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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1916)
Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" THIKSOAV KVKNIXG, September 2N. Hi HI. CHARLES H FISBES, Editor and Manager. PUBLISH KB LVF.HY F.VKXIXO EXCEPT Sl'XDAY. SALEM, ORECOX, . HY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. Jj. S. BAltXES, CIIAS. H. FISH Kit. President. Vice-President. DORA C. AXDREsKX, Sec. uml Trens. FINAL SETTLEMENT IS FAR AWAY Daily liy carrier, per year Daily by mnil. wr your ., Bl'BSCHIPTIOX KATES 4i.".00 IVr monih 4i!c 3.00 Per month 35c FILL LEASED W1HE TK1.EG HA I'll KKFOHT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York. Ward-Lewis Williams Spi-'pial Agency. Tribune Building Chicago, W. II. Rockwell. People's Oas Building Tlie C'niiitnl .lournul carrier boys lire instructed to put the papers on the iwrch. If the currier does not do this, misses yon, or neglects Kf't"'K paper to von on time, kindlv phone the circulation manager, as this is the only way we can determine whether or not tho curriers arc following instructions, l'hone Main SI before 7:.10 o'clock and a paper will be sent you by special messenger if the currier hus missed you. DR. LYMAN ABBOTT'S DREAM In making his report as chairman of the board of directors of the Southern Pacific recently Chairman Kruttschnitt said the company would bring suit to test the question as to whether his company had the right to sell the timber from the forfeited Oregon-California rail road lands, so long as the lands could be sold after the timber was removed, at $2.50 per acre. He said he hoped the supreme court would pass on this in its decision in the case now before it, the appeal from Judge Wolver ton's decision that the road had only a $2.50 interest in the lands. Mr. Kruttschnitt claims that under the supreme court decision the United States cannot con fiscate its lands, and that under this decision the South ern Pacific owns the lands and can hold them so long as it desires to, the only condition qualifying its ownership in fee simple, being that if it should ever sell the lands it must follow the directions of the granting act and dis pose of them in quantities not greater than 160 acres to one person and at a price not exceeding $2.50 per acre t rom Mr. Kruttschnitt s statement it would appear that fthe settlement ot this land grant question is in the re mote luture. It is quite probable at least that it will be some years before the irreducible school fund gets swelled up over its income from that source. Henry Ford says that the eight-hour day has been the rule in his shops for three years and that his company has made more money since adopting it. He says it will help business to make the eight hour day general, and that those who oppose it do not understand their busi ness. Speaking of the tariff this same hardheaded busi nessman says : "I want to say that it is nothing but a hot house remedy. It may make business sprout for a little while but its effect is artificial and it never can produce a hardy business plant." Ford was not talking politics but business, and from a business standpoint. i THE TATTLER J People with all sorts of taste, and even with no taste at all, declare the fair a great success. All Salem went to the fair yesterday.' Even those who had decided not to go couldn't resist the weather. Dr. Lyman Abbott tells in the Outlook what he would have done had he been president instead of Mr. Wilson. For one thing he would have picked, so he says, "a lot of advisors who placed duty ahead of safety or anything else. He would have invited men as counsellors who would advise him how to fulfill the nations obligations, never how to escape them. At the beginning of the war he would have told Germany that if she violated the neu trality of Belgium she would alienate all the sympathies nf thp. American neonle at the outset of the war." Some of our strongly republican exchanges while criticising President Wilson for sending so many notes, applaud this latter senumeni oi ui auuuu.. tvuum wc icuiug of Germany by "President" Abbott have had any more piTpH- nn that country than sending her a note? As a matter of fact how could Mr. Abbott have communicated with Germany other than by sending her a note contain in his hunch? As for his surrounding himself with the angelic crew the good doctor dreams oi it is a saie uei that he would have if he had undertaken to assemble an assortment of the kind he dreams of, have had a bunch no one of whom would have agreed with any other. Henry Ford made such a selection and inside of a week most of them were not on speaking terms with each other. The doctors insinuation that President Wilson had gathered as his advisors men who would advise him how to avoid the nation's obligations is unworthy of him, be cause, it is absolutely false, He was indulging in a day dream "where every prospect pleases," but he overlooked the fact that "only man is vile." He would control men and situations by appealing to men's more noble ideals, but how much effect would such appeals have had on Germany, England or any other of the nations now at each other's throats? If his appeals had not been heeded what would he have done? Sent word again to the kaiser that