Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 29, 1916, Image 1

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51 ilOTWftifir
Chancellor Von Bethmann
, Holwegg Points 'Oat
British Aims
Asserts Germany Will Fight
Until War Brings Her
the Victory
By Carl W. Ackerman.
(United Tress stuff correspondent.)
Berlin, Kent. 29. Chancellor Von
Hcihinnnn-Hollweg'g reichstng address,
glueing the blame for continuation of
the European slaughter at the door of
(ermany's enemies, won enthusiastic
approval from the majority of the reieh
ttnfj members today.
The chancellor made no offers of
peace nnd he indicated that in view of
1lio utterances of allied statesmen it
Mould be folly to expect an early ending
of the war.
His speech lacked the hopeful tone of
Jus former nddrosses,
"The desire for territorial conquest
by our enemies is responsible for the
daily piling up ot mountains of corps
en," aaid the chancellor.
"The British leave no doubt as to
what they wish to do to Germany. Thev
wish to crush-out our existence as a na
tion. A Germany crushed economical
Iv. defenseless from the militarv stand
point, boycotted by the world and con
demned to eternal feebleness that is
the Germany England wishes to see at
her feet.
Wants World Supremacy.
"Then, when England no longer 'fears
German competition, when France has
been bled to death, when all her allies
are slaves of Knglnnd, when European
neutrals must submit to every British
order, the dream of British world-supremacy
is to become a reality.
"From the very beginning, this war
lias been for Germany nothing but the
defense of our rights of life nnd liber
ty," said the chancellor. "Therefore,
Germany, first and only of all the bel
ligerents declared her readiness for ne
gotiations on December 9, 1!1, and lat
er on several occasions.
'.'We. did our duty, nor does anybody
dare to ask that we nmke proposals to
dnv when our enemies, as Mr. Brrand
did a short while ago, said that peace
now would be considered a humilia
tion and the thought of pence a provoca
tion and disgrace to the memory of the
dead. Our enemies continue the war
because they hope to reach their Utop
ian aim.
Germany Wants Lasting Peace.
"The French premier said in one of
his latest speeches that France fights
t'r a firm lasting penco in which the
freedom of nationalities is protected
ugaiiiNt all attacks by international
jigreeinont. This we wunt, too, to pro
tect Germany forever against every at -
tack. But does Mr. Briiind, who united
our enemies before the war into an nl -
Jinnee of French thirst for revenge, Rus-
dan lust of coiKiuest and English policy
isolating Germany, does Mr. Brinnd
iieneve 1 tint tins prepares the soil;
from which could grow international
agreements, granting to nations liberty,
honor dignity and peaceful collaboration
for the sake of humanity and progress?
!. ...tnll.. l..,i:.... I. . t I
-'i ii.i-a mm, jiikuiu jcuii,! unii-it turn ,
lie can obtain this lofty ideals in time,
by a war of annihilation in which I
France's lust vouth dies on the ilevnstat-f
ed battlefields of Verdun and the I
(Tnntinned on Pair Two I
What's become o' th
-f-t.-m.tr u-lin n.tf1 t' let
fur benrin'i
'em grow uu
thev covered his vest? Tir-ton Bud dis-
-L-i ft
located his jaw t'day while reversing on I "It is nt once a declaration of Bri
a loastin' ear. ' tish resolve, and a warning to those who
Batl I Continues Without Lull
A r;r Five Days' Fierce,
London, Sept. 29. Without a mo
ment's lull in the five days battle
north of the Somme, the British ad
vanced from the direction of Courcelet
te early this morning and captured a
strongly defended farm southwest of
LeSars, General Ilaig reported today.
British bombers were active in the
neighborhood of the Schwnbcn redonbt
and the Hessian trench. Farts of this
trench are st ill held by the enemy.
North of Thiepvul, the new British
positions were heavily bombarded.
On the greater part jat the front
there was quiot last night.
Allied Offense Slackens.
Berlin, Sept. 2!). The allied offen
sive on the Somme slackened yesterday
after three days of violent fighting,
the war office announced this after
noon. Between the Ancre nnd the vil
lage of Courcelette nnd English attack
was repulsed.
The Teutons are making progress in
Transylvania where Rumanian resist
ance near Hermannstadt is growing
weaker. The Kumaninns in this sec
tion have been driven back in the
French Advance Lines.
