Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 06, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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"Salem's Big Department Store"
miuwutwuwuwmiwuiwMiiwiMHitn nitiinii;niniinnnittiiinntuiiumiinitiiiHmiwiiinnni:it:m:imi!miwmm;
Stop! Look!
This is for Economical Shoppers.
on your purchases by trading at
Colgates Talcum . . .11c
Pebcco Tooth Paste 33c
Mentholatum . . . . .' 19c
Palm Olive Soap ... 8c
Jergen's Violet Soap 7c
Pears Soap ........ 12c
Cuticura Soap .... 19c
Woodberry Dental
Cream 19c
Espey's Cream .... 17c
3-in-l Oil 8f
:?-in-Oil 17c
Ivory Combs 29c
Ivory Combs . . . . 69c
75 pairs of Ladies'
Shoes, patent and kid,
lace, tan button; these
are broken lines, values
up to $:550. To clean
up $1.00 pair
100 pairs Ladies' Shoes,
broken lines, in various
styles, values to $4.00.
To close $l!95
Special prices on brok
en lines Children Shoes
Its time to F
buy Munsing
Of two households of furniture
at the (juick Kxchiingc Market
on Saturday, Dot. 7, lt16, at
i-.'.iO p. m. sharp, consisting of
1 good heater, verneor Martin
bed, white enamel bed, full and
31 si.cs, with springs and ex
tra good silk floss mattress; oak
side board, kitchen cabinets, oak
diners, rut-kern, kitchen utensils,
dishes, four hole cook stove,
wardrobe box lnngiic, window
curtains, 1 hirdseye maple dres
ser; other oak and ash dressers;
garden tools, lawn mower and
many other things; may have
some good ranges. Kvorybody
come, ladies especially invited.
Furniture seekers can do uo bet
ter than to attend these sales,
t'ome and see fur yourself.
Note; I pay highest cash prices
for your household furniture or
will sell same on commission.
" F. N. WOODRY. Auctioneer,
Phono nil
First-class work. All kinds
of repairing. All work guar
anteed. Twenty-five years'
experience, l.cnvo orders at
Wylie B. Allen Co., phono 1187.
Residence phone 14ii5.
013 Highland Aveuue.
t Salem-Independence Auto
t Service
Phone 959 or 1255
Leaves Salem, cor. State and
Liberty Street daily, 8:00 a. m.,
11:00 a. m 2:30 p. m. and
6:00 p. ni. -
Leaves Independence opposite
Fcstofiiee daily,
7:00 a. m., 12:30 p. m., 4:00 p. m.
and 7:00 p. m.
t Fare, 50c J
Extra Cars for Country Trips.
Laces and Embroideries
Heavy Venice Band
ings, values up to $2.30;
ecru, cream and white,
extra special . 79c
45-inch white Voiles,
embroidered in colors;
27-in. Organdy Flounc
ings, regular $1.25;
Extra Special 98c
Short. lengths in em
broideries, to close
Dress Goods Section
Dress Chiffon Taffeta
Silks, plain colors; all
shades except black;
values up to $2; extra
special $1.39
:8-in. wide Dress Goods
1-2 wool; in plaids,
fancy checks and shep
erd checks; 65c values,
special 47c
Poplin Lining!? :6-in.-wide,
stripes and fig
ures, per yard . . $1.25
Hear Mrs. Alexander Thompson at
the opera house tonight, on Wilson
policies, She will surely interest you.
- Everybody invited to be at the opera
bouse tonight to 1ienr Mrs. Alexander
Thompson, the most eloquent political
speaker in the northwest.
' Have you seen and heard Mrs.
Alexander Thompson of The Dullest
JJcnr her tonight. 'She will certainly
surprise you. Mrs. Hinges will par
ticipate with vocal solos.
I For the past several days there has
been no change in the height of the
Willamette river at this point. The
I.. ..,..... l. ....... I .,.....,1 ..C
temperature for last night and yester-
y -
The United Evangelical church which
has been- re-builu and remodeled will bo
used for service Sunday, the first time
since the Tire on June 4. The basement
is seated and Sunday school will be held
ut 10 o'clock and the preaching service
lit 11 o'clock. Kev. C. C. l'oliug, D. I).,
will be present and at 3 p. m. the corner
Stone of the church will be laid. lr.
l'oliug will have charge of the services
during the day. The upper floor of the
church will be finished with an audi
torium and sum 1 1 rooms for Snndiiy
school class work. It will be two months
before it is completed.
