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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1916)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPT. 30, 1916. NINE I NEW TODAY OLABaUIED ADVERTISING BATES ' Eat a per word New Today: Each .-insertion, per wore . lc One week (6 insertions), per word....5c On 'month(26 insertions) per word J7c The Capital Journal will not be re sponsible for more than one Insertion for errors in Classified Advertiaments. Bead your advertisements the first day It appears and notify us immediately Minimum charge, 13c. PHONE B$TFw woo4 law. . 160 ACRES For sale. Phone 217 tf R. octS BTJBBEB Stamps male 165 S. Com'l V tf HARRY Window cleaner. Phone 709. oct7 TRESPASS Notices for sale st Jour nal office. tl FREE: RENT Free home. 2,123 North High St. oct2 WANTED Girl Phone 077M. general housework. septTO FOR RENT Gfc.A, close r.f ov-CiL Phone 9217.. in. well iiu oeti GIRL -"WISHES Housework. G 3 care Journal. Adiftess oct4 FOE RENT SIGNS For saie at Cap ital Journal office. tl GET PRICES On farm The. Journal office. sale bills at FOB SALE Or trade for wood, gaso line engine. Phone 451. tf OLD PAPERS For sale at Capital Journal office 10 cents a bundle, tf FURNISHED Apartments, also barn suitable for garage. 491 N. Cottage. SEWING By day or week, 73e per dav. 500 X. Capital. Mrs. Newman. act.'t WANTEDWWcU matured potatoes for shipping. Mangis Bros. Fhone 717. septJO MX CHIROPRACTIC Adjustments $5. worth more. Dr. May, Hubbard rjfrg. octl3 GET YOUR Trespass Notices, now supplv of cloth ones at Capital 'Jour nal tf GIRLS OR WOMEN Wanted at the glove factory, 14,15 Oak St. Steady work. BeptoO i WANTED To trade, Maxwell auto for 1200 lb. team of horses. Phone 8IF21. sept30 WAX WANTED At once to milk 1.1 or 16 cows. Pinvknev P.ros. Phone 1437. V sept SO FOB SALE One roller top desk at' a bargain, 40.1 Hubburd bids'. Piione 54 or 1722. eeptilOO GOOD Pasture to let. 5 miles S W of Salem on slough road. Mrs, Ida Tracy. R. 3. sept 30 ONE GOOD TEAM Of mnres for sale reasonable if taken at once. R. 3, box 220, Phone 73F4. septSO FOB SALE Thoroughbred Holstein .i bull calf. 0 mos. old. Phone 2502W4 4 after 0 o'clock. tf FURNISHED Rooms ana housekeep ing apartments, rates reasonable elose in, 160 Court. V WAITED Good second hand tent a hout 10x12, must be bargain. Address T10 care Journal. sept30 FOUND 1 Bay mnre, 900 lb. stnr in forehead, lett fore foot white, in quire Center St. feed Bhed. ottl liOST At fairgrounds, Wednesday, purse coiirniuiug 32. culling cards and key. Reward for return. Phone S70. ' sept30 FARM FOR RE XT 7.1 acre rnu.h ideal duirv farm, new buildings, reus liable rent. Otto Scbottmuu, Mt. An gel, Or. oct FOB BEXT Furnished housekeeping rooms, new modern house. Phone 743J or call after 5:30 p. m. 910 N. Church. - tf WANTED Good work team, not under 1200 lbs. sound and true. Address I,. M. Herren, Rome 7, box 104. Phone i'fPFo. oct.1 MODERN 5 room house for rent, very reasonable, near school, church and street car line. Enquire 1491 Soutii Com '1. .. tf FOR SALE One ton Federal truck in good condition.' Interesting price for cash buyer. Sulem Fruit Co., 207 8. Com'l St. tf CIDER AND YIXEGAR Apples want ed. Will pnv cash on delivery, Sacks furnished. Gideon Stolx Co., near cor ner Summer and Mill StB. tf WAXTEO To buv 0 or S choice milk cows, must be fresh now or soon, none but parties owning choice cows need call. Phone M31 or 491. ' tf WANTED A horse about 1200 lbs: for slow light work, well cared for. 20 limit, no traders stock. Address' J. T.