Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 06, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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I SI ujvfw K'lmm s.- i pi, unii . ... ,v , iiMM,,p id ,
CM I lllliiln BtlM MlMii IMWI
tl rurili il ii i mmmJaw
Rostein & Greenbaum
Grand Opera House
Mrs. Alexander T hompson
of The Dalles, and
S. M. Garland, of Lebanon
Speak on National Issues
Special Train Leaves Chicago
and Enters Suffrage Ter
ritory Today
Speaks In Armory Tonight
and Leaves After It for
Seattle !
ii j1 - m v .a.
IT l.nnrf Hmise News T
Chicago, l'ointed into the
heart of suffrage territory, the Hughes'
women's Hperial left Chicago early to
day to go through Illinois ami jmva.
The party was joined here liy Mrs.
Raymond Robins, Mrs. William Severiii
of Chicago and Mrs. Xolle J'rentiss of
Kansas. Miss Hariret K. Vittiim of
Chicago will join the special Sunday.
The arrival of the special here
marked its entrance into suffrage ter
ritory and the women took new inter
est in the campaign. As they left the
train at the LaSalle street station, Wil
son women were on hand with banners
ami heckling questions, but the Hughes
women were hustled away in automo
biles and an opportunity for some in
teresting repartee was lost.
.Street meetings were held last night
in front of large industrial plants as
! workers were leaving, but the noise of
trartie Hud interruptions by Wilson
women hampered the speakers.
When the pnrnde of the campaigners
was held yesterday, members of the
Women's Independent Wilson League
tell in behind and trailed their oppo
nents through the loop district. The
Hughes women heard former Senator
Albert .1. lieveridge speak here las!
The jury in the case of Fred Keller
I vs. Belle Steele and I). D. Steele re
j turned n verdict for the plaintiff in
the' sum of $:tii!l..'lll with interest. An
j attorney fee of .toO was allowed.
A demurrer has been filed hv Marion! n 1 Tl Tl L V J J
j county in the case of K. K. LnVoint ya.jMUSll llllS IhrOUgll faded,
j i-tuuuiern ruciTic company, iiregou !
! California Railway company and Mnr-I
! ion county, on grounds that the Court j
; has no jurisdiction of the person or sub
! ject and that the facts as set forth in
i the complain! are not sufficient to war
rant a cause for action.
Portland, Or., Oct. , Charles War
ren Fairbanks of Indiana, republican
vice presidential candidate, traveled
slowly through the Willamette valley
today speaking at Kugoiie, Albany and
He is due Portland at 7i:'i(t p. in. Af
ter dining in his private car the can
didate will be escorted to the armory
by a parade of republicans and the
Mnltopor republican club.
A great reception will be accorded
Fairbanks at the armory. Preparations
have "been made to accommodate the
biggest crowd assembled in Portland
since the visit ot Charles K. Hughes;
Fairbanks leaves Portland tonight
for Seattle where he speaks tomorrow.
His route then lies eastward through
Si.,.!,.,,,., 1,1.,),,. .,..,;. II.jL.,,.. .,.!
Sportsmen Boosting
for Fish Hatchery
A rt'jmrt of the umittcrs in the t-tute-
of James K. (itst, decease!, lias
been filed in the comity court. The
U( miseiH are l. Cornish, V. H.
Streaked Locks and They
Become Dark, Glossy,
Almost evervone knows that
'P.m. nii.l stult.itii, i.t'.,iufl v i..OnnitiiH- I
(Juiet boosting among sportsmen of
Marion and Polk counties for n fish
hatchery to be located somewhere in
the vicinity of Mchnma, according to
.1 oil ii Harbison of the Watt ' Shipp
sporting goods house, is under way
and is beginning to bear fruit, in
arousing sentiment for the proposition.
If a hatchery could be secured for
that place it is snid by those who are
interested that it could supply the
streams of Minion and Polk counties
with millions of fish where now only ii
few hundred thousand lire, received
each year from the hatchery at ISonne
ville, Oregon.
