THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCT. 7, 1916. TREE MMMMMMMMMMMMHMHMHM 1 1 Willamette Valley News Woodburn News (Capital Journal Special Service) : Woodburn; Oct. 7. H. A. Whitman is here from Lake Bay, Wash, lie is stopping at the Mills hotel. -" Miss Amelia Hchiiltz, on her way to ('aJifornia,' stopped off- to visit her old friend, Mrs. D. A. McKee. ' . ' Delbert Jonesfrom Boise,- Idaho, is visiting at the home of his cousin, Mrs. h. ui. Hitncy, for a short-time. Marvin Hertzler, who has been-visiting friends here the last week re turned to his home in- Crane Monday. Re will attend the University of Ore gon next year. ' Min Eleanor Carter nnd Mrs. Arnold of Portland-were guests of Mrs. i'.-W. Settlemier last week. Mrs. Settlemier entertained at dinner Sunday In honor o; Mrs. T. M. Strong of Dodgeiille, Wisconsin. Miss Carter, Mrs. Arnold and Miss Evelyn ConUlin. were other guests. - - - ft.fnlv.-.fru .T V Ktcplhnmmer iimtfrnit til ' iilveiloii Sundnv to visit his parents. - - ' ' Mrs. Katie Chambers of Portland is 1 tisitine her sister, Mrs. Buskcy. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Soules and Mac Smith motored to Molnlla Tuesday.. Mrs. W. W'. Chapman left Saturday for Homer, X-. Y., where her mother is stricken with paralysis and is in a critical condition. ' ' Mrs. C. K. Warner of Hood River left Friday for Portland, where she will visit a. few days before returning to her home. While here she visited at the home of her mother, Mrs. T. F. Pat terson.' Mr. and Mrs. fieo. Hume were Port land visitors Wednesday. - Mrs. (ieo. Knight and Mrs. Piatt of Hubbard- were guests of tho latter 's sister, Mis. I). 11. Homhoff Sunday. Mrs. Frank Weiss, who has been vis iting in The Dalles, returned home Sat urday. An exhibition drill of Co. I will be held in the park Sunday afternoon. A. J. Heck visited in Portland Sun day. Willnrd Honney left for ..Vancouver, Wash., Sunday, where he has secured a position in t lie S. P. and S. car shops. Hev. K. (I. Decker is the new minis ter that has been appointed for the M K. church of Woodburn. He comes from lli-imcrton. Wash. Miss Louisa Beaman went to Hub bard Thursday. Raymond Nehl has left school to go to' Tillamook with Ills parents. The corn show will be held' in the armory Thursday, Friday ami Saturday November Hi. 17 and IS. Committees have been appointed and in rnngeiiiciiis .me being made such that the show is sure to be a success. .1. Kilcn returned home Sunday from British Columbia. . Miss Lida Hownton Is visiting with 1 ist, lnw at ltidi'cfield, Wash. Mis. l' W. Haskell returned froni Salem' Monday having been employed in 'tin boys' and uirls' Industrial de partment 'nt the state fair. Miss Helen Scarborough and Kntn ivn Detweiler left Wednesday morning tnv their home in West Liberty, Ohio, via California. Thev have been visit- .i l ..ll.u n-'itli 1 isa I HIS; lor IOC l.lSl mu nnmm . Detweiler s sis'ers, .iirs. r. r.. nun- nnd Mrs. E. K. Briinam. of this city. The members of the Church of Hod have decided to erect a new church nt the corner of Third and Orant streets. I Will an.l Enimn Fiknn returned home , fimn Pendleton, waere uny ui.. " the round up and visited their sisteis, Elvxabeth, Supha nnd Mary rikan. Mrs. Elmer M. Hoff, Mrs. X. A. Hof fn d and Mrs. Bruce Hiamon of Butte, .Mont., motored to Salem Wednesday W' IL,V. Thursday and Friday 1 lite. Mis. from a count of teachers insti- A Franklin returned home vrWt in Portland. Thursday. Sublimity Items (Capital Journal Special Service) Sublimity, Oct 7. Philip Steffi's an.l wife ami her motlier7 Mrs. Uegina Becker, have moved into Mr. Stcffes' .now house. . Frank