Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 03, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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' I''
! i.
! I
Xike ihat 'jpinclT hit
in tlie 9th 'they satisfy!
I ,g
Th Chesterfield Blend
contains tfaa Most ftunous Turkish tobeet
-SAMiOUN for richni CA VALLA for
aromi SMYRNA for wtnui XANTMI
for fracranec, combined with tho boat
dom attic Uf .
20 for 10c
Brooklyn Wins Pennant
New Vorlt, Oct. 3. Tlio
Brooklyn Dodgers and the Bos
ton Red 8 x will opeu the
world's series in Boston Satur
day. Brooklyn clinched the
Nntionnl league, pennant this
afternoon by winning from
New York 9 to 6, while the
Braves bent I'hilndelphin twice.
0 to 3 and 0 to 1. The Rod
Sox already hnd cinched the
American league pennant.
The rlub standing In the
National leaguo now are:
Club Won. Lost, Perceut
. Ilrooklvn 93 59 .01 a
Philadelphia 90 til .590
Thus if I'hilndelphin wins its
remaining two guinea and
BrooMya loses its two, the final
standing will bo:
Club Won. Lost. Percent
Brooklyn .. . 9.1 01 .004
Philadelphia 92 61 .001
R. H. K.
Kew York 11 8
Brooklyn 9 14 8
(teuton, Perritt and Rnriden; Smith,
Pfeffer and Miller.
First game: . R. H. K.
Boston 0 11
Philadelphia 8 8 4
Rudolph and Oowdy; Rixey, Mayer,
Kautlehner, Oeschger and Killifer.
Second game; R. H. E.
Hilton 0 11 0
''Philadelphia 1- 5 .1
Tyler and Blackburn; Mayer, Ben
der and Killifer.
B. H. K.
Washington 9 1:1. 8
New York 9 13 2
Gallia, Buckala nd Henry; Oiillop,
T.ove and Walters. (Called end 11th.
dark.) ;
Two out in the 9th! The "pinch" hitter
lines a beauty over "short." In comes the
winning run. The "fans" go wild it cer
tainly satisfies! That's what Chesterfields
do when you smoke they satisfy!
Still, they're MILD!
It is this combination
mildness that is giving
cigarette enjoyment!
But only Chesterfields can give it to them,
for the good reason that no cigarette maker,
can. copy the Chesterfield blend!
Try Chesterfields today!
SjA -"tr m-
First game: R. H,
E. '
i hiiniiclplua 5 jo (,
Boston 3 8 0
Fnruliam, l.lndstrom nud Seining;
idnys, Foster and Tliomns, Agnew.
Second game: ' R,
Philadelphia 7
Boston 5
Myers, Nnbors nud Pienich;
Wyekotf nnd Thomas. Agnew.
H. K.
15 .1
10 3
Stock Market Repulses
Hot Attack by Bears
New Vork. Off. 3. The New York
Evening Sun finnneinl review tuduy
In the face of active efforts by pro
fessional trailers to drive prices to ma
terially lower levels todav the gen
eral list held remarkably' well, with
ninny instances of nctunl'strength and
thr ughout decided indications of
strong underlying ninrkct conditions.
Bear pressure was effective in attract
ing some commission house selling,
chiefly of a wenk variety and against
stop orders, while it served to check
aggressive publio buying, but it failed,
however, to shako the confidence of
substantial holders in their theory
that reactions in the current, prices are
nothing more than movements which
accompnny nil periods of advancing
market values. Morning tosses, as a
rule, were followed by recoveries,
which, in the early afternoon devel
oped into poxitivo strength.
Increased busiuess on advancing
prices was reported iu the Inst hour,
United States Steel leading in the up
ward movement. The rails came into
greater promnieuce, while the railway
equipment shares were iu better de
mand. V. Q. Holt, of the Chat. K. Spaulding
Logging rompnny, reports that construc
tion of an extension to the company's
logging road near Black Rock, Polk
county, is being pushed as fast as pos
sible nnd that by next spring sufficient
worn win nave Deen aoue to tup a tim
ber area and make available at least
IOtt.900,000 feet of timber. This amount
of timber, according to Mr. Holt, would
supply a lumber mill for four years.
