Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 10, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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TilC Cll cites t
2500 pairs of high-grade Shoes, formen, women and children, in all the new
est styles and leathers have just arrived direct from the foremost factories
in this country. . Notwithstanding the. high cost of leather and the soaring
prices on Shoes, our enormous purchasing power and scientific method of
merchandising enables us to still .offer you the best shoes for the least msney.
For Example:
tt Child's dongola button scuff er, nature last, extra heavy flexible sole, spring f
VlOol - VOVlf CniUtiol ClTOe 8 1.9 fn 11 ffl Of. dirrno K 4-n O in MIX TT
if heel; very special, sizes 8 1-2 to 11, $1.35; sizes 5 to 8
Child's gun-metal button shoes, genuine oak soles, English welt
Sizes 6 to 8. .......
Sizes 8 1-2 to 12
Sizes 12 1-2 to 2 1. .............. .
Boys' gun metal button shoes, genuine oak soles, English welt---.
Sizes 9 to 13
Sizes 13 1-2 to 2 $1 89
Men's heavy work shoes, in black or tan, extra heavy double sole $2 49
Men's fine dress shoes, button or lace.!....;........., .......... $249
others at .-. ............ $2.98, $3.45 and $35
For tomorrow only, we place on sale. 24 Comforters, made of fine com
fort cloth in medium dark patternsfilled with good quality cotton, sold
regular for $1.50; for tomorrow only (jflj.
Formerly the Chicago Store. Salem's Largest Popular Price Department Store.
Not connected with any other store in the city.
Corner Court and Commercial Streets Salem, Oregon
Turner Tidings
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Turner, Ore., Oct. II). .Mrs. Bnrzce j
was a fuiom visitor the lirst of the
-Miss Mary Davy was at the Win.
Steele home Hundav i. m.
John Karris has been in Turner the !
pust week.
Miss Bermce Briggs has been nt the
farm home of her uncle, C W. Furris,
during school vacation.
Mr. IJ. A. Osbom and wife enjoyed I
a visit from Air. and .Mrs. 1.. K. Waters,
of Milwaukee, last week.
Master Sa'mraie l'nmerton lias been
sufferiiig'from a severe burn but is bet
ter now.
'Mrs. Edith Ransom was an Albany
visitor the first of the week.
lrvin Robertson, Herman Wipper and
Harry Burnett are back from Fish lake.
Mrs. W. Carlton Smith, of Salem, was
in Turner Sunday afternoon.
The Parent-Toadicr association held
their first regular meeting Friday aft
ernoon. In planning the work for the
new- school year it was decided to meet
twice a mouth. Mrs. Wagner was elect
ed president for the year.
Some business changes have taken
place since the first of the month. The
firm of Bones Bros, has dissolved part
nership, J. M. Bones, senior member of
the firm, has bought .the Karl & Sum
mers shop on C and Second streets,
while A. L. Bones, junior member, will
continue the implement house nt the old
Friends of Mrs. Dnzell will be glad
to know that she is better.
Rev. J. J. Mickey was sent back to
Turner for another year.
W. A- Martins have as their house
guests Mr. mid Mrs. Coblis.
I'rof. and Mrs. T. K. Wilson were at
J. M. Watson's home Thursday and
Friday of last w eek. '
Ralph Farrens had the misfortune to
get his left hand mashed while hauling
hay for Henry Hobson.
Georgia Robertson -and Miss Lizzie
Cornelius are trying their luck in the
Hood River apple orchards.
Mrs. Cole was a caller at Barrs on
.Mrs. M. O. Knight visited with J. M. 1
Bones on Thursday.
George Ransom, Turner's one soldier,
is back at work 1n the depot.
Mrs. George Ford and sons have re
turned home after a visit with Mrs.
Fard's sister, Mrs. J. F. I.yle, of this
W. G. Smith has moved his family into
what is known as the' Pink house.'
Kd Cochruu spent Suiiilav with home
Uoyd Hillerary is in Turner looking
after business interests.