Hood River is short of apple packers.
A dispatch to Manager l'auliis of the
baleut Fruit union, tiiis morning, says,
"Are there uny apple packers-in your
seitiiiii that want jobs? Look up the
nutter for us and advise. We believe it
is possible for us to offer an attractive
proposition. (loud, King season, lonty
of work, ('tin you refer ine to any
oilier points in the valley where puckers
might be obtained?'' Manager Paulas
states that he has found no difficulty
. in obtaining apple puckers here. If
(there should chance to be any such out
of work it might be well for them to
iook up me itooti Kivcr preposition.
Harry Plant, who went to the Mexl
...i K.,r.i.. t- U.,. i i..t r,...a
and who presided over the destinies of
the kitchen us eoniiiiiiiv cook, met his
f Hto while on a ramble in San lb ego one
day when he was otf duty. While in
that southern ritv, which is replete with
pretty, black-eyed, black-haired Mexi
can lassies, he met a fair dnaizcl with
Spanish blood flowing in her veins and, He expects to have all his apparatus in
the remainder of this story reads like a 'order shortly and his office ship shape
page from a romantic novel with a hap- and cleared for action,
py ending. The happy ending of the '
novel in this instance is just the begin- DOUBLE READER POSTPONED
ning of happiness for Harrv Plant bo- .
cause ho married the girl, just slipped
quietly out of camp at imperial Heach
ami ruptured her. Her name was Miss
l.eo Merger, of Sun IHego. Mr. Plant,
Save money
Ladies' Handkerchiefs
12-inch, all linen Hand
kerchiefs, hand em
broidered 'corners, ex
cellent values at 25c;
special 19c
Broken line of very
sheer linen handker
chiefs, hand embroid
ered initials, values
from :5c. to 50c; to
close . 25c
Broken line of Chil
dren's Handkerchiefs,
colored borders, 3 in
box, to close, box.. 15c
Hosiery and Underwear
A sale of Women's
Merode Underwear
(wool), vests and pants,
high neck, long sleeves,
ankle length, a good
$1.50 grade, special 97c
Special sale of Ladies'
good Hosiery, black
lisle with a white sole,
a very popular number
and a usual 25c grade;
special, pair .' 19c
Special value in Chil
dren's school Hose at,
a pair 15c
We Sell
who is armorer now ut the armory, re
ceived a letter recently stating that -Mrs.
l'ltint, who has been visiting in San
Francisco, will arrive ih nlcm soon.
The marriage took place August 2!,
1 1
Luther J. Chapln is in Seattle this
week, where he is acting as one of the
.judges in the Northwest Land Products
Adolph Gueffroy, who has been with
the Capital National bunk tor some
years, tiled his petition for the office
of city recorder this afternoon at the
city hall.
Contractor August Kehiborger and
m'w ."!'' '"'I1 "J" Suh
as Lincoln street. .Mr. Kchrlierger is
proud of his force saving they work
like clockwork and can't be excelled in
their line.
O. W, Laflar, who went to Iowa sev
eral weeks ago for a visit, returned last
week. Few- knew of his return how
ever for the reason that immediately
following his urriuil he was taken sick,
and has been confined to the house un
til yesterday, lie says he is glad to get
back to Oregon, ami the folks here are
glud to have him back.
The forthcoming biennial report of
Labor Commissioner llol'f makes the
following stutcnicnt In regard to Au
rora, Marion county: "The town needs
another, meat market, drayman, cream
ery,' cannery, furniture store, brick and
tile plant, cider and xinegnr plant, liv
ery stable, millinery shop and bak
ery." Charles Edgar Bayes, a member of
Company M while on the .Mexican bord
er, and Joseph Kdward Carver, of t!5;i
North High street, were this morning
sent to Coat Island, Pan Francisco, to
the navy training station by .Machinist
.!. K, Adams, navy recruiting officer
stationed in the Salem postoffiee. -Machinist
Adams has recent Iv arrived to
take charge of the station here and says
l that although young Hayes is somewhat
under the height required tor Ine navy,
his physical condition was so good that
it is probable permission may be grant
ed for his admission into the ranks.
