Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 10, 1916, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
Editor and Manager,
October iO, Hi 111.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
See. mid Titus.
' $5.00 Per month 4.rc
,) :i.U0 Per month 3!ie
Daily by enrrier, per yeai
Daily by mail. ler year .
York, Ward Lewis Williams Special Agency, Tribune Building
Chicago, V. II. Stoekwell, People's tins Building
The Capital Journal carrier boys aro instructed to put the papers on the
porch If tho carrier dues not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the
taper to vou on time, lumllv phono the circulation malinger, as this is the only
way we can deterniiue whether or not the carriers nre following instruction,
l'hone Main SI before :M o'clock nnd a paper will be scut you by special
messenger if the currier has missed you.
The Orpponian this moraine: prints the following in
its clispatchs from Philadelphia, reporting the campaign; unhealthy for the German submarines,
of Chas. K. Hughes:
"Mr. Hughes was asked today for his views with re
spect to the present submarine situation. He refused to
discuss it. He said he was not in control of official
agencies and was not in receipt of official information.
He said further that he had no desire to embarrass the
Administration in dealing with any current matters as to
which the Administration had the whole responsibility."
This is in line with all of Mr. Hughes' acts. He re
fuses to take a stand on any question but attacks the
president for whatever course he takes. While refusing
to commit himself now it is safe to say that within a
week he will be criticising Wilson for his action or non
action on account of this submarine raid off the American
coast. Hughes took precisely this course in respect to Nine ghi wag not the gum total of the ginking the
the pending strike of railroad employes refusing to sug- German submarine was guilty of Sunday and Monday,
gest any plan of settlement while the situation was cnti- R t8 f rom Wall Street indicate that hundreds of small
cal and immediately after the solution had been reached fi ' . , f. successfully torpedoed in the stock
by the passage of the eight-hour day law attacKing mei arket and wenfc down with all handgj the cook and the
president in vindictive speeches. bank rolL The gl caught the little fellows and the big
If the Daily Chronicle expresses the- views of the
British government there is likely to be some serious
trouble between that country and the United States. The
Chronicle commenting on the visit of the undersea-boat
to America, Saturday, intimates that the United States is
responsible for its acts. It says "obviously if Germany is
allowed to wage war off the United States coast, we must
take counter measures. American trade will be hamp
ered, and incidentally the other side of the Atlantic will
become very unhealthy, not only for Germans, but for
American submarines."
This is a threat not even veiled, that if German sub
marines are allowed off the Atlantic coast, even though
outside of the three mile limit, British war vessels will
not be particular about what submarines it fires at but
will shoot at an American ship of this type as quickly as
at a German. It is suggested to our fiery British con
temporary that England had better discover first if it is
So lar, the epi
demic of finhealth seems to be confined to British
England has long arrogated to herself the ownership
of the oceans but the United States never has. Outside
of the three mile limit it neither has nor claims jurisdic
tion, and consequently has nothing to say as to what any
belligerents ships may, or may not do.
It is easily understood though that should the threat
be made good and an American submarine fired on,
that there will be something doing that will make our old
friend Johnny Bull wonder why he did it. It is probable
however that the English paper is just talking to relieve
its impotent rage at what it cannot prevent.
