Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 07, 1916, Magazine Section, Image 14

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uopJTigbt, luo imnk A. Munr Company.
N the day Blount realized the
market would never turn right
tor him In time It would turn,
,f courn, but not In time he spent his
luncheon hour eating a frankfurter
audwivh on a bench In Battery Park.
jjfHe watched the boata go out to aea,
the big fellows that, with smoke
plumes trailing, seem Inevitably bound
;ifor a happier shore.
The frankfurter had cost him five
bent. He was paying 115 a week for
hoard and room Jn Qramercy Park.
'A miserable hall room It was, whose
I .window was Imprisoned by a lofty wall
'f a new offlce building.
' nd he hod taken $20,000 from the
Merchandise National so cleverly In
Hx months (hat overybody belloved
lilrn the Innocent and energetlo Bd
Vard mount he had always been.
With five of the twenty thousand he
liad never pluyed. The Ave he had
liold snored for such an emergency as
the present
When he returned to the bank he
nw a strange man working over the
books In the loan department, The
next morning his doctor sent a note
ito the presided to fiy KJwr.ru Itlount
whs thrcatned with grippe and inut
renioln abed for a few days.
The president wrote a cordliil wr
Honnl letter, urging Blount not to leave
his room without the doctor's permit)
lon. At 13 that night Blount (lipped out
of the boarding house and took a sub
way train to Brooklyn. He had no fam
ily In New York, no Intimate friends.
'J'hey would come to him, he had al
ways snKI, when he had made lots of
The mnn who was watching hlnv
i stood hidden on the platform.
mount thnnked his stars he had been
horn In Brooklyn, and so could get
out r.l the terminal and make his way
roundabout to the B.'rle basin without
making a question. lie had shaved his
beard and dyed his light-brown hair
At tk ba he had always been con-
Notice is hereby given that n meet-
iii of tue policyholders of The Pru
dential Insurance ('onipnuy of America
will be held nt the Homo Office of said
tmupnny in tho City of Newark, New
.lersey, on Monday,' the fourth day of
lt''!cilir, 1 tM ft, nt twolvo o'clock noon,
fur the purpose of selecting fifteen per
sons to be voted fur by the policyhold
ers" ' Trustee ns members of tho Honnl
of Directors nt the nmimit election of
itliectii! of the Cniupniiy to bp held on
th eighth dny of .liinuiiry, 1P17.
At such meeting every policyholder
of tin c.iii,ii'ition who ti oi' the flue of
Iwonty-onn years or upwards nnd
whose policy has been in force for nt
lonst one year Inst past shull bo en
titled to cast one vote in pctsou or by
F015RK.1T F. PltYDKV,
Stomach Bitters
Try a bottlo for Poor Digestion or
Liver Disorders,
Healthful Sleep
is necessary for the enjoyment and prolongation
of life. During sleep Nature renews the vital
forces of the body and restores the energy.
Sleepbs irvKS s one of the evil results of indigestion.
la avoid it, keen the stunndi well, tho liver active and
tlu bowels regular. Tho health ot these organs
Is Assured by
H'Mi-lum's Pills. A harmless vegetable remedy, which
u-U immxliatt.-ly on the stomach, liver, bowels and kid
neys, toning and putting them in good working order.
Millions of people? sleep well and keep well because, at
the lirst unfavorable 6 initoni, they begin to take
ff!) nam
!-i7 ,?i
Direction! of SpacUl Value to
r.'i by cruiit throughout tha
sldere'! an employe careful, If lavish,
In the matier of dress. Now he looked
like a cheap foreigner wlt'r. no notion
of the value of color from a New York
The man who was watching him
trailed the various cars Blount took
and the lonely streets he wa'.ked. For
all that he lost track of him.
Blount disappeared near the water
front and slept In the alley of a ware-
' house. The veteran on night duty did
not discover him because Blount was
rouched under a pile of, refuse.
As a boy Blount had played In this
locality when It was open country. The
man who was watching him knew
Brooklyn as one knows a dictionary.
One must always look In order to And
At 7 In the morning Blount, carry
ing the small bag he had bought at a
pawnshop on his way home the day
before he was reported sluk at the
bank, strode calmly up the gangplank
of the obscure steamer bound for Spain.