Work will be continued this winter as
long as the weather will permit so as
to bo ready for spring logging. The
construction is beeing done on the sum
mitt of the Const range mountains
where tho Kails City and Silet wagon
road crosses.
JL 5? ' f
- :J .:(s..it -t:-
Court House News
. n
A directed verdict was returned iu
department No. I of the circuit court,
.ludgo Percy It. Kelly, in the case of
the Oregon Produce company vs. V. K.
Whittingtoii, an action involving the
ownership of a Konl automobile. The
verdict declares the .defendant to be
the owner of the nutomobile and enti
tled t immediate possession thereof.
Palmer D. Peck declares thnt John
Bnyne, administrator of the estate of
Xnncy W. Peck, has refused to allow
his clnim of $179.50, and prays for n
ordof of the county court allowing
The following have been granted
m&rriniri, liietiHea hv tli nnntifv i-litclr.
John Kdwnrd wWehcad and Marie
nances .Morris, both of Turner; Major
Bllshv mill CnthoriiiA WinM.,n K.tl. nt
Suleui. nnd Mnnrii.e niiniunn in,. I rilv-li.
Chnpman, both of Snlem.
Superintendent Steiner of the stitlo
asylum for the insane tins notified the
county court thnt Harry JVolt, who was
admitted to the asylum from this coun
ty Juno 13, 1010, and who eloped July
1, I91U. was returned to the institution
September 0.
Pinal account has been filed in the
estate of Lena Bauer, decease.
C. H. Ilieber nud P. O. Hieber have
eutered a complaint in the circuit court
agninst J. J. Turner, iu which they al
lege that , certain note and mortgage
given jointly to them and Turner by
Mrs. Katie Holmes nnd J. P. Holmes
for 1000 wns disposed of by Turner,
and that he hns not settled with them.
They ask judgment therefore in the
sum of $500, their half interest in the
The county clerk has issued hunter's
licenses to Oiiisio Crete of St. Paul; 8.
A. Moore, of Woodbnrn; Tohn Kiesbeck
of Donald; John Hughes, of St. Paul;
Homer Itichardson, of Snlcm, and (!eo.
Hampton, of Jefferson.
A literarv man has counted 1195 char
acters in the works of Dickens.
New York has ouo thousand Chinese
of "satis fv" with
444ttt4 w 4
They Play the Giants Three
More While Phillies Meet
Braves in Four Games
National League.
Club. Today. Even.
Brooklyn .. .009
Philadelphia .004 .003
Boston 531 .SSO
By H. C. Hamilton. t
(United Press stiiff correspondent.)
New York, Oct. 3. John McUrnw
still stands today tho best friend Wil-
bert Robinson hns. in baseball. But if
winning a ball game at this crucial per
iod in the fate of the Brooklyn Dodgers
would have fractured that feeling, it is
through uo fault of MeOraw's that he
is still high iu Robinson's estimntliou
Despite the hardest efforts of Me-
draw and his cohorts the Rrooklyu club
is hanging to the top in the nice for
the honor and final blow off meeting
tlie oston Kcd oox in the world s se
ries. Philadelphia is now n full game
behind, so Robbie has driven his charges
into n position from where they will
nave a oerter ennnce at the windun
which now is only three gu'mes awny for
tlie Uodgers nnd Tour for the Phillies.
Tho Dodgers have three contest left
I with the tiiuuts and the Phillies will
ciiisii witu tne Knives lour more tunes,
two of these tilts being on the schedule
tor tins afternoon.
The Dodgers have reached the peak of
their efforts, but if they hold up now
as they have in the past, their crowns
are won.
Jack Coombs Came Back.
Jack Coombs, star for years, and now
the greatest comeback iu baseball, gets
full credit for preserving tlie friendship
between Robinson nnd McUruw. Faced
by Ferdie Sehupp, who rapidly is be
coming the most feared left bunder in
the Niitionnl league, he right handed his
way to victory over the shutout route.
It wns the fifth time this year he has
faced tho-Oitint without tl less.
Coombs, iron henrted ns of old, pitch
ed himself out of several precarious
situations. Although the (limits several
times hnd runners iu u position to cross
the rubber, th former Athletic success
fully put on the screws each time.
