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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1916)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1916. Eitiiiin(iiiiii!inf""P"""""" MIliMilHMf MUM idlili MMMMMTl IIT M lilt--- li Sport News EIGHT II II Si II .' El II II M a n si is u n n ii ii n ii u sa ci mi M u n ii w y W II II u n ti in ii ii a H El n ii n ii ii u M R II II ri ii ii ii ii ii ii S! ii ii ii ii ii M VI n ft )) rUlJ L Arriving by Express and Freight We can fit any foot regardless of size in the newest styles, lasts and shapes. NEW SHIPMENT OF "GROUND GRIPPER" SHOES The Shoe that corrects all foot trouble and makes your feet like new. A shoe equal in quality to any $8.00 shoe t .!. . $6.50 NEW SHIPMENT OF MEN'S DRESS SHOES- ' . ' All the known last foot form lasts, English lasts, high toed lasts, in button and lace, also cushion soles $3.50 to $8.00 NEW SHIPMENT OF "WITCH ELK BOOTS AND SHOES" The only boot that is absolutely guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Ladies' Witch Elk with rubber soles in tan, black and pearl gray, English last, $5 to $10 NEW SHIPMENT OF LADIES' DRESS SHOES The new Brown, gray, tan and two tone, also a great many styles in black. The long vamp narrow toes in button and lace in 7 and 8 inch tops, ranging from....... '.' $5.00 to $8.00 NEW SHIPMENT OF "BALL BRAND" RUBBERS AND BOOTS- We are exclusive agents for this famous line of boots and rubbers. Every pair guaranteed to give double the wear of any other made at the same prices. See the new Red, White and Black Boots . . . . $3.95 to $5.95 CUT RATES ON ALL REPAIR W0RK- Shoes repaired while you wait; two shoemakers, best leather, prompt service, best workmanship. Give us a trial. HANAN SHOES Ground Gripper Shoes DUX BAX SHOE OIL WITCH ELK BOOTS BALL BAND Rubbers FOX PUMPS ii ii n n is M ii ti H p ii ii a n ii D a n u n n ii ii ii ii n n ii ii ti u a M n ii ii ii u n u n ii u n ii ii ii u n ii ii ii u R II II II II u JTOUR NEW WORLD'S ' RECORDS ARE MADE l.cxinirti.ii, Ky., Oct. O. Four now world's rorurdd were niiule on tho track ol' the Kentucky TrottUf Hciiwhiwd-J-r' RMSociution licro Saturday. A. II. ('(Mien's " yenr old filly, flio Real luuly, driven by Tiiinmy Murphy, in wiuntnir tne f'.nMW llreeilers' eep ntjikes, lowered the world' record for S vear old trotter reifnrdlnim of to 8:4K. Rutuwll Itoy won the. 1:0.1 jince nfter four hentii and in luitif no patnhliahetl a world record tor a four hent race. Axworthy, driven by Hen Whitv, lowered lua own world s record to I n ii in the uioruliiK Peter Look was given a record of 2:0.1, roducinii the former record for 3 yenr old imcing Clears Away Pimples . There U on remedy (but setdum fail; tn clear away nil uiniule, black head and akin eruption and that makes the km Roll, clear and lieaiiuy. n$ druggist can supply you villi lema wiiiili gfiierall.T orercoiuee all skin uis auei. Aene, ectema, itch, pimple iMslicM. Iilnrk bend iu moat cam ai to semo. frequently, minor lilwu Hies disappear over.Hixut. lU'M.j icu- Mr Hons iuainntlv. V.emo It cafe, clean :ny to use and ilceiuiiilde. It idii only 2.V-: an eilra la run lottl. JI.IH1. ! will not atnin. U not re!y or stii kv aim H positively Kite lor testier, neofm skius. eolln 1 1, seconda. The clnet iini'iiidr eihilntion wan the 'i:0;t pace, won by Kuaaell Hoy nfter Ux most aliiPbornly touKht race ol uiei week. Itiiswcll llov was seut away UaCK UJ Mill lltMU 111 IIH 11111 Ul'lll, Ulll overhauled Peter Stevens and Hradon llirect in the stretch nnd won iu 2:00V, The llreedera sweestake tor 2 year trotters ia (he moat valuable 2 year old fined even ever trotted. The Kenl I v won the nice handily. Harroda t'reek won tho historic Ken tucky atake iu atraight heats. Trimnda became a double wiuuer or the meeting when she won the 2:1" trot in featureless stvle. The dinner stukes Ur 3 year old trot ters was wou by Michallowa from Ole Mistia, ttip only other starter. OLD ELI BREAKS OWN RECORD New Haven, Conn., Oct. fl. Ynle utoned for Inst vear's lO-loO defeat bv the I'niversity of Virginia by over whelming the Pixie collcinti Saturday til to X It "Hi the large! score made by the Ynle eleven in 20 years. The game bad scarcely started be fore Virginia recovered the Yale fum ble, nnd. being unable to cnin. (nr rinulon lifted the bull over the bar from the .'10 ynrd line for a field goal. Afler 1 lint Virginia never was (inuger- out, while Yale devi'loped