r THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1916. FIVE Thielsen & Roland General Insurance Best and Strongest Companies in the World Fire, Life, Accident, Illness, Surety, Liability. Expert advice cheerfully given upon application. Offices: Rooms 3 and 4, McCornack Bldg. You Can't Afford to Carry Your Own Fire Risk R&es Quoted Entirely from Old Line - Companies (No Assessments) W.C. Dyer Insurance Agency "Insurance that Insures"' 124 S. Liberty St Phone 937 more than twent Jacob S. Coxe is well known a Paul Sell uli! of the bond of we , and Mrs. Robert neg Pauline Led their third daugl of some moment of Mr. and Mrs, Wednesday af been connected Buttcville. For I son of Mr. and Mr. Oswald Pa friends. of Mr. and Mrs. Monday morning The happy coupl tracer, at the re SCHXTLZ-LE Forest Hostetler Paul Yoder, Lev Miss Hostetler, dcr, Minnie Kau speech of Charlo Portland, Or., May, 1914, he at were clubbed ba march into the When they atte and all sorts o the. army carrie IStntcs in Washii at the steps of th lican leaders con .lilding of a new for the insane, department, was kitchen, a (freen se and a labora Prior to taking intendent Minto tli tho board on bile repairs and tho flax depart ing ' very firm, with Whereas The great destruction of property annually incurred through fire may in a great measure be decreased bv education and hv DNtngiH ....Li:- : terest in the problems of prevention, anu WhorPAfl. ThnrA ia nn fir. 1,1 .i , ' VI ICftl 'preparedness' that may bo practiced uiuiw yivi.muiyt aim W heron a. Octnhpr Q ; :.,,. sary of the historic Chicago conflagn- I do horohv HpftiimfitA f nn.U.r j - - r""'v -'uiiiioi y viiU" ber 9, 191(1, as Fire Prevention day in Oregon. And 1 urge that on thut day organized effort may be made through out the state to encourage a campaign that will lessen firo hazard. I suggest that individnnln nnd emum,,..;;.,.. . . ...... t.vo unurr take homo and municipal house cleaning niiu iui'iioii wmi a view to remov ing rilllhinh. RTA nfpaitarilin and lighting appliances; that the fire fighting apparatus of the factories be tested out on that day; that schools de voto at least a brief neiin.l n .i:.,...,..... ing the subject of fire prevention; and that every encouragement be given to the development of a healthy public in terest in yike many problems of fire hazard. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of the state of Oregon to be hereunto affixod this 30th day of September, 1910. ' JAM KS WITHYCOMBE, Governor of Oregon. illon, Ohio, five of the long tram of Christ." Th posed the "Army ton's citizens. T jeers of a great sylvauia avenue thirstv, wearv m 1894 he led '350 candidate for Un the secretary of maich to Washin ey's army" of nominee, at the of the best cam delivered in tho a crowd of S, e building to its lis attacl;. princi HIS WORD, perintendentg of board met this se of going over n roost recently of his fine flock, tired sergeant of rine Corps, who arm near here, ed as "head ont gate defying Secretary Olcott devoted to the terest was done, mmg legislature, mil for country the produce ex d for extras with were offered at t 31 cents, with vns offered at 27 bid. with sales, caso Pctaluma storage al'i. cents, with cheese 17 cents s asked, and for as IS cents was FIRE LOSS IN SALEM IS ONLY $18,500 Damage Is Third Largest in State: .Blazes Number Five, Says Re port Fire loss in Salem for September to talled 1 8.500. whi,.i i. th thi., est lOSH Of miV- ftifv in . j - ... omir, ac cording to a report made by State In- vjomiiiisioner iinrvcy Wells. The lamest sinuln lr.ua ... ". . . me oiuie was a tire which burned a wheat warehouse ui .Adams, umatilla county, doing dam age amounting to $150,006. inu oniy otner Marion