-Sherer. Thone 37FI.1. sept.10 FOB REXT Furnish house, 7 room, &42 X. High: also 7 room unfurnish ed house at 473 N. High. Inquire at 660 N. HiKh or phone lOi'0. tf INWARD Of 20.00 will be paid fur information that will lead to thc arrest and conviciton of the part ythaf cut my auto tire. Dr. P. H. May. sept30 FOB SALE Or rent, modern five room bungalow sear Grant school, in good repair. Will sell on terms or rent. R. H. Mills, at S-pauldtng Logging Co . otnee. FOR SALE Edison phonograph, will give terms. 757 Center St. sepr30 DAHLIA BLOOMS For sale, 25c per doz, Mrs. F. L. Purvine. Phone 20W scpt.'tO SNAP Largo lot on paved street. All assessments paid, only $215. Title clear. X X X Journal office. sept30 WANTED An experienced girl for general house work; Mrs Clifford Brown. ;37S State; oct3 WANTED St. An.lrewsburg roller, al so several singer, must be reason able and in -good song. Phone 1062. sept30 FOR SALE Or will -accept in cat tle, horse feed etc, balance time, small tract of rich land with house, barn. etc. Address til care Journal. oct3 FUR SALE Modern seven room house and lot; eight bearing fruit trees. Enquire Ben' Perlich at Steusloff 's market. oet-1 NEW CLASSES In all subjects nt the Capital- Business college next Mon day. See adv. elsewhere in thin is sue. - - sept30 FOR SALE Cheap, twenty acres half mile from Sulem, good house, running water, river bottom. Address box 340 oct6 FOR RENT Furnished cottage, bath. electric lights, gas and wood range,. cement busement. garage. 2 blocks from State house, $20.00. 1.10 8. 14th St. septilO FOB BENT Furnished or unfurnished sleeping rooms, office rooms ana housekeeping rooms, reasonable ratet W. H. Norris, Bee. Hubbard bldg Boom 304. ... tf SECOND HAND Mens' clothing, jewelry, musical instruments tools,, guns, etc., bought, sold and traded. Capital Exchange, 337 Court M. Phone 493. octll FOR SALE Neat, nearly new, bunga low and two lots for sale for only $1410, $4.10 cash, balance 5 years at 0 per cent. This is a forced sale. The place is worth iii2.u)0. See Scott & Union. 124 South Liberty St. sept.'IO FOR SALE Or trade. Co acre farm, 10 acres in prunes, will trade for goou income or residence property in Port land or Salem, or for smaller place, no real estate men need answer this ad. Owner care Journal. sept29 FEMALE HELP WANTED At once, ten ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell well established line to our deal ers. Previous experience not neces sary. Good pay. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. .115, Oma ha, Nebr. FOR EXCHANGE S'i acres 5 miles out on good road. Seven room house, woodshed, full bearing family orchard Will excliaage for good unencumber ed property, citv or conntrv. Square Deal Realty Co.," 202 V. 8. Bank bldg. SALESMEN WANTED To sell ge'ner- nl trade in Oregon. ncaney now. A new merchandising plan. Commission contract. $3..00 weekly for expens es. Established in 1900. Continental Jewelry Co., 20,1-40 Continental BfMg. Cleveland, Ohio, sept:Ul SALE SACRIFICE Our Highland gar den home, 2 acres richest soil, new 7 room house, own complete water sys tem, li.V inch pipe nearly all over place; cow, horse, 30 hens, wagon and all tools, some household goods; good bnrn will hold cows, 1 horse, for . quick sale, $4000, J. A. Woodard 8505 N. 25th St septSO See That Your Watch Is "Upto the Minute" Just for the benefit of those who really want to keep "within the law" during the shooting season, .the follow ing rising nnd setting of the sun s published. These figures will govern the snoot mg or uuciis, geese, uuii iimnim uim as the law' plainly reads that no shoot - ... .. i . . , i l.. iug can be legally done before sunrise or after sunset. The following is the sun's schedule for October Date 1 .... Sunrise Sunset 6: Oil 0:11 0:12 6:13 (1:1.1 6:16 6:17 6:10 6:20 (1:21 0:23 6:24 6:2.1 6:27 0:2S 0:29 6:31 0:32 .6:33 6:3.1 6:36 6:3S (i:3!l (1:41 6:42 6:43 6:4.1 6:46 . 