drug company and a practicing physi
cian in Salem for 10 years, died this
afternoon at 12:55 o'clock after a
year's illness of Bright 's disease. Dr.
Brewer was a native of Xcw York' and
was 69 years old on the 22d of last Sep
tember. He had lived in Oregon for 27
years. He is survived by an aged moth
er in Nebraska, a widow and three sons,
Dr. C. H. Brewer, of Stayton; J. H
Brewer, Jr., of Stayton, and George H.
M. Brewer, of Aumsville. He is survived
also by three brothers. Funeral an
nouncement will be made later.
Charles Eugene Cameron, aged 17
yenrSj took the examination for ap
prentice seaman of the United States
navy thia morning and passed with col
ors flying. His home is at 38 North
Twenty first street,and has his parents'
consent to join tuo.navy. He will prob
ably go to Portland and the training
station Saturday, Tho examination was
made by J. E. Adams, machinist, in
charge of the navy recruiting station
here- It is expected that Dale Smith,
who enlisted this week, will also go to
Portuaud Saturday. Leonard Myers, al
so a new recruit, left today for the Bosc
Head Counsul Boak Is
Given Fine Reception
Ten candidates were initiated by the
Woodmen of the World at their high
jinks last night. The candidates were
Governor James ithycombe, t . A
Boynington, George Post, Douuld
Brooks, C. L. Knighton, C. C. Kays, Wil
liasi Bean, W. A. Seamstcr, A. S. Shaw
aud C. G- lluckox.
Under the head of social entertain
ment, the following responded to re
quests for speeches: Head Consul I. I.
Boak, Neighbor Kirkpatrick, of Dallas;
Governor Witliycombc, Deputy Head
Consul E. P. Martin and Neighbor
Blackerby, ot Silveiton,.
This was the lurgest ovCnt of the year
for tho Woodmen and about 238 persons
were present. Twenty came from Sil
vertou, seven from Victor Point and 40
from Dallas. Music was furnished by
the Cherrybud bund. In the evening at
8 o'clock a parade was formed and
marched to Marion square to meet the
Dallas contingent. From there it went
j to the Marion hotel aud escorted Head
Consul I. I. Boak to the Moose hall
where the festivities took place.
A. J. Sweiuiuk, consul commander;
H. M. Matlock, adviser; B. S. Millson,
banker; O. L. Donaldson, past consul,
and Boy Campbell, esfprt, put . on the
degree work. , ' '
After tho moeting refreshments were
served and a general reception held.
This morning Mr. and Mrs. Boak and E.
P. Martin 1ft for Portland. J. C. Jones,
district manager, left this morning for
McMinnville, to assist in preparations
tor the dedication of the . O. vt . tem
ple there Saturday evening- I. I. Boak
will preside and a large delegation from
Salem is expected to attend.
Will Ask Council to
Take Care of Its Creek
With the idea of petitioning the
city council to deepen, widen, and
straighten South Mill creek so as to
take care of the tloodwatcrs that an
nually back up and overflow that por
tion of the city, taxpayers of southeast
Sulem met last night in the rooms of
the Salem commercial club and ef
fectcd a temporary organization.
Judge Dan Webster wns elected chair
man and Elmo S. White secretary, and
it was decided to circulate a petition
and present it to tho city council nt
its regulur meeting next Monday night.
W. J. Culver made, a report on the
general conditions of the stream and
the cost of work.
It was estimated by George F.
Rodiiers that over a million dollnrs
worth of property is affected. Those
who made short speeches were C X.
Inman, W. II. Stcusloff, Dr. A. V. El
lis, Elmo S. White, Earl Buce, C. E.
Baves. and J. J. Krnps.
Those who were present follows.
Daniel Webster. Dr. A. V. Ellis, J. J,
Print, C. W. Glcnson, D. It. Schramm,
J. C. Wray, J. H. Campbell, E. U. i'cro
C. W. Campbell, '. Zumwalt, C. E
Haves. George F. Hodgers, H. J. Kis
maun. W. II. Stcusloff, Mrs. Peter
Lathe, Elmo S. White, Mrs. Elmo S.
White, Mary L. Starns, Prof. J. J.
Krans, P. W. Jones, Earl Race, F.
M. L. Barker, .1. T. Talent, W. it.
1'rnnk, 11. ('. Hummel, C. M. Inmau,
! George D. Alderin.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
Thore is only one way to cure catarrhal
deafness, and that is by a constitutional
remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused
by an inflamed condition of the mucous
lining of the Eustachina Tube. When
this tube is inflamed you have a rum
bling sound or imperfect hearing, and
when it is entirely closed, Deafness ii
the result. Unless the inflammation
can be reduced and this tube restored
to its normal condition, hearing will be
destroyed forever. Many cases of deaf
ness are caused by catarrh, which is an
inflamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
Wo will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Circulars free. All Druegists, 73c.
