Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 29, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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Rostein & Greenbaum
Lots of nice new Hats. Reasonable prices. Expert
Trimmers ready to supply your wants. New
Feathers, New Hat Ornaments, Lots of Nice New
Materials. Best Assortment in This City.
Ladies' and Girls' Coats
New Coats just in,
$7.50, $9, $11.50, $12.50
' Real Swell Coats
$11.50 to $15.00
Sure to please You.
- Boys' School Suits
$2.50 $3.00 $3.75
Men's Wool Suits
$10.00 $12.50
Umbrellas at 50c, 75c,
$1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75
See those new mixed
Silk Umbrellas, short
handles, heavy silk
cords at
$2.25, $2.50 and -3.25
Children's Umbrellas
Ladies' Outing Flannel
Gowns 50c, 75c and $1
Boys' Winter Union
Suits ............ 50c
Ladies' Union Suits 50c
Men's Union Suits $1
Men's Outing Flannel
Night Shirts ...... 65c
Boys' and Girls Outing
Flannel Night Shirt 50c
Macleay Items
over a larger ami .better school thnn
ever. The new heating plant, ordered
(Capital Journal Special Service) . some time- ago has been installed and
Macleay, Sept. 27. Oarl Lents', is atfru " pleased reports of those who
. . ; . .have seen it, we infer that tho children
home at present, recuperating from ni.i .,, UQt mm th(J gumnler gun
jmicn rniiru tiv mi! itiuiii UL U 1 1 t'n
Fruitland and Switzerland
(Capital .Tournal S)jecial Service.)
I Fruitlaud, Ore, Sept. 28. September
j 7 your correspondent and family went
to the Jerman hop ranch a mile north
of l'ratuui. It is owned and operated
! by A. (1. aad O. C. Jerman, father and
I son. In our 25 years' experience hop
piemking in Oregon we never found
I things so satisfactory as here nice
I camping place, courteous treatment,
I good water, uiiexceptiounlly good class
or pickers, with little or no disturbance
and no rowdyism. It is always good
i to find people nice especially in a pro
miscuous crowd.
There were some 75 acres planted to
"hops but on account of mold several
acres had to be left unpicked. 1 was
I not able to get an approximate state
ment as to the number of bales expect
ed. There were five dryers in opera
tion. Semester Bros., of Fratum, had a
store on the grounds and contrary to
custom at such places did not run a
game of "graft" on the pickers, but
sold supplies at a reasnable price.
On Wednesday, the 20th, the proprie
tors of the hop yard threshed in about
13 hours nearly 3,000 bushels of oats
and about 500 bushels of wheat. This
was going some. The Roth outfit did
the work, the machine being a Ilti-inch
cyliuder "Advance" of Battle Creek,
Mich. The small aad compact town of
Switzerland is located near the Jermau
farm. It consists of one dwelling house
occupied by the family of Mr. l'earl
Miller. Tom White of Fruitlaud, is the
other inhabitant during the day. He is
receiver of grain, storing it in the two
warehouses of Albers Bros., of Port
land. These two buildings constitute the
remainder of the town which at pres
ent is minus a mayor, chief of police
and a board of aldermen. Mr. Miller
and Tom being both civil and lawnhid
ing there is no need of a constabulary
to rule the place. This little city with
the Alpine name is located on the Wood-burn-Silvertou
branch of the Southern
acific. It is a flag station and so lias
uo ticket agent nor trunk smasher.
The famous Nelah Springs is about a
mile down the track and a little to the
left in a nice camping place. The water
is said to possess medicinal proprieties
but you wouldn't know it by the taste
at least I didn't. It is a nice concrete
walled spring several feet deep, the
water is bottled and scut all over the
country and the credulous drinker prob
ably feels himself relieved of his ail
ments as well as the small price he pays
tor it.
upon n i in nt the logging rump at
Black Koek where he was employed Hi
the saw mill, lie has been In a hospital
at Independence until recently and his
many friends will be glad to know
that he is now able to be around.
'School starts October 2. A few
mouths ago we gladly announced the
close of school and now we as gladly
nnnounce the opening after a splendid
vacation. Miss Jean livers will again
wield the rod ami mnoe of authority
Itching Torture Stops
It 1h unnecessary for you to suffer
whu eczema, ringworm, rashes and sim
ilar skin troubles. A little zeino, gotten
at any drug store for y.V, or $1.00 for
extra large bottle, and promptly applied
.will usually give instant relief from itch
ing tort lire. It cleanses and soothes the
ikiu and henls quickly and effectively
most skin diseases.