county city suffering from firo .., o:i.....: , . "" .311 fl mil, where a dwelling burned at a loss of $1500. The firpH in Rnlnm n,aHn i -.. ......... ,.l17 unco 111,(1 houses, a barn and a seed exhibit. xouii losses tor tho state for the month were :t'f:i tercd heaviest, reports showing that eight 'barns and fourteen farm houses were burned. The total number of fires was forty three. FOURTEEN INNINGS (Continued from page one.) Fifth Inning Brooklyn ('utshaw up, foul.strike ono strike two, swung, strike threo, Cut shaw fanned. Mowrcy up, strike one, called, Mowrey out, Jnnvrin to Hoblit zell. Olson up, Olson singled to left. Mil ler up, foul strike one, ball one, Miller l?o'aton Hohlitzell up, strike one, Ho blitzell out Olson to Dnubert. Lewis up, i flew to Hooper. No runs, ono hit, no Ktriko ono called, ball one, Lewns smgl el cleanly through short. Gardner up. Jn trying to catch Lewiis off first, Smith threw most of the Sox oft' their bench when a balk was allowed. Card errors. Boston Gardner up, Gardner out, Uitshaw to Daubert on the first ball pitched. Scott up, ball one, Scott out, Mowrey to Dnubert. Thomas up, strike ner shot a hot one to .Mowrey, who one, cancel, nan one, roui, striKe two, threw out Lewis at second, Oison to Thomas doubled to left, and on Olson's Cutshaw. Gardner stopped at first, interference Vmpire Quigley ordered Scott up, foul strike one. Gardner out, Thomas to continue third. Official Miller to Daubert. No runs, ono hit, no scorers gave Thomas a three base hit. errors. I He tripped over Olson's foot as he Both Mowrey and Olson got an assist! rounded second and Thomas fell. He on Lewis out. Gardner's wallop wasl tted J"" t Moni, but Quigley or reallv too hot for Mowrev to -handle, I'1"1'"1 lllnl to thud. Olson's mterfer Kill ,...nml nff Mmvrev V I dice was accidental. Ruth up, strike hands. He then threw to Cutshaw. Af ter repeated attempts to catch Card ner off first, the Dodgers succeeded by a quick throw by Miller. Third Inning Brooklyn Miller up, Miller out, Scott to Hoblitzell, hitting the first hall pitched. Smith up, strike one, call ed. Smith doubled to right field am! was out at third, Hooper to Walker to Scott. Johnston up, strike one, called, bail one, ball two, strike two, called, ball threo. Johnston singled to center. Dnubert up, Daubert foul strike one, DauJt missed getting a hit by inches when he popped along the left field line, bail two, Johnston out, s.'ealing, Thomns to Janvnn. -No runs, two nits, j! errors. The Red Sox gave an exhibition of rapid relaying from deep right when Smith was thrown out at third. Walk er ran into the base line to take Hoop er's throw and then shot It to Scott. Boston Scott up, ball one, ball two. strike one, called, Scott tripled Bnins; tho left field fence. The crowd went into spasms. Thomas up, Thomas out, t utshaw to Daubert. Scott was held at third. Buth up, Ruth out, Cutshaw t Daubert, Scott scored. Hooper up, foul, strike one, Hooper was safe on first on ( utshaw 's error. Janvriu up, Janvnn forced Hooper, Olson to Cutshaw. One run, one hit, one error. , ' Cutshaw had a rough start in this innin,. Slow fielding on his part per mitted Scott to score. He let Hooper s guunder go through his legs. Fourth Inning Brooklyn Daubert up, ball one, ball wo. ball three, strike one, called, ha four, Daubert walked. Myers up, ball one, foul, strike one, foul strike two, ball two, Myers hit into a double play, Scott to Janvrin to Hoblitzell. Whent tip, f&ke one, called, rlke two, call ed, hall one. foul, Wheat out, Ruth to HobiiUell. No runs, no hits, no errors. Boston Walker up, foul, strike one, ball one, ball two, foul strike two, Walk er out, Smith to Daubert. Hoblitzell up, strike one, called, ball