Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 29, 1916, Image 4

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Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal"
September . li'lii.
Editor and Manager.
Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc.
President. Vice-President.
Soc and Treas.
fcl BSl'lUl'TlOX KATES
ijiii.OO IVr month 4"c
3.00 l'er month Mt
Daily by oflrrier, per yeai
laily by mail, per year .
New York. Ward -Lewis-Williams Special Xgency, Tribune Building
Chicago. W. H. Stookwoll, People's (ins Building
The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the
porch. If the carrier does not do thin, misses you, or neglects getting the
paper to vou on time. Liu.llv plume the circulation manager, as this is the only
way no can determine whether or not the carriers nro following instruction.
Phone Main M before 7:.".0 o'clock ami u paper ill be cent yuu by special
messenger if the carrier has missed you.
The commission dealing with the Mexican situation
has bumped up against a stump in its negotiations. The
"Mpyimn commissioners acting: under instructions from
Carranza have changed their tactics and now demand I rangments to be such that they will enjoy it to the tullest
This year the need was more clearly shown than ever
grounds. Such a building with seats for not less than
10,000. with a dirt floor, and bandstand in the center.
would make an ideal place for the horse show, which
i i .
promises to become a popular annual event, band con
certs and other large gatherings during the fair.
The music hall at the new pavilion will only hold 700
or 800 hundred persons and it is absurd to give band con
certs in such a place when there are 30,000 people in the
grounds expecting to be entertained by the advertised
program, ihe horse show promoters did the best thev
could this year with a circus tent that would hold three or
four thousand but found themselves swamped bv the
The growing attendance at the state fair with crowds
of oO.OOO or 40,000 becoming common there must be
better facilities for taking care of them and providing
entertainment and conveniences. The people want these
things because it is their fair and they desire the ar
ihe withdrawal of American troops from Mexico as a con
dition precedent to further negotiations. The American
commissioners flatly refused to consider this unless it
could be shown that Carranza had troops ready to patrol
the border, and power to maintain order. On the Mex
ican side no promises were made and the Americans were
given to understand that none would . be made, l nis
mparts that a deadlock has been reached and unless the
Mexicans withdraw their demands or make the showing
required as to Carranza's ability to control and protect
the border mere is an enu iu an iicuuatiuno.
The recent events in Northern Mexico, the overrun
ning of Chihuahua the whipping of general Trevino by
Villa with less than half as large a force, the capture of
Carranza garrisons, the desertion of Carranza's soldiers
at every opportunity and the whole situation generally is
such that the Mexican demand cannot be complied with,
with safety to the border. As a matter of fact it is more
than possible that if the troops are withdrawn, Villa will
get in and whip Carranza to a finish and again get all
northern Mexico in a turmoil. Carranza's own safety
depends on his either getting strong enough to conquer
Villa and drive him from the country, or to have Pershing
and his army remain on Mexican territory. In the mean
while the Mexican Ambassador, Arredondo, has made a
hurried trip to his country presumably to consult his
chief over the situation. It may be possible he can in
duce Carranza to change his plans, but if not, the whole
Mexican situation may be up in the air again.
Word comes of a terrific battle being fought between
bandits and Carranza forces at a mining center some 50
miles southwest of Chihuahua. Details of the fight are
meager, and come from the Carranza commander who
says more than 100 Villa followers were killed and many
captured, among these Raudellio Uribe, Villa's lieutenant
and the gentleman who originated the pleasing pastime of
cutting off the ears of captured government soldiers. It
is also stated that Carranza troops are being sent from
irin can in pvpp inepoasine- numbers to cope with V ilia.
It is claimed the soldiers from the southern part of the
country are not in sympathy with the bandit and can be
depended on to fight him rather than desert to his ban
ner. If this is true, there is some hope of the Mexicans
being able to patrol the border in the near future and per
mit the withdrawal of the Americans, for when Carranza
can show he can make the border safe there will be no
hesitancy about withdrawing the Pershing forces.
However, it is hardly worthwhile speculating as to
results until the other side is heard from. So many of
those Mexican victories are like that of the man who
describing a fight he had in which he was victorious,
mentioned the fact that at a critical point in the scrap
he "inserted his nose in his opponent's mouth and held
him firmly to punishment."