Zemo is a wonderful disappearing liquid
auu docs not smart the most delicate skin.
inui'li after all.
K. A. Lewis and family have motor
ed to Lincoln county for a weeks va
cation from the strenuous fork on the
farm. They are in the mountains so we
soon see the trophies of the hunt deco
rating the walls of the Lewis home.
I'liiortunately for Macleay but for
tunately for Aumsville, Julius Jasmer
and family have departed for the last
tho 'rlmiiintin so fortified every house, especially the
scenes that preceded the capture of the i cellars were machine guns were install-
strongly fortified village that had block-, i in." "e Bines were lorceu io eni-
ed the allied advance north of the P'y eiee memoes, iuey eompicteij -en-i
. i ..:...in.i ..-:.i. i...:H i.n.,.., .-i;i.
somme. vuv.cu i inu ;..
The eventual capture of Conibles be-1 lery, which generally closed in with ev
came a certaiuty on Tuesday morning ery advance of the infantry lines,
when French cavalry patrols advano- 'P'om. the viewpoint of. the enormous
ing southeastward, met eastward of , quantity of artillery massed against it
Coinbles. They thus complctly encircled "'"1 a'8 f rom tl10 incalculable number
the village, cutting off the last com-1 of shells rained into it Combles can
municntionu with the German army in easily boast of having undergone the
the rear. ,,108t ternlic siege m the history of the
On the same morning i approacnea
Ashcr Runaoiu, formerly with the he
boid grocery of Siilein, now in the state
engineer service, is doing clerical work
at the state house.
Wednesday Josie and Ksther Bowers
went to Portland for a week's visit
with relatives.
Clarence Holing a Tew days ago sold
several shouts weighing ISO pounds
each for 1 per hundredweight, lie is
also exhibiting a lino colt at the stute
mentioned town, near winch they willjflur
maKe tneir nome. v Mcllwnin will sonn remove to
tion he
!... Mftu'.
to Harvesting as botn ill-man -asn nnufuir d ,
Kverett Lewis have grain yet to be: Wednesday about exervbo.lv attended
By Henry Wood.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
With the French Armies Near Coin
bles, Sept.' 2tf. Horses, lashed into o
furious gallup by inad riders dashing
i . a ...... I,.... ......l -:ti.
ouantitics of ammunition: aeroplanes. , deiS0,nS the " bombardment and as-
hovering Btiove vulture-like awaiting
the tall or (ombles; men, sweating,
I made in the intervening three months
toward the attainment of this first
great objective. When we arrived with
in less than a mile and a quarter of
Combles the town itself was then un-
fighting their way forward over shell
pocked roads in terrible shell fire
These were some or
Wiped Off the Map.
Although Combles was a mere village
of 1,500 inhabitants the Germans had
Combles from the west, starting from
Mancourt, the junction point from
which the French and Knglish offen
sive was launched July 1 and traversing
each successive step in the ndvnnce
Look and Feel
Clean, Sweet and
Fresh Every Day
Drink glaia of real hot water
beftre breakfast to wash
cut polsona.
Fair Visitors
It was onlv on reaching tho most ad
vanced artillery lines before Combles
that one could grasp mathematically the
methodical progress which had rendered
the allies' new tactics of advancing by
heavy artillery absolutely irresistible,
thought the final artillery lines before
Combles consisted of comparatively
light batteries. These' have been rushed
l forward during the night over ground
; rendered impassuble by shell shots to
everything but toot soldiers.
But while troops were tugging guns
across tins giounu, a veriiuuie army ui
soldiers hud sunk a tortuous winding
roadway several feet below tho surface
of the ground, paving it with bricks
from nearby houses, wrecked by artil
lery fire. Over this, wheu w't arrived
early the next morning, munitions cnis-l
sons, screemed from the enemy's ob
servation by the depth of the roadway,
drawn by four, six and eight horses,
were dashing along every moment with
an incredible number of shells necessary
to feed this advanced line of artillery
which could be reached in no other way.
Hastily Built Roads.
