Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 10, 1916, Image 1

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Played Perfect Ball with Never Bobble Daubert Made
Three Hits Out of Four Tinw 5 Jp Gardner Drove One
Over Fence for Home Run 30,000 Packed Every Inch
"of Space and Brooklyn Bugs
3 'w
By H. C. Hamilton,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
-Ebbets Field, Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 10. The Dodgers
.did it. After being beaten in two straight games by a
one-run margin they returned the compliment to the Red
Sox this afternoon and took the third game of the world's
series by a score of 4 to 3.
The Dodgers kept their feet from start to finish. There
was not a single bobble on the infield or Outfield. For six
inning's, Veteran Jacg Coombs pitched sterling ball for
Brooklyn and though he was relieved by Pfeffer in the
seventh, credit for the victory goes to Colby Jack. Be
hind his pitching and that of Pfeffer in the . last two
dnnings, Veteran Jack Coombs pitched sterling ball for
out and out clouting, mixed with a carefully-played sacri
fice and clean fielding on the defensive.
Coombs himself motioned for the relief pitcher after
a triple by Hooper, a single by Shorten, preceded by a
base on balls had netted two runs in the sixth for Boston
and then Gardner drove a home run over the right field
.wall in the seventh.
Carl Mays was driven from the mound by the Dodgers.
One run was worked over in the third inning by three
clean singles and another in the fourth by two hits and
an error. In the fifth, after Wheat had walked and
Mowrey followed him in-the same way, Olson cleaned the
1 - i-l. mL.l 3J HI r T7 i.
sacKS wun a mpie. mat
who relieved him, held the Dodgers at bay for the ret of
tL. j- f ' .... .. . -
the distance.
All the pent-up world's series enthusiasm of Brookyln
burst right out with a bang.
Although official figures were not. immediately avail
able after the game, the crowd was probably close to
:?0,000. -
The baseball crazed Bugs packed almost every inch of
space in the park save for a line of seats in the upper tier.
At the close of the game they surged upon the field and
following a band, paraded around the diamond. Hun
dreds of seat cushions, hats and banners were hurled high
in the air as the loyal sons of Flathead danced in
After an extended lapse, Mike Daubert got his bat in
action today. He made three hits out of four times up,
one of them a triple.
The extra base swatters among the Red Sox were con
fined to Hooper and Gardner. Walloping Harry Hooper
crashed out a terrific drive for three bases in the sixth
and later counted on Shorten's single. The hardest hit
ball of the game was Gardner's home run. It was high
and went like a shot over the right field wall by ten feet.
First Inning
Boston Hooper up, strike one, strike
two, boll one, ball two, foul, Hooper
drove a foul over the right field wall.
The crowd groaned. Hooper flow to
(Wheat, .lanvriu up, ball one, Junvmi
nti Mowrey to Ruubert, Mowrey made
n pretty one linn. led stop. Shorten up,
nrlikc one. bull one. ball two. foul.
Vtrike two, foul. Shorten singled clean-1
iy to center. Hoblitzell up, ball one, Ho-"" series. Stengel up, Stengel sacrificed,
lilitzoll singled to right, but Shorten Mays to Hoblitzell, both runners ad
wis thrown out nt third, Stengnl to j vancing. Wheat up, ball one. ball two
Mowrey. .No runs, two hits, uo errors, ball three. Wheat walked, purposely,
Stengel made a perfect throw to
It looks like we're liable f have
lalo fall on account o' silk hose. Th
best thing about uuto is that relatives
luu return Louie th' same day.
Paraded Field with Band
enueu mays, ueurge roster,'
third to bend off Shorlen. The crowd
appeared to be surprisingly small, es
pecially as regards space in the upper
tier of the grandstand.
Brooklyn Myers up, strike one,
strike two, foul, Myers hit by pitched
ball. Daubert up, ball one, Daubert safe
on first and Myers at second on a
unnt in trout or the plnte. .lake was
credited with a hit, the first of the
num.? tne bases, lutshnw up -Myers
out at puue, jioDui7.cn to mourns on
( utshaw's grounder down the first base
line. Bases still filled. Mowrey up, ball
one, strike one, bnll two, foul, strike
two, ball three, Mowrey called out on
strikes. No runs, one hit, no errors.
