Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 07, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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M- f - , ..,w!0S...,,. ''If '.?
The attack by the Servians on the
Bulgarians has brought them over the
Korvian-Ureek border, and the Servian
soldiers are fighting nguin on their na
tive Boil from whbh they were expelled
by the Teutonic advances Inst year.
Germany's victory over the Servians
ousted from the conquered kingdom not
only the remnants of the Servian urmy
which was completely routed, but also
great masses of the populace, who took
refuge in Greece. Now, these Servians
uio awaiting the day when they may re
turn to their native land, a contingency
dependent, of course, on the success of
the Servian operations ngnins. the Bul
gars. The Servian army has been re
built by the allies. In the pictures can
ba scon a view of Monastir, the present
Servian attack, uud a group of Servian
refugees in Snlonilti awaiting repatria
tion. These people have had to be sup
ported by charily, since they lost all
when their country was overrun
(Continued from pngo one.)
fighting submarine U-.W departed
nhortly before (I o'clock tonight, after
leaving important mail for Ambasador
Uernstorff. The first fighting sub
marine to reach the shores of the
.United States after the trip from
Kurope, remained in port only about
-three hours.
Spring-Rice Is Active.
Washington, Oct. 7. Uritish Auibaa
ador Spring-Rico called nt the state
department this afternoon as soon, as
lio heard of the arrival of tho German
naval submarine U-53 at New port, 11.
I. Ho made no protest, simply asking
for official continuation on which it
was believed ho will later stato Eng
land's expectation that the boat shall
sot bo allowed in port more than 24
" Independence News
(Capital Journal Special Service,)
lndcK'iidcnee, ai,. Oct. tl. Miss
I.enna (irnnihu of McMinnville visited
friends here over Sunday.
Mrs. llattie Myers and Miss PchiIu
I'erclval were Salem visitors on Sun-
Mrs. W. W. Percivul visited friends
nd relatives in Dallas on Monday,
S. K. Owen and wife spent a tew
slays in Portland last week.
The many friends of Carl percivul
ro pleased to learn that he is getting
tilling nicely now, after being hurt in
n auto accident which occurred in Su-
jem mm wren.
Mrs. Sarah Irvine left on Wednesday """ "'" '... , ,
for Han Francisco, Calif., where she b';k- N hr.,w"ftr"1 " ''V""".'
will remain tor some timiJ. and green neckt e and must write all
Mrs. A. Hascue was a Dallas visitor '''8 '""ln A ink or suffer a fine,
on Wednesday. Thp ,'," 1!"' om h c,x
Mrs. A. Nelson was a Salem visitor l'ects to enjoy being a member tf he
en Mondnv 'V(T 1'itsses tho initiatory portals.
rJL "wi th'imlemS'TJ.: j BURCK KAUFl'MAN WEDDING
vhoiio conmnnv, as an operator in tho .
tiffice. ' ,',,"t s'ln.v evening Mr. Melvin
E J Fowler was a Salem visitor on P-urck and Miss Grace Kauffmaii were
Tuesday afternoon. married ut Albany by nishop .1. P. Hon-
Ira Ellson returned to his home in trager, at the residence of the bishop.
Dallas, after sending the summer here. The happy couple returned to Hubbard
Mrs. Alpha Hascue took in the fair Monday morning and went to tho borne
at Salem last week. of .Mr. and Mrs. Dan llershberger. Mr.
W 11. ltlock left for McMinnville on and Mrs. Hurek hnve taken up tempo
Monday, whose he will remain until rnry residence with Mr. and Mrs. C.
after the round up there. Shoemaker and will later make their
W W. Percival returned to his home home at Albany. Hoth lire excellent
n Sunday after spending the fair week young people and have the best wishes
iu Salem. of H '' ","i' for R happy mar-
Miss Ruth Campbell, the teacher of ried life.
ih Oak Point school, near here, spent Wednesday evening a number ot
the week end with her parents in Do! their friends surprised them with a
"kitchen shower." Those of the party
T J Fryer spent a few davs iu Port- were: Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hershber-
Ian last week. Kor and children, Mr and Mrs O. W.
