Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 12, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
October 1-, IIUO.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
l'resiilcnt. Vice-President.
Bee. und 'Irons.
Dailr bv carrier, per year 5.00 Per month
Daily by niuil, per year 3 0 "'P.'"1'
, 4fic
Now York, Ward Lewis Williams Special Agency, Tribuuo Building
Chicago, W. II. Btockwcll, 1Vo)Io'b Pus Building
The Capital Jmuul carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on tho
porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting tho
paper to you on time, kindly phono tho circulation manager, as this is the only
way we cau determine whether or not tho carriers aro following instructions,
l'hono Main 81 before 7:30 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by spcciul
messenger if the carrier has minted you.
There is a great difference between men individually
and the same men collectively. An entirely different
standard of action is required of them. If a nation's
honor is impugned it, according to the doughty and some
what bloodthirsty colonel as well. as some others, must
fight. No doubt the colonel as well as those others alluded
to have had things said of them that were rather insult
ing to their honor. Yet so far as is known none of them
loaded up with a gattling and went gunning after the
person who impugned their honor or lambasted their
feelings. If the individual goes gunning for his traducer
the law yanks him up tells him he is dead wrong and takes
a swipe at his pocket book to even things up, or else
throws him in jail. Yet he has only done as an individual
what would he considered a patriotic act if he, acting
with others, did the same thing for the nation. Yet he is
punished for doing the same thing for himself. You see
there is a difference between being insulted individually
and collectively. It is the collective bunch that can al
ways do things and get away with the honors and emolu
ments. If a highwayman holds you up at the muzzle of a
gun and takes your money, the law, if it can catch him,
sends him to prison. If a corporation, Standard Oil for
instance, holds you up with a double barreled cinch and
compels you to stand and deliver that is "business, big
business," and perfectly legal. The highwayman takes a
chance and gives you a slight one of taking a shot at him,
and should you do so and get away with him you are con
sidered a brave and patriotic citizen. You have success
fully defended yourself and done a good job for the
With a corporation when it holds you up it is different.
It is an intangible nonentity; an incorporeal figment of
the law; an imaginary individual with all the rights and
privileges of the real thing with none of his responsibil
ities. It has no eyes to be blacked, no body to be kicked
and no soul to be damned. When Standard Oil raises the
price of gasoline a cent a gallon it holds up the purchaser
for that extra cent without reason and without right
other than that of might. It is just as much a robber as
the highwayman who holds you up with a gun only it
takes no chances and gives you none. The corporation
acts through its officers who are the tangible agents of
the intangible body, yet if the fellow robbed by the cor
poration should take a shot at one of these the law would
jug him instanter. The individual robber may be killed,
but the collective robber is immune. Why the difference
between the same thing?
The law dealing with corporations holds that its of
ficers are responsible for its acts and punishes them
sometimes, for violations of the law, yet at the same time
it would punish the man who treated the corporation as
it does, and resented its robbery as he would that of the
individual highwayman. Collectively we have one treat
ment for a corporation which like the impugned honor
proposition is not permitted to the individual.
With the last war loan voted Tuesday by the English
house the war debt of the British government is $15,(560,
000,000. This sum is so vast that the mind cannot grasp
it, no more than it can the money. Put in a semi-understandable
shape, it would be about 25,000 tons of gold.
This would load 500 cars of 100,000 pounds each, which
would make ten trains of fifty cars each loaded with the
yellow metal. It is a sum greater than all the gold in ex
istence. It might be added just as a matter of encourage
ment to the thrifty that a good steady man if he lost no
time could by saving a dollar a day from his wages ac
cumulate this sum in 46,780,000 years. .
TVip Spvba nre rotnlunrr their countrv and of all en
gaged in the war probably have the most heart in their
fighting. They are great fighters under any circum
stances, but with their recent treatment by the Bulgars
they can be depended on to get almost anything they go
after. According to the dispatches yesterday they had at
tacked the Chuka Heights which command Monastir, and
it is a pretty safe bet they capture them.