The proposition is meeting "with
favor by fisherman who realize Unit
the hatchery near Eugene is making
the Mackenzie river one of the best
fishing streams in the Northwest. This
hatchery does not supply this part of
the country to any great extont and
practically all re-stocking comes from!
Bonneville. The fish are shipped herej
.in a specially prepared car and mini-,
Suge ber only a few hundred thousands for
the liiiiuv streams. Tt is expected thjit
Outing Flannel Gowns
We bought these, a
long time ago. Today
you cannot purchase
the goods and make
them up for our selling
Girls' Outing Flannel
Gowns, heavy material,
only 50c
Boys' Night Shirts 50c
Men's. Night Shirts 65c
Ladies Gowns at. .50c
Ladies' Gowns 60c - 75c
Good white outing
Extra large sizes $1.00
Winter Underwear
At the mill price of today-Boys'
Union Suits .50c
Girls' Union Suits 50c
Ladies'. Ijnion Suits 50c
"Duchets neck, "short
sleeves. High neck, long
sleeves, extra ' heavy
Union Suits ...... 90c
Men's Union Suits $1.00
Children's separate
Garments ........ 25c
Ladies' nice white Win
ter weight separate
Garments 35c
New Styles, New Goods, Nice Dressy Coats.
Ladies' Coats at $7.50, $9.00, $11.50, $12.50 & $14.50
New Goods coming in every day. We keep right
up. to date. Nice Hats, Trimmings, etc. Glad to
have you call. Expert trimmers ready to supply
your wants.
i ...1 K..;...vm l.i..b tl... ....(...-.il ....Ui in,) . i I i.... tl... .. Ml1
lio.ison and tfeorg Kccch, and the sum , "t .,:' Mv ,.,,. I '"" ' " "ii',,,;
Let Hot Water Help Keep
The Kiddies Clean
Live little youngsters are bound to soil their
pretty faces and hands when they play in. the
yard or sand pile. . ,
Mother can wash their small dirty fingers a doz
en times a day and easily keep them clean with
hot water from a Gas Water Heater. ,-. k .
A Gas Water Heater Means
Hot Water Without Fuss
Hot water is always on hand in a Gas Water
Heater home. Without the bother and dirt of
building a fire or lugging in fuel, it is ready in a
second to" help wash or bathe the kiddies or to aid
in any other household task. , A Gas Water
Heater will provide all the hot water you want
day or night.
Let us tell you about our Gas Water Heater
: proposition. PHONE 85.
Kiiii in mi" TNi lit; us rrmirirti in .t.xmi. , ... ... . -
sisti,,,, ... , ;,i the Siavto, or 1 u' w " 1 known moro generally.
s? t ltiV -' ' O"" ,nixl uri' wilH to "'" at; The matter has been taken up with I
Milieu IB iimnsY mum niii.i.i. numv. , I ne
Alleging that he was line
lone years ot age at the time of his mar
' nage and that he was
j marry the defendant through threats
laud pressure brought to bear upon him
by the .parents of the defendant, Hig-
'muuil II.. ilcischback has begun an ac-j
nder twentv' Nowadays, by asking at any drug store , Ilit( ,. i,0 (n,mn until it
of his nun'-1 f'"' "Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Com-1 )mt ,, legislature is going
fish commission but. nothing leti- ,,f ,It. l.assen. said herft receiitlv that I
is found I ., , . .
11 liitr HXinilUllIO (t in 'l.. il...' ,,
Use Zemo for Eczema
Never mind liow often you hnve tried
MvoHe from MunillMin j nssihly toll- that you tlurkotiufl j fll0 country.
