THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, 191,6. H J HH l H 05 W H H BE SURE AND VISIT OUR STORE During FAIR WEEK ' GALE & Formerly the Chicago Store. Salem's Largest Popular Price Department Store. Not connected with any other store in the city Corner Court and Commercial Streets - Brooks Items (Capital Journal Special Service.) Brooks, Ore.. Sept. 28. School opened Monday with a good attendance, as hop picking is over and most all other fall I J. T. Aspiuwull is drying prunes in work thut parents require the help of j his loganberry dryer for a few of Mis th children. j son Bottom growers. Mr. and Mr9. Charles, Hawkins, of - J. W. Fruit took his Duroc Jersey Oakland, Ore., are visiting Mr. Hawk-; hogs to the fair the first of the week. " ins' mother and brother of Brooks. ' Kenneth Aspinwall, who has been on ' Try the Journal Classified Ads. Let us make you acquainted "with the new, luscious flavor It's all ine name suggests! Wrigley quality made vvhere . -. . chewing-gum making is a science. Now three Don't forget URSGLEVS after every meal THE PATTERN THAT FITS Standard Patterns for October In the latest and most advanced styles ARE NOW IN . Also the Designer, Price 10c . and The Autumn Quarterly Fashion Book Priced 25c including one pattern FREE H THE PATTERN THAT SAVES MATERIAL the border with Company M returned! home Tuesday. Fred Batche'lor is moving to the Geo. i liiunn place. i .. s. Murdick and family were fair i visitors Wednesday. THE PERFECTGUM that flavors: w mm K'f&a Mi Dcorcri r.i luTuSTi a 3 H S3 o CO. - Salem, Oregon SILVER CLIFF ITEMS (Capital Journal Special Service.) ihvr (-'l,(f re- splt- 28. Frank Atwood motored to Silverton Mondny. Mr. C. P. Mulkey visited home folks a few days last week. Mrs. Geo. Brewer, who lins been quite sick, is somewhat improved. The dance given at John Hof flier's ;home Saturday night was well attended jand all report a good time. David Potroff finished threshing Fri i day ,this being the last of the ruu in this vicinitv for the season. Have a package of each always in reach WRAPPED IN JF1 ImXIT-StlAPliiol DALLASJTEMS (Capital Journal Special Service.) Dallas, Ore., Sept. 28. The Dallas City school opened Monday with an ea I rollment of 404 pupils in the trade schools and 88 in the high school. The small registration this year is due to the late season which makes it Impossible for some of the pupils to attend school until after the prune and Imp crops are harvested. It is the opinion of City Superintendent W. I. Ford that by the first of next week the attendance will be up -to the average. The schools are still minus one teacher and the H-A and S B (trades will be handled by Mis. K. N. Wood and -Miss Rossiter until a permanent teacher can bo secured. Dallas Hughes Club Large. The Dallas Hughes club boasts of a membership of 164 names and the list of membership has been sent to state head quarters of the Hughes clubs in Port land. A charter for the club is expected to be received some time this week aft er which officers will be elected. New Suit Filed. W. K. Coulter this week filed a suit against Ed Plaster for the foreclosure of a chattel mortgage. The case wiuu be heard before Judge Belt at an early date. Rock Crusher to Be Moved. The city rock eriishing machinery has been ordered moved to this city and w ill bo erected on a site neiir the Southern Pacific tracks. The work was ordered done ut a special meeting of the city council Saturday evening. In bringing the crusher from the F.llendale quarry to the city it will be possible for the city to operate the same during the en tire year and street improvement work will be carried on the year round. It is expected to have the plant set up and ready for operation before the first of the vcur. Petition Turned Down. The county hoard of equalization has turned down the petition of S. H. Me Llmurry,' who asked that the assessed valuation of the Vnllev & Siletz rail way be raised from iM',H0 to $150,000, or $5,400 per mile for the roadway and trackage. Only two members of the board were present nml they failed to ngreo on tho projmsed raise. Reception for Company L. ' A reception for Company 1. which re turned to Dallas Monday evening was held at the armory Tuesday evening un der the auspices of the Dallas Patriotic league. The meeting was presided over by ex-Mayor J. R. (.'raven. H. H. Belt delivered the address of welcome, Re freshments, card playing anil dancing were indulged in. C. J. Pugh, tho loganberry king of Falls City, wns n Dallas business visitor Monday. Mrs. Asa B. Robinson has returned from a several weeks' visit at the home of her mother nt Independence. -Mrs. A. I. Rhode, of Seattle, Wash., was a Dallas visitor this week with her brothers, Walter Williams, and Othn Williams, and sister, Mrs. L'thol Woods. I X I .. .. I. ! ..'