one, ball two, strike two, swung, foul, ball three, bal four. Hoblitzell walked. Lewis up, ball one, strike one, foul, ball two, Lewis one, called, strike two, swung, Kutli funned. J'o runs, one hit, no errors. Sixth Inning Brooklyn Kmith up, Smith out, Scott to Hoblitzell, it was a beautiful stop and throw. Johnston up, ball one, bull two, ball three, ball four, John ston walked. Daubert up, striike one, called. Johnston out, stealing, Thomas to Janvrin. Strike two on Dnubert, Dau bert out, Gardner to Hoblitzell. No runs, no hits, no errors. Boston Hooper up, foul, strike one, Umpire Dineen suddenly spotted photo graphers on the field at this stage and delayed proceedings while ho got them up closer to the grandstand. Hooper, ball one, foul, strike two, ball two. Hooper flew to Myers, Myers made a remarkable catch right at his shoe strings on a liner, turning over on his back after the catch In the oir, but coming up with the ball in his hands. Janvrin flew to Myers on tho first ball pitched. Walker up, one strike, Walker out, Cutshaw to Daubert. No runs, no hits, no errors. Myers' catch of Janvrin 's drive was easily the feature of the game to date. It looked like a sure hit, bnt the fleet center fielder came in, apparently get ting it just by his finder tips. Seventh Inning Brooklyn Myers out, Janvrin to Ho blitzell. The crowd roared its protest. He looked safe, Wheat up, strike one, trying to bunt, ball one, ball two, ball three, strike two, called, Wheat out, Janvrin to Hoblitzell. Cutshaw up, foul strike one, Cuttihaw flew to Hoblitzell. No runs, no hits, no errors. Boston Hoblitzell up, strike one, called, strike two, swung, ball one, ball two, ball three, Hoblitzell walked. Lew is sacrificed. Smith to Daubert. Gard-j ner up, strike one, called, ball one, ball ; two, Gardner popped to Olson. Scott! grounded to Mowrey, who touched out! Hoblitzell on the line. No runs, no hits,! no errors. I Eighth Inning j Brooklyn Mowrey up, ball one, strike one, called, ball two, MowTcyj singled to left. Olson up, ball one, Ol-1 nerif iced. Thomns to- Hoblitzell. Uawrer cn second. Miller up, foul,; hit into play, Mowrev to Cutshaw to I strike one, Miller slashed a clean single) T)iibert. No runs, no hits, no errors. to center, but Mowrey was held at third. Miller took second on throw in. Walker made a remarkable return to the plate. Smith up, strike one, called, Mowrey was run down between third and home, Scott to Gardner to Ruth, on Smith's infield rap. Miller took third and Smith went to second on nlav Johnston up, ball one, Johnston out, num to iiouiitzell. Wo runs, two hits, no errors. Boston Thomas up, striko one, call ed, foul, strike two, Thomas out, Dnu bert to Smith. Ruth up, ball ono, strike one, swung, foul, strike two, foul, ball two, Buth flew to Wlicat. Hooper up, Hooper flew to Johnston. No runs, no hits, no errors. . lTp to this stnge Smith hnd allowed only three hits and was showing much better control. Ninth Inning Brooklyn Daubert up, Daubert out, Gardner to Hoblitzell, on a fast play. Myers up, ball one, strike one, called, ball two, foul, strike two, Myers flew to Walker. Wheat up, ball one, strike one, swung, Wheat out, Hoblitzell to Kuth. No runs, no hits, no errors. Boston Janvrin lined to Wheat, who dropped the ball and Janvrin wont -to second. Janvrin was given credit for a double. Walker up, foul strike one, Walker tnken out and Walsh batted in Wnlker's placo after one ball was call ed and bunted front of the plate. Jnn vrin was safe at third on Mowrey 's er ror. He dropped Smith's throw. Hoblit zell up, ball one, Hoblitzell flew to Myers and Janvrin was doubled at the plate, Myers to Miller on a remarkable throw. Walsh took second. Lewis up. ball