Taris, Sept. 29. General Foch's
troops made further progress north of
the Somme last nignt, advancing De
tween Morvnl and Fregicourt in the
eastward sweep to squeeze the Ger
mans out of Peronne, it was officially
announced today.
Expects Greece to Enter War.
London, Sept. 29. Germany expects
a declaration of war against Bulgaria
by Greece within seventy two hours,
said an Amsterdam dispatch today.
Tl;e Bulgnrs have reinforced their
lines in eastern Macedonia, but believe
the delay in Greek mobilization will
postpone an attaclj for several weeks.
The Greek ultimatum to isuigarm,
demanding the evacuation of occupied
Macedonian territory, will be dis
patched from Athens today, if it has
not been already sent, it is understood
Shot Friend by Mistake
Then Killed Himself
Redding, Cab, Sept. 29. Grief strick
en because he .had mistaken Joseph
Patterson for a deer nnd killed him,
Max Hoffman, Thursday night com
mitted suicide beside the body of his
friend near Big Bar, in the woods of
Trinity county.
Hoffman v.ns hunting with Frank Think VlUa Won. .
Lawler when he fired at a dark object j F.l Paso, Texas, Sept. 29. That Tnii
moving in the brush. When he dis-; ( ho Villa had administered a severe de
cof.'red that he had killed Patterson, ' t-oat t0 Mexican de facto 'forces nnd
Hoffman volunteered to remain with was 9til in possession of the town of
the body while Lawler rode to the, Cusihuirinchic .last night wa the report
nearest forest station and telephoned by agents of one of the United States
for the coroner. . government departments early today.
When Lawler returned several hours . From the Mexican manager of an Am
later, Hoffman's body was lying be-jerienu owned mine near Cusihuiriuchic
side that of Patterson. Both bodies ! officers here nre in receipt of a tele-
1 were carried out of the forest today,
and the coroner is holding two inquests1
j instead of one. -
It's the unexpected that happens, uu-
less you nre expecting it.
By Ed L. Keen.
(United reas stuff correspondent.)
London, Sept. 29. Lloyd-George 's
declaration that the war must go on to
a "knocKout" and his warning to neu -
trals to make no peace overtures at pres-
ent, containing in mi interview given j l nited Mates. Hence J.loyd-oeorgt
the Vuited Press won the unanimous : wisely took an American journalist into
support of the English press today. confidence using straight from the
The Lloyd-George statement, de-1 shoulder language, wlijch Americans ap
scribed by the Express as a " historic predate.
mauifesto" was printed in every morn- "These words ought to go a long way
iug newspaper iu (treat Britain and toward enlightening neutrals. The Iiri
telegraphed by all the great news agen- tish people-recognize in his words the
cies throughout neutral and allied coun-
tries. The newspapers printed lengthy , their policy. The British army afield
editorial comment. ! will be strengthened by them in the
"This really ' historic manifesto, " t knowledge that their valor and sacri
said the Express, "puts iu direct nnd j fices are not thrown away by the weak
unequivocal words what every man nnd ness of politicians."
woman in the British empire feels. Iter-
rauny's grownig conviction that if the
war continues she must be broken and
beaten inevitably, leads to neutral agi
tation for fieacc.
American politicians, eager for the
hyphenated vote, undoubtedly would
fUKuest mediation, asking the belliger
ents to kiss and forget their quarerls.
To all would-be peacemakers, whether
in America, Rome, Spain or other neu
tral countries, the war secretary blunt-
jlv says: Keep out ot ine ring.-
Wains Neutrals Off,
Ramos Reports 100 Bandits
Killed and Leader Uribe
Manager of American Mine
Wires He Is On Way to
El Paso
El Faso, Texas, Sept. 29. In one of
the bloodiest battles since the Mexican
revolutions began, a large force of Vil
lista bandits engaged Carranza troops
Wednesday at Cusihuirachic, !"0 miles
west of Chihuahua City. Meager details
of the battle began to seep noross the
border today. . Carraiiza officials at Ju
arez admit that losses on, both sides
ran into the hundreds.
From representatives in Cusihuirachic
mining men here today received mes-,
sage indicating that Villa has captured
the town after fierce fighting in which
part of the garrison revolted and weut
over to the bandits. It is reported thrt
Villa in person led his army to the at
tack. From Carranza authorities at Juarez
few details are available. It was staged
that up to the present the only news re
ceived wns a message to Chihuahua City
from Geuernl Ramos, commanding the
de facto troops engaged in the battle,
asking that a hospital train and sur
geons be rushed to his assistance. Ra
mos himself, was slightly wounded.