J. L. Hanna, Moan Walker and Dr King and daughter, Misses Wilma o-
Ij. L. Hewitt motored to Portluud in der, Minnie' Kuuffmnn, Sadie King and
Friday. Mil" Hestetler, Messrs. Loney Yoder,
Mr ' W W Percival was a Salem Paul Yoder, Irfivi Yoder, A. Hostetter,
.visitor on Thursday. .Forest Hosteller. Hubbard Enterprise
Th Ladies Needlecraft were enter- 1
Gained at the home of Mrs G. White-
.k hv Mm Whiteoker and her daugh-
iter, Mrs. K. E. Tripp, on Thursday ef-j
ternoon. The alleruoon was speut In
,n nrlc ami cnnversatioit and nt
the close of the afternoon a dainty By Robert J. Bender,
Juncheon was served to the Indies. ( (United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Mra. Hattio Meyers was a Salem vi. Shadow Lawn, N. J., Oet. 7. Heap
Jtor on Thursday. .ing verbal fire upon Candidate Hughes
'Died 'and the republican party. President
lira. n. Laliberty, wife of Mr. H. Wilson this afternoon charged that
Ielibortv. died at her home in North 1Be republicans are not united, but
Independence at . m. on Wednesday, "'associated for an unavewed purpose,
)et. 4, 19141. After an illness of some ,not through with bitterness, hate,
time. She leaves a husband and sever- Wytnflt amj covetous desire to recover
nl children to mourn her death. The iC(lr6t po.,..! At the mo time he
funeral services were held this after-, T(, ,f(j hi( wsrin(P 0f war, should
noon at 8 o'clock. In the Baptist thur.-h.j fn6 0 a p
Jntennent in the Odd Fellow f emete-y
1 ' , . I A chimney fire at tha residence of 3.
Secretary birds are to tailed because . Steivor, 2000 State street, called ont
k fthe quill like plumes about tbeir tn. apartment at about 4 o'clock yes
Mtro, , tcrduy afternoon- No damage.
' ' mmMM urn
Discrediting of Rumor
Sends Wheat Up Again
Chicago, Oct. 7. Wheat took an up
ward turn today after a drop late yes
terday. Discrediting of the pence rumors was
tho cause, together with reports of un
favorable Argentine weather. Decem
ber wheat closed up l i! nt l.flO 12
and May up 3-H nt l..rS 3-4.
Corn opened firm and good buying
sent it up to 78 !5-8 and May up 5-8 at
78 S-8.
Oats attracted few buyers. December
closed unchanged at 40!4 and May
down Vt at
Provisions ruled higher on liberal
General Rowland, ono of tho leaders
in the Y. M. C. A. membership eon
test, wus initiated into a society of
which he doea not know the nnmo, at
least all he knows about it is that it
is called the ' H. 11." club, lie k'nows
more about the workings of Its initia
tory rit nut however. Tho other even
ing, Thursday, several of his friends---Robin
Fisher, Armin Merger, Clifford
Townsend, Wnrron Brasher, and 1-iornn
Simpson captured him and took him
in an automobile to State street and i
dumped him out barefooted in front of!
a cigar store with instructions to meet
them at tho Congregational church
later. Uarefootcd and alone in the
big city ho mnnoeuvered to the church,b(ou oho!ien nnJ aro Jfo,uw.. H.
where the was picked up and given his j)olm)li,on ..nptain; Sid l.lovd, L. R. M.
shoes. Then tho automobile took him ii. si,i n,nlittlo n,,,l r,,ri Hu..
out in the country five miles uud I
, , .... ,.- i,,i ,., ..,iu
D-p-Up-l Wiknit WaiTlS
Country Against War Party
-I"-."' 4,1, '
The Iowa society of Portland meets
on the first Wednesday of each mouth.
Frost is said to have mined practi
cally the entire crop of tomatoes in
southern Oregon.
Walter L. Tooze of this city was yes
terday elected president of the state
Hughes alliance, which met in confer
ence nt Portland.
