I" 1 Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" TfllSDAV KVKXIXd. October 1!M(I. CHARLES H FISHEE, Editor and Manager. PIBLLSHEU KYK11Y EVENING EXCEl'T KrXDAY, SAT.EM, ORKC.OX, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. S: BARNES, ('HAS. H. FISHER. Vresi.lent. Vice-President. DORA C. AN I'REsKX, Sec. iiiul Troas. A rut- ;!5c SUBSCRIPTION RATKS .Iailv bv carrier, per year ''.00 I'" n11"1''1 11. :l. : i ........... . . IVr immlli .. unity u, man, ;nii FILE LEASED WIRE TEI.KUKAPH- REI'OKT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York. Ward Lewis-Williams Special Agency. Tribune RuilJinK Chicago, W. 11. Stockwell. People's tins Building The Capital .louriml currier boys iru instructed to rut the papers on the rorch If the rnrrior docs not do this, misses you, or neglects Hotting the paper to von on time, kindlv phone the circulation milliliter, ns this is the only way we can determine whether or not the curriers are following instructions. Phono Main SI before 7::sil oVloek tind n paper will be sent you by special messenger if the carrier has missed von. . MILK SUPPLY TROUBLES On top of its street car troubles New York is having a milk famine, caused by the dairymen's league which has a corner on the supply and purposes fixing the price. The peculiar feature of it is that it is the first strike ever recorded among what may be classed as the farmers, and they have adopted the same tactics so often tried by labor, always to its hurt, that is of trying to accomplish their ends by force. The strike or whatever it is, so far has developed several cases of seizing the other fellows milk and refusing to allow him to take it to market. One seizure of this kind yesterday was of 25,000 quarts. Dealers have drawn on far-away points in an effort to supply their customers but admit they will be unable to do this. The city uses 2,500,000 quarts daily and yesterday was shy half this amount and today three-fourths. Hos pitals and the babies are given what there is and the adult Gothamite, who is a cheerful sort of chap apparent ly, takes his oats and other fodder for breakfast without its usual supply of cream. He drinks his coffee black and puts sugar on his cereals instetad of the lacteal, and grins just like he liked it that way. If the shortage keeps up perhaps old Daddv Knickerbocker will learn to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast instead of fooling his stomach with horse provender. Its all right perhaps for city folks to drink milk and guzzle cream; they get it out of a bottle; but how a farmer can do it and then go out and look a poor calf in the face while he is carrying the calf's breakfast around concealed about his person is a puzzle. Is it any wonder that bossy occasionally kicks over the bucket under such treatment? SENATOR LEWIS' GREAT FEAT WOMAN MAKING GOOD Senator James Hamilton Lewis commonly known as "Jim Ham," has come into the limelight politically in a most wonderful manner. It seems but a short time ago since he was the congressman from the state of ash ington and a good many of us were disposed to poke fun at him on account of his name and his sorrel color. We overlooked the fact that sorrel is the color of the thoroughbred and we failed to observe a good many other things until lie had quit the West and gone to Chicago. Almost before anyone even suspected him of being in politics back there he had put the reverse Eng lish on the usual political game, and was elected to the United States senate from the great state of Illinois; go ing East and growing up with the country and thus balancing up with the crowd that comes from the east and before they get acquainted with the geography of the west want to hold the offices and show us how to run the state government,. or go to congress to represent us. Senator Lewis deserves a medal for giving the east a touch of the medicine it prescribes for the west. It might le added that a man must have some genuine merit to do what Lewis has; invade Chicago and get away with the senatorship. The question just now bothering some of the eastern marine folks is whether the much-discussed ami long-expected Bremen was born or made twins or triplets. es terday it was announced that the French had captured her and so had the English, so there was at least two of her. If there was a hatching of Bremens instead of .a launching she mav come in yet or some of the flock may. Most folks have about come to the conclusion there was no such diver, and if two of her have been caught they are surely neither of them the one we have watched for so long. , . P , Misfortunes never come single for the reason that