t 3 TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11. 1916. 1! I l! t . There is a Real Difference Cream of tartar, derived from grapes, Is used in Royal Baking Powder because It Is the best and most healthful Ingredient known for the purpose. Phosphate and alum, which are de rived from mineral sources, are used in some baking powders, Instead of cream of tartar, because they are cheaper. If you have been induced to use baking powders made from alum or phosphate, use Royal Baking Powder instead. You will be pleased vlih the result9 and the difference in the quality of the food. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York $OC IET Y By ALINE TIIOMrSON Mh. A-u .whs. w 11-mam u. .Much regret was felt over the lo- er, Mrs. K. K. Waters. Tho KniKliloita """i lUMinolt. left .Mo.i who arrived thin afternoon, mmo t.) (,ll' Hlglit to join Mr. I.udden in Halrm to be tho honor guest nt tho (,nts lass. Oregon, where they will tinnier ior which m Kollin l. rn will lo hosts tonight The Rf t'.ti r which In In celebration of (ho wnliliiiK anniversaries of lioth the Knighton aud the hunts will be juoit informal. Nina Mnliel Withyrombe him gone im rortlmid for a few ilnv visit n ml is tho home guest of Dr. mid At i n. Krank H. Klstner, Minn Withyrnniho went to Port lumt to attend the Ineii Jliltiollmul lloinnevain baii(net Inst night at the Hotel Mulinoiiiah. Mr. and Mr. Hubert K. MeKean (Ha aelle Krunn), who have been the guests of Mr. MrKenn'i family for n few days, returned to their homo in Ku grue Tuesday niKht. Mm. M. II. Perkins and aon, Richard, nf i'ortland, who have been tho house guests of Mm. Perkins' sister, Mr. V Melvin l'limpton, left Monday for Wert Lake, Oregon, to viait Mr. l'e. kin parent, Mr, and Mrs. II. (I. I'nmli bell. Complimentary to Mra. A1 floJfrey, who with Mr. 11-oUfrey and ehildron, will leave Thursday to make their home in Marshfiold, the 1". K. (). Sis terhood eiiterluined with a delightful Kensington at the home of Mra. Ma tilda (iraut on Monday aftornoou. The rooma were attractively decked with yellow garden flower, marigolds aad nasturtiums being effectively nr mafed in bowls and vase. Kitshteen Mealera gathered to bid good-bye to Mra. (lodfrey, and .presented her with a pretty silver Kon with an insigitiK f the club and Salem. Attainting iu the nerving were Miss taura Grant, Mra. Gordon Mellilchrist and Misa Alire llolliater. make tlieir home. Mra. I.inlilen a mother, Mrs. 11. II. Kngiin, who arrived early Inst week for n tew dnya visit prior to her diiugli ter a departure, has returned to her home in .Newport, Oregon. . Miss (5inee Pinriir. who has been the guest of Miss Muriel Sleeve lor n few dnya .returned Monday to her home in t'orviillis. Mr. and Mrs. K. X. dilliugluiui who have been visiting in Kugciio for sev eral dnya, have returned to their home in thin eitv. At the home of Mrs. Cluvd 1. Haueh on Kir street, the premier ltu'otiiiir t the season of the Westminster guild was held on Mondav night. Misa Klorn (.'aso, the president, with a verv Into map ot South Auieriea tun. Mexii'O, gnvo mi Interesting talk or. the geography, resourees, climatic on ditioua ami early history of these couu tries. Miss Mirpiih llhiir nlso gave a talk, her subjects being the origin, religion and education of these people, Two new members joined the guild nl the opening gathering and were Mrs. lorin I'ewtherer and Miss Clara Al bert. l.ater the meeting was rounded out by a social time and refreshment. HERE FOR FOUR DAYS Noted Divine From East and One From Japan to Take Part Biiptists of Salem are planning to have a rousing tirueuioxt week when tho Oregon Baptist state convention eunvenes iu this city for a four day bob sion. Kov. Ueorge i Holt, 1). 