With tk view to being prepared for
rnin, a preparation of tar is being np
plied in spots to the front steps nt the
city hall. The private office of the city
recorder is located under the steps.
There seems to be some confusion In
the public mind on the matter of regis
tration. The registration books for the
city election will not be closed until
October 21. The books at the court
hou"e will he closed tonight at 8 o'clock.
Ivan Farmer, of the Farmer Hardware
company, will leave by motorcycle Mon
day for a trip on the Columbia high
way and The Dulles. He expects to be
gone until Thursday. The trip is a
short vara! ion for Mr. Farmer.
Members of tho W. O. W. team that
wi wi,h ,h K)k , fc
...,.,,',,. ..,,,,..,,
The fourth car of pear to be shipped
out of Salem by the Wallace Orchard
was loaded this morning. The fifth and
last car will be loaded Monday- This
comprises the crop that will be shipped
east. Apples will be the next to be har
vested. A vacant house at the corner of Hoyt
and Winter streets was destroyed by
fire last night at about 11 o'clock. The
fire department responded to the alarm
and made the long run, but the struct
ure was practically burned before the
boys arrived.
Miss Pearl Burton, of North Summer
street, leaves today for John Day on
the John Day river, eastern Oregon,
where she expects to make her home.
She is a graduate of the Salem high
school in the class of 1010 and is well
known in Salem.
Ray Slmeral and a friend had some
fino fishinir in the Old River yesterday ,
afternoon. They caught 19 bnsa ranging
from 15 to 17 1-2 inches. Altogether
thev caught about 40 pounds of fish,.
wnioh is considered good fishing any
time anywhere. I
o I
0. B. Coppock. bookkeeper at the
Spauldiug Logging company's office lu'dering if the gasoline saw man will
this city, quit work yesterday to engage, charge him mileage.
I.. 1 U. ...Ill .. . . . 1. I ,
iu miicniug. Jiv wm minu niocn nu,
among other things, blisters.. He is sue-1
reeded by B. K. Smith, bookkeeper at
the Independence office of the com-
pany, who in transferred here.
o I
The regular monthly meeting and j
AintiAi. nf thn Pilirrim rlnli nf th Pirat '
Conirroeational church will be hcld!wna the result of a collision between :
Monday evening in the church at 6:18
prompt. Rev. Richard N. Avison of
the Methodist church will speak, and
Dr. Mclntyre and Oscar B. Gingrich
will be heard in duct. Make it a point
to attend- H. W. Elgin, secretary.
vne JHUBIH nmi oh uincwi wu miring 1
the past wevk how difficult it is to
write clear directions for doing a thiug.
This man wanted his wood piled in a
certain place on his property. His wiTe
is away from the city. So he wrote a
note- The first load of wood was uu-
sjc s(c (t jfc sjc sfc sc sc )(t sc jfc
Court House News
sc ijf jc 5c i(c sfc sc jc sc st
Af.or une of the shortest terms Of
court in the history of the country, the
jury in department No. 1 of the cir
cuit court was discharged this morn
ing. It was given barely three days
work during the session
As iieurly as ran.be reckoned this af
ternoon", the total registration at the
office of the county clerk for the com
ing general election will fall about ,-
000 skor,' of the registration two years
ago. This shortage however may be
more seeming than otherwise, owing to
the fact that two vears ago every vot
er who desircil to register a change of
residence was required to bring two
freeholders with him to the registra
tion office, as a result of which a con
siderable number of voters simply reg
istered anew to save .themselves the
bother of bringing up the freeholders.
This requirement no longer exists.
The will of the late t'nrl Johnson, of
Hilverton, has been admitted to pro
bate in the county court. H. S. I'etit is
executor, and M. T. I'etit, U. V. Hulibs
and I'etit have been named as
Marriage licenses have been issued
since yesterday to Alfred A. .Schramm
anil Francis Lucile Kniit., both of Sa
lem, and to Hen Y. Zellner ,Silverton,
and Francis llronky, Mt. Angel.