Down iu the Quaker City, where the
Phillies nnd Braves were dividing n
bargain bill nt this crucinl period of the
campaign another hero was being
crowned. C! rover Cleveland Alexander
went into battle ngninst George Stull
ings' crew nnd won his game. It was the
sixteenth shutout victory of the senson
for Alexander.
Alexander's Great Work.
Tho great Philadelphia pitcher has
done something in the Inst two weeks
that few pitchers of his age would be
willing to attempt. Just before the
Phillies and Dodgers clashed last week
at Kbbets Field Alexander pitched nud
won both guinea of n double hnder.
Thursday he went to the mound agaiu
nnd downed the Dodgers. Saturday hu
tried it again and lost. And yester
day, with only a day of rest, he came
back and turned the Braves buck with
out a run, allowing only three hits.
Alexander has made good his promise
to work every other day if necessary to
win tho penutint for Philadelphia. And
he is ready to work ngnin tomorrow.
The Dodgers have decidedly the bet
ter of the situation us it stands today.
If they will their remaining trio of
contests -with the (Hunts, the glory will
be with them. But, if the (liuuts tnko
two of tho remaining contests and the
Phils succeed in winning three t'i their
four with, the Braves, Pat Mor.m and
Bill Cnrrigau itgiun will be the rival
imagers in the world's series.
The Dodgers have the'edge" luuiuly
becnuso Alexander and Ferdie Sehupp
have been put out of the way for a duy
or so. Put Moriui must depend ou iipa
Rixey or Krskine Mayer to win for him
this aftemoou nud, if reports are true,
Rixey almost brained himself yester
day when ho tried to lift the Fkilly
bench by a sudden punch with his head
The Dodgers still naveJSkerrod Smith.
Lurry ChVuey, Rube Miirquard and Jeff
Pfeffer to fling at the Uianfs.
Registration Books
' Close Saturday Night
Particular attention of the voters of
Salem is.directed by the Marion comity
clerk to the fact that tho registration
books for the coming state and county
election iu November will close next
Saturday night, In order to nceoui mo
dule those who have not yet registered,
the books iu the county clerk's office
will bo kept open Thursday, Friday aud
Saturday daring the uoou hour and also
from 5 until N o'clock iu the evening.
Only those who did not register be
fore the. primaries in the spring and
those who have changed residence and
moved to other precincts are required to
rgisler at-this time.
This registration is for couuty and
state election aud must not be confused
with the city election requirements,
which necessitate another registrntiou
at tho city hall. This registration at
the city hall is permanent for the city
elections and is changed only on change
of residence. Voters who wish to east
ballots for city officers will bo required
to file their names with the recorder at
the city hall.
Election notices have been prepared
auu uun 111 mc iiniiim ui iiiv prillll-r.
according to the county clerk.
444444444 4 44444444444
Commission Met Today to
Perfect Plans for Cham
pionship Games
New York, Oct. 3. Tho National
Baseball commission met here todav in
the first of a series of meetings which
arrange details tor the world's
baseball championship clashes. Gary
Herrmann, president of the commission,
was first to arrive and when ho couldn 't
locate his colleagues, President Johnson
of tho American league and President
Tenner of: the Nationul, he announced
a postponement until tomorrow. When
Johnson and Tener showed np later it
was decided to meet at once.
No member of the National commis
siou would confirm the rumor that tho.B1RD HOGS For sale. Phone 1300 or
formality of tossing a coin would be dis- call at 1825 N. Front. ' octo
pensed with in deciding which city I '
WOllld have thn riltpnillir irmiwi nf tliu'CilRL
series if Philadelphia wins the Na
tional league pennant.
Two schedules probably -will be ar
ranged, one providing for a Brooklyu
victory in the close National league,
and the' other for Philadelphia.
Details as Completed.
New York, Oct. 3. The first and sec
oud games of tho World's series will be
played in Boston on October 7 and 9.
The National Bnsebnll commission so
decided (it its meeting here today.
After the Saturday and Mondnv
gullies in Boston the teams will play two
games in nrooKlyn or Philadelphia, ii
depending upon which wins tlio Nn
tional leaguo pennnnt. If a fifth game
is necessary it will be played in Boston
ami il a sixth, in Philadelphia or Brook
lyn. If the series runs to seven games,
decision us to tlie place ror the Inst
game will be made at n special meeting
in Boston.
