A Trt ! tl Vet n f? f Jfs fc FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES "J 'H CIRCULATION IS i OVER 4000 DAILY . . ;. . THIRTY-NINTH YEAR NO. 212 .SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRAINS AND NEWS STANDS ITVE CENTS T : 'i 1 10 CAPItt MONASTIR Buigars tierng Steadily Forced Back by British Russians and French Pushing Toward Serbo-Greek Frontier Serbians Fighting Their Way North In Attempt to Flank Bulgars Out of Monastir Fighting Is Renewed at Verdun-Russian Loss 6,000,000 London, Oct. 6. British troops are driving back the Bulgars in severe fighting on the Struma front, it was officially announced today. v The town of Nevolen was occupied by the British with opt loss, after a brief artillery attack. The capture of Nevolen was. announced here at about the same time an official report was received from Gen eral Sarrail, commanding the Balkan operation that the Bulgars were retreating under British attack. A delayed Bulgarian official statement had announced the repulse of British attacks at Nevolen. The war office reported the capture of 342 prisoners in recent operations on the Struma. 1 Not only on the right wing but south of Monastir, the allies are-vigorously on the offensive. General Sarrail announced violent fighting on the entire Medzili-Kenali-Gradesnika front. Southwest of Monastir, French and Russian detach ments, having occupied the villages of Buf and Popli, are pushing their advance toward, the Serbo-Greek frontier r frith the greatest vigor. Allied and Bulgar troops are battling for possession of the hills leading down to Mon astir, about eleven miles away. A -Serbian army that crossed the Greek frontier more than a fortnight ago has fought its wav to a plateau , , Tr .it i northwest oi Kaimakchalan. ing normwara m attempt to iianis tne " bulgars out oi Monastir. . On the allies extreme right in the Struma valley, the tj.:-;v. ,i,i :.. r..i : i.... .j. uuLicii nave icyiu&eu successive uuiganun counter at tacks. Official dispatches from Bucharest today admitted that the Rumanians have retired across the Danube, after making a successful raid on Bulgarian soil, but brought no confirmation of the Bulgarian official report that about 15,000 Rumanian troops were wiped out. British Still Advance. nave captured enemv positions south of London, Oct. 0 -British troops north Brzezany (southeast of Lcmberg), ro of the Somme advanced their position .l.t 1 r, m , . . ' further east iu fighting northeast of pelhn rel(ftte1 German-Turkish coun- Eaucort Ii'Abbnye, in the direction of iet tcks, it was announced officially the Bnpaurae highway, it is officially today, v anummceu touny. (South of the Ancre brook, there was .uiiBiueriiuiv . amiierving annua tne irglit. East of I.oos and east- of Homeeu tiercs, Haig's men discharged gas suc cessfully and near Loos nnd south of Arras conducted successful raids on the enemy trenches, . Fighting at Verdun. Pnris, Oct. G. A violent bombard rnont broke out in the northeastern front of Verdun last night after several weeks r.f inactivity, the war office announced today. Thenetivity, evfdently a prelude to .severe fighting, was heaviest on the Cote Poivre and the I.aufee wood sec tors. Artillery on both sides was Verv active on the Snmnio front- Near Qu- :inevieies a French patrol clenned up n Germnn supporting trench with gren- Russians Capture Position. I'etrogrn.l, Oct. (1. Russian troops Tcllin' someone that fine when thev don't they jWt look VoU won t git Boytliing. Mrs. Till'ord Moots kin now d-ive in her garage wiihout hittin' tli fides (iiilv a little bit. ml n i i lne Serbs are now dnv - Fierce- battles are proceeding ZIota Ilev nnd in the regions of near l'eni nka. iran nine. n,..l An,.,,,,...,.. Tho Austro-Oermans are resisting stnlihonik- nd counter attacking. In this fighting 5;'9 prisoners hnve been taken. In Dobrudjn, the Russo-Rumniiinii of fensive continues. Three hundred more prisoners have beeu taken. Bulgare Evacuate Villages. Berlin, Oct- 6. Bulgarian troops have evacuated several villages on the east bank of the river Struma where" the British have begun an offensive, the war office announced this ii'fternooii. In Transylvania, Field, Marshal Fnl kenhayn has won