' John D. Rockefeller was not. entirely "broke" when
President Roosevelt dissolved the Standard Oil trust, as
we were assured at the time the much-vaunted act of
"busting" occurred. Dispatches today declare that John
D. is worth at least one billion dollars a sum sufficient
to keep him outside the poor house and render his de
clining days comparatively comfortable from a monetary
The rain failed to materialize, but of course the fair
could not have materialized without some street car
track being torn up. This time it was South Commercial
and so did not inconvenience as many as usual.
extent. Grand stands, bleachers and livestock Quarters
alike have all been outgrown.
The fair board ought to formulate a comprehensive
plan for state fair improvement in keeping with the
growth of the institution and go before the legislature
with it at the next session. We do not believe there
would be any opposition from any source to a reasonable
appropriation for the facilities which are really needed
to make the state fair bigger and better in keeping with
its patronage.
Xo use attributing the lack of rain
this week to the car shortage.
Probably no feature of the fair a
rouses more memories than the old
soldiers' fife and drum corps.
She is the same Mary Pickford in
"lluldu from Holland'' that she was
in "Toss of the Storm Country." Some
Salemites starved at home from the
fair to see her.
Things got a bit- dusty yesterday.
But never mind. Wet dust is' mud. j
The straw vote habit is growing. Let'
us' be thankful that it can do no hurra.
Families quarrel when they're tired.'
Prove this for yourself bv keening vour
eyes and ears open on almost any south-:
bound tan-grounds car after 3 p. m. 1
The high cost of living is becoming1
really serious. Cigars are going up. '
Of cider it may also be said that it1
works while you sleep. I
Tiie present fair will be remembered1
for its jitney dances, among other
things. !
8 Fast Trains to Portland
'Trains stop in the heart of town"
.Some fiTl
next Sundav.
s will sleep mighty late'
The case of Mrs. Alexander, the school teacher over
whom there has been considerable trouble in Portland,
has taken a new turn and Superintendent Alderman is
charging her with fraud in filing reports showing she had
a larger number of pupils attending than were actually
doing so, and with fraud in sending work to the Panama
exposition which she claimed was done in the school but
which was in fact done outside. There are several other
charges but these are the principal ones. There is one
thing about these accusations that give them a bad look.
Mr. Alderman says they were done during the last semes
ter of the year 1915-1916. Is it not rather strange that
Superintendent Alderman did not find these things out
until now, for it is presumed he has just discovered them.
If he had known them before the board needed some
evidence to remove Mrs. Alexander and remained silent
about it he was more to blame than Mrs. Alexander.
On the face of things as they appear from Superintend
ent Alderman's statement he should be dropped along
with Mrs. Alexander, for he was an accessory after the
fact if he knew of her acts and failed to report them, and
if he only discovered what he states as facts just now,
then hi shows he is hardly competent to fill his job.
Japan has intimated that when the war is over she
will again take up the matter of discrimination against
her people by California and other states which prevent
the ownership of land by Japanese. It is pointed out that
this is not treating Japan as an important nation with all
the rights and privileges of any. At present there is a
"gentleman's agreement" between the countries on the
subject which was arrived at when it was pointed out to
Japan that the federal government was powerless to pre
vent states passing laws regarding land ownership, and
could only urge that such laws be not passed. The matter
promises to become an important one in the not very
remote future, and one that will probably be a long time
in reaching a final settlement.
(Continued From Page One.)
n message addressed directly to the peo- i
pie of a great neutral country. Wash-!
ington reports state German emissaries .
are again preparing the old peace kite.!
It is well know n that efforts to fly sim- (
ilnr kites have been made within Eng-1
laud. The recent visit to England, via
Berlin, of Marquis De Villnlnbar (Span-;
ish minister to Brussels! is becoming i
common Knowledge.
It has become a habit with the Giants. They made
their twenty-fifth consecutive winning yesterday with a
double-header at that.
LADD & BUSH, Bankers
Established 1863
CAPITAL - $500,000.00
- Transact a General Banking Business
Safety Deposit Boxes
Apparently President Sproule of the Southern Pacific
is keeping his word and making an honest effort to miti
gate the evils of car shortage. More and more empties
are reaching the state daily, the record being reached
Thursday when lOo were received at Ashland for distri
bution. Still the shortage increases rather than de
creases, it being yesterday 1415.