Headquarters selected in Boston were
tlio Copley Plaza hotel; in Philadelphia,
neiieviie-.tiuttord; in Urooklvn, the
The commission decided it would lie
advisable to have a Friday of rest aft
er close of the season, so picked Satur
day ns the date of the first game, ( ui-
pnes were not selected.
J. D. Taylor sink will be official scor
er nud will have assistants trotn the
cities where the championship games
are held.
The commission held the following
players eligible for the world's series
Brooklyn: Apnleton, Cutshaw,
Coombs, Cheney, Dnubert, Dell, Get.,
Johnston, .Miller, Mails, Mvers, Markle,
Mnruunrd. Meyers .Mow rev Olson,
Oinara, Pfeffer, Ruckcr, Smith, Steugel
ami Wheut.
Boston: Agnew, Barrv, Cadv, Foster,
Gninor, Onrdiier, Gregg, Henrikseii. Hob-
litzell, iloopcr, Jauvrin, Jones, Leonard.
Lewis, Mnvs, McNnllv, Ruth, Scott,
Shore. Shorten, Thomas, Walker, Walsh
and "Wyckof f.
Philadelphia: Alexander, Adams,
Burns, Bancroft, Niehoff, Stock. Bcnd-
Byrne, C'bultiiers, Cooper, Oeschger,
Whitted, Ciuvntli, Ducev Donmroe
Good, Paskert, Killifer, l.uderus, May
er, Rixey and McQuillen.
Watching the Scoreboard
Pacific Coast League Btandings.
W. ,1.. Tct.
I. os Angeles . ,
Port la ud . . . . ,
Sun Fram isco
Salt Lake ....
03 119
Yesterday's Results.
No ganio played; teams' traveling.
Today's Games.
Oakland at Portland.
Los Angeles at San Francisco.
Vernon-Salt Lake series starts at Los
Angeles tomorrow.
Yestordnv 'a big league hero was Eppa
Rixey. Although ho didn't get into n
ball gnuie. Rixev heroically tried to
suvo himself injury by jumping out of
tho way of a thrown ball and almost
frnctured the top of the Phillies dug
Steamer Al Demaree pitched a good
game, good enough for most nny chain-'
pionship team to win oeniuit, Dut koui
bach was just that much better nnd the
Braves got an even break.
Luderua nnd Whitted set the Braves
down in the first game in which Alex
ander allowed ouly three hits and no
The Bed Pox didn't have to, but they
went out and trimmed the Athletics.
Shore and Janes divided the pitching
duties for the champions.
Bob Shawkev and his red flannel shirt
took the open
?"" ,h f;nal "
Washington and the. Y an-
les betweeu
Uees. Home Run Baker got one each extra
base hit and it was ouly a triple.
Jacb Coombs snatched' the calcium
from Rube Mn round when he, blanked
me uinuts.
Freddie Schupp deserved a runless tie.
but his fellow Giants fell down on the
job of making runs.
Knuff fanned with the bases full.
The Fourteenth regiment, including
Bum", a diminutive burro, the regi
ment's mascot, saw the game and then
showed the Brooklynite how they learn
ed to drill on the border.
Bate per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word lc
One week (8 insertions), per word....5c
One month(20 insertions) per word 17c
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertisments.
Bead your advertisements the first day
it appears and notify us immediately
aiintmum charge, lac,
PHONE 937 Foi wood saw. U
CURLS WAXTKD liodgers Paper Co.
oct. I
100 ACRES For sale. Phone 2175R.
' oct3
RUBBER Stamps made 165 8. Coml
HARRY Window cleaner.
Phone 708.
- . oct7
rBESPASS Notices for sale at Jour
nal office. ti
VETCH HAY For sale. Phone 39F4.
C. C. Russell. octl
FOR SALE Two year old pointer dogs.
inn at iMosner store. octo
WANTED To sew furs.
Fur Co., 217 S. High St.