Every one will realize that Turner is
still on the map when thev read our one
f I local newspaper. The first copy was
tissued on October 5, and w ell just rend
X it and see.
ininmii-"--" Turner public school has an enroll-
teachers there are all indications of
Everyone Should Drink Hot
Water with Phosphate In It,
Before Breakfast
JO feel as tine as the proverbial
inline, we must Keep the liver washed
clean, almost every morning, to pre-
rui us sponge-nae pores from clog
King wiiii iiuiigestioie material, sour
bile and poisonous toxins, says a noted
If you get headaches, it's your liver.
ii you eaten cold easily, it's your liver.
If you wake up with a bad teste, fur
red tongue, nasty breath or Btomach
becomes rancid, it's your liver. Sallow
skin, muddy complexion, watery eyes
all denote, liver uncleaiiliness. Your
liver is the most important, also the
most abused and neglected organ of
the body. Few know its function or
how to rclense the dammed-up body
waste, bile and toxins. Most folk's
resort to violent calomel, which is a
dangerous, salviating chemical which
can only be used occasionally because
it accumulates in the tissues, also at
tacks the bones.
Every man and woman, sick or well,
should drink each morning before
breakfast, a glass of hot water with
a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate
in it, to wash from the liver and
bowels the previous day's indigestible
material, the poisons, sour bilu and
toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and
freshening the entire alimentary canal
before putting mora food into the
Limestone phosphnto does not re
strict the diet like calomel, because it
can not salivate, for it is harmless and
you can eat anything afterwards. It
is inexpensive and almost tasteless, and
any puuniiucist win sen you a (punter
pound, which is sufficient for a dem
onstration of how hot water and lime
stone phosphate cleans, stimulates and
freshens the liver, keeping jou feel
ing fit day in and day out.
Monmouth News
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Tile students oi the uormul Held stu
dent body election Inst Wednesday and'
elected a full quota of officers lis fob'
lows: President, A. C. Ingram, of Cove;
vice-president, Clara Rutherford, oi'
Canby; treasurer, Gertrude Noilson, nf
Hood River; secretary, Bessie Davidson,
of Portland; sergetiiit-iit-arins, lleriiiuii
Lund, of Cove; athletic manager, Paul'
Brown, of Amity; editor of the Norm, I
l.ois Cnwgill, of Portland; business !
Rostein & Greenbaum
See our Big Stock of Ladies' and Girls' Hats. The
very newest styles, fancy feathers; hat ornaments
and shapes. You are invited to visit this depart
ment. You will not be urged to buy. Plenty of
help to wait on you. Low prices.
Ladies' and Girls' Coats
A nice selection of pop
ular priced new Coats.
Ladies' nice new Coats,
$7.50, $9.00, $11.50,
- and $12.50
Opting Flannel Gowns
We . bought these, a
'long time ago. Today,
you cannot purchase
the goods ,and make
them up for our selling
Girls' Outing Flannel
Gowns, heavy material,
only 50c
Boys' Night Shirts 50c
Men's Night Shirts 65c .
Ladies' Gowns at. .50c
Ladies' Gowns 60c - 75c
Good white outing
Extra large sizes $1.00
Boys' School Suits
$2.50, $3.00, $3.75
Three good numbers
Men's Wool Suits
.$10.00 and $12.50
Winter Underwear
At the mill price of today-Boys'
Union Suits .50c
Girls' Union Suits 50c
Ladies' Union Suits 50c
Duchess neck, short
sleeves. High neck, long
sleeves, extra heavtf
Union Suits 90c
Men's Union Suits $1.00
Children's separate
Garments 25c
Ladies' nice white Win
ter weight separate
Garments 35c
11. Kleeger, ct nl.
school rear that we will l.e ,n.l rff. "" " ."' -''" mmcr, or
Ti,; !. c.,t ..,.. f .... .1 :.. r.i- i Independence. 1 hey also elected a so
-. ,o .,.v uini linn ui Bl-flUUI ill .,i,.