6:4S 6:49 6:."1 ,r:.12 5:. 10 5:4S 5:40 5:44 5:4S Si411 5:29' ' Killed Her Mother and Then Herself Portland. Ore., Sept. 30. Fearing in sanity, Mrs. Klin Graven, aged 27, killed her mother nod committed suicide to day. Before death she bathed and dunned fresh clothes. The morher, Mrs. Minnie K. Graves, was shot as she lav in bed. Mrs. Graven then suugirled down beside her mother eorpse ana sent s bullet tf through her own brnin. B. I.. Graves, husbnnd of tho slain WOMAN HISSED FOR Tactless Female Insults Visit ing Governors, Guests of Our Own A chorus of loos and hisses greeted Miss M. G. Fendall, of Baltimore, Md., yesterday when she assailed President Wilson in a suffrage speech when she made her talk at the Governor's Day exercises where Governor Withy combe, Lister, of Washington, and Alexander, of Jdaho, made short ad dresses at the new auditorium at the t'air:grounds. The audience which had applauded enthusiastically when " the governors and other speakers on the progrsJm were heard, began leaving the auditorium when Miss Fendall made her attack on President Wilson, and it was necessary to rap repeatedly for order before quiet could be restored. The. greater part of the', crowd, how ever, filed out quietly and refused to listen to . her remarks against the president. .. .... Miss Fendall, who was one of the regular speakers on the program, is one of the more militant suffragette from Maryland, and it was understood that the program should be entirely non political. It appeared that she could not ..refrain from injecting her own personal views into her address and the part that aroused the ire of the audience was when she declared that the Democrats must be driven out of office and that any vote for President Wilson was a vote against woman's suffrage. The women In Oregon who worked for years and finally secured the pas sage of the equal rights measure were of the highest type of womanhood that ,ow(,d none o( thc nliKtant n,ethods the state hus produced and tney 101 that apepars to be quite the thing in Miss Fendull's home. At any rate the audience, when its hand was forced, showed that there was a quiet under current of Wilson popularity in the people at large that will probably be chrvstalized at the trolls next Novem ber regardless of the campaign buttons to the contrary. I CELEBRATES JUBELEE Special Trains Bring Visitors . to Mt. AngelSchumann Heinke Sings St. Benedict, Ore., Sept. 30. Automo biles' arrived from all directions this morning for the big festive jubilee of the Rev. Adelheiin Odermatt, founder of Mount Angel college, who today cele brated tho golden jubilee of entering the Benevolent Order. Special trains from Portland and the surrounding" cities were well filled. At 9:15 a. m. tho procession consist ing of Archbishop Christie, Bishop Shinner, of Spokane; Moitsignor Bauw, Rev. Father l'lacidus and Rev. Father Odermatt, followed by the leading socie ties of the parish, marched from tho church parish to the church. The Bight Kev. julnlariun then sang pontifical high mass. By a recent appointment from Rome he bus been granted the privilege of singing poutificial high masses. His Gruce, Archbishop Christie, de livered a sermon especially giving honor and praise to Bev. Fjither Adel heiin, who for the post 35 years has labored in the state of Oregon. It is to him especially that the people of Ore gon owe much in educational lines, for the college was one of the first in the state. The archbishop, who is a spe- i-iiii Trienu oi liiu .lumiuriuu. FxnressL-u . . , . , . . . 