Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 07, 1916, Page NINE, Image 9

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.C ''aj2iG WILSON
hub Attocnmatr
The republicans have never been able pay is mere presumption. Ivo promise of
to regard the fanner as thev do other increase lias been given the railroads,
business men, or to treat the farmer's What ha9 been promised is that an in
business as they do other business. The. vestigntion shall be made and lust and
.i.ni. i.,;ui.it;i-a .uAT.i of lin iwrtv ffiir freialit rates allowed. How wel-
shows this: the line of argument used como the fulfillment of this promise
to the farmer by their speakers and in, will bo to the railroads is a question.
their campaign literature shows it..
The latest and most remarkable in
stance of this is the preachment they
are now putting out that tho settle-mut-
of he strike by President Wilson
was of no value to the farmer and that
a great burden in the -way of increased
freight rates will fall upon his should
ers. "
There is no basis for either assertion.
The strike would not have caused t lie
The net earnings of the railroads of
the country for the year ending June
1, 3916, were 70S million dollars more
than the last vear of the Tuft adminis
tration. This indicates a possibility
that the establishment of ." just rates
does not necessarily mean higher rates.
The water in railroad stocks, the ma
nipulation in rail road deals and man
agement, may cause it that-the "bur
den ' is to lie Dome ny lae men in
Inauguration Plans .
Are All Completed
With prominent educators from ull
parts of the Northwest and East sched
uled to appear, all preliminary plans
for the forinul inauguration of Dr.
Carl Gregg Doncy as president of Wil
lamette University, Friduy, October 13,
arc now completed." - "
The coming of -so many men of
marked scholastic attainments, to
Salem is of much educational signifi
cance alone in the annals of tho his
toric Methodist institution. Combined
with this, the great success attendant
on Dr. Doney's administrative activi
ties as .president for a little over a
vear warrants the interest of the city,
state and northwest m the university
All arrangements for the inaugura
tion are in charge of Dr. a. Avison
representing the board of trustees.
That student' support may be lent to
the occasion, no classes-will be held
on that day.
Among the noted men to be present
for the occasion are Bishop Matt S.
Hughes of the .Methodist Episcopal
church: Hon. James Withycombe, gov
ernor of Oregon; J. A. Churchill, state
superintendent of public instruction,
and the presidents of the following
educational institutions: Edward H.
Todd, College of Puget Sound; P. L.
Campbell. University of Oregon; Mel-
vin A. Brannon, University of Idaho;
Wallace H. Lee, Albany College; u u.
Eulev. Philomath College; W. J. Kerr,
Oregon Agricultural College; Levi T.
Pennington, raeitic college; o. n.
Aekerman. State Normal School; Chas
J. Bushnell, Pacific University, and
Leonard W. Rilev. MciMnnrille College,
The ceremonies will be held in the
First Methodist church beginning at
10 o'clock, October 13, with an address
by Bishop Matt S. Hughes. Dr. 0. O.
Doner will respond. Senator E. A.
Booth is to preside.
lu the afternoon Dr. B. L. Steffi
will introduce the various presidents of
Northwest institutions who will give
short addresses. This session will be
fin at 2 p. m.
Following the addresses will be the
banouet at the Hotel Marion at which
T. S. MeDuniel, president of tho board
of trustees, will preside. Many
toasts will be given by the disting
uished miests. including one from
JudcB Charles S. Cutting of Chicago.
who was graduated in the Willamette
idass of 1S75.
At 8 p. m. a general reception will be
hnlii in the parlors ot tne firsi m. c
church. " -
Asvlum for Insane
Has 1574 Patients
farmer to actually sutfer for lood or Wall Street who got millions for slight
for fuel as the poor in cities would '-jF-(.Vcii dubious services to rail load
hove, suffered. But his business wmiUi ninnaeomeut. as in the New Haven in-
have- suffered.