A jury in Judge Kelly's court has
returned a verdict for the plaintiff in
tho case of J. W. Davis vs. Russell
Clearwater and A. Ij. Clearwater. This
ease, which was appealed from justice
court, arose over the purchase of a
horse by Davis. Davis wanted a gentle
horse, whereas the horse he bought
was not in "accordance with his notion
of that sort of a horse, lie was death
ly afraid of that horse. So lie insisted
that the ( 'learwnters take him back
and return his money. This they refus
ed to do, because they considered the
; horse a good horse ami could prove it.
The result was that the matter was
taken into the courts, wilh the outcome
as above mentioned.'
The case of R. 11. Cosliun vs. J. V.
I'airisli et nl has been ordered dismiss
ed. Mae Dilley has been granted a di
vorce from Hoy W. .Dilley by Judge
Galloway. The court awnrds the care,
custody and control of lioatricc Dilley,
a minor daughter, to the mother.
Hunter's licenses have been issued to
W. M. Forbes of Jefferson; Oscar
Nnne of Stnyton, and Ivan G. Martin
of Suleni.
Republicans Pleased
. With Fairbanks Speech
Portland, Or., Oct. 7. Oregon repub
lican leaders considered today that the
seoeh of. .Charles W. Fairbanks, r?pub
licau vice presidential nominee fit tit
armory here was one of the best cam
paign orations ever delivered in the
Fairbanks addressed a crowd of 5,
000 people, packing the building to U
capacity. He directed his nttaci: princi
pally at the democratic slogan: "Wil
son kept ns nut of war."
"Ask the fathers, mothers, brothers
and sisters of the bravo boys who fell
at Vera Cms if there was not war in
Mexico," he demanded.
The mention of Charles E. Hughe
name provoked a riotous demonstration.
There wus another outburst of cheering
when Fairbanks chanced to" mention
President Wilson. '
Fairbanks left for Seattle after his
Wednesday afternoon nt the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ledtke was one
of some moment. The occasion was
their third daughter's nuptnl. Miss Ag
nes Pauline Ledtke, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Ledtke, was united in
the bond of wedlock to Mr. Oswald
Paul Schulz of Portland. Miss Ledtke
is well known nnd highly respected by
her friends; and loved by her young
Mr. Oswald Paul Schulz is tho eldest
son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schulz of
Huttcville. For a year Mr. Schulz has
been connected with the .1. I. Case Co.
of Portland ns a master mechanic. He
is highly respected in his community
by his many friends.
After the beautiful ring ceremony
performed by Rev. F. C. Butler, and
congratulations were received, the
company partook of a bountiful wed
ding lunch. Tho happy 'ji.n,' couple
departed for Portland by auto. Tiny
will be nt home to friends after Nov. 1
in Portland. Tho best wishes of their
many friends follow them to their new
home. Tho wedding was a coinp'eto sur
prise to nil friends. Hubbard Filter
prise. It's a case of love's labor lost unless
it . !.,. ,i.i ,,:.
- -
( loaded in the street. He wrote another
.note and pinned it to tho wood pile.
The second load of wood was piled in
another spot, equally undesirable. He
pinned another note to the second wood-
pile. The third load was piiea wnere
ho wanted it almost. Now he 'a won-
Harold Friend, of 2138 Court street,
who received a fracture of his right
forearm Thursday while riding a bicycle
on Center street, is improving nicely.
He was taken care of by Drs. Robert-
son and Morse and it is expected no
nnmnlii.ntimia will vi.Hiilt TVia accident
young Friend and Boedigheimer of the
Club atables. The boy was moving cast
on Center street and Boedigheimer was
tra.vlilio- ntuiik nn Cuftitnl trftttt ill ft
bin car. Thebov started to cut the
corner on Center and turn north on Cap
ital. When Boedigheimer saw the boy
turning in ou Cwil he turned east ou
i Center to avoid the collision.
list the
boy also turned east oa Center with the
result that the two machines came to-
gether. The bicycle wns badly bent
and the boy thrown with the fractured
arm. as a result.