He had been r -filtered as James War
burton by telephone, knowing enough
not to use a nume nugrfestlvo ot his
own Initials.
The steamer was backing out Into the
bay when ho noticed passengers and
a few sailors run excitedly toward the
prow of the boat.
A belated voyager wns being brought
to the ship on a tug. They took him
aboard on a rope ladder.
Warburton saw that he was a strong
ly built, stoutlsh man, with a beavy
Jnwed, pale face, and small, very black
eyes. This much he observed as the
tug drew alongside Then Warburton
went down to his cabin and lay on
the couch, dreaming awake of his
whole lift?.
An Inexplicable nervousness prompt
ed him to get up and take a revolver
ftnm his hnndliag. He put the revolver
In the outer pocket of his sack coat. He
brushed his hand across the cloth to
assuro himself the weapon did not bulk
Some one knocked at the door. His
breath stopped for an Instuut; his chin
10,000 Antelope Survive;
Once There Were Hosts
l.'nivi'i-Mty of Olefin, Kugene, Oct. 7.
Ahout ten tlioii.suud nntclopc have
survived the slaughter of .former years
the wilil unimnls niiil the stress of rug
ged environment, anil still remain on the
low desert of southeast Lake and south
cast Harney counties, according to ,lne
Skelton, n university of Oregon sopho
more who this summer wis one of nn
official party in" three that made nn an
telope estimate of (iiiuno valley.
The party traveled by car from Kla
math Falls to l.nkeview, then through
the Warner vnlley to Ailel, then to Cole
man, Nevada, nnd thence hack into
southeast l.ako county. To the water
holes of the nnlelope, the only places
where u count was possible, it went by
horse. The party was sent by C
Stone, of Kltimutii Vails, fish ami game
commissioner tor southern Oregon, mill
one of the live fish nnd game commis
sioners of the stale. He membership
wits C. M. Kumshv, n Klumnth county
game warden ; K A, Cress, Klumnth
l'alls lawyer, nnd Mr. Skelton.
l'hil Harry, a tliinno vnlley sheep
mnn of 12 years' residence, told the
party that antelope hud been increasing
for Severn I yenrs under the closed law.
Nevniln, however, has nn open season,
nnd ninny Luke county residents com
plain thnt Oregon flilscs nnd fnttens
these niiinmls nnd Hint when they cross
the Xevnda bonier, onlv n few miles
away, they may be shot. A good ninny
are so shot, nnd some also uio killed in
Oregon in spite of the closed luw.
Mr. Hurry an id Ins estimate of 10,000
was conservative, nnd other estimates
inn to twieo that number. At one time
nntelepo swarmed in the semi-mid re
gion of south central Oregon, but when
Womm with Every Bo,
world. In boxes, 10c, 25c
'chard Duftb
tv.-Itcbod. Then, Inhaling deeply and
bracing his shoulders, he opened the
door. .
The purser appeared before him to
Inquire whether Mr. Warburton would
share his cabin with another man. In
the companlonway Blount got a
glimpse of the heavy jaw and sharp,
black eyes of the man who had been
taken aboard from the tug.
"I'm sorry," said Warburton, "but
my health Is run down, and that's why
I took a cabin entire. I couldn't sleep
with any one else In the room."
"Very well, sir. Thank you," the pur
ser said, and withdrew.
Warburton went late to luncheon,
and passed the heavy-Jawed man as
he was entering the dining room. He
heard another passenger address him
us "Mr. O'Neill."
"I don't suppose," Warburton thought
more than onre during his meal, "that
I would ever have noticed the fellow
If he hndn't come on the tug. and If
he hadn't wanted to share my cabin."
Mr. O'Neill was friendly to every
body, and had a cigar to offer any man
who would accept. He professed to be
curious as a child about the wireless
telegraph room, and spent the greater
part of nn afternoon with the operator.
He P-nt a cipher message to a code
address In New York.
"I Just want the boys back at the
office," he said, laughing, "to know I've
got my eye on them even if I am
Outside Sandy Hook the Victoria
ran Into a fog that grew thicker as she
throbbed her way eastward. After din
ner few passengers cared to remain on
deck. O'Neill came upon Warburton
leaning against the stern rail.