Willamette Valley News
4 , years that the register does not record
j ine name riicties. , iiow does that line
J up with other piuiutur families of the
cinl committee of five, a lyecuin course
committee of three uud a student bin I v
council o' four February seniors, t It r
Scotts Mills News
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Scotts Mills, Ore., Oct. 10. C. M
Philips had the misfortune of having
his barn burned last week. He hail
built a small dryer for his family use,
ia the back prut of the barn and had
n fire in it at the time. It ia supposed
that in some way the barn caught fire
from this. It was by great effort, on
the part of the crowd that gathered,
that Mr. Philips' house was not burned
Many of the people here attended the
Kttite fair. All that we have heard ex
press themselves have said it was the
best state fair they had ever attended.
Sirs. Anna Commons received four prizes
lor needle work and tutting-
Our W. C. T. U. reorganized at its
last meeting. Airs. Worth Coulsnii was
chosen for president. Mrs. Kvelyn Kice
for vice-president. Mrs. H. B. Taylor,
secretary. Mrs. Shorey, corresxnding
secretary, and Mrs. Amanda . Shilta,
sell a farm he owns there.
Miss 1 .i l Brougher is home from
Newbeig and is clerking in her father's
store here. , .
Rickreall Items
(Capital Jinn tin I Special Service)
Rickreall, Or., Oct. 10 I.. Hickman
has been appointed road supervisor to
till the vacancy caused by Claude Ash
by moving away.
Mr. Doris is very ill at tho Salem
hospital with blood poison in his hand.
Mr. Wheeler has rented the J. H.
Ashby farm.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. V. Magee of Scotts
Mills spent Sunday with their son, M.
M. Mngee.
'.Mrs. ,lim" lliidloiig of 1'ortland has
been visiting her parents, Mr. anil Mrs. j
i n; . I I
two newcomers, have been classmates
Wriirht. Miss iwtr .....1 Wii.... .' fom! '"" during their school days.
teuchers in the hiuh school, urnm'marl M- T V '"j'. .""d ?! w- Hunsnkers
and primary grades respectively. The!"'"6 ,0 ' AUiltmi ville Hound-l p.
total enrollment is somewhat less than
? T . . . ' ,
valley, Another factris that in the class! 1 - ' J"".".,,!' J1"" 8
of beginners, a class of 10, all of the ""!.',',"' ... '..,',
m...? ,. ;.i. "... "T. I !'? I"'' three days ot next week
t ',.,,n ll! 111. 1 tlllll Ul tllli: III
A decree severing the bonds of matri
mony between I.i..ie O. DeMnrd and Al
beit. O. DeHord has been granted by
.lodge Galloway in response to the coin
plaint of Mrs. Dclinrd.
will Its given over to the l'olk County
Teachers' Institute at Dallas, so there
will be no school here at that time.
Miss Mcintosh and Miss Aibiitlinot will
Claude Ashby and family have n.ov-
ed to their farm near Lake Labish.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Drorbaugh spent
Sunday with Mr. Drorbaugh 's iiarents.
I Mrs. t Inrence Johnson visited her
Mr. Dave Delano accompanied by i pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. K. H. White, Inst
Miss Bertha Miller and Mrs. Newton 1 w,f,k.
nnd her two sons, motored tp Marqnam ! Chester. Homer has n fine crop of
Siiturday'eveniiig. . j Hubbard squashes.
i.aurH nun .viaui-i .ui-mit hi .un-n-a.v
Mr. Pirrv Wells nnd Vr. Stnnelincker
accompanied bv Miss Hazel Tucker and ' visited their grandmother, Mrs. R.
... . . V, , .. li:.. Untn.J.,0 ' '
aims xiorence xrnzier, an oi muem, mo-"i
tored to Scotts Mills Sunday afternoon
mid attended Friends church in the ev- j .
ening, returning home after church. j
School opened here October 2 and
then adjourned until the next week on ;
account of teachers' institute at Sn-.
lcm. I
last year owing to the fact that several
families with children have moved
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McLean and boys
spent Sunday at -Mrs. J. J. Burch's
Mrs. Fox spent a few dnys this week
visiting relatives in Salem.
Mrs. J. J. Burch was a Salem visitor
on Wednesday.