, t inti f tr
j llerschbuck in the circuit court. The! y' hair, as it does it so naturally and
i couple were niurried at Chester, llli-i iWenly. Vou dainpeu a sponge or soft
inuis, March o, nnd the plaintiff , lrush with it and draw this through
i alleges that his wife stilted at that' your hair, taking one sumll strand at a
: tipic she did not intend to' live with! time; by morning the gray hair dis-
hini, nnd she did not live with him.' appears, and after another application
There nre no pmverty rights involved.: or two, your hair becomes beautifully
dark, glossy and attractive.
Desertion is charged also as the Wyeth 's Sage and Sulphur Compound
grounds for u divorce asked tor by: is a delightful titilet requisite for those
Lewis .1. liayes from Kiln Hayes. This, w, desire dark hair and a youthful
couple wi re mai ried at llolconib, Wash-' appearance. It is not intended for the
: u nut i ...ii. i,,1 ... ...... .... :.... ..r
.. . i.i : ....1 i...
the addition of other ingredients, iur, liberal and there i J -r w n ttH-. I-1- -v-m Tl! i 1. 1.."t. 1..T. ! m1 raIl, hLi iac-hiuae
about 50 cents. ,, . enoiiL-h it is inobublo that fish hutch-1 ..L.TV' '"'jL'l5 V V',',!. 1 V"! ,h '".1H ec.tlna nuiekly by applying a Utile
ii I furnished by any ilrugiiist tor .e. hxtrn
lui'lte bottle, fl.lKI. Ileiilmg litmus II"'
luumciit zcnio is nppllcil. In il short til. "
usually every truce of iililqilcs, bholi
hinds, rash, eczemu, teller mid similar
skin diseases will In; removfd.
1'or clearing the kin mid niakliii; It
vigorously henltliy, reiiio Is nil esccplionul
remedy. It in not greasy, sticky or
watery nnd t doi'S not stain. li'ii
London, Oct- (p. Orville Wright, not
ed American aeroplane inventor, has
presented all his patents free of charge
I ... tlii ................. ! H . I. ..
- m ; , i miM-iii, iimuy n issim: in inn
Will nPaU ITI HieiTl Av,u"0" -lg'H'ih Aeroplane deelarcil
-i r.
Senator Chamberlain
Campaigns, for Wilson;
Si'imtor (JiMirgo K.
NUMUM-i imiii ... . , . , . . .
. .1 . . i i. imii'uin, mini iu iV
Start on 11 tour OT liir sum- ; millions dollar.. ....i-n..rv.llv,
of President Wilson's fom-j
Kvery nianufactiirer, the inaiiiizine us-1 oi hers fail it Is the one deneuduble treat.
scited, will therefore be able to use thuluieut for ull skin troubles.
valued at1 Zcuio. ilevoluu. .
uigtou, August H, ilt, ami according cure,
to the complaint the wire deserted the ,rV(,
nut ii mini in I bark about one year lat-i
er. Thev have no children
pniu'ii for
re-election. coininenciim
mitigation or prevention of i Monday, October !, at Ashlnnd. and , ( qq Jij JjgJ
More Fresh Air
1, at l
Nornh Whitnker, executrix of the
will of the late (leoige Whitnker, has
tiled her filial account with the coun
ty court, and tin' court has designated
November 1.1 us the date tor hearing
General Selling
Shades Wheat Down
Cliii'iiun, Oft. tl Wlient hIiowim! a full
in ir off due to ueneral selling today.
any objections that may exist tlu-iotn.! j,.,.t.nll,cT wns bivii 1 at if 1.5!', and May
, , (down 1 at 1.59 1-2.