wolf, wife nnd two sons, Theo- ftPf3efsw3flfWflflw Tomorrow Sunday II :' . .' :v sff'u. I II II II II II II II y u n ii ii ii ii c ii ii ii ii u p n ii ii ii u n ilore and Lawrence, .nud James Kipp couple of years absence spent in Port visited the state -fair at ulem Sunday land and other Oregon cities. - - afternoon: ' - .! ! ;' J Mr: aiid Mrs. J.'G. Mclntosch of lu- We regret to hear- that Jack Petr- dependence were Dallas -visitors ' the janos has sold out his blacksmith shop first of the week at the home of' Mr. and will move to California. Jack will Bnd jjr8, (j jj. Hawkins, be missed with bis cheerful disposition i n. !'! .. . . . . and has tho best wishes of his many1 - Dr ? C- VlrGl1 WttS a business visi friends for success .in )i is, new home. . tor in" Portland, Thursday. The Sublimity f ire department helij , . B- 'N. Hicks, a McMinnville attorney, their regular monthly, meeting on Mou: . was Dallas business visitor Wednes day evening at the city hall. Jack Petr- day. - ' -. - -' janos handed, in: his -l resignation as , Mr.-arid. Mrs. J. C. Sliultz Knve'be'en treasurer nud Kugene -Ditter was. elect-, at, . McMinnville this week visiting at ed in hi stead. : - - - tlje home of their son, Karl Shultz.. - Bills are out announcing a dance- at ..-,S. B.-Taylor, is in Black Kock this the'C. F. hall next. Tuesday .evening, week .surveying a railway extension for Everybody come and have a good, time, the Willamette Valley -Lumber : com- Among those. who attended the cele-puny. -. b ration of the golden jubilee 'of Bev. . T. j. . Ilnytcr. and. J. C. Haytor at Prior Adelhclm Odermath at Jit.. An- tended the McMinntSille round-up gel September 29th were Hev. i'utker Wednesday, Lninek and John A. Ditter. Harry Sachtler who has been in this Frank Spenner is the proud owner eity for the past several weeks visiting of a new Ford, ' .''at the home of his brother, Robert, re- The Sublimity. Commercial club will, 'hold a. meeting at the C. r. hall on Tuesday, Oct.' 10, to discuss tho meas- ures to be voted ou at the genaral elec- Ition. All are invited to attend, John Kintz and wife were Stayton visitors Monday. - . ... The beautiful bungalow .' erected on the Frank Itauscher place north of town is completed. John Lulay of Stayton did the carpenter work. ' Adam Lulay and family havo moved from Linn county on to the place re cently vacated by Jake Frank north of Sublimity. Mr.' Frank and family have moved "on to the J. Svaneara farm, which he purchased some time ago. nu n ne pnrcnaseu. some nine ago. I A number from here attended thai - . a. j auun an omjWM wauuj ,i,...u. Hayesville News (Capital Journal Special Service ) Hayesville, Ore., Oct. 7. E. M. Baily and family and Miss Ida Denny spent Sunday with friends near Silverton. Mr. and Mrs. 1). O. Kryder and two children of Dorchester, Neb., are guests at the home of S. Willis. Mrs. Kryder is u sister of Mrs. Willis. Miss Edna Fitts spent the week end at home. Attorney Reeves, . of Salem, spoke nt the Hayesville church on Sunday morning ut II a. m Rev. F. S. Lawrence, of .McMinnville, Ore., 'was a visitur in Hayesville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ray's little daugh ter has been (pute sick. This week will just about finish the prune picking The Hayesville school will open on Monday, October !, with Miss Rot.ieu and Miss Patterson as teachers. Mr. and Mrs. Fillmore Tyrrell visited nt Chas. Mendcnhall 's nt Pioneer on Wednesday. .Mr. Cns J'errv anil son, from near Brooks visited at Fillmore Tyrrell 's mi .Monday- Mr. Perry was formerly a resi- lent of Hnvesville. Dallas Local News Dallas, Ore., Oct. 7. W. V ....... n w..l 1 : !..:...