Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 12, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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    r TWO
a Musical Jnstrument
mttw T- .
Wonderful vaiuMinnanoM.nagerttonoi -.
Talhini Machine Etc. ftZab
W ara known to carry only what
f.uuj uk.1 u;ll Hulim uij wliAf A
w v iiv nwwii mj van J wuj wivi
it good, what will endure and what
ia hilly worth the price asked. Our
easy payment terma place the best
musical instruments within every
one a reach. Fill out the coupon
or write for catalogues. .
Sherinan.Ji.ay & Co.
Br aline Thompson'
DIVERSITY OP OR KG ON, En- ence; Louie Henderson, Hood (iver,
I J gene, Oct. 11. M'ib Lucia Camp
bell, only daughter of President
P. li. Campbell, became the bride this
evening of Sydney K. Henderson, city
engineer of Coqiitllc, Or. The wedding
was the social event of the season.
The ceremony was performed at the
St. Mary's Episcopal church in Eu
gene, Rev. I'. K. Hammond, of Med
ford, Or., officiating. Two hundred
friends and guests were invited. Fol
lowing the ceremony a formal recep
tion was given at the Hotel Osburn,
attended by 300.
A choir of 30 Kappa Alpha Theta
fraternity sisters singing to Lohen
grin 'a wedding march met and escorted
Miss Campbell to the altar, Preceding
the bride wag Mi kh iicrnico McGregor,
of Astoria, Or,, as bridesmaid, attended
by little Miss Jean Campbell.
The bridegroom, accompanied by
"Walter Church, of Eugene, and the
Rer. P. K. Hammond, of Mcdford, was
set et the altar.
Miss Campbell was a graduate of the
University of Oregon in ivis and or tne
University of California in 1H14, and
met Mr. Henderson while at the Uni
versity of Oregon. For the past year
be has been teaching in Astoria, Or.
The bridegroom, also a graduate of
Frra;oii in iimi, is cny I'lixincer l v,u"
qnille, Or., and was one of the most
prominent men during hisattendance at
the university. He is a member of the
rtigma Nu-fraternity.
Th littlo church, because of its port
in the romantic life of the two young
people, was made a bower of white
clematis vine, tho color scheme through
out being pink and white. Rev. P. K.
'Hammond, an old friend of tho presi
dent and his daughtor, performed the
The bride wore a beautiful gown of
white satin, draped with nil k net. This
was trimmed with beaded auk and iri
descent lace, caught with orange blos
soms. The bridesmaid wore yellow
satin draped with silk net and silver
The choir, composed of close friends
f Miss Campbell, wore dressed - in
white and wore pink tullo hata. They
are fraternity sisters of the bride and
have assisted in ninny beautiful lunch
eons and receptions during the past
Miss Norma Hendricks, of Eugene,
officiated at the organ, accompanied
by Mrs. Wary De liar Taylor, or Van
rouver, Wash, on the violin. The ush
ers, fraternity brothers of Mr. Hondor
aon, were Dr. Charles Taylor, Vancou
ver, Wash.; Dean Walkor, Independ-
and K. F. McKcnna of Counillo
The choir was composed of "Mrs. Dean
Walker, the Misses Katherine Wutson,
Hazel Rader Charlie Fenton," Bernice
Lucas, Margaret Hawkins, Mary Cham
bers, Marjory Williams, Melha Will
iams, Ruth Roche, Louise Manning,
Erina Kcithly, Cleome Carroll, Mammie
Oillett, Cary Howard, Ada Otten, Carol
Montague, Helena Delano, Kattie Hebne
fcr, Margaret Rodger,.Merlo Hamilton,
Mario (fates, Ruth Council, Philcna
King, Klsa Fitzmnurice, Laura Miller,
Jessie Corner, Vivian Paliett, Mildred
Garland anil Crave Bingham.
The formal reception at the Hotel
Osburn was made a beautiful bower
of autumn colors. Youna friends serv
Tho bride received many very beau
tiful gilts from her many friends.