"Rotten night." O'Neill Bnld, halting
nnd looking Into the murk as if he
hardly noticed Warburton.
"Doesn't seem like April, It's so cold,"
Warburton replied. "I'm going Inside."
A steward ran up as ho was leaving,
and said:
"A wireless, Mr. O'Neill."
Warburton shuddered Inwardly. He
the closed luw wns put into ef fect they
ti n il nil but gone the way of the Ameri
can bison.
Did on nive him a lilt) lie's n brother
of num.
And bearing ubout nil the burden be
Did you give him a smile? He was
ilown eust nnd blue,
And a smile would linve helped him
to Imltlo it through.
Did you give him your hand? Ho was
slippiiii; down hill,
Ami the world, so I fancied, was
using him ill.
Dili you givo him a wonlf Did you
show him the. road,
Or did you just let him go on with
his load f
Did you heli him along? He's a sinner
like you,
But the grasp of your hand might
li n vo cnrricil him, through.
Did you bid him good cheer J Just n
word nnd a smile
Were what ho most needed the lust
weni V mile.
Do you kuow what lio boro in that bur
den of cares,
That is every innn's load nnd that
sympathy shares?
Did you try to find out what lie needed
from youf
Or did you just leave liiiu to bnltie
it through I
Do you know whnt it menus to be los
ing the fight,
When a lift just in time might set
everything right?
Do you know what it" means just n
clasp of n hiind.
When a man's borne nbout nil n
mnn ought to stand!
Did you nsk whnt it wus why the
quivering lip,
And the glistening tears dowu the
pule cheek thnt slip?
Wero you brother of his when the time
eauio to bof
Did you offer to lielp him, or didn't
you see?
Don't you know it's the part of n
brother of mini.
To find what tho grief is nnd help
when you cnu ?
Did you stop when he asked you to
give him u lift,
Or, were you su busv you left him to
Oh, I know w,liat you meant what you
say may bo true
Put the test of your manhood is, what
did you do?
Did you reach out n hnnd? Did you
find him the rond?
Or did you just let him go by with
his loud?
J. W. Foley.
foiled Stntes - Army Headquarters,
Nognles. Arix., Oct. ti. Private Charles
Cull is now with his company.
In these words Brigadier General
rimntner, commander of United Slates
forces stationed here today officially
discredited n report rireuhted t Hut
Charles Cull, a California trooper at-
fh lot thought 'the small steamer
'v-"' ' mi equipped with the wireless.
.d not fear, but an Instinctive dls-
a ti n le and rather common.
Day after day thenceforward be sus
pected that O'Neill was determined to
make friends with him. He was popu
lar with all the other passengers, and
Warburton judged that it piqued him
to find a single person reluctant to
smoke and talk with bim.
To avoid being considered singular,
and thus the subject of remark, War
burton took on a more sociable air. He
played cards in the smoke room and sat
In a game with O'Neill.
Yet He always evaded O'Neill when
others were not present. The man, for
some Indefinable reason, fretted his
O'Neill could not be on his trait, he
reasoned, since the bank officials
could have had no reason to suspect
Edward Blount; and before they could
have learned that he had left Gramer
cy Park the Victoria was out at sea.
All his bills had been paid, and the doc
tor had been advised not to return.
The keeper ot the boarding house ex
pected Edward Blount to come back
from the country , within a fortnight.
It would take a week, he told himself
over and over, for the bank experts to
unearth his defalcation. It was simply
nervousness that made him dread
The same evening, during a card
game In the smoke room, the deck
steward brought O'Neill another wire
less message.
O'Neill put onthls glasses, shifted his
cigar by rolling It between his lips,
glanced at the message, and then rolled
It Into a ball and threw it toward the
cuspidor. The Victoria would reach
port early In the morning, so the game
broke up early.
O'Neill went off first.
Warburton waited till everybody had
gone. Looking about him cautiously,
he stooped and picked up the ball of
paper O'Neill had thrown away.
Olanclng again at the door and at
the porthole, he spread the message out
and read:
"Get James Warburton, really Ed
ward Blount, for embezzlement. For
eign police notified. PINCKNEY."