To this request Bnmos added the in
formation that in the battle with the
bandits 100 Villistas were killed, their
leader,' General Uribe, captured, and
that de facto forces suffered heavy cas
ualties. In Juarez today there were -arying
reports of the outcome o'f the fight. One
report wns that General Ramos wired
for reinforcements and was fleeing
with the remnants of his shattered com
mand toward Santa Ysabel.
It was pointed out that Ramos' la
conic statement there had been a big
battle portended another victory for the
bandit, for had the Carranza forces
been 'successful it would have been im
mediately announced.
The town of Cusihuirinchic is an im
portant mining center.
Several American owned mines with
offices in El l'aso are located in that
gram from Madera, luiliunliua, saying
he had fled and was coining to Juarez
j on a gasoline velocipede over the rail-
1 roud. It is believed here if the Car
runzistas were victorious the manager
I would have returned to tho mine.
.would thwart it tlmt Great Britain
simply won't listen at this juncture, to
j whine and overtures from Germany
i through any -source," said the Mail.
j".Munr signs indicate that (lermnuy is
j planning peace overtures through the
! proof and echo both of their spirit and
"Interviewing", said the limes, "is
nn American institution which the old
world borrowed and it is onlv appropri
ate that in choosing this method of ex
pressing his view, the .secretary for war
lunula tavor with his contidence the
head of one of the great American news
Says Nentrals Duped.
"It is a forcible downright answer
to Gorman and pro-German intriguei
peace taU, opposite in form, excellent
in substance, most opportuue in season.
"There is a reason giving point to
(Continued on Page Four.)
New York, Sept. 29. John
D. Rockefeller, billionaire, is
the way the oil king could have
ilia cards engraved today, and
everyone in Wall Street would
accept it as a fact.
When Standard Oil of New
Jersey stock hit f07 a share
yesterday, it brought the coun
ter value of the stock of Stand
ard Oil as it existed before the
government dissolved it as a
naughty trust up to $2,014 a
share. This $2,014 represents
the added values of each frac
tion of stock in subsidiary con
cerns to which each share of
the old Standard of New Jersey
was entitled.
John D. owns. 247,092 shares,
with a par value of $24,709,200
Tiie value of these holdings at
the time of the dissolution was
$107,194,100. The value today,
. with yesterday's closing quota
tions as the basis, is $49S.S09,
02S.44, or nearly half n billion.
This, with Rockefeller's hold
ings iu various banks, railroads,
enormous blocks of national,
state and municipal bonds,
brings his total up to the bil
lion mark.
Men Kept Contracts Possible
Central Union May Call
Off Plan
New York. Sept. 29. A new date
for a general strike call to all trades
union, in New York city niny be set
todnv, following the failure of the
union workers to walkout on Wednes
day. Mondnv next is the date on which
labor lenders now predict that the long
turcatened tieup will be voted.
There is a possibility, however, that
the meeting on tut date, which will
be held in BetbovoH Hall, will be mark
ed, not by the long expected "geuernl
suspension of work," but by the cen
tral federated union formally calling
ott the plan. .
"The fight is still on," labor lenders
declared today, while admitting that
the unions have stood by their contracts
and failed to walkout as expected.
Police Conimisionor Woods declared:
"As far as we can ascertain, it's all
over. Of course we shull continue t.ie
same vilignnce."
Manufacturers and Grange
Day, Concessioners and
Carnival Night
Following is the program tonight nt
the nii'lit hoiso show stadium:
X:O0 I'urade prize winners iu horse
and cattle division.
7:"(-N::iO McKlroy 's bund.
N:-I.V9: l Swedish singing society.
9:".0 O. A. C. Glee club.
MrF.Iruy 's bond.
New Pavilion
7 : Ml'-1 ::ii) Swedish singing society.
8::i0 O. A. V. Glee club.
9:MI McK.lroy 's baud.
9:1." Veterans' File nnd Drum
Saturday Morning
0:001i)::in liand concert in grove.
Mc Kirov's band.
10:4.j-10:il0 Veterans' Fife & Hrnni
Grandstand at race course.
-: liil-o :.'il) Speed program.
1 ::i0-2::id Me Kirov's band.
.1:00 Vocal solo, Sirs, llallie Parrish
:!::ilj M. Klrny 's band.