The freshmen, sophomore, and junior
classes of the university as well as
the faculty remembered her.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Henderson will leave
early in tho morning for Seaside
where, after a few weeks' stay, they
will return to their home in Coipiille,
Perhnps the most important function
scheduled oil the "calendar this week
is the military bnll to be given by the
Snli'in Orange club in honor of Com
pany M, Third Oregon infantry, at
the armory.
Informality will be the keynote of
the affair, which although on "Fri
day tho thirteenth" bids fuir to be the
gayest and most successful party of
the early season.
The note of patriotism which hns
characterized all functional for the sol
dier boys will predominate, and the
evening will bo brimful of interesting
An eight piece orchestra has been
engaged to furnish tho music lor the
event, which will bo auspiciously open
ed with a grand march. Although Com
pany M, will not appear in uniform,
they will be designated from tho guests
by souvenir badges benriuig the inscrip
tion "Mexican Expedition, Htld. " .
Mrs. fleorge ft, Drown and Mrs. Har
ry 11, Oliuger, who have been in Port
land for n short visit, returned Wed
nesday evening.
Miss Mnrguerito Miles is passing a
few days in Portland, as tho guest of
a a
Mrs. Monroe flilbert left today for
Albanv, where she will net as judgo of
the art exhibit at the Willamette val-
There is no garment on the market that offers
better protection against the cold wet days of an
Oregon winter than a Heavy Flannel Shirt. The
man who is engaged in work which is in the open
air cannot afford to run the risk of being con
tinually cold and wet Let us suggest that this
condition be avoided by wearing one of these
splendid garments selected from our stock.
Our line of Heavy Flan
nel Shirts is as complete
as any under present
market conditions. It
includes almost a score
of different grades and
values." Many shades of
browns, olive drabs
(popularly' termed 0
D's), greys, and navy
blues. Single or double
breasted, plain or mili
tary collars. All sizes
from the smallest for
boys, up to extra sizes
for men. A wonderful
assortment of practical
garments for winter
wear. Note the range
of prices 60c, 85c, $1,
$1.15, $1.35, $1.45, $1.50,
$1.60, $1.65, $1.85, $2.00,
$2.25, $2.35, $2.45, $2.50,
$2.65, $2.80, $2.90.
Only those who have
worn the 'Stag,' or Log
ger Shirt can place a
proper estimation on
their value. Made of ex
tra heavy woolen goods,
with double thickness
over the shoulders, they
are practically water
proof. Because they are
woolen they are extra
warm. Ought not these
qualities be sufficient to
justify their purchase?
They come in such col
ors as brown, greys,
blues and mixed checks.
After reading this de
scription it will pay you
to inspect them. They
are priced as follows:
$3.00, $3.25, $3.35, $3.45,
$3.75, $4.00, $4.65 and
We have an exceptionally fine line of Men's and
Boys' Heavy Wool Socks at 25c, 30c, 3oc and 50c
per pair.
dJTLTaWWbi frwyfc
Has Had Busy Season Getting
Books In Shape Money
Cora M. Case, Salem public school li
brarian, states in her report for the
last quarter that during the summer
she was busy returning books from the
grade schools to their places in the ed
ucational room at the public library,
taking an inventory for missing books,
and making needed repairs on all the
books. The last task she says occupied
tho most of the time as it included a
general fumigation and the handling
of every book m the collection. She
washed seriously soiled books with soap
and water, erased pencil and ink marks
and removed a large number from their
cases and rccascd them. Those of more
value and better condition that were
worn in the binding were sent to the
The first weeks of September, she
says wero devoted to the preparation
of the seven hundred new books. This
process includes the opening of the
book, stamping, marking, and varnish
ing the covers. The classroom libra
ries were selected, listed, and sent to
the schools by the first Tuesday the
schools were open for work.
In her record for the high school she
finds that 3it2 books were circulated
for home reading, the averago in daily
circulation being 50. The total attend
ance in the library was 830 and the av
erage daily attendance 13S. The num
ber of books borrowed from the li
brary was 20, and from the state li
brary 30.
For the junior high schools she re
cords that 470 books were placed in
the Washington junior high, 327 in the
Lincoln junior high, 302 in the Grant
junior high.