- Fuller for n nun n t-i.iii-iii uuniiit-sr, wmiur snoir tune linirsciay atteinoon. jJt sturr of Portland is in the city l.mkintf after business mutters, Am1y jlir aml Walter, F. E. KeKrsey and .lames Holnian attended le Koul,(1.iIp Rt MeMinnville, Thurs- dnv afternoon. Wyun Johnson, a former resident of this section, now advertising manager on the San Francisco Cronicle, is in the city for a few days looking ufter business interests. Mr. Johnson owns buge . prune orchard on Mt. Pisgah. Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Hoisiuuton unci family have moved back) to Dallas to reside after a year's ubsence spent in Eugene. Sir. and Mrs. John Webster who huvje been spending the summer nt N'ev-port have returned to their homo in this city. Mrs. F. .1. Phillips of Portland is n guest nt the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Holloway. Dr. E. .1. Sheetz, a former Dallas resident, hns returned to this city nnd will again engage in business after a fr t,0 housing of the art ' - i? , ' ; v run- v v ' j - - , 'i , i tM turned l0 . llifl , home in Kidgefield, Washington this morning. Central Howell Gossip (Capital Journal Special Service ) - .Central Howell, Ore., Oct 7. Every body is invited to the Central Howell church Sunday, October 8-16. There will be a number of speakers out here from Salem. A three day lay-off for school chil dren, teachers' institute. . - I wonder what the attraction is at -Mr.. Lindqms. Bernard hhafer goes there every Sunday. -r. i.. ...i... i... i ' i ii -m. luuc, nu jius receuuy nullum 100 acres off the old Newsom place, and went to Salem Friday to buy their new furniture. - Mr .and Mm. Curry and daughters, Eva and Thelma, are visiting relatives and friends in Portlund and Albany. Mr. L. Uerber is helping Adolph Ask dig his potatoes. The teachers of Central Howell, Miss Hazel Harris and Miss Kathryn Dougherty, are mukiug their home with Abe Steffens, during tho present school term. Mr. Lee Doerfler and family will move to Snlein for the coming winter. Mr. Fred Durbin's parents from Van couver, Wash., were visiting with him and attending the state fair last week. Portland was surely in evidence ut the fair. Coos county's exhibit ut the fair was certainly great. l.ess Leighty will have one thousand i111su. ,,f potatoes on his seven The finest ever. Mr. Amos Branch's horses took the premium at the state fair und the Cen tral Howell citizens are vory proud- Teachers In Favor of Pendleton Normal At the business session of the .Marion County Teachers' Institute, which closed yesterday afternoon its sessions in the auditorium of the Salem high school, resolutions were adopted favor ing the establishment of u liorinul school ill eastern Oregon and also of the Teach ers' Retirement Fund bill. The resolu tions nrc us follows: First: Be it Resolved, That this in stitute go on record as favoring the es tablishment of the Eastern Oregon Normal school at Pendleton us per pro posed legislation. Second: Be it Resolved, That we fa vor the Teachers' Retirement Fund bill spoken of in this institute by our stule superintendent. Third: Be it Resolved, That wo ns teachers of Murion county and the state of Oregon ought to be subscribers to und loyal supporters of the Oregon Teachers' Monthly und members of our State Teachers' association. Fourth: Be it Resolved, That we extend a vote of thanks to Superinten denuTodil, Principal Nelson and to the Salem Board of Educatiuu for the use of Jhe high school building and their many courtesies shown. Fifth: Be it Resolved, That wo ex tend our thanks to the Salem high school teachers and public fo'r providing the