Rolling the sleet of paper again Into
a ball, he dropped It on the floor. Cold
sweat oozed from his forehead and the
palms of his hands.
He started with palsied steps toward
the door.
Suddenly It was pushed open from
without. O'Neill popped Into the room
and slammed the door Bhut behind him.
All his affability hail vanished. War
burton could see only two fierce, black
eyes and the bulldog Jaw.
"I've got you covered," he snapped,
showing an automatic revolver.. "I
want that gun out of your right-hand
pocket." . .
"What's the matter with you?" War
burton demanded angrily. "What do
you mean by "
"Gimme the gun!" O'Neill growled,
nnd slipped up on Warburton, aiming
his own weapon. '
Only a dud, with a tired face,
Coming home from the daily nice,
Bringing the little of gold or funic,
To show how well he hns played the
But glud in his hear thnt his own re
joice ;
To Sec him come and to hear his voice.
Only n tlad with n brood of four,
One of ten million men or more,
I'lodtling along in the daily strife,
Hearing the whips mid scorns of life
With never n w himper of pnin or hnte
For the suke of tljose who nt home
Only a dad, neither rieli nor proud,
Merely one of the surging crowd,
Toiling, striving from dny to day,.
Kncing whatever may come his way,
Silent, whenever the harsh condemn,
And hearing; it nil 'for the love of them.
Only n dud but he gave his nil,
To smooth tho way for his children
Doing, with courage stern and grim,
The deeds thnt his father did for him,
This is the line thnt for him I pen,
Only a dm!, but the best of men.
Author I'nkiiown.
s(c )jc jjc )( d)c jfc jJc )Jt sjt sf( sjc sjt sjc jjt )f!
Pierre, S. 1)., Oct. II. The
elimination of the enlivening
Mexican I'eynta benn from the
diet of the South Dakota reser
vation Indians is the mission
of Karl 11. Putt, a chemist, who
left l'or Washington today to
obtnin anti-beau legislation.
The bean is supposedly n sub
stitute for booze, which, as
booze is burred from the In
,dinns. A brew from the bean causes
the In. linns to grow utterly in
different to bulldogs nnd to see
pink elephnnts with wings. Putt
doesn't know whether to tackle
the job under the Harrison drug
luw or the Indian anti fiiowater
tuched to the ambulance eompnnv had I
been hanged and his bodv riddled withe w York, Oct. (I. Five men and one
bullets bv Mexicans after t all hud wau-lwman were indicted by the federal
ilered ac'rossh houmJnry here in inii-' Brand jury today on charges of imper
t'urmt ' Isonnting federal officials nnd atteinpt-
" So such occurrence ns stated hns!" liiuckmail in connection with the
been heard of here as implied to unv I
mcnihcr of this command,
Uenernl PI u miner.
Sixth nud Kverett streets, Port
land, Ore., 4 blocks from Union
Station, Under new manage
ment. All rooms newly deco
Rates: 5iV, 7,"e, $1, (1.50 per day
In a second he snatched Warburton's
revolver from his pocket
"Now, act decent," O'Neill went on,
"and I'll save you Rll the trouble I
can. Nobody on the boat knows about
this except you and me."
"The wireless man " Warburton
"He never saw that message. I get
all my Instructions In cypher. I wrote
the message myself to see whether
you'd any Ideas about me. Then I
wanted to have one last clincher that
I had my man right. You bit hard."
"Supposing you're wrong. You know
what that would mean," said War
burton. "Wrong when I saw you buy that
bag of yours at a pawnshop? Wrong
When If It wasn't for the bag wouldn't
have recognized you the' way you're
made up now? Wrong when I fol
lowed over half Brooklyn to the Erie
basin, and lost you overnight?
"I took the chance coming aboard,
but I made sure you were on the boat
before we dropped the pilot You're
a Blick artist, though, for you had
things so fixed up at the bank they
couldn't give me more hold on you than
suspicion till today.
"They're been keeping an eye on four
of you fellows, and It was looking bad
for the other three until you skipped."
Warburton smiled. He was aware
of bis dexterity with accounts.