Such strange things happen every day! Old
Hiram is a stingy jay, , who never once,
since he was planned, blew in a cent with
heedless hand. All through his journey in
this vale, his motto was, "Salt down the
kale !" A dime was bigger, to his view,
than is a skating rink to you. The large
round dollar was his god; no charity could
touch his wad; privation could not make
appeal that would obtain from him one
wheel. No safe investment, in his town,
could make him lay some money down ; he
1 slaved and starved to gain the plunk, and hid his plunder
in his trunk. And then a stranger came along, and gave
I old Hi a dance and song; he had a patent truss to sell,
I which truss would make a sick man well. Enchanted by
I his siren tones, old Hi dug up a thousand bones. The
stranger took that princely roll, and jumped the town, the
! genial soul. That truss (which heals all sickly gents), our
i druggist sells for fifty cents, and Hiram haunts the busy
1 mart, and talks about his broken heart.
S ovum I X.
C (UllRKl j
Thru the Inland Empire
Grand Canyon of Col-
. umbia
American Wonderlands
Glacier and Yellow
stone Parks
Round Trips at Low Fares Daily
until Sept. 30 via The North Band
Koad. Stopover where you like.
North Bank Rail and
26 Hours Sail
on the ships of DeLuxe Service,
S. S. Northern Pacific and Great
Northern, for
San Francisco T $32.00
From any Oregon Electrio Ky. point
Ticket includes meals and berth.
This route saves Time and Money
and is a Delightful Trip.
Homeseekers' Fares
Sept. Si to Oct. 8
From Middle West to Willamette
I e.l prepaid tickets.
J. W. RITCHIE, Agent,
Salem, Oregon
7:15 A. M. Portland Local.
9:45 A. M. Portland Limited.
11:20 A. M. Portland Local. " '
1:50 P. M. Portland Local.
3:30 P. M. Except Saturday VVoodburn Local.
4:00 P. M. Daily Portland Limited.
5:00 P. M. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Satur
day. Fast Special, only for West Woodburn
. (5:30), Woodburn (5:38), Donald (5:38), Tual
atin (6:00, connecting with Local Portland
train), Garden Home (6:20, connecting for For
est Grove and intermediate points), and Port
land (Jefferson Street 6:40, North Bank Sta
tion 6:55).
5:30 P. M. Daily Portland Local.
7:55 P. M. Daily Portland Local.
10:00 P. M. Thursday (after evening concert)
Special Portland Local, except Woodburn. Con
nection at Garden Home for Forest Grove Local.
1:55 A. M. Eugene Owl. Local stops, except Cor
vallis. 8:35 A. M. Eugene Local.
10:10 A. M. Eugene Limited.
12:55 P. M. Corvallis Local.
4:15 P. M. Eugene Local.
6:40 P. M. Eugene Limited. Regular stops. Also
Fayetteville, Tulsa, Awbrey and Ross.
State and High Streets J. W. Ritchie, Agent
"Neutrals undoubtedly have bceuitho interview;
duped into supporting these movements
but the men working them in the news
pnpers, lobbies and courts, aro the tools
of astute ilhelinstrasso personages.
Nothing is likely to prevent a repetition
of these maneuvers which are more
necessary as the enemy discerns the
drawing on of fate.
"The stutemeut utter the immutable
will and purpose of the entire British
empire, with the allies. It makes the
futility of these maneuvers and their
possible duugcr place to all practical
, politicians and level headed observers."
Some Presa Comemnt.
I The Daily News had this comment:
i " l.loyd-lieoige well says that peace,
failing to destroy Herman militarism
and leaving Kurope still cringing under
tne shadow of the mailed fist, would be
1 a cruel peace."
" l.loyd-tieorge lias rendered a new
service to the country by the straight
tulk given an authorized representative
of the Americnu press, which will be en
dorsed by the whole nation," said the
J Daily (iraphic.
I "We recognize the good service he
(l.loyd-tieorge) is doing by such impres
sive" clearsighted statements." said the
I Morning ost.
i The .Mirror curried this caption over
Fight Must Be Knockout" 1
The Daily News captioned in tbJc
"Britaih Tolerates No Intervention.'.
The Sketch:
"No Peacemakers Need Apply." I
The. Mail:
"Hands Off the War."
The Express:
" Keep Out of the Tiinn."
Moose .law, Sask., Sept. 2fl. N'ina
thousand dollars in cash were seized!
when a gang of burglars held up tba
bank of Hamilton's Branch Bank at
Caron, eighteen miles from here. Tha
yeggiuen cut" all telephone and tele
graph wires to I'nrou.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
of &&fa5fa
Always bears
Always Watch JThis Ad"
Changes Often
Strictly correct weight, square deal and highest price for all klada at
junk, metal, rubber, hides and fun. I pay 2o per ponnd for old rift.