With the railroad traffic of tho na
tion blocked the farmer "s business
would have suffered . along with all
nthorlnisliiess in some ways more. He
would have seen his ernin. his corn, his;
cotton, all his staple products, held on
the arni or running up storage charges
in gatehouse?, Pf.np present use or
value, and to be later sold in an im
paired' market. " Were he shipping on
contract he would have been forced to
break his contract.
He would have seen Ins fruit nnu
stance, nstend ot ttie shippers oenring
the burden, be the shippers farmers or
miners or niamitacturers or lumber men
For two vears the interstate com
merce commission has been having
made a physical valuation of the. rail
mini iirnuvrtr in the I'nited States. Up
on its actual value and not upon their
watered stocks are taxes ana lreigni
rules lo be computed and based. The
question of just and fair frieght rates
is nlrendy being carefully investigated
by the commission and will be iuvesti
u!it..d In- eonures when it meets in
vegetables and ull-perishable produce i)P0,.mbe'r. The rail roads are going to
rot for lack of trnasportation to mar-bp fliowt,i to charge Just freight rates
kpt a dead present loss to him, and,nmj t doir successful operation is of so
a disorganized market at the end. mm., value, so necessary to the well
Those farmers who are feeders of ).,(, f the country, that, no good bus
live stock and who depend ill part on j mBllj fnriner, merchant, miner or
purchased foodstuff would have "' j niautifat-tnrpr. is going to begrudge
fered extra losses. , them the right. .
-jfc The' former would have suffered in- Tlt pUHitioii and the arguments of
convenience nnd loss a to everything, t)ll, rt.,uiilicntis cxeniplilV and' prove
he shins to market and as to everything ,i.oir total inability and -continued re-
he buvs from other points. f;,sal to view the' farmer in his true
And iii addition to this direct loss, i.nsiiion in American life a business
h. ton. with the rest of the population : ,.. Iiito is a producing end to
would have suffered from the aisns-j,lifl M)S-,lieSH ns to tlmt of the miner or
trous state of the business of the e.oun- muiiieturer; that there is a selling
trv brought about by the strike. 1 he , , to ,is business as to others, a n-
. -. -.I. I.,! -1. All, ft! . . . . i . . ... , ,.tk.
fanner is not prospered ny i"' nnncial phase to ins uusim-ss us m y-
J,i).r' niniMifiu.turcrs. mines, mills and ,i,nt shinner and as a receiver
stockvards closed and all commerce of f,eignt lie stanus m i m-
handcuffed; with the poor suf ering as r e ot.tcr V
for.foodaud the babies for indk in the ,ietwei.n thp two parlies is that
the democrats and Wilson Have recog
nized the farmer's real status. Paid
The harped on increase of freight
rates the farmer is going to have to
It appears .now that the registration
in the tate win not equui,
1C14. The registration ns shown at the
office of Secretary of State Olcutt now
rjjnds at sriH.ri.'i.'i. with only one day
"iWliainiug in which to register. The to
tal of registration for the 1111 elec
tinn was. Iliii.T.tO, approximately 4o0
i more than the present registration. Six
counties in the state show an increase
in registration over 1114. These coun
ties are Grant, Harney, Klamath, Wal
lowa. Lake and Wheeler.
act, and one from a firm which does
not employ labor iu hazardous occupa
tions. High water mark seems to have
i.a.,i rnnched in the car shortage. At
the office of the public service commis
sion this morning it was reported that
the orders now on file for cars amount
to fiSG open and 169 closed," with but
19 empties received at Ashland during
the past twenty-four hours.
According to the quarterly report
which has just been issued by State
Treasurer Kav, funds on hand in the
state treasury September 30 totalled
$l.i:9,SO2.M0."The receipts during the
quarter were 9.VJ.9S7.."pt, and the dis
bursements $1.5;9,22.S4. Transfers
made during the time amounted to
To recover an alleged balance of
9'Jti.o-t from the state industrial ac
cident commission Knot linns, who
states that he was injured while in the
employ of the Crossett Western Lum
v,r .n,i,auv t Wuunn. has begun suit
to recover that amount. Minis contends
that-he is entitled to 10ti nnd mat
he has received only 27.1.40. The com
mission has referred the matter to the
attorney general.