Mrs. I). K. Bran mm. of West Salem,
visited her daughter, Mrs. T. W. Burch,
and family on Wednesday. - v
Little Verna Burch entertained u par
ty of her little friends' on Friday aft
ernoon in honor of her seventh birth
day. The children made merry with out
doors games and then enjoyed tho dnin-
i ty refreshments served by Mrs, Burch.
i nose enjoying the guieties were: Doris
(ioodell, Kthel Carter, Mary und Doro
thy Morrow, Helen Black, Bertha va
dell and Tom Reese, Stitnley Tntom,
Ralph Waite, l.eland, Alice, Bculah,!
Konert ana crnn tnrch.
The heavy frost which visited this
vicinity Tuesday night, played havoc
with some of the unhiirvestvd crops, es
pecially the tomatoes which were late
in ripening and were just in the height
of the season.
Rickreall Items
(Capital .Tonrnul Special Service )
Rickreall. Ore., Oct. 10. Mr. D. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Aibllemnn urn ni-eiiur-! Hodoc. father of Mrs. Frcd.Auer, Mike
lag t return to Indiana to take charge : d Kd Hodge, died at the home of his
of their farm there. They are intending 1 "" K. four milM nortu nf Riekreull
to fix up the place and, thensell it and ; Wednesday morning Bt'ter several weeks
retarn here to make their future home-' terious illness. He is survived. 'by his
This is what their frieads here are hop-! l several children, who live near
ing they will do. I Rickreall. His funeral was held from
A party of our young folks motored i Chapman's undertaking iiarlors at 10::i0
to Salem Friday night to attend a C. K. lny morning.- - " -. .
social held at the Friends church in I Rev. Burns, who preaches here and at
Highland. They returned the same even-1 Beuna Vista was very seriously injured
jug, j Wednesday-while helping to clean, up
. Mr.' Dave Delano : is preparing tol'he amp grounds, at Quinaby . Park,
make a trip to North Dakota ii) order to j Little hope is held for his r-eeovery.. .
. School commenced Mondnv with" Mr.
The Standard Oil Company
standi squarely behind Zcrolcne
nd guarantees it the ttil auto
mobile oil they know hurt to
iheSianJard Oil 'or Motor Cars
Sold by dcaltrj everywhere and
at all Service Staun of the
Standard Oil Company
Ktnerv Howe was seen on our st reels ! "v "V I" "'''I"" K l,s
Sunday nsuiii. j'resuleut Aekeriiiiin, I'rof. (ion-
The' Turner Electric. Light company !'u ''"'l 1'r," 1i:i,,;"n,LV "!', "t,1,l" .,","'m"
is running nil night now. the lights are ' V "' 1 "n I",lr,"'' I
dim after midnight, but that is no draw- ; "u m""' "." "'vf n.
l,,,,, on the jirogrnni. The institute is in
H.'A. Theissen was called to the bed-1 '''''''if of "" U' .M""7' a"' ?""
side of his mother last week. "'"V'1' ' """'.V perinte.,dot, and Su-
Francis Morris and Ted Whitehead, Byvnul. h.
Jr., were married last week and are liv ""mouth high school has the largest
ing in Turner 1 ,l),'r of '"l"1" ovrr registered, the to-
S. L. llulen was down from Sweet I'"1 "1- being ... All
Home the first of H,e- wwk. He was ! "", ,l" '!-h" ,,ri' ! '"f !" their line
registered nt The Burr hotel. i""'1 ,h'8 -v,.'nr wl 1 ""''""'"'"H.v lie .
Bor..-To Mr. and Mrs. Quay Wnssom, l,,,,'",,r om,."1 0"'' work nrconipl.shed.
a little daughter. Monday morning. I. )'"; '"'' V"-"y vis, ed
Miss Ann McKinnev entertniued the I 1 l? Tll0.'"','-V l""ly
ladies of the rural W C. T. V. on Fri-1 i'.'K1''," Kl,.h l,t"1VV fr,,sl" i","1 "e,K ,,,'h
day afternoon. killed most garden vegetables mid done
The Tniner W. C. T. I'. meet. iih " ' "'
In the case of James Withvcombo,
governor, lien W, Olcott, secre'tnry of
state, ami Thomas B. Kuy, state treasur
er, agnii.:.t Kniinii (1. Robinson et nl, an
action to recover funds limned to the
di t'elidant from the state treasury, a de
cree has been issued by Circuit Judge
Calloway that the plaintiffs do have
end recover from the defendant, hiiniiii
G. Robinson, the sum of ijSNT, with in
terest, ll is fnrtln.r ,t.i...-a.wl .1 1...
Security State blink recover from de-
iciiotiiii, ine sum ot I,(.H.50, with in
terest. Ami it is ulso decreed that the
abbot t of St. Benedict's abbey, Mt.
Angel, recover 1'ioin her the sum of
i,720.50 with interest. The mortgage
of tho pliiintitts, the two mortgages of
the Security State bank, ami the mort
gage of the iiblmtt of St. Benedict 's are
ordered I'oieclnscd to satisfy the suid
After terrible sufferings iiiiinliirlM
women have used Lydia K. 'I'iilkhain '
Vegetable Coinpouml und recovered
''r" l ts peculiar to their six.
Many of these.. who cannot bear that
other women should suffer us they did
iwiinoiir Knowing what to do, have wrii
I ten letters telling their experience to bo
I published to the world. These honest,
l helpful stories are constantly appeur
(iiig in the newspapers. Head them,
jailing women, they are written with r:o
motive but your good. . ,
pc wise advertise your wanb
i uicrdpcrinax dnngsKcsults
f-uta rcsdtBriMiiWantAd in
to-morrowand waichthc returns
Mrs. W. T. Riches this week.
Here Is Good News
for Stomach Victims
.Many silos are going up in this vicin
ity. K. H. Ostium has finished the
cement foundation for his silo, uud is
hauling the material for same.
Corn is drying out very fast mid
many farmers will water the ensilage as
it is cut.
c ... ,. , I John Hiddoll was in Portland hist
Some very remarkable results are be- we,.k ,, , n.moV)M ,,, hi1
...g oh ained.by treating stomach, liver ,,11(.k ,1M( K lU,f t .
and intestinal troubles with pure vege- u u M..1.1V 1... .. . i- 1 . .1
table oila which exert a 'eleansii.g. ! ,."-,"-..M .K. ' '" ', im l'l'l-l to he
or poisonous fecal matter and gases and I Z t ( 1 1. ""
preventing their absorption Sir the "T J '",Z '
blood. This done, the food is allowed i ,. , x. ,
free passage from the stomach, fer-l 'HI'J .'ln sustained n l.ud injury
mentation ceases and stonuch troubles " "ne "f '".V".1" lt,v wl"1'' l,u""
quickly disappear. " '"K a " ",1 111 '"" wagon ntid will
ceoree J . A avr. for twenty vpnn n ""' om.- i.m.i iciuiier ntr somi
CctynalilMl Itllo b iLTPouilvertlaerB. Box 17. Oregon City, Ore.
Gates Items
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Gates, Ore., Oct. 10- Roy Long got
his foot mashed ia Clement camp this
morning and was taken to Mill City tojliver ,," Ultestltn tr0llbplI of ,.enr8 !, Thursday, having hulled for himself,
tne liospitiil.; standing by this treatment, nn so suc-l'- R- "at rum and T. J. Kdwards this
. i .7 . . , , . . 1 ".'I'icessltil
lending Chicago druggist, cured himself tin,V?- , . .. . , ,
and many of his friends of stomach,! lark Henibree finished hulling c
and fall and break his leg over again
and was taken- back to the Mill City
hospital. Mr. and -Mrs. Harry Coodwin are the
happy parents of a pair of twin girls
born October 3, both mother and babies
are doing fine.