. II . L . x . .uaciuii, oi Aiomnoum, cniiirmnii j of the Polk ColnitV .Central committer, was a Dallas visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. I.. Starr re turned to their home in Portlnnil after a short visit with Dallas relatives and I friends. Mrs. tiilmnu Ximii, of Neliuleni, is a I guest ut the country homo of .Mr. and itirs. J. B. Noun, II. JC Fenton and Frank (iillinm are on a hunting trip in Southern Oregon. I Miss Frances Harrington spent Sun ! day at the home of her mother in lmle ! pcndciice. Mrs. J. I., l.ockmnn, of Woodburn, j.wns in tho city the first of the week a j guest ut the Inline of Mr. and .Mrs. J. B. -Niinii. The l.ockmaiis were formerly residents of this city. Miss Jennie Musi-ntt, city librarian, is spending the neck nl the home of her sister, Mrs. I,, ,1. Chapin, in Snleni. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mannock are visit ing friends and relatives in eastern Ore gon this week. T. J. Huyter attended the opening i dny at the Oregon stnte fair in Salem, j Monday. -Mr. ilayter has missed but I few state fair openings since the fair started. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams return ed the first of the week from a short j visit in Portlnnil. Miss Kdith Ciitherwood returned Mon- day from u short visit with friends in I Corvallis. j H. C. Fox, a prominent resident of .1... i: I n i . - , . . . mi- nichicuii iiciKiiDoriioou, wits ill ine city finding Mondny. Hayesville News (Capital Journal Special Service.) Hayesville, Ore., Sept. L'rt. Mrs. John Yoder is authority for the statement that tho annual chrysanthemum show. the second week of November, will be ready on scheduled time this venr, as usual. Many exquisite blossoms w ill j be shown this veur at Havesville Miss F.dna Fitts came over from Mon- mouth normal school to attend Hayes ville s lug convention Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Libert Powell, of Salem, were Hayesville guests Sunday. Mr. Powell will tench the advanced grades of Brooks school this vear. Mrs. O. S. McMunn and Miss' Kiln McMunn have returned from ' several davs spent in Portland. Mr. William Powers, foreman of the west yard of the Fulls City Lumber eiimpany, was one of the many present at the convention ut Hayesville. Mr. and Mrs. John Bronocushiiiii and family, of Hayesville, remove to Salem shortly for the high school privileges for their son, Roxey Bronocushion. who is a I senior this year. -Miss Marguerite ti. Matthes has re turned home from a week spend at Lake l.ubish, the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. und Mrs. Willium A I via Mum per. Miss Violet Newton is tho guest of Sali-nr friends this week. William West lev, during a temporary suspension of government work ut Ore ! gon City, is here improving his prem ises nml caring for Ins prime crop. Threshers Inive returned to winter piarters ufter one of the longest thresh ing seasons know n. . . The Xeliiisky-Tunqunny thresher pull ed in lust week. The Matthes thresher finished on Wednesday of this week. Been threshing and prune picking and Hying lire still holding the boards. of a chattel mortgage. The cno will Independence Items (Capital Journal Special Service.) Independence, Ore., Sept. 27. Mrs. II. S. Patterson, of Grays River, Wash., is the guest of Mrs. J. O, Mcintosh, for a few days. Mrs. C. A. Totiiisend und daughter, Vesta Mae, of Portland, are the house guest of Mrs. K. Jones, for a week. Miss Ruth Campbell, of Dallas, visit ed at the home of W. W. Percival over .Sunday. Mr. W. W. Percival is spending the week at the Oregon state fair at Salem this week. Mrs. Mae Rosebrook, of Portland, vis ited