; F. J. CHEXEY k CO., Toledo, O.
Children Cry
C, B. Darley, of Corvallis, is in Sa
lem, Mrs. A. B. May, of Portland, is iu
Salem. '
Tom Booth, of Portland, is a guest
at the Bligh hotel.
Frank C. Burton, of Lincoln, is in the
city on business.
J. C. Schutt, of Hoquiam, Wash., is a
guest at the Capital hotel.
II. D. Scott, of this city, is stopping
at the Multnomah hotel in Portland.
K. W. Bennett and George Cuhn, of
Tillamook, are in Salem and guests at
the Bligh hotel. '
Mr. A. A. Underbill, of the Town
send Creamery, left this morning for
Portland on business. He is expected
to return this evening.
E. T. Barnes, proprietor of lite Bjrncs
Cash store, made a flying trip to Port
land yesterday on business. He return
ed yesterday evening.
Boy Huciilicston, bugler with Com
pany M on the Mexican border, is In
Portland on business. Ho left this
morning and expects to be there sever
al days.
lltll -lUXliUVLilU
The following prices for fruit
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, cd
not what is paid to the producer.
All other prices are those paid the
producer. Correction are made
'Thn nviini.t.i.l tinn til tVia minn tif Tn.
lnv itrniiitB nf tun ipntii nrrivpil trwlnv.
On account of the hens not laying
enough eggs to supply the demand the
price nns jumped trom rorty to rorty
f ii-A aita fin a.mimt nf ilin Vnaliuh
and French purchasing about a million
siicKs or sugar in tne east, the price
of both cane and beet sugar has gone
up fifteen cents.
Or i una.
Wheat $1.001.08
Oats, now w 36(S40c
Boiled barley $38.50
Bran $25.00
Shorts, per ton $28.00
Hay, clover $9$10
Hay, cheat $10.0011.00
Hay, vetch $11$12
Hay, timothy, $15$16
Buttcrfat , 32c
Creamery butter, per pouud 35c
Country buttor 2527c
Eggs and Poultry.
Eggs, case count, cash 32c
Eggs, trade 34c
Hens, pound yjiyiwiiyjC
Boosters, old, per pound 8c
Broilers, under 2 pounds -.. J4Vjf
Broilers, l'i lb, or loss 10c
turkeys , , wzm
PorkVeal and Matton. V
Pork, dressed HVl.fttl.Sc
Pork, on foot 8 l-29c
Spring lambs, WIS 77 14
Steers 5(a6
Cows 8 l-24e
Bull 33 1-4
Ewes 44 l-2c
Wethers 6 12
Tomatoes, Oregon
Cucumbers ........
String garlic
Potatoes, sweet
. 40c
... .2 l-2c
, lc
Green onions . .
Green poppers
..... 40
Garrets, dozen
Peaches, Oregon
Grapes, Tpkay
Apples . . i.
Oranges, Valencies
Lemons, per box
Cantaloupes, per box
Bananas, pound
California, grape fruit ...
Florida grape fruit ....
. . . 50c$1.00
.. $0.50(0)7.00
: ..$3.50
BataU Price.
Fugs, per dozen, fresh ranch 4."c
Sugar, cane $S.2."
Sugar, beet $S.05
Creamery butter 45c
Flour, hard wheat $1.80a2.l5
Flour, valley- $1.5.",fa 1.75
" Portlnnd, Or., Oct. 12.
lings, best live $!.30f.P.35
Prime steers $7
Fancy cows, $'i.7."i
Best! calves $7.50
Spring lambs $8.85
Butter, city creamery 37! jc
Egs selected Xo. 1 40c
Hens ViVif.
Broilers 10(o 17c
Geese 12ftx12cc
Sheriff's Sale of Real Property on
" Foreclosure -
Xotice is hereby given, that by vir
tue, of an execution duly issued out of
the circuit court of the state, of tire
gon, for t lie county of Marion and to
me directed on the 1.1th ilny of Sept.,
19111, upon a judgement and decree duiyj
rendered, entered of record and dock
eted iu uud by 'said court on the 27th
day of July, 1916, in a certain suit
then in said court pending, wherein
Napoleon Logan It was plaintiff and
William M. llendershult and Libbie E.