the Americans were real mad because he had violated Belgium's neutrality? And if the kaiser per sisted in his course, what then? The Southern Pacific reports an increased net income for the year of fifty per cent. At the same time Mr. Kruttschnitt of its board of directors says that if the Brotherhoods demands are granted the road will have to have still higher rates. When a big corporation kills a fat polled Angus beef critter it always generously do thp burns to the poor and needy. To meet an in creased cost of say a million it would consider itself I Habit is a great, and an unexplainable thing. Monday harshlv treated if it was not permitted to take twenty .'the weather bureau predicted fair weather, and every old Judge Langguth has discovered a new jag cure, it being nothing more rare or costly than just buttermilk. The judge says all one has to do is to drink enough of it and the desire for whiskey will vanish. Without disput ing "his honor," we venture the assertion that the cure will not work unless the drinker swallow so much that he can't hold the booze. On the principle that two bodies cannot occupy the same space at the same time it might work out. Mr. Jason C. Moore who has undertaken the produc tion of potash from the waters of Abert and Summer lakes in eastern Oregon announces that he will soon be gin development work. This may be true: but Mr. Moore has cried "wolf" so many times that most folks will con sider the work started when the products are on the market. French officials claim that since the Somme drive be gan the French have taken 70 square miles of territory and thirty thousand prisoners. The drive started July first so that the land recovered has been at the rate of about a square mile a day. The cost in money, not count ing that in human lives, makes it an exceedingly high priced piece of land. The prophesier of ruin was feeling pretty well discouraged this morning. Yesterday wus a hard day for him. Some genuine aristocracy is shelter ed in the stock bams. Blood and breed ing doesn't make for beauty in all cases either. The weariest man oji the fair grounds last night became so by merely follow ing a fruil little woman during'the day. And after they got home the .mail, wlio ! is big and strong, dragged himself to bed and the woman did up the break-, 'Fast dishes. 8 Fast Trains to Portland m I OfitCON I I ciEcnw I I RAtOJMY I 'Trains stop in the heart of town" Home folks go to the fair just to watch other folks, and they see it migh ty good show. Wise parents, when they lose little! Henry on the grounds, go right over to) the pony barn and find bim. I Ci U M uiaic iiuuic news Dates for hearings have been set by I I lie public service eoaimissiou as fol-1 lows: October 11, application of the j Southern Pacific for a rule of 15 cents on sugar from Grants Pass to Portland: October .12, application for extension of train service from Cottage Grove to' Drnin; October Hi, application for a' physical connectlion between the sys tems of tho Pacific Telephone & Tele-1 graph company and the Home Tele- j phoue company, Portland; October '20, application for physical connection be-! twoen the systems of the Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph company and the Tillamook County Mutual company, at Tillamook. LEAVE SALEM . 7:15 A. M. Portland Local. 9 :45 A. M. Portland Limited. 11:20 A. M. Portland Local. 1:50 P. M." Portland Local. 3:30 P. M. Except Saturday Woodburn Local. 4:00 P. M. Daily Portland Limited. 5:00 P. M. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Satur day. Fast Special, only for West Woodburn (5:30), Woodburn (5:38), Donald (5:38), Tual atin (6:00, connecting with Local Portland train), Garden Home (6:20, connecting for For est Grove and intermediate points), and Port land (Jefferson Street 6:40, North Bank Sta tion 6:55). 5:30 P. M. Daily Portland Local. 7:55 P. M. Daily Portland Local. 10:00 P. M. Thursday (after evening concert) Special Portland Local, except Woodburn. Con nection at Garden Home for Forest Grove Local. ' SOUTHBOUND 1:55 A. M. Eugene Owl. Local stops, except Cor vallis. 8:35 A. M. Eugene Local. 10:10 A. M. Eugene Limited. 12:55 P. M. Corvallis Local. 4:15 P. M. Eugene Local. 6:40 P. M. Eugene Limited. Regular stops. Also Fayetteville, Tulsa, Awbrey and Ross. OREGON ELECTRIC STATION, State and High Streets J. W. Ritchie, Agent Certificates of nuniiuatioii bv indi vidual electors and acceptances thereof were filed in the office of Secretary of State Olcott yesterday by the following: J.ou HoOgon, of Lmpqua, Imatilla coun ty, for district attorney for Wallowa county; J. v . Day, of St. Helens, Columbia county, for district attorney tor lolumuia county; . C. t-.thvards. ot Drain, Douglass county, for state sen ator Fifth district; Miltou Smith, of Kninier, ( olumbia county, for represen tative Twentieth ditiict: I.. 11. Me- Mulion, of Sulem, .Marion county, for district attoraey for Marion county; A. V. Lutterty. ot ortlaad, Multnomah county, for representative in congress, Third congressional district. millions from the consumers to make payment with, and then it would kick. The strike in New York City yesterday it is claimed did not materialize to the extent the leaders hoped. While 200,000 remained away from their work, it