The Brooklynitos rooted like mad for
the Dodgers in this iniiiug and it look
ed bad for Mays. Mowrev had three
and two on him, but when the bnse run
ners started on the final ball. Mike
kept his bat on his shoulder.
Second Inning
Boston Lewis up, ball one, strike
one, Lewis flew to Myers. Gardner lip,
ball one, Oanluer popped to Cutshaw.
Scott up, Scott flew to Wheat, in deep
renter. No huns, no hits, no errors.
Wheat took Scott 's f lv over hi?
shoulder after a long run.
Brooklyn Olson up, Olson out, Scott
to Ilohlit.ell, on the first ball pitched.
Miller 'up, strike one, foul, strike two.
Miller fanned, on three pitched ball,
the third being called. oombs up,
strike one, ball one, Coombs out, Scott
to Hoblitzell. No runs, no hits, uo er
rors. Mays hail an easy time irr this in
ning. The only two balls hit were easi
ly handled by Scott, und Miller tanned
for the other out.
Third Inning
Boston Thomas up, strike one. bail
one, ball two, foul, strike two, Thomas
poped to Cutshaw. Mays up, strike
one, ball one, ball two, s'rike two.
strike three, Mays fanned. The last one
Sarah Bernhardt
Again in America
New York, Oct. 10 The Divine Sarah
Bernhardt returned to America today
for still another good-bye. She arrived
on the Espagne and as iiHual monopol
ized 90 per cent of the attention.
She was just a little older looking.
She wanted that made plain. Inside,
she insisted, she's as young as she was
40 years ago. . And from the flash of
her eyes, except when "her bleeding
Franco" was mentioned, tended to cor
roborate her claim.
Mexico City, Oct. 10. A decree sign
ed by Carrauza, prohibiting bulr fight
ing and announcing a death' penalty
against bandits nnd highway robbers,
was published in today's newspapers. ,
Submarine Activity Causes It,
France to Reply Concern
ing Poland
By Bobert "if. Bender.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Long Branch, N. J., Oct. 10. Am
bassador Gerard, who arrived in New
York this morning, bears no message
from Kaiser Wilhelm to President Wil
son suggesting American intercession on
behalf of peace.
Nor does he come for the special pur
pose of discussing with the president
reported revival of the submarine men
ace. It may bo stated positively flor
ard's trip to this country ia made en
tirely at the suggestion of Secretary
of State Lansing- in order to give to
tho American ambassador "a much
needed vacation," as a matter of fact,
this invitation to- come home didn't
reach- Qerard Until-shortly before his
ship sailed. He was in Copenhagen at
the time making preparations for Mrs.
Gerard's trip back to this country.
There Sg doubt; of eourso, that tho
president win want to know n develop.
nients both regarding the possibilities
oi peace in tue near xuture ana re
garding any preparations which may be
under way in Germany to resume V
boat practices objectionable to the Uni
ted States. . . .
No date lias been set -for Gerard to
see the president here. The president
leaves for Indinnnpolis. early tomorrow
evening nnd will make two addresses
there Thursday. 'He returns late Fri
day, so it is likely Gerard will not see
him before next week,
Secretary Lansing comes to Shadow
Lawn late" today to confer with the
president, and owing to tho activities
of the German submarine U-53 along
the Atlantic coast Sunday, his visit lias
aroused great interest. The secretary,
howover, has not seen the president for
several weeks and his visit is for the
purpose of discussing not only the new
submarine developments, but numerous
other matters of stnte. He will end
the night at. Shadow Lawn. '
Ambassador Jusseriind this afternoon
will present to the president the French
government's reply to President Wil
son's personal anneal for co-operation
to help starving Poland.
William F. MeCombs, democratic
nominee for United States senator from
New York, had luncheon with the presi
dent and discussed the political situa
tion in the empire state. The president
is to make a strong effort in New York
in the closing days of the campaign
nnd will deliver several speeches there
just before election day.
was called. Hooper up, ball one Hoop
er singled to center. Janvrin up, bull
one, Hooper out stealing, Miller to Cut
Bhaw. No runs, one hit, no errors.