Jtut one fatal accident was reported
the industrial accident eomimssiuiv
during the past wee, that of Iriink
Alciati, who was accidentally killed
while employed in a cleaning estab
lishment at Jlarshficld. A total of 2.4
accidents were reported for the week.
EOS of which were subject to the prv
:.ini,i nf the coniiwnsntion law. 2-
from public utility corporations 40
from: firms which have rejected th
Articles of incorporation were filed
at the corporation ilc.pnrtmeui uu
The fact wfts brought out at a aieet
ing of the state board of control tnj
morning that there are at present 1"i7
rmtii,it iii the state hospital for th
insane at Salem. The board met this
morning for the purpose of going ovi'r
the reports of the superintendents of
the several institutions for the purpose
of Betting in readiness the budget to
be presented to the coming legislature,
But little work of interest was done
lieinir largely devoted to t
examination of what Secretary Olcott
appropriately designated as neau
adiv" matters. The building of a new
wing to the hospital tor too insane,
for use ot the men s nepaiiinciu, "u
.i;..mauil. Also b new kitchen, a greei
hmtsp. a slniurhter house and a labora
tni-v n-ore talked over. Prior to taking
up" the reports Superintendent Miuto
was in consultation witn me oouru o
the matter of automobile repairs an
rued iu the flax depart
inent. There is due truckmen of Salem
,tiA .nm nf 2000 for the season's true
hire iu this connection. The board has
been visiting the asylum today.
Portland. Or.. Oct. 7. A number of
Kiistnrii potato buyers are making i
onirics as to conditions and prices here
and several have visited this scc.tioa
as they frequently do in the fall, but
nn hus ncss nt conseonence mis iioeiun
ed. A single car has been purchased to
on pnst. nml this is tne extent oi m
fi-n.iu sn fnv ns can be learned. Later
tlm snasnn it is possible that sellc
may get in touch with eastern buyers.
but the prices now otieren ior wregu
potatoes for shipment across tne hoc
ics are entirely out of line with ma
ket values prevailing here.
Tim (ircirnn market, however,
no means inactive. There is A brisk
demand from California and Texas, and
l,tl, ututna urn tultilll! 200(1 shipments.
California potato growers, influenced
by George Shima'a action, are with
holding their crops from market, and
this has provided an outlet both iu
California and the southwest for the
Oregon product. ' ,
The leading buyers nro still offering
9D cents to l for potatoes and Bcllijig
bv farmers is fairly free at these pric
: v -..tnnl ImU over the dollar
his Trotteur Is
Smart For Youth
1 l1'
' The following prices for fruits
nd vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, aid
not fchat is paid to the producer.
All -other prices are those -paid' thn
producer. Corrections are made
daily. . . . , .
Kate per word New Today:
fiach insertion, per woro-
The Latest. . ,
Wood brown velours, worsted, with a
my fold ot fur running around the bot
torn of skirt and coat, achieve an ex
cellent suit for practical wear. The full
oat skirt is strongly strapped, buttoned
to match the lids of the commodious
pockets. The cuffs roll back to match
the roll collar.
Because there is a 'big deaiand and a
small, supply, ..dressed pork -advanced
todnv from" "l I and .12V4 cents to 11 Va
to: lit cents. The high ji jce-of grain is
declared by Mr. Fred Steusloff as the
cause of the rise. Watermelons because
of the cleaning up have dropped from
one cent, per pound to A t tent, cantor-
uia cantaloupes are now om oi un
market and onlv local melons are quot
ed; '., . '
Wheat'.. $1.001.08
Oats, new iaigWe
Rnlled barley $38.50
Bran :: 25-00
Shorts, per ton - $28.00
Hav. clover $910
Hay, cheat 10.0011.0i
Uav. vetca .. .. mgiJ'
Hay, timothy, $15$18
Butterfnt 32c
Creamery butter, per pound 35c
Country butter ... zaiaic
Ekki and poultry.