rest room nnd refreshments. Sixth: Be it Resolved; That we as a BIGGEST SHOW Feai BILLIE BURKE in GLORIA'S ROMANCE 4000 Feet Better Than Ever Irene Fenwick in THE CHILD OF DESTINY 5 Reels Makes Mothers Sit Up and Take Notice Miss Mary Schultz Salem's Favorite in . VIOLIN SELECTIONS NO RAISE IN THE OREGON MATINEE 10c HOME OF THE $0 CIETY By ALINE (Continued from page two.) garden flowers and sweet briar and thei evening was ilijoyably spent', playing i. games and music. As a iit-tle remembrance from her friends the honoree was the reeiipient of many pretty gitts. : The hostesses were assisted in the serving by; Miss Mary Scollard of Woodburn. .:... i Those gathering to. bbl gooil-byo to Mrs. Assein were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Millard and daughter, Doris, Mr. and ' Mrs. J. M. Chenowethj Mr. und Mrs. Roma Hun-, ter and daughter, Miss Maeyle Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kumrow, Mrs. El Jen . Thompson, ; Miss Emma Hewlett, Miss Dorothy and Marjorie Brant. Another delightful little farewell at tention honoring Mrs. Assein, was the informal afternoon for which . Mrs. Charles .Wilson was hostess Thursday. ' . - -..--' . . Mrs. C M." Walker has returned from a short visit in Portland. . i ...'.". Mrs. Charles tiray of Eugene is the week end guest of her son and duugli-ter1in-law,'" Mr. and Mrs. (leorge Wil liam Cirny'. She arrived today and was accompanied by her small granddaugh ter, Prudence Gray, who has been vis iting her for several days. Honoring Mrs. Floyd Edgerton ((Clnudine Rose), who is here visiting her purents, Mrs. Clifford Farmer en tertained informally this afternoon. The affair was very small, only u few close friends of Mrs. Edgerton 's being asked; - . . Mrs. P. R. onard, who with Mrs. tluy S. Davis of New York, hns been visiting in Xewberg, McMinnville and Dallas in the interest of the Presbyter ian missionary work, returned to Sa lem Friday, . A marriage that will be of interest to a number of society maids of Salem, will be that of Miss Laura Taylor of Albany and Harry Hawkins, which will be solemnized on October the seven teenth. The attractive bride-to-be, is one of the most popular gtirls in Al bany, and a graduate of the University of Oregon: She is a sister of Miss (ier trinle Taylor and a member of the Kappa Alpha Thetu sorority. Mr. Hawkins is a young easterner, who has lived in Albany until just re cently, lie is now associated with the Oregon Title and Lund Credit Co. in this city. Much to the delight of their friends the couple will make their home in hu lem at the Court Apartments. Mrs. Charles Kj Sputilding nnd daugh ter, Miss lla Spaulding, have returned from Portland, where they have been the guests of friends for several days. .... A delight ful afternoon was passed Wednesday at the' home of Mrs. Slier rill Fleming in Murilingside, when she entertained H embers of the " Round Dozen Club.'' The guests assembled witb their fancy work and whilod away a pleas ant afternoon. At 11 late hour refresh ments were served by the hostess, as sisted bv Mrs. (ieorgc Schoppert.. Mr. and Mrs. William Skinner left Thursday to make their Home in San Francisco, California, where Mr. Skjo- body of teachers will endeavor to make this the banner-year for. the Parcnt Tenchers' association work for the coun ty. Seventh: Be it ltesolved, Thut we extend a vote of thanks to the instruct ors and tonohcrs who have been on this institute program and have helped to make this one of the best institutes held in Marion county. : Kighth: Be it ltesolved, That the delegates from this county nre instruct ed to present and work for the adoption of a