Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 26, 1916, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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HEftES flri AO nb it Kfcos I TiE: eYs w Aour.0 )1 IfmSEO rp jmy yh& " hvi have-) U-tn vHYYou Poor simp 'ti "1
DRUMMED vtiTEMFOR THAT) vU ALL Yrr- B DRUM ) C Yoc P0 f -RoNHirt r A Mhft llH
O aily Capital Journal s C la s si f ied Advcr tisine Page
RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per wovtt for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subseauent insertion
Nelson O. Freemon, proprietor, os
cillating wall beds, hot water heat,
Dutch' kitchens. Beautifully locat
ed, opp, Marion park. 610 N. Com
mercial St., Salem, Oregon. Phone
09. Janitor service.
DR. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro
practic's Fountain Head, Davenport,
Iowa. If you have tried everything
and got no relief, try Chiroprac
tic spinal adjustments and get welL
Office 408-7-8 U. S. National Bank
Building. Phone Main 87. Residence
Main 828-R.'
corner Commercial and Trade Btreeti
For: water service apply at office.
Bill payable monthly in advance.
vHSBSIr enr WOOD SAW We lire
and pay taxes in etalcm. Let Salem
people saw your wood. Phone 269.
1198 N. 21st. F. L. Keiater, Wm.
Money to Loan
ON Good Real Estate Securtty.
Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon
mount; low rates; promptly closed
attractive pre-paying privileges, l
have 5 per cent insurance money
to loan on Sulem business and resi
dence property. Thos. A. Roberts,
805 U. S. Nat '1 Bank bldg.'
HONEY TO LOAN I have made ar
rangements for loaning eastern
money, will make very low rate of
, interest on highly improved farms.'
Tlomer H. Smith, room 9 MeCornack
Bldg., Salem, Ore., Phone 96.
Inc., 428 Hubbard bldg., Salem. All
drugless methods taught. Flora A.
Brewster, M. D., dean, private pa
tients 1 to 5 p. m. Thone 2124R. tf
from all points, east, on all houshold
goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car
load service. Capital City Transfer
Company, agents for Pacific Coast
Forwarding company, 161 South Com
mercial street. Phone Main 933.
DR8. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL
TON Osteopathic physicians and
nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer
ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksville,
Mo. Post graduate and specialized in
nerve diseases at Los Angeles college
Treat acute and chronic diseases.
Consultation free. Ladv attendant
Office 505-.r)00 U. S. National Bank
Building. Phone 839. Residence 346
North Capital street. Phone 469.
proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all
kinds. removed on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates.- Yard and cess
pools cleaned. - Office phone Main
247. Residence Main 2272.
WEBB & CLOl'GH CO. C. B. Webb,
A. M. Clough morticians and funeral
.directors. Latest modern .met.iode
known to the profession emploved
499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9SSS.
directors' and undertakers, 252 North
High street. Day and night phone
Depot National and American fence
W) years experience
Sizes 26 to 5 la.- hijlh.
Paints, oil and varnish, etc.
Loganberry and hop hooks.
Salem Fence and Stove Works,-2."0
Court St. Phone 124.
FOR EXCHANGE We have a good
new and second hand store in one of
liveliest towns in toe valley, to ex
change for citv or country property.
Square Deal Realty Co, '202 17. S.
Bank bids.
mm given
(Continued rrora Page One.) ,
sides the host composing the rank and
file of the order, the full Shrineers'
band of 40 pieces and the uniformed pa
trol will be out in force. They will be
joined at the fairgrounds 'by about 150
so.iburning nobles of Salem and sur
rounding towns of tile valley and every
thing is being arranged to entertain
them in a style befitting the occasion
from the time of arrival to their de
parture from the Oasis.
The caravan will be met nt the fair
grounds depot and provided a royal es
cort into the grounds, the escort to be
composed of the state fair board, Gover
nor Withycombe. Mayor White, of Sa
lem, aad other state officials and prom
inent citizens headed bv McElrov's
coirt-ert band. The procession will halt
in the beautiful oak grove, just inside
the main entrance where a specially ar
ranged program of band and vocal
music will be rendered for their especial
benefit and the Shriners' band will be
given opportunity to discourse a few se
lections before the lunch hour.