I "Now the thing for you to do Is to
shut up and obey my orders without
trouble, or with trouble. If you like.
But you can't get away"
"What's that?" Warburton yelled as,
with a terrific jar, both he and O'Neill
were thrown Into a corner like nine
pins. They caught each other by the arms,
and stared at each other, awestruck.
The lights went out. Then they heard
a cracking of steel and woodwork and
the frenzied shrieking of human
"Lord 'mighty!" O'Neill roared in
panic rage. "We are run Into, and I
can't swim!"
"Quick! We must get out of here,"
Warburton said, feeling his way to the
"Na;, ye don't," O'Neill said, grab
bing ir.is arm. "Ye don't get away like
"Fool!" Warburton retorted. "Do you
want to stay in here and drown like a
rat? Give me your hand. We've got
to find a boat or a raft."
For all the terror of the thing, War
burton could not repress a sense of ex
hilaration at O'Neill's Incompetency to
meet it He could not swim, and, from
the hysteric questions he kept asking,
Warburton realized that O'Neill was
one of those landsmen who have an In
born superstitious fear of the water.
Thtre was, too, Ironic joy for War
burton In dragging his captor along to
'safety or to death.
"C'-ee, the poor kids and me wife!"
O'Neill began to babble tearfully.
In the dense fog that covered the sea
the Victoria had been struck amid
bhlp, where she lay open like a cake
with a piece cut out
A Little Sidelight
From Austrian Front
An interesting sidelight on the great
war in Europe that brings it closer to
home develops out of a money order
sent from this city to a prisoner of war
in Russia. The order was made out on
March S of this year to Anton Krepeln,
brother of I.ouis Krepeln, a tailor in the
establishment of D. It. Mosher, on Stnte
street, and sent to Mishni, Novgorod
Province, Russia, in the cure of the Am
erican Red Cross. It is needless to sny
thnt I.ouis Krepeln was the sender of
the order.
But the money sent with such kind in
tent never reached the person for whom
it wns intended nnd now it is held wait
ing orders from the sender, who is re
quired to write a new address in his
owu handwriting.
Anton KreM'lu, the prisoner of war,
shortly after the war broko out, wrote
letters to his brother io this city tell
ing of the avtunl conditions then ob
turning in Austria, their native country.
One of these letters the government
confiscated and as a result young Kro
peln wns sentenced to two years in pris
on for expressing his opinions. Then,
after doing three mouths time, he was
called to join the Austrian colors. Aft
er the war, if he returns to Austria,
he will be required to serve out the
: rest of his unexpired time
j On October 24, 1015, he wns captured
nml Inter took sick and was cured for
;ia a hospital nt Kiev, Russia. When
he got well, he wns sent to Siberia.
Later, as near as his brother can find
cut, he was taken to another deten-
tion camp. He wns fighting in Russian
Poland when enptured. and one of the
secrets of the marvelous Rnssinn nd-
vance is found in the fact thnt among
Hie Austrian nro many Slavs ns well
as the Russians and such Aiistriims will
rot fight ngniust men of their ow.n
i blood. They prefer to surrender and be-
; come prisoners. With this condition of
things, the (Ioniums mixed the Aus-
trinns with the Germans. .
Letters reeentlv sent to Anton Kre-
peln have been returned, nnd as it takes
jn month to go nnd month to return,
I.ouis is uneertniu whether his .brother
denil or alive.
alleged luring of r.dwarrt K. west, in
eago merchant, to this citv
The indictments charge that Miss
Buila (loilninn, posing as a convent bred
girl, got West to a hotel room here
and afterward 1he other defendants
came in, threatening to arrest him as
n violator of the Mann luw, whereupon
the girl became hysterical.
Those indicted today were William
Butler, Homer T- French, .lames Chris-
Itian, iliss Oodman and two men whose
names are withheld.
Wedding Invitations, Announcement
and Cnl'mg Cnrds Printed at the Jour
nal Job Department.
The colliding v?ssel was standing by,
and both ships bobbled up and down on
the floor of lae sea like balls.
And over all the tragic wonder of the
scene rose human voices In terror or in
command, and the hoarse, cloomy note
of signal whistles.
