THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPT. 29, 1916. FIVE II II n I! II B n ta ii n ti El H II m a u n m El 13 U ta ca a H -a b b n a son's Jewelry Specials Save your good jewelry by having extra pieces for every-day wear To close out our line of Jewelry, values 15 to 25c, have placed everything at 10c Cuff Links, values 15 to 25c, to close out at 10c pair Bar Pins, assorted designs, 15c values now 10c Neck Chains, good values at 15c, now . , lOc Brooches,, many designs, 15c values, now .' . 10c Men's Watch Chains, good values, to close at 10c Stick Pins, values up to 25c, to close out at ', 10c Tie Clasps, 15c values, now , . ' lOc Beauty Pins, regular 15c sellers, now. '. 10c pair Men, Women and Children's Rings, to close out '. ' '. 10c To clean 'up on a lot of fancy coupe shape decorated china plates, regular 15c sellers, to close out at, each . . 10c WE INVITE STATE FAIR VISITORS TO OUR STORE. El II H Bf n 11 a u n H U ti E3 El H u U .Trapped by Two Girls He , Puts Up $15,000 to Pre vent Publicity i Hobson's 5-10-15c Store El a 254 N. COMMERCIAL ST. G. W. HOBSON, Prop. Chieago, Sent. '-'!. Tho other side ol the story of an Iowa businessman's al leged entanglement in a blnrkmail plot here and his supposed payment of $15, 000 huch, money, wil be told to Iliuton G. Clabaugh, federal Investigator here today. C. E. Wheeler and W. X. ,7ay, attor- Tinvn for the Town limn, tnlil fiiiir iili- El ; ent 's story to C'luhaimu here yesterday. UjThey are keeping his naino seerot until n after his daughter's wedding which is! l.A 'I'l.n nttA..n. .... ..f 1,.' Hiu uc own. t. iv iiuviiia 1110 ui nit M I firm of Brimiii, Wheeler, KUiott and Si Jay of a eity in Iowa, tf Two girls in his home town, it is H'said, eame to Chieago and in June, the m I Jem-u man, visiting here, called on them. HIle had been in their apartments only H , a few minutes when the door beU rang. S3 One of the girls answered it and in go Qjing out, closed the door leaving the man Mjnnd girl alono in the room in which 55 , there was a bed, it is said. H When the girl returned f rom 'answer ESing the door, she was accompanied by Q 1 two men, one of whom said he was u 1 lawyer. j The Juwaian says he was charged Jj with violating the Mann act but was H ' advised he could husa up the affair, lie 13 1 iiaid$oOO, it is said. Mi Later the lawyer and the two girls Annual Football Contest Is Assured Humors that the annual Willamette sity would not be played this year were shattered yesterday morning when Coach ilnthewB definitely announced the return of tho veteran warriors for their annual battering. Owing to con flicting dates in tho 'varsity schedule and that tho Salem business men may see the 1910 team under first fire, the game will begin at 10 o'clock s'narp. Although Manager Tlurgess P. Ford of tho alumni team has been making strenuous efforts to sign up the stars of former years, tho list of former pa trons of the beef trust is still in the melting pot of doubt, Coach Mathews announced the alumni possibilities this STATE FAIR P E N ifluicuay ? O ZD DESSSE'SEnE'lT'SnC'finB'BraHHESnHnHBSn HRBBiraWlWffWlr1!!SFIMMraiwiwi!Mi visited the Jowainn's home town and MMaMuMMIMuiMliMMIiMliBal HOW TO REDUCE Y0UR WEIGHT A SIMPLE. SATE, RELIABLE WAY l-.a-' rt-0r.' .Vt.