a powerful, eruniin' attacK that swept the bard- iiKoting MrkTininns from their reel, Journal Want Adi Get Kesutts. Privates Who Qualify May Go To West Point Sergeant 1-Vench. in charge of the army recruiting station in this city, said thia morning that the Vnited States nrmy is offering a course in West Point, the United States militurr nendemy, to the young follows who join the array nnd qualify for entrance. Ho aaid that for the young man of to-1 day who wishes a college education, uotliing more ideal could be offered. Heretofore, tho sergeant said, the course at West Point was open ouly to appointees by representatives nud sen ators, but now it ha been thrown upcu to young men of tho army. "This eourso, " declared Sergeant French, "fits the young man not only for nn officer but- for almost any posi tion in life. I'pon graduation a commis sion as second lieutenant in the nrmy is received. During the time at the academy tho student is beiug paid by the government instead of paying for his education. And when he is through, there is n job ready for him." The sergeant expressed his appreciation of the interest being taken in the army by the young men of Kalcui. Our circulation Is still climb- k In ir no read tha naner and ! Jou'U know tha reason. i O. A. C. BEATS IDAHO OREGON SMOTHERED WILUMETTE 97 TO Salem Bunch Never Had Look In at Any Stage of the Game Overwhelmed by an avalanche of sheer dynamic football power from the charging of one hugo Bezdek's pigskin machine the fighting Willamette bear cats were trumped on, muzzled ami stuffed with the clay of Rincnid ceme tery nt Kugene Saturday afternoon to the tune of S7 to 0 Thnt the University of Oregon cohort was merely toying with the lighter but gritty Methodist warriors was appar ent almost from the first blnst of the whistle. And it was a continuous per formance until the nintinee was called in tho early dusk, t.'onoh Mathews' players offer no alibi; the team wr.s just simply outplayed and outclassed. The game us a whole was character ized by off tackle bucks and end runs on the part of the lemon ycllowites from u .new shift formation of five men on the lino and six iu the back field as well as n well directed but fu tile series of passes on Willamette's part. Although the game was a slaughter, numerous brilliant bits of work brought several players into the limelight. Shy and llollis Huntington secured II and 3 respectively of the touchdowns for Ore gon of the 14 made. For Willamette Klcgol's passing and Orosvenor 's boot ing lor an overage of Il'i yards were noteworthy as also was the spectacu lar tackling of Dimirk and liexford who invariably downed the Oregon re ceivers in their tracks. Willamette's only chance to score oc curred in the third quarter when, after a series of fivo completed posses and Urejjon 's offside penalty, the ball was on the Oregon 1!0 ynrd line. It was passed over the goal line, but Oregon intercepted, thereby thwarting the car dinal and gold players' ambition to register. The line up: Willamette Oregon Klcuel ...i I.K Mitchell Tobic Proctor I.T Heckett liuerin, Womer Ui ....Snyder,lud!ey University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, IVOct. D. Coach Pipal's speedy nnd well lirameu iootunu aggregation scored a J..:..,... .., . . ... . ui-cisive victor uguinsr. ine universi ty of Idaho on the local field Saturday and completely outclassed them in both offensive nnd defensive work. The score was SO to 0. Keardon, Newman and Anderson were especially bright spots in the Aggie's lineup. Keardon scored O. A. O. ' first touchdown by taking a pftnt from Captain Hays' toe on Idaho's 25 yard Hue and making a sensational run across the goal line. Anderson and Conn continually played over tackle and around tho ends for long gains. . Moser; a freshman, was the lone bright light in Idaho's backfield. His tackles wero hard nnd sure. He con tinually made long gains, but was al ways headed off from a touchdown by the Aggie's defense. O. A. C. tried seven forward passes but failed in four nnd Idaho tried a single successful pass. MULTNOMAH WINS TWO I'etersou Womer, Cursoii .lit! TAYLOR KT .... liexford UK .. Booth J1 - (.Irosvenor LH Uiinick Kll ... liatcliffe FH .:- Summary Oregon !, Kisley Williams Spellman Hnrtlett I.egnrt S. Huntington I enter. Montieth II. Huntington Willamette U. Pacific Coast League Standings. W. I.. Pet. Los Angeles 10tl Vernon 107 Portland . .'