a new' victory over tho Rumanians, driving the enemv 's center- back across tho- Homorod liud Alt rivers nnd Btorming fcjincn. Bulgars are Retreating. Snlonikn, Oct. 0. Bulgarian troops are retreating before the British on the Struma sector, snid an' official state ment by General Sarrail toduy. At the same time violent fighting has broken out in the allies' right wing. General Sarrail reported. The battle is raging with great in tensity on the entire Medzili-Keuuli-(radesiiika line. No Rnmaiiians Left. Sofia, Out. (I. Not ii single Ruman ian soldier of the 1.000 who crossed the Pnnube nnd were encircled nnd cut to pieces by the Bulgars now remains on Kulgiirinn soil, it wus officially nu- l ont,niid on Pair Two t Direct Wireless Service .to Japan San Francisco, Oct. fi. A direct wire less telegraph service td Japan will be opened in a couule of weeks, it is an nounced today by the Murcani Wire less Telegraph company. A. H. Ginman, general superintendent, is here making final arrangements. The iiihngurafinn of the system 'fol lows several months of experimenting, ciilijiuuliiig in recent daily communica tion with a station 15 miles from Tokio by ilirect service from here.. The trans Pacific service, made pos sible by recently perfected inventions will be followed bv a wireless service ill the Philippines, aecordiug to 'Gin num. Messages transmitted to Japan will be delivered there by the govern ment, which controls the wireless ap paratus throughout Nippon, TO RELIEVE DISTRESS San Francisco, Oct. 0 All tie profits made from the European war by W. A. Clark, Jr., son of Senator Clark, Montana copper king,. are being set aside to al leviute suffering in France when the war ends. Today, Clark, who is visiting here, stated that he has over $2,000,000 in the fund for this purpose, representing profits from war materials and from rises in "war brides." "This war is terrible. I want no profit from -k," said Clark today. sjc jft sc SC S( SAY COMMISSION IS VERY STRONG BODY President Composes It Of Two Republicans and One Progressive Washington, Oct,- (i. Administration1 officials in Washington today consider, the eight hour commission named by President Wilson to be n rer.inrknbiy strong body. Tho commission U com Iosed of two republicans and one pro gressive. Major General George Ooe-j tlials, chairman, and interstate com merce commissioner K. K. Clarice, are the two republicans and Federal trade commissioner George liublee is the pro gressive. The qtiulititiutions of the men as catalogued by officials h,ere are: Major General Goetlials Knowledge of railroad affairs through building and handling of canal line; experience as largest employer of men in the country while engineer in chief of the canal. Coinmisioner Clarke Experienced as railroad man and union man, seventeen years as nn official of the Order of Rnilwnv Conductors; knowledge of ! broad railroad problems obtained on in-1 terstute commerce commission, under, aiipoiutiuent bv lioosevelt. Tuft and Wilson. v.oniiuissioiier luiuice m ciuu mur with American problems through ser Commissioner Rtibleo- -ln close touch vice on federal trade commission nnci study of labor questions : for . many years. The commission is expected to begin its work of investigation before the Adamson law, providing tho eight hour day, actually oes into effect, January 1. They must report to tne president and congress some time after July 1. 191", and before October 1, " 1117, on the effect of the operation of the law. Congress appropriated $25,000 for ex penses, but none of this will tnko the form of salaries for the commissioners, since all three men are now salaried government officials. GOOD WEATHER TOR BALL, Washington, Oct. 0 Pretty fair baseball weather will bo provided tor that opening game at Boston tomorrow. Tonight will be fair in fios ton, the. United States weather burenu said today and timor . row likewise will be fair, al though somewhat cooler. SUBMARINE WAR WILL NOT BE RENEWED SA YS HIGH GERMAN OFFICIAL By Carl W. Ackerman, (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Berlin, Oct. fi. A submarine )lock- nde of ceratiu English hariwrs was sug gested to the government by several leaders of the Von Tirpitz