Hendershott, his wife, were' de
fendants in favor of plaintiff
and against said defendants by
which execution I am commai,d
ed to sell the property in suid ex
ecution and hereinafter described to
pay the sum due tho plaiutiff of $759.03
with interest thereon at the rule of 8
per cent per annum from the 21st day
of July, 1916, nntil paid, and the fur
ther sum of $65.00 attorneys fees with
intorest at the rate-of 6 per cent from
July 21st, 1916, together with tho costs
and disbursements of said suit taxed at
$23.50 and costs and expenses of said
execution. I will on Saturday the 21st
day of October, 1916, at the hour of
iu o clock a. m. of said day at the west
door of tho county court house in Mar
ion county, Oregon, sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for cash in
hand on the day of sale, all the right,
title, interest and estate which said
defendants and all persons claiming un
der them subsequent to the date of the
mortgage, December 12th, 1910, in, of
and to said premises hereinbefore men
tioned and described in said execution
us follows, to-wit:
An undivided half of government
lots known as designated as lots num
bered one (1) two (2) three (3) and
four (4) in section twenty one (21) of
township four (4) south of range one
(1) west of the Willamette meridian,
in Marion county, state of Oregon.
Said sale being made subject to re
demption in the manner provided by
Dated this 18th dav of Sept. 10 In.
Sheriff of Marion county Oregon.
By W. I. Noedharu, Deupty.
First insertion Oct. 12. -
Administrator's or Sxecutor's Notice
of Final Hearing of Final Account
Notice is hereby given that the fin.
al account of Cassie J. Brophy as ex
ecutrix of the estate of H. B. Brophy
deceased, has been filed in the county
court of Marion ' county, state of Ore
gon, and that the 23d day of. October,
1910, at the hour of 9 o 'clock a. m., has
been duly appointed by such court for
the hearing of objections to such final
account and settlement thereof, at
which time- any person interested in
such estate may appear and file ob
jections thereto in writing and contest
the same.
Executrix of the Estate.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County , of Marion
Department No. 2
D. E, Johnson, plaintiff, vs. J. C.
Dobbins and Hazel I. Dobins, his wife,
X. E. tilers, aud The United Statos
National Bank of Salem, Oregon, acor-
poration, defendants.
To N. E. Eders, one of the above nam
ed defendants: .
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you aro required to appear and ans
wer the complaint filed against you in
the above entitled suit on or before
six weckB after the 21st day of Sep
tember, 1916, aud if you fail to so ap
pear and answer the said complaint
within said time, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for in Baid complaint,
to-wit: for a decree against you fore
closing two certain mortgages upon the
following described premises, to-wit:
Lot number fifty four (54) of Holly
wood as per plat thereof on record in
the office of the recorder of convey
ances for Marion county, Oregon; and
directing said premises to be sold to
satisfy the amount itno tho pmintitr.
and that yon bo forever barred and
foreclosed of all right, title, interest,
claim and equity of redemption in tho
said mortgaged premises and every
part thereof; and you will also tako
notice that this summons is served up
on you by publication thereof in The
Daily Capital Journal, a daily newspa
per published :n Salem, Marion county,
Oregon, pursuant to an order of Hon.
W. Al. BuBhey, county judge of Alar
ion count, Oregon, niude at Chambers,
at Salem, Marion county, Oregon, on
the 16th day of September, 1910; and
that the date of the first publication
of this summons is the 21st day of Sep
tember, 1916, and the last publication
thereof will be the 2nd day of Novem
ber, 1916.
' j. , . , Attorney for Plaintiff
Notice is hereby given that tho un
dersigned by an order of the county
court of Marion county, Oregou, hua
boen appointed as administrator of the
estate of hit Ziegler, deceased. All per
sons having, claims auainst such estate
are required to present them within
six months from tho duto of this notice,
with the proper vouchers, to the under
signed at Sulem, Oregon, B. F. D. 6,
box US.
Duted this 2nd day of October, 1916.
First insertion Oct. 5.
Xotice is hereby given that we, tho
undersigned resident tax payers, repre
senting ten per cent of the resident tax
pavers in road district Xo. 28, Marion
county, Oregon, hereby givo notice to
the tux payerB of said district, that
thore will bo a moeting of the resident
tax payers of said district at Liberty
hall, in said road district at 2 o'clock
p. m., on tho lat day of November,
1916, for the purpose of tho preparation
of an itemized estimate of the amount
of money proposed to be raised by the
levying of an additional tax for road
purposes, in said rosd district.
Signatures: B. J. Miles, II. C. Smith,
L. J. I.ownds, A. w. Alize, v. v. mar
ker, E. H. Roberts, A. Ackley, 8. Daugh
erty, E. Daughertv, H. J. Zerchor, J.
J. McDonald, B. T. Smith, Mrs. J. D.
Mann, Wm. Ilerudt, B. Cunningham, C.