Hooper wns out by a close decision
at second and he rose protesting. Um
pire Connolly turned his back nnd
walked away.
Brooklyn 'Myers up, s'rike one, My
ers out, Scott ot Hoblitzell. Daubert
up, foul, strike one, ball one, striko two,
foul, foul, foul, Daubert singled to
right, his second his of the aeries. It
was a clean solid smash. Stengel up,
foul, strike one, ball one, Stengel sing
led to left. Daubert was held at sec
ond. It was another clean smash.
Wheat nj, foul, strike one, Wheat flew
to Lewil. Cutshaw up, strike one, ball
one, ball two, Cutshaw singled to right,
scoring Daubert. Stengel stopped Ht
third. Cu.shaw took second on the
throw. The stnnds rose and cheered a-
Daubert crossed the plate. Mowrey up
MnwrflV nitt. Scott to Hoblit.ell. One
run. three hits, no errors.
Scott made a great play on Mowrey 'i
grounder, going to deep short and inak
ing a perfect throw to first.
Fourth Inning
Hoston Janvrin up, foul, strike one,
.Tanvrin flew to Stengel. Shorten up,
trike one. ball one. foul, strike two.
Sih.in .incfleil to left. The ball he
l.lt wii outside the idate. Hoblitzell ui
mrike one. Shorten out stealing, Miller
to Olson. Miller's throw was perfect.
Ball one, Hoblitzell flew to Myers. No
runs, one bit, no errors.
Shorten's attempt to steal was on
the hit and run play, but Hoblitzell
missed the ball. Miller's throw was on
the bag and Olson took it while running
It was a nice play.
Brooklyn Olson up, Olson beat out
hunt nnd took second on Gardner's
poo rthrow, which went to tne sianu;.
(Continued on page six.)
Eleven Destroyers In Line
and Five Miles Apart .
Combing the Sea
Crews of Others So Quickly
Found Give Rise to This
- t
Newport, B. I., ctl 10 Eleven Am
erican destroyers, rteamlng in a line
with five miles of Rilling ocean between
them, today swept tho Atlnutic off
Nantucket where five or six freighters
were sunk by a Oifmnn submarine last
Sunday, in nnotliefl effort to locate the
crew of the Kingson, or Kingstonian.
When Admiral t leaves ordered the
destroyers out at
ted it would pro
1:30 today he admit-
luly be a . useless
search, after the a
-night gale and cold
The combing priicess started near
Montuk Point and Swung eastward. "It
covered a distance of 55 miles north and
south and out beyond the Nantucket
shoals lightship. The Paulding was the
first to get away, leaving four minutes
jf .L-J K .
aner me oruer was received, auu went
steaming down Newport harbor at a
speed of 25 knots. The sea was choppy
out tne atmospuere clear, enaDiing each
vcasol to see the next In line. The
searchers wore, besids th Paulding, the
urayton, Jenkins, Fanning, Jnrvis, Mo
Call, Washington. Nicholson. Waiu-
wright, Porter and Conyngham.
The destroyers 't'lt last niaht failed
to locate anv- survivors, and Admiral
leaves was skeptical of the success of
the new expedition. He planned, how
over, not to nave them stay out longer
than tA -hours, feeling that if such a
ship as tho Kingston was sunk and the
men are still alive, they certainly will
uo located in that time.
Think Only Five Sunk.
New York, Oct. 10. Belief that only
five ships were sunk in the German
submarine raid off Nantucket grew in
shipping circles hero today, as vainie
and contradictory reports concerning the
crew oi tue steamer Kingston wore re
ceived. Thirty-six hours having elansed since
tue Kingston was supposed to have been
sunk without any .trace of her crew.
steamship men were inclined to believe
the name of the vessel may hnve been
misread by wireless opratlons and that
no such vssol as the Kingston was at
tacked. Within tho last 12 hours nn nreu-
ment has arisen as to whether the name
of the shin supposed to have been sunk
wag the Kingston or Kingstoninn. Cap
tain E. L. Yates of the Uruguayan
steamer P. L. M., No. 4, which rescued
tho crew of the British steamer Strath-
dene, said he believed the name of the
Christian Knudsen had beeu misread
"Kingston" in some wny when reports
were transmitted bv wireless.