professional code of ethics at the State Teachers' association meeting this year at Portland. MAKGARKT J. COSPKH, T. E. WI I.SOX, JAY V. FIKE, . Committee. ME3 Iff TOWN PRICES : Come Early EVENING 15c BEST ALWAYS THOMPSON ner has been engaged as leader of one of the large orchestras in that city.' I ... ! The latter part of the week was brim-j ful of delightful affairs honoring at tractive visitors, who were In Snlem! this week attending the teachers insti-j tute, Among the delightful affairs were! the luncheons for which County Super intendent and Mrs. W. M. "Smith were hosts to honor charming Miss Florcnco C. Fox, of the Federal Bureau of Edu cation of Washington, D. ('. The annus we given at the Spa, and thu guests for both luncheons in cluded State Superintendent J. A.j i nurcniM, Assistant MUeniitenilent r.. F. Curleton, President J. H. Ackcrman, Superintendent J. W. Todd, Superin tendent James of Silverton, Supcrin- tenclent Collins of Vtooilliurn, Dr. B. W. DsBusk of Eugene, W. L. Finley of Portland. Mrs. Clara Pratt of Stayton, Miss Mury Scollard, Woodburn; Miss Elizabeth Rieker, Monmouth; Mrs. Olive Hand, Miss Margaret J. Cosper and Miss Bertha Byrd. ... Another attention in honor of Miss Fox was the dinner for which Assist ant Superintendent and- Mrs. E. F. Cnrleton were hosts Thursday evening. Circling tho table besides the honor guest were Supt. ami Mrs. J. W. Todd, Miss Margaret Cosper, Blondel Cnrle ton and the busts. ... One of the most important events scheduled on the calendar for next week is the Orange club dance to be given for Company M, in the armory, Friday night. To make arrangements for the par ty, 22 members of the "Orong O" club met at the home of Mrs. Mark MoCal lister on Friday evening. The invitations were addressed dur ing the evening and will be issued to sver SOU guests. - Mr. Unlnli Clover And sniull daugh ter Maxine, nre in Portlund visiting, .. ' .i w..- v:..l.. II.. I.. tne lOllliers llioilier, .mis. nuin land. Tliey will return Sunday. The regular inciting of the Lincoln school pnrent teachers circle will bo held on Tuesday evening. Octoberthe tenth, at the school building at 7 :'M o'clock. The .meeting will open and close with community singing, which will be directed by Miss Abie Davis, After a brief business session, a sol" will be sung by Archie Smith, soloist of the Presbyterian church. During the evening there will be discussions of amendments and measures to be voted on in, November. The discussions will . . .....i, .... ti ll..-.. .11.. i,h I lie lean n uiiiiaiu n. innon, II. Faiichilds, Luther Chapman, .lohn Hayne, Malcolm tlilbcrt and Mrs. Charles 11. Jones. , A delightful affair of Thursday night was the '."U0" party for which Dr. and Mrs. (iroser C. Bellinger and Dr. uud Mrs. John C. Kvims were hosts at the Kvans home, !i"!l Center street. tiuests were usUod for five tables ot the game, card honors tailing to .mis.,,,,,,, 1n ,,very citiy, town and hainlet, W. II. Darby and Dr. r . i nuiiipsii". i , the state h to comprise a unit The rooms" where the card (aides were;()t ,,c H,, ,,,-t association and it will . .t-itli i ii ii K i .i i.... n ., i i i.... arrangeti were iiiuin io' ...... , ' . . .i-i-....i;i-iv i'i-iui- ruses anil geraniums, en.i...... bined with greenery. The hostesses were assisted bv Mis. Charles I'.. Hates and Mrs. W. II. Darby. .. Those playing were: Dr. and Mrs. Flovd I'tter, Dr. and Mrs. Charles I'.. n. .' . VI 1 Mm. I-'. A. Sicwert. Mr. nines, .hi. ' . ., ami Mis. Klmo S. White, nr. nnu .ois. F, II. Thompson, .Mr. ami .ns. .i. lfcltzel, Dr. and Mrs. W. 11. Darby and Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Shields. ... i i t,-- C. F. Putlon and daughter, Itita, motored to Portland n-poso of empty decoration und the Friday. Thev were accompanied by M r. ,,x ( ,(. n Hi vt, imstiiuc of the idle and shift and Sirs. Charles .lory, who will leave . jf j 1.0U,i (1MV (i, substitute Portland Tuesday for their home in )(ir ,),,, wu,, w,i,.M would .