WANTED An' elderly -man to do
chores ou ranch. Phone 79F13. oct3
FOR SALE Or trade for good 3 year
old ltolstein bull. Phone 31F1I. octo
SllttJSP WA.NTKD 100 good young
ewes. Plume 39 F4. C. C. Husscll. oct9
WA NT KD Well matured potatoes for
snipping. .Mangis Bros Phone 17
LADY Wishes work in
or hotel. 715 S. Com 'I.
small family
Phone 1007.
iu iii--.Nl 4M acres in citv limits on
Turner road. Inquire 1427 Fuirinounl
Ave. oct3
WANTED Asensible hinh school girl
to work for mom nnd board. Phone
21 OS. oct,")
WANTED III men Wednesday morn
Hig to cut corn nud fill silo. Phone
1437. oct 3
FOR RENT Eight acre chicken ranch
covered hack for trade. Box 5, Tur
ner, Oregon. oct3
WANTED Experienced farm hand,
married, steady job if sntisfactorv,
Phone 1IF33. 6ct3
WANTED An experienced girl for
general house work. Mrs. Clifford
Brown, 37S State. tf
EXPERIENCED -Girl wanted for house
work. Mrs. .1. L. Stockton, 274 N.
Summer. Call mornings. oct 5
WANTED To trade house and lot for
horses, cows, farm implements or
nuto. Call 395 X. J 4th St. octo
FOR SALE 1913 ll-D. motorcycle iu
good condition, $05 cash. Call at SIS
X. Liberty St. Phone 920.1. oct"
FOR SALE Well established real es
tate business, roll top desk, safe, at
347 State street. L. Bechtel & Co. o4
A NEAT Partly furnished house, well
located, for rent nt $20.00 per. month.
See J. A. Mills, 3S4 Stute St. octo
FOR SALE 2 first class cows to fresh
en soon, and one Berkshire boar.
Phone 11F0 or write L. G. nulgin, R.
4. oct 7
WANTED 30 to 40 acres not over 10
miles from Snlem, some timber and
running water. See Belle, 540 State
St. - oct9
WANT TO RENT Small acreage with
sulficieut equipment for chicken
raising. Must lie close in nnd reason
able. Address chickens care Journal.
WANTED By married man with fam
ily position on fruit or stock ranch,
can furnish best references. Address
400 care Journal. - . octo
FOR SALE rOr trade, beautiful mod
ern home in Fairmount Park. A bar
gain on easy terms or trade for farm
near Snlem" See Belie, 50 State St.
STRAYED To my place one old gray
mare, owner can have some by pay
ing for feed and ad. Mrs. I. X. An
derson, route 9, box 48. Phone 14 FIX
......... . . , . oct"
VETCH SEED For sale,- now is the
time to sow your vetch. Seed can be
seen at A reliant Implement nnd Seed
Cleaning' Establishment or fit C. C.
Russell's on Howell Prairie. Phone
39Pt." . , - . 01,(4
Wheat Reaches Record Dae
to Argentine Reports
Chicago, Oct. ' 3.T-I)eceniber wheat
reached its record hiah price this sea
son today at $1.5S 5-8. Continued re-
ports of drouth in Argen
JdvRnc(, lu i.iv(. ,
litine and sharp
chiefly responsible. Decnibed was upJ
i-f nt i.as us; iloy up 3-4 at $l.ss.
Corn hnd a strong undertone. Good
buying in the face of light offerings
caused slight upward tendencies. De
cember was up 1-8 at 74 7-8; May up 1-4
r? v a
Oats showed a slight falling off be
cause of the large supplies visible. De
cember was down 1-8 at 48-3-4; Mat
down 1-8 at 51 3-4. .
Provisions were sharply lower on fall
ing hog prices at the yards.
body1 s. busy.
's happy when every-
Resourcefulness is a great asset when
your back is against the wall.
GIRL WANTED House work, country
preferred. Telephone 1997. o-t4
GIRL WISHES Housework. Address
O 3 care Journal. oct4
FOR BENT SIGNS For aaie at Cap
ital Journal office. it
GET PRICES On farm sale bills at
Tho Journal office. -
FOB SALE Or trade for wood, gaso
line engine. Phone 451. tf
OLD PAPERS For sale at Capital
Journal office 10 cents a bundle, tf
FURNISHED Apartments, also bar
suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage.