at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. K. Jones, last week. Miss Pearle Smith, a teacher in the Corvallis public school, visited ut the home of her mother here over Sun day. Mr. P. M. Kirk la nd and wife arc eu joying the sea breezes at Newport for a short time. Mrs. R. DeArmond returned home on Suturdny Trom Newport, where she has been for the past month. Mrs. Frank Whiteaker returned home from Newport on Suturdny. Miss Let a Rex, of Portland, has been visiting Independence friends for a few days. Mrs. Anna Kennedy, of Portland, vis ited at the home, of her mother, Mrs. F.. Jones, for a few days last week. Mrs. tiny Walker returned home from Newport on Saturday, where she has been spending the summer. Miss Iva Stanley, of Dallas, is the guest of Miss Florence Burton. The people of Independence will have the pleasure of seeing the world's great est feature, "Civilization." This pic ture is a ILrecl spectacle photo-drama which will be" show n at the Isis theatre ou Wednesday, September 2D, both aft ernoon und evening. This picture has been shown at the Heilig theatre, Port laud, Oregon, for the past four weeks. Fifteen people accompanying this pro duction and carry their own orchestra. Mrs. J. D. Tob'in, of Portland, spent the week-end here with her husband. Mr. Tobin is a contractor and has beeu working here during the summer. The paving work that hus been done on the Independence and Salem roud, is now completed. We now have three and and a half miles of paving north of town on thu Salem roud. Mr. Chet Cuplinger, of Seattle, Wash., is visiting Independence friends for a few days this week. Mrs. K. Fluke underwent an opera tion on Wednesday ut one of the Sa lem hospitals. A number of Independence people are attending the Oregon state fuir at Sa lem this w cek, Mrs. A. Whitney was a Dallas visitor Tuesday. Mr. J. Dixon and MVVi. Venm I im were married in Dallas on Sat unlay aft-! ernoou. their many friends wish them much happiness. 1 -Mr. ,1. S. Bohtiniion and family took in the fair at Salem on Tuesday. .Mr. II. Hirslilierg motored to the Su- Icm fuir on .Tuesday. Ho was accom panied by Mrs. A. Robinson und Miss Kiln Robinson. Dr. C. F. Cropp was a Sulrm visitor on .Mondny afternoon. V Central Howell Gossip (Capitol Journal Special Service.) Central Howell, Ore., Sept. 2S. Air. Alex l.eichty, Miss Clnru l.cighty, Miss Ruth n nd l.illiilu l.eichty mid .Miss l.ois Duller were attending the state fair Tuesday. The citizens of Salem please lake no tice: The farmers on Jhe Silverton road are getting a little bit confused of di recting people back to tho Pacific high way. Jt wns wash day at the l.eighty home Tuesduy. Ira did the laundering. Rev. Nichol ut tended conference ut Lebanon Wednesday. The delegation iroiu Central Howell Sunday school composed of Hev. Nichol end futility, Miss Audrey Bugged, Mr. and Mrs. Kd .McDonald, Mr. und Mrs. Walter .McDonald and children and Mr. Bernard Shafer attended the convention Inst. Sundiiy nt llayssville. Miss l.ois HnHcr, of Woodburn, is visiting with Mr. und .Mrs. Henry l.eiclilys. yuite a number of the people from Central Howell are camping ut the slate fair. Those camping there being .Mr. and Mrs. (trover Simmons, Mr. und Mrs. Amos Brunch and son, Ralph, und Mrs. Anna Francis. Quite a'numher of the young folks' tire attending the Silverton high school; from district No. 40. .Miss-. Mint audi l.ctha .Monies, Miss Dagny Lindqurst I uiul Miss l.eta .Ian. Fred Durbiii and sou, Sollv, lire oil the sick list this week Sam Spittlcr is visiting in the east. It is surmised thnt he will relurn with u bride. Mr. Hen Shepnnl and family attended u family reunion ut his father' lust Sunday. .Miss Opal King is visiting in the neighborhood. r.i ail and Carl King attended the state j fair Monday and Tuesduy. .Miss l.elhii and Mr. Verne Shepard 1 and Mr. Tommy Tuve are attending the1 Salem high school from district No. 411. Mr. Lou (ierbcr has returned home1 from the navy. ; Less and Jra l.eighty took in the' sights nt the fair Wednesday. We understand there was a huge i crowd ut the MeCorkle tale Saturday, and everything sold well. A sisler of .Mrs. Fred Durbiii wus vis iting with her lust week. The Silverton Histmnster, Mr. Brook, mid family, were