Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 04, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Silk Dresses on Special Sale
These New Stylish Dresses at Greatly Reduced Prices
Munsing Wear
Underwear in which everyone can be
suited; women, men and children.
.Those who are hard to fitThose who
are hard to pleaseThose who like
fine quality Those who seek real
We can outfit the whole family, correctly
and economically.
It's Blanket Buying Time
The prestige of our store, the reliabil
ity of the mill and the reputation of
our blankets for all-round wear, as
sures you of the greatest value for
your money.
Blankets of Standard Quality are the
only kind you will find here.
Salem's Big
Store '
atmmuwwi wnwwwnwHittnarosm: 1
We Sell
Regular "Experience Meet
ing" Follows Evening's
Regular Program
ere taking ribbons Rvay from their
fat hers mitl even giving whole neighbor
hoods advice regarding the proper meth
ods of culture or feeding. And this
condition has arisen out of the work of
the school industrial clubs.
All Around Town
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasse
correctly. U. S. Bank. Bldj. -
D. A. Klugsley of Salem Heights who
underwent a serious operation at Wil
lamette sanatorium last Monday is get
ting along as well as could be expected.
Drink Cereo. the llama food, the
health drink. Ask your grocer. tf,
Mr.' and Mrs. H. S. Bosshardt and;
daughter Dorothy; hu1 .Mrs. C. A. Arpkc!
niitl children r'redcrick nud Helen, hnvej
returned to Salem after a visit of three
months in Wisconsin.
Gmi.d Missionary rally at tba Naz
niine i hur.'h, corner Nineteenth and
Marion streets, Thursday ("id Friday,
October 5 and li, good music, gooil
speaking and good linnets. Speakers
from out of town,. Everybody invited.)
Services -will be at H'::iO, 2j.HU and 7:.V
Friday evening there will lie a ilcriicu-i
tidn service of new church. Take ChflJ
mcketa car to Nineteenth, and go south
one block. A. Wells, pastor.
Leading Jewelers ana silversmiths
llartman Bros. Co., successor to Barr's.
Hunter's licenses Issued at Hauser
lb-others gun store since Monday are
as follows: Harry doubling, Hudd
Welch, John E. Itrophy, William Hnr
nole, Kred W. Burger, A.- ttirjiards, Are
line liailey, S. I Clodfelter, II. W.
('lapper, H. E, Clay, (leoargc (liny and
Clarence Wilson.
No finer stock anywhere tban at
llartman Bros. Co., jewelers and sil
versmiths. State and Liberty.
The tone quality is of first import
ance; the letter of Mr. Fernbiich defi
nitely establishes the Sonora as su
perior to all others in this must im
portant particular. Miss Myrtle Know-
land, agent, 4-1 I olirt M.
1 j
Women Who Dress Well
know this the effect of the most
perfect suit or gown is ruined unless
the shoes worn with it are in perfect
Society Shoes
arc dainty and modish with a style to
harmonize with every costume. "
Made in a wide variety of correct models
and leathers you'll find here the kind to
suit you exactly.
On sale at a saving to you
of $1.00 per pair. Our price
$3.75, $4.75 and $5.50
Come in 8-in. tops
Oct. 4-5-6 Marion County In-
stitute, Salem.
Oct. 9. City bowli nff lcnrmn &
opens season.
I Oct. 11. I, I. Honk, Head Con-
sul, W. t). W, in the city.
Oct. 13. Inauguration of Dr.
Carl Gregg Doney as presi-
dent of Willamette Univcrsi-
" October 10-17. Degree of Hon-
or convention.
October 17-20. Barest, state
convention, Salem."
November 0. City primary
November 7. Presidential elec-
Before tho match goes out you will
appreciate the flavor of La Corona ci
gars Kitlem made.
Private John McNary, who has been
on duty with the army recruiting office
on State street, left this afternoon for
Portland, where he is Assigned to duty
with the recruiting office in hat city.
