Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 07, 1916, Page TEN, Image 10

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Largest and Best Kept Bedding Stock in the Valleys-Second Floor
jimwuimitmrnmttmnmtunimmnitn wim amimmutu
AM Hi ip VII
Keep in mind the. fact that we do not keep in stock anything that we cannot recommend; That
our prices are the lowest that can possibly be quoted consistent with a standard of merchan
dise worthy of our guarantee. That is if you buy merchandise here and find it unsatisfactory
when you get home, you may return it at once, if in salable condition, along with duplicate
salescheck, and receive your money back. Could anything be more fair than that?
You can Positively Save
Money on your Ready -to-Wear
purchases at Meyers
And get the very best in style, fabrics and tailoring. We
take particular pride in this big department for it continues
to please scores of women daily. It is said by customers,
to offer the best assortment of garments in this section, for
customers come from miles around to purchase from this
big stock. "There must be a reason."
Wednesday Surprise No. 816, October the 11th
A Sale'of Cotton Comforts $1.19
If you want an inexpensive cotton Comfort here's
the one to buy. Silkoline coverings in various color
ings and designs, regular full-bed size. Special for
Wednesday only $yg
Sale starts at 8::?0 See window display
' We have just received a splendid as
sortment of New Ready made Cur
tains in Scrim, Voile and Marquis
ette, plain hemstitched, lace edge
and lace insertion styles. All new
i and fresh from the factory popular
length to fit most windows. Priced at
$1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $1.75 and $2 a Pair
The most satisfactory Underwear in
the world for men, women and chil
dren. Munsing Union Suits are fine
in quality, non-irritating, fit perfect
ly,, wear longest,' wash best.
We can fit you perfectly. Try us
and see. :
Buy an Xtra Good Suit
for that Boy
And see how pleased he will be
over it; and you'll be pleased too,
when you see what good styles
they are and how they stand up
under severe use. Made in clever
norfolk models, knickerbocker
trouser, in fabrics and colorings
that offer a varied choice. Unusu
ally low prices for such suits as
"Model" Dress Forms, $7.50 to $13.SO
.rtTm?fiititTttv, rttvttf tttvvf t x i .j . ..ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzZZZZzT: "
i J. A. Stichler,- of Iudepen deuce, is a
,Suleni visitor today.
Ivan (J. .Martin, attorney of this city,
I in in Portland on business.
.1. .r. Haley and wife mid Susan Hu
' ley, of White Salmon, are in Salem.
, J. E. Drillotte, of -Marion, and .1. W.
I.eonhardt, of Woodburn, are guests at
the Blinh hotel.
! H. D. Trover, the photographer, is
.spending the day on his prune ranch,
near Liberty. He is overseeing the
work of getting his prune erop cleaned
Your gift with our imprint needs no
further recommendation. Set your
watch by our street clock. Uardner &
Keene, Salem's most reliable jewelers.
An automobile so badly torn up that
tlie mnke cannot, be ascertained lies
! l,,l .1... W1......1. .....wl omtll lf
Salem, according to report, near the
Frohmader furm- No one knows any
thing about the uincbhie, news of which
was brought to Salem about 11 oeluck
' and the ownership is a mystery. How
the machine came to be jn that condi
tion is also a mystery. Kfforts to lo
cate information concerning the wreck
proved unavailable this afternoon al
though the telephone to undertakers and
garages was kept hot. The hospitals
reported no victims of an accident, nor
was any information given to the police
that shed any light on the problem.
S. E. Howard of 1237 Marion St. just
received trn tons of nlifornia lnmey,
raised by his con of Doyle, California,
which is for sale at 12 cents per lb.
Hinie Radcliff, now of the navy hos
pital corps, is home on 10 day furlough
from the naval training station at Gout
Island, San Francisco. He is to re
turn on the lSth and report for duty on
the J5th, after which he expects to be
assigned to a ship about the 20th of Oc
tober. He says he likes the work fine
and thinks the hospital corps otters ex
ceptional opportunities for a young fel
low. He says the work is mostly school
and that
cars or
.a Dl.Ar
AP' ' v
First-class work. All kinds
of repairing. All work guar
anteed. Twenty-five years'
experience. Leave orders at
Wylie B. Allen Co., phono 1187. .
Residence phone 14t5.
915 Highland Avenue.
Salem, 27,850; Eugene, 27,200. That
is the standing of the two Y. M, O. A.
battling for supremacy in the member
ship contest that will end tonight ut
H::t0 o'eJock, General Bowlnud has 14,
700 points and General h'lliott 27,500.
Vita the lead of over, eight thousand
over Eugene this morning, the, Salem
boys are confident of winning the con
test, although it is expected Kugene will
throw her strongest strcugth in at the
lout. .'.
; f
Besides having efficient glasses,
it is just as easy to have be
coming glasses. Shelltex Slnir
ons meet the modo,
Hubbard Building Phone 100
All Around Town
Oct. 4-5 0 Marion County In
stitute, Salem.
Oct. 1). City- bowling league
opens season.
Oct. 11. I. I. Bonk, Head Con
Bill, V. O. W., in the city.