Mrs. Frank Bevier has gone back to
nan rraneisco, i nt., again after spend
ing the last few months with her hus-! druggists everywhere with the positive
band in (lutes. i understanding that vonr money will be
was the remedy he devised that. , w The yield was very good on an
it has since been placed in the hands of 1 uvp,rnK0 and the seed unusually clean,
druggists nil over the country, who China pheasants arc very scarce this
have sold thousands of bottles. yenr owing to the severe cold of lust
Though absolutely harmless, the ef-l winter and the prolonged rainy season
feet of the medicine is sufficient to!1""4 spring.
convince my one of its remarkable ef-j 't Saturday, October 14, will be the
fectiveness, and within 2 hours the regular monthly meeting uf Monmouth
sufferer feels like 1 new person. Mavr's grango and a 'good attendance is de-
,. uiMK-i 1 ui i.t-inotj in tHtlll ity leaning "irt-u.
iderstnndiuir tlint vonr money will lie I
refunded without question or iiuibble if
...... vui..,. ,M,,n v ii.o juu aiinuiitic
1 For sale by J. C. Perry, druggist.
New Today ads In the Journal
Bert Bevier went to Albany on busi
ness matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fair, of Idaho, are
the happy parents of a bnby boy born
October 1. Their friends of Cnt'os will
bo glnd to hear about the new boy.
Little (len ilenuess is able to sit up
after a long sickness and his nianv
triends will be glad when he can start' will oe reaa in all lire Marlon
to school. ' j county homes.
Mr. 1'atters and fumilv are moving to'
Mill City this week. I
Mr. Long has gone to I'ortlaiid on n I
visit for a few weeks.
Kverybody is getting ready to go to
Albany for the big Round t'p Snturday
of this week.
Are You Poorly?
San Francisco, Oct. 10. The local of
fices of the Toyo Kaisliu today received
cabled advices from Yokohniii'a that tho
liner Seattle Maru. which put into port
there with a fire in its hold, was not
seriously damaged. The Seattle Maru,
owned by the Osaka Shoseu Kaii-ha, ,s
under charter by the T. K. K.
Approxibntely tl."t students have reg
istered for work in mathematics under
I'rof. James T. Matthews this year,
...... .. tn .... ,, ,1 ,,!,.. 1 1 , mm. ni i.-ii invr , . . .
'f,.i- q ..niiu of ...... 11 . "''ii tronitl
j today. I'niversity stiMlents as a rule are!',t listen
averse lo study, of mnthematics ami
prefer the social sciences or letters.!
Inasmuch as nil of Professor Matthews'!
courses are elective, it speaks well fori
the efficiency of the professor's meth
ods "f instruction.
I'oor health and a run-down condition
Court House News
A marriage license has been issued to
mav be the outcome of a spell of stoui ! "".''I.!''- s,,,lr!lm; "f Woodburn, mid
. I earl hdna (littssiiion, of (iervnis.
Stomach Bitters
I Angler's licenses have been issued ti
TKV'J'runcis Connor, of St. Paul; T.eo OoM-
aim anil Anton Uoiuade, of Mt. Angel
A hunter's license hns been issued to S
J. MVrton, of fit Paul.
A certificate of attachment has been
filed in tho case of U. C. Kksmnii vs. J.
f ts B ' WILL
1 New Edison Disk
l ! : Victrolaa.
lj 1 Each in overy
W ' style and all
. I U I records for each.
'H i H 32 State Street
I jKVV , Driving
Jjrf Olovea
p. e. SHAFEE
; 170 & Commercial
j 1 Phone 411
j ; aaay. ; wood - coal
i J i) a.1, , PUEL . . .
; , ' YARDS
I Phone 528
Hc- D oid
j rj
Picture Tells
The Story
Shoes Made
The quality of our
work ia as high
as the price ia low
1 Te Boot Shop
; 325 State St.
Opp. I.add ft Bush
Glasses our
Lenses duplicated
on short notice.
Dr. Herman Barr,
' Optomotrist
Hartman Bros Co
tanner Transfer
Phone, Office 930
or Residence 1808.
Storage, Packing,
Shipping, Moving,
Coal and Wood.
Quick, Reliuble
Pianos I tell, the
Best and Cheapest
Pianos rented.
32 Stat Street
Phone 131)
Auto and Car
riage Painting
Tope and Cush
ions repaired and
304 8. Com'l.
Ve make your
linen wear longer
and look better
by our auto-dry
room and press
machi n e work.
Salem Laundry Co.
130 8. Liberty St.
Jewelers and
Hartman Bros Co
State and Liberty
The Handy Man
Around the House
I'l'RK Ml I.IC
and CREAM,
Auto Ucliwry
Phone S22
U'iSil State St,