Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 03, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Cool Nights Call
! Warm Bedding
You'll find the largest and best
, kept stock of Blankets and Com
forts at Meyers on the second
! Cotton, Cotton and Wool and All-
vvooi isiannets, plain, Dorcierea
and fancy kinds, Cotton and Down
Comforts in pleasing assortment.
Tomorrow's Surprise Sale No. 815,
October 4 th
An Offering of Dainty
Fancy Aprons
Stamped, Ready to Embroider
Neat, well made Aprons in a new
style of a good grade cross-bar
cloth; finished with red or blue
embroidered edge around apron
and pockets. These would make
excellent and inexpensive holiday
gifts. Special price ,
Tomorrow 29c
Sale starts at 8:30.
See window display
Salem's Big
We Sell
o umimmmmmttttttttimimimmntm
All Around Town
Oct. 4-5 0 Marion County In
atitutc, Salem.
Out. !. City bowling league
opens season.
Od. 11. I. I. Bonk, Head Con
sul, V. O. W., in the city.
Oct. 13. Inauguration of Dr.
Carl Gregg Doney as presi
dent of Willnmetto Universi
ty. October 10-17. Degree of Hott
er convention.
October 17-20. Baptist state
convention, Palem."
November 0. City primary
November 7. Presidential election.
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, flu glass
at (orrectlj. U. 8. Bank. Bid.'.
Clinton Presby, of Portland, spent
Sunday in Salem seeing ilie i 1 1 1 s . lie
returned to nix home yesterday.
Drink Cereo, tn liquid food, the
health drink. Ask your grocer. tf
J. O. Parry, of Perry Drug store,
went to Port I n ml this morning to attend
tli convention of the state Reinll clubs,
of which he is president. The conven
tion will probably policlinic its sessions
Wednesday, when he will return.
No finer stock anywhere than at
lUrtuiaa Bros. Co., jewelers and sil
versmiths. State and Liberty.
Miss Enos, a clers in Barnes' cash
store, went to Albany this morning on
account of the illness of her mother,
Mrs. Knos is well known in this city,
having lived for some time east of Sn
lem and also in the city proper. The
return of Miss Kims is indefinite.
Salem's most reliable Jewelers, Gard
ner & Keene.
There has been a change in the man
agement of the Central Cigar store on
State stieet in that it now rends Kane
l'illelte instead of Kane Vase. .Mr.
Pilette has purchased the Imlf intoi.wi
of Mr. Page, the change taking effect'
XI onday. I
Leading Jewelers ana silversmiths
llurtman Bros. Co., successor to Burr's.
F. lies Sandifer, of St. Helens, a
former stu.leut of Willamette univer
sity, spent the week end with E. Baker,
young attorney of this city, and re
turned to l'ortland yesterdnv to matric
ulate at the North' Pacific Dental col
lege iu that city. He will enter as
Bring your agates tome to 'be pol
ished. Gardner & Kcoue, Jewelers,
Preparations for supper at the resi
lience of 11. 11. Ynudcrwort, 4.1o North
Winter street, were somen lint disnr-,-,..,.
i i.ri. 't-i.., ..i. i
i I.,,.,;.... ..... n ft ....!. ... i, i i. i.
iriiiimi uui i, I , ii, niiu ,rf ,,iiv inn
department reached the scene the fire
i had been communicated to the roof.
Slight damage is reported,
NOTICE I hereby announce myself
aa a candidate for city recorder nt the
I city primaries, Nov. 0th. J. W. Cox. tf
j The reading of the river at the O. C.
T. company's dock this morning showed
Ithnt the height of the utreani fell one
! tenth of an inch during the past 24
hours so that it now stands nt .S below
Hero. The maximum temperature for
yesterday was tiS degrees and the mini
mum ..in iiogreos, wnicn means mat last
that Inst night the coldest since May 13.
Don't Wait. Get that lyceum ticket
now nt nv of the music stores or tele
phone !HMM.