1 . j ls pleasure in being here at tins grand Mme. Schumnnn-Heink, the famous singer, enthralled the audience by her magnificent, singing. Being also a great friend of Kev. Father Adolhelm-, "'ie traveled from San Diego, Cal., for tne sole purpose ot ncing present ai the jubilee. After the pontif icinl high mass the crowds surged up to the mount, w here the college stands, the entire clergy 7 k. , 1 ry. Tl i... nlumni, and the many friends of the r'i-! Immediately after the meal al went upl1"9"'" hall' and special degree work rl'v, to thc auditorium, where a public re. in the city hall by the first degree team r'o-t'eeption was held. Among the principal-f C'homeketn lodge, Xo. 1, of Salem. -:,! speakers was Archbishop Christie, j "r rh evening banquet to follow the Bishop Shinner, of Spokane! Rt. Rev. 1'lnciiliis, nliliot of the monastery; rath 5:2.1 0T f'ai-K, rntner A.lcilieini and utto 5:24-Oswald. .r:22 Mine. Schumunn Heiiik ugain favored 5:2(1 "'0 audience with three select songs. 5:19 The linll was crowded and the eele 5: 1 7l brated singer won the hearts of all by; 5. -t her simplicity. Jjjwoium nnd stepfather of the one that ."('did the shooting, was dressing when l"ojj! the. tragedy occurred. He thought the r'.yj noise was caused by a door banging. f '.f'-t Some time later, becoming alarmed, he Villi smashed his way into his wife's room. 'r' ,,j His crien attracted neighbors who led 'J'-" him out o'f the blood-spattered chumber. j;.! I He is prostrated. I I-Hu.'dn !.,'. .. ....... u .... 1 , 1 . 1 ... I An an old envelope. "Rather this than the asylum," it suid. " I'se insurance for expenses and give what is left to Eva." Kva is her sister, who lives in Astoria, Ore. The weapon used was a .32 calibre re volver. It had long lain around the bouse. 4 in ring the night Mrs. Graves cleaned nnd pidished it. Then she load ed it with two shells one for herself and one for her mother. Mrs. Graven has been separated from hmil)nn(Ii rnri . m,. .... Oraven, for several I years. She attempted suicide by pois oning a mouth ago. THE MARKETS I . The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, aLd not what ia paid to the producer. All other paces are those paid the producer. Correct lens are made daily. ' .' ; Cantaloupes are now of two grades and ,the wholesale prices run from $1.25 to $1.75. Portland commission houses are quot ing high prices for turkeys today, one of the leading houses quoting Portland prices at 22 and 23 eents live and 20 to 27 cents ''dressed. This is several ceuts higher than thc market opened last year, nil of which seems to indicate that thc pnrf of wheat and turkevs are trotting in thc same class. Oman. Wheat . $1.00(51.08 Oats, new ... 35(q40c Rolled barley ... Bran Shorts, por 'ton Hay, clover ...... $38.50 $25.00 $28.00 9$10 .$10.0011.0(' $11$12 $15(a$16 Hay, cheat . .... Hay, vetch ...... Hay, timothy, Batter. Butt erf at ' ..31e Creamery butter, per pound ..... 34c Country butter 2527c Eggs ana Poultry. Eggs, case count, cash 32c Eggs, trade ., . 34c liens, pound j.... l-vata io'e. Boosters, old, per pound 8c Broilers, under 2 pounds HVj Broilers, l'A- lb, or less 16c Turkeys 20(ff21c Fork,. Veal and Mitton. Tomatoes, Oregon 40c Pork, dressed ll(a'12 J - Pork, on foot 8 l-29c Spring lambs, 1616 77 1-4 Steers ' 56 Cows ,- 3 l-24e Bulls 33 1-4 Ewes . . 44 l-2 Wethers 8 l-2 Vegetables, Tomatoes, Oregon 40c Cabbage 40c Cucumbers .... ............ . 40c String garlio i . " . 15c Potatoes, sweet 3c Potatoes '. lc Green onions ' 40t Green peppers 4c Carrots, dozen 4ue Onions $1.60 Fruits. Watermelons lc Muskmelons .. $1.25 Peaches, Oregon 25(ct60c Grapes , ..' $1.50 Apples 50c(ff $1.00 Oranges, Valencies $4.75 Lemons, per box $6.50(5 7.00 Cantaloupes, per box $ Bananas, pound Be California, grape fruit $3.50 ,ao..;vs Florida grape fruit Pineapples Honey Huckleberries XetaU Prices. Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 40c Sugar, cane . $7.00 Sugar, beet $7.70 Creamery butter i .. 40e Flour, hard wheat Flour, valley $1 70(52 05 T. i'a-,ft1 T isi J." i-!?dt- 0 PORTLAND MARKET , Portland, Ore., Sept. 30. Wheat: Club, $1.26.' Blucstem, $1.34. Fortvfold, $1.27. - Red Russian, $1.23. Oats: No. 1 white feed, $27.25. Barley: Feed, $33. Hogs: Best live, $10. Prime steers, $7. '; Fancy cows, $5.50. Calves, $7.50. Spring lumbs, $S.73. Butter: City creamery, 35c. - Eggs: Selected local ex., 40c. Hens, 15c. Broilers, 15(5 16c. Geese, 11(511 l-2c. Odd Fellows' District Convention at Gervais The Marion county district convent tiou of thc Odd Fellows will be held at Gervais two weeks from today, Satur day, October 14. The afternoon session will be given to special addresses by ( prominent Odd Fellows while in the ev i : .i,ro t,n the rewnlnr meet- ill f Bcbckah lodge, No. 75, in t . . . ,. .i v rn ;., ,i,.. two evening sessions, J. A, Mills, of this city, will act as toastmaster. The program fur the afternoon session is as follows: Business session (.Masonic hall;, 1:30 to 2:30 p. in. Program At City Hall, 2:15 P. M. Address of welcome Albert Lengriu, N. G., Gervais lodge, No. 121. Response J. G. Iddings, P, G., Che meketa lodge, No. 1. Address, "Duties of the Officer's of the Lodge." P. G. M.. George 11. Hur net. Address, "Our Individual Duties to the Lodge." P. G., K. P. Morcom, Wood I) urn lodge, No. 102. Report from Sovereign Urn ml Lodge. P. G. M., Wm. Gnlluway. Address Grand Master H. S, West brook, Portland, Ore. "Good of the Order." P. G. L. J. Adams, Silver lodge, No. 21. Ladies of Harmony liebeknli bulge will serve dinner at 0 p. in. Reason able price. Governor Proclaims. Fire Prevention Day Whereas, The great destruction of property annually incurred through fire may in a great measure be decreased by education and by arousing public in- ROOSEVELLSPEAKS (Osutlnned from Fage One.) went down'with the Lusitunia, and of the 'oppressed men aud pitiful women who have been murdered and ravished in Mexico.' " As to the way in which ithe presi dent met the railroad crisis, Roosevelt declared it a "surrender to brute force." He went into great detail re garding his settlement of the authracitt coal strike and said the administration 'erred in not insisting on a full hear ing and giving every one the complett facts, and then submitting the case to a special commission." Arrived at Battle Creek. Buttle Creek, Mich., Kept. 30. Col onel Roosevelt came to Battle Creek to day to inject some ginger into the presi dential campaign, lie said so nimselr. He is to speak late this afternoon at an old-fashioned barbecue and rally on the circus grounds under the auspices of thc five surrounding counties. When the train pulled into Battle Creek an hour late, because of a stop at Marshall, Mich., were the colonel gave some school children a "straight Uni ted States" lecture, it looked like a good part of all the five mounties were on hand to give the ex-president an old time welcome. There were fully 30,000 at the depot, and 30,000 more along the route of a parade that was held before the colonel had time to wash his face and hands. Roosevelt said coming here' On the train last night, that he intends making a fighting speech this afternoon. Some cembers of his party who have read thc address said he d do it all right if he sticks to the text. The colonel couldn 't really find him self until that short stop at Marshall. Folks on the train probably did not real ize the quiet, rather paunchy person who sat reading a history of Ireland in the observation car, was really Roose velt. But the minute the train slowed down at Marshall, Roosevelt jumped to his feet, grinned his teethy smile and went to it, with all the old Roosevelt