The recruiting officer has had nine
years experience in the navy and is
t-omiH-tent to give correct information
concerning this branch of the service,
I.os Angeles, Cul., Oct. fi. Today's
! double header between Salt Lake and
I Vernon was postponed on account of
'wet grounds. Double header tomorrow.
All Around Town
MM .. .
Oct. 4-5-6 Marion County In-'
stitute, Salem.
Oct. 9. City bowling league
opens season.
Oct. 11. I. I. Bonk, Head Con
sul, W. O. W., in the city.
Oct. 13. Inauguration of Dr.
Carl Gregg Doney as presi
dent of Willamette Universi
ty. October 10-17. Degree of Hon
or convention.
October -17-20. BatHt state
convention, Salem.'
November 0. City primary
. election.
November 7. Presidential elec
tion. ft )(t c )c sfc sc )Jc )Jc sfc sjc sc sjc s(c
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasse
s correctly. U. 8. Bank. Bid.'. 4
Elbert Thompson, of 1635 . Saginaw
street, filed his petition with the city
recorder this morning rs a cnndiilatn
for alderman from the 7th wind.
Drink Cereo, the liquid food, the
health drink. Ask your grocer. tf
George Litchfield, rural mail carrier,
who has been ill six weeks ns the re
sult of a serious operation, is reported
to be improving.
Supper given by MinnetonY Camp
fire at I'resbvtcrinn church Friday ev
ening Oct. Oth, 4::it) to 7:30 p. in. 33
cents. octO
- -
Miss Zadie Palmer, the well-known
clerk at the stnmp window at the Sulem
ptfktoffice, wh6 has beeu ill for about
two weeks, is expected back 011 duty j
shortly. . I
Home Portraits, C. Elmore Grove, 1
photographer of Portland, is in the cityj
for a few days, making photographic ;
portraits of patrons in their homes. Call!
representative at Mni-inn Hotel who
will be pleased to cull and show snni-l
pies of work. octO;
Registration books at the city hall
wiill close October 21. Tt is urged by
the officials ut the citv recorder's of
fice that voters register now nnd thus
avoid the rush' which inevitably comes
ut the eleventh hour.
A enreful and earnest administration-h
in the office of city recorder is
plan if I. am elected. J. A. Mills, can 1 "
didnte tor, city recorder. (Pd. adv.) ocGM
Lloyd T. Rigdou and Ray T. Rich
ardson, of the Kjgdon ami Kichardson
undertaking parlors, left this morning
bv motor lor Portland where they will
nttend the convention of Oregon under
inkers, which is in session "in Hint city. Q
o 1 mm
Register at the city hall and vote for! Ef
.1. A. MillB for city recorder. Tw o years j j
in the citv council makes hiiu familiariU
with tin) work.
(Paid adv.)
M. S. Pittman, of the Monmouth nor-
mal school, was in Salem yesterday in
attendance nt the teachers' institute.;
Ho lectured nt the institute on a se-
lected subject relating to the high'
schools, lie stopped nt the Marion ho-1
tei w line nere.
W. O. W. Attention All members
are requested to be present at the reg-
iilar meeting r riilay, tier. 0 to complete
final nrraageinents for the reception of ,
Head Consul 1. 1. Boak. .lack Sw ienink, j
Ray Cooper, first driver of the fire 1
1 ...1.., ....... ... 1
lepiiriiHciu s auio uunjn-i, mi ui-
erated 011 bv Dr. r nidley tor tne re
innvnl of t.kiwiR is rtHinrtCil IIS UCttllll!
nlonir nicelv. He is nt the Willamette
sanitarium but expects to resume hiis
duties snort tv. x
You can't go wrong when you buy
llygrade cigars Salem made. j
A. A. Mikle, Southern Pacific freight j
agent, who was ill early in the week!--but
who resumed his duties for a few-
duvs. is now confined to his home with, H
a severe cold. Mr. Mickle fought off
the illness ns long as he could but was
forced to give in and tnke to Ins teil.