Roy IX. Murray, a patient at the state
hospital for the insane, made his escape
this morning nt about U:II0 while work
ing with a gang. Murray was commit
ted to the institution September 3 last
from I. inn county. He is not considered
dangerous. When he left this morning
he wore a blue cont, brown hat and
trousers, and was smooth shaven. He is
21 years old.
P. H. Reeves, attorney at law, has
moved to the fourth floor of the Hub
bard building.
As a result of the Methodist confer
ence in Lebanon Inst week, Salem will
lose the services of Kev. J. C. Spencer,
who was pastor of the Leslie Methodist
church in South Snlem for the past two
years. Mr. Spencer has made hosts of
friends while working in this city and
they will be sorry to know that he is
tiaiisfcrrcd to another charge. He is
succeeded by Kev. It. X. Aldrich.
A special iteeting of the Salem Pa
triotic League will bo held in the audi
torium, of the public library Oct. 4th
at 3 p. m. full attendance is desired.
By order of president. oct:i
Work on renovating the store room at
27t North Commercial street was com
menced this morning by s. A. Kiggs for
the purpose of making ready for Mr.
Cutumings, now located at Marcpinm.
who expects to engage in the grocery
and general merchandise business here.
The building is planned to be ready for
occupancy soon and Mr. Cummiugs will
probably open for business about the
-1st of October.
Many other Ma'ros of Corsets are
goo. I, but Nultone is better. Ladies Out
fitting Shop, Ii'iA Liberty street.
While the paving job on South Com
mercial street is in progress passengers
on the Commercial street line transfer
at State street.
The funeral of John Engdnhl was
held this ntternoon at three o'clock
from his home in Salem Heights. The
burial services were conducted by Kev.
Holt, the Baptist minister nnd inter
ment was in City View cemetery. j
Six big entertainments for $1. Salem
Lyceum Course.
Hans Meyer, formerly a clarinet play
er with the Salem band, is now playing
in Butte, .Mont mm, according to int'or
nation received here. He was employ
ed at the Oregon hospital for the in
sane when iu Salem.
Candidates for alderciauic honors are
beginning to show up ut a lively rate,
seven having filed the officeof the
city recorder. They ere F. L. I'tter, 244
North Twelfth street, ward Xo. 2; W.
F. Buchuer, l.'tlt) Court street, wurd No.
:i; I'll ll I V. Johnson, 455 South High
street, and J. I)- Hurt well, 774 Smith
Sixteenth street, ward No. 4; I'nul 1.
Smith, 1 7t5 Center street, and Boy S.
Melson, (i75 North sixteenth street,
wurd No. ti, and E. W. Stubbs, 20S Bush
street, ward No. 7.
James Berridge, when arraigned in
Judge Kelly's court yesterday after
noon, pleaded not guilty to the charge
of stealing a hack from a farmer tit
Ocrvais. lie will be tried later in the
Justice Webster is hearing this aft
ernoon the case of K. K. Hyan against
Clinton .McC'oriuick and J. C. McL'lroy,
a civil action for the collection of mon
ey alleged to be due.
C. K. Spaulding, of the Spaulding
Logging company, left Salem yester
day for Portland, where he will sail
for San Francisco and Los Angeles In
built. He is expected to be gone for
a period of about 10 dnys. The trip
is a Diisiness one.
The members of the Yeoman lodge
Plenty o Trouble Left with Supreme Court Passes On
Milk Shortage and Hod-
carriers on Strike
is'i-w York, Oct. 3. l'ractieul eulluje
Appeals and Rehearings
Thai; it is well for those who would
OX the New York traction strike w us! appeal an action at law to the supreme
evidenced today by the withdrawal ofteuurt to file their transcript within
police protection from subway trains Hi., ti lilt TtVlllinwl liV liinr uuti lirrtlMrllt
extend a cordinl invitation to their!"1"1 the decrease of such protection on lout in the dismissal this morning of
menus in tne city to ntt I llieir meet
ing this evening. Thev advise their
friends to bring their friends and hnve
a perfectly lovely time.
i ft-fl ' u - ' I'V' ' xt"' ' j 1 '"' 1,1,1 ' ' "'' V " 'nil
tjAlLOfeg j
We ask you to sec our New Fall
and Winter Woolens. They
arc the season's choio
est. We make
Clothes to Fit You and
also your purse
Hygrade Salem made cigars have
no equals for 5 cents.