faction, ad vocating a resumption of submarine, warfare, it was learned today. The Von Tirpitz supporters offered this suggestion ns a compromise. They urged that such a course would bo in accord with the chancellor's announced determination of prosecuting a vigor ous war against England and would cut off English food nnd ammunition sup plies without endangering the lives or property of neutrals. The government is not impressed by the suggestion .and there is no present indication that it will be put into force. The wrnuglo between the Von Tirpit.ites and the government news papers continues witnout aiiaiement, i... ....... ..:.. :u .N,,,:,,., 41. B im ,01 uir cmvii.un . "' eilorts to overtnrow 1110 rnanceuor an-1 doomed to failure and that there will j be no change in tho personnel of the; government. during the war. American believe reports that a new crisis- in German-American relations threatens, nre without foundation. Final Effort of Conservat.ves. The present reichstng fight appears to be the filial effort of the conserva tives, wealthy industrials, annexation ists and ngrnrinns to get control of the government. Their allies arc lobbying and using every effort to overthrow 'the chancellor but llethmann llollweg appear stronger today than he did last June when the fight on hi;u was started. WILL ASK WILSON TO USE INFLUENCE TO BRING PEACE i - New York Evening Post Says It Has trustworthy Information AMBASSADOR GENERAL BRINGS THIS REQUEST Germany Willing to Consider Terms Proposes to End the War New York, Oct. 0 Ambassador Ger ard, according to the Kvening Post this afternoon is bringing to President Wil son nn application from Germany for the president to use his good offices in suing for peace. The Post's article says: "Germany has definitely decided to apply to President Wilson to use his good offices in suing for peace with the nllie. This was learned today from sources in a position to have absolutely trustworthy information on these mat ters. "It is understood that Ambassador James W. Gerard, who is on his way over here, will lay the kuiser's request before President Wilson within a week. "Important banking interests in close touch with Germany's plans pointed out today that a great many nations were involved in the European conflict, and hence, months might elapse before peace would be finally consummated, even in the event that President Wil- son intervened as mediator. "Ambassador Gerard is on board the steamship Frederick VIII which left from the other side on Saturday last and is due uere..,jv,eording to officers of the linn probably eu Tuesday next. " Coroborration of the statement from other sources on this side of the water which might be described as 'highest authority' came this afternoon to sub' stuntinte tho belief in 'financial circles. "Tho main statement, made with great positiveuess todav, tends to con firm the rumors that have been afloat for months. "It is a fnct, however, positively it may have 'been denied officially that the posmbilitv of President Wilson act ing as mediator has been discussed by Germnn officials with Ambassador Ger ard. It is therefore by no means sur prising tlfnt the reports now take def inite shape m connection with Mr. Gerard 'a trip to this country. "The source from which the informa tion was obtained did not know what J. ,1.1 1,., t.tfara.t W I ! ...... n v Mr. j.i.i.,f;i .i.t .,o ,.i,.u;!,i.i.. I but it was generally thought that if Germany was making the offer in view' 'of recent events of the wnr the terms ih. Tnntnnir . .mnirM wnnl.l ournn which the Teutonic empires would agree to would be much more reasonable than those which have been suggested from time to time as a basis for ending the conflict." I Tho government is showing no weak- I ness but is grabbing tho bull by the horns. Foreign Kecretnry Von Jngow daily receives leaders of each party, exnlainiim his position confidentinllv. Vice Chancellor Helfferieh does the fiuino. ' A trusted German official, one 0 I he best informed men Jiere who knows the United States and American senti ment well, declared confidently to the United l'ress today that the present political explosion will not bring the downfall of either Chancellor Von