Eugene, Or., Oct. 7. U. of O.-Wil
lanietto game at Eugene, first quarter
Oregon 20. Willamette 0; second Ore,
gon scored touchdown early in second
William (iuein of ' Willamette left
quarter, put out of game for injuries.
Big Film Producer
Will Quit Business
Bon Francisco, Oct. 7. David W.
Griffith, moving picture producer who
gave to the world ''The Clansman" and
othor big ' movie" spectacles, de
clared here today that he would never
again produce a big film production
under present conditions imposed 'by
police and public, and that he is con
sidering retiring altogether from' the
picture business.
"I haic had several offers froni big
ineaincai men to .10111 tlie legitimate
rnnKs," lie admitted. 'When I leave
San Francisco 1 am going into retire
ment for a timo and give these offers
consideration. Right now I think I
shall never again stage., a big film
"There is no middle grounds for
films. There is only the 10-20 center
and the big )2 kind. The first kind
is stupid to the producer and the sec
ond meets with too many obstacles.
The condition is such that we cannot
present the truth as we see it, and we
of the film craft admit our defeat. 1
am considering the stage because of
the freedom of expression it offers."
Salem Republicans
Attend Hughes Alliance
Walter Tooze, of Marion county, yes
terday was elected president of the
Permanent. Oregon Hughes Alliance at
Portland, where'representatives of the
various county alliances or me stale
. . .1 .A .VlUJll VJ
met in convention. Among the Salem
people present were Walter Tooze, 1'
H. D'Arcy, Seymour Jones, Benjamin
Brick, Hal Pntton, Mrs. Ed. St. Helens,
Miss Hazel Bishop, Mrs. O. P. Hoff,
O. B. Hodgkins, F. L. Rico, Gcorgo Pat
terson, "and Russel Brooks. Speeches
were made by Senator S. B. Houston,
Mrs. E. B. llanley, of Medford. The
Marion county delegation was said to
bo the largest present. The morning
session was occuiiied by the election of
I officers, reports of delegates, and adop
tion of a constitution. The attcrnoon
session was taken up by a varied pro
gram of music and addresses by
Congressmen Hawley, Sinnot, nnd Mc
Arthur, while the cMcning was devoted
to the address of Charles Warren
Fairbanks, vice-presidential candidate.
Ad Wolgast Had Best
of Decision Last Night
Seattle, Wash., Oct. 7 If anything
Ad Wolgast, former lightweight cham
pion, was given the better of it when
a draw decision was awarded at the
end of his four round bout with Chet
Neff here last night. The two men
stood toe to toe and slugged through
the major portion of the bnttle with
the local lad beating Wolgast nt his
own game.
On the same bill, Leo Tlonck, local
featherweight and Lee Johnson,
colored featherweight of San Francos
co went four fast rounds to a fifty
fifty decision.
Jt was announced today that John
son will box Harry Anderson, light
weight champion of the northwest here
next Friday night and tho week fol
lowing Willie Hoppe, the San Fran
cisco four rounder, will meet a local
boy two weeks hence.
Tho cowd that witnessed last
night's bout was as large as any that
turned ont nt Dreamland during its
palmy days.
Mrs. Susan Lais went to Idaho last
Wednesday to visit friends several
The public sale at A. F. Yoder 's last
Saturday was well attended. Mr. Vo
ders have now moved in with John
K ranter.
Sain Nofziger made a business trip
to Albany last Tuesday, returning Wed
nesday. Ira Egli, Jake Egli's oldest son,
broke his arm cranking an engine.
Lnst Saturday evening about fifteen
young people gathered at the home of
L. I). Yoder to remind their son Lee
of his birthday. A very pleasant time
was spent.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Miller nnd children
and Mrs. Marx Jess of Illinois, who
have been visiting around Hubbard fur
several weeks, returned home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Miller ami Mr.
and Mrs. Harve Kropf nnd two chil
dren made a business trip to Salem last
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Emniert and two
sous, Mr. nnd Mrs. J, M. Mishler, John
Emniert and Florence Cooprider and
Rebecca Shank went to Albany Snnduy
afternoon, returning home Monday
morning. Hubbard Enterprise.