FOR SALE Good drivingmare, bug
gy and harness. Phono 981 evenings.
FOR SALE A good piano. Enquire
I-S0 Broadway, Take car to Hood.
FOR SAL?' Modern bungalow, on ear
line, price $1250. Address S. Journ
al. oct7
GIRLS OR WOMEN Wanted at the
glove factory, 1455 Oak St. Steady
work. oct
FOR RENT Room with board by weak
or month, modern conveniences.
Phono 1013. 0ct4
SEWING By day or week, 75e per
day. 500 N. Capital. Mrs. Newman.
$5, worth more. Dr. May, Hubbard
bldg. octl3
GET YOUR Trespass Notices, jew
supply of cloth ones at Capita Jour
nal tf
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Hokfnin
bull calf, 6 mos. old. Phone 2502W4
after 0 o'clock. tf
FURNISHED Booms and housekeep
ing apartments, rates reasonable,
elose in, 160 Court. tl
WANTED Good second hand tent a-
bout 10x12, must be bargain. Address
T-10 caro Journal. sept.'IO
WANTED An experienced girl for
general house work, Mrs. Clifford
Brown, 378 Stute. oc
WANTED Good work team, not under
1200 lbs. sound and true. Address L.
M. Herren, Routo 7, box 104. Phone
19F5. oct5
MODERN 5 room house for rent, very
reasonable, near school, church and
street car line. Enquire 1491 Souti
Com'l. tf
ed, win pay cash on delivery. Sneka
furniAed. Gideon Stolz Co., near cor
ner Summer and Mill Sts. tf
WANTED To buy 6 or 8 choice milk
cows, must bo tresh now or soon, none
but parties owning choice cows need
call. Phono 1431 or 491. tf
FOR SALE Modern seven room house
and lot; eight bearing fruit trees.
Enquire Ben I'crlich at Stcitsloff's
market. oct
FOR SALE Cheap, twenty acres half
mile trom tfalcm, good house, running
water, river bottom. Address box 34(1
FOR SALE A few pieces of furniture,
nut ret, range, dresser, cnutoiner,
blue flame oil stove, table, chairs nnd
mntting. 542 North Liberty. octt
FOB RENT Furnish house, 7 room.
642 N. High; also 7 room unfurnish
ed house at 475 N. High. Inquire at
660 N. High or phone 1696. tf
FOB SALE Or rent, modern five room
bungalow near Grant school, in good
repair. Will sell on terms or rent. B.
H. Mills, at Spaulding Logging Co.
office. tf
SECOND HAND Mens' clothing,
jewelry, musical instruments, tools,
guns, eic, Dougnt, sold and traded.
Capital Exchange, 337 Court St.
Phone 493. octll
FOB BENT? Furnished or unfurnished
sleeping rooms, office rooms and
housekeeping rooms, reasonableratea
W. H. Norris, Bee. Hubbard bldg. v
Boom 304. tf
LOST Wednesday at the fair grounds,
set American minii furs.-Liberal re
ward, return to Mrs. F. ft. Stearns, -ISO
S. 19th. . 0cl4
WANTED--Man and wife without chil
dren on farm, that understand alt
kinds of farm work, no cigarettw
fiend neod apply, ago between 3f '
nnd 40 years. Address 3 X, cars
Journal. octr
xfotic of Review . aud Equalization ef
Assessment Roll
The state - tax eoinmisison will at
tend as a board of equalization at. the
capitol in Salem, Oregon, en the third
.Monday in October, 1910, and public
ly examine the assessment roll by it
made, and review the same, and cor
rect all errors in valuations, descrip
tions, quantities, or qualities of prop
erty by it assessable, and in apportion
ments ot assessments made by it; and
it shall be the duty of the persons
and corporations interested to appear '
at the time and place appointed.
i vtitions or applications for tne re
duction or change of apportionment of
a particular assessment shall be made
in writing, verified by the oath of the
applicant, its president, secretary, man
aging agent or. attorney in fact, and
be filed with the board during the first
week it is by law required to be in
session, and any petition or application,
not so made, verified and filed shall
not be considered or acted upon by the
ooara. ,
State Tax Commission,
' By Frank K. Lovell, Secretary.
Oct 10.
'" )