Oct. 13. Inauguration of Dr.
Carl Gregg Doney as presi
dent of Willamette Universi
ty. October 16-17. Degree of Hon
or convention. '
October 17-20. Ba;it state
convention,' Salem."
November 0. City primary
November 7. Presidential elec
tion, V
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasse-
eorrectly. U. S. Bank. Bldj.
W. W. Moore, of the Moore furniture
store, and family, leave this evening
for Brownesville. They expect to stay
over Sunday with friends and relatives.
Drink Oereo, the liquid food, the
health drink. Ask your grocer. tf
News was received In this city this
I morning by R. F, l'eters, of the Peters
.Music company, of the death in the
Stanthonies hospital in Terre Haute, In
diana, of his brother, J. V. l'eters. The
deceased was a brother of Mrs. V. A.
Clement, also of the l'eters Music store.
Big . dance . Woodburn armory hall,
Saturday (Jet. 7. oet"
F. N. Derby, owner of the Derby
building at tho corner of High and Court
streets, is preparing to waterproof the
south side. Van- Putt.ou, contractor, put,
up. the staging and Mr- Derby expects
to put on the waterproofing, which will
require. about a week to do. '
Spltzenburg and Baldwin apples 50c
bushel, extra 7fe. Phono evenings tUt'i'l
iirs. (). .Meyer.
Carl Fercival, a prominent EUc of this
ci.ty, who was hurt in an automobile ac
cident a week ago Friday while return
ing from the state fair, is reported ns
getting along nicely at the Willamette
Snnntnriiim. He is expected to be out
and around in a short time.
Saturday dance tonight, Aumsville.
Host music, and floor. Dancing !0c,
S. E. Howard, the veteran mail-carrier
of this city, luis just received about
10 tons of honey from his son, Doyle
Howard, of California. The honey is
from bees that range the hills of north
ern California and is said to be espe
cially good.
Many other makes of corsets are good.
but NuHone is better. Ladies Outfitting
Shop, lli." Liberty street.
Lloyd T. Rigdon and Ray L. Richard
son, of the Kigdon & Richardson under
taking establishment, are expected back
in Salem this evening from their trip
to Portland to attend the undertakers'
convention, which was in session there
this week. Thev will Teturn bv motor,
Dr. R. Meuric Roberts, osteopathic
physician, 30!) Masonic bldg. Phone 40!)
Dr. Stone makes no charge for con
sultation, examination or prescription
L. H. McMahon, independent fcandi-1 L. S. Geer, of the Geer-Kreuger Fur
date for district uwttorney is in the city niture company, who recently announced
iu tho interest of his campaign for elec-1 himself as a candidate for alderman
tion. After U trip about the country j from the first ward, is in Portland over
he says he feels that he will carry Wood-j Sunday. Mr. Geer has been in Snlem
burn, ISilverton and a large number of j three years and iu the furniture busi
smnller towns in the vicinity of Salem. ness in California, and Portland but be
lle is optimistic Regarding his success i lieves there is a greater future in Sn
at the polls next November. J lem and he is willing to enst his lot iu
o with the city and boost for all he is
ui. jj. .. Aiunan, nomeopamic pny-wurtti,
sician, S1M1 N. Liberty, phono 147.
At the pleasant evening service at the
Congregational chunth Sunday W, M.
Pi nicy, state biologist, will give one of
his interesting lectures and will show
some of his moving pictures of scenery
of Oregon. He is expected to tell also
about the birds and fishes of Oregon.
There will he a saag service and a talk
by the pastor, Key- James Klvin.
r '
LaCorona cigars are all quality and
Salem made for Salem trade.
Donald Miles and C. Z. Randall have
moved their law- office to room LWi Sa
lem Hank of Commerce bldg. Oct 10
Arrangements to have the W. O. W.
camps at Silverton and Dallas send
classes for initiation next Wednesday
evening when Head Consul I. I. Bonk is
in the city were made this week by n
committee of the Snlem lodge, according
to a report made by the committee at
the meeting of the lodge last night. It
is expected that one of the biggest W.
O. W. times ever had in Salem will be
held on that evening.
The regular Saturday night dance
Dr. Stone's Drug Store for trusses. or Bt ' l'lwure of their nuto tires.
Foresters of America will hold an op
en meeting next Thursday, October 12,
for their men friends. The party is a
stag and novel forms of entertainment, at the armory has been postponed one
have been provided. A committee eon- week. " octi
sisting of Captain Rosenberg, George -p
Schult. and W. Conger are in charge Adolph A. Gueffroy, of 1275 North
and they expect to make the evening's ; Capitol street, filed yesterday his com
jollificntion a big time. pleted petition as n' candidate for the
o , office of citv recorder. His slogan is
Dr. R. T. Mclntire, physician and , strict Economy, Efficient Service,
surgeon, 214 Masonic bids, l'hone 440.,-o i),.,mty." He is a graduate of the
., T .... . .Snlem high school nf the class of 1900,
Al Henderson, who was with August :wss B 8tu(UMlt at tho (w,ul ullsilies8
Huckestem's cigar manufactory in tins ; College, ml employ for four veins
r'Jlr , ? Venr"' W210 Tv the tapitHl National Rank. He is
Klk for 10 years ,s in San D.ego on a,,,, nt 1)VP(, by u s tiilo &
visit. Hurry icdemer, club secretary, ! (,,,. 1Knv '
received a card from him this morning I ' .
iu which Mr, Henderson states he likes
San Diego fine. He expects to remain
there several months.