Passengers wero darting here and
there, cursing and screaming to God
and man to help them.
Warburton, still grasping O'Neill's
trembling hand, listened and watched
for some word or sign from the officers.
After all, this was a good way out.
They had caught him. To live meant
disgrace, imprisonment slow death.
Better a quick one.
The sight of the sea reaching up all
about them with greedy arms, quite
lnconsequently, made him think of the
waters at home. He had seen Long
Island Sound in a fury and had sailed
his little boat laughingly. What a fun
ny thing the Sound was! What a tem
pest in a teapot the whole struggle of
"Gee, the poor kids and me wife!"
O'Neill continued to moan.
"Listen!" Warburton cried, wrench
ing O'Neill's arm.
An officer was sl.outlng orders to the
passengers. At point of pistol he had
herded them on the forward deck near
the spot where Warburton and O'Neill
were standing.
They would be let down In boats and
on rafts the women first, the crew
last All must move In an orderly fash
Ion and obey or be shot. The colliding
steamer Would continue to stand by
and pick them up.
Members of the crew manned each
boat O'Neill stuck close to Warbur
ton with helpless dependence.
Now and then he would ask absurd
questions in a moaning voice. "Can
you swim?" was one of them. "Will
this boat hold all these peoprfc?" Or,
staring about at the fog that enshroud
ed the sea, he would say: "The one
th'lng In the 'fhole world I'm scared of
Is the water, and here It Is at my
throat! And that fog It's choking
Some of the men cursed, some pray
ed." Warburton remained calm nnd si
lent. With stolo lmpasslvenss he
was trying to fathom why this trick
of fate that meant dire tragedy for all
the rest should mean for him possibly
lasting happiness.
He saw the way O'Neill was going.
The detective's terror of the sea by this
time had driven him into sheer de
lirium. He moaned or babbled by turns
of his wife and children; and he kept
hold oi Warburton's hand as If he Mm
self were a child. All Idea of pursuit
and capture of Warburton seemed to
have been blotted out.
The master of the-crew, who was at
the tiller, did his best to assure the
f.assengers fiat they would be saved
If they only strove to be brave and
He explained that they wero pulling
far off frem the wrecked Victoria In
order to avoid swamping when she
slipped to the bottom. In an hour at
most they would find the other steam
er and be picked up. Surely they could
Known All Over
Dr. Richard C. Cabot, who is head
of the Massachusetts General Hospi
tal, has been writing for the American
Magazine, April and May, on the sub
ject of "Better Doctoring for Less
He sas's that "A new era has come
in the practice of medicine, but most
people do not know it yet. We have
begun to emerge from that stage of
medical work in which the doctor was
a peddler selling goods from house
to house, into the more advanced and
sensible era in which the doctor stays
at his place of business, like anyone
else who has poods to sell, and the
people who want these poods come
to him. 1 he shop where he has his
poods to sell is generally called a
hospital and he has associated with
him there a body of men and women
similar to work people, foremen and
managers of any industrial plant or
dry goods store. He has there some
beginnings of a satisfactory division of
labor and specialization of function.
Therefore, he can give the public a
much better article for less money.
"The 'article' I refer to is sound
medical advice and treatment."
This is just what Dr. Pierce has been
doing at the Invalids' Hotel in Buffalo,
New York. Dr. V. M. Pierce has asso
ciated with him Dr. Lee H. Smith, who
is vice president and head surgical
director and operator, and there are
a dozen other physicians and special
ists, as well as four chemists, and the
poor and the very rich pet the best
medical attention. As Dr. Caliot has
properly said, "When you po to a
doctor's office you may complain of
nothing more abstruse " than a head
ache or a stomache-ache, yet for the
solution of the problem represented bv
vour suffering there may be needed an
X-ray examination, chemical tests such
as very few experts are capable of mak
inc, the consultation of experts in
diseases of the eye, the ear and the
Capital Journal Want Ads Will
keep their heads for that time. All
the nlsht they prowl :d about In th
fog, and when, with the dawn and sun
rise, came a wind that brushed tho seal
clear, they saw no sign of tho Vic
toria or the ship that had run her
One man stood up and, with a cry ot
frightful blasphemy, threw himself into
the water.