Dr. Stone makes no charge for con
sultation, examination or prescription.
George Vick, of the Vick Brothers
garage, let'l Salem this morning for a
short business trip to Klamath Fulls
ami Hundon. He is expected to return!
in about, ten days.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store for tmsses.
To curb the coal trust get Cole's
High Oven Knnge. It heats and cooks
with the same fuel und saves one third.
E. U Stiff & Son.
. The meeting of the Salem Social Ser
vice center that was scheduled for last
evening was postponed until this ev
ening on account of a sudden cnll to
I 'o i t In n 1 1 of some of the members of
the Ixiard,
Indian plays under the direction of
Mrs. Anna ringers Fish are being put
on at Ye Liberty theatre tonight, und
tomorrow night.
An especially important meeting of1
the board of directors ot the Cotninor-j
cial club is culled for this evening at I
7:30 o'clock. Problems concerning in
dustrial activities are scheduled to
come up. The meeting will he held at
the club rooms.
,. Special meeting of De
'y' .vtolnv i oiuiiinuilery AO.
wjii L '. l. I. 'Ins evening.
gUZr Work in the H. ('. de
gree. Visiting Sir Knights welcome.
Dr. R. Meuric Roberts, osteopathic
physician, 300 Masonic bldg. I'hone 400
The result of the straw vote taken
Friday evening and Saturday at the
State fair grounds is announced us fol
lows I login's l-7, Wilson 'tXt, Honson
(sncinlisit) 4, Roosevelt . 1. The vote
was in charge of (Ins Anderson, a stu
dent at Willamette I'nivcrsity.
A feature of the educational work of
the state that is beginning to crowd old
stylo farmers out of the ranks of blue
ribbon capturing is the industroiul club
work now being fostered in tho public
schools of the state. The story of the
growth of this movement was told this
morning by H. C. Seymour, of Corvul
r,u n. ..... ....i... Af...:.. f.......
tv Teachers' Aninml institute, which Dr' El'll r. B. L. Steevcs,
convened at the high school at 10 w- T. .lenks, Paul B. Wallace, and A.
o'clock under the supervision of County A. Lee were last night unanimously
Superintendent W. M. Smith. About cnose Airwton of 10 8alom y M c
J50 teachers were present. . , , ,
Air. Seymour declared that the young A' for the m'xt tn,,,,e J'ra- The elec
men and women of the state are begin-1 tion was held in the association ban
ning to press the old-time blue-ribbon qtiet room, where ninny similar events
winners hard in their skill in growing have been held, in i.r,n',,..,.tin., n,..
fruits and vegetables and raising hogs i annual members banquet. The meet
and chickens. Already he said they I -,vas pi.esided over by President W.
J. Staler. The report of Curtis B.
Cross with the results of the work of
the nominating committee was made
and accepted and the election declared
Prna;.l..i,f V .1 T It
Interest in these clubs is growing I p,.,(., I. ', . ..
n i . , ., . ... , i (.onipton, seeretarv of the association
rnp.dly, he ...formed the institute and, , ,.
people are usking more and more about I ...... , . , ' , . , , .
the work. It is expected that -this feat-1 A' 1 I n I
ure'of school education will become I ,,.at'kj t0 work after his journey in
more important as the value of it is 1 ' fm'ri!1, 'nmls '0Kn ,,,or,l,,r'
recognized by parents and educators. He IIe mH h? vas ,1,,s0!1 ith the pro
showed how' the beginning was made i K1""8 of the work during his absence
by two boys in the south a few rears "'"l n,ve l1"1' 'T'.1" ""s0 who T
ago and how it hassprend until there ! ,"a"llP(1 '1,n t1"'11' "lioulders to the
are now over 18,000 bovs and girls tak-wne,1- 110 H""' " Kn I"11'1' Mow
iug this training in the United States. ! or. 41,0 association last spring when
It has been found, he stated, that ! Malor A1''"" end Corporal Wallace
this is a means of bringing tho teacher;1""1 nl,0,,t twenty other members went
nud the parents closer together and,V1"1 Company M to the Mexican bor
arousing a keener interest in the pupil (1,'r- However, with the return of
in tilings affecting his future and ev- everyone safe and sound, it is hoped to
ery day life. The training afforded is I make this year a record breaker in
valuable in that it teaches the boy to ; every line.