though that kind of Fortune is prefixed by "Miss" the lady is married and has a large and obstreperous family. It is observed that when she pays a fellow a visit she generally brings the whole family along with the old man with her, and makes her stay indefinite. These few bits of wisdom are due to the fact that while gasoline is up around the two-bit figure, comes the statement that the dealers in many places according to reports reaching the Secretary of Commerce, are giving short measuve. The emancipation of woman is accomplished, and she is taking her place in all fields. She has always had a free hand in literature, art and music; but outside of these until recently she was barred from practically all other pursuits. Now she has entered all branches and it is well for humanity that she has, for her skill, her in ventive genius and her painstaking researches are bear ing abundant fruit. Daily we hear of some discovery due to woman's en trance into science. It was a woman who first separated, as it were discovered the most rare, as well as the most valuable and "wonderful of all metals, radium. A page could be easily filled with discoveries due to woman with in the past few years, some of them of vast importance. Monday the dispatches told of another achievement of one of these who has been delving deep into chemistry and who has discovered a process ior producing liquid rubber that makes the water proofing of any substance possible. In her demonstration of the process she water proofed tissue paper without injuring its flexibility as one test, which shows that almost anything can be treated and made water proof by her discovery. That it will bring wealth to her and provide another great conven ience for humanity goes without saying, as does the fact that the future may show genius on the 'distaff side of the race that will rival that of an Edison or a Burbank. It might also be added that the world will be benefited much more by the researches of such women as these than by any number of train loads of wealthy snobbery done up in silks and laces and jumping into the political field to show us benighted westerners how we should vote. Lad Saved Four Lives, Carnegie Fund Asked to Recognize His Heroism The crop of candidates for city recorder, already large, is like the car shortage, still growing. Petition circulators were busy yesterday and are still so, and the average man looks on it that it is a free for all race and .-igns up indiscriminately for all applicants although he can vote for but one. The Southern Pacific has made application to the Public Service Commission for permission to grant the same rates to the Grants Pass sugar factory to Oregon points as are in force from California to the same points. As the haul is less than half the distance the request it would seem should be granted and then somo. Now if the Phillies or Dodgers would get in and set tle that pennant proposition' the country might get a chance to turn some thought to the election and Hughes, Wilson and Teddy. The candidates and spell-binders are not getting a fair shake. Speaking of submarine warfare, isn't shooting a Zep pelin of this class? There is one difference at least and that is that there is no dispute about saving the survivors from the Zeppelin there "ain't any." The car shortage continues to grow longer instead of shorter like an honest, fair-minded shortage ought to grow. Children Cry for Fletcher's Frank (iorner, Jr., of Marietta, Pa., while swimming in the Susquohuunu ri ver the other day, heard cries for help. In an old rowboat he pulled into the swift current of the river and rescued four persons who had been spilled into the water by the upsetting of a iuuoe. The persons rescued by young Corner are .Miss Hazel Arnold, a trained nurse, William Horner, Douglus Read and Win. V. Bruhouse, all of York, I'a. Hud not young Gorncr reached them when he did they would have perished, as they were about exhausted when he arrived. Edgar R. Villcc proprietor of the .Mar it ttn Tillies, is endenvni-itiir tn nhtnin n Carnegie hero fund medal for young bonier. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been, iu use for over 30 years, lias burno the si" nature ot S-tf and lias been uiade under his per- ffi-1 sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive vou in this. Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-us-gool are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA ' Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotic substance. Its nso is its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diartlioa. It resulates the Stomach and Bowels, tiKsiiuiliites the Food, rivinsr Iiealthy and natural (sleep. Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Si In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought I CfNTAU COM MANY. IEW VOHK CITY, rib ill:.:. tngRhumes VACATIONS "'The toiler needs a good vacation, a time of rest and recreation," We hear the sages say; "for work, without an intermission, without a fortnight off for :fishin will make him old and gray." This year I shut down on my labors, and, emulating sportive neighbors, I toured, on pleasure bent; I basked beside some golden fountains, and climbed a bunch of snow-capped moun- IffW" yfv4 tains, and slumbered in a tent. I thought w 'wirf that, to my work returning, my bosom would with zeal oe burning, and 1 would cut much grass; refreshed by fourteen days of resting, I'd sail into my labors jesting and make things come to pass. Alas, the grind seems twice as dreary, and I am twenty times as weary as when I went away; the task ahead seems harder, bigger, and, wanting all my old time vigor, I sigh, "Alackaday!" I do not care for more vaca tions; I'll stick to work and earn my rations, if I'm alive next year; of course, they are a thing of beauty, but they unfit a man for duty, and put him out of gear. HOW TO ABSORB AN UNLOVELY COMPLEXION Tho lai-i' which is n Im i red fur its beauty must have n Mitin smooth skin, pink anil white and youthful looking. Tin' only thing known tlmt enn make such a complexion out of it 11 aged, fail ed, or discolored one that is. n natur al, not a painted, complexion is ordi nary inercolized wax. This remarkable sulistanee literally absorbs the unsight ly cuticle, a little each day. the clear, healthy, girlish skin beneath gradually peeping out until within a nock or so it is wholly in evidence. Of course such blemishes ns freckles, moth patches, liv er spots, blotches ami pimples are dis 'carde.l with the old skin. If you will procure au ounce of mercolized wax a! the drug store, use like cold cream ev ery night, washing this off mornings, you'll find it a veritable wonder work er. . Another valuable natural treatment is a wash lotion to remove wrinkles which can be easily prepared. Dissolve an ounce of powdered saxolite iu a half pint of witch hazel, liuthe the face in this and you'll find it "works like manic. ' About 1S2.H00 acres of the Madras presidency has been sown in indigo this ear, about twice the normal area. Frank Hitchcock Is Not Field Marshal Chicago, Oct. .1. "Stories to the ef fect that Frank. H. Hitchcock is field marshal iu the republican campaign and was superceded 'somebody' aore purely imaginary," said A. T. Hert, western campaign manager for Hughes here to day, in reply to printed reports that Hitchcock hud actually, though not nominall, superceded Chairman William K. WilUox as manager of the Hughes campaign. . " Hitchcock wii8 requested to serve as a member of the advisory committee by his friend. William R. Willcox. We urc all in perfect accord.'' SNOW IN DAKOTAS PAPER SAYS KAISER APPEALS TO END WAR Rome, Oct. 3. A Zurich dis patch today assorted that the kaiser personally nppoaled to President Wilson to eud the war, but that the president had re fused to intervene at this time. WOMEN ARE WELCOMED Williston. X. I)., Oct. S. Snow has been general throughout this district in the last 24 hours. Two indies fell here, three fell at White Karth, X. 1)., and two fell at Culbertun. Mont. Buffalo. X. Y., Oct. 3. Women, spellbinders for Hughes got a warm wel come here today when the Hughes wo men's special arrived. Mrs. Xelsou O' Shaughnessy, Miss Helen Bosswell and Miss Mary E. Deereier made tha speeches at the meeting iu a local the atre. The special train is due in Cleveland for a night meeting. Capital Journal Want Ads Will Get You What You Want Always Watch JThis Ad Changes Often Strictly correct weight, iqtiare deal and highest price for 11 klida t junk, metal, rubber, hides and fun. I pay 20 per ponnd for old nga. Big itock of all aizea aeoond hand incubator. All klndi eoiragate4 iron for both roof and buildings. Booting paper and second aaad linoleum. t H. Steinback Junk Co. X The Hods of Half a Million BargaUi. IDS North Commercial It Fkesa Ht CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING YOU RESETS. WELCOME HOME HUSBAND AND I i some looking than a spot where a great THE TATTLER LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 18C8 CAPITAL $500,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT And the next day it frosted. Tho binder the show the tireder tho legs. Why doesn't the man who removes hie hat iu the elevator when there are Indies present also , remove it in the street cart many people were and