"That's the man I'm after! Let ma
get him!" O'Neill yelled, and would
have sprung over the side If Warbur
ton had not restrained him.
O'Neill fought like the manlao h4
"Let the fool go over!" some one
shouted. "It's one less mouth to feed."
"Let him go," the tlllerman roared,
"or you'll go with him. Can't you se
he's too strong for you?"
"I can't do It! I can't do It!" Varbur
ton cried out "I want to, but I can't
do It."
One of the oarsmen tapped O'Nclll'B
skull with his oar, and the detective
fell In a heap with Warburton on top
of him.
"He's got a wife and kids at home,"
Warburton said, picking himself up.
and shook as with ague. He had lied,
he knew.
Then he disposed O'Neill, who wa
quite unconscious, as comfortably as ha
could, and sat watching him as a fath
er watches a sick child. a
Toward noon they were taken up by
one of the large" transatlantics, which
had learned of the collision by wire
less, and was on the lookout for el ray
ed lifeboats.
O'Neill, still unconscious, was placed
in the ship's hospital with a slight
fracture of the skull.
Three days later he. recognized War
burton. "Say," 0'NfU began, "tho doctcr
iold me this morning that you're ths
fellow who saved my life. Ho cot U
from the Victoria men. And I ncvor
knew you. What's your name oh.
holy heaven, I know you now! Elount
Warburton. Why didn't you stay
"I've got to go back nnd pay my
bill." said Warburton. "I'm a thief, all
right, but I couldn't be a murderer,
even if It didn't look like nrcrdtr t-
those on the outside. I thought IM
begin my life over again when I ran
away, but I found out that night In tho
boat that I have to begin right.
"I couldn't even die that nlfiht.
though at first I wanted to, with thl
strain. Good Lord! To think what
I've been through to find eut these
"Not a word about It while we're on
the boat," O'Neill cautioned.
"May I stay a little while?" Warbur
ton asked.
"Sure! Smoke a cigar!" O'Neill as
sured him hospitably, at ths came tlm
offering him one.
"You see," Warburton c::pl.-.lncd.
"you are the only person v;itli vrhom I
stand right. With the other pcnrila or
th boat I'm almply living a 11c.
"I've had to live that way so long,
the United States. A-
throat, and the study of the improve
ment or aggravation of svmptoms at
different times of day and under dif
ferent diets and temperatures. This
study demands the conditions found in
just such a hospital, and nowhere else
in bp tld lMtlin,,f .Tva-ifr - f.
.w w ...... ..iiviil (ivill 11
is also true that the "family doctor does
me uesi mat ne Knows how, and con
sidering the difficulties under which he
works, makes a wonderfully good esti
mate of the nature of the patient's dis
ease and the treatment to be adminis
tered." "But as an accurate diagnosis simply
cannot be made in a considerable num
ber of cases without the co-operation
of a number of men, each expert in hist
own field, vi-lmr w acL- ,i,a (n:t
doctor to be is an 'all-around' specialist.
This he attempts, but -one cannot truth
fully say that he succeeds, for the at
tempt is obviously an impossible one.
.nicumiic is icuay iar too large and
complicated a field for any one man,
no matter how wise and exnerienred
to cover."
e have not the space to speak in
dividually of the professional men com
posing the faculty of this old, world
famed institution, but will say that
among them are many whose long con
nection with the Invalids' Hotel and
Surpical Institute has rendered them
experts in their several specialties.
Advantage of Specialties.
Bv thornnrdi
d. . . . " r- "i,uu dllU MID
lviding the practice of medicine and
sureerv in thi in.t;i,:AH
: . , i-vrry in
valid is treated by a specialist-one
ijou ucwics nis unuiviued attention ir
the Particular rl.ice .tlc.o... ... .. i.- i.
- - v. . ,...ut U IWUl ll
the case belongs. The advantage of
this arrangement "is obvious. Medical
science cover a fitd eA .., .1. ...
, . . - si uiai no;
physician can, within the limits of a
iiiciunc, acnieve tne highest degree ot
Sucre in Um & -e
' . j ... , ..i.jwncui or every
malady incidental to humanity. m
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