The county court has appointed (,. opened firmer, lint weakened lnl-
II. Unity administrator of the estate! prj w,en December was down IM at
oi i iniiereun inn, occcuim-u, unu imi-.yj j.R all, .May was oown
named (!. W. Johnson, 11. A. Johnson , i.o
Jr.. and II. A. Johnson as appraisers ni ..r.. sIimhU- with
o the estate. : down I S at 4!l 1-2 and Mav up I S at luinv, fore i, iietoner i i; .prniK-
1 52 1-2. ' field, evening, October 14; Mursh-
(leo. V. Case has filed a demurrer tu "provisions remained steady except field. October li Corviillis, October
the charges brought agnlnst him by the ' p,.,.,,,,,),,., which wns sharply higher. IS; Dalian, October l!l; McM innville,
(Irccriui -Hon Growers' nssociiition. in!. October 20: Hillsboro, October 21;
which eomnluint breach of coutrnct is an hour. Half wav to the hospital baby Salem. October 23: Oregon City,
dosing Wednesday, November
Evening meetings will be held at
each place visited, with the exception
of Albany, where the senator will
ninlie an address in the forenoon, go
ing on to Sprinufield for n rally in the
evening of October 14.
Senator Chamberlain will spenl nt
the Natiitorium. Med ford, Tuesday
evening, October UK
henntor Chamberlain 's itinerary ns
liunpiied out is ns follows: Ashland,
1-4 at I October ; D'dford, October 1J
OrnntH l'nss, October 11, Koseburg,
ileiciiilier (Iclolier 12: Knueue. Octolier 1M; Al-
Moderate in Your
Reduce Your Weight.
Oil of Korein.
McMinnville, Or., Oct. 5. To the
merry "yip kiyi" of the cowboy choi
us "IHKI people of Vninliill and u.ljoinii :
counties today snw the second iietforin-
And mice of the wild west round up at tKi
fair grounds. Staid mm dignified pio
neers responded in spin! to the plump;
'mil's of the loinr uiro nnd lived itL'iiin
I.nelt of fresh air it is said weakens in the nasi when ilin'edevil riders no-
the oxygen carrying power of the blood, ' pnrently idled at ease astride biu kioy
the liver becomes sluggish, fat jecumu- bronchos.
lateg and the uction of ninny of thai .',,llowiii' were lodnv's winners:
vital organs nro hindered thereby. The Cowboys' pony n Shorty Hall.
heart action becomes weak, work is an chariot race Jim Hunch.
effort and the beauty of the figure is. Cowgirls' rchiv race Lola O'Neill,
destroyed. iTinie, i::tl
I'nt put on by indoor life is nn'.ienlthy ! MaVerick 'race liov Diivuughii. Tiu'ie
ind if nature is not assisted in throw-;.n(
ing it ott a serious ease ot obesity may : ,.. ropinuif. v. McClelland. Time,
.'(II seconds.
(Jnick chuiige nice Jim Houch.
Cowboys' relay race Shorty 'Hull.
rIIol'oiI. Demurrer is entered on 'the
(ground that the complaint does not
Slllie lacis suilieicill lo it,iiiooiil-
cause for suit iigaiust hi in.
One Week's Series of
Chapel-Hour Talks
found ill the L'uited States toduy. "
Dr. Hough's wonderful personality
and simple, direct manner is utmost in
ternational in fame und Dr. Douey -on-
u;.i... u:n ,.. uu..i,..;..iii. ..
ir i. :..:f;.....,.... i., c.,l.., . ,,B """"" "
wi m,u. ,, , h,,. v ,u .....v... th securing such speuker at this time.
Willamette students in particular, is the I He is said to hnve a wide knowledge
coming of Dr. Lynn Harold Hough, pro- j of every phase of student life and, being
lessor of theological history iu Gar- .ti young man, is able to interpret their
lett Biblical Institute of Chicago, for j problems at first hand. He is also a
a week's series of chapel , hour talks, noted traveler nnd author of numerous
nnd evening lectures in Waller hall. . books. . He -gave his first talk to the
In speaking of this famous divine's student body this morning on the sub
liiitoess. Vr. Doner said: "To my mind, 1 jeet, "A College Ought to Help Tl
Dr. Hough is, without doubt, the great-, Catch Up With Ourselves."
t. speaker for young, people to h Dr. Hougr said in part that the first
Hunter's licenses have been issued to
I. K. I'utnain of Turner, William M.
Vale of McKeu.ie Bridge, und William
Korbes of Jefferson.