Norfolk. Va., Oct. 7. Reports of the J
Mtt'cf knagnituaO of the disaster in
i.nmpton noads last night, in which the!
steamer City of Norfolk, loaded with
excursionists, crashed head long into
the British tramp steamer Hawhead,
were nwaitert witn anxiety nere cany
today. The Hawkhead sank fifteen min
utes after the collision.
Although preliminary reiMirts receiv
ed here relate" no loss of life, fear is
felt that there may have been loss in
transferring the passengers of tho City
oi morion io passing simmr,
nnusually dense fog was over the roads
ana a oau bc running.
I 1 m
$500 REWARD.
I will pay 100 reward for tho arrest
and conviction of the person or persons
who set fire to and burned my barns on
the Ball ranch, three miles and a half
north of Salem, Wednesday night, Oct.
4, 1916.
Oct. 13
Bay of Rio De
Before the beauty of tho bay
AC Rio, all I wish to say
Is surging deep within my breast
Too wonderful to be expressed.
My tongue is mute, my ien is dry
Before the glories of the eye,
And yet 1 hear on every hand
The clamor of the tourist band
Exclaining loudly "It's just grand!'
Rio de Janiero, Brazil, Sept. 0. (By "'g- Jllst imagine how delighted we
mail.) The Bay of Naples may brag of ! North Americans would be if our sub
its necklace i)f diamonds but in'the har-! wn-v Kuar',s nn(l stle?t car conductors
bor of Rio de Janeiro at night the Bavi0"1'1 rven "wak English as for thoir
is belted with diamonds and Siigarlcven uei"g Pol,, Rud obliging this is
Loaf mountain even boasts of a tiara, j t0 Utopian a dream.
Electric lights are really superfluous as ' Jn the botanical Garden Antonio
first aids to beantv here. Even tho : was always turning over a new leaf
roseate splendor of" a sun swooning in n1 ' "8 alternately presented with
a crimson sea, the gold effulgence of a 1 the redolent of lemon, camphor, tur
harvest moon or the gleam, of a pentine, and cinnamon. I emerged
myriad tropic stars can enhance no j hotelwards clutching a spring of sensi
furthcr the already exquisite charm of i I've plant in one hand and spray of
this south American Dream City.
Witli a lavish and partial hand na
ture has poured all her splendors at I
Kio s feet, t olorful mountains of rock
iut nbruntlv out of a snnnhira sen
whose waves kiss' sands as white as
alabaster, Verdant palm fringed vil -
levs shimmer at the base of lunula
covered hills. I Irridesdent huniminir
birds and gorgeous butterflies feast at
the hearts of vivid tropic blooms and
sassy little swallows and blue and
green Brazil birds play tag in the sun
shine of Rio's midwinter.
Surely Rio deserves tho palm when
it conies to natural beauty and she got
it, too, when Don John VI of Portugal
brought the first J Imperial Palm from
tho Isle de France in 1808 and planted
it where it now stands, rearing its
lofty royal head high above the Botan -
ical Garden. Thanks to Dom John
, . ,..,... ,
i ' ... ' ' J .
wun III Iliu liuw. liinn.y uuurr ucrn ! 1 "o-.. ....c j
spread their glossy dnrli green leaves deed reached the height of perfection
in a reckless profusion that would in the view line. The Brazilian may
cause any well regulated Brooklynite agree that you can't improve on na
to swoon' with envy. Bridges may pick ! ture but the frenzied attempts to nt
thoir own orange blossoms and baiiiin- least compete with it are shown in the
as grow in the backyards. Marie fantastic effects of the architecture
Cahill wouldn't have to take much of
a stroll here to sing "Under the Bam
boo Tree," with a natural stage set
ting. Out in the Botanical Garden,
however, you find quite the most beau -
Oregon Exhibits Win
In Northwest Show
A dispach received by Mrs. Edyth
Tozier Weatherrcd today brings the
information that Oregon has been
awarded first place for county dis
plays nt the Northwest Land Products
i show. Polk county was given first
i prize, and Morrow county was given
third. Leonard Gilkey of Oregon was
awardcd,first premium for farm dis
play. .. '
Flcmington, N. J., Oct. 7. When
thieves entered his hen roost recently
and stole nil but four of his fine flock,
Edward McAvoy, a retired sergeant of
the United States Marine Corps, who
operates a chicken farm near here,
posted a bill on his front gate dctying
the thief to come back some time and
get the four he had ''inadvertently
Lnst night the thief, or thieves, car
ried off the qunrtette ofjiens that had
been left behind on the initial
. ,. ,, .
Boston Mass., Oct. 7.-M.ss Alexia
Muling of Atlanta, GGa., won the wo-
man's national golf title today when
she defeated Miss Mildred C'averley of
Philadelphia, 2 up and one to play.
Names have been given to 727 minor
j planets, and new ones are being dis -
covered nil the time.
Classified Ads
Phone 81
Prompt Service
Rooms to Rent
Apply Within
This sign in your window will be seen only
by the people who happen to pass by, and
look at your window.
Your advertisement in The Capital Journal
classified columns will be published in over
4,000 copies daily and will be seen by an
army of interested readers.
Janiero Is
With Diamonds
i tiful' bumboo brake of all. I wag per-
sonally conducted through the garden
j in six languages.
j Antonio Guiua is the name of my
I versatile young Brazilian guide . and
nside from his native Portuguese he
has acquired his knowledge of French,
! German, Italian, Spanish and English
at night Bchool. This linguistic ability
I is not uncommon among tho ambitious
young working men of Brazil. And
i they are always most polite and oblig-
i """K -" "'' umur.
Hotelwards for me means to take u
trolley in the heart of town and ride
for twenty-five minutes and six. miles
of beautiful views to the Hotei4hter-
, national up on the mountains of Santa
. Thercza. The International isn't just
a- hotel. Its a half way house to heav-
: en. Out of my bedroom window is a
' seeno fit for the Gods. Here humans
. areirt sausneo wun ii, nowewr, lor
with bland disregard for gravitation
and danger have fairly swung a cable
up to Hear Mountain and from there
another to the tiptop of Sugar Loaf
mountain, 1400 feet right out of tho
. sea to see. If you have tho nervo a
! car on this cable swings you out over
' eternity to Sugar Luaf's summit nnd
i from there you get a sweet little view,
1 For still insatiable oiicb a cog road
I will give an uplift 2,300 feet to tho top
i',v,l !,;,.), .mod Pnrtiir..
' - .,, .V110..i, ,ur t,vo
Back to an Italian comparison where
we started, you may say "See.Naples
and Die," but f suggest, "iPe, Rio-
'and Take a New Lease on Life."
Seattle, Wash. To get jobs picking
apples near Wcnatchee, a mother and
four daughters rode the brakebeams
from Spokane.
Pomona, Cal. Pomona is too healthy
for Harry Hanson, undertaker, who
sued J. E. PatteiBon, from whom he
purchased half interest in an under
taking establishment, because Patter-
son said he buried 1-0 corpses a year,
whereas there have been only forty fun
erals. Walnut Creek, Cal. While listening
to the evidence in an automobile case
here, tho six women jurors continued
their knitting, only pausing long
enough to return a verdict for the de
fendant, ft.
Washington, Oct. 7 The federal farm
loan btard, it was learned today, has
! fixed ui four per cent as the interest
! en farm loan bank bonds. This means
.that farmers who patronize the farm.
;oail bUl8 wi ,A h2 to 5 per
. f ,
cent for loans.
Portland, Ore., Oct. 7. Ivan Howard,
p,ti,.j f;r. i!omnn i. m.t nt th
: Kme for the rest of the season, it was
, learned today. Be tore the ligaments or
i his right arm Tuesday.
It's awfully hard for the average
man to look into the mirror and be
lieve that he was once a cute baby.
The good Samaritan didn't wait to
be introduced to the man who had fallen
umong thieves.
& 81