-comprehend Stockton, California, litter n several , llUnoat limitless field of its piae weeks visit ill Salem wi'h Mrs. .lory 1 1 i.-lili t V and usefulness. - Art, ill its parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Coodin. Sun- Um, 1M ,rll(i,.r ,.,., implies evcry ,lav Mr. and Mrs. Patton ami Mr. '""'i thing that -will inculcate the love of Mrs Jorv will go for u tour of the o-, M,nntv ,! n.f iiiemeiit j it' forms the Innibiu Ilighw-BV. , Tne Missionary society of the ton - grcgational church met on h'ridny at-, teruoon at the residence of Mrs. 1'.. cVntton. The hostesses for the after- - m' ' r- Irvnc 1-VtiWK-k iul'Tiie OitM til i-k-hliuv.." DO YOU WANT TO BE I PHYSICALLY EFFICIENT ? I Youth in Face and Figure- Vitality and Energy The World bas no need today for those who grow old or are tired - and weary. . YO0 MUST BE PHYSICALLY EFFICIENT 'TO ADVANCE EITHER IN BUSINESS OB SOCIALLY. IT MAXES NO DIFFER ENCE WHAT YOUB OCCUPATON, HOW THIN OE HOW FAT,. YOUNG OB OLD, I CAN BUILD YOU UP AND BOUND YOU OUT,' OR B EDUCE YOU TO YOUR NORMAL WEIGHT. No Drugs-Nature's Way MY GUARANTEE IS POSITIVE IF I FAIL TO DO ALL I CLAIM, THEN MY SERVICES ARE ABSOLUTELY FREE. . . . Write today for my wonderful booklet on Physical Efficiency and what it means. ' " ! MAYBERT YON DOLSON, noon were Mrs. Patton and Mrs, Srcd S. Stewart. A sociul hour followed the meeting, which was presided over by Mrs. Alice II. Dodd, president. ... Curds have beeu issued by the board of trustees of the Willamette I'nivcr sit y foi the inauguration of Cni'l Hregg Doney, Ph. )., L.L. I)., as president of the university on Friday October the thirteenth at the First Methodist church. If Hie campaign of education and; : .., , ! organization, as planned and engineer-; ed by Mrs. Alice Weiister of Portland, and bucked tin by the Snlem Woman's! dub and every woman's club in tho! state, is curried out to a successful eon-1 , elusion, before another state fair rolls around, there wilil be a handsome wo-j mail's building to grace the fair; jii oino Is which will embrace every jcimforr and convenience so dear to) the fair sex and it will house oneof! iu. highest und most comprehensive lUt exhibits ever assembled under one t' in the northwest. . - 'phe Salem Woman's club has taken; m,un itself the responsibility of initiat-i - ' ... ' i i -ii- mg tne movement tor a woman s iiuiiii-1 i jug- t the state fair and Mrs. Alico j Woister, superintendent of the art de-l j part uii'iit for the past two expositions,; .j will file the first gun In u campaign '(or t, organization of a statewide int . I association nt the annual convention! r tM, Federation of Woman's clubs,! w,ich meets at Seaside, October to iucliisiive. In this connection Mrs.' ; WfiKt r proposes to form . mi orgaaizu- oe rue oiiiy oi muse nn-iu oigitni'-u tions to preach the gospel of art ill their res tive coniiniinities and col lect an exhibit of the liiuidiwoik of boys, girls, men nnd women to scud to next year's state fair. "I wish I could burn the word i mi , -i - i --- art , ileciareu .mis. wenster, upuu ,,(, 11V(, l( 1(,r .lepnrtiire tor rortlnnU Ht the close of the tnir. "It is such a difficult word to interpret linn noes not begin to convey what it truly nil resents. So inaiiy people look upon art a useless vocation designeil lor tno I very