Ifethninnn-Hollweg or Foreign Hecro-1 tary Von Jugow. Neither does it fore cast a resumption of reckless subma rining ns some neutrals seem to be lieve, hesald. "It Would Be Insanity." ''But some Americans fear that the submnrinings may commence again," he was told. "Americans traveling 111 I Germany an told by business men thut submarining should bo renewed." "Jt would be insanity for the gov ernment to resume the former sub marine policies just because the wild Tsges Zeitung (one of the most ener getic supporters of the Von Tirpitz pidicies), should demand it," the Ger mun official replied. "It would be in sanity to invite tho whole world to enter the war against Germany unless there was absolute proof that tne war could be ended immediately with a German victory. I don't believe half the people of i f. . a 1V wnilt the submarine war re change ! n0AP1i ' Kvtn if there wa n ; (Continued on Page Z.) AY EW I" STRIKEJJKE PICNIC Eighty-Six-Year - Old Mother . Jones Takes Hand In -Strike . STIRS WOMEN TO FRENZY BY DYNAMIC ENGLISH "Pirates Take the Money and We Build Jails Instead of Homes" By CarlD. Groat. (United Press staff correspondent.) New York, Oct. 0. "Now York's too damned quiet. This traction strike is too much like a picnic. I'm going to stir 'em up nwrl lJra going to do it through the women." Eighty-six year old "Mother" Jones. angel of the mine camps, who stirred women to the riot stnire last nicrht. com mented thus today promising at the same timo that the metropolis would see some "fire works" before she was done. With every sentence, sho pound ed her first on a table to drive home her remarks. This labor trouble in New York is just the start of a social revolution all over the country," bIio shid. "I had lioped that it wasn't, but it is. And. it 's really the women who count in any nation. They start reforms and revolu tions. You know they made the men tear down the bastile in the French revolution-4ind you know, there's nev er been a king in France since then." A twinkleu came into her eyes, and the set lines of her face relaxed. : "Yes, the did stir things up a bit last night," she said, reverting to the riot incident. "Ypu know women are queer." . - Nation is Brutalized. Just then tho telephone rang. A man at the other end informed "Moth er" that two of the women rioters had been held for tho grand jury. "Oh, that's all right," she replied. "It'll all come out all right." Then she turned to the reporter. "This city is money mad," Bhe con tinued. "The pirates down in Wall street are fanatical. with their millions. And, the mayor; nnpareutlv is coroorn- tion controlled. But they can't scare us witn grand juries. You know I 've been in the bull pen myself." She hammered on the tnblo agnin. "No, we're going to stir this old town up. Women can't bo denrnved and starved, for they are, the nation will bo criminal nnd denraved. We've Rt to have the full pay onvclope every " uve a 1 """ ' i """"". ps, me oni town s damned quiet. We 'vo got to get TOO DAMNED 11 the women together. The city is bru- German houses, principally the latter, talized; tho nation is brutalized, all! It developed, however, that the chief becuuso the pirates tako all- the money. object of their visit and the Russian That's why we build juils instead ofjv'''rs were frank about it, it is snid homes-" was to obtain the sanction of the "How does New York compare with Venezuelan government to the sending Colorado?" Mother Jones was asked, over of hundreds of thousands of ltus recnlling her part in the bloody mine "ii" Poles to be settled on agricultural troubles in that state. nnd grazing land. Under Venezuelan "Why the police here nre just like law, these immigrants, if admitted, the armed guards of the mine camps," would each be entitled to H00 acres of she retorted, "only there's so many land. The Russiun government, it is of them that they don't hnve to use ma-j understood is prepared to subsidize the chine guns. You know nbout last night. , colonists, paying their passage and pro My God, to think of women clubbed nyividing some capital for the purchase of police. Thpt's the lowest ebb of civiliza-1 livestock, farm tolls, etc, tion, Isn't Itf" I The trade discussion which tho two "Mother" will stay iu town a while. ! commissioners opened is said to have She has to see the "boys" and will been to get the good willof the Vene take their orders, but she revealed that zuclaii government. In addition to the there's trouble ahead recalling the suggestion of large purchases tho corn- days of the 1H00 coal strike when she ! led a frenzied crowd of women over the; , IiMIh and "beat tho capitalists' mili i tin But," she commented, smoothing nut the black braid on her purple bodice that looked like a touch of grandmoth er's time, "(here's better times ahead. We wont nlwavs hnve to fight. I lived too long to be nil pessimistic. I see good for tho future good nnd nnppiness." Rather Be Devil Than Lady. New York, Oct. fi ".Mother" Jones' instructions to striking men's wives to "play hell," showed net results to day in apiH-arance iu police court of three men and six women arrested after one of the fiercest melees the traction strike has yet developed.- Charges were made today that police clubbed some of the women in the mob that rushed from the hull where Mother Jones spoko Ami with her burning in junction fresh in mind, attacked a sur face cor at Eighty-sixth and Second avenue, smashing nil windows nnd ut most wrecking the woodwork. In fact one patrolman exhibited a splintered club he had wielded on the daddened women. "Don't think too much of being lad ies," was Mother Jones' advice. "I rather be called 'that old she-devir as some of the cupitalists call me, than to be called a lady. "I've looked out of the bars in many a bull pen and I'm still able to raise hell. Now,, you women, help your men." Th spirit seemed to creep into the (Continued on Pag Twi.) Ten Met Death In Fire ' k , at Christian CoMe St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 6. With I tn bodies foun officials today were satis fied there would be no larger toll 4'()m tho fire which yesterday destroyed the historic Christian Brothers College. S Two rigid investigations were on tqr day to rest tho blame for sending' a squad of firemen into the ruins, but a few hours after the fire was under con trol. Six firemen wore killed and eight injured, two perhaps fatally, when a wall collapsed. Chief . HcndWson was not on the scene when the wall' fell and he will be called to testify before the coroner whether he left orders to enter the building. WOULD SENDPOLK 10 SOUTH AMERICA Russia Would Depopulate Po land by Sending Them to America Washington, Oct. 0. Russia is negotiating with South Ameri can republics for the coloniza tion of over one million Rus sian Poles in Latin America. Five hundred thousand will be distributed in Venezuela, Colom bia, Kriindor, Poru and Bolivia, if the Russian plans succeed and the remainder will be placed iu Argentine and Chile. This was learned by tho Uni ted Press today on unquestion able authority. ' . Washington, Oct. 0. Several months ago a Russian commission of 12 mem bers, en route to South America, came to Washington, for certain letters of introduction. They presented hero let ters from Hudson Maxim, the explo sives inventor and member of the IJu pon Powder company and from Senator O 'Gorman of New York. They received letters to South Amer ican personage from John Barrett, di rector of the Pan-American Union. They did not go to the stute department for e.ny letters of recommendation. Upon arriving in South America the commission split up into three groups. One, composed of Joseph Dnliudu, pub lisher of a financial paper in Petro- grad; and Marc Bounimouvitch, a Pctro grud hanker, went to Cnrncas, capital of , cnezucia, wticro they are not con ducting the negotiations with tho min istry of development. At- first thev diBcussed purely cir cumstantial matters, chiefly concerning possible arrangements to purchase Venezuela's entire yearly crop of cof- fee, cocoa and mahogany direct from the "- ., . . iiiumnm-D m hm-ob itnr Ruelau products through French ami nussioners suggested that Russian cap Hal would establish banks and a steam ship line ami would send a diplomatic representative to Venezuela. Similar proposuls arc -understood to have beea made or will be made to the other six countries involved. The organization in Venezuela nnd tho