THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCT. 7, 1916. SEVEN The Talk of the Town ! ! ! ! INCE'S FILM SPECTACLE 1 66 0 0 1 1 1 Great Reels Special Cut Prices Any Seat BLIGH THEATRE SUNDAY ONK DAY ONLY CONTINUOUS snow ' Does the Devil Rule the World? S2e this great Masterpiece at the BLIGH Theatre Every Tuesday prtd Wednesday Commencing October 10th re pa redness How the U. S. can control the seas See this great picture BUOHm THEATRE Commencing Tuesday, October 10th ',1 ?$4'Y?mwv'wm'i'ii. $vtywjYwiysifm' Ml Hippodrome Road Show at Grand Theatre Tho Grand 0ens with first Hippo drome road show tomorrow and will bo continued every Sunday. This includes the entirie show of six big nets and siiecial motion picture plavs. The show for this week has been reviewed by Manager Bligh and is reported excep tionally good. Courtney and Jeanette open the show with a line of comedy juggling. Four Old Arcterans is an act that appeals to everyone, being made up of four real civil war veterans rang ing in age from 01 to 75. They play sev eral old time tunes on different instru ments anl in Portland they stopped tho show with their closing number, when they requested the audience to stand sing with litem they were met with a great response and the show could not go on For several minutes. George's Cornell conies next with somo very plensing and catchy melodies, and clos ing his net with a modern dancing num ber with one of the old veterans who is 65 years old. The Kialto Four class cd as singers de Lux ire very good and n cello number played by one of tho aitiHts, adds great tone to tne act. ros-. tcr & Lovctt in Who's Who arc a reg ular scream and a surprise from start to finish. The last act of this splen did show is "The Sweeney liirls and Newton" in dainty diversions of gync-; nasties, this act is absolutely different! I'rom anything on the vnudiville stage J and it finishes up one of the best shows of vaudeville that lias been seen on the Hippodrome circuit for some time. ACTOR MISTAKEN FOR JAP When William Tedmarsh, the fnmousj character actor, stepped onto the pierj of the United States naval base at San:; Pedro he Was taken into custody by a: sentry and hustled before the com-; mamling officer without being given aj chance to explnin his identity. j He was "made up'' as Satsuina, the Japanese- spy, in "The secret of the! Submarine,''' the big film novel, one chapter of which is shown weekly ut' the Itligh theatre commencing next Tuesday Oct. 10: Mr. Tedmarsh cventn ! ally explained ho meant no harm and was promptly released with tho admo-j nition from the commander to go "easy" while masquerading as a Jnp. 1 In these days of national uncertain-, ty especial precautions are taken to forestall anyone prying into the de tails of equipment and personnel of, our regular forces. Mr. Tedmnrsh ar rived at the pier ahead of the otherj members of tho company an thought , to while away tho timo by examining j some ordnance being mounted on tho j L'. S. S. Fairngut. . I Vice Investigation Used As I Basis of Sensational Film "The Little Girl Next Door," Suggest- ed by Testimony Before Illinois Commission ! ; -! '. v 4 i , i 'i r L' - . ." i Scenes from "The Little flirl Xext Door" at Grand theatre nexi Moudnv Outshining any of the sensutionul films recently shown here, exceeding inj spectacular interest " Where Are My Children.'" and different from that I film in that it. attacks and exKsesj commercialized vice, while that attack ed another form of evil, "The Little Girl Next Door" comes to tlifl Grand Wodnesdnv Oct. l, for two days. Some ot the scenes, it is said, rival! the most lurid melodramas as thrillers! and yet the directors of the production j arc said to have followed the facts as1 faithfully as exhibition purposes would! permit. I The stories told by the girl witness-! ob before the commission, including the white' sBlve stories, were reonnct-j ed. The scenes are laid all over the country. The reels are connected by a I running story tellin" the history of one girl from her first flse step to her np- pearance as a witness before the com mission. The experiences through which, she passed ns well as those of otherj witnesses aro told. j Tho state senate investigating body; in its report recommended that its re-j port be plnced before the public in pic-i tures. The report in written form, itj was suggested, would only be-read by! dehors into sociological facts, physi- ci.uis, preachers, and persons especially interested in the vice problem from a standpoint of statistics. The senate passed a resolution authorizing tho-tak-mg of a picture of that body in session to be uscil us a part of the vice film. Vice conditions ns they existed be foro the old -d street district was closed were portrayed as truthfully as possible in contrast to the desolate, bleak aspect of the blocKs of dosed and hoarded resorts as thev now are. 11 Salem's Only Exclusive Photoplay Theatre T.i 11 in Ml H- J1 M ST i in - IT" W.3 Love among the Snows The Lure of the North 3 A t. fiv Sunday and Monday S8 Brings About The Complications Which Make " THE END OF THE TRAIL " A FILM OF GRIPPING INTEREST, SEE WILLIAM FARNUM IN THIS GREAT WILLIAM fOX MASTERPIECE (PO 117 U7 The Startling Photoplay that has set the peo pie of the Eastern Cities Thinking and Talking The little Girl Nest Door i ?:;:,-: t -its , i , r-S'A t1 'iff fe 1 " t' iJfih , ' '-I ' J fc''J ' T .'-,.... f Jf if " 4 MA:? " ARE YOU SURE that yonrown Wife and Daughter ARE SAFE? Majbeyoir Won't think so after you see "THE LITTLE GIRL NEXT DOOR' At Your Very I An expose in the Hidden DOORSTEP Vice that is a revelation VICE You are a father, see "The Litrle Girl Next Door!" Then tell your wife what to tell your daughter. You are a mother, see "The little Girl Next Door!" Tell your son and daughter about it. It's a wonderful story and lesson. You are a brolher keep an eye upon your little sister and two eyes upon her associates. You are a girl, be careful about making new ao , quaintances. A truly wonderful photoplay stoiy! Based upon the facts gathered by the ILLINOIS VICE COMMISSION during their late investigations Don't blush to tell your daughter the things she ought to know. THIS PICTURE IS The Greatest Moral Sermon EVER DEPICTED IN FILM, It is greater by far than "Where Are My Children" which created such a sensation when shown at this thectre a month ago. The episodes are thrilling and the story interesting and convincing. s i K - -. ., AT 1 j '. X '. ENDORSEMENTS This )octuie represents the problem of tho girl adrift in a manlier v'ry striking and effec tive, VlKOIXIA BROOKS WASH UVUS, t'hicago Social Worker. The worst evil that destroys character uud life is vice. Study this picture, "The Little Girl Next Door." It represents truth, f ARTIM'H lH'HH.Uir: KAIt- f'hicn(;fl Law and Order LeRu. This pic t lira is able, where Hie stiiKe has failed, to give us the dinina without brutality, a moral warning without dullness. ASHTOX STEVENS, t'liiciiyo lOxiiuiiuer. The presentutien of this pic ture will do more for tho cause of morality than all the reports ever tiled. UKV. .1. 1'. ItlLlTSEIlNCillAM. 1'nslor .S. I'nrk Methodist rhiiivh, Chicago. This Picture Runs Two Days Only Starting MONDAY. ADMISSION 20c, MATINEE 10c ChlldrPfl IllirlPr 16 Psvely nof admitted unless accompanied by parents vllllUl Wll LI II II wl IU or guardian, or with their written permission rTTTI Monday and Tuesday (Dili liVUi October 9-10. Matinee and EveninS Come Early and Avoid the Crowds 3: