EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPT. 26, 1916. u W. B. Corsets" mumtiiWMUuimmmwiunwmuwtmta'tmmiiwmumimuwwumuuwun Ready-to- WpafMpWQ VC liwllO mnmtminmMmmnnmwniiimimnmnntitniintmitnnm While in Town BRING THE CHILLREN TO SALEM'S BIG TOYLAND (On Second Floor.) Toys, Dolls, Games and Scores of other things to please the childish hearts. This Store Will Close Tomorrow, Utt!Utttttttttit!tlt!tt!l!t!tlttl!ttn: iitiiiiiunntii Three Survivors Reach Shore This Morning Tell of Disaster Onwign, X. Y., Sept. 2(1. Tlio steamer Kuberval, bmnul from Ottawa to Oswe 80, went down in a storm five mile off Oswego early toilny. Six wore lost, Three survivors were rescued. Iu a buttery lifeboat, luilf filled with water, three sailors, exhausted after an eight hours' fight with wind and waves, arrived at the const guard station at i o iiock this morning with tho story i me miming oi me itonervnl. The steamer, which was loaded with lumber, sank six miles off this port at 8 o'clock iBsr. mi; lit. Six members of the crew went down. The lost are: Captain Peter Kli, Ottnwa. owner. Mate Joe Perridien, Alfred, Out. Cook Jennie I'nrent, Ottawa. Fireman .Murcelle Messiner. Henry Saguin, Hull, Quebec. Deckhand Theodore I.cKoy, Hull, Quebec. The suvivors of the wreck were: Kngineers hillip Trotieri Hull, Que bec; Oliver Osngee, Ottawa. Wheelsman Kd l.agoe, St, Ann Hell vue. In a heavy sea the Roberviil's deck load of lumber listed. Waves dashed into the craft, sinking her. The crew was wii-died overboard. T.eRoy was struck by a board and sank immediately. The survivors' escape was miraculous. Trotier was thrown into the, lifeboat and he picked Osagen and l.agoe from the lake. The sea then dash ed the lifeboat away from the wreck. Miner memners or the crew sought snfe ty on the lumber but a search tn.lnv failed to bring rescue and they are giv- i en up as lost. The Robercnl was a steel lioat. TEXAS FACES COAL STRIKE Kort Worth, Texas, Sept. general strike of eonl miners in Texas appeared imminent Into this afternoon when the operators, answering tho de mands of the miners, declined to grant the increase In wages naked. The operators offered to continue neuotia tiona If the miners resumed work. I I he miners are preparing a reply wnica win tie delivered tonight. It is believed certnln they will refuse to ro turn to work. Notice Our Store will be open until 10 a. m. Salem Day, and then closed until 5 p. m. We will be open again after five p. m. Damon & Son No deliveries after 9 a. m. Phone 68. 855 N Com'l "Munsing Underwear" 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiin.iiinniii(iniii)iiiiii)iiiiiiiiiii)iiii.n.)iiiiiiii.ii.inn For the past 60 days we've been busy assembling a most magnificent line of Wo men's, Misses and Children's Wearing Apparel. This choice. new line fresh from the designing rooms of America's foremost manufacturers should appeal to the most rifipol TYiora ra manv ciiffffpcfinnc nf flip npupct irlpac in tliP cwaffffor Innco fif- jl lilUUl, 1 V HIV X11U.11 J 4ugvwuviiu VI WIV uvmvwiuvhu w.Miv uirMggvi ivvvv iv ting Coat to the semi-fitted flared skirt effect in Suits. Here you'll find a distinctive style to suit every figure as well as the pocket book. Stylish stouts to fit and be come the matronly figure and lots of catchy styles for the woman of normal dimen sion. We invite your inspection. " OUR NO. 814TH SURPRISE SALE Will be held on next Thursday instead of Wednesday on account of "Salem Day" at the fair. A Surprise Offering of Pretty Embroidered Crash Pillow Covers Nicely embroidered Tops in colors various designs, pillow cover is new o blong shape and has fringed ends; this fancy cushion slip is made complete all ready for the cushion. Extra special Surprise Value next Thursday 49c Each Sale starts at 8:30. See the Window Display. OF THELEGISLATURE Legislators Want This But Governor Whitman Op posed To It New York, Sept. ill. (iurernor Whitman will eonfer with members of the public service commission and giw thorn his views on tho street ear strike and outgrowing labor troubles with a view to bringing the. belliger ents together, tao governor 'announced todny. . The word was given to a committee of state legislators who culled on him asking that he step in. Thev also asked that in event of failure to end the labor trouble by personal effort, that the governor call a special session of the state legislature to enact legis lation ma Ming recurrence impossible. A special session of the legislature, is not contenipliited. The governor, it is known, does not consider the matter serious enough. Strike Due Tomorrow. New York, Sept. 20. An extraordi nary session of the New York legisla ture to deal with conditions growing out of the New York Traction strike will be repisted of Governor Whit man this afternoon when the New York City members of tho legislature will meet with him at tho Hotel St. Itogis. The movement to hold the special session hns the support not only of the Now York legislators, but the strike leaders as well, according to re ports. Governor Whitman, however , on previous occasions, hns not been favor- ablo to the iden of a special session f 'he legislature and there is no cer- tuinty that he will accede to tho re quest of the legislative committee. The union lenders are now reluctant to make nay positive prediction as to the number of workers who will respond to their general striKfc call but have announced that probably some of the unions originally scheduled to go out tomorrow will not join the movement until next week. The build ing trades councils of Manhattan and the Hronx deferred action until Thins- day. Lenders of the strikers declare that reports from the labor organizations regarding the ''cessation of work" in QUALITY AND SERVICE Salem Day, at 10:30 as Usual imtffinttttimiiimntnmmnmtuit: sympathy with tho carmen aro encour aging but claims, as to tho number that will respond have been reduced. Conditions never before witnessed here, are promised for New York City by Willinm B. Fitzgerald, organizer. Ho said that many unions not now on tho list would join those who will wnlk out tomorrow. These, he said, are be ing kept secret to prevent "blacklist ing" of their members by their em ployers. Two shots were fired at an '!' train early today and a striking guard, captured nearby was found to have a revolver with two empty shells. A beer bottle and a milk bottlo crashed through the windows of an clecnted train at Forty Sixth street, and sev eral passengers were cut. ' Villa Moves Toward Amer ican Forces Captured Carranza Garrison By Webb Miller. (Tinted 1'ress staff correspondent.) F.I Fnso, Texas, Sept. 2(1. Pancho Yilla's bandit forces have broken cainp and have started on a movement toward the lines of the American puni tive expedition, according to reports reaching Juarez today from Mexican sources, and reaching Columbus, N. M., from the American forces. Since his attack on Chihuahua City II) days ago, the bandit leader has been in camp about .'10 miles outside that city. As this is his first movement since the attack it is feared Villa intends to cut railway communication with the north or plans an attack upon other towns at once. Military officials here refuse to be lieve Villa will hazard an attack upon Pershing's expedition. Others point out that ns a last desperate effort to up set the delicate Mexican ituiition and discredit de facto President Carranza the bandit lender may sent purt of his forces ugainst General I'ershiug's out posts to force a pursuit of the bandits and a further invasion of Mexico by American forces. Captured the "Army." Juarez, Mexico, Sept. 26. Roving bands of bandits are reported oerat ing less than 50 miles south of the inter national horder todav i. . i a i , i i mi nip nriivui oi several wounneo 1 soldiers here yesterday new s of the bat tie of Snmnlyuca, 42 miles south of this city, spread rapidly causing ap- Sreheiisiou among the townspeople of uarex. According to reports euremt in the streets and sent to mining men from the vicinity of the reported battle, 30ft bandits, believed to be Villietns, fell upon the 60 de facto soldiers gar risoning Snmnlyuca. art of the gar rison surrendered and joined the band its. Those refusing to join were slaught ered. Tho wounded were left behind and were later brought north to Juarex. At military headquarters here a clash between Carraiizistus and bandits was denied, but one officer admitted there had been an action and that there was a reason for tho hurried departure south ward yesterday of Oeneral Gour.ales with 300 cavalry. Warehouses, mills and the superiie- tcmiont a residence at r.smeralda mine, a Guggenheim' property at Sierra Mo- jada, Coaliuiln, have been looted and burned by bandits calling themselves luusina, n was lenrneii ioay. "Butterick Patterns anna ' "tintinnnunnttt IS Statement Made That More Than 200 Have Been Shot Recently Kl l'nso, Texas, Sept. 20. More than 200 civilians have been placed before filing squads and executed sinco the Villista attack on Chihuuhuii City 10 day ago,' according to a report made to military headquarters here. All were accused of "sniping" at Carranza sol diers during the fighting. One of the prisoners released from Chihuahua penitentiary during the at tack arrived here today. He asserted he hud seen Villa and, heard him talk. In a statement Made to secret ser vice men the released prisoners said that H08 others released with him, were lined up before Villa personally in camp, 22 miles outside Chihuahua City and given their choice of joining the Tuiiidit forces or returning tq the city. Thirty six went back. . After being interviewed by the secret service men -Mexican. Consul Garcia took a statement from the former prisoner which hns not been made public. I. W. W.s Take Possession of North Yakima Jail North Yakima, Wash., Sept. 2(1. Forty six I. W. V agitators are in possession of the .jail hero tiodny, hold ing at. bay a cordon of officers, a big crowd of citizens and the fire depart ment, which has jepeatedly turned the hose on them in vain. The outbreak; started at S a. in. Prisoners lipped bars from windows, tore up floors, wrenched iron cots to pieces and began battering the wooden walls. In a short time the building was practically wrecked. It is being systematically demolished. Yells of defiance greeted n stream of water from a fire engine. Tnable to enter the prison, deputies formed a ring around it to prevent the inmates from dashing for liberty. An effort may be made later to rush the. jail and subline the I. W. W. mob. ELEVATOR FEijjj TWO DEAD Hock Island, III., Sept. 2(i. Two men were killed, three injured this morn ing, one probably fatally, when an el evator iu the John Deere Wagon com- .'......... M..1:... ..n i'"11,' -,0,11,1,, i .iiuuiic ii-ii a oi-ti.iiirr ;,- i.i.iu Ti.., lend and injured were employes of the company. Up to six o'clock last night, the Southern Pacific had handled 155 ears for tho state fair. This is already 15 iu excess of . the number handled "dur ing the entire fair last' year, all of which indicates that the state fair of 1910 has a larger number of exhibits than any prevfons fair, especially as the express companies reiort a volume of business double that of one year ago. Fire practically destroyed the rest- deuce of Leroy Hewlett, at 46a t-nth I Capital street early this i.-tormng, to- gether with its contents. The fire, which was eaused by defective wiring, so it is thought, was discovered at about 2:4.1 o'clock. U was burning so fiercely when the department arrived that it was possible to save only the surrounding' property. Mr. Hewlett's loss is about if40il, partially covered by i lusumuce. All Around Town .tMMMlMMMMMMM COMING EVENTS Sept. 25-30 Oregon State Fair. Sept. 28. Elk's day at state fair. Sept. 2T. Shriners day at state fair. September 28. Flex day at State Fair. Oct. 4-5-6-1Marion County In stitute, Salem. Oct. 13. Inauguration of Dr. Carl Gregg Doney as presi dent of Willamette Universi ty. , October 16-17. Degree of Hon or convention. , Oct. 18-19 Maccabee conven tion. October 17-20. Baptist state convention, Salem." November C. City primary election. November 7. Presidential elec tion. Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glasse M correctly. U. S. Bank. Bld,j. A party of eight arrived in the city yesterday from Hanford, Calif., look ing over the Willamette valley with the intention of locating. Leading jewelers ana silversmiths Hartman Bros. Co., successor to Barr's. Tomorrow is Salem day and all school children under the age of ten will admitted free. No special will be given by the schools. ....Dr. F. H. Thompson has his offices remodeled and specializes in Ear, Nose, Eye and Throat. 414 Bank of Com merce, ti o The temperature yesterday was more of tho fall weather style with 08 as the maximum and 4S the minimum For the past three days the guage of the river lias read . helow zero. Drink Cereo, the liquid food, the Health drink. Ask your grocer. tf The service of the , street railway company is being taken care of this week by (iO men, operating 24 cars. The Commercial street line will run from the fair grounds until midnight each night of the ta'r. No finer stock anywhere than at Hartman Bros. Co., jewelers and sil versmiths. State and Liberty. Mrs. Carrie Chapman Katt and two daughters. Miss I ola and Miss Aspha sia, of Kokomo, Indiana, are in the city for a lew days' visit. They are especially interested in the state fitir and will attend Salem day. Jitney dance at fair grounds, in grand stand every night this week. Music by Booth strilfg orchestra. sep27 The Salem Patriotic League, through the president, Mrs. W. O. Asseln. wish to thank the many patriotic people of Salem who assisted them iu various ways at the reception and banquet giv en the returning soldiers nt the armory, last evening. The Spa will serve lunch from 8 m. until 12 - ni., good service, you will! not have to wuit. (food eats, McMinnville is now calling attention to its cowboy shoy to be livid there Oc tober 4, 5 ami 6. Without exactly ap propriating the Pendleton "Let 'er lluck" slogan, the McMinnville peo ple are getting pretty dose to it with the motto "See 'em Buck." Owing to next Wednesday being Sa lem day nt the state fair the United Artisans will not hold their regular meeting on that evening. sept2i The Moose lodge will entertain the eight returning soldiers of Company .M, all members of the Moose lodge. The bnni-uct will lie given at the lodge af ter the regular meeting. A program of music and addresses has also been arranged. All members of the lodge and their families are invited. Dr. B. Meuric Roberts, osteopathic physician, 309 Musonin bldg., phone 409 &lverton and Gervais were without telephone, connections about two hours Sunday afternoon. When the prune dryer of Antone (iehrman, two miles east of t'heinnwn burned Sunday af ternoon, one of the iiigh line poles was also destroyed, cutting communication until the repair muu arrived on the scene. Dr. Alice Bancroft, over Stockton's Eye and Nerve Specialist. A grocery store at Albany was burg larized last night, and Salem officials have been notified to keep an eye out for' suspicious looking characters. The grocery safe was blown to pieces, ac cording to the report received here, and about 400 in cash taken together "with a number of notes and checks the total value of which is not known. The store was owned by Scott & Conn. Bring your agates boms to be pol ished. Gardner & Keene, Jewelers, Salem. The 8alera Floral society is making a creditable exhibit and as a mntter l.,l ...i.d kA .....?T..t .1.1 n. :':." ' ', ," : 'j ..:' :."L - ie ,.itv. Mr. u Vall.-e is w hl r;tf ( pxnii,i,. As the r,orai 0l.i,tv is workimi only for the good of the city and as tne memiiership and annual dues amount to onlv eents, an effort will be made this fall to bring the enrollment up to loon, and when this number is interested, begin I several improvements for the city, such , as offering rose bushes free to those uno will cultivate tnein, Salem's most reliable jewelers, Gard ner & Eeene. Word was received from Freg Man gis this morning to the effect that he was working hard in the interests of the Drager Fruit company at Rosebnrg, where he expects to continue for the next two or three weeks. Dance tonight at armory. o Three drunks were brought before Judge Klgin in police court this morn ing. Kd Hollcnbeck was sentenced to seven days in the city jail, and James Donovan and A. Neelauds were each lined MO. .. Will pay 18c for live turkeys and I (jo for broilers weighing 1 ',a lbs. or less. Mickenliam & Co., Fanners Feed shed 100 S. High. Tom OTdemann will sing at the state fair tomorrow. In the afternoon at tiie race track, he will sing, "My Wonderful Love for Thee." "in the evening at the horse show, his song will be, "Love, Here's My Heart." o Dr. M. P. Mendelshon just received a Geneva ophthalmoscope and retino scope, an instrument for ascertaining retractive conditions ot the eve wit.i out asking the patient. This instru ment adds greatly to the efficiency of his yffiee. The boys from the border came back weighing about a ton more, provided they were all weighed at oiu-e. The I be'B,""Kc ' T V , v , - is evidence that army rations and go-, ing to bed at 9:30 is fine for the health. Dance tonight at armory. Completed petitions of candidacy have been filed at the city recorder's ' , ! '"K ,H"""",U'; ,u,r T. Welsh and Frank II. shedeck, for chief of police; 11. W. Elgin, for city recorder, and C. (). Kice, ror city treas urer. 1 Tomorrow is Salem Day Smoke Sulem Segal's, llyrrnde and I.nCoronn. Sergeant French of Eugene has been ' assigned to the fcalem recruiting sta tion, and will take charge October 1. Sergeant Schuster who opened the Sa lem office and has made a fine record as a recruiting officer, has been as signed to Kngene. ance tonight at armory. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good, or words to that effect. The un claimed blankets that were loaned to Company M were tnluin from the ar mory and loaned to the members of the sagebrush band at the fair grounds. When the blankets have served their purpose in keeping tiiese youngsters warm during the week, they the blan kets will be returned to tho armory. Two prisoners attempted to escape from ithe penitentiary Sundnv night bv digging through the wall of the bakery, out were mseovered hetore thev had made much progress. They were Frank nguer ana inrrell J'one, lioth irom Multnomah county, and have been work ing in the bnkerv. Wagner, it is stnted, hns made several attempts to escape in times' past, ami iu one instance was suc cessful. Dance tonight at armory. Dr. W. O. Asseln has decided defi nitely to locate iu St. Paul, Minn, where he has been visiting relatives for the pnt six weeks. Word to this effect was received this morning by Mrs. Asseln when she received n tele gram from the doctor to at once begin packing their household goods and ship them to St. Paul. Dance tonight at armory. fciss Anne D. Swezey, librarian of the city public library Is working on n program for the winter lectures and entertainments to be given in the libra ry auditorium. While not quite ready to announce the program. Miss Swe zov gives the assurance that the course will be of more than average interest. Several grand opera Victroln concerts will be given during the winter, with short nddresses explaining the operas. The lectures will be given the first and third Fridays of ea'-h month during the wjnter, licgiuiiilng with Fridiip', Noveimier tf. J. L. Smith of Coquille, agriculturist for Coos county, is in charge of the Coos county exhibit at the state fair. He says that just now his county is "Cows and corn make the coin" and products. He has adopted the motto, "Cows and corn make the coin" ami he has evidence to prove it. The crop of com was big this year and the num ber of cows increasing. When it comes to making cheese. Mr. Smith snys the Tillamook country hns nothing on Coos county, the only difference now being that the Tillamook farmers are better organized. Anyhow, he thinks that cows, cheese and corn is putting Coos county on tne map. George Bowman, the three year old son of .1. H. Kowmnn living in the Kose dale district about six miles south of Salem, fell under a wagon loaded with prunes yesterday atternoou and was instantly killed. The buby was being drawn along the road in his express wagon and while attempting to climb out ns he passed the prune wagon, fell under the wheels and was crushed be fore there whs a chance to rescue him. His funeral was held this afternoon nt 2::0 o'clock at the same time of his great srandinother, Mrs. Margaret M. Howmaii, at the Terwilliger undertak ing parlors. tlurial will be iu the Odd Fellows cemetery. The Journal Does Job Printing. FIANO TUNING First-class work. All kinds of repairing. All work guar- anteed. Twenty-five years' ifc experience. .Leave orders at Wylie B. Allen Co., phono 1187. Residence phone 1405. J. E. HOCKETT, 915 Highland Avenue. sjef. ale Salem-Independence Auto $ Service $ EDMUNDSON h BUB NEB, Frops phone 939 or 1255 Leaves Salem, cor. State and Liberty Street daily, 8:00 a. m., 11:00 a. ni., 2:30 p. m. and 6:00 p. m. Leaves Independence opposite Postoffice dailv. 9:00 a. m., 12:30 p. m., 4:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. J Fare, 50c Extra Cars for Country Trips. A CAR5 Of Ally K1MD Any TIME Notice to Farmers Woodry the auctioneer will sell your farm stock. Sales for 2 per cent and guaranteo satisfac tion. Phone 511. Wanted I will pay you the highest cash price for your used furni ture. Phone 511, Woodry the auctioneer. :X JACK FROST CONFECTION- ERY FOR SALE , Good Buy. 12th and Ferry Sts". Who Needs a Business Education? The young man who desires, to 'enter business life with every as surance of success. The young man who is planning to take a college eonrse or n course in dentistry, lnw or medicine and get the full benefit of the important lectures. The young man who expects to farm or enter some business on his own account, so that he may be able to figure and show his sources Of profit. The young woman who wishes to learn to do pleasant niter remuner ative work in a business office thnt will ninke her independent and self-supporting. The young wou an who wishes to earn her way through college with pleasant work. The young woman who expects to marry and settle down in a home Of her own, so that she may be a real help to her husband niid able to care for her business interests if misfortune should come. In fact, there is no young person who would not profit 'by bcinj; the possessor of a training such ns may be secured nt the Capital Busiuess College SALEM, OREGON Coll or send for our new catalogue. In addressing the returning members of Company M last evening at the nr mory, llen.ininiii Prick spoke in part as follows: "Do not think because you diil guard duty, your victory was n hollow one. Vour victory was even grenter than Caesar's when he held all Koine in the palm of his hand. Kv en greater than Napoleon 'a when ic victoriously marched his soldiers thru Austria, Russia and France. You gen tlemen, have won a bloodless victory tar greater than hail you won a bloody victory. You forced the assnmptons Carranr.a to sit up and take notice. In conclusion, allow me to wish you aM the link iu the world when you again take up your peaceful commercial pursuits." i ft