- 87 Sim Francisco 9:t Salt I.nko 34 Oakland M 7S 84 Hit 2 123 .aUli .578 .5011 .500 .477 .343 Yesterday's Results. At Portland Portland, 0; Oakland, 5; (10 innings.) At Sun Francisco San Francisco, 8-0; I.os Angeles, 3-1; (second game, li iuniugs). At Los Angeles Vernon, 1-5; Salt Lake, 0-4. Portland, Or., Oct. 9 "Dad" Con vil's Multnomah Amateur Athletic club football squad made its HMO debut be fore the Portland fans in n double head er Saturdnv afternoon on the club field. The ' ' Wiiiged-M ' ' did iWt show as much class ns was expected by their followers, beating the Columbia univer sity team in the first game 21 to 0, anil nosing out n touchdown victory over the well conditioned and never-1 sav-die aggregation of the Pacific uni versity of Forest Grove, in' the second clash. The club stund was split "every which way" by Manager Convil, and some of the boys got n chanco to show in both contests. Some of the new comers pleyed in brilliant style. In the game ngainst Columbiu, Chet Murphy was the big ground qninor, while Lynn Oliver, who was a member of the Lin coln high school team last yenr. gain ed i most of the yardage made by the clubmen against Pacific by his long end runs. LITTLE TUTTS BEATS HARVARD Cambridge., Mass., Oct. 0. Tufts, with a team of veterans playing their first game of the season, defeated Har vard at the Stadium Saturday, 7 to 3, using n bewildering assortment of open play formations. After the first half the Crimson was on the defensive most or tne time ir lug to break up the spectacular game of the visitors. The earlv part of the contest was marked bv "frequent fumbles and penal ties on both sides. In the first period Harvard worked the ball to an ndvan tngcoua'position from which llobinson scored Harvard's only point wiUi a jjoal from the field. W. C. S. IS DEFEATED w..i,itnii Shite Collecc. Pullman, Wash. Oct. B. Lack of determination that marked the successful season ot Inst venr was responsible for a seven to six defent of the state college team at the hands of the alumni eleven Sat urday; . , , i n Tho college men played ragged ball throughout the entire first half, and in the third quarter Athletic director Boh ler, playinir halfback for the alumni, grubbed Doane's fumble and raced -vards for a touchdown, Carl Diet, kick ing goal. An Economical, Delightful, Light Place to Traded Ladie's and Children's Underwear Garments that give splendid and long wear, perfect fit, no gaping or binding and represents the greatest possible value in good Standard, De pendable Underwear. Ladies' White Fine Ribbed Union Suits In high neck, long sleeves; low neck, short sleeves,. 75-Cent value Special 49c Children's Pure White Union Suits, fine Cotton Combed Yarn 49c to 69c KAFOURY BROS. 418 STATE STREET THE STORE FOB THE PEOPLE MAIL ORDERS OIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION. WE PAT POSTAGE ON MAIL ORDERS No smoker likes to play detective. Half the joy of smoking is in' being able to put your hand on the kind of smoke you want, just at the minute you want it. Now theres the Owl. The Owl is a good. mellow smoke. Everybody smokes a mild cigar now and then ; many men smoke nothing else. ' They never have to hunt to find an OWL! Whether they stay at home or travel, anywhere on the Coast the smoker can always find it The OWL is sold everywhere. So when you form a friendship for the OWL, you can feel sure that this friendship need never, bo interrupted. i ne minion Dollar.' Cigar. M. A. GUNST & CU INCORPORATED DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Ads CASTOR IA BEING YOU RESULTS Phone 81 Prompt Service For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always beats the Signature i Wedding Invitations, Announcements and Cal'Jug Cards Printed at the Jour- Beautiful Durable Low-priced W art-rugs The beautiful coloring and dainty designs found in Con goleum Art-Rug will be a revelation to you. And when you see for yourself that they are washable, waterproof and sanitary, you will under stand why they have made such a sensation throughout the country. In addition to their beauty. they have two features that make friends for them on tight. They lie flat on the floor without fastening and cannot be "kicked up" at the edges. Where can you buy a beauti ful, waterproof, washable, durable rug like Congoleum for the small price we ask? Come in today. IMPERIAL FURNITURE CO. 171 North Liberty St. Salem, Oregon KiMUvJ, Cleveland.