After lunch there will be another sea
son of entertainment for the visiting
nobles and their ladies. The race pro
gram, begins at 1:30 p. m. and, after
being received with a brief program o'f
band and vocal music bv McElrov's
bund and vocal soloists and quartet, the
honor of furnishing the music for the
races will be extended the Shriners'
bund. There are five regularly scheduled
speed events tor this nfternoou. includ
ing the 2:08 pace for $2,000. the 2:30
trot for ifcliOO and the mile dash, running,
for $.1511, besides some special pony and
novelty races to be made up over night
Here the uniformed patrol will also be
given a place upon the program to ex
ecute a drill upon the track in front of
the grandstand, fur those who do not
care for the races there will be other
features of nmuseinent and entertain
nieut on "The Trail," composed of
three big carnival attractions covering
a trout of 1,:00 feet, or five city
blocks,' and in the main pavilion audi
torium. In the evening a special program has
also been arranged for the, benefit of
the guests, both at the Night' Hosse
Show, which will be one of the chief
attractions, from a. social as well as edu
cational standpoint, upon the grounds.
and in the auditorium of the new pnvil
ion.- The Shriners' baud will nlso be
given a place upon the evening program
nt both horse show and pavilion audi
torium. Special features of entertain
ment will nlso be provided on "The
trail' afternoon and evening." Salem
nobles of Al Kader and other temples
will assist in the entertainment of the
visitors and there will not be a dull
minute during the entire 12 hours while
the pilgrims are on the grounds. Secre
tary Lea is leaving nothing undone
which will contribute in the least degree
to the comfort and enjoyment of his
guests. -
(Salem Day, Shriners' Day. Woodmen's
Day. Pioneers' Day.)
Morning' (Reception to Shriners).
10:00-10:30 McElroy's baud in grove.
11:00 Reception.
11:00-11:30 Shriners' band.
10:45 Vocal solo, Tom Orde
ninnn, of Salem.
Afternoon (Grandstand at Race Track).
1:30- 5:30 Speed program.
1:30- 2:30 Shriners' bund.
of Salem. ' '
3:00- 3:30 McElroy's, band.
3:00 Vocal solo. Tom Ordemnim.
3:43 Cherrinn bund.
4:00- 4:30 Shriners' band.
New Pavilion.
TT30- 2:45 McElrov's band.
2:45- 3:00 Shriners' baud.
3:30 Vocal solo, Mrs. Hallidav
Haight. 3:41 Booth's string orchestra.
4:15 5:0(1 McElrov's band.
Evening (Night Horse Show, Stadium).
S:00 Cattle parade.
7:30- 8:30 McElrov's band.
8:20 Vocal solo, .Mrs. Hnlliday-Htiii-ht.
State of Ohio. City of Toledo, I
a Lucas County. f " '
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he If
senior partner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney
Co., doing business In the City of To
ledo. County and State aforesaid, and
that said firm will pay the sum of ONE
HUNDRED-DOLLARS for each and. ev
erv caw of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the. use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE.
Sworn to before ma and subscribed In
my presence, this 6th day of December.
ASeal)1f' A W. GLEASOX.
Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally
and acta directlv upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Send for
testimonials. free.
F. J. CHENEY CO.. Toleio. O.
Sold by all Druggists. 75c.
Take Hill's Family Pills for cnnatlpatloa-
8:30- 9:00 Shriners' band.
9:1.1-10:00 McElrov's band.
New Pavilion.
7:30- 8:15 Shriners baud.
8:30- 9:00 McElroy's baud.
9:15 Shriners' baud.
9:45 Vocal solo, Mrs. Halliday
Haight. Old Pavilion (Pioneers' Program).
Veterans' Fife and Drum corps.
JlcElroy's band.
New Superintendent
Makes Suggestions
At the meeting of the board of edu
cation last evening, Superintendent John
W.' Todd made recommendations that
met with its approval. The ideas sug
gested by Mr. Todd are those tending to
make the studies of the students of
practical value and also a means of put
ting into practice what is learned in the
course of study. The recommendations
are as follows:
"It is recommended that the class in
accounting in the senior high school be
allowed to keep a segregated account
of the income and expenditures of this
district according to the proposed plan
made out by the U. S. bureau of ac
counts. "It is recommended that one class in
each of the junior high schools in man
ual training be set aside for a period of
18 weeks during the year for the pur
pose of repair and construction work
about each of the junior high schools.
The materials for such work are to be
furnished by the school board, delivered
to the junior high schools and used ex
clusively for this purpose, an accounting
to be given by the teacher regarding
the number of propects on which the
material is used and the cost,
"It is recommended that the domes
tic science classes run a cafeteria and
that they do all their own collecting,
their own accounting aad depositing,
pay all their own bills and that .this
course be made truly a course in home
economics and that this be done In each
of the high chools as soon as possible.