"Safety First" is the motto of the
Salem Commercial club and in order to
conserve the safety of the public iu this
city u committee of citizens has been
appointed by J. H. Albert, president of
the Commercial club, through the sec
retary, lvnn ti. MoDuniols, which will
investigate nil dangerous railroad cross
ings in Salem and report back to the
club and to the Salem city council. The
members of this committee are lr. ti.
11. Oliugor, chairman: I. O. Curtis.
Dwight Mistier and Watt Shipp. sec
retary McPanicls requests citiy.cn- w ,.o
know uf any particular crossing that in
their opinion is dangerous to write to
the Commercial club or phone him at
o(2 and the matter will be given at
tention. Salem chimney . Sweep. Estb. 1909.
Chimneys and furnaces cleaned, l'hono
l!. oct4
Moving picture shows for the patients
at the state institutions will begin next
Monday night and continue throughout
the winter season. There are projecting
mncliiucs u! the penitentiary, asylum
farm, tuberculosis sanatorium, the re
form school, and the feeble minded
school. One of the employes at each of j
the various institutions is skilled in op-1
crating the projector. The films are so-1
cured from a Portland agency and go!
the circuit each week and in this wnyl
afford entertainment for the inmates.'
The subjects of the pictures embrace'
animal life and comics nnd about three
reels are given iu each evening's pro I
gram, llie pictures are enthusiastic nllv I
received and the privilege of seeing
them is a reward for good behavior.
Everyone interested in the work of'
the Salem Social Service club is cordial
ly invited to attend the first board
meeting or the fall, which w ill bo hold I
this evening iu the r.ioins of the Salem!
Commercial club. The particular fn.it-j
ler tnai is to come up at this tune Is
mat ot immtie day, which usnallv is
scheduled for the middle of October.
and to outline the association work for
me winter. The officers and directors
of the association are: O. M. Elliott.'
president; .1. II. Albert, treasurer; IvaiC
ll. Mcltaniels, secretary; M. O. Huron,1
vice president, and Mrs. A. N. Bush.'
vice president, am) K. A. Ilariis. Judge
William Bushey, Mrs. Anderson, Kev.j
tiill. Mrs. N.'ll, Klliott and lieorge'
Kodgers, directors. :
At the meetiugof the Salem Florists
in the auditorium or the t'oiuniervial
club lust night it was decided to hold
birthday party on October 30, at
which time a special program ill be
given and to which the people of the
city are cordially invited. A special
speaker will be sevured for the occa-
sion and a light luncheon will b serv-i
ed. Mrs. Lcggett is chairman of the'
committee in charge of the speal prvt-i
gram. The Salem society spent a great
deal of the time last night congratn-j
lating itself on winning first prUe for!
iits floral exhibit at the Oregon state'
fair. The member reel highlv elated
over the houor. t'kiweis will W furn-i
ished by the society for the decoration!
at the liaptist convention which is
scheduled to be hold in this ritv this,
month. Mrs, Sam Vail will hae i-harge
of this part of the work. I
Hops have begun to come down the
river to the world markets. Yesterdnv
the tirnhumona took a shipment of 2110
nates iroin Miyre's Landing. They were
sent by Durbin & Connover nnd con
signed to New York. Other shipments
win ue iniide from now on.
C. E. Lanzendarfer, formerly a must
emu of tins city ami a meiuUwi' of the
Salem musicians association, an ovel-
lent pianist, is now located iu Miles.
Montana, according to lvnn .Martin, of
the musicians association. .Mr. l.an.en
dorfer is reported to lie playing in on"
of the theaters iu Miles.