Big stock of all lizea aecond hand lncubatora. All kind eorrtfataa
Iron for both roofi aad building. Boofing- paper and aecond kaid
H. Steinback Junk Co.
The Hons of Half a Million Barfalag.
IAS North Commardal It. Pkaaa m
jr sjiie Phelps?
"Xow, Muudy. we must show them
that we Southerners know how to do
things as well as they do," I said in
talking of my dinner party.
I had not hesitated to give the diu
ner while Clifford was away, as I knew
he cared nothing about meeting these
young f rieuds of mine. And even had
he been at home, it would probably have
bored him, had he condescended to meet
I had invited the same people that
went on the straw- ride; so. including
myself, there would be just 10 of us. As
may be supposed, I was very anxious
that this, the first formal dinner I had
ever giveu in Glendale. should be a suc
cess. Mandy, although a nurse ..was a
famous cook, and although Kate grum
bled a, little, I determined that Muudy
should cook a typical Southern dinner
for them.
I was rather glad to try my hand at
formal entertainiug without Clifford's
critical eye upon me. If I came through
this safely, 1 should net be all fright
ened if he should wish me to entertaiu
his friends. Then I remembered. I
even smiled at my foolUlmess iu think
ing he would ever want me to entertain
people whom he would not allow me to
Again I determined that some dav
he should be proud of me. Again I
love he now held so lightlv.
The fascination of Decorating.
Oh, how busy we were that dav of the
dinner! All the lovely silver and cut
tiluss that had been so little used must
be polished and made read v. The table
arrangement I attended to nivseff. I
( Xow jes' run 'long, honey! Dis go
in tor be de bes' dinner them white
folks up No 'th here ever had."
"Oh, I hope so, Muudy!" I exclaim
ed, giving her a hug. She was as spot
lessly clean as U she had not been work
ing over a hot stove all day. I felt a
had vellow and white rihhm. .tr.nm...i
from, he chandelier to eackpla
Place cards were also .Utile figures in' satisfied mvseh' will thlnkine ot thJ
,. Vi?d The '"l'ie of lovely diuner. and that I would com,.e!
L'.!.l'0r'. 'Wn"' " t lie abe in the mornlnS '
i. i utui uuce uearii i urtnr.i uv
that no hostess who knew her hnnine
had a centerpiece that made people dis
".'vine ineir necas to see unv one
Waitinsr for the Quests.
I jumped into the tub. and after a
refreshing bath I laid down for 20 min-
on-1 tit... v. i. i .....
rL?A d- - "-M f-r me I T.d. hi. o.
I hi , . i . r . dres''' 1 wor" !il"l'' hite dre. that
balkovV 7 S!?. Wfe- -V - Theresa
available comer Th. , ; ;I ""V"." 5"'Kln8 tt ," '"er the ma-
irom rue canueiaora on the
table. I had lined alt the
shade, with ..ink. It a roo.t d,l .,f V", , 'm ea .a "erent persoa
work, but I could not find them nt h.
stores, and all vellow lights are not be-1 Tt'. 11.. . .
coming. I wanted ,0 look mv Ls , anV roLtef ?m ' '".""V1"0 ,he dinin
also to make my guests feei that thev 1 Th'" h gWf k'8 t0"i
did ' ." w,,h a B4M"lJ beating heart, X
liinuer was to be nt 7 o'clock. About 1 appear dr"Wi"8 rm fr U"?m
half-past five everything was readT and: D. wu -nn,W tl.i t .
I went into the kitchen to see how'Man.1 Mc :.Vj ' 1 anx",n
dy was getting along, hhwas too ba , ' d"m'r P.r,-V' mv tin
, nn.icS J, ;": 1.... . l t . ,B,Pt at entertaining in Glendalef
. ....... wuv niirn X SlOKe I
......... I 1. ..l:.- 1, . . 1 1
V u. noining striking about either the ma-
light was terial or the cut. just simple, straight
mantel mid lie. But after I was dresUd I had it.
yellow silk nwm h r i.,..i-.,.i - j:. .
It... good deal of than Idid V tl
felt that sometime he would need theme,
she turned her shining black face to
(Tomorrow Mildred Has a Dinner