one, Lewis was puriwselv walked. Gardner up, Gardner fouled to Miller. JSo runs, one hit, one error. Tenth Inning Brooklyn (utshaw up. Walsh now playing center field for Boston. Cut shaw out, Janvrin to Hoblitzell. Mow rey up, ball one, Mowrey out, Gardner to Scott to Hoblitzell. Another srintilnt ing play. Olson up, ball one, ball two, strike one, called, Olson wulked. .Mil ler up, Miller lined to Gardner. No ruim, no uiin, iiu trrrurn. The sun had come out during the game and as it wont Into extra innings it was light andplay was under ex ceedingly favorable coriditions. Boston Scott up, ball one, Scott singled to right. Thomas up, foul, strike one, Thomas sacrificed, Cutshaw to Daubert. Ruth up, Ruth was given a tremendous hand, strike one, swung, ball one, strike two, swung, Ruth fan ned, swinging at the third one. Hooper up, ball one, foul, strike one, Hooper rolled to Mowrey and Scott was thrown out at third, Mowrey to Olson. No runs, two hits, no errors. Eleventh Inning Brooklyn Smith up, ball one, Smith out, Gardner to Hoblitzell. Johnston up, ball one, ball two, ball three, strike one, called, strike two, called, John ston out, Gardner to Hoblitzell. Daubert up, foul, strike one, strike two, called, Daubert fanned, be swung. No runs, not Boston hits, no errors. Hooper, rf. . . jwston tfanvrm popjieii to ishuihti. i Janvrin 2b najsn up, sirise one, cauea, naisni w ker. cf fouled to Daubert who made a remark able running catch. Hoblitzell up, ball one, ball two, ball three, strike one, called, Hoblitzell walked. Jt was tfs third walk of the game. Lewis up. Jessie" was splitting the air and Manager Robinson protested, Lewis out, Mowrcy to Daubert. No runs, no hits, no errors. Twelfth Inning Brooklyn Myers up, striko one, swung, striko two, swung, ball one, Myers fanned. Wheat un, ball one, Wheat popped to Gardner. Cutshaw up ball one, Cutshaw out, Scott to Hoblit zell. No runs, no hits, no errors. Boston Gardner flew to Wheat. 8cott up, (it was getting dark) ball one, ball two, ball three, ball four, Scott walked. Thomas up, strike one, called, ball one, foul, atrike two, foul, ball three, Thomas forced Scott, Olson to Cutshaw. Huth up, Thomas on first, ball one, Ruth out, Smith to Daubert. No runs, no hits, no errors. Thirteenth Inning Brooklyn Mowrey up, Mowrcy safe at first on Gardner's low throw to Hoblitzell, Garduer was given an er ror. Jt was the first ball pitched. Ol son up, Olson sacrificed to Huth to Ho blitzell on the first ball pitched, Mow rey on second. Miller up, ball one, Mil ler popped to Thomas, sending a high ono directly over the plate. Smith up, ball one, ball two, foul, strike one, strike two, called, ball three. Smith flew to Lewis, who brought the stands! down by his sensational catch. Jt cut off what looked like a sure base hit. No runs, no hits, one error. Boston Hooper out. Smith to Dau bert. Janvrin up, strike one, called, ball one, strike two, swung, Jnnvrin fouled to Mowrey. Walsh up, strike one, Walsh fouled to Mowrey. No runs, no hits, no errors. Fourteenth Inning Brooklyn Johnston up, ball one, foul, strike one, ba'l two, Johnston out, Scott to Hoblitzell. Daubert un Daubert flew to Walsh. Myers up, ball one, foul, strike one, Myers out, Scott to Hoblit zell. No runs, no hits, no errors. Boston ILiblitzell up, ball one, ball two, ball three, strike one, called, Ho blitzell walked. It was his fourth free pass. Lewisi up, Lewis out, sacrificed, Smith to Cutshaw, Hoblitzell taking second. Gainor batting for Gardner. McNally running for Hoblitzell. Gain er strike one, swung, Gainor singled to left scoring McNally. Brooklyn. R. BH. PO. A. E. Johnston, rf 0 1 1 0 0 Daubert, lb 0 0 18 1 0 Myers, cf 1 1 4 1 0 Wheat, If 0 0 1 0 0 Cutshaw, 2b 