William Skinner, well known clpr'iiet
player of this- city, who was scheduled
to leave here for San Francisco, will
not go at present as he has been en
gaged to play iu. one of the then tern
heie. Snlem musicians mc hoping he
will not leave nnd that his slay will
be indefinite, lie was with McKiro," 's
band nt the state fair this year.
The O. C. T. company's steamers are
busy those full-days Carrying heavy
shipments of grain down the river. The
hunts ure reaping u harvest on account
of the railroad ear shortage anil farmers
arc taking this menus of gcttitng their
grain to the Portland markets. The
company is receiving shipments from
tartlier inland than they have for ninny
years. 1 lie grain is hauled to the land
ings by the farmers themselves.
August Carl, wife, and children, have
returned from a pleasant trip to Port
land nnd the l olunilna highway. While
in Portland Mr. Carl visited with -Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Budlong, who accom
panied them on the trip up the highway.
Mr. Carl says the Chiiinook salmon were
running; in the Sandy river so thick
that the tish could scarcely make way
upstream. This is a good fish story
but Mr. Carl vouches for it.
Wednesday noon ti.e regular annual
as well as monthly meeting of the board
of directors of the Snlem Y. M. C. A.
will be held. At this time the new di
rectors, those who will be elected to
night at the annual banquet and di
rectors meeting, will lie installed and
their duties assigned. This work will
be under the guiding hands of W. I.
Staley, president of the association, and
L. 11. Coiuptou, seercterv.
Postal receipts for the month of Sep
tember amount to the sum of !,:: 17. 1.1,
which full about a thousand dollars
short of the receipts tor the same month
Inst year, the receipts ot which were
d,27!i.si. Kor August 19lti, the receipts
were .f ti,!7!.li4 while for Augest last
year they were 4.7flo.S4. Th money
for this month is divided a follows:
Stamps and stumped paper, i4,ti70. !-" ;
second class matter, 3:l.'i.s.' and third
and fourth class innt:er l,iMil. Post
master lltickestein just finished mak
ing out the report today.
v o
The caliber of Salem's leading taste
may be gathered from the popularity of
The Cosmoiolitau ningaxine. us noted
by the Commercial Book store during
the summer. This magazine led to field
for demand during the recent summer.
Among the boys. Harold Bell Wright
comes back strong with a cowboy novel
with the scene laid in Arizona. This
just came out on August It) and over
50 copies have been sold alieady. which
is considered excellent Tor this city.
The title of the book is " When a Man 's
a Man."
the surface curs, l ii in Wcstohostcr I n,., ,...i ,.t r.,..t; n
county there wus still trouble ou Hiir-k-ov..llhel. wns seil't01R.ed to
face cars but not whet police regarded 81,,.V6 a ,,,,., , ,,, liem-tl,lltia,.v for
as violently serious. I the crime of arson, of which hi was
A bullet w hiding ,to n speeding fum, n,v ; , Multnomah county
i '-' ' I i.mirt in it vi il tii I nt'Ov twr linliru (!uiitiiii.
ti. i
vt : i i i, i . I I'Ci ii. i in- ui'Mi'jii in -una nisi bi'viiis in
right, uui'u 40. ti n 4'tiUMM ii i. i . t
nu'iit nttor nnotmr. Jr. uimissinjj; the
npnent Justice .U-Hrule says:
Dennis Eucalyptus Ointment
CAR5 oj
Any kihd
Any time
clipped off a piece of the ear of Me.-
vi lie
momentary panic.