Kiros. casa count, cash 32c
Dims, trade 34c
Hons, pound l-yamio-uc
KoosterB. 0W. per Douna
Broilers, under 2 pounds UYje
Rrnilers. IV. 11). or less 16c
Turkeys 20(a21c
Fork, Veal and Mutton.
Pork, dressTd 1 !'.(" Uc
Pork, on foot 8 l-29e
nnne lambs, wio uyi
Steers t)a)U
Cows 3 l-24c
Bulls 33 1-4
Rwii 404
Wethers 1
Tomatoes, Oregon
hie week (8 insertions), per word So
ne monthvau insertions) per woto lie
The'-Capital Journal will not De re-
ponsible for moje than one insertion
or errors in Classified Ad vertisments.
Read your advertisements the first day
t appears and nouiy us lmmeuiaieiy
Minimum, cnargo, iac.
fBESPASS Notices for sale at Jour
nal office. ! .... tl
Mr. Fairbanks says that Salem is
city of beautiful women and homely
men. It seems as if we vo heard this
Kvery theatre in Snlem will bo
commission again tomorrow. Every pro
gram will be an attractive one.
WANTKD 1 set .double,
ness. Phono 574.
GET PRICES On farm sale bills at
The Journal office. ' '
String garlio
Potatoes, sweet .. .
Green onions . . . .
(irocn pepicrs ...
Carrots, dozen
. . 75c
.. 40c
2 l-2c
.. 40
.. 40
The greatest sporting event of the
year is on. Ami the capital journal
bulletin, board is tho center of tho lo
cal universe. i.
Muckmelons -'
Peaches, Oregon
Grapes, Tokay .
Oranges, Valencies $4.75
Lemons, per box $G.50a7.00
Cantaloupes, per box $1.2
Bananas, pound t
Califoraia, grape iruii ......ou
Florida grape fruit .. 6-00
ftTo man wears non refillable shoes.
Candidates for membership in the
city council are plentiful, but even nt
that it cannot, be said that it amounts
to-anythiiig like a fad'-.,,
The fly gamo is on. .and the house
wife is going to bat frequently.
' It requires a real sport to put uii
money on presidential results this year,
But it looks safo nongh for betting
purposes so far as the mayoralty of
Salem is concerned.
Another week is at an end. Quite a
number of folks expected this to Imp
Won't somebody pleaso take a straw
vote to determine what kind of weath
er we're going to have next Christinas?
A very effective little football ma
chine seems to have been wished on
Willamette Varsity by the Salem high
.. $1.00
. . $150
Huckleberries ..: 8o
Retail Prices,
Ecbs. per dozen, frdsh ranch 40c
Simar. cane
Suirar. beet '. $7.90
Creamery butter 45c
Hour, hard wheat $l.H0(f 2.1
flour, vaticy i.u.nsji.
Portland, Or., Oct. 7. Wheat Club
$1.32; Bluestcam $1.39; Fortyfold
$1.35; Ked Hussian $1.28.
Oats No. 1 White Feed $'28.23.
Barley, feed $33,550.
Hops, best live $9.85.
Prime steers $7.00; fancy cows $5.50
calves $7.00.
Spring Lambs $8.75.
Butter City creamery 37. l-2c.
Kggs Selected locnl extras 4llc
Hens 14 l-2c; broilers 15e(?i17e.
Geese, 1 left 11 i-2c.
Perhaps the best way to kill false
hood is to let it lie.
Phonc 2340M. ' .
RUBBER Stamps made 165 8. Coin!
HARRY Window cleaaer.
Phone 768.