For the grade schools, the number of
books added ami catalogued was (578;
the total number of books sent out in
clnss room libraries 2822; number of
books issued from tho public library
on teacher's cards was 84, and number
of pictures issued 20.
Her financial statement is as follows:
Balance on hand June I, HUH, $57.50;
received from the board of education
$300 and from fines if 11, making a to
tal of :iS.50 received. Of this .fund,
$291.03 was spent up to October 1 for
salary, supplies, postage, cxpressago nnd
First Radical to Hold the Of
fice Inaugurated at
Buenos Aires
By Charles P. Stewart
(United Press staff correspondent)
lieu nos Aires, Oct. 12. Dr. Hipolito
Jrigoycn, Argentine's first radical
president, was inaugurated today with
the most simple ceremonies that ever
marked such an event iu the southern
Dr. Irigoycn finnlly yielded to the
pleadings of his friends and rode to the
capitul in a taxienb. His only other
concession to formality was a frock
coat and silk hat.
Sworn in at the c'apitol, the new
president did not break his long es
tablished rule against making public
speeches, lie took tho oath of office,
bowed, entered a modest stago coach
and was driven through the streets.
Despite his anti-United States writ
ings, Dr. Hecu is again reported to bo
the likliest choice for foreign minis
ley fair, being held in that city this
Mr. Gilbert was accompanied by
.miss .lesxie llolcomb, who has but re
cently returned from Fort Dodge, Iowa
and who was formcrlv with the Gilberts
in tho Frame Shop.
Sir. and Mrs. Irwin Griffith have re
turned from a motor trip to Portland.
A group of girl friends of Miss Helen
Goltra gathered at her home on Court
street tor an informal evening Sun
day. A dainty supper and music made
the evening merry.
Those participating in the gayeties
were: Miss Mabel Garrett, Miss" Ruth
Spoor, Miss Aetna Knimell, Miss Wini
fred iiagley and Miss Fannie MeKen
non. a a
After a short stay here as the guest
of Mrs. Hums Hunter, Mrs. Joseph
Lamm of Black Kock, left Wednesday
morning for a visit to friends iu Ore
gon City.
Mrs. I.. H. Compton has returned to
Salem after a several weeks visit with
her sister in Ashland.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stiffler have re
turned after a tew dnys visit in Ku
geue, as the guesls of Mr. and Mrs.
Llovd Hauser.
a a a
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Liveslcy,
accompanied by Mr. land . Mrs. Guy
Sargent, motored to Portland Saturday,
returning late that night.
Mrs. 8, M. Kndicott will entertain the
ladies of the Congregational church to
morrow afternoon with an informal
Kensington at ker residence, 075 North
Church street.
Mi. I T. Griffith returned last
night from brief visit in Portland.
The C. W. B. M. will meet in the
First Christian church Friday (tomor
row) afternoon.
Journal Want Ada Get Seiulta Ton
Want Try on and se.
Absolutely. Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
University Notes
Besults of "the first rehearsal of the
University Choral society are very grat
ifying to Dr. Frank Wilbur Chace of
the department of music and director)
of the new musical organization. About
75 . students and musically inclined
townspeople turned out Tuesday even
ing and basing judgment on the enthus
iasm and interest shown in the pros
pective course, the. society undoubted
ly will make a mark for itself when
the big oratios are presented next
spring. Dr. Chace has chosen "Fair
Ellen" by Max Bruch, a celebrated
musical masterpiece based on the sieire
of Luck now about which so many stiiri
ing tales arc recorded in the annals of
history, as one offerinig and the fa
mous "Hiawatha's Wedding Feast" by
Coleridge-Taylor as the other. All stu
dents enrolling for the course will be
given one full credit in the regular
university courses for their work in the
chorus, but no eredit will be given un
less the work be taken for the year.
A cordial welcome to join tho chorus
rehearsals of the society ib extended to
all music lovers who may be interested.
The hour of practice is between 7 and
8 o'clock each Tuesday evening of the
school year.