nut in this neighbor-; hood Sunday viewing their 10 acre fruit ranch. j .Mr. nud Mrs. Fred Durbiii attended i the wedding of Mr. James l.nuderbuch und Miss b'lia Mutten Sunday. i Agnes Wcllmnii, n nieco of Mrs. Abe Steffen, is milking her home with Mr.' and -Mrs. Abe Sti ffen. Ingelow Buggett is doing the chores this week i'or Amos Branch whilo the latter is taking in the sights ut the state fair. Jra l.eighty is the boss pot slinger, chief cook and bol lie washer ut the l.eichty broiheis bnchelor ranch. Tourists sliould remember thut the Silverton highway is not the Pucifio. highway. Mr. ami Mrs. Albeit Jauz. am dang lers, Laurel and Cretn, were Salem vis itors Tuesday. Mr. (leo. Knlb and Miss Mav Stevens were united in marriage hist Friday and have gone on a short wedding tour. Attention! Fair Visitors REMEMBER We are headquarters for the foremost makes in Clothing Shoes Hats You can buy here better and cheaper Brick Brothers The Store that guarantees every purchase. Corner State and Liberty Streets. Crude Oil On Gulls Prevents Them Flying Puerto. Plata, Santo Domingo, Sept. 27. Crude oil that had been thrown ov erboard by Uncle Sam's warships to .picll the raging waters which destroyed the L S, S.. Memphis during the recent stoi m, stuck to the wings of sea gulls eiiu inner water lowl tailing refuge in ilie bays along the coast, nud rendered tlieui helpless und unable to fly for sev eral days. Members of the United States Mu rine corps, uu expeditionary duty at this place, captured hundreds of tiio birds with their bare hands. The oil begrimed fowl wondered up and down uu the bench, crying pitifully, while the marines stood guard to see that buys did not harm them. Austrian Army Officer Takes Suicide Route Portland, Ore., Sept. 2. Kf forts to locate the tianceo of l.udwig Graf Aich ilburg, Austrian army, officer who com mitted suicide because of uureipiited love, met with no successes today. Aii lielburg fought in the 'first mouths of the war, then came here. He taught horsemanship. Lust night he returned police say, from tho home of the ob ject of his nt'fectioiis und took u lurge dose of ursenic. Stnggering to a neighbor's house he told what he had done and then tried to tolei hone the girl. Unable to get the number he went, outside and fell unconscious on the lawn,Mying shortly afterw ard. More Men Than Women Have Appendicitis Surgeons stato men are slightly more subject to appendicitis than women. Salem people should know that a few doses of simple buckthorn bark, glycer ine, etc., us mixed iu Adlcr-i kn, often relieves or prevents oppendicitis. This mixturn removes such surprising foul matter that ONK SPOONFUL relieves almost, ANY CASIO constipation, sour stomach or gas. The INSTANT, easy ac tion of Adler i kn is surprising, j. C, Perry, druggist. iBDSBBanDnnQQaBQcaDDBaDnnonooQQs fa n II Salem Royal Bakery A Salem Industry A Salem Payroll ij Established in Salem for 5 Years a ii ii ii ii ii Buy ii Pan Dandy Bread 11 n and increase Salem' s Payroll EBBBEBBBEBBBBBBBSBBBSBBSBBEBBBBy MODERN SHOE REPAIR CO. nu ci l viu onoes mane new; c New Shoes made water 1 proof. We use all A-l leather in our repair work. Satisfaction guar anteed. A Salem house deserves Salem patron age. " Ray & Emerick 474 Court Street. RECEIVER OF FALLS CITY MILL IS DISCHARGED J. Ooldsinith, receiver in clinrge nt th. defunct Fulls City Lumber compiu.y at Falls City, has been relieved of his duties as such nml the extensive concern hns been formally turned over tn' ;ts successor, the Falls City Lumber & Ur ging company, in which organization the Cobb-Mitchell interests are predomi nant. The new company is fust perfect ing its arrangements to resume open-.-tions, und it is probable that snwirg will commence early in the ensuing month. The railroad up Teal creek is practically completed, while the im provements ut tho mill, which hnvo be. u under wuy for more than a month, nl-" are about 'finished. The planing mill has been operated at intervals' during the past several mouths cleaning up ti.r stock ou haiiil for shipment to Snleii .' a nil when sawing is resumed it will lie with a. clean sheet. Dallas Observer. Journal Want AOs Get Results. B H m n n p rs a ii u n n 19 it u o n El H a n ii ia ii ii