W. Sawyer. T. W. Gilmer, W. E. Comp-
ton, Conrud Folk, Mrs. E. R. llemslor,
O. V. Illiinclt, John Stall, J. AlcUon
ough, J. K. Gibson, Wm. Zosel, August
Fischer, W. Dornian, M. Shields. oct20
X'otice is hereby given that we, the
undcrsiL'iied resident tax navcrs. rep
resenting ten per cent of the resident
tax payers in road district No. 27Vi,
fnrinn nilntv I Imuritl. lierilbv ffivft
notice to the tax payers of suid district,
mat mere win e a niceiing ui iu
resident tax payers of said district at
Miinnviifln ai-tinnl hnnan In anwl rnfld
district at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 1st
day or jovemoer, uiu, lor ine-purpose
of the preparation of an itemized
estimate of the amount of money pro
posed to be raised by the levying of
an additional tax for j-oad purposes, in
said road district.
Signatures Gottf. Xeuensch wander,
R. Z. Morgali, G. F. Dalley, II. J. Pear
sou, I). S. Pearson, C. Winkelman, A.
II. Robinson, S. Xewby, C. II. Taylor.
First Insertion Oct. 5.
Xotice is hereby given that we, the
undersigned resident tax payers, ropre-
senting ten per cent of the resident
tax payers in road district No. 27, Mar
ion county, Oregon, hereby give notice
to the tax payors of said district, that '
there will be & meeting of the resident
tax payers of said district at the home
of Aug. Hilfiker, in said road district
at 2 o'clock p. m., on the iBt day of
November, 1916, for the purpose of the
preparation of an itemized estimate ot
the amount of money proposed to be
raised by the levying of an additional
tax for road purposes, in said road dis
trict. Signatures August Hilfiker, John
Sprajiger, M. L. Whitesell, Adolf Oarn
jobst, D. E. Tompkins, Chas. Graben
horst, J. E. Crothers, H. J. Boock, W.
C. Boone, A. Joinentz, F. B. Stark, F.
a Wiltsey, E. H, Prothero, B. Haw- ,
thorne. ' i
First insertion Oct. 5.
Xotice Is hereby given that Georg
Sweglo has completed bis contract for
road work in road district Xos. 20 and
22 at the Fruitland bridge, and that
the county roadmaster has filed his cer
tificate of completion for the same.
Any person, firm or corporation having"
objections to file to ) completion ot
said work, may do so on or before the
20th day of October, 1916, at twelva
o'clock noon, iu the office of the coun
ty clerk.
Max Gehlhar, County CleTk.
Oct. 5 12-19.
Inc., 428 Hubbard bldg., Salem. All
drugless methods taught. Flora A
Brewster, M. D., dean, private pa
tients 1 to 5 p. m. Phone 2124B. tf
from all points, east, on all houshold
goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car
load service. Capital City Transfer
Company, agents for Pacific Coast
Forwarding company, 161 South Com
mercial street. Phone Main 033.
DBS. B. H. WHITE and B. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physicians . mni
nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer
ican cchool of Osteopathy, Kirksvllla,
Mo. Tost graduate and specialized in
nerve diseases at Los Angeles eollege
Treat acute and chronio diseases.
Consultation free. Lady attendant.
Office 505-506 U. S. National Bank
Building. Phone 859. Residence 31$
North Capital street. Phone 469.
proprietor. Garbage aad refuse of all
kinds removed on monthly contract
at reasonable rates. Yard and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Main.
2247. Residence Main 2272.
A. M. Clongh morticians and funeral
directors. Latest modern nothod
known to the profession employed)
409 Court St. Main 120, Main 9888.
directors and undertakers, 252 North.
High street. Day and night phone
corner Commercial and Trade streets)
For water service apply at office.
Bills payable monthly in advance.
and pay taxes in Salem, Let Bale
people saw your wood. Phone 269.
ilea a. tint, T. L. Keister, Was.
DB. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro
practic's Fountain Head, Davenport,
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and got no relief, try Chiroprac
tic spinal adjustments and get welL
Office 406-7-8 U. S. National Bank
Building. Phone Main 87. Residence
Main 828-B. .
FOR RENT line opening for rooox
renting or board and rooming busi
ness; Bevcn to fourteen rooms, twe
blocks from post office. Hpeciullf,
favorable terms to suitable party
See William Fleming, Bayne build
in?. novS
60 years experience.
Depot National and American fence
Sizes 20 to 58 in. high.
Paints, oil and varnish, etc.
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Salem Fence and Stove Works, 230
Court St. Phone 124.
FOR EXCHANGE 8i acres 5 mile
out on good road. Seven room house,
- woodshed, full bearing family orchard
Will exchange for good unencumber
ed property, city or country. Square
Deal Realty Co., 202 V. S. Bank bide.
Children Cry
Has medicine which will cure
Any known Disease
Open Sunday from 10:00 a. nt.
fasti) 8:00 p. m.
IBS South High Stret.
Pi'i't". Oregon. Faone 33