3000 ' LB.VFaxm team and new harness
for sale cheap. B. Cunningham, phone
21F2. . oct7
WANTED To buy small cash regis
ter, write ' or call room 10 Opera
House. oct9
STANDARD Typewriter ribbons 30c,
. four $1.00; twelve $2.50. 165 8. Cora
" mcrcial. 1 octT
Ucavv har-oct9
FOR RENT SIGNS For sale at Cap
Hal Journal office. tl
FOR SALE Top buggy and close in
acreage." Phone 1003V.'. . petfl
JfJ.CE Clean well furnished housckeep
. ing rooms, reasonable, 039 N. Lib
erty St. . " oct7
FURNISHED Housekeeping rooms,
.rates reasonable. 271 1) St. North
Commercial. octl2
WANTED Potatoes in car lots or leas
spot cash paid. Salem Fruit Co., 267
S. Coin'l St. octll
FOR SALF 12 guage automatic shot
gun, good, as new. Barber shop linn
and Mate street." oct7
WANTED Girl for general housework.!
Call Wills iiusio Store. octr I IXwT Silver friendslup bracelet of 4
links, on gTeen Velvet ribbon. .Leave
at Journal office. oct7
FURNISHED Rooms and housekeep
ing apartments, rates . reasonable,
. close in, 160 Court. tf
FOB SALF Or trade for wood, gaso
line engine. Phone 401. U
FURNISHED Housekeeping Buite for
rent. 292 Jiorth Summer. octi
TilOKOI'GHURED Cotswold rams. G.
H. Beujamiu, Gcrvais, Or. octO
WANTED Good 2nd hand buggy and I FOR RENT Seven room house, furn-
harncss, .cheap.. Phone 2F13. , oct7
.1 1 1 k . I V. 1 I1UAA ........ I.
581 N. Church. Phone 1060K. oct7
TOP BUGGY To trade for cord wood
or young pigs. Phone 2505J1. oct9
SHEEP WANTED 100 good young
ewes. Phone 39F4. C. C Russell. octB
rjsJiod, close in, rent $13.00. Bee G.
. Johnson, phone 47 or 4. tf
FOR SALE 1913 H-D. motorcycle in
good condition, cash. Call at sis
JV. Liberty St. Phone 90 J. octv
FLUFF R UGH Rag rugs and rag car
pets woven at reasonable prices. Mrs.
Lillie DeBord, 1S98 Currant Ave. ol8
TO TRADE For fresh-cow, a 3 year DONALD MILES And C. Z. Randall
old Holstein bull. Phone 31F11. out?
OLD PAPERS For sale at . Capital
Journal office 10 cents a bundle, tf
FURNISHED Apartments, also ban,
suitable for garage. 491- ti. uottage
WANTED Well matured potatoes for
. shipping. Mangis Bros Phono 717.
have moved their law office to room
205 Salem' Bank of Commerce bldg.
FOR SALE Cheap, twenty acres half
mile from Salem, good house, running
water, river bottom. Address box 240
FOR SALE Or exchange for work
horse, registered Jersey bull, two
years old. A. W. Bnrtlett, .Route 2.
FOR SALE Modem bungalow, on cat
line, price $12o0. Addross a. Journ
al. oct7 -poR SALE 2 first class cows to fresh
en soon, and one Berkshire boar.
FOR RENT Grain nnd dairy farm,
also pasture land. Box 5, Turner, Ore-1
gon. octll I
$5, worth more. Dr. May, Hubbard
bldg. octlS
Phono 11FU or write L. G. oulgin, K.
4. oct7
WANTED 30 to 40 acres not over 10
miles from Salem, some timber ana
running water. Sco Belle, 540 StatB
St. oct
BET YOUR Trespass . Notices, .new I FOR RENT Strictly modern .and up
supply of cloth ones at Capital Jour r to date house, 7 rooms, garage. is5
nal tf N. 14th street. L. Bechtel, 347 State
Ht. . oot7
GIRLS AND WOMEN Wanted at tho
glove factory, 1455 Oak St. Steady MODERN 5 room house for rent, very
work. oct7 1 reasonable, near school, church and
street car line. Enquire 1491 Souta
WANTED An experienced girl for Com'l. f
general house work. Mrs. Clifford!