1)., pas tor of tho Sulciu church, ia making ev ery effort to bring a lnrgo number of delegates here so thut thia year's con vention will be a high water ninrk. He ia assiated iu this work by the locul committee oil arrangements, which con sists of Albert Copley, L K. Urcgg, JUra. F. 11. Kensouer, Mrs, Sum Vail Bud Mrs. i M nbel Buirgy. There will bo a special uroinernooa I nmpiet on Wednesday evening, Octo ber JH, ut o:JU o'ciock, to wnicn an Baptists whether uiembera of brother hooda or not are invited. This banquet will be served by tho Indies of the l'rcs byterinu church. At the same hour tho Baptist women will hold their annual banquet. This will be served by the Congregational women. The church traveling the largest number of miles through its delegates or visitors will bo awarded a state con vention pennant. It ia expected thnt over -00 visitors will be in Salem to at tend the convention. At tho end of the week, Saturday, October 21, the an nual meeting of "tho Oregon Baptist Young l'eople's Vnion will be held. This meeting extends over until Sunday ev ening. rromineut speakers from the enst are expected to attend, Among them are Hev. S. U. Neil, 1). D., of Philadelphia, who gives three addresses, and James H. Franklin, U. 1., foreign secretary of the American Baptist Foreign Mission ary society. Dr. FTniiklin is returning from Japan, nnd his address is expect ed to be a iiotuble contribution to the program. Rev. Neil speaks on Thursdiiy evening on the subject "The Northern Baptist Convention," on Friday after noon lie gives the consecration sermon, and Sunday evening he addresses the members of the Young l'eople's Vnion. Tho following is tho program for Monday : Ministers' Conference. Monday Afternoon, 1:30 o'clock. lieneral theine,'The Church and Ev ery dny Kvangeliam-" "(.Devotional service and papers 20 minutes each. Discussiou at close of pa pers upon the theme.) Devotional service, Rev. V. T. Tap scott. Dallas. "Rural Kvangelism," Rev. A. J. Ware, Oregon City. 'Kvangelism in the Smaller Town," Rev. E. A- Smith, llillsboro. "Kvangelism in the Large City," Hev. C. F. Mieir, Highland, I'ortlund. Monday Evening, 7:30 o'clock. Devotioual service. Rev. W. T. Tar aeott. Inspirational address, Rev. W. H. Katon. Mrs. S. Smith has relumed to her home iu Minion, after a stay of a few weeks here as the guest of rolntivs. . Miss Albiua Tage of Portland, is the house guest of her brother and sister iu law, Mr. and Mis. Rollin K. Page. Friday afternoon at Woman's Alliance (of 2 o'clock tlin the Vnitnria'i Preparedness ! Are, you ready tor Winter? Is your system clear of catarrh? H av Summer colda Mt yoa entirely? Have you overcome all effects of Summer foods? If you haven't, restore your body to full vigor with the) old standby PERUNA ltd WW -vV C .i.'-l-sat' It's the toulc that clean away tho congestion, purifies the blood and invigorate your whole system. Parana, in tablet form, is handy to carry with you. It give you a chance to check a cold when it starts. MaaaUa Tables are the ideal laxative. They form no habit and have nounpleas antvttecu. Yourdruggistcansupplyyou Tfca Parana Cvmpanyt Cotuabw, Ohio Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. SALTS IS FINE FOR KIDNEYS. QUIT IfATijj n Flush the Kidneys at Once When Back Hurts or Blad der Bothers Meat forms Uric Acid No man or woman who eats meat regularly can mako a uiistiiko by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms urie acid which clogs the kidney pores so they sluggishly filtor or strain only part of the waste and poisons from the blood, then you get aicK. Xearly all rheumatism, headaches, tivk-r trou ble, nervousness, constipation, dizzi ness, sleeplessness, "bladder disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of I sediment, irrepulnr of passu go or at tended by a sensation of scalding, get! about four ounces of Jnd Salts from! any reliable pharmacy and take a I tnblespoonful in a glass of water be- j fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will theu act fine. This I famous salts is made from the acid of i grapes aud lemon juice, combined with i lithia and has been used or generations I to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity, also to