'follow- a schedule, to make reports, to I Kev. James Elviu sandwiched his
observe, to think, to know how and j talk in between numerous witty stories
why he does a thing. Mr. Seymour said! and stirred up gales of laughter. For
he found that the interest of the boys ' the serious side, he told of his ex
and girls in this work is keen once they j pcriences with the V. M. C. A. in Tor
iiudcrstaud it, anil they enter heartily I onto and Jlontreal, Canada, and showed
into tho spirit of it. how the genial home like spirit of the
Ho outlined the methods of orguniz- association exists everywhere. 1 1 e- do
ing clubs, of securing advisers, ofclared that the association ...en here
arousing interest and keeping, and many j were as fine a bunch of fellows as one
other phases of the work, and at tho I would wish to find anywhere. He
close ho was roundly applauded. jsaidthut the first association on
Dr. Carl (iregg Doney, president of J American soil was started in Montreal,
Willamette university, followed with on! Canada.
address upon a selected subject. )r. Kpler, one of the newlv-elected
Tho institute was formally opened by directors, was called upon for a toast
the singing of "Holy, Holy, Holy," uii-jmi w,j() uc brought one with him but.
der the leadership of Charles Jones, aft-; it had all turned to gravv. lie thanked
cr which County Superintendent Smith ! tlle ssocintion for the honor conferred
'"Vm . n'Se- . , ! upon him nud said he esteemed it a
I his afternoon the primary, interme-1 )liKh privilege to works in the ranks
diute, and advanced departments will be I w:tn ,,,., ,.Hrnest men
discussed by Elizabeth C Riecker, 0. p. (;i,lt,rich, phvs'ical director, on
Wthel Mernum, and h. A. Miller on the ..,. i,i.i.,. .i,.,- k,i -,it
Stand by Your Eyes
: A i ti . iir.li ci j l.. v..
fi vana mey urn , oianu u iuu
That perfect understanding of one woman toward
another and of a woman toward a child, combined
with a thorough knowledge of what the eye re
quires, insures to women and children careful and
proper prescription of eyeglasses by - -
Miss A. McCulloch, Optometerist,
208-209 Hubbard Building ;' Phone 109
Points Out Duties of Citizen
ship to Class Seeking
respective .subjects of "Numbers,"
"Picture Study," and "School Chil
dren Play Too .Much." K. F. Carlton
talks on a selected subject in relution
to the high school, und Lew W. Grimm
und Alice Kstes speak on "How to
Make the Parent-Teachers' Assoeiatioi
Efficient." These will occupy the plat
form from 1:50 o'clock until 2:41
o'clock. ;
Short talks are scheduled for Eliit
alieth C. Riecker on "Busy Work,"
Lulu Walton and J. H. Collins on "The
Personality of the Teacher," J. F. Ax
ley and Mrs. E. H. Belknap on "Meth
ods of Teaching Self Reliance," Edwin
T. Reed on u selected subject, and H. C.
Todd and Gladys Carson on "How
Should the Teacher Keep Abreast of the
Times?" After a' short recess Edwin T.
Reed will address the institute on "The
1 lungs That Are More Excellent."
fell while the secretary was away, said
that the outlook for the physical de
partment looked much brighter since
the return of Company M. Without
those boys, he said it seemed lik'e a
funeral around the association rooms.
Now tht outlook is brighter than ever.