tactics' that infect crowds with the cheering serum. Roosevelt reviewed a monster parade immediately after arriving, 2ti uniform ed bauds and all and then took a two hours' rest after lunch. He plans to leave here about 0:30 this evening for New York. On his way back be and Ralph D. Cole, chairman of the speaker's bureau from republi can headquarters, will decide how many more speeches he will make, for Candi date Hughes. The matter of a coast trip also will bp-settled. ' J terest in the problems of prevention and Whereas, .There is no field of real '.'preparedness" that may be practiced morn profitably, and Whereas, October 9 is the anniver sary of the historic Chicago conflag ration, therefore, . I do hereby designate Monduy, Octo ber 9, 1910, as Fire Prevention day in Oregon. And I urge that on that day, organized effort may be made through out the state to encourage a campaign thnr will lessen fire hazard.' I sutrcrest on that individuals and Pommunffics under , -. - - t- - . . luae nume umi muiiicipui uuunu un-nuiug and insuection with a view to removing ge rubhisn, and safeguarding nesting anu lighting appliances; tnat tne ure-iigin-iug apparatus of the factories be tested out on that dav: that schools devote at least a brief period to discussing the subject of fire prevention; and that ev erv encouragement be given to the dC' velopmcnt of a neaithy puoue interest in the nianv problems of fire-hazard. Ia witness Whereof, I have hereun- velopmcnt of a healthy public interest to set niv hand and caused the treat seal of the-statc of Oregon to be here unto affixed this the 30th day of Octo ber, 1916. JAMES WITHYCOMBE, Governor of Oregon, Whena man says he's crazy to get married, observes the Cynical Bachelor I never contradict him. COMMISSIONERS' COURT ( Continued from yesterday) Harper, Mrs. C. A. relief 12.00 Brock. Norm relict 0-00 McMaius, Mrs. Birdio C. relief. 12.00 Irwin, Mrs. Blanche K. relief.. 12.50 Germond, Mrs. P. F. relief 10.00 Card Mrs. M. H. relief 10.00 Russell, James G. relief 5.00 Newtwi, O. D. relief 8.00 Weidner, Mathias relief ...... 10.00 Carlson, C. Carl relief 10.00 Zimmerman, Mis. Adelia relief.- 15.00 Mnrstel, Mrs. Kteve reli-f 15.00 Old Peoples Uome relief for Jul ia D. Hurlcl 15.20 Haynes, Mrs. Caroline relief... 10.00 Busey, Robert relief 7.00 Miller, Mrs. Vina H. relief .... 10.00 Ogle, Claude relief 15.00 (iroshnng, Mrs. J. N. relief 10.00 Wallace, Mrs. S. H, relief 5.00 Mutter, Mngdiileiia relief 10.00 Barrier, Mr, and Mrs. relief.... 10.00 Yolio, Toiile relief , 4.00 St it, Dora relief 20.00 lieinhart, Unsnlia relief 8.00 Lawrence, Charles relief 10.0" Weddle, Orin relief 20.00 Mi-Cnvin, Mrs. relief 18.00 Wiles, George' relief 10.00 Buffun, W. B. relief 10.00 Stovke. Julius relief 10,00 . Sheriff's Office. Xeedham, W. I. deiiutv sheriff. 100.00 Sloper, L. L. deputy sheriff 80.00 Bower, O. D. deputy sheriff 80.00 Pnulus, Geo. deputy sheriff ... Wl.00 Clerk's Office. Clarke. W. R. deputy clerk H0.00 llin., K. A. bookkeeper 00.011 Oenrhartj If. O. deputy clerk... 511.00 Arms, A. M. deputy cjerk 50.00 Recorder's Office. Hickox, C. G. deputy RO.Ou Sovnge, Helen deputy 60.00 Brooks, Russell clerk 50.00 Treasurer's Office. ' Moore, J. (1. deputy M.00 Assessor's Office. Steclhammcr, O. A. deputy as sessor. , . , 100.00 Schellberg, H. clerk 22.50 Klooppiiig, H. H. writing tax roll 67.50 Lewis, C. A. writing' tax roll... 67.50 Roy, Mrs. At checking "roll 26.25 West, G. E. checking roll 20.25 Court House. Morgan, Cal janitor 50.00 Kirby, R. P. janitor . . . . : . 