foundation of our industries anil I we could not exist without it. Alt nnd. 1 ,,. jj,, ,lini ; hand. ehr0,igh Hie niedinm of the Oregon Ar Bssociation we hope to arouse stale-1 wilo interest in the work of ediicuDonl iS Tomorrow Sunday Ui 4 in? u a n g p a a a n ii ii ii ii u n ii El u M ii J ' K Dept. A, Eureka, Calif, i; and do not propose to .toy- until Ore gon takes her place nniou the leading states or tne i mou in iho development, of art. Tho association will comprise' MO or 300 women in its membership Mil imui Ulgnill&UUUUH Will Oil 1I11-- der the jurisdiction of the Federation of Woman's clubs." Many 'prominent' women of Sulem, Dallas, Sheridan, Aic; Minnville, Xewherg, Albany, Eugei.e' and other big cities and towns in the Villumotto valley, who visited the art' exmuit mis year, liavo already volun teered their services, display c'livourag- ng enthusiasm and the movement js bound to succeed. When the women tuke hold of a justifiable and mentor-' ions cnusc there is no such word o 'fail.'. 'It will be the duty of each local organization to push some line or Jincs of work, which represent some particu lar brunch of the big art family. It will include weaving of ail kinds, bask etry, carving, engi-iivUig, cm loon: n,-; designing, book cover work, sculpture, painting, decorating, tapestry, china painting nnd nil brandies of eiiihlrcn s industrial work in the schools and Ml home. The work of each organization will be brought to the state tuir and some representative of the community will be called uj'uu to give a tali;, theso tulks to be held every day of the fair, in the nature of a rnport of pi-orgcss, drawbacks, criticisms, et', tor the benefit of the others and some well known tut i-clebrites will bo en gaged to deliver lectures and expert criticisms every day in the art auditor ium for the benefit of all concerned and interested. The state fair bonid will extend its hearty i-o operat'on in the work ami a series of special prizes will be offcied as n means of stimului iug intcresi uud enthusiasm niuotig the different communities of -the slate. This competition will lj altogether friendly und designed to encourage community effort ami every cine will be exercised to prevent the stirring I p ..I1 ulrifil ill- Unite inlllllllHiliS hotU'Ci ll'. connuuiiit ies. While the exhibits in the art dcpii't incut of this year's stale fair was very creditable uud altracted much atten tion it by no means represented what Mrs. Woistcr hoped to in nplish, but, in this respect, she was confronted with' liiimeioiis handicap the most promiuc-it; of which was her inability to malic a canvass of the stale, ns she iteiiipliit-' ed, on account of the lack of funds available and the fact that the pres ent art department is not. situated in an absolutely fireproof " building nnd she was unable to secure the loan of iiiiineroiiB i-ollections of masterpieces' wli'ch she had in prospect. She -is, how ever, very grnietiii in tne an museum of Portland, and Ye I'lanie Shop of S:i--lent, for the loan of many beaiilitnl works in painting, sculpture, designing, etc., for the decoration of the depart- v i ti mi ti isiiioi e -v ii -e i -oni I iiurtincut, such lis the Woman's club of H jSalciu has in view, Mrs. Weistcr prom M es to put up a display represent iL' j every conceivable liianch of the worle s Hjure such us has never been seen in the II Unite. f . M "llope for Bald Heads," runs an I .1. Sllope be Mowed.' What we want is. u i luiir. IF IT'S EMPTY FILL IT UP Capital Journal FOR RENT r ad will do the job. It only costs lc a word, and you ' can't worry for that amount Just Phone 81 ,iirf7ttlir"JiMi nr. Mini mi i. ,.