;t:4." Veterans' Fife & Drum Corps.
4:1." M. KIroy 's band.
New Pavilion
1:30-3:30 Veterans' Fife & P-ruml
3:4.") Vocal solo, Mrs. Hallie Par
rish Hinges.
Mc Kirov's band.
4:43 Veterans' Fife nnd Drum
Grand closing, carnival and conces
sioners' ni 'lit . hiirb iinks on "The
Trail." Music bv McElrov s band and
eternns Kile and Urum i orps. laps,
Eureka. Cal., Sept. 29. Salvors work
ing on the wreck of the steamer llenr,
ashore near Cape Mendocino, were un
able to board her today. The sea gave
the Hear a terrific pounding last night.
It was calmer this morning.
C'niitain .lames McFarland of Llpyd's
in charge of the salvage work, said it
will probobly be tomorrow before the
condition of the wrecked steamer can
be ascertained.
One Is: "Would You Now, If
In Power, Repeal Adam
son Law?"
This Peace, Prosperity and
Business Preparedness
Taken Up
By Robert J. Bender.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Asburv Park, N. J., Sept. 29. Four
issues pence, prosperity, business lire
paredness nnd the eight hour 'law will
be enunciated by President Wilson
when he goes into the country to wind
up his campaign for re-election, it wns
learned today. These issues he regurds
as the ones upon which tho voters will
vindicate or denounce his ndminiHtra
The president is feeling fit, appears a
tritle heavier and says he's in good trim
for the coming trips west. He is enthus
iastic about going ns is Mrs. Wilson,
who will accompany him everywhere. It
will be Mrs. AVilson's first taste of a
real campaign and she is entering into
it with zest.
Tho man on the street, the president
believes, is thankful, first of nil that his
country is at pence. For that reason
his foremost issue will be mi nppenl to
the voters not to accept what the presi
dent term "radical changes of policy
which may alter the whole aspect of the
nation's life," and "endanger the pros
cut terms of pence nnd good will with
the world."
To Meet the New Era. :
Secondly he will point to the great
prosperity of the country nnu define
how the administration tins placed a leg
islative bulwark tinder this to preclude
the possibllty of finnncinl depression
at tho conclusion of the European war.
He plans to offer a constructive pol
icy to meet the unprecedented ccon
omic conditions which will urine wheu
Europe again is able to enter the com
petitive markets of trnde. In this he
will appeal particularly to the young
men as those upon whom "the future
development of the country depends in
an unusual and peculiar degree." He
will urge the "cultivation of imagina
tion, vigor, vision and enterprise" to
meet tho new era.
Finally the president will chnllenge
his political critics to meet squarely the
eight hour day issue and state what
they would have done in n situation sim
ilar to that confronting him recently
when a grout railroad strike was threat
ened. "Would you now, if in power, repeal
the Adnmsoit law?" is n question which
may be expected by Hughes in the near
The president planned late this aft
ernoon to hold n conference with news
papermen for the 'first time in two
Veurs. This will be a regular program
Abandonment of these conferences re
sulted from embarrassing questions ask
ed when relations with Germany were
(Continued on Pago Ten.)
ai .1 i.i i. - i..w ...in
erv stream in western Oregon," said
.1.' Sidney Starling, of Tonawuiidn, -W
Vnrk. today after lookinir over th.- sum-:
nles of flux in-own iu the vicinity ot
Salem in Poln and Morion counties.
Mr Klnrlini is uresident of a tame flax
iiiaiiufacturiuir nlant in the east nnd
guve a talk yesterday morning on thejwhn will grow it according to his rc
industrv iu this state" He says thut the I quiremeiils.
of the rivers in western Oregon
is suitable for retting flux without any1
change of the temperature und .tneir
freedom from alkaline deposits makes j
tl,i vnllev an Idea location for a flnx
Bv standardizing the seed and enre
f ill selection of the soil where the flux
is grown Mr. Starling is of the opinion
that the best nunlity of flux in the
country cnu be grown rigni
home. The cooperation of the growers, not be produced profitably on th 1 a
to produce the best results, he says. ! eific coast on ncoount of the scnrcittt- of
will go a long wnv toward placing the! skilled workmen who are found in Bel-
nere ui
iudust ry
n sound
in tins
vnllev upon
basis nnd flux culture should become
one of the most successful and profit
able industries in the stute.