Brown, 378 State.
WANTED To trade nursery stock for
hay, oats, potatoes, or wood sawing,
Howard Jones, phone 41.1. octi
tf CIDER AND VINEGAR Apples want
ed. Will pay cash on doltvery. eacua
furnished. Gideon Stolz Co., near cor
ner Summer and Mill Sts. tf
MEN WANTED In mill, yards sud
logging camp. Apply Hammond Lum
ber Co., Mill City, Oregon. oct21
WANTED To buy 6 or 8 choice milk
cows, must be fresh now or soon, none
but parties owning choice cows need
call. I'hone mi or wi.
FOR SALE Good team work horses,
weight about 2900. also royal blooded
Polund China boar, cheap if tukon
at once. Phono 310, octO
FOR RENT Or sale, a small farm
near fairgrounds, all under plow, no I FOR RENT Furnish house, 7 room,
TOR SALE A $350.00 traction woud
saw or will trade for stock or car.
Write L. B. 9"-', Dallas Or. octll)
buildings. Address J,
care Journul.
k have been reported. The under-
morning by the J. Al Pnttison Lumber j t( n( of tl(, ,aI.k,.t j firm nnil a heal-
company, of Portland, the capital stock
of winch is iu,wu, nnu it ,
articles of incorporation were tncu uj
tlm sterlinir nnd Kidder Hardware
company of Portland, which changes
its name to tho u. l. iviaoer uui"
L. P. Swan of Champoeg sustained
a serious injury Tuesday afternoon
through falling' from a step ladder in
the mill at Champoeg, and striking on
his hip which mny be fractured. Dr.
Giesy was called to attend him and he
is now resting as easy as his condition
A rrninod nurse has been secured
from Portland, ns Mr. Swan may be coa
fined to his bed for some time. Many
friends here will regret to learn-of his
misfortune, nnd wish him. a speedy re
covery. Aurora Observer.
John F. Steiwer to Paul T.. and Car
rie I.. Harris, lots 39 and 40 Steiwer "s
Fruit Farms.
Charles Knnpp to Johanna Knnpp,
portion of l. 1.. C. of J. 11. Coodall 4
2 V.
Tlies. P.. Kay et tit to Mabel F. Wat
son, lots in University add to Salem.
"ever judge a woman and cignrd by
their wrappers.
thy trade is looked lor iiirongii mi
winter months.
Butter and Eggs
The butter market is very firm, with
an urgent local demand for country
creamery surplus. At the produce ex
change 33 cents was bid for extras w.th
no sellers. Prime firsts were offered at
33 cents ami firsts at 31 cents with
no bids. Dairv butter was orrerru ni
cents and 25 cents was bid.
IWa were steady with sales, case
mi' ot Petaluma storage
eggs were offered at 81 !i cents, withi
31 cents oiu. .
For Oregon triplet cheese 17 cents
i.i.i ,.,! 17'A cents asked, and for
Oregon Young Americas IN cents was
bid and 18'i cents was nsked. Eastern
v..;,.!.. wm rtireti hi
and block Swiss at 28 cents but there
was -no bid. Oregon cream brick was
on sale at 20 cents and 19 cents was
A Leader-Results am
our Want Ms They lead
the way to Belter positions
Better Workers .
FOR SALE Or exchange, 40 ucres of
land iu San Louis Obispo county,
California, liuiuirv N- llroailway.
LOST Crosscut saw between North
Capital sti t land Charles Wilson
642 N. High; also 7 room unfurnish
ed house at 475 N. High. Inquire at
660 N. High or phone 1096. tf
FOR SALi: Or trade, beautiful mod
ern home in Fairmount Park s A bar
gain on cusy terms or trade for farm
near Sulem. Sco Belle, 010 State St.
place 3 miles east of Salem. Please I STRAYED To my place one old bay
I. N. An-
phone 3HF2. Reward.
oct 7
Lost? Found? Help? Work? For Rent? For i?