TTuphos has never vet suggested a plan which he will
carry out in regard to Mexico in event of his election, or
told the country what he would have done had he been in
Wilson's shoes. He merely criticises and docs not do that
with honest sincerity, because he accuses President
Wilson of having allowed a state of war with Mexico to
havinc been killed inthe past four
yearsbut has nothing to say against Taft, during whose j
administration almost as many American lives were;
sacrificed to Mexican anarchy as have been lost since
Wilson became president. The policy of President Taft
was almost identical with that of President Wilson re
garding Mexico, yet Hughes, as presidential candidate,
savagely attacks the latter and sings the praises of the
former. . . . ,
Hughes has not in this campaign so far said what he
will do, if elected, with the European question, the Mex
ican question or any other real issue; he is proving him
self an office-seeking politician who would rise to power
only by etaring down the work of others and offering
nothing of a permanent, constructive character in its
The car shortage continues to grow. According to re
ports yesterday it is mounting up toward the 2,000 mark,
being now above 1,700. The worst feature ot the matter
is that there is apaprently no relief in sight. More than
1,700 carloads of Oregon products are being kept .from
market and as some of these are perishable the loss is
great. It's a hard blow to business of all kinds, but under
existing laws there is no remedy. Will the people of Ore
gon stand for it or take steps at the coming session of the
"legislature to prevent its recurrence?
A delegation of 100 Portland businessmen passed
through Salem about 9::i0 last night on their way to Coos
Bay. Their trip is purely a business one being made for
the purpose of getting in touch with that section and
securing a portion of its trade at least, for Portland. At
the same time a fine program has been made and Coos
I5ay will show our Portland friends how to do the enter
taining stunt up just about right.
Mr. Tope, of Texas, complains that class legislation is
wrong and at the same time asKS congress to pass a iaw
compelling the government federal reserve board to fix
and protect a minimum 12-cent a pound loan on cotton
This is of a piece with those who object to "pork" but can
not tell it from mutton if it is coming to them.
' The problem of managing the state prison is being
solved by the present administration in a way that the
Oregonian and other critics of Governor West hardly
looked for. At the rate convicts are escaping there will
be nobody left inside to guard in a few months, and as a
consequence the question of what to do with the prisoners
will have been definitely answered.
fish had some iuicv bait which they proceeded to swallow,
The bunch cleaned out who have been pyramiding on a
rising market, now realize that a fellow can lose money
in stocks considerably faster than he can make it. Th.
aggravating thing about it was that stocks only went low
enough to scoon their margins and in a few hours these
I same stocks were back about where they fell from.
That was some ball game yesterday. The Brooklyns
made a home run in the first when unfortunately for them
there were no men on the bases. The Boston aggregation
got one in the third and then it was goose eggs for bothis
teams until the fourteenth when the Bostons copped out
the winning run
Holding that while it is not unusual
for a man to insure his property and for
a fire to thereafter consume it, but that
after a series o'f insurances and subse
quent burnings occurring within u com
paratively short period it is a reason
able conclusion that the last burning is
something more than a coincidence, the
supreme court this morning handed
down an opinion affirming the judg
ment of Circuit Judge Percy K. Kelly.
.Marion county, in the case of State of
Oregon vs. Fred McClard. The opinion
was written by Justice McBride.
The defendant McClard was indicted
for the crime of burning property with
intent to injure and defraud the insurer,
which crime it was alleged was commit
ted Xovember 7, 1013. The evidence
tended to show that McClard had pro
cured insurance upon cenain clothing
and personal effects, contained in the
frame building at 1745 Court street, Sa
lem. A fire occurred in' his room in
this buildiug which totally destroyed
the contents of the room. The claim
made upon the insurance company
amounted to $2.'!!).40. Evidence was in
troduced at the trial to show that .Mc
Clard had been concerned in fires simi
lar to this one on former occasions, and
it was on the admissibility of this evi
dence that the caso was appealed to the
supreme court.
Other opinions:
M. T. Hutchison vs. Mrs. F. P. Cran
dell, appellant, appealed from Columbia
county, motion to dismiss appeal allow
ed, opinion by Justice McBride.
J. H. Myers Heating company vs.
Joseph A- Strowbridgo estate et nl, ap
pellants, appealed from Multnomah
county, suit to foreclose mechanic's
lien, opinion by Justice Bean, Circuit
Judge -McGinn's judgment for plaintiff
Katherine Kosciolok, appellant, vs.