Further -evidences of the need of
larger quarters to house the growing
departments of the university is seen
by the recent removal of the biological
laboratory to the old medical building!
at the corner of State and Winter
streets. Here ample accommodations
for intensive work of the department
may be carried on much more effect
ively. The first floor contains lecture
rooms, the second, laboratories and
herborium, and additional laboratories
are to bo found on the third floor which
are particularly adapted to microscopic
study and analysis. Professor M. E.
Peck, who is in charge, has had many
years' experience both as an instruc
tor and as a traveler in Central Ameri
ca where ho studied the native plants'
and animals at first hand for three
To Mrs. Frank Wilbur Chace were
awarded two blue ribbons at tho recent
Oregon state fair for high class ama
teur kodak work, iBhe received the
highest awards offered for contact
prints and a set of portraits. Under
her supervision a series of special
prints illustrating the wonderful pos
sibilities of "good roads" work arc
now being printed.
That Willamette students intend to
run an excursion to accompany the
team either to Albany on October zl
or to Portland on .November 25, is tho
consensus of opinion among the live
wire boosters at the university at pres
ent. As the matter has not been for
mally uresented for student body ac
tion, which place will be invaded by
cardinal and gold supporters is not
known as yet, but the odds appear to
bo in favor of invading tno Aluitno
mah county metropolis.
Announcement has just bceu received
from Mrs. B. E. Tait, business manager
of the Portland Symphony orchestra,
that Willamette students may try for
the competitive prize offered by tliat
musical organization lor tne most ap
nronriato cover desisn for the orches
tra program. The competition will be
open until October 24. Whether any
students win enter ine conicsi is uui
definitely known as ye:; ,
Of special significance to the univer
sity is the announcement by Prof. Wal
lace MacMurrav. head of the rhetoric
detriment, that a 32 page quarterly
magazine will oe issued ny tne r-ng-lish
department, the first issue appear-
inn next week. The title chosen by the
professor is Boc-Craeft, which is the
old Anglo-Saxon for what is translated
today as book skill. All contributions
to the magazine are selected from work
of students enrolled in the professor's
English classes, and as the registration
for such work is over 20O, many fine
literary articles will be available tor
publication. In content, the magazine
will be of superior literary merit, vary
ing from lyrics and sonnets to dramas,
short stories and eBsays. The cover de
sign will be conventional with good
taste and will be standardized ior ine
vear. No advertising is to be carried
as all expense of publication is to be
met with from a dollar tax levied on
each student enrolled for work in the
ileuartment. The work will not be il
lustrated. About .300 copies of the first
issue will be published, l'rol. Mac.viur
ray is the sole editor.'
Members of the junior class plan to
hold a picnic supper ana eninusinsui-iret-toeether
on the banks of the Wil
lamette Saturday evening, a eommuiw
to make arrangements was appointed
bv President Arlie Walker yesterday
Intense discussions of the past few
u.k. hav culminated in the propo
it Inn of the Marion county republi
can league to form a Charles tans
Uughes Alliance among the Willam
ette enthusiasts in the nenr future.
Russell - Brooks, treasurer of the Sa
lem Hughes club is behind the move
nu.i. Hi. offer to iiartiainatc in all the
old time glory of the torchlight proces
sion is being seriously ana eninusmsi".
ally received by the Uughes men of
.k ...iv-nnitv aud formal acceptance
of the offer will bo mado at an early
If the first three issues of the Wil
lamette Collegian may be- taken as a
k. .,. !... in he timin-
tained throughout the year, Sam K.
King, the editor in cnier, mij
congratulated for his efforts to give
Willamette a creditable weekly news
paper. From first to last the issues
i - i..n. ft.it nt tha wan and spirit
ua ' win .. - r , . . . j
of the rah rah boy masterfully blend
ed with the conservative Kieais oi inr
modern college. The editorials show a
determined stand on problems affect
ing the welfara, of the student body
....I .i..Mni mnA . r. nitt0aril tar their
R.1U ..... .. . M.v 1 -
franx aggressiveness. Under the care of
9 V
X1114i4444 m444-f
It is now and always has been the policy of this store to
sell merchandise strictly upon its merits we offer only
standard merchandise at economical prices .