50.00 Hobson, L. janitor , 33.87 Howe, F. M. janitor ' 10.13 School Superintendent's Office. Beid, Cora E. clerk 75.00 Poor Account. Smith, W. Carlton comity physi cian 50.00 Jackson, Hattie M. special officer 50.00 Stock Inspector. Morehouse, W. O. county veterin arian 33.60 Sealer of Weights and Measures. Tones, J. F. salary and expense 45.72 Count; Court and Commissioners. Bushey, W. M. traveling expense 3.50 Goulet, W. H. county commissio ner. 35J0 Beckwith, J. T. county commis sioner 39.00 Poor Account Continued. Flint, Mrs. L. L. relief 10.00, Sheriff's Office. Esch, Win. sheriff, advance for stamps. . i 25.00 Ferrell, D. II. splitting wood . . 23.00 Garland, F. H. livery hire .... 1.00 Northwestern Long Distance Tel ephone company, calls 75 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company, telephone and calls. 9.15 Western Union Telegraph com- pauy, calls 1.32 Clerk's Office. Beaver 6tate Printers, claims and blanks 11.00 Boyer, C. G. advance for stamps, etc 0.82 Bushong & Co., liquor affidavits 15.00 Commercial Printing company, letter heads, etc ;., 12.25 Elliott, N. D. widow's pension blanks. . 14.00 Kilhuni Stationery and Printing company, citation blanks, etc. . .76 Oregon Statesman, executions... 2.0 Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company, telephone and calls. 5.35 8.10 Patton Bros, paper, erasers, etc. Rodgers Taper company, letter heads, etc Recorder's Offlcs. 9.15 Brooks, Mildred R. advance for stamps 2.00 Facific Telephone & Telegraph etc 2.25- Spencer Hardware company, hand ax ,-85 Assessor's Office. x Davis, J. Fidcputy assessor, . ... .,J.75 company telephone 2.25 Patton Bros, erasers . ; .60 Burvey'ors Office. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company telephone and calls. . Patton Bros., ink, rubber bands Hickox, K. E. deputy assessor.. Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company telephone and calls. Patton Bros, pens 9.75 3.10 0.25 4.00 1.00 Slinver, B. A. postal cards 7.50 Wendroth. Geo. J. making map. 2.50 West, Ben F. advance for Btamps 3.00 Wilkius, M. O. list of automo biles. . , 5.00 Stock Inspector's Office. Oregon Statesman, inspection blanks 18.00 County Court aud Commissioners. The Daily Capital Journal,' pub lishing claim docket Oregon Statesman ' publishing claim docket 72.3: 08.48 Pucific, ' Telephone & Telegraph company, telephone aud calls. 5.50 .75 Patton Bros. pens. . . , Court House. Croisiin, E. M. wood 20.64 Evans, H. E. trash on dump.... 1.00 2.00 .20 1.15 Leroy, Charles grinding lawn mowers Salem Hardware company, hose washers Salem Laundry company, luuu- dry .Salem Truck aud Dray company pauy trash on dump .50 30.32 20.30 Salem Water Light and Power company water for August.. . , Spencer Hardware company, door check,- mops, etc. . ,-, Sheriff's Of flee Continued. Williamson, P. W. wood ,. 43.50 Circuit Court, Drnger, 1). G. advance for filing fee (inrfield, Edna to reporting, dis allowed. Pacific. Telephone & Telegraph company telephone and culls. Veu -mi, II. C. witness Smith, Meryl witness Brown, Robert witness Jacobs, Mrs. Arthur witness .... Jacobs,' Arthur witness 15.00 5.10 2.20 3.00 3.80 2.80 2.80 3.60 7.60 2.20 4.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.80 6:00 Moore, Fred witness Pearson, M. O. w itness ........ Clements, Dr. H. J. witness .... Bumgnrdner, Wm. witness .... Cooper, Minnie E. witness .... Minier, Irma L. witness .....'. Scott, Dr. O. I.., D. C. witness Nymnn, Mrs. R. II. witness .... State vs. Oratty. Grier, J. B. cash advanced ....' State vs. Johnsoon. . Pratt, C. II. car hire State vs. Asptnwall. Webster, D. justice 1.75 12.25 12.30 Cooper, E. constable Southwick, B. S. witness , 1.7 Viesco, Geo. witness 1.70 Farmer, A. S. witness , 3.9 Cooper, Mrs. A. S. witness ..... ",3.SMJ Tarker, Clifford witness 1.70 Van Cleve, A. T. witness 3.10 Van Clove, Mrs. A. T. witness. . 3.10 Gaskill, W'. L. witness , 3.10 Beatty, Otto E. witness ...... 