Portland Railway, Light & Power com
pany, nppealed from Multnomah coun
ty, suit for damages for injuries, opin
ion by Justice Burnett, judgment of
Circuit Judge Morrow for defendant
Aloph Lane, nppellant, vs. AV. F. Ball
et nl, appealed from Multnomah county,
judgment of Judge Gnutenhein re
versed, opinion by Chief Justice Moore.
State of Oregon vs. H. A. iStites, ap
pellant, appealed from Multnomah coun
ty, judgment. of Judge Onutenbein af
firmed, opinion by Chief Justice Moore.
State of Oregon ex rel vs. (ieorge X
Farrin, original proceeding in disbar
ment, defendant disbarred.
State of Oregon vs. J. Ward Evans,
appealed from Multnomah county, judg
ment of Judue Oatens affirmed, opiuiou
by Justice Harris.
ine ians sure got uie wutin ui men
The Tattler
Four weeks from today settles it all but the shouting.
The betting on results is reported in New York at 10 to 8
with Hughes the favorite. It should be remembered
though that New York, so far as Wall Street and its
gamblers are concerned, is not in touch with the country,
and knows less about public sentiment than almost any
other part of it.
The Capital Journal was a trifle premature recently
in saying the pennant battle having been decided the
country could now pay some attention to the spellbinders
and political matters. It overlooked the fact that the
world's series Was yet to be played and that that took
precedence over everything. After next week the presi
dential campaign will begin to awaken interest again.
Latest advices from Germany say that iAmbassador
Gerard is not bringing any peace propositions from the
kaiser, and that his visits to leading German officials
iW. hotW Rtnrtinp for home had nothing to do with
peace. As he is due to arrive today the .truth concerning
the rumor will soon be known.
k Walt Mafon
1,1, f-y
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1868
CAPITAL $500,000.00
Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
Take it all in all, Sunday was finite
a lively day at the penitentiary.
Maybe you've noticed that the man
who remembers the Sabbnth to keep it
holy, by sleepiir; through a church ser
vice in the morning, eating a whop
ping big dinner, raking a imp in the
afternoon, and smoking divers ad sun-
Irv cigars during the less somnolent
and voracious periods of the day. con
ducts himselt atter tho manner of a
holv terror on Monday.
Children Cry for Fletcher's
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
iu use for over 30 years, lias borne tho signature ot
and has been inatlo under his per-trf-
sonal supervision since its ini'anry.
-&cu44, Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but
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Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorln, Is a hnrmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing- Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fevcrishness. For more than thirty years it
lias been in constant use for tho relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Viarrlioni. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
season. j" keeping in mind'' others refer to a
I ' ' worry.
It is reckoned that some folks are'
going to be surprised when Salem high1 yi,n m.W8IB1,cr eliiuiccs to be a
meets Jefferson on the gridiron Salur-;fl.w minutes late, and the office of that
('".v- 1 paper becomes filled with people ask-
ing the reason why, what's that a sign.
What some of the calmer spirits call of J
It is not considered sinful to say no
to n newspaper reporter or yes to a'
candidate for office. J
The nntoists aro making way while
the sun shines..
Many little improvements to property
are noticeable in all parts of Sulem.
A certain young Voninn of this town
was overheard to say to a certain young
man Sunday, "You'd better run home,
little fellow, ami stay there till prune
picking is over."'
Opening w ith n rush the theatrical j
Southward to California
Eastward through Nevada
Ogden Route
Overland Limited
Pacific Limited
San Francisco Limited
Atlantic Express
Comfort and Convenience
Liberal Stopovers
Ask the Agent at the Station
General Pas. Agt., Portland, Ore.