It was also pointed out that all of the
steamers were sunk within n comnnra
tively small radius. The crews of tho
five ships known to have gone down
were easily nnU speedily tound bv I . S.
destroyers. In view of the enre the
German submarine was evidently tak
ing to coniorm to nil requirements of in
ternational law in giving the crews am
ple timo to take to their small boats, it
is also pointed out that it hardly seems
reasonable that the crew of one ship
could possibly be overlooked by the res-:
cue warships.
Seventeen destroyers were in the wa
ters off Nantucket at one time nnd if a
ship named the Kingston was sunk some
trace of her crew or wreckage of somu
sort would surely have been found.
To further beur out the theory thnt
the reportaiug of the Kingston is moHt
likely an error, it was pointed out that
three additional ships were reported as
sunk In wireless messages to all New
England points early yesterday. The
numes of these vessels were never learn
ed and it is now accepted thnt the re
ports were untrue.
Kansan Stays at Dock.
Boston, Jla., Oct. 10. Except for
the howling 40 mile gale that swept in
from the northeast, lust night was the
most quiet night off the New England
const since the German submarine l'-53
sailed out of Newport late Saturday.
No vessels passing along the "lane"
off the Nuntuuket lightship cracked
their wireless or gave any other sign of
their presence. The German undersea
monsters were equally quirt and appar
ently have vanished as suddenly us they
The Nantucket radio stution reported
that "all keys were silent" throughout
the night and the Charleston navy yard
station suid they had little to do and
heard nothing from the vicinity of the
U-boat zone. No word has been heard
of the French-Canadian liner Great City,
curgoed with contraband and bound for
(Cautinued on page two.)
Was Also a Sphinx About
All Other International
Asked When He Would See
President, Said: "It Is
Up to Him
New York, Oct. 10. Roturning from
Berlin on board the steamer Frederick
VIII, American Ambassador James W.
Gerard today refused to answer any
question relative to tie purpose of his
visit to America at this time, saying!
that even the simplest question "might
involve" him. I
"it irf ti-uo that you are bringing a
jieaco message from tho kaiser to Pres
ident Wilson f" he was asked. I
"I CAnnot answer thnt nnpntion "
heplied Gerard. ' ' To reply to any ques-
lion ot mat nature migut involve me."
The ambassador's attention was
called to an article wirelessed from the
Frederick VII I to a New York paper,
declaring positively that he brdught no
peace message, but came to warn Pres
ident Wilson that Germany was pre
paring to resume indiscriminate subma
rine warfare. He was asked if this was
a correct statement.
"1 cannot answer that," he replied.
"To answer even the simplest question
might Involve mo. 1 have given no in
terview since 1 loft Berlin, You will
note that in this article 1 am not quot
ed." i
"It has been reported that you will
not go back to Germany," one report
er told htm. , i.j
"I am not sure when I will go back,
but I certainly shall go back," was his.
reply- i
The ambassador-was asked when ne
expects to see President Wilson. Ho re
plied that that "was up to President
Wilson. '
Heard of Submarine Sunday
OnMinl uni.l li a first lnnrnnit nf the
submarine activities on this sido of!
the Atlantic. Sunday night. The Fred
erick Vlll's- wireless was constantly
picking up messages throughout the
night, he suid. Sewral times the liner
passeu through floating oil, but he did
not believe she changed her course.
A delegation of Now York city offi-
(Continued on page two.)
By H. C. Hamilton.
(United Press stuff correspondent.)
Ebbets Field. Brooklyn, N. Y.. Oct
10. The weather man stepped in as a
tiinch hitter in the world's series this'
afternoon. If any additional pep were
m.eili-il in the biir tussle after yester-
day's record-breaking game, it was in-
jectol by zippy, snappy brund of weath-
r. The sun was whining brightly but
there was distinct snap in the air that
threw all kinds of ginger into fans nnu
players and at the same time was not
President Chnrles II. Ebbets hnd
made great preparations 'for the reccp-
tion of tho two teams. Around the wall
fluttered myriad gay flugs, one appar -
cntly for every holiday on the Ebbets
alumnae. In left field, usually given
over to the scoreboard, temporary
bleachers had been built and the crowa ante, r.acn time tne moment nns up
had no trouble lit nil in hiding the score-: pearcd the flush of a butted ball, the
boards. I hurrying of feet on the paths, the swish
The Boston Koval Rooters, red-coated ; as the bull hit the dirt tor a biiuc nnu
band nnd nil, h'euded into the park then the break. A bobble somewhere
early, with the band bursting away at and tho Dodgers have fallen.