Carter's Knitted Underwear
Kayser's Knitted Underwear
Phoenix Guaranteed Hosiery
Bradley's Caps and Sweaters
Warner's Rust Proof Corsets
Modart Front Lacing .Corsets
Kid and Fabric Gloves
Richardson's Famous Linens
Bed Blankets and Comforts.
Cotton and Wool Batts :
Plain Outing Flannel
Novelty Outing Flannel
Outing Flannel Gowns
Scarf and Can Sets
Silk and Lingerie Waists
Dennisons Hallowe'en Novelties
Leather Hand Bags
Umbrellas, Ribbons
Pictorial Review Patterns
Complete Lines of Ready to Wear and Ready to Use
Merchandise for
Women, Misses and Children
11 145 N. Liberty St.
Salem, Oregon If
Miss Carrie Cooksey the social life of
the university is mirrored with enter
taining dignity, as is In fact the many
other features of the official student
body exponent. Much care and dis
crimination is shown in the arrange
ment of the news which sjieaks well
for the executive efficiency of those
responsible for -the makeup of the
newspaper. About 34 issues will be
published this year.
Arnold Oralnpp, ex-corporal of the
Oregon national guard" and all around
athlete . and social lion, was elected
manager of forensics yesterday after
noon by tho members of the forencis
council. This committee consists of
Karl Flegel, chairman; Harold Eakin,
Adolph Spies, Harold Doxsec and Prof.
Helen Miller Senn of the faculty. It
has advisory power in the general main
tenance of forensic affairs.
Court House News
With the election of Elmer Kyle of
Cent-al Point, Oregon, to the treasurer
ship of the freshman class, all execu
tive offices of that organization are
now firmly installed in office.. Presi
dent Bartholomew announced a ulass
mix tonight in the university gymnasi
um which will be the first get-together
of the newest infant class.
(Modes of Today
A harmless, yet very effective, treat
ment is here given for the quick re
moval of hairy growths: Mix enough
powdered delatono and water to cover
the undesirable hairs, apply paste and
after 2 or 3 minutes remove, wash the
skin and the hairs have vanished. One
application usually is sufficient, but to
be certain of results, buy the delatone
in an original package.
State House News
Notice was received yesterday by
S O. Sargent, state superintendent of
banks, that the Bank of Oregon City
will increase its capital stock from $,)0,
000 to $100,000.
The state land board has announced
that newly surveyed land in Malheur
and Lake counties amounting to 32.640
acres has been thrown . open for sale.
m,u for the land will be opened by the
bcara December 11.
It is announced that for the two
chaplains now employed at the state
training school for boys there will be
substituted during the coming two
years a single chaplain, who will also
serve as parole officer. The board does
not feel that there is sufficient work nt
the institution to warrant a -special pa
role officer. .The chaplain will receive
$100 a mouth.
The first reinforced concrete bridge
ever constructed by Morrow county has
just been completed, according to ad
vices received by State Engineer Lewis.
Governor Withycombe today an
nounced the appointment of W. 1).
Whiteomb, certified public accountant,
with offices in the Oregon building.
Portland, Oregon, as a member of the
state board of accountancy to succeed
John Y. Richardson who resigned re
cently from the board. Mr. Whiteomb 's
term is for tho period ending June 3,
The case of state of Oregon vs. F.
A. Hyde, W. C. Clark et al was called
in Judaje Culloway!" atvpartmcnt of
the circuit court yesterday afternoon.
The state is endeavoring to recover
possesion of lands aggregating 47,000
acres bought bv Hydo for $1.25 an acre
and sold to various people to exchange
for other lands. The state is being rep
! resented in the case by Attorney Oen-
eral Brown, assisted by Deputy Attor
ney General Bailey. Tills case, as well
as others involving the samo issue, will
bo carried to the supreme court what
iever the decision of the circuit court
may be.
Marriage licenses have been issued
by the county clerk to Guy ( handler
and Jennie H. Smith, both of Salem;
Alee Lichty and Clara Leighty, both of
Silvert'on, and to (Pleasant Whitney
and Mabel Savage, both of Salem.