is claimed by the employers that this was on account of it being a Jewish holiday, and that most of these were Jews. To day being also a Jewish holiday or rather a continuation of yesterday's, the same situation is presented and so far as this clement is concerned it will not be known whether they are on strike or not until tomorrow. The strike leaders say the men will not all go out at once, but that within a week practically all will be out. Chicago is debating the question whether "the paint ing of a nude woman watching a turtle is naughty or not." That is what the dispatches Wednesday told us. but they did not make the matter plain they did not tell enough. Before passing on the matter that is of such vital interest to Porkopolis, it is necessary to understand whether it was the lady being "au natural," that gave them some doubts, or whether it was the prosaic act of watching anything so slow as a turtle in Chicago that was worrying them? An item in the 25 year ago column of yesterday's Oregonian mentions the fact that the harvest in the Wil lamette valley is over and that the total yield is placed at 7,500,000 bushels. It would be interesting reading if the yield this year was known, just for comparison. Oregonian took his umbrella along when he started for the fairgrounds. Now the question is whether they placed more reliance on their own judgment or under stood the weather bureau to mean "state fair" weather. RipplmgRhumes1 , 9 J .Ti u -w -hri p WOII rloion . a ii LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1863 CAPITAL - - $500,000.00 Transact a General Banking Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT TO THE CROSSROADS Goodbye, old town, I'm going home, to shuck the corn and plow the loam, to prune the tree and train the vine, and feed with swill the shrieking swine. I was not built for urban life, for city tricks and city strife, and every time I walk the street I'm euchred by some smiling beat, who sees in me an easy hick, and sells me a gold-plated brick. I'm always buying costly shares in ginseng plants and Belgian hares, in silver mines and orange groves, and mills that turn out wooden cloves. The smiling fak ers of the town 1 I simply cannot turn them down. They charm me with their sunny smiles, they fascinate me with their wiles, and sell me, from their catalogues, tin motor cars and hairless dogs, and remedies that grow new hair on domes of thought that long were bare, and lithographs of Statesman Hughes, and snip's and sealing wax and shoes. Tomorrow, if you look for me. mv form in town I you will not see, though you may rake it with a comb goodbye, old town, I'm going home! South Tacoma May jits of taxation expends Will have to be 1 ! wall A it in DVnri si ifu. t.-.m Dai.laa tliA tut Loose rrom City neceiwi,-v o "Cueing th city ponce force to nearly half its present strength, I Tacoma, Wnsli., Sept. 2S. To secede or' diminution of the Tire station at the i not to secede that is the question that "uthfru ubrb was onj of the mefui. I- . , . , . . i of retrenchment ironosel. lis K.t.a.s the of the citizens; A m,w mtig of Soth, ' of South Taeoma toOtiy. j busiuess men was ealled for touight, at In making up the budget for next j which the advisability of seceding from I year, the Tacoma city council has found , Taeonin and forming a separate city that in order to be within the legal lun-. government will be discussed. South it the office of the public service commission this morning the car short age on the Southern Pacific was report ed as 1415, with 103 empty cars re ceived at Ashlaiul. Articles of incorporation were filed at the office of Corporation Commission er Nclmlderiniin this morning by the Klse - shipping company, of Portland, the capital Btock of which is $100,000. Articles of incorporation were nlso filed by the Pacific Coast Investment com pany, of Portland, which is capitalized for $3,000. A certificate of dissolution was filed by the Empire Manufacturing company, of Pendleton. JUST LEARNED OF WAS ilarysville, Cal., Sept. 2(i. Stefansson has been oiit-Stefiinssoned, John Carle ton, hermit-minor, came into town today from the mountains for the first time in three years, and learned there is some sort of contentions among the nations of Kurope. lie quit taking the papers 11 years ago, he said ,nnd since has read onlv the Bible. Tacoma has a considerable population, the big shops of the Northern Pacific railroad being located there, besides nu merous maiiufactuiing establishments. Judge and Mrs. Galloway Back from the East In Milwaukee the judge noted the big efforts the tractor manufacturers t show their wares with a $3,000, 0U0 display. In Lexington, Ky., he via- Judgo and Mrs. William Galloway arc ! ited the national Odd Fellows' horn home from a four weeks' visit in the'.md later took -several side trips iuclud central states, their first visit to thatiujr Outlook mountain and other bat- part of the I' nited States. The judge went asgrnud representative for Ore gon of the Odd Follows to attend the southern grand lodge that met in Chat tanooga ami Mrs. Galloway as represen tative of the Kcbekahs. Dodgeville, Wis., was the first point tie fields. In all parts of the central states and the south, the judge found the snnio great prosperity story, especially