"Tessie," as they marched from the Each time it has been Georgo Cut-
centcrfield gate to their scats. shaw, hero of many a common, every-
The grandstand filled slowly, but the day National league championship eon
fans gave Boston a lesson in "pep"., test, who has shook the chances of vic
Hy Myers, hero of yesterday's struggle, ;tory from under the eyes of tho Dodgers,
wns given a great hand as the Brooklyn In the first gumo it wns Cutshnw's
club took the diamond for fielding prac-1 boot at a crucial moment which allow
ticc. When a band in front of thejed a run to score, und yesterday it was
grandstand played popular airs tho .Cutshaw who. in the third inning, al
spectutors joined in at. times. . lowed his nerves to splinter the Dodg-
Apparentlv in anticipation of more crs' hopes. Without his bobble, a hesi
left hand pitching, or realizing the sud-'tating fumble of n ground bull he shoM d
.i .ink. nmil.vrt. Fred . hnve f ieldcd easily. Everett Soctt would
Merklo wonted out at first base 'for thoi
Dodgers. '
Curl Mavs and Dutch I.conord stepped:
from the Boston bench and began "to '
warm up. On the other sido Jack
Coombs tried out his arm. At 1:50 it
looked like a capacity crowd, which:
means npproximately 30,000.
orii-a ia now nt fever ,
hent. A crowd of hundreds of fans
thronged Grnnd Central station last
night to greet the battling teams. The!
Strangled Girl with
School Book Strap
New York, Oct. 10. Strangled to
death with the strap she used to carry
her school books, 11-year-old Belle
Bricker was found in the basement oi a
tenement building at 18-4 Monroe street
The little girl had been missing since
she started for school yesterday. She
evidently was attacked on her way to
school. Her clothing was badly torn
and her face bruised and covered with
I blood. . ' .
Morris Silverstein, the janitor, who
discovered the. body, said he was in the
cellar at 10 o'clock last night and Baw
nothing unusual. Detectives believe the
girl was assaulted and killed at some
other place and her body dragged to the
tenement building last night. -
Defy the Sheriff Company
Wants Governor to Call
Out Militia
Sutter Croek, Cal., Oct. 10. A gang
of 250 striking miners preveuteu mu
South Eureka mine troni re-opuuuig u.
uouncemeut, by congregating on Sutter
noucement, by eougrcgutiug on Sutter
Hill and blocking the men who attempt
ed to pass through to resume worn.
Sheriff George W. Litcot and a pnrty
of IS deputies attempted to force a wuy
through with drawn guns but tne deter
mined miners - stood their ground and
refused to move under their threat to
District Attorney Snyder of Amador
county, wns summoned from Jackson.
He addressed the men warning them
that they were breaking the law and
urging them to disperse. At 10 o'clock
the men were still standing firm, and
the Amador authorities were considering
appealing to Governor Johnson to call
out the militia. '
Superintendent and Oencrnl Manager
Henry Matlock of the South Eureka, is
on the scene. Excitement runs high
and there aie fears of a general ont
break. It is believed that the, miners
are armed, but thus far they have made
no uispluy of weapons- Two men-who
picked up stones were arrested, by the
officers. -.
Tho men gathered this- morning at
0:30 and blocked all roads and paths
lending to the mine. " . "
Seattle, Wash., Oct 10. The Pacific
Transportation und Trading company,
with a fully subscribed capital stock of
$1,01)0,000 will tie me name of tho Seat
tle corporation destined to bid for for
eign trade in liussia and Japan,
Whether the colhpnny shall own and
operate a fleet of carriers is One of the
details to he decided. It is practically
decided that the stntea manufactured
goods will be jobbed by the new com
pany. - "
Dodgers and Bed Sox alilto were giv
cu a rousing reception. It was necessary
to rope off a pnssngewahy from the
train shed exit to the main lobby of
tho station to prevent the players from
being overwhelmed by the enthusiastic
"Babe" Butli, who pitched yester-
day's record breaking game and won it
for the Sox, was first recognized by
the crowd when Boston arrived. lie was
loumy cheered.