Sale? House Wanted? Business Opportunity?
$S An Auto? A Horse? If your name is in the tele- fij
phone directory f$
V.verv nhonfi in Salem. Marion and Polk coun-
ties connects in an instant with The Capital jj
MAI.E HELP WANTED Picture train
er and inateutter, thoroughly experi
enced, is wanted by Olds, Wortiuiiii
& King, Portland. Address superin
tendents office. octlO I
WANTED Man nnd wife to take
charge of milk bottling room, wash
bottles and tinware, house rent tree.
Call at I'iiickuey Bros. Dairy, west
end steel bridge, oct7
salesmen to sell, garages, factories,
stores, ets. Steady well paying po
sition for active men. .Milwaukee
Tank Works, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
MONEY TO LOAN On second hand
men's clothing, jewelry, musical in
struments, tools, guns, etc. Also
bought, sold and traded. Capital Ex
chaiH'e, 337 Court St. Phone 493 ocll
IOR HAI.r l.iO acre farm, i. acres in
cultivation, buildings, running water
in pasture, some fine timber. Price
50.00 ail ucre if sold before October
10. See E. 11. Grubeahorst & Co.,
State St.
Journal Want Ad Phone No. 81.
fflic Marital Journal
Business J$ O 1
WILL HELL Or trade for Salem prop
erty, modern bungalow in small Idaho
town, tlood location for carpenter,
barber, soft drink parlor or billiard
hall. Value 25U0. Write or cull Kolit,
Simpson, lilil) N. 24th St. octlO
ten ladies to travel, demonstrate and
sell well established line to our deal
ers. Previous experience not ncccs-
sarv. Good pa v. Ruilroad fare paid.
Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 015, Oiun-
hn. Nebr.
Our circulation is still climb-
Ing up read the paper and
you'll know the reason.
mare, owner can have some by
niK for feed and ad. Mrs.
dcrson, route 9, box 48. Phone 14F13.
- octT
FOR SALE Or rent, modern five room
bungalow near Grant school, in goon
ropair. Will sell on terms or rent B.
H. Mills, at Spauldlng Logging Co. -office.
SECOND HAND Mens' clothing,
jewelry, musical Instruments, tools,
guns, etc., bought, sold and traded.
Capital Exchaago, 337 Court St.
Phoae 493. octll
acres 1 mile from rail road, barn,
good schools, in rainhelt of Alta,
Canada. Call 1157R. 1003 North Cot
tage, Salem, Ore. oct7
WANTED Man and wife without chil
dren on farm, that understand au
kinds of farm work, no cigarette
fiend need apply, ago between 30
and 40 years. Address 3 X, car
Journal. ct7
AUCTION SALE I will sell at putiUe
auction on my farm, known as tne
VcHtcr farm, '4 miles southwest of
Turner Monday, Oct. ft, 191B, at 10 a.
m. the following described property:
One cow 3 years old, one Durhutn
cow 3 years old, 2 Holstein heifers
10 months old, 1 Jersey heifer 2 years
old, 4 2-yenr old high grade Jersey
heifers, six cows 8 to 10 years
old, 2 Jersey heifers one year old,
1 cow, 1 brood sow, 2 shoats, 1 gray
marc 4 years, 1 while maio, 1 colt 2
years, 1 pair last spriug mule colta,
two drag harrows, 2 heavy wagons,
a hack, work harness, rlow, cultiva
tor, about 10 tons oat hay, ono range
stove, and many other articles. Frca
lunch at noon. Terms of sale, all sums
of $10' and under cash. Over $10 nine
months timo buyer giving bankuble,
notes, bearing 8 per cent interest. M.
A. Walker, owner, W. F. Wright, auc
tioneer, Turner State Bank clerk. 07