Back from these advanced lines of
galloping, careening caissons were thou
sands more soldiers, methodically trans
forming what had been on the preced
ing day cassion rondo, into highways
We are headquarters for the foremost makes in
You can buy here better and cheaper
Brick Brothers
The Store that guarantees every purchase.
Corner State and Liberty Streets.
maxe tneir nome. c K Mclhvaiii will soon remoi
Old timers this year will have plenty Sll,,.in. -H9t wct,k nt )lul)Ue au(.ti(
of opportunity to say 'It never hap- ,,, a lot of to(.k alll, other .,ro.
pened sinco 'S7. or 88" when it comes Thf, ; broll(nt a ,.;,.,,
threshed, and in the neighboring com
munity of Bethel the threshers whistle
is only now being heard.
Sunday school will be held regularly
from now on each Sunday at 2 p. m.
Church services were held Inst nun
the state fair which left the neighbor
hood almost deserted.
About two weeks ago M. M. Hansom
lost a valuable horse through the care
less act of some hunter. The horse was
found dead in the pasture with a bullet
day, conducted by Mr. Lovell, who is the 1(1(.k wmt c(ul ,()) dolie
an energetic, wide awaue man of the
present day life, not of the past. He
emphasizes the fact, in his sermons,
It is not greasy, Is easily applied and 'ut n ''"lr, l 8.U0,,I1" , , n Vv '"'
costs little. Get it toduy and save all terest m the national welfare instead
iurther distress. I of remaining passive.
Zemo, Cleveland,
The Nation's
Better Nut
There Is No Better
to protect stock aad human life from
the horde of irresponsible shooters who
will soon fill the country everywhere?
It is safest to ay such will meet with
no warm reception from the farmers in
this community. A short time ago Mr.
Ransom was offered 1(122.) 'for the horse.
The school board has ordered some
new window shades. The blackboards
have also had a coat of new surface
applied. School begins Monday, Sep
tember 2. H. C. Todd, who taught at
Dounlil last winter, will tench.
Scotts Mills News
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Scotts Mills, Or., Sept. :!!. A very
sad accident occurred near liere Sun
day on the farm of Mr. Larsen. Mrs.
I.nrscn was helping feed the cattle at
the bam when a bull whicj was tied
in a stall broke his rope and attacked
her. Mr. Larsen came to her rescue
when the infuriated animal turned on
Life is not merely to live, but to
live well, eat well, digest well, werk
well, sleep well, look well. What a
glorious condition to attain, and yet
how very' easy it is if one will only
adopt the morning inside bntii.
Folks who are accustomed to feel
dull and heavy when they arise, split
ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul
tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach,
run, instead, feel ns fresh, as a daisy
liy-opcning the sluices of the system
each morning mid flushing out the
whole of the internal poisonous stag
nant mutter.
Kveryone, whether ailing, sick or
well, snould, each morning, before
breakfast drink a glass of real hot
water with a teuxpoonftil of limestone
phosphate in it to wash from the.
sioioitcn, liver, km iicvs anil linweis mu , . . .. I I
!-vi.. .'yH i ii vvas, o,,ri--!-itl::rllr,t
eauK-'" "v . " . ,,
firing so fiercely and so close to us, of the struggle.
that they drowned out the general lour' From a hill well In the rear, one couM
of artillery, and destroyed any possible "see the entire erest extending from
impression of the gigantic struggle as a ' near Alauiepas to the Sonime, a distnn-p
w hole. It was only after reaching the . of six kilometers (about four miles)
advanced artillery lines, where we saw which was so hoiievcombed with butter
a well placed shell exfodc an ammuiii- ies that their flashes in broad daylight
capable of sustaining huge automobile """ '"I1"1 ulm "P onr return to Hie gave very much the same impression m
eonvovs brineiite uu heavier munitions " "J ;t'"7 "
for heavier artillery than had sup
planted the lighter guns now 'further ml
vanced during the niglit. iurtaer e
hind these automobile fed artillery lines
was still a third army of workmen,
steadily constructing railways which
were briuiiiim up artillery so giguntie
that not onlv it but its shells can be I
. Sinn, at. least in part, of the magnitude'
f ContlimaA on Pag FIt.
more transportable
i.:i.. .....i ..n:n...... 4.,:..D. ti.,... fli.....,u.