neutralize the: acids iu urine so it no longer causes j irritation, thus ending bladder dis-! orders. j Jad Salts is inexpensive and can-' not injure; makes a delightul effer-; JJ vescent lithia-water drink which all n ... ...., . i. . J regular meal carers snouiu iaao uon and then to keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. SALE AT PERRY'S DRUG STORE THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY October 12, 13, 14 Here Are a Few Items on Sale: 50c Rexall Cherry Cough Syrup 2 for 51c 25c Rexall White Pine and Tar 2 for 26c 50c Rexall White Pine and Tar 2 for 51c 25c Witch Hazel Salve L 2 for 26c 25c Arnica Salve 1 '. . 2 for 26c 25c Carbolic Salve , '. L 2 far 26c 25c Aromatic Cascara '. . 2 for 26c 25c Cathartic PiUs i L 2 for 26c 25c Little Liver Pills !. . 2 for 26c 25c Ear Ache Remedy f. . 2 for 26c 50c Eczema Ointment V 2 for 51c 50c Catarrh Spray Liquid 2 for 51c 25c Grippe Pills ,.'..2 for 26c 25c Headache Tablets . 2 for 26c 25c Rat and Roach Paste L . 2 for 26c n a is ii IS E3 ra nt ts n H II u a m a n u n Call at Oar Store and get Complete List of Articles i in ims ureal une ienr oaie Court House News Clifford L. Rruuk aud Kstlier P. T.u- eas, both of Salem, have taken out a marriage lieeuse at the office of tnc county clerk. James Berridge. who was convicted last week of the larceny of a hack fYoiu J. L. Bruseh, living near ttervais, was sentenced by Judge Kelly this morning to 60 days iu the county jail. ! j State House News i Mailing Clerk O. A. N'ye, who was the victim of a collision Monday in which he and a bicycle and a motor truck were concerned!, Is progressing rapidly towards recovery from his in juries. church will meet at the home of Mrs. J, V. Cox, 334 N. Winter street. The Lcval Woman's class of tht First Christian church, will meet in the church parlors on Thursday after noon. A brief business sessiou will nreeed the social hour. An interesting programme has been arranged for the afternoon and will include a talk by Miss Clara Ahl;ren. of the State Industrial School for tlirls; a short address on the physical development of children by lr. Hodgers and music. All women of the citiy are cordially iuvited to attend. Miss Knpenia Mclnturff entertained iunty Jndpe Bushey has issued an .-" . . . ...,..,..,.. Tn..- order extending the time for the ap with an intonnal dinner jvarty on Tues- J lav evening, in iu'wwi v. i Assistant State Knglneer Percy Cop per left yesterday for El Faso, Texas, to attend the International Irrigation congress. He will read a paper before Pill jrtmr home atmosphere with exquisite lasting fragrance ED. pinaud:s lilac . The great French perfume, winner of highest international awards. Each drop as sweet and fragrant as the living Lilac blossom. A celebrated connoisseur said : "I don't see how yoa can sell such a remarkable perfume for 75 cents a bottle" and remember each bottle contains 6 or. it is wonderful value. Try it. Ask your dealer today for ED. PINAUD'S LILAC. Per 10 cents our American offices will send you a testing bottle. Write today, 'PAEFUSEEIE ED. FCiAlD, Dept M D. FLUID B, N,w York' nit LinmuuleiuZ k i,litm.nl fnr lU .15. with Sin at tornev's fees, has been entered against congress on The Interpretation of Charles Enners in favor of Ueorge C. the Owgoa W ater lde by the I nited Will. Knners bonght a cornet on the Supreme (ourt.' Mr. (upper, installment rln. lan,ed by Mrs. CuPir, 1 will be eono about ten davs. home. Mrs. Schmiedie was using the stairs because the elevator was not in run ning order. Two other persons have been injured by falling on the stairs of t . .. , ; V.d 1. ...... a,..,d.l In , li.. ! k i tv X-.. :- Some figures on the pickling lndns- . .,i.,V fnr a-,rtrt ,11,, try in the state have been sent to the w.' k.