0 0 S 6 1 Mowrey, 3b 0 1 4 4 1 Olson, ss. 0 1 2 4 0 Miller, c 0 1 4 1 0 Smith, p 0 1 1 6 0 Totals 1 6 40 22 2 Hoblitzell, lb 0 0 22 0 Lewis, If 0 Gardner, 3b 0 ncott, ss Thomas, c. Ruth, p WnlBh, cf "Gainor "McNally Totals 2 7 42 29 1 "Batted for Wnlker in ninth. "Batted for Gardner in fourteenth. ""Ran for Hoblitzell in fourteenth One out when winning run scored. Runs and hitsJiv iniiiinrs: Brooklyn 100 000 000 000 001 Hits .102 010 020 000 000 Boston 001 000 000 000 012 Hits 011 010 001 200 017 Summary: Struck out, by Huth, 4; Smith, 1. Bases on balls, off Smith, 0; off Ruth, 2. Two base hits, Smith, Jan vrin. Threo baso hits, Scott, Thomas., Home runs, Myers. Double plays, Scott to Janvrin to Hoblitzell; Mowrey to Cutshaw to Daubert; Myers to Miller. THE TATTLER K. BH. PO. A. E. .01210 .01450 .0 0 2 1 0 A certain fastener who came to Sa lem several years ago suffering from a disease which the doctors told him would cause his death within a short time, and who has already exceeded the time given him by four years, dryly re marked the other day that this may be a poor country to livo in, but it is a mighty fine country to die in bcenuse it takes so long to do it. Willamette's football squad didn't exactly ent up tho state university bunch Saturday it is true, but wait. U'Korn in tliia tnorn ttt Tlrr.rilf I t-n xun are hearing so much about at present) A world's baseball series must be more exciting in its immediate vicinity than pulling a crop of flax. A Salem tonsorial artist says: "Safe ty first humph- that's what is rais ing the dickens with the barber business." It wns Millie Burke vs. William Far num vs. "Civilization" in the Salem amusement court yesterday, and the jury failed to agree. A good many folks are complaining of colds and toothache and such dis agreeable things, the result of the beau tiful weather. Never mind. The chances are that it will be raining presently. One thing is pretty evident the lo cal Y. M. C. A. bas awakened greatly refreshed after its nap. The town is on the vaudeville map again. Anyway enough voters have regis- II Pays to INSURE! SEE W. A. USTQN I For Rates AH American Companies. Prevent Loss by Carrying I Insurance W. A. USTON: 484 Court Street MM 1 - We have one of the largest Insurance Agencies in the State of Oregon, and our record for paying losses is sufficient to establish the standing of the companies. Insure Now-Prevent Loss Later. Lafler & Bolinger Room 406 Hubbard Building. tered to make it positive that the com ing election will lie a great success. Tho chap who thinks the world's baHctrall series is a "put up job" has been heard from. How that fellow must enjoy life! DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL THE BEST THERE IS IN JOB PRINTING Phone 81 Prompt Service Wheat Took a Drop Due to Submarines ( liiciign, I h-t. 0. T showed influence of ties at the opening wheat lit the nnciiiiiir of .! ' -j points over wtiile .May wheat wns Corn also was lowe Shortly nfter tlm showed gooil recover!. vaneing J J-m to l advancing 1 7-8 to he wheat nuirhot submarine activi ty lay. December registered a lins Saturday's vlomt down 3 Jt 4 points r. opening wheat ch, December nd- r7 7-18 and May ..ri .1-8. Journal Want Ada Qot Results, MML V"1 3 ill 55 TELL THE TELEPHONE T7 1 O TT.l O TTT 1 n T-i . j-j. iJUBn rouimi neipf wont; i or Kent 7 ror bale.' HOUSe Wanted? Hlisinnsa nnnni-tnnifw? " V'rvi VU1UVJ , Vm A A. .!.- A TT O Tl n.u ziutuj a iiursei ii your name is in tne tele- SS- jjj. phone directory ' TELL THE TELEPHONE Every phone in Salem, Marion and Polk coun- S ig ties connects in an instant with The Capital k J Journal Want Ad Phone No. 81. TELL THE TELEPHONE I 1 (BMm Journal I ?? 5? Business A' Qf . Office $01 8 3r