other countries are, suid to be going steadily forward. The opinion has been expressed here familiar with the negotiations thut Rus sia wishes totally to depopulate Poland of its native inhabitants, which liuvo always been a political thorn in the sidol of the government and re-people tho land with north Kussiuus. The fuet that thousands of the Russian Poles arc of German extraction is said to be a com pelling reason for the scheme. On this account, it is not believed the plan will meet with ns much opposition from tier many and Austria as it otherwise might. The chief concern of the South Am erican governments involved, is said to be whether they want to risk flooding their countries with thousands of aliens, who might in a short time bo able to dominate them politically ami commer cially. On this account the Venezuelan gov- j- eminent Tor one, is sain iu oe eonnuei dJ ing the negotiations with great rare and hesitancy. ROBBED THE BANK Rutland. 111., Oct. . The Stute Bank here was blown up enrly today and rob bed of- .tnKt. The yegKmi;n liavo not been captured, I QUESTIONS ASKED GET ONE RESPONSE Officials Say. 300,000 Saw President Yesterday All . Traffic Stops STREETS JAMMED UNTIL LATE HOUR BY CROWDS Nebraskans Declare Demon . stration Unique In Omaha . History 300,000 CHEER WILSON Omaha, Neb., Oct, 0. Presi-' dent Wilson surely was given a tremendous reception by the peoplo of Nobrnska yesterday afternoon. As viewed by old time politicians, it was the greatest demonstration he hao received since taking office. Three miles of solidly packed humanity jammed along the -thoroughfares of the city, ehoer ed, shouted and applauded as. the exocutive party passed. - Windows, roofs nnd the com- . ices of buildings were packed to the danger point with men, wo men and children. Officials de clared 300,000 peoplo saw him. All street car traffic wnji tied ut for an hour in every direc tion and all efforts to clear the streets of people, automobiles and carriages proved fruitless. Withal perfect order was main tained by scores of policemen on foot, horseback and riding se-, torcycles. Throughout the long "avenne of demonstration the president, stood in his automobile, hat in hand, bowing and waving ack nowledgements. Now and then Mrs. Wilson stood also and was always greeted with a roar of welcome. - . By Robert J. Bender. . (Unitjd Press staff correspondent.) On Board President Wilson's Train, Clinton, -Iowa, Oct. fl President Wil son is returning to his summer bome nt Long Branch, today a happy mau. It cannot be denied that Nebraska's wel come to the executive yesterday baa made a tremendous impression ou tho democratic leaders und has stirred tho president himself to a new optimism as to the outcome of the election Novem ber 7. . The demonstration accorded his ev ery appearance wus unique in the his tory of the. Nebraska metropolis, Ne braskans declared. It reached a climax last night when thousands lined the streets of Omaha until a late hour to cheer him. The great auditorium was jammed to the doors to hcur hiin. But outside of the crowds, which, might hnve flocked to pay tribute tc any executive, the .president's friends pointed to the outbursts of the audi torium throng. . Question after question sprung from thut audience, uxh oue hailed with an outburst of cheering. "Who kept us out of the wart" wus ono. "Wilson," came the unswering voices. "Who saved the nation!'' Agniu "Wilson." "Who prevented the great striae!" "Who gavo us the eight hour day!" "Who gave us the rural credits!" . Were nsked and always with applause, the answer "Wilson." The first mention of the president's name by Governor Morehcad in his in troductory speech, his appenrnnee in th auditorium and his rising to speak, each were heralded by nn ovation lasting several minutes. These things the president's cam paign lieutenants are pointing to to day as indications of the frame of mind of the middle west. They refer to th ' reception accorded the president's utter ances on peace "a viuuicatioii" mey call, of the administration's foreign. (Continued on rage 2.) THE WEATHER sc jt )s j(c jc )c Oregon: To night and Satur day fair; warmer tonight south and east por tions w inds most ly northerly.