- i u inT.a. i off ice of Commissioner of Labor. O. P. I U D C WTU VU HUM " ' . , , . . , , . . . iu liecember, 1!H4. hop con-i '"''r : "'.'"'I I .wV; and ustr'"T .' " . ' T- ' "vi Hoff, and while the commissioner feels that thev will bear revision the samel ane given to the public at this time in Wsmetwrne Difficulties arising over a o ....,. i ..w..l- .1 .uL v ... ... . ! particular industry. An average of 2-W CH -nuts anil umrm ,9 mr wisi" ivr - , . - . . , . - . ,. i people are enipioycu in ine piciviuig 1 tablishments of the state. Mi dollars. eomplaiat filed by Capron in the cir cuit court thia morning. evening Karl Terrv, who are attending the Urc gou Agricultural College. Stated around the table which was artistieailv centered with an art bask et filled wi-h chrysanthemum, dahlias and Ineev tVrns were: the honor guests Miss Florence Cartwright, Miss Helen Mcluturff and the hostess. , Eugene Bosse to November 10. Albert Whitlock. administrator of the estate of Kliiabeth WhitloA-k, de ceased, has filed hi final accouut in the county court. D. G. Prager has been apiointe,l ad- tinitr&tnr tit the tate of H. S. Broughtou. t " " "-.izl?lm ".'."'."7.7'" ' '"" "' " '"'" III TM1.IH i -,,-...,,, .. . . .y. ntlij- Let tlie Pan-Dandy Kids Do Your Baking They'll use tho same pure ingredients that you voul J. Flour rzur fully svlwtcd, tuiJ lailk tc-stol seicu tiGically fur purity nJ for richness. Such a bread, baked iu modem ovens, is bound to be good. Fan-Bandy 5C Pan-Dandy Bread And btiiina tons of thousands of loaves every day, we can sell siH-h a bread for a tract ion of what it would cost you to bake. Your imxvr lias iL Tell him to send out "1 a loaf, and judjre for yourself. But see that it bears the label. &VLEM ROYAL BAKERY S0 8oaUi Commercial street a dav represent the highest wages paid to males and f2 the lowest, and average being $2.7.. Highest wages paid to fe males '..)U a day and lowest ft. re males averaging $1.63 a day. Total pay roll for the state for oue year. 2J4. 5S2. The annual reiwrt of .1. Percy Wells, superintendent of Jackson county schools, has been received at the office of State iiiMrintendent Churchill. In! Jackson count v there are 93 organize.! i (school districts, employing teach-j 'ers. During the school year of li'15-16; ! x.,,;.. fm th. .r.i., of 'there rere enrolled 5i.Vi pupils, with DANDRUFF SUKELT . , , . mn average attendance of 9o.91 per cent T nrennn te vj iro ithe countv court have been filed in the B i""i:t'i" ' n i . ,i DESTROYS THE HAIR J t in fc moth; ,n,ion buper.nteudent Wells says the outlooVj f Mr i;r.-a F lln.!.-r n.l Hat-' for coming s-hool year is good.) ' l,ra K UatUT na Hit j Much improvement has been made in ai tiirls if veu want pleuty of thick. vlc ""'1 'r.hrnical war during the last two vears.1 bcaut.rt.1. g!osy. Mlky fc,a do '.hous, , m T.ursUT ,ni, inr-! K.iht new school buildings. mo.lern , i n j mean get nl of dandruff, for it ': . , , . .,, f-evrv wv, have been erected. Speak.- ,tsrve your hair and ruin it if t!j don t. tSUcK" """Tv," fud .v ?he sav, compare favorablv with those It doesn't do much good to try to uy Stover of Brook, prr.ch.ng the ctto. of the country. brush or wash it out. The ouiy surr , ,e saperintendent savs: "One ot tne- way to get ria ot r.anutuii is '- solve it, then you destroy it entirely.: r . .1.. 1.; .,t K.il f.nir niinr.. of' .vrdiaarv liouid arvon: am !v it at night' Boston. Mass., Oct. IL The 6Vrr-' Jnvalidd Now in Good Health Through Use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Say it is Household Necessity. Doctor Called it a Miracle. KAXSAX DID NOT SAIL when retirinc: use enough to moisten. the scslp ai'd rub it in gently with the - a I linger tip. I grcaten aeels. especially in the ruralj schools, i a higher standard of prepa-j ration on the part of the teacher. The becoming a I' l.p i r.-1 I. tore of the liner Kansan with nearly:- . . e.u...:ional work. half million dollar cargo, tor Su;o Ja(kso1 touniy.'- .,.., n.ul if n.At .11. of rour earlv todav. I .iv,. ... ,,rM T;TriId .t the dau.lruff wiil le gvue, and three ori The Kansan was examined n,lpffi,. 