Tho Dodgers hustled away to their
homes in Brooklyn immediately on ar-
riving, reported at Ebbets field this
morning and prepared for the effort of
their lives this afternoon,
1 The psychological side of the game,
the breuking moment when n battle
. is won or lost on a single play, has
j crushed the Dodgers in both gumes to j
not have scored from third und the
game would have ended in the ninth iu-
ning with tho Dodgers ou tup by a one
to nothing score. Instead, they sparkled
through 11 innings of the bitterest
fighting Boston has witnessed in muny
a day.
Play after play stood out almost un-
examnled as the gume wore on. Sherrod
Smith, pitching his first world's series
- -
(Continued ou page six.)
nr- Tni ii mi i iiiim
ur ii
Berlin Reports Them Re
treating at All Points with
Heavy Losses
Two German . Submarines
Sunk Artillery Duel Along
Somme Front
BerlinxOct. 10 Teutonic forces en
gaged in driving the Bumanians from
Transylvania have won new victories,
the war office 'announced this after
The Teutons have captured the gate
way leading from Hargltta to the Parol
mountains into the upper and lower
Csik region. In the battle that preceded
the fall of the city of Kronstadt 1,175
Rumanian prisoners and 25 cannon were
Teutonic forces were operatnig west
of Vulknn Pass and have captured the
Ncgrului mountain.
Bumanians Retreating.
Borlin, via wireless, Oct. 10. Raman-
inn reinforcements, rushed tip In an ef
fort to block tho Austro-Oerman drive
through Transylvania, were halted and
defeated southeast of filarienburg, nam
an Austrian official statement received
here today.
The re-capture of Kronstadt, principal
city of -Transylvania, was preceded by
violent street fighting, the Vienna
statement revealed. . The Romanians ev
erywhere are in retreat; The army of
General Von A"rs encountered only focal
rsistance in entering the Hnrnoiter and
Goergeny mountains. 1 .
.Capture of a Rumanian island is the
Danube nenr Sistov v.-an effected by as
Austrian flotilla, assisted by German
and Austrian" detachments. ". Three of
ficers, 155 mon and six cannon were
The Austrian wur office announced
the repulse of all Russian- and Italian
attacks.' . " '
Greece Baa New Cabinet.'
Athens, Oct. 10. M. Lambros has
has finally succeeded in forming a new
cabinet, it was announced today and its
composition will be made known short-'
ly. . . .
Salonika dispatches today said that
ex-Premier Veulzelos and other leaders
of the provisional government arrived
there and received a great demonstra
tion. :
Sank Two Submarines.
Christinuin, Oct. 10. A Russian de
stroyer sank two German submarines
and crippled another in an engagement
off tho Murman coast Saturday, the
Morgan Bludet reported today.
An Artillery Duel
Paris, Oct. 10. Artillerying on both
sides wns very active south of the Som
me last night, it was officially an
nounced today. The Germans started
curtain fires on the Deniccourt sector
anil bombarded I.ihons with lachrymose
Want Neutral Nations
to Bar Submarines
Washington, Oct. 10. Acting Secre
tary of State Polk today said the Uni
ted States' answer to the memorandum
recently sent by the allied powors to all
neutrul governments concerning the ad
mission of belligerent aubmaroines to
neutrul ports, does not. in the least, ac
quiesce in the allies' view. Ho declined
to discuss the United States' position
, The allies in their memorandum, made
public in London yesterday, declared
neutral nations should refuse bclligereut
submarines the right to enter. One
point was made Hint, since the nation
ality of submersibles cannot be de
termined readily, neutrul submarines
were placed in danger of attack by
belligercut nations' warships through
Oregon: Fair
" a ronigui anu niu-
nesday; north to
17" east winds.