Police were unable to locate the snip-
Klevc, cases of violence weie report- 'm., m:,UT "W "V,. T
ed over night j fnilure to tile transcripts within the
A number of persons were injured i V"10 ,,v- In,v w"s haK" ' '8
when a Third ti venue "1." siitt0 j bie to the negligence of the clerk the
train crashed into a huge electric wreck- "l'Pl would bo dismissed, it miffic.i
in" crniie. ently apjienrs uiit the present appeal
In addition to the traction strike here i was ,lllu'11 afut ih rhi ,0 ,a,i!-' fl
and in Westchester countv, 4.0HO hod i 'mcI. 1h'('" exhausted."
carriers are on strike in Jli'iiihattiin nnd A relienring was denied in the case
Bronx for recognition of their union, of Minnie E. Stndc'.iiuin vs. W. II.
nnd 800 window cleaners aie out fori'm'rt alu' rehearing was grunted in
increased wages. The tug and ferrv ; that of the Outcuult Advertising coin
boot strike appeared today to have been ' puny vs. Brooks.
Salem-Independence Auto $
t Service
l'hone uolt or 12oa stt
Leaves Salem, cor. State and
i.iuerty btrect aaiiy, 8:00 a. ra.,
11:00 a. m., 2:30 p. m. and
6:00 p. m. ,
Leaves Independence opposite
fostofl'ice daily.
'J:00 a. in., 12:30 p. m., 4:00 p. i
ana cOO p. m.
Fare, 50c
Extra Cars for Country Trips.
Braves Death to Send Word
to Captured Enemy's Father
About His son
A motion to dismiss appeal was til-
i lowed in the case of Berlin and Le
! pori vs. Mnttison et al. appellants, and
ja motion to dismiss npepril was denied
j in the ease of the Columbia Kenlty In-
vlestuient company vs. Alameda Land
. company.
' The case of Daniel Webster vs.
, Grant K. Hover is being argued before
J the supreme court this afternoon. This
1 is the action Drought- oy justice or tno
! Peace Webster to determine whether j
or not the legislation extemiing tne
First-class work. All kinds
of repairing. All work guar
anteed. Twenty-five years'
experience. Leave orders at
Wylie B. Allen Co., phono 11S7.
Residence phone 14U5.
915 Highland Avenue.
terms of court judges to six years ap-j Lebanon, Frunk! .lames; Limine circuit,
lilies to justices of the. pence. It wnsid, jr. Bailey, supplv; Lowell circuit.
I decided that it does so apply by t'ir
j cuit Judge ("iillowny.
; Swimming Party In
Association Tanks
Hey Bovs! Kendv for a swim?
San Francisco, Oct. :t. A note from
l.ieiiten'.int ilmniclninmi, fniuous Om-j
mini flier, deliivered in Austniliu.
brought Kdward tlrimwade, Melbourne j
III illiitlttl It-., l.i Sinn rrniLiL. tn.ln.. !
his wav to London where he will seek' B'K""nng Wednesday, tne se.iein .
the release of his son, Frank, I roin a j M- A- ,,0" s Jopnrtment will f r.ter
prison enmp iu (iermanv. j ain ,'.v'' ot' x, clt' n "'"'
Immelmunn's not told how Frr.nk, miS l,1,r,.v tll Iu'w association
who is n r,.-itish airman, had tgngcl, nllk9- So- ,,0.vs K"' y"r bathing Jits
the (iermaii n.-iitor iu a' sfcv duel iunl reaitly for the social swim,
how the Knglishiuan, sorely wounded! Arrangements to take care of the
and with his observer dead beside him, boys have been made by V. E. Otfinn-
broiight his ueronlnne to the eround. dor. the boys' director, as tolbo s:
where he was taken prisoner. I Wednesday afternoon
Walter Koss, supplv; Marcola, A.
t'hilil, supply; Marslificld, H. O. (.ioubl:
Muliaiiia and Lyons. ,1. Stnnley Van
Winkle; Monroe circuit, 1). W. Moon-;
Mvrtle Point, F. (i. Drake; Norili
Bend, K. S. Mace; Port Orford, W. 11.
Myers; Shcrr. ('. B. Kees; Sile.t. Indian
Mission, ('. .1. Seniles; Springfield, -Ijf
T. Moore; Toledo to be supplied; Tin
ner, J. .1. Mickey; Yoncitll-.l, .1. !.