I...- i .... 'tV... ... smililuiiting those
ii u, sweet rii iiik. tiini on 1 1 1 I UK me 1.-11- 1 , 1 1
tin. ilimcntarv cnm, before mittinir ""tomob.lo ted pieces already rushed
more food into the stomach. The action , n,1, .. . ,. , ,. . ,
of hot water rT limestone phosphate' "o We fell before a methodic .1,
on an empty stomach is wonderfully in- he.y r .1 ery advance and enc e
vigorating. It cleans one all the sour meut, U tell e.pially before the nihod
fernientations, gases, waste and acidity ' 1 eonjIruetHm of roadways, from the
and gives on a sp endid appetite for''1,"-4 V 'C' b' T T ?l
breasiast. While vou are enjoying your."' ful1 K"e'1 r"''k1 l"'1'"""''1 h tee
breakfast foe water and phosphate is "V1"8- Th mct '"a"
quietly extracting a largo volume of ,lv"ce " 11,0 e,,llra J0 m,l Humm"
water from the blood and getting ready . tr"nt- . . . . . . . ...
lor a tl.orm.gl. flushing of all the insidel K-aching Mnurepas winch ,s about a
r'aiis . mile and a quarter from Combles, we
The" millions ' of people - who are ' a vivid impressioa of the actual
bothered with constipation, bilious of affairs in Combles, winch s
spells, stomach trouble,' rheumatism; 'c undergoing the same boinbardu t
other, who have sallow skins, blood l-r.'ceded the capture ,;t Maurepas.
disorders and sickly complexions are uropus, ... stead o f l.e: ing s n. 'y 'v
urged to get a quarter pound of lime- j L ground by allied nrf.llcry like
. i. ..... .i. ,' other Somme villages during the first
liyl,u" " "'" - r .,. f !, off .!,.. l.n.1 been
. M'...!,8' literally driven into the ground bt ter-
L.Jrific shell pounding. The village had
almost disappeared from the surface ot I
the earth, leaving only the nnkcii sue,
pock marked by shells like the surround
ing open county.
Dug In 70 Feet Deep.
An officer explained that this was the
result of the allies' new artillery meth
ods, whereby shells are driven as deep
which will cost very little,
sufficient to make anyone
uounced crunk on the subject of in
teriuil sanitation.
Bethel News Notes
(Capital Journal Special Service)
Hethel, Or., Sept. 1!S. Monday is the
opening day ot school at netnei. . .
T ie Kiniciter uome was uesiroyeu oy Vi " , ,, ,
fire between eleven and twelve o'clock l'.'"''"'? ''' )'"rJ f """V, 'f
last Thursday morning. Only a small Oermuns, who now d,g ,.. from 00 to iO
Pint of the contents were saved as,10"'- .... , ., .
' ' . A... t ;i .o nt (.. Combles being several miles in ad-
him, a son tried to help his father but, . ; insllru'n,c waM carried on vance of the French line ot observation
the house but the claim has not yet usage halloons, me i.uai o iserva ion
been ndiusted resulting in the capture of the village
Arthur Schulz has bought the farm' "as entrusted to aeroplanes, in great
for riv owned by Paul Baker. I '" .''y.0' "'"".r T V u"'.
The last of the threshing was finish- t a great height like a flock of luge
ed Tuesday. Several small jobs hnd ' vulture,, waiting only the certainty that
accumulated during tho past few weeks. a extinct before swooping down
A i , those to thresh this week may , "'"A '"" their prey.
Yet, so strongly were the dcrmans
Step Ladder
Picking Pail
0 mm nu 4 wwmi
All kinds of the Northwest Ladders, Lawn Fence
and Gates, Fruit Picking Pails, Orchard Ladders
and other orchard supply, etc., at our Exhibit, on
State Fair Grounds.
Portland, Oregon
in vain. -Mr. l.arsen was Juliet and
Mrs. l.arsen and the son badly in
jured before the animal could be se
cured. As it was a blooded animal they
kept it a night and day thinking it
would quiet down, but it seumed to
Ifttve gone completely mail and they
finally shot it. Mr. Larsen' fuueial
will lie held tomorrow from the liousc
on account of Mrs. Larsen not being
able to go to the church, after which
the body will be taken to the Lutheran
church al Monitor, where a short ser
vice will be held, interment will be in
the Miller cemetery.
Mrs. K. Shifts has been seriously ill
but is better at present.