where muuitions are manufactured. While attending the southern 'Brand lodge of Odd Fellows -at Chattanooga, of interest visited and although the both the judge and Mrs. Galloway dis judge remember but liitle of the court-1 tributed souvenir bottles of loganberry try as his father brought him across I juice and introduced the new drink Xo the plains in 1S52, yet it was of interest ; representatives from all parts of ths to him to visit the farm on which heil'nion. was born. When his father sold out toj The judge says he really never appro come west, the farm brought $iiltl. Xow icinted how large this country is, espe- II IS OlIC Wl I I1C Mtlll ill LlUllt US IU19 IS IMS IITSt VISIT; OeVOnH the Kockies, since he came overlund as a boy with his father in 1S52. the state, valued at $50,000. Senutor l.nFollette was called on at Madison, Wis., just after he was nomi- nnioa ior sennior. air. unuowuy iiihiks -auis no man can oe run or roinanca the Wisconsin senator is one of the big: and hay fever at the sanio time, men of the country and fouud that the I l.nFollette feeling was strong in the; Tell me the color of a man's motor state. The senator inquired after his ', cycle and I'll tell what he is. cousin. Alex l.nroliette, anil was mucli interested in Oregon's progressive citi zenship Journal Want Ads Get Results Toa Want Try one and see. Always Watch This Ad Changes Often MtMMtMtMMMM. Strictly correct weight, square, deal and highest price for all kiads of - junk, metal, rubber, hide and furs. I pay So per pound for old nf. Big stock of all size second hand incubators, AU kind eoirfat4 Iron for both roof and building. Hoofing paper and second kaad linoleuau H. Steinback Junk Co. The House of Half a Millioa Bargain. 101 North Commercial P 4 4 ft 4 M M i i i i t i- HUSBAND AND I (fl AN EVENING OF DANGEROUS HAPINESS CHAPTKB XXXIII. I could not help a slight sigh of satis faction. 1 was so glad I looked well, and that Mr. Brooke admired me. But I answered as carelessly as I could: "There's uo danger of that! No one cares much about an old woinau." "I'm not so ure," was his reply, as he helped me into the next taxi. "If I were you I wouldn't bank on it." It was only a short driva. to the the atre, but he chatted so gayly.with me that I was surprised when we arrived. We had nice Beats and the play wn very enjoyable. Mr. Brooke was all that was charming, yet I was not as contented as i had been when Clifford had taken me, just betore he went away. I had none of the pleasurable feelings I then had, caused by my idea that Clifford was going to be kinder. Then, too, although Mr. Broeke had admired me, it gave me no such joy as Clifford's unusual admiration had done. But Clifford was my. husband, and I had so longed for his approval. , The play was much more to my taste people. After the play was over he ask-i "I seem fated not to meet Mr. Ham r T. i". o go somewhere mond," Leonard said, in response to a Z i i i . "i'i" v Mrr,uurK x naa "And I should v yvi .ie-iiu( iuiuj ,uv,nr L ruui m UC 11 line TO KUOW him.' nun uufii i snouui nuve repaia ine nos pitality he had shown me. 8o I refused. He looked disappointed and I said: A Library Supper. "If you like to come in, I will have Mandy get us a little supper at home. She is sure to be waiting for me." "That will than a resta very " uen no comes hack I must try and "rK' replied, but felt' sure Clifford would think Leonard in the same class with Mr. Granklvn, whom fa had called a young cub. Mandy didn't keep us waitine lonr for our rrenmpit ,h;L., i . - ill h. iu-m,,..k Ki ... i- , . . u"i omer oam- ... "nes sue nact prepared for us W mirant, if you are sure it were younir. we weJ i,i.i. "jj isn't too much trouble." "It will be absolutely no trouble, and Mandy will be delighted to show you what she can do." Mandy met us at the door, and when I told her Mr. Brooke was going to have a bite of supper with me, she hurried off to the kitchen. "Serve it in the library, Mandy," I called after her. ' We discarded our wraps and went in to the library. The room was my favor ite one of all in the house. It was hung in deep soft reds and browns, mahog any bookshelves and furniture. I had than the iast one I saw and I enjoyed I spent almost all the happy hours I had known since we had lived in Olendale browsing among the book. So now as we drew our chairs up to the table on which a shaded lamp was burning I felt every minute of it. Then, during the intermission, Mr. Brooke asked me if I wouldn 't like to go to the rear of the house with him, and we walked back and forth, talking, and watching the a sense of comfort, of happiness. ere young, we were heniti,.. were happy in each other's society; so we ate heartily, laughing and chatting the while. s Mr. Brooke is Enchanted. Mandy 's old face was puckered np in a grin of delisht at hi. j I P'e of her culinary accomplishment, and she hoyered over us like an old nen over Her chicks. It was after IS .? We tinlM nd he rose to go. I have had one of the hnppiest ev enings I ever remember. Will you let me come again, soon?" he asked 'Yes. do." 1 returned. "I too hay enjoyed myself so much, and I thank you for taking me to the theatre," I added primly. I feared I had shown too myself """ 1 hd bn lt (Tomorrow Preparing for the Guest.)