Mr. Starling says that binder twine
can be manufactured from the flux
grown in this valley more cheaply and
better than tho mnnills. and Yucatan
fibers which nre now used exclusively
in the manufacture of the twiuc used
in this country
The flax Industry, he says is only
Half Those Wanting To See It
Turned Away Governor's
Mare Winner
The huge tent stadium for the horse
show began filling up with spectators
two hours before tho contests began
last night and long before the first
event was pulled off every available
inch of spnee was occupied by some in
terested human. Hundreds wore un
able to gain admittance and turned
away from the doors to witness, some
fancy stepping at tho jitney dances.
Dr. Stewart MeGuire of Portland and
Miss Blanche Hnmmil of Albany, were
heard in solos and roundly applauded
while McKlroy 's band rendered a eon-
cert during The show.
Governor N lthycomne s saddle, mare
Loretta carried away first honors in
the class for.-five gaited saddle horses.
The entries in this class were judged
on a walk, canter, trot, rack, and cith
er a fox trot or a slow pace.
The awards in the horse show fol
low: "
Pairs iu harness Shetland ponies
under 4(5 inches. First, Prince and Billy.
M. 8. Levy, Union; second, Billy and
Foxy, M. S. Levy, Union; third, Nip
and Tuck, M. S. Levy, Union.
Uentlomon ' driver Between 14.1
and lii.2 hands high; "road or speed
wagon. First, Keiioninl, owned by Ru
by & Bowers, Dnvis, Cnl.; second, Hen
rietta, Portland Hiding academy; third,
Dorothy, Portland Riding academy.
Ponies ridden by boys Other than
Shetlnud, under saddle; not over 14.1
hands. First, Ted, B. F. Prico; second,
Marquiaa, Dr. K. F. Tucker; third, Dick,
Mrs. H. K. Voorhies.
Combination horses Shown first to
vehicle then unhitched and under sad
dle. First, Lady Dufferiue, James H.
Murphy, Portland; second, Wild Wtraw
berrv, Mrs. K. H. Jenkins, Portland;
third, Dainty, Natt McDougall, Port
land. Ponies ridden by girls Shetlands
under 41 hands high. First, Sparkle,
ridden bv Miss Henrietta Voorhies;
second, Firefly, ridden by Miss Bessie
Hrnttv: third." Ax Ado, ridden by Miss
Merle Pugli; fourth RecKless, ridden by
Miss The inn Johnson.
Gentlemen's three gaited' saddle
horses Over 15.2 hands; must show
walk, trot and canter. First Kildare,
Mrs. K. W. Wilbur, Portland; second,
Sterling Duke, Natt McDougall, Port
land; third, Kentucky Dare, H. H. Jen
kins, Portland.
Five gnited saddle horses 'to ue
liT.2 hands high or over; must show
walk, trot, canter, rack and citiier fox
trot, running wnlk or slow pace. First,
Loretta, Governor James Withy-combo;
second, Blue Eyes, 8. 8. Montague;
third. Oini. Portland Ridiim academy.
I- !:.'. .1-1....- HI,.-,, .rnl.linff 1!V9
lutllt-n "inn ...am ..B
hands or over, shown to road or speed
wnuon. First. Bricidia, James H. Mur
phy, Portland; Beeoud, Chester, Port
land Riding nca.leiny; third, Tom, Pore-
Inn, 1 ltidinir aendemv
Men's hunters Horses to be 14.3
hands or over, ridden by gentlemen,
over jumps of 3 feet, 0 inches, .lump
in v nnd ridinir to count 50 per cent
nml tvpo of horse 50 per cent. First,
Oregon Frnuk, Portland Hiding ncade
niv! second. Ladv D. James II. Mm-
oliv. Portland: third,' Ojai, Portland
Killing academy.
Washington. Sept. !!!. Health,
wenlth nnd hniininess through the
srvstnl un.iiiL' route doesn't material-
Ize in the opinion of the postoffice
department which today issued a fraud
order against the Silcut Success league
of l.os Angeles
t..iii.i ;,.fu..i' nml Hint it will be shown
by future tests that many useful prod -
uds can be made from the flax w.nch
can be produced in this section.
m Lzt..t:.... :.. ,w.t ... 11,,. imirliot fur
the flux used in his plant as he grows)
most of the raw product on Ins own.tno coicimiuon 01 uiurj 1B,,, w,.
furms or contracts for it from growers
-Mr. Mtiirimg noes not require me
long fibre flux for the manufacture
of his products but he says that the
samples that have been sent to In in of
I Oregon rnix snow tnni mc mix I'm.