Mrs. Thompson Is Finest
Speaker In Northwest
Everybody is invited, nnd ladies
specially so, to hear Mrs. Alexanih r
it two l'elocl;''
linmelinann and his associate German : the boys of the Washington school will : Tliomimiiii discuss national political i
aviators, moved by admiration tor their j swim, in the evening at i..t o chick airg at tle opera house Friday
defeated antagonist, risked their livesjthe boys of the Wa school will take , e?,.ia at s o'clock. Mrs. Thompson
to bear a note addressed to lirimwadc 's j the dip. is 0iio of the most gifted and foreef ii
father. With shells bursting about them, Thursday afternoon at four o clock Spl.aitll(1 on ,le ,,.,( nillj emphasises
they flew-over the allied lines and drop- tile turn of the boys of the Lincoln j i,y j,r een insight into political lul l-
ped the message which was delivered j school will come. j tors the correctness of equal stiff rapt
to the elder llriniwade in Melbourne Friday at f jtir o'clock the boys I Salom women should hear Mrs. Thoinn.
many weens later. . the tir.int school, and r inlay nigni rne;.Iin ,vi,., ... .., ,h t-tt ,.,,
lie started cast this afternoon.
'working boys aro due.
lured to Her Death by j
Promise of Marriage!
There is no special invitation re
quired and the secretary wishes this
notice to be regarded as sufficient
ticket. It is the hope that every boy
in Snlem will take advantage of this
s opportunity to swim.
Grand Rapids. Mich., Oct. 3. The Si.tnr.lnv ni"ht nil the bovs of the
promisie of marriage is believed to have I as0.in,il,1'1 w;n Mvim and wash the;
lured Mrs. Ann 11. St. John, age . of ',,,, of tl)t, )ialtll. f(lr members from
May field, to her death in a lonely for-j ,,,, ,nening will mark the end
est at the edge of this city, according.,, ,.,.,- nml tne results an-1
to get a place in the halls of congros.
.loll n Alerton, wno ; , Eugene tel. grnphs
to Shentt Herrv
says his home is iu Ashtabula, Ohio,
is held in jail charged with the crime.
Letters found at the Commerce hotel,
where the pair is said to hnve stayed
the night previous to the murder, in
dicate that Mrs. St. John came here to
meet Alerton after a correspi idence
between the two had been e- ablished
by a matrimonial hurea" Ab-rton is
believed to have sin:., ner to get her
A revolver said to have been purchas
ed by Alerton at a local store was found
in a package which he left at a gro
cery: hi the same package was a wo
man's handbag. This has been identi
fied as the property o. Mis. St. John.
Alerton had been employed on a farm
a short distance from where body was
Eeuel Wheeler, formerl- a member
of Company M while ou the border, has 'found by two bovs Sunday iiioining.
enlisted in the I'nited States cavalrv I , ... , . ;
and has been sent to Vancouver fo'r ' a misdemeanor for a person to pubh. lv
twenty one davs training In-fore being, '.V811'1 an -iivict. The parole ot
assigiied to d.itv H, a regular troop. ,u'" te that while under the rules
Vancouver is now a receiving s.ati;,r ;'t the board a prisoner is never paroled :
for recruits. Ai.d.ew Brown of West "'u'r'' h l""1" employment,
Stavton. was also sent to Vancouver .h? ,f rfqueutly unfortunate, and that;
for training for the cavalry. Sergeant
W. II. Schuster, who has had charge
of the lecruiting station here
to Eugene to take charge of
what it has done. The boys are going;
into the work with enthusiasm and a i
spirited engagement is expected. j
Following are the M. E. church as
signments for the coming year in the
Eugene district:
James Moore. superintendent; Al
j bany. C. E. Gibson: Bandon. E. C. Al
i ford, supply; Brownsville. J. S. Green;
i Buenavista, IT. T. Atkinson; Cubing,
! W. F, Willing, supply; Coos Buy cir-
cuit, E. 11. Campbell, supply; Co.piille,
;T. 11. lKmns; Corvallis. 1). II. Leech;
j Cottage Gro'o, Joseph Knotts; Crow
I fordsville. Haiold Boxsee: Creswell,
H. S. Bishop; Drain. J. F. Ibnilop; Elk
ton. H. C. Preston, supply; Eugene, G.