The tone control, first used on the
Sonorn. by which the music inny swell
and die away at will, is a fascinating
wi . . . and, exclusive and patented feature;
Notice to tlie Commons Mission board tli8'(.olltrol ov xlemion BlWi
grently to the pleasure of the listener.
Myrtle Knowlnud, 4il Court St.
Th .T"nrnal Does Jo'' Printing.
there will be a meeting of the Missim
board immediately after the Tuesday
evening service. Special things to dis
cuss. Win. Kenyoii, Supt.
worn anu tnat nis training is just iiae , . . , , ,n ii,,,u ,1...
a college course as he. if required to W ".t nigh h Mu le lea s ,K
study tust and, materia medica, und 1LJ . v ,j i, . "i it .. l
pharmacy. Whin he finishes he will 1" p . The Bald Pates he 1 I the esd
be rated as a third class pharmacist's until Dr il dutyre yn m, , to In i
mate- At the station where he is locat- Heads. Then the tide turned, with the
t Salem-Independence Auto
rhoii8,950 or 1255 Jjf
Leaves Salem, cor. State and.
Liberty Street daily, 8:00 a. m.,
11:00 a. m., 2:30 p. in. ana
6:00 p. m.
Leaves Independence opposite
postoffice daily."
y:00 a. m., 12:30 p. m., 4:00 p. m
and 7:00 p. m,
Fare. 50c
Extra Cars for Country Trips.
John DuBois, of the state engineer' s
office and Frank Frickey, of I. add &
Bush's bank, were elected captains of
the biff ball teams of the Salem Y. M
C. A. that will contest throughout thj.
winter. It is exacted t lift t the captains
will choose their teams today from tle
association membership. Iu the pick up
-it he snvs thev niiunifiictiire nil the above
medicines for the Pacific const stations.
He enlisted last July.
Final efforts to end the campaigner
the Salem Y. M. C A. bit
H. W. Elgin, son of a pioneer of 1852 j being put forth today by both Generals
and a veteran of the Indian wars of Rowland and Elliott. Fifty renewals
Vi.'i and 'oil, will greatly appreciate are needed today to insure success. I.et
your vote for city recorder. 0 years ex- ters have been sent out to all former
perieneo as deputy. Primaries" Nov. li, ' members urging them to rnew their ill
mid. (I'd. Adv.) jleginnce to the association before 8:"0
o I this evening. A silver cup is to be
J. A, Steele, of Toronto, Canada, deal- awarded to the side winning the co:i
er in seeds, is traveling throughout the test. Clinton Ostrander of the boys
Willamette valley investigating the car department, has been in charge of tlie
hortuge ana this morning calleil on Jsnlem end or. tne gtiine.
Harley White, of D. A. White & Sons.K
Mr.Steelc says that the car shortage is'
says that the car shortage is' captain KosenDerg, oi tne oaii
getting more and more serious and get- club, and a number ot meniiiers expe -r
ting to be a proposition of deep concern , to go to the ri'ile range ut Finzer t"
to shippers. He says cars cannot be se- morrow for rifle practice. Tlie course
cured for love or money and that no re- the club shoots is that of the National
lief is in sight. Heretofore, in visit- Rifle association which is siinilnr u
ing Oregon he had the misfortune to that of the government for the army
come during the raiuv season and had n'nnd national guard. So far one expert
bad impression 'of it. Now, however,
lie says the Willamette valley looks bet
ter thau ever and the farmers more pros
perous thnii ever. He said that if he
owned Paradise, he would rent it and
come here to live.
Leaks, in the- front and top of the
Derby building at the corner of Court
Hud High streets are being repaired.
This accounts for the scaffolding on the
Court street side of the building.
has qualified, two sharpshooters, and
eight marksmen, while some of the men
who never shot a rifle before are learn
ing to shoot.
Miss Laura Wooster, of Molalla,' is
siiendiii! a few weeks with .Mr. and -Mis.
J. Fred Iddiugs. at their home on Stale
street. She will be here for several
months and suvs she would like to slay
ii .i... : .1,., i:b.i 11...
Ill i-micill uu lilt mm- ri'v jin.ra
city well.
Any news pertaining to food comes pretty close to
touching men and women where they
live. You 11 be glad you read this if you
ask for
At All Grocers
4 4 4 4 4 4 444 aaaaaxa...a...... aaaaaxaaaaaaaaa.aaa a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a A A
1 Chemry GSity Fafteinitt IFIome0
n was made into oread by Llitrord Irving, 459 Union of., a boy or Myrs., and awarded first prize at 11
THE ST A TE FAIR. You can get the same result if you use
t4- i
At All Grocers 11
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