(lured III this state has.a greater per
centage of fibre than thut grown is
New York and other flax growing cen
ters. He does not discourage tlie pro
duction of long fibre flux though he
suvs that the finest quality linen can-
ci nm and ill Ireland. The fine quali
ty flux fibre siicli as is pronnceu ui
the state pen plant, he says brings a
fancv price in the market but there
is also considerable fluctuation in the
market for the fibre and a stable price
cannot be ussured. However there are
so iiiiiny by products that can be sold
at a profit nnd so many uses to which
these by products can be put that tlie
future of the flax industry in mis v
in'cinity Is especially promising.
Governors of Washington and
"Idaho Take In Big
Show Today
Efforts Being Made to Have
Madam Schumann-Heinke
Sing Here
For the first time in the history of a
state fair in the Northwest the Oregon,
state fair will be kept open on the Bun
day following fair week. This morning
the board of fair directors decided to
yield to the requests of tho various or
ganizations of the ta;e that had peti
tioned for an additional fair day and
all ot the pavilions will be open to
the public next Suuday.. . There will bo
no race program in the afternoon but
a sacred concert will be held in tho
horse show tent which will seat 10.000
people when seats are placed in the show
Efforts are being made by the secre
tary of tho fair, A. H. Lea, to secure tho
services of Madam Schuman-Heinke as
a speciul . attraction at the concert.
Mud urn Schumnn-llciuke is now at Mt.
Angel nnd the wires are being burned
to induce the renowned singer to ap
pear at the Suuday concert. All of tho
side show concessions terminate their
contracts Saturday night and none will
be allowed to open up on Sunday with
tlie exception of a few rofreshmotit
stands and possibly some of the Ferris
whcols anil tho merry-go-round. At any
rate there is no possibility that tho
blatant tones of the ballyhoo man will
blend with tho voices of the artists who
will be secured for the concert. '
Tho Portland Chamber of Commerce,
the Portland Bankers' association and
tho of ficiuls of the railroads of tho stato
ioincd in a petition which was present
ed to tne Doara louny usuuig mi iuo
fair be kept open Sunday. The petition,
stated that numerous employes were un
able to attend the fair during the week
on account of the increased patronago
during the fair week and that those who
were obliged to work all during fair
week should bo given a chance to visit
the fair on Sunday when all of tho
exhibits and other attractions were in
placo. Tho price of admission will bo
25 cents.
Today was Governor's day at tho
state fair nnd the governors tit Oregon,
Washington nnd Idaho were visitors as
the guests of the fair board. The ed
itors of the stute, tho manufacturers)
and Menndinaviniis each had their in
nings today and special events were ar
ranged on tho program of interest to nil
fair visitors.
Tho attendance yesterday fell slightly
below Wednesday which wns Salem day
but today's attendance promised to
equal Hint of yesterday aud a good
crowd is expected for tomorrow which,
will be Farmers' day.
At tho grandstand this afternoon tho
O. A. C. glee dull was ncarii in speciui
fllWl, jm'H witn fj,.ia fair bund
Exhibits for Land Show.
The prize winning agricultural exhib
its from Polk, Linn, Jackson, Morrow,
Union, Wasco and Parker counties will
be taken from the state fair to tho
Laud Products Exposition which opens
October 4, according to Supoiinteudent
Curry of the new pavilion. Tho Polk
county exhibit which won tho highest
nwnrd at the state fair this year will bo
taken iu its entirety by Mrs. Wiunio
Briiden, who will also take along tho
exhibit of oats grown by C D. Nnrin,
of I'errydnle.
Tho agricultural and horticultural dis
play will bo the greatest assembled in
!. moil WI.a Altiulrn T-
Tho Alaska ex-
.M'llllie mm:?
'lubits are reaching tho city
Btenmslup from the north. W"l"B ?
land Oregon will have fiuo space, iu tho
r,i.nhp nf Ihn exoositioil.
Elaborate plans are being made lor
7, w Hu ll will ue in ciiiuku "
interests of western Washington. Tho
stato college ut Pullman will have uu
important part in the exposition, fivo
departments taking part in the dully
ledum program.
(Continued on Pa Tw.
Oregon: To
night and Satur
day fair; north
westerly winds.
THS Boy To j