lire not f The city paving plant is at it again, and nobody is making audible com plaint. WcniW lful in u any ways is the "Civ ilization" picture. Some folks simply cau't be happy. A Salem business man says if it had rain ed last week business would have been better in town. I i This a world of mynteries. But the mm who drinks his coffee from the 'saucer says he does it because he doesu 't want the spoon to tret into his eye. WOMEN LISTEN TO REASON Yon who suffer, why do' you hesi tate to trv what has removed the suf- I fering "f others? That good, old fashioned remedy, nixie from roots and herbs l.ydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound has Mood the test. It has no rival in overcomlug the ailments peculiar to your set Why thould it t not do tot you what it has. dime for Is there anything much more lone- j others? Give it a chance. And, . speaking of manners, some pie has to he eaten with n knife or an ax. CHAPTKR XXXVII. VCUnt a welcome I received! How good it seemed to be at home uijain. Such a fuss as they all made over Ed ith. I told father that I felt quite ne glected now that I hud a daughter. I had scarcely unpacked before they commenced making all sorts of plans for my entertainment. All the boys and girls, married or unmarried Whom I had known from childhood rushed iu to welcome me. Mother gave a din ner dauce for me and we danced until daylight. Oh, how good it was to have a good time and no cross looks after ward! Then each in turn did some thing 'for me and I almost forgot at times that I was a married woman with a daughter. Every morning after father and I had a canter-before breakfast. The colt he had promi"d baby was now a year old, a lively, frolicsome creature with whom Edith made friends at once. I had written Clifford when I should start south and he had replied in a short note telling me to remain as long at I wished, as their cruise was likely to be an extended one. He sent messages to the family, but I thought a peculint look came into father's face when I told him of the yachtine trip. He asked some questions. I was compelled to tell him there were ladies in the party, and that I had not been invited. "That's queer! I reckon when I was a young man I wouldu 't have left mother, alone, especially if other ladies were going, "But Clifford is different, dad!" I explained, trying to disjel the impress ion of neglect father had received. "You know he is much older than I am, and his old friends are all about jlus own age." Father grunted, turned away, and nothing more was said. j Leonard Brooke Goes South. i I had been at home about a week I when Leonard Brooke Vas announced. jit was a beautiful afternoon and we were all sitting on the balcony. I in troduced him to mother and the girls, and felt not a little pride at the sensa tion he made. Mother asked him to re- I main to tea which was served on the balcony. The next day we were to have a picnic iu the woods and he agreed to join us. AVhat a lot of questions I had to answer after he left! The girls of d him a splendid fellow, and mother seem ed also to like him. Father asked if he were a friend of Clifford's and I said "no." h seemed surprised that we should be on such friendly terms. Father made no further remarks, but I felt uncomfortable. My feeling Tor Leonard Brooke however had nothing in it of which I ueed be ashamed, so I dismissed the idea from my mind, and told the girls all they wanted to know about him. all 1 knew myself. The next morning dawned bright and warm. Mother had invited several of the young people to join us, and it was n gay party that left the house about 10 o'clock. I proposed that Mr. Brooka drive with Ruth and one of my sisters. I imagined I saw a shade cross his face, but there was no imagination about the pleased look on dad 's face. At the Picnic. We played games and waadered off, singly or in couples, as we pleased un til lunch time. Then we spread the. cloth, and yhile we girls set the tabla the men kindled the fire to make coffee. After luncheon was cleared away wa sat around for a time talking and tell ing stories. We left iu plenty of tim to get home for dinner. Brooke and I drove heme together ia the runabout behind my mare. I had not intended to go with him, but ha appeared so anxious I hadn't the heart to refuse him. . It was a lovely drive and I was iu high spirits. I wanted to invite him to dinner, but thought I had better not until I had spoken to mother. Father bad evidently said some thing to mother, because when I pro posed it, she objected in her gentia way and I did not feel that I could persist, (Tomorrow Father Disapproves of Leonard Brooke.) -4 ' ! I