When yon feel that you nre getting
too Btout, take the mutter in liiind at
I once. Don t wait until your figure has
Loughery cnnie into the world at a li'i October 24; Astoria, Octolier 25; 'become a joke and your health ruined
mile an hour clip. The mother was tak-1 Hood Kiver, October 2H; The Dulles, through carrying around 1 burden of
. 1 . ' .. . .. it i . I OO. I ...u!..l.,l.. 1 r.l... j- .
en lo central r.mergency unspiiui moi Octoher Zi reniiieion, wcioner unnij;"-i uuu uuiicuniiy iui,
is doing well.
Suit to quiet title hus been entered
in the circuit court by DeLile tireen.
I ue planum lliieKea niui. ue ,ii-,-m,-ii i.j
lot in t Diversity aiiiimon 10 mn my
of 'Salein to his sister, Henrietta A.
'Kitchie, without consideration and
with the understanding that the prop
erty would revert to him. The heirs
of .Mrs. Kitchie now have title to tho
Backache ? Run Down?
Tired ? Clean the Kidneys
!' ll . ' I Im A ...! human enerev is the curse of the col'
Win I 101 Wdier anil AllUriC legeoftodny:Themo.lern.-dlege,l,old
When run-down after a hard winter stressing conditions. An antidote for
when life indoors has brought about this urie acid poinou is to take hot
stagnant condition in the circulation j water before meals and "Anuric."
most everyone is filled with uric Ask your druggist for Doctor Tierce 'l
acid especially is this so of people , Anuric, or cud Doctor l'ierce 's Inva
past middle age. This uric acid in the lids' Hotel and Suruical Institute in
blood often causes rheumatism, luniba- Buff to, X, V., a dollar bill ir m full
go, swelling of hinds and feet, or .treatment, or ten cents for a trial
bag-like condition under the eyes, package.
Backache, frequent urination or the; "Anuric" is a recent scientific (lis
pains and stiffness of the joints are eovery by Dr. l'ierce. "Anuric"
also often noticed. Dr. Pierre says that, drives the uric acid out of your body,
everyone should have a good sweat ,It is a uric acid solvent so effective
every day should drink plenty of pure, that it eliminates these posions, cleans
water and exercise in th opa air as es the system, allows your over-worked
much as possibl. This helps to throw kidneys to resume their normal func
out the poisonous uric acid thru the tions, and just few days' treatment
kin in.l the "water". But for such with-"Anuric" will convince yon be
persons as are past middle age it's cause it brings lasting relief to your
often impossible to do this and lime piinful, . aching rheumatic joints no
falts nre deposited in the arteries, veins, more backache or dizzy spells. Try it
and joints, causing all kinds of dis- now and be convinced!
Does Your Stomach
Trouble You?
win cnange ,
Long fecol
And One Dose Has Often Dispelled
Years of Buffering,
Mayr's Wonderful Kemedy can real
ly be termed WONDKRFUi.. No
matter where you live you will find
people who have nuffcred with Ktom-H
HCU, l.iver HIIU lllienilliui .milliriiin,
the First Methodist church Sunday ' etc., and have been restored ! to health
morning ...id in Waller chapel at 3p.m ' '''' a the,' i.raise of this
him ""'K "' ' ' ' remedy. It acts on the source and
I II I II n mi.' hvui.
of the eulleue is nil around de
relooment in mind, body and will. The!
rolleiifl man too o'fteu cultwates his
crilicul faculty us a result of the Bend-1
eniic spirit so that lie Heroines loo Keen
on the critical side rather than on the
side of action. The awful waste of
I 1-4 U I
l AA
I'luatilla couiitv, October 2II II0; -I.il- hpeud ns much time n you possibly
(irande, (Vtober :il; Baker City, No-jcan in the open; breathe deeply, and
veniber 1. K8' ttnm Central I'iiarmacy or any
druggist a box of oil of korein
Ml I 1 II n HIT. ! capsules; take one after each meal and
Wrecked Mail WhO lone before retiring at night.