He told nlso of the activities of the
slimmer und stated that the picture
taken of the biff, ball teams of last
winter would appear in the V. M. C. A.
handbook and go to all parts ot the
Major Abrnnis told of his experience
with the associations in l.os Angeles
and San Diego and the camps on the
border. He told the assembly that the
V. M. C. A. had fifteen shucks or
"huts" stretchtd along the border
line from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
oast. In the camp at Imperial Heacn,
Postoffice Shows
Increased Receipts
Thursday morning the teachers will 'a wooden but forty feet by eighty was
assemble at ! o'clock. j built, a piano, phonograph, reading unit
writing tames, tree paper, aim u-i-tnnvies-were
installed for the soldier
boys. He showed how versatile the
membership was when it was decided
to start school classes and teachers- for
subjtcts from writing to differential
calculus were found whose instruction
was recognized by the Oregon State
Educational authorities. For those
things he wns thankful for the associa
tion. Corporal P. B. Wallace, another new
ly elected director, said he believed
the Y. M. C. A. made a great impres
sion on the twelve hundred Oregon men
nn. I he thinks the work ilone tor me
Postmaster August Hnckestein an
nounces an increase of over nine hun
dred dollars for the quarter just closed
over the same period for last year. The
total amount received during the past
three months is $18,430.(10 as against'
$17,5:1'.'. 73 for last year. The sum is
divided as follows: Stamps and stamped
paper i)iHi1.14S.(i2; second class matter
(17:t.S1 r third und foul-til I'liixs imtttitr
I "M7 7il- l.nv , 7.-, .,m,i. ! .i.i:m ,.o the best niece of advertis
nf (iiifi i iii'i-.i. nil l;iu i,ni.l 1 ilm OreiMin association evt'r did.
was sent to Portland. The expenses) He reminded the company
nry of clerks, $4,377.47; carriers, $4,-1 venr would be opened next week and
.11.1.75; special delivery fees $100; rent that plans were being laid to do every
of cancelling machines $23.75; and mis- j thing up brown.
ccllaneous expenses $12.40. , Members of M company then snug
1 some of the songs sung while camped
Dr. C. Hartley, specialist, inflamed, ! on tht border and brought rounds of
bleeding gums, yorrhea. 4l(i I'. S. applause from the banqueters. Aiitr
the announcement mat ine uui .
games start tonight for the winter sea
son the session adjourned.
that the
the ensuing
"The man who fails to exercise tl
right of suffrage should be deprived'
of that right."
' Every citizen should vote without
fear or favor."
"Liberty not regulated is bondage
at its very worst."'
These statements stooil out in an
address delivered bv the Kev. Richard
X. Avison, of the First Methodist!
church of Salem, before a class of
twenty applicants for citizenship in.
Judgt William Galloway's conrt this
morning. It was an address well worth
the hearing by any citizen, but wasj
more particularly directed at those j
who are about to assume the duties of:
citizenship, and boie strongly upon the!
responsibilities assumed by the citizens
of such a government ns the Cniteil j
States, which is a government ot and
by the people.
Aviso., was followed by District
Commissioner of Naturalization Smith,
who was prtscnt for the purpose of
assisting Judge Galloway ill the exam
ination of the applicants.
"This government," said Commis
sioner Smith, in the course of his re-1
murks, ''demands undivided allegiance.
There is too much talk about hyphen
ated Americans. There is no such
Both addresses were interspersed
with applause, in which the applicants
for naturalization joined heartily.
Following is a list of the candidates:
Fred Lorcntz, Shaw; Stephen Holms,
Leit'er, dermis; Kchvard Fnndrich,
Joseph Blase Brciteustein, Sublimity;
Pettr K. Thoninsen, Turner; Joseph
John Walker, Charles Ee Hriin, Wood
burn; Kmcst Harold Hunt, Jacob Wil
liam Anderson, Salem; Syver Monsen
Strand, Silverton; Robert Frnaz 11 il
licit, Salem; Johan Julius E. Baiim
garter. Stockton, Cnl.; Hans lleiiuan
George Oeorit7.es, Turner; Alva Louis
Gordon, Jefferson; John William Spen
cer, Salem; Kindon Fritz Slade, Snleni;
Daniel Mathewson Katcliffe, Wood
burn; . lames Clarence Gibson, Macleny;
David Osborne Freeman, Sublimity.