Have you a Souora in your home?
Myrtle Knowlund, 421 Court St.
Miss Louanna Brown, of the Conuuer-
cial Hook store, leaves Sunday evening
for a short visit to relatives in Wood-;""
burn. Mrs. Mary llowd, her aunt, will
accompany her tin the trip. They ex-
pect to rusticate over Miininy nc:ir.
Woodlmrn, j
V V Vaavho nttnni.tf nt 1 R W has
moved to the fourth floor of the Hub-
bard building.
Owing to a delay in getting material
work on the paving of South Comnier -
cial street was not begun until yester -
ilnv afternoon-. The dryer attachment
to the hot mixer is as yet in an expen-
mental stn-je. and whether it will workj.. ar f i I Tt '
in all respects as desired is yet to V;! flfj Kent LOW fHCCS
determined. In the event that it doeslli
work between Son and 1000 yards:
of two inch surface will be put downj
each tiny, and this is what Street Ctim-i
inissioner Low is intending to accoiu-
o .
Or. M. P. Mendelshon is in Portland
completing arrnngment for the opcningj
of his offices. He is buying the very
1....... ......in......... thut tvill i
aid him in his practice..
The picture that every one is talking about
to thcBligh Theatre Sunday, one day only.
Continuous show from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Big dance Woodburn armory hall,
Saturday Oct. 7. - oct7i
About twenty five boys of the Lin-!
coin school enjoyed the social swim at i
the y. M. t'. A. tank yesterday after- j
noon. This afternoon the boys of the
Grant school take their dip, and this!
evening the buys who work will be giv-!
en their chance.. . j
The regular Saturday night dance '
at the armory has been postponed one
week. "oct"
Four aldermanic candidates have
filed at the office of the city recorder
today. They are I.. S. (leer, 7io Marion
street First ward; Lloyd liigdon, 541
Center street, Second ward; F. A. Boy
ington, 1071) Hall street, Fifth ward;
Elbert Thompson, W.i5 Saginaw street,
Seventh ward.
Don't miES. hearing Ida Tarbell, Get
that lyceuin ticket now.
Mrs. Guy S. Davis, field secretary of j
! the Presbyterian Woman '8 New York
Board of Home .Missions, will hold a
workers' conference in the First Presbv-1
jterinn church parlors Saturday at 2:30
p. m. and also give an inspirational
address at the 11 o'clock service. Mrs.
j Davis is a worker of national reputation
i nnd goes from Oregon to join the edu
cntionnl campaign team, which will hold
! four Tour day minsiomiry institutes
j throughout Indiana, Illinois, Iowa,
! Montana and North and South Dakota,
lit is to be hoped people of Salem will
avainiiemselves of this opportunity to
! hear something worth while.
I John Kendrlck Bangs is coming on
Itlie lyceum course. Season tickets $1.
n D
ft 'A a
h (J n
a ii
9-lbs. Sweet Potatoes u
25 cents
15c Cans of. Shrimp
10 cents
50c Can Union Leader
40 cents
Hard Wheat Flour,
ii Guaranteed, per bbl. i
" I
: am
R Valley Flour, per bbl.
w mm
Better buy some flour j
rtafntpa il lolroc onnflioir I
utivid u tunvd auuiuvi gg
$5.60 y
Creamery Butter, Lb. j
40 cents
, II
I If
; :
Fresh Eggs, dozen
35 cents
St SON n
855 N. Com'l St.
m ti' H
we ceuver. u
Big Specials for SATURDAY
Baby Beef to Boil
four pounds for
Baby Beef Roasts
per pound ... : .
Beef Steak any cut
two pounds f or . .
Fresh Hamburger
per pound . .
per pound . .