Four patrolmen and eight strikers were shot at
Bayonne, New Jersey, Tuesday, when some six thousand
strikers clashed with the police. The strikers were most
of them employes of the great Standard Oil company, and
struck in an effort to get their wages increased. Of
course John D. could not afford to pay his men a wage
corresponding to the increased cost of living though the
products of his company were doubled. He could afford
to employ a small army of armed guards to fire on the
strikers but you see these would only have to be paid
a short time, while a raise in wages would have to be paid
indefinitely. This would have made too great a drain in
the income of the old gasoline pirate who in the raise in
stocks last Saturday made something over $8,000,000.
Then too an increase of wages might cut off the old man's
stock of bright new pennies with which he dispenses
charity, or dispenses with it, just as you are a mind to
view his benevolence. His manager says the plant will be
kept idle until the men are willing to return to work at
the old wage. You see the old man has plenty of other
factories, and if these do not supply the demand he will
raise the price of gasoline until the demand grows less.
Car shortage does not bother John D. for if he does not
get his products to. market he raises the price of what he
delivers and gathers in the same amount of coin or
more. 1 '
Antone Fodera, a San Francisco businessman, was
Monday sentenced to five years in prison, by Judge Beas
ly of San Jose. The crime for which he is to do time was
the running down of a university student with his auto,
the last of October in 1915. Fodera failed to stop when
he struck and killed the young man, and was found guilty
of manslaughter. The Capital Journal has called the at
tention of autoists several times to the fact that the kill
ing of a person while the autoist was doing an unlawful
thing might result in imprisonment for manslaughter.
An accident, for instance, happening when the autoist
was driving on the wrong side of the road, would be
punishable, that otherwise might be excusable. A turn
ing of street corners contrary: to the rules laid down,
should an accident follow, might also cause the autoist
serious trouble. So might an accident resulting from
passing a street car when stopped at a crossing. The
principle of law is, that one doing an unlawful thing be
comes responsible for all results of that unlawful act. If
autoists will keep this in mind it may save some of them
serious trouble.
Colonel Roosevelt says President Wilson's policy "is
infamous." The colonel should be an authority on infamy
after his treatment of Columbia and the swiping from
that friendly nation of the Panama zone. That was about
the most infamous thing a great government ever did to
a smaller and weaker one. Naturally the colonel lets his
angry passions rise' when it is suggested that the United
States pay for the stolen territory, because the offer to
pay is a confession that we were in the wrong. As the
scheme was engineered by Teddy, who has such apro-
found respect for the nation's reputation and so tender
a solicitude for its honor that he can hardly sleep of
nights, he objects to the country pleading guilty of
larceny performed by its president.
Speaking of Mexico has anyone heard anything about
that commission lately? It is possible it is still at work
but is side tracked, like everything else, for baseball news.
The big liners are dodging in all directions fearing an
attack by the German submarine. They are not partic
ular whether they reach the port they sailed for or not,
any old port looking good to them.
X MS. jf i
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 18GS
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
War news, market reports and nearly everything else
will continue to take a back seat until the world's series
is decided, which may be today.
I saved five dollars every week, against the
day that's wet and dank. Sometimes it
made my spirit shriek, to put that plunder
in the bank. For there were sights I longed
to see, and junketings I wished to make; to
save was such a strain on me, I thought my
old tin heart would break. But Susan Jane,
my thrifty wife, was always watching at
v mv side: and she would saw "You bet vour
ft V" A life, you do not let the kopecks slide. Our
UjfV.i.ffi strongbox must not spring a leak," my wife
would say, in solemn tones; "and at the end
' of every week, you'll pickle five gunmetal bones." I used
to wish that Susan Jane were more like other wives I
know, that she would think it safe and sane to let the coin
j for pleasure go. Then I lay down with divers ills, and
j spent three weary months in bed, my stomach full of
I drugs and pills, and poultices upon my head. We paid the
I druggist and the nurse, the doc, who brought me back to
j health; and if I dodged the village hearse, it was. because
j I'd saved some wealth. To every man there comes a day
I when Fortune wears a gloomy frown; and, while you're
earning" coin, I say, it's wise to salt some roubles down.
'Lj ya nu l;.:! bii
jL,asram ana sweet
v T1i La.
jLenuiuus lu meet
J1 UVluL-aLsa Li meal
Highway Commission j
to Aid Seven Projects t
Kndorscmcnt will be given seven pro-1
jects for which portious of the forest'
reserve highway appropriation has been
asked. This was decided upon ut a meet
ing of the state highway commission
yesterday afternoon. The roads endorsed
are as follows: Portland to Ashland,
over the Pacific highway; Portland to
Ontario, by -nay of Baker; The Dalles
to Klamath. Falls; Portland to Ontario,
by way of John Day; Florence to Mitch
ell; Bend to l.nkeview, and Eugene to
Klamath Falls. A delegation from Eu
gene, composed of Judge H. I,. Brown,!