Over 600 Tickets Sold
For Salem Lyceum Course
Announcement was made this morn
ing, by Glen .1. MacCnddain, .manager
of the Salem Ivceuni course, that over
(i(IO tickets have been sold for thisi
winter's series of six platform nttriic-i
tions. i
More than 200 tickets were sold to
Willamette university students alone
yesterday morning and over W0 spoken
i'or today by the teachers now attend
ing the Marion county teachers' in
stitute. The high school will be canvassed
next Monday morning.
"From present prospects, ' ' said Mr.
MacCnddain, "it looks ns though the
entire house will be sold long before
the opening attraction appears on Octo
ber 24. Reservations for tickets should
be made at once."
WOLF Mildred Zcritn Wolf, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Wolf, iie l
grand daughter of Mr. and Mis. M.
A. Mi'Coikle, of Portland, died Octo
ber 3, 1010, at 1H:20 p. ....
Funeral services will he held at
('lough's undertaking parlors October 5
nt l-M) o'clock in the afternoon. Inter
ment will be in City View ceinet.- .
immediately following the servic-s.
Friends of the family are invited to
Mrs. Alexander Thompson of Tho
Dalles. The only lady candidate lor
state representative, who will address,
the people of -Marion ami Polk counties
at the opera house Friday evening . Sho
is a miracle to those who have heard
her, tar superior to any man in tho
state as n clear concise expounder "f
national policies.
Omaha, .Neb., Oct. 4. George A. Jos
ly n, president of ' the Western News
paper I'liion, died here this afternoon
lifter a lingering illness. .Toslyn was
one ot I lie weauniest men hi me wn.
and heavily interested in real estate in
this section.
When In SALEM, OREGON, ttof
Strictly Modern it
Free and Private Baths '
BATES: 75c, tl.00, 11.50 FES DAT
The only hotel in the business district.
Nearest to all Depots, Theatres acd
Capitol Buildings.
A Home Away From Home.
T. O. BLIGH, Prof.
Botb Phones. Free Anto Bni.
Any kimd
Any time
It Si IV llivv
Candidate Fairbanks ;
kafoury bros:
416 State Street.
The Store for the eople.
Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention
We Pay Postage on Mail Orders.
' l!
J 7L
r J
TsiS Suit
Beniimin S. Via will bo a candidate
at the city primaries for the office of j
city recorder, 'le is thoroughly com
petent and your support of him would
never be regretted. (Paid Adv.) i
The second frost of the season ap
peared last night ami the temperature
registered one degree lower than Mon
day niirht. which was also a frost. The
city is getting a touch of winter early!
null this morning bits of ice were found!
on slill pools. The maximum tempera-!
tare for Tuesday was (12 degrees anil,
the m in im ul m ;I7 degrees. j
Your gift with onr imprint needs no;
further recommendation. Set your;
watch by our street clock. Gardner &'
Kecue, Salem's most reliable jewelers.
Train schedules on the Southern Pa
cific lines in the Willamette valley
have been changed recently and the
following adjustments noted: Tram No.
20, Portland passenger 1ms been cut
out; No. 14, Portland express, arrives
at ":.V p. m. instead of 7:0 p. m.;
No. 222, Portland fast freight, arriys
at 12:111 a. in. instead of 10:30 p. ui.;
No. 22(1, local way - freight, arrives
10:20 a. in. instead of 10::i." a. in. On
the Salem, Falls City and Western line
No. 102 arrives nt Salem at S:.'10 a.
in. instead of S:40 a. m., and No. 240,
way freight, arrives Salem 2:.'t0 p. in.
instead of 1 -'M p, m.
Hank Iddg. Phone ISO.