- People who are over-burdened with superfluous fat, know only too well the discomfort and ridicult that over-stout people have to bear. If you are carrying iround five or ten pounds of unhealthy fat you are unnecessarily weakening your vital or gan V and are carrying a burden which destroys the beauty Ok your figure. i There is no need of anyono suffering from superfluous fat. If you want to I reduce your weight in a simple, siei find reliable way, without starvation diet or tiresome exercise, here is a test worth trying. Spend as much time as you can in, the open air, brcatho deep ly and get from any good druggist a box of oil of lioroin capsules; take one after etch meal und one before retiring at night. Weigh yourself once a woelt so as to know just how fast you are losing weight and don't leave off the treat ment or even skip a single docs until juu arti uuwu iu iruriuui. Oil or korcin is absolutely harmless, is pleasant to take, and help's digestion. Even ! few days treatment has been reported to- show a noticeable reduction your work seem easier and a lighter and1"""""-" louI "H.vs nlllss r souuers lighting in a trench inore buovant feeling takes possession ' K'gement and the Portland Oregunian which is in the range of tho enemy's of vour whole being. : 011 A,u'!u!!t 20 comments as follows: shells and shrapnel. A great ocean liner Every person who suffers from super- " Civilization," now being screened is torpedoed and women and children fluous 'fat should give this treatment nt tl,e Heb theatre, is of the most drown. atrial. : daring protests against the selfishness "Hardly less vivid is a superbly i !"'id inhumanity of a war of greed and , staged fight in the interior of a suli- TOOK HIM AT HIS WORD ! ftCrl''siriI the world has known. There j marine when its commander, sickened ut Ms a bombardment of a citv by aero- slaughter, opens the torpedo tube and ,.; Marvsville, Cal., Sept. 21). Taking' I1'111'08 where great buildings are de-', the '"Sine e Imt- I'rinciiial J. C. liav at his word when : molished and hundreds left dead under t Tt' . . , ,. . .. . .. ,, , lie protested against stylish clothes and: the debris of the buildings. There is a ."t" , !'', Is li la'Tln ZAX ..nava, battle where dreadnoughts and VT " " ing clad in overalls, "hickory" shirts j Wedding Invitations, Announcement! T) p r P . and cheap bungalow aprons. . ! and Cal'.ine Cards Printed at the Jour I &HS DflrrOWS lOr firSl , oal Job Department. there extorted $l..")0ti. Thev arc sup I posed also to have taken two notes for I $.")IIOO eneh. These are said to have been left with lawyers with the under standing they would not be negotiated if there was the slightest hint at pub licity. It is said there is no violation of the Mann act involved ami it is not believed the case involves the supposed blackmailers recently arrested, here. Montana Man Shot by Girl Reporter Missoula, Mont., Sept. 2ft. Suffering I from three bullet wounds inflicted by J Miss Edith Colby, a newspaper report- er, A. C. Thomas, republican county chairinnn, was in a precarious condi I tion here today. I The shooting occurred in the street j at Thompson i'alls. One of the bullets hit Thomas in the stnniacli. Miss Colby who wns formerly in politics in Spo kane, is detained by the police. It is nlleged that Miss Colby opened fire after Thomas refused to answer her rjiiestions and accused her of tellinc CIVILI ZATION The wonderful Inco feature " Civiliza-1 super-dreadnouiihta inn" .,.,. 1, i!.w....l !.... v....... o w in. viinnii iiii-itiir un ij IIC-CS UII11 B11UK. tion are tattered to One scene shows The Journal Does Job Printing. udevme! xtra ! ' Va All This Week UGH 11 EAT Time Outside the City New York, Sept. 28. Paris is bor rowing money for the first time outside of France. A $00,000,000 loan is Do ing arranged for the city hero througlii Kuhn, l.oeb & Co., it was announced to day. The loan will take the form of a five year, six per cent bonds which will be offered the public by the banking fiimi next week. -- The I'ily of Paris