0f the public service commission four more ;i licatious will completely passed by a Merman submarine Suaday ; tB,;s mornie show little change in the dissolve and entirely destroy every e her way here from -Vfw lor, single sign and trace of it. j . You will find, too, that W itching and diggiug of the scalp will stop. Bad yo.tr h.ir w-.ll Wk aa.l M kindred .; HI?llll1HlllHlHlll!miHU. times better. o;i ran get liquid arven a at any drug store. It is inexpensive aaiv 31 four ounces is all yon will necsl, no mat- ; 31 ter how inu.-h daadruff you have. This, simple remedy never fails. j j j J DIED. ; m 4 ) 31 r.iicv-x' 1 iV. A I,;. .t.u.-B-1 4 UAn.-..--, . . ,1., ... r , , ter. Mm. Lara eiaoer, ...rmi-i land. Tnesviay, tvteoer tv. Him,, Urwts Ijtrsea, . year wo, or cn ; 3; trouble. 1 ' Mr. Larseu is snrvived by tke fol-j 3 kvwiac ekildrra: William. Mr. Ijiaraj 3 WeieWr. Thomas, Mrs. Julia KeJwiaei Fr,terickall. NcrwwT. aad sient much 1 3 The faaeral farty wiU lev, U SlUIIlWllUlU!!l!l,illihlllilt? i situation. The shortage is 1'9. with Si ' empty cars received at Ashland. iMrs. Frances Schmiedie j Gets Severe Fall OOME cars misht blush to tell j-ou their family history. The OWL publishes hs history gladly, be cause the more yoa know about the OWL, the better yoa Jike it. TV Million Dollar Cfir M.a.ouKrr aro. iNcoaroaaTBD I Mr. Frances Pckmie.'.!. whrse home i is at Hi North Commercial street.) j missed her footing oa the staitway in I i the Fnited States National bank build- j in Testeraar arrernoen tno iru. ! Tere!y wrenchini: her seine, sprain i icg her wrist, asi reeeii -ni numerous ' braise. She fell several feet and was ksocsed partially uweonscious. Pr. F ?H Fisker. wkW office is in tie'build- was called ad ke rearieicl medi leal aid. Later she was taken to ker j DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL j Classified Ads j BSUKU TOO BXSVLTS j Fhone SI Prompt Service All women ought to know the wonderful effects of taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound even on those who seem hopelessly ill. Here are three actual cases: ITarrislmrr. renn. "'Whrn I was Rtmrl T 'suf fered a great tleal from female weakness because mv work eomwUcd me (0 stand all day. I took Lydii E. riiikham's Vegetable Comronntl for that and was mrnie stronger by its use. After I was niarrkd I took the Compound agnin for a female rrouble and after three months 1 passed what the doctor called a growth, lie said it was a miracle mat it cainc away as one generally goes under the knife to have them removed. 1 never want to be without vonr Com round in the house. Mrs. Feaxk Ksobl, 141 Fulton St, llarrisbui-g, Fenn. Hardly Able to Move. Albert ta, Miim. " For ahout year I had sharp pains across my back and haps and was hartlly able to move around the house. Wv head wouW ache and I was diny nnd had no appetite. After taking Lydia L. linkham's Vegttablo ComiKwml and Liver Fills I am feelmy stronger than for years. I have a lilt lo Iniy eight months' old and ani doing my work all alone. I vvuld not lo wiiliout vour remedies in the house as there are none like them." .Mrs.' f. K. 1 OCT, 611 W ater SL, .Ubert Iast, Minn. Three Doctors Gave Her Up. Fittsbure, Fenn. Your nHHiicine has helel me wonderfully. When I was a girl IS vears old I t-as always sickly and delicate and suffered from liiiiiiiiH'uiJMiiiiiiiii i trresuiania??. mree (tutors ga-e iik up and s;id iv?u F,.ml consumption. 1 took Ivdia E. llnkhams egetable CnmpouiKl and with the third oouk tteean to fel rtt.r 1 aivd I got strong and shortly after I was married. -Now I have two nice stout healthy child reu and am ao 10 worn nam ewy dav. Mrs, Clemkxtixa w lH-fcKRINvvM Gardner St1ViTTill MrrKiiT r " PERR Y'S DRUG S TORE, the rexall store 115 S. Commercial Street SALEM, OREGON l u the building. They are Dr. W. J. Pat terson, who fell Sunday and bruised a hip and elbow, ami J. E. Towle, a resident of Aumsville, who fell a short time npu. AH women arinvittl in ariu .k r ii.i ir.ji. Cine tol.) un, Masa, for ieoal ad vice,-It wiU bo coundenUiO.