Mr. Delano and a few other young
folks of this place motored to Salem
I Sunday alteraooii and attended even
ling services at the Highland Friends
The ticket nominate,! at the primary
was, with one exception, elected on the
25th. '
I F.verybody is so very busy liere that
' items are scarce, it is just work, work
with hops and prunes also some thresh-
ing being done yet.
St Louis Items
(Capital Journal Special Service)
St. Louis, Sept. iiS. Horn to Mr. and
. Mrs. Oloysious Manning lest Sunday,
' September S4, a baliy hoy.
The two Cannard boys left here last
Tuesday for Aberdeen, Wash., where
thev will look for work.
Mrs. L'dmoiid (ioffln left YVednes
day for a two weeks visit in Portland
ifrs. Ada Kennedy who has been vis
itinii relatives here returned to her
iiome in Portland Sunday.
Mrs. John .lohnstiyf visited friends
in St. Iiouis Sunday.
Miss Kosie DuKois visited at the
home of her mother's Inst Saturday re-
i turning the same day.
Wedding Invitations, Announcements
and Calling Cards Printed at the Jour
nal Job Department.
Among those to thresh this week may
1 W M..... II li
u.i... i v i'.'.i..,l't... t i'i in rlu.r I fortified in Combles, and so completely
and K. A. Lewis. rl' "'' """ " "
I'erry is hulling clover for Hoy Hhnrt """" .;-"."
Mr Short has a big crop and his clov 1 PKe "f the village into a bed hands
er seed will sell for more than the total " " "eroplaiie swooped down, with
income of some farms. Ilarleigh Kingl . r"K"; I eounted within less than a
has about twenty acres of clover to hull '"'" ',e bur",,"81of ""T,!"1 "''I''"'1
and Victor Kirsi'her has about ten acres '!' ' 't one plane I he aviator,
and other neighbors bavc smaller a-' -vulent ly convinced that the village
mounts- jwas still uuenptured, rejoined his coin-
August Chopar. and son of Heaver,! "des at higher altitudes, outside the
Oregon, paid an unexpected visit to imge. .....
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Mar, hand one dayi An Ordinary Bombardment,
last week J)uring our steady progress afoot,
guns a hundred yards apart, all were
You Will Find All
Food Products exhibited at The Fair on our shelves,
as we carry all the standard foods. See the follow
ing at the fair and include in your order:
Marion Butter
Knight's Pickles and Products
Alber Bros. Cereals
Golden Rod Cereals
Tru Blu Goods
Dependable Coffee
Crecent Coffees and Spices
Fisher's Blend Flour
Yours for the Best at all times,
J. L. Busick & Son
t 546 State Street
Phone 182
A Famous Physician's
Wonderful Discovery
After a series of careful experiment I with poisonous waste matter, which
and tests lit the Invalid's Hotel and i settles in the feet, ankles and wrists;
Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., eov- or under the eyes in bug like forma-
erine many years ur. neree, me meat-; uona.
Salem Royal
A Salem Industry
A Salem Payroll
eal director of that hospital mado an
nouncement that he could prove that a
medicine which he called "ANUKIC"
was the best uric acid solvent now to
be had. As a remedy for those easily
rceogni.ed symptoms ot inflammation
as scaldinc urine, uacxacne ana rro
It is just as necessary to keep the
kidneys acting properly as to keep thel
bow Is active. -Ill
The vnrv litwt nnRHible niv tn tMkei'9
Established in Salem for 5 Years tl
care of yourself is to take a g(nss of hot
water before meals and an "Anurtc"
tablet. In this way it is readily dis-
quent urination, as well as sediment in solved with the food, picked up by the
the urine, or if uric acid in the blood -blood and finally reaches the kidneys,
has caused rheumatism, lumbago, sci-, where it has a tonic ef'ect in rebuilding
atica, grout, it is simply wonderful how I those organs.
quickly "Anuric" acts: causing the I Step into the drug store and ask for a
pains and stiffness rapidly to disappear. ' Sdeent package of "Anurln," or seud
Swollen hands, ankles, feet are due to. Dr. I'ierce 0e for trial pekg. "Amirfc."
a dropsical condition, often caused byi many times more potent than lithia,
disordered kidneys. Naturally when the eliminates uric acid as hot water melts
kidneys are deraiiged the blood la filled I sugar. A short trial will convince you.
Pan Dandy Bread
and increase Salem 's Payroll