will use the funds je'ovitb'd by the bond issue to iii'Tcise hospital facilities, build orphan asylums, cart' for wmPivs of soldiers and to main tain the uncaiph.yed. Journal Vv'nut Ad Get P.esults You! Want Try ono and sen .r ? ' .'''Ti i u-i 1 VIVIAN MARTIN"; 'THE STRONGER LOVE, i PATHE WEEKLY TODAY - TOMORROW Salem's Only I ICTUEE Exclusivo SHOW lit iiir n'ri t tnt rf', V" i iVi jLii'. jii ,'iUiJriV morning which arc an array that wouM IjS'jjfiiir? insiiii terror liuo n cihi nniinii. The mere ehaneo that either "Pruney" Francis himself or Ciinuneey Bishop of Salem Woolen Mills fame will play the charging role of fullback in good; old fashioned style is sufficient to a-j rouse the attention of football follow ' ers anywhere. j lirazier Small and TToward .lewett,j the speedy Lilliputians of recent years j and Lloyd Shisler will tend to the! halves while Gingrich, Small or lin- ney Miller direct the movements from, the pivotal position of quarterback. ! For confer Massey or John Carson are INSISTENT PETITIONS OF PORT- 1 HI.-UH Ul ilii'H- Hiu lilt n. ..i .i. v tackles and "Doc" Mclntyre hiuisel: may participate as one, if not both,!1 As ti:e alumni game is always synon- CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND OTHER PROM- ffiSffi INENT INFLUENCES, TO HOLD THE FAIR OPEN ()pch Muthews nnnoiincetl his first . 1. ...Ill l.n 1D.1 fmti Ptm XTTZ naiAND OTHER EXHIBITS WILL BE HELD IN PLACE left tackle; Flegel or IMmicK, lett eni; liauch or Winner, right guard; 'jaylor or Sniess. rmlit tackle; Kextord on Sparks, right end; Month or (Irosve nor, quarter; Teall or Tasto, left half;j livnon or Tasto, right half; Taylor or: Katcliffe, fullback.' "With such a lineup of heavyweights' on the alumni team the 'varsity will ilo well to break even,'' said Coach j Mathews. "Considering that we havoj had a first team squad for only four days, we haven't got much chance to win. " The alumni were defeated 27 to 0 last year by the varsity n!id determined to revenge the score, the game on Satur day morning will be n liiii'd tjissle. j IS OWING TO THE FACT THAT THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE OF THE STATE, ESPECIALLY PORT LAND, WERE UNABLE TO VISIT FAIR DURING WEEK AND DESIRE TO SEE THE EXHIBITS OF THE BIGGEST STATE FAIR IN HISTORY OF THE NORTHWEST, THE STATE FAIR BOARD HAS YIELDED'TO INSISTENT PETITIONS OF PORT LAND BANKERS' ASSOCIATION, PORTLAND SUNDAY. THE LIVE STOCK, AGRICULTURAL lies about him. She declares he in sulted her. .). Munire, editor of the paper, is also in jail. Miss Colby told the sher iff Manire urged her to shoot Thomas. AND SOME FEATURES OF THE CARNIVAL AT TRACTIONS WILL ALSO BE ALLOWED TO RUN DURING THE DAY. SACRED BAND CONCERT IN NIGHT HORSE SHOW STADIUM. General Admission 25 cents Everybody Come ' AND HAVE A GOOD TIME $ TO REGAIN A HEALTHY, GIRLISH COMPLEXION ! l 1. 1 I W... I'. .'.ul. iri. l. 1 ish complexion, one ounce or oriiinui t . frt.rrrlWWirwvivr frrte,- iiierciilized wax will ant you in tins di rection more man iiieivca inn m ens-, mlllm , , , , , luetics. It produces a natural beauty. This was, procurable at any drugstore,! STEAMER BEAR DAMAGED. cointpletcly absorbs a bud complexion,- revealing' the healthy young sdiin uu- Kuroka, Cal., Sept. u'S. A large ..erneath. Its work .s done so gradual- j lt,v ,. .u(,. M the side of the lv. dav bv dav. that no inconvenience is caused.' The wax is applied nt night, like cold cream, and removed in the morning with soap and water. Another valuable rejuvenating treat ment this for wrinkles is to bathe vour face in a solution of powdered saxolite, 1 oz., dissolved in 'a-pt. witca hazel B'- ': i "S"l"" , - rTTTMn-rtim ii -iiwirfif nimnii m im mi hiimmhi : mil im r u ii i n . ii in .iihumi nnm i ' titi g iV tit mu T tn nmt mML2uLu I When lb SALEM, OREOON. ito ' BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modem Free and Private Batbj : This has n r nrkable action in j BATES: 75o, $1.00, fl.GO PE DAI Hleiimer Hear, now' on tho beadi near Jape Mcdocino, us n result of tho stiuiii of the l;i sit three days. Wester ly seas have been suiieping in on tho steamer, preventing work by tho salv ors. It was reported from the Hceno of the wreck tinkiv that the Dear's hull has been severely slrained and her po sition has been altered. Tho salvugu work may be given up. smoothing out the up the loose w: lines and ' 1 firming ue. The only hotel in the businosi uintrkl X en ret o all Dopols, Theatre nr ' npitol Buildings. A H i me Away From Horn. T. O. ELIGH, Prop. I Eoti Phones. Free Anto Bns. Salem-Independence Auto Service ngagemsnt Extraordinary . (Contitiu-'d fiom I'ngc Thicc.) tt durk .Itiiifi night, literally alive with Fireflies. Lac i flush reiiresenleil a blast from a giunt gun; yet this crest, was only one of half a doen others seen while approaching Coinbles from j ouo sido only. As my eyes ached from trying to fol-1 low tho incessant flashes, bursting seem- incly from every inch of the entire crest, I suggested to an Alpine cliaus seur. my guide, that the action was probably at ils height. "This is an ordinary bombardment," ho replied shrugging his shoulders. In fuct half an hour later officers said that this uns merely the bombard ment which followed the general iK-ault. Cmnblcs already had been taken. PIANO TUNING First-class work. All kinds of repairing. All work guar- antccd. Twenty-five years' experience Leave orders at Wylio B. Allea Co., phono 1 IK7. Residence phono 1-105. J. 10. 1IOCKETT, 015 Highland Avenue. sit 4 1 i ! cciviu; i EDMUND SON BURNER, Props I l'hono !.') or li)5 ' Leaves Salem, cor. Slato and Liberty .Street daily, 8:00 a. m., JhOO a. ui., 2:.'1U p. m. and k i:00 p. in. Tieaves ludependenuo opposite ! PoBtnfl'ico daily. !l:0U a. in., P-':30 p. in., 4:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. ' Fare, 50c t Extra Cars for Country Trips. i W1 -1 Hays Stsrt m Sun. Oct.! rand Theatre n Greatest I J If IimIwJ i l.CjPii ,ncc Feature Triumph in 1 1 reels with 1000 thrills. Brought direct in its entirety from a four weeks engagement at the Neilig Theatre, Portland, Oregon SPLENDID ORCHESTRA FEATURE CHORUS WONDERFUL EFFECTS A REVELATION Prices Same as in Portland, 25c, 59c, 75c. Reserved Seat Sale Opens Today TTTTTT f f TTTTT WW TTTTTtTT TTTfTTTtTTT k' 4 .'---'-.-7.':;,:,! ' t ;1 -" -I' ' 1 I HOf TP A V-rfS r ! I J ' J H n n S 'i RMfcil ii tin t I fc'ia itLIH ANY KiMD ADY TI.Mi M J if & 4e -J bi? Je '3i 4i ifc I fvitt JACK FROST CONFECTION- M Sk MM tiMti EaY F0R SALE Fl fn t i ii fa ItHtt Good Buy' mh and Fcrry Sl3, r! f! j eafc ttfciit ti m - a If fill I Notice to Farmers 1;.; h)' ft Woodry tho auetioneer will sell I 'j !' tt yur falm "'fek. Bales for 2 B !; IX per cent and (,'uarauteo sutisfac- I f ' i ' it 'on' ''""10 it l g I Wanted 1 1 Xl'. Xi 1 T Vny Tou 'ie hiRCBt E k mm U Atkak urii-a fur urtti r nafwl fiirni. D . w ' ture. l'hono 511, Woodry the B l 54rrJ G auctioneer. I'M KaJ5 ' p-jiipii..nj jlhii i mn.i iiiiiiiii i fives' " ' i----"- ut tioMiilMi ..I .'ii i i ii-.iiniiil.liniii.t.'..i.. TEEDA EARA In Wm. Fox's ricuui;aLion of UNER TOO FLAGS Sunday and Monday YE LBERTY THEATRE If You Know When You Are Lucky Don't REESE BROS. Africander Co. Musical Comedy, Minstrel and Jubilee Singers A $1.00 Show for 25c and 35c Listen for the Band Grand Theatre A 5 'fftttttttttftttftt-tttttTtttt