Oh, the frost is on the pumpkin, Mary
Jane; and the farmer hauls the fodder in
his wain: and the ancient claybank mare
has her winter coat of hair, and the cows
are bawling sadly in the rain. In the morn
ing there's a nipping, eager breeze, and the
edges of the brook begin to freeze; all the
summer bloom is dead, and the pretty birds
are sped, and I have rheumatic twinges in
my knees. You have heard me' in the sum
mer, Mary Jane, you have heard me raise
the dickens and complain, -wishing for some
; winter sleet, tellintr how the sizzling heat filled my person
i with a punk, unpleasant pain. And already, with a sad
iand londne: sich. I am thinking of the beauties of July,
j and I swear by August, too; then the skies are bright and
; blue, and a man can sit in comfort then and fry. I'm op
I posed to Father Winter and his storm; I indorse the kind
of climate that is warm; when the nights are white with
frost thev increase our living's cost, and it's time the
1 jy Lv
weather bureau knew reform.
cu.vrrKR XYIIl
The next morning Clifford slept late
end grumbled when I at la5t wakened
"Whv can't you let a fellow sleep
once in a while!" he snapped as he
!lisuppeared into the bath room.
"But, Clifford: yon nave T.oia me so
ften never to let you sleep after 8
o'clock unless you told me the- mglit
before." I replied, the last part ct my
remonstrance behind the closed raiaer
the slammed bath room door.
I waited until ho had drank oac cup 'went
of coffee, and partially eaten a very
good breakfast before I said anything
more. Then I ventured:
"Did you have a nice time last
uightT" '
' ' I'm fairly pleasant. ' '
"So did I!" I expect I enjoyed my
self better than I should had 1 gone
among at rangers."
"Where did you go?" Clifford show
ed a gleam of interest.
"Oh, I didn't go out Mr. Brooke
called and we played and sang until
nearly 11 o'clock."
"Yes, I should imagine that kind of
a time would suit you better. Please
ring tho bell. I'd like a hot muffin."
I rang the bell, ordered hot muffins,
Uieu very foolishly continued the cou-
sholy goin' to know ef yo don stop."
Mundy was right. When I cried for
any length of time my eyes told th
story for hours afterward- So with aa
effort I calmed mvself. then m.t .
"It seems you care as little who
enmea liere when von nrp nw.iv ns vnn '
fin mv snitv. " s
"Why should I careT You are old!
enmiKli rr Know- who You want tn en-' mv hnt . .
-- . r , i - -.i ami went out lor a
tertaiu. Your bringing up hasn't beea, walk. As I strolled listlessly alomr
such as to cause any uneasiness because thinking of Clifford, of how little hi
.u .. ubik. nu so.i.v carea tor me or what I did. I had all
he' answered, scarcely veil-; I could do to keen from crvin n;.
Then all suddenly with the thought of
itne nappy evening I had. snent vith
Leonard Brooke, came thn thnnoh
.vou what father hurt
knew them you would go with me when j Good Advice
1 am luviieu 10 ineir Humes, x am nor ' ' Kememitpr
you choose
voung cub."
mg a sneer. j
"I do wish you would meet some of j
the peoule who have called on me," Ij
ou tactlessly, "remaps if
ashamed to have them meet you; if you man now, rlr, and avoid the appear
do feel that ay about me " Mc, of evU. y
"By jove. Mildred! will you stop' attractive to girl, who are not quit
harping on what I do, and where I go! , happy in their married life. But in tho
lor goodness sake try to act like a wo-nd I reckon it always means trouble."
left me without even the pretense of . "quite happy. " and so had warned
1 k, Idle Tears. ! SH," rd diJn' to
was not
B, J ' v - w
For an hour I lay ou the bed sobbing! why fatUfr sb01lId As for here
,n my misery. Then vn.cn Mandy had being any danger to nieto either of uT
exhausted every argument she could ; that was silly. Father was old fashing
think of to calm me, but in vain, she'ed. I again concluded- He didn't under
said: ! stand tim nn-t- r.al i
"Don yon te'.l Mandy you hain't nev
er a goin to cry no mo, and raak you . (Tomorrow
prutty eyes all red? Mars Hammond I
-Leonard Brooke