A hunter 8 license has been issued to
Oscar Bradford of Salem,
An order of injunction has been is
sued by County Judge Tlushey in the
case of William O. Wilson vs. William
O. Baker, O. A. McMullen and L. C.
Slater, by which tho defendants arc re
strained from conveying, transferring
or in any way encumbering the prop
erty known and described as lots 10 and
11 of Pendleton Acres during the pend
ing of this suit and until further or
der of the court.
Tells now To Get Quick Relief
from Head-Colds. It's Splendid!
John Ihiggan, who claims the sum of
$180 due him for work with his team
and wagon in and about the sawmill
of J. K. Southcrland, lias begun suit
in the circuit court to collect the same.
An order confirming sale of real es
tate in the case of A. J. and I. aura M. '
Barhani vs. O. I. Morris et nl has been
signed by Judge Calloway.
I The ease of Henry Barkniever vs.
(Philip Meiicr, filed in the circuit court,!
lis an action to collect $70 alleged toj
be due on a promissory note. The sumj
of $.10 is asked as an attorney's fee. i
In one minute your clogged nostrils
wilt open, the air pasages of your head
will clear and you can breathe freely.
Xo more hawking, snuffling, blowing,
headache, dryness. Xo ilninolint, fm-
breath at night; your Cold or catarrh
will begone. . v. ' a
Get a small bottle of Kly's Cream",
Balm from your druggist !now. Apply
a little of this fragrant, antiseptic,
henling cream in yum- nostrils. It pen
etrates through every air passage of the
head, soothes tho inflamed or swollen
mucous membrane and reiieif comes in
stantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuff od-iip
with a cold or nasty catarrh Holicf
comes so quickly.
Foresters to Have
Stag Party Tonight
Foresters of America gather tonight
in their hall at eight o'clock for their
long planned high jinks and stag par
ty. If everything is carried out accord
ing to schedule those who attend will
have a corking fine time. Bolivars by
the hundred have been jirintcd so theirf
will be no lack of the wherewithal tr
buy anything wanted. The yellow bol
ivars are of the five denomination, tho
green bolivar of the ten denomination
and the white of the twenty. They are ;
printed and circulated by authority ot
Beachem Hicockolorum (C. J. Beach),
and Ringuni Scribum (W. P. Hiiigle).'
On the left side is the inscription 'Sie
Semper Katem,"' which means "Good:
for tlJts, " while on the right side,
is t'iJ!SJiiid, ''Dedecmcm ad Kitem,"..
whic, translated, means " liedecmed:
at Kitlingers," aud Kitlinger ruus the
bar i
Complaint has been filed in the air
cuit court by Bessie B. Bennet asking
a divorce from Gustaviia A. Bcnnett-
I There are two minor children. The Ben
l netta have not been living together
for live years.
X. Skail'e, appraisers of the estate of
1. W. Smith, have filed a report show,,
ing the real mid personal property left1
by the deceased to -have a value ol!
$46S0. I
Goinj up the car shortage. The lat
est report received at the office of
the public service commission shows
the shortage to be 1701. Empty cars
were received at Ashland during the
past 4 hours to the number of 94.
Grover Simmons, guardian of Clar-
euce and Frank Simmons, has been re
lieved of his duties. The minors have
become of age.
Semi-minnal ..,.,,, In fl,. .... a..r"""-"I. " "eposns 111 me
of Joseph Bochslcr, Kittii Funrue and the Lt . m, i "? hi ,X
W. 1). Claggett have been filed at the ' "", pf S"
office of the county clerk.
K. M. T.nFore. I,. P. Aldrich and J.
I lute t arl Johnson as shown bv tho re
port of the appraisers, M. T. Petiit, U..
IW. Hubbs aud Clairo L. Petit.
ar. louis
Cablc Aooaias "HASKaiLLS"
Lo Angeless. California, and Vicinity, heretofore
Mr. Hahn will remain as Manager in charge of
our office in the Haas Building. Los Angeles.
Haskins ft Sells.
Frederick F. Hahn.