County Commissioner H. M. Harlow and'
E. J. Adams, and H. XL. Jennings, of
Marshfield, appeared at the meeting
asking for state co-operation in build
ing a road from Coos Bay through.
Recdsport and Gardiner to Eugene. Thai
affirmation was made that this road
would be one of slight grade and would
oe passage at all seasons of the year.
The matter was referred to the advis
ory committee for investigation.
For the first time a doubt as to the
wisdom of going out nloniwitU Leonurd
Brooke assailed me. Then I remember
ed what Clifford had said in the morn
ing, and shrugged my shoulder as I
thought that what I did made no dif
ference to him.
'You see Nell knows all the people in
the Frankly u set," Leonard went on
boyishly, "and I'd hnte to have them
discussing you, or what you did. It's
luck you wore thut thick veil "
"I came very near not wearing any.
Mandy objected to the veil because it
kept the wind from blowing on my face.
ami " I stopped, embarrassed. I
realiied that I was drawing his atten
tion to mv swollen eyes.
"AreuAt you going to tell me what
you were crying about f" he asked,
aud the sympathy, the tenderness in his
voice almost made me cry again.
"No. indeed! I surelr am not!" I
declared, laughing rather tremulously,
"so do not ask me. lienlly it wasn't
anything I should have minded. I'll
learn in time uot to care about such
little things." I finished bitterly.
"Well I won't urge you, aud we are
almost home. But I want you to prom
ise me one thing, and that is if you
are ever iu trouble of any kind or
because of me, you'll tell me at once.
Will you promiscf"
I "Why, yes, I promise. But what
I trouble could I have because of you? "
"1 hope none. But remember," it 's a
'promise," he reminded as I left
i him.
Nell Jordon Calls.
That afternoon when I was dressing
for dinner, aud congratulating myself
that my face showed only slight traces
of the emotional ftorm of the inoruing,
Kate brought up a card.
"The lady's waiting, ma'am, what
shall I tell her?"
"!Say that I am dressing. I will be
down in a few minutes."
I had been surprised when I looked
at the eaid. My caller was none
other than the Nell Jordon we had
passed in the morning. I thought of
what Leonard Brooke had said of the
gossiping proclivities of the lady. That
she had not recognized me I was posi
tive, aud I would be very careful that
I gave her no information. I dabbed
my eyes once agnin w ith a powder-puff
before I went downstairs. It was late,
and the drawing-room would be dim. I
hoped they would pass unnoticed.
"I am so ashamed Mr. Hammond
that I haven't called before! " she gush
ed, as I greeted her. " but I have been
j so busy that really I haven't had time.
But yon will be generous and not punish
i me by waiting as long as I did, Won 't
"I'll try not to," I replied in a noa
committnl mnnner, "but I too am very
busy." I had decided that I did not
car particularly for Mrs. Jordon whaa E
met her at Muriel Frankly n's. Noir
I was positive I didn't like her. ah
gushed too much. There wns something
not genuine iu her manner and speeeh.
However I was as cordial am possible
with her; keeping away from proa
almes. 1
Nell Jordon Discusses Brooke.
"Yon know Leonard Brooke, don't
you?" she asked. Then, "whv of cours
you do! He was at Mrs. Frankha'a
big dinner party."
"Wasn't it an enjoyable affair!" I
tried to turn her thoughts from
"Very! that Leonard Brooke is a fas
ciunting fellow, isn't lief"
"He has seemed verv pleasant whea
I have happened to meet him," I tTad
ed, speaking as earelesslv as I could oa
der her watchful eyes.
"I met him out motoring this morn
ing. He had a lady with him, but sha
was so closely veiled I touldn't sea
who it was. They must have been afraid
auuif nnp Wnn .1 and thA -
--- v tiitriu lI B
wonldn t have worn so heavy a veil
i kiik n nl : i .. "
. gii-nuiis any.
(Tomorrow Evading the Question.)