L. S. Geer, S. p. and George Donald-1 son. the session adjourn
son, Jack Swcuink and Charles .lacipiet I ( 1
were n committee of the Snleni W. O. j 1 in Moot
W. that journey to Dallas last night to; Arr&ngUlg 10 WlCCl
mm (mi want ine iiniins niuge was go
ing to do in the way of welcoming,
llend Consul I. I. Bonk. The Dallas j . ;
lodge is expected to send over a special 1 There is a business meeting of the
car to aid in the celebration. ' I Marion eountv republican central com-1
0 i ;,liUe0 being held this afternoon at the
A enreful and earnest administration Republican headquarters on High!
in the of lice of city recorder is my i stl.ei,ti mi at four o'clock n meeting
plan if 1 am .elected. J. A. Mills, can-j(f Bn" tho Republican organizations of i
didate tor city reconb-r. (I'd. adv.) w'tnj ,,itv to make ararngeinents for the,
o i...- i.:.i,., .......tiiicr Fridnv. Tho pro-1
......... .......a n.. i .... .. i... n....;ini.i.. C. I I
i o""' , "'HI ii" cms hi- ii.uiitii.il' nn .
ik.. si,,,.,. i,l;,,.. ...,,,,.,.,, n lows.
...V .IIIK '".'
period of ten days, it would pract
Winnipeg, Man., Oct. 4. Snow has
fallen steadily tor three days in south
ern and western Saskatchewan, delay
ing threshing.
Salem-Independence Auto
Ssrvice t
Phone 050 or 1255
Leaves Salem, cor. State and
Liberty Street daily, 8:00 a. m.,
11:00 a. m., 2:30 p. m. and
0:00 p. m.
Leases Independence opposite
Postoffice daily.
'J:00 a. m., 12:30 p. m., 4:00 p. m.
and 7:00 p. in.
Fare, 50c
Extra Cars for Country Trips.
First-class work. All kinds
of repairing. ' All work guar-
antecd. Twenty-five years'
experience. Lcavfl orders at
WTyIie B. -Allen Co., phono 11S7.
Residence phono 1405.
915 Highland Avenue.
gran, arranged for this time is as to-,
... . rf Vn rim nk s nt 1:40:
''..f0rB p. luncheon at the Marion Hotel,
cticullyT I ... . ,.i.,ir,,si,ieiit al unvate ;
cause the snw mill here to shut down. ,, j , heretofore plan-'
This would result because tho lumber 1a S.UeZ at the
would pile up in the yard until it
would be choked. So far there is no
relief in sight. The company has or
dered 47 rars and in two days has re
ceived mine.
ned, meeting
Ain'iorv at 2:30 o'clock and reception
following. This is in charge of B. --
lioberts. chairman, of Turner, ..u ...
1). Klliott. of Salem, secretary.
Register at the city hall and vote for
J. A. Mills for city recorder. Two years
in the city council makes him familiar
with the work. (Paid adv.) octO
First Indications are that the short
ago in registration for the coming elec
tion will be more than made up by Sat
urday nig'ht, whet, the time for regis
tration expires, lleginning tomorrow
the otfice of the county clerk will be
open nt noon and after supper for the
......IK. I,, V HI IIIUCU .."I. .Illl.t... I I'll'i , ,.
ister nt other times. A continuous j G. H. Church of Eola is spending tne
stream of people has been passing j,lnv in Salem,
through the registration department to-i K. T.. Dougherty
.1,1 V
Mrs E. Hraifton and daughter or,
mitv' are guests at the Capital hotel.!
II. E. Chambers of Silverton is Jij
Salem visitor. ..... i
E. S. Stult! of Scotts Mills is ' tho
a resident of SiV
'vertim, is stopping' nt the Capital hotel.
HURRY ! ! !
Only a few days left of Mosher's
Removal Sale
Unless you act at once you will lose
an opportunity to buy Suits and
Overcoats at great reductions. Will
soon be in our new location.
I D. H. Mosher
Tailor to Men and Women. i
344 State Street Salem, Oregon