Eastern Sugar
Cottage Hams,
Eastern Sugar Cured 4
Picnic Hams per lb. 11
Midget M
371 State Street
Originators of LOW PRICES
V T -R.rnnB anA ft T. Prfllisko. Of
tlm lurmw i.nuti stiire. nee husv this af
ternoon investigating spring stocks
C... oiiutnni milU TIlPV eilV tllt-V fed
confident that the spring opening will
t'lti.i iiiwiimKB in n niucTi liclter condi
tion than nt present anil are preparing
to meet tne gooti iiiues wueu n t-tiuu-a.
Tha fnnprni of D. A. Kineslev. who
died yestertluy at the Willamette !San-
utarium, was held Saturday afternoon at j
s o clocK from tne nonie ot u.t.. icrwii
liger, at 770 Clicmetteta street. The!
Christian Science church will conduct j
the services. Interment will be in the!
I. O. O. V. cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. McPeek and f am- i
ily of five children, who have been liv ing
in Voticnlla for the past several!
months have returned to Salem to live.'
The prime cause of their return to Su
loin is the fact that good educational i
opportunities are to be found here. lie.
Iintl tradeit a nonie nere ror a iiinn iui
Yoneitllu but likes Sulem best.
o I
At the fim meeting of the "Elks' .
lodge after the vacation season, .during '
which fiine they met monthly, n good
attendance was recorded. Announce
ment was made of the appointment of
Df. C- B. O'Xeil lis esquire to fill the
vnciincy caused by the death of W. 1..
Patterson some months ago. It was also
announced that at the meeting next
Thursday night a class of 15 members
is to be initiated.
H. N. Steudemneyer, director of the
Salem band, ami Kobcrt Savage, also a
member of the band, are expected back
from MeMiunville today. They have
been in the Yamhill county town the
past week playing in the MeMiunville
linnd during the Kound-Cp held there.
On account of so many members of the
Salem band being absent from the city,
it has been impossible to get the bund
together to welcome Charles Fairbanks,
vice-presidential candidate on the re
publican ticket, who was in Salem this
Freeland's all-stars defeated the Val
ley league teum at a game of bowls
last night on the Club alleys by a score
of 2S12 points against 2704 points. Al
though the Valley league team won two
out of thfee games played it was un
able to overcome the lead of points
nuitle by the All Stars. One of the high
est scores ever rolled in Sulem was
made last night when the All-Stars
tallied lottt points. Other high si-ores
have gone beyond the thousand mark
but not quite so high. Pierce of the All
Stars was the highest point winner,
scoring .17!. The scores of the three
games were 104S, SS4 and ST!. Thcie
will be no game tonight. Monday night
the games of the city league open.
will return Bargain
grg .
&Sy Ally
per lb
Mrs. Emma Buzzard, a Bister of
Charles Patterson of the Patterson
Furniture store, who has been visitii g
here for a month, leaves for Kugeie
I Saturday where she w ill visit her niece,
a sister" of Charles Patterson. From
there slut goes to Washington and thou
j to Kansas, w here she will make her
home- She came here from Canada.
S. Kuistiiek. of Brownsville, is reg
istered nt the Bligh hotel.
Miss Flora Shcrrell, of Woodburn, is
in the city visiting with Mrs. ltuy liiui.t
for The week-end-Mr.
Win. H. Loose, of Staytun, is
spending the week in Sulem. He w:is
formerly of this city.
Miss II. K. Chambers of Silverton
mill Miss K. 1.. Diiugheity, also of S'l
verton, are gucsts ut the Capital hotel.
Kd Harrington and wife, of Puuki'i
ville Center, Arkansas, is investigating
the commercial outlook in the Capital
Miss .linn Watt, of Portland, who
was visiting her mother, Mrs. Kate
Watt, at her home on Chemeketa street,
left todnv for her home in the K'-tt
AMOKT To Mr. ami Mrs. Hermann
Amort, of Fruit land, a son, w as bom
tllis morning. .
CAR5 oj
p; r-.v
Any kimd
Any time
When In BALEM, OBEGON, stoi i
Strictly Modern
Free and Private Baths
EATE8: 75c, 11.00, 11.50 PE DAT
The only hotel in the business district.
Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and
Capital Buildings.
A Home Away From Home.
T. G. BLIGH, Pro.
Both Phones. Free Auto Bna.
Prices fl)
I (Mill es