: H. Parkinson; Gardiner, H. Hocking;
t.oshen circuit to be supplied; Wnlsey,
C. TT. Brvnn: Mai risbmg to be sup
plied; Independence. T. I'. Viirnes; I
! Irving. Harold Boxsoe; .li'f fersou, F.
S. demos; Junction City, C. O. 1 1 out ll ;
JrGivea a brilliant etossv shine thntf
Gives a brilliant etossv shtne I
doc not rub i ff or dust oiT that
annciiU to (lie iron-that huts four
times as lenff a tuxy other.
Black SiEkStove Polish
Is In a class by Itself. It more
foirdti'y ni ao and muile
iiom better niaU riait.
Try It on your parlor
riuvi-, yutircooKfiuvd
or your ra-aw
If yotitloit't tin. lit
l IU lK'irlltt yuu
fvir usctl, your
tiardwuro or
Rnwry iIi'uKt it
;i(horitfi to iv
f ti n ti your
if there was a fund from which he coul.l
boirow monev to tide him over it would
. . . : . . - . i. a
has "one ue 111 Im"'u assisiance io nun, aim os
a similar . ill" might prevent his return to a life
post in
French is ii
State street.
citv. Sergeant
diarge at the offio
Flbcrt : crime. i arutcu I'lis-'iu-i. n- no-
; quentty disenargeu oy xneir empi.'ers
after their records become known, and
it sometimes is the case that they are
Joseph Keller, parole officer for the blacklisted by crooks. i
pchiteiitiarv, has announced that he will' , . . . , .
recommend in his annual report that; JoseP?. TbtT- xht real
the legislature create a lwrole loan fund,
and also that it pass a law making it
Auction Sale
Quick Exchange Auction Market
on Saturday, tvt. 7. at 10 a. in.,
Consisting of
1 matched team 9 and 10 years
old; 1 3 1 in. " wagon and
double box; 1 12 iu. Vulcan
Plow ; 1 7 shovel Cultivator; I
disk Harrow ; J set single har
ness; 1 set double harness; 1 7
ft. crors cut saw, forks, shovels,
spades, chains aud many other
Owner. F. X. WOOORY.
Auctioneer, Phone 511
Xotiee Hereafter all stock
and farm machinery, wagons,
harness, etc.. will be sold on
each and every Saturday
at b a. in. sharp and furniture
at l-.IW p. m. sharp. Anyone
having anything for sale briug
it in for the sale on Saturday.
j Rev. Aldrich of Cottage Grove re-
leeutly appointed pastor of Leslie M.
j K. chureh( is in Salem.
j Rer. O. F. Oliver and wife former
i Salem people, who have .been visiting
, here since the M. E. conference at l.eb-,
'anon, left for Amity this afternoon.
Mr. Oliver having been appointed for
the third time to the charge nt ihat(
place where the former Willamette
student has done good work. I
E. E. Lockhart and family, who have
' been in Salem following the annual'
j conference at Lebanon, left for Stny
ton today, to which charge Mr. Lock-:
hart has been re -appointed by the
! bishoo for another vear, upon the re-.
ques of the church people who for-j
warded to Bishop Hughes a lengthy
petition urging the pastor's reassign-j
mcnt to the Stayton church for another
year. On Sunday Si Stayton people
hired an auto truck and attended the
conference sessiou. making the largest
delegatiou present from outside of the.
seat of conference.. j
o I
A man can drink himself tighter I
than a woman can lace herself. I
Heating StoveTime Here
Our large assortment
of Heating Stoves
makes it an easy mat
ter to select a Stove
that will give the best
satisfaction. The fa
mous Opal
Heaters and
are sold only by this
1 ' ri
C. S. HAMILTON, House Furnisher
Successor to Bui en & Hamilton
340 Court Street