ueign ,youmeii every lew days and
Wrecked His Home
Keep up tJio treatmeut until you are
down to normal, oil of korein is nb-
Wulli , Idaho, Oct. 0. On trial for soiurery nnrmiess, is pleasant to tako,
i.:n:.. . 11..1. i.o.;n helps the digestuii and even a few duvs 1
Herman .1. Kossi. o .f Iduiio's wealth- treatment has been reported to show i",,,1Ml.
Ti , liIUl'-j.
Slicker race Dan Clark. (
Wild steer bnlldoggiiig I'riink Smith
Time, -111 secomls.
I'oluto race John Spain's team.
Cowgirls' pony race Kdith Hay.
Time 1 minute.
Steer roping contest Cniy liny. Time
.'i seconds.
Cowgirls' bucking confest Catherine
I'nny express race Shorty ItiJI.
Tune 2 III. .
Cowboys' lug of win- loll il Spate's
tench a man how tu think and act that
he may have the instant power or in
stant appraisal.
Dr. Hough will speuk at the rally in
the university gymnnsiuin this evening
nt 7 o'clock, lie will also preacn in
: foundation cf these ailments, remov
ing the poisonous catarrh and bile
accretions, taking out the inflainma-
San Francisco. Oct. it.-Mr. Stork U'on from the intestinal tract and
onaii ied as a speeder here today. In in rendering the mm anti
the earlv morning hours, came this1 Ptl. Hufferer. .re urged c . try one
. i.i ,., ,...,.,. idose which alono should relieve your
' sa , :,s av ..y9 --j -7-? v
"""" . " " I Wonderful Kemedy should restore you
And be qu.ck because you ve got to to
neui tne stors. .,, Send for booklet on Stomach Ailments
a ninch.ne sped to the home ot I at- Chemist, l!i
Hck Loughery and Mr, Loughery was Chicago, or better still,
bundled into and , arte.l toward- St. ,l,wl.t. J
Francs hosp, 1 at .... ..le, n honr I Commercial street.
Hot Mr. Stork was going !) miles
iest men, ill attempt to es-'ape punish-"""OTiu" r.uuci.on iu wei8ui.
iiient by aliening Unit Dalquist wreck- i
ed his home. I "
This was niiule etideiit today by the,
questions whii-h Defense Counsel W. H.
riuuimer, of Spokune, asked prospective j
jurors. I
The defense will attempt to prove
(hat Dalquist with a party of friends;
Visited Mrs. Kossi's home lust June;
while Itossi was in Boise. Liquor is de-j
lured to have been drunk during the
visit. ' I
Kossi returned from Boise late the;
following afternoon. He went directly I
from his home to Samuel's hotel where;
he shot Dalquist who died next day!
without making a statement. j
, . I
Mount Lassen Has i
Been Spouting Lava
. lied, ling. Cul., Oct. II A black streak,
visible today on the western slope of
Mount Lassen, caused observers to be
lieve that either hot mud or a form of
Inva had poured out of the California
volcano during its period of activity
below the timber line of the mountain,
is ns plainly defined as any of the three
mud streaks iiinde during the eruption
of May 22 Inst year when the upper end
of Hat creek valley was covered with
Professor Dillcr, the expert sent by
the government to study the activities
Ducking contest No riders thrown.
Wild horse race Kverett Wilson.
See Our Vegetable Fountain
For everything in Fresh Vegetables, Sweet Pota
toes for Sunday, 8 pounds for .......... . 25c ,
Everything in Fruits and Vegetables at moderate
Concord Grapes Next Week
Grapes for Jelly and Canning, special. next week,
per crate of 4 large baskets $1.25
J. L. Busick & Son