1.70 State vs. Benson. Webster, D. justice...'. , ' 4.6S Varney, Percy acting constable. 1.20 State vs. Samuel Benson,- et aX Hayes, T. F. justice . 5.90 Anderson, Olef deputy assessor. 5.10 Guldeen, J. wituess ;. , 1.70 Griesel, Walter C. wjtness 1.70 Aplin, Mary witness 1.70 Aplin, Bart witness.. 1.70 State vs. Berridge. Webster, D. justice,.......'.... . 9.00 Esch, Wm. acting constable .... 19.50 Bruck, C. L. witness 4.70 State vs. Betker, et ai Wbstor, D. justice ...'. 10.01 Cooper, E. E. constable ........ 5.30 Forstner, Mrs. D., witness ...... . 1.70 Woodridge, Pearl witness . .... .1.70 State vs. Bevier. Webster, D., justice 8.5S Cooper, . E., constable . . N . . . 13.40 Wheeler, E. F., witness 6.50 Cone, Orville, witness 6.50 Cone, Lloyd, witness 6.50 State vs. Oundieflnger. Webster, D., justice 5.70 Cooper, K. E., constable , 35.00 State vs. Henaley. Brown, J. M., justice 2.50 Simeral, A. F., constable , 5.00 State vs. Kelly. Webster, B., justice 4.95 Cooper, E. 7., constable 3.3S State vs. Lee. Webster, D justice 3.70 Cooper, E, ., constable 3.3S State vs. McMurray, et si. Webster,-D justice -2.3S State vs. Moore. Webster, D., justice . 8.20 Cooper, E. E., constable 6.40 Hule, tVill S., witness ' 8.50 Albers, Henry, witness 2,50 Dorn, Ronald, witness 2.59 State vs. Rogers. Webster, D., justice 2.8S Coroner's Account Clough, A. M., investigations .. 50.30 School Superintendent's Office. Commercial Printing company, envelopes 20.50 Pacific Telegraph & Telophone, company, telephone aud calls. 2.7S Shaver, B. A., books 3.50 Smith, W. M., ady. or stamps, etc 36.60 Fruit Inspector. Constable, C. O., salary and ex penses 110.50 Health Officer. Cashatt, C. E., salary and ex- i penses 121.00 Poor Account Beaucharap's Drug Store, pre scriptions . "4.6 Bcauchaoip, U. A., M. D for prescribing . . .,....'' '. , . . 1.00 Champ & Son, S. H., groceries .. 9.85 Drager, D. G., adv. for B. B. fare, . etc. . , . , 27.60 Evans, Earl, meals and care of John Ellison 4.09 Gervais Drug Store, medicine . , 2.40 Hickman, Dr. H. O., to visit Mrs. Maher, etc 6.00 Uunt's Market, meat 2.00 Hunt 's Market, meat .......... - 2.05 lading's Cash Grocery, grocer ies. . 8.00 Liston, W. A., house rent 15.00 Littlefield & Romig, Drs., visit and cure of C. E. Johnson. .continued Pacific Telegraph & Telephone company, telephone 1.00 Pintler, Dr. W. N., dental work continue Riestercr & Co., F, J., greceries, $1.0.1 disallowed $10.00 allowed Rigdon - Richardson company, burial of Emily C. Balod .... 25.00 Roberts, C. M., groceries 8.80 Salem Hospital, care of county patients 124.00 Scott, J. E., rent of house .... 6.00 Sloper 'a Drug Store, medicine.. 1.1$ Taylor, Earl K., superintendent poor farm 282-35 Tuffli, Hans, groceries 3.20 Wageman, J. ('. wood 4.00 Weller Brothers, groceries 40.6T Esch, Wr. board of prisoners 12.88 Spencer Hdw. Co. coffee pot ... 1.00 Rebate of Fees Hart, J. P. rebate of fees .... State Fair Evans, Mr. F. E. fruit for exhib Fishor, Mrs, Mary, strip grain .80 4.00 6.00 French, H. S. preparing exhibit 1 10.00 French, Mrs. II. S. canning fruit, etc llonaker, M, C. rhubarb Jones, Seymour, peaches 4.1.30 1.58 2.00 3.60 LaPallctr, A. M. peaches Northwest Fruit Produce Co. room rent, cold storage Olimnrt, Roy, peach plums Roth Grocery Co. apricots .... Slattery, J. H. pears Teter, It. D. pears, etc Welch, X. blackberries Tax Rebate ilursell, Florence, tax rebate 25.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.00 2.00 18.69 Southern Pacific Co. tax rebate coa't Advertising Salem Com'l Club, dues to Com. club 150.00 Indemnity for Diseased Cattle Cramer, Everett, indemnity 12.50 Palmer, John, indemnity 18.7S Parrish.. J.' K. indemnity 12.50 1816, J. G. indemnity 12.50