"There is a matter of the transfer of
50 pupils from the Washington J. H. S.
to the Lincoln and Grant schools. There
are pupils that reside in the Lincoln ami
Grant districts nud that are attending
the Washington junior high school with
out permits for this year. This will
afford the relief which is tabulated on
separate sheet. "
Bomb Conspiracy
Cases To Be Tried
San Francisco, Sept. 26. Trial of
derman Consul General Franz Bopp and
other German consulates in bomb con
spiracy cases is considered so import
ant that all others have been postpon
ed to give it attention in the federal
district court. This was the reason
given by Federal District Attorney
Preston today for continuing trials of
other alleged neutrality violation cases
until after the Bopp case, set for No
vember 13. .
The case grows out of an alleged at
tempt to dynamite a consignment of
munitions for the Russian army while
the shipment was being lightered to
steamers in l'uget Sound. This was
one of the first of the so called anti
ally cases to be investigated by the
Trial of the Germans Will immediate
ly follow the second trial of the Oregon
land fraud caspj lii'- which'- -United.
States District Attornqy. ;, ( larenee '
Kennies or- Portland, will conduct the
Couple Lost On
Mount Hood Found
Portland, Or., Sept, 20. Lost for
two days on Mount Hood, Mr. and Mrs,
AntonP. Edlefscn of Portland' were'
found at 10 a; m. between the big and'
little Zig-Zng rivers, five miles north!
oi Government Camp. I
Searchers led by Ed. Roberts came
upon the pair in deep timber. Starving,'
half frozen by blizzard winds which
lashed through their thin outing attire,1
Edlefsen aad his wife had fallen ex-,
hausted in their tracks. '
They were carried back to camp ami
given medical attention. The Edlef
sens have been wandering through the
wilderness since Sunday, when they be
came separated f torn -a Reed college
climbing partv near Crater Rock., i
.Our circulation is still climb-
lng tip read the paper and
you'll know the reason.
The following prices for fruits
and vegetables are those asked by
the wholesaler of the retailer, and
not 'What is paid to the producer.
All other prices are those paid the
produoer. Corrections are made
Wheat holds ' about the same, the
mills paying $1.07 and $1.08 for the
better quality tree from weeds. Bran
is $1 a ton lower and shorts arc up $1
a ton. Hens are bringing 11 and VIVi
cents. The price -'-of eggs varies, some
commission bouses quoting today 29
cents while grocers seem willing to pay
more, much depending on their. de-
mantis, .u
Wheat $1.00(711.08
Oats, new , 35(l40c
Rolled barley $38.50
Bran $2.).0(l
Shorts, per ton $28.00
Hay, clover $9$1')
Hay, cheat $10.00(511.00
Hay, vetch '. ; $11$12
Hay, timothy, $15(5. $16
Butterfat . ..31e
Creamery butter, per .pound .34c
Country butter M 2527c
Eggs and Poultry.
Eggs, case count, cash 32c
Eggs, trade .... 34c
Hens, pound llfHlSVac
Boosters, old, per pound He
Broilers, under 2 pounds 14VaC
Fork, Veal and, Matton.
Tomatoes, Oregon 40c
Pork, dressed ............ 1112 l-2c
Pork, on foot 8 l-2'9c
Spring lambs, 1916 . 77 l-4o
Steers 56
Cows 3 l-24e
Bull 3(33 1-4
Ewes w 4 l-2e
Wethers 5 l-2
Tomatoes, Oregon
String garlle
-----a - -v
Potatoes, sweet 3c
Potatoes : lc
Green onions 40s
Green peppers 5c
Cnrratm rlnvan ' ' .
Onions $1.00
Onions, Walla Walla $1.75
Watermelons lc
Muskmelons $1.25
Peaches, Oregon 25(a60c
Grapes : $1.00ra1.50
Apples 50cg$1.00
Oranges, Valencies ... $4,25
Lemons, per box $&50(ft 7.00
Cantaloupes, per box , $1.50
Bananas, pound b
California grape fruit ...... $3.00
Florida grape fruit $6.00
Pineapples , 8e
Honey 13.50
Retail Prices. '
Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch ...... 40c
Sugar, cane $7.90
Sugar, beet ....'. .7. I $7.70
Creamery butter ..j.-.... , 40c
Flour, hard wheat' $1.7Q(S 2.95
Flourr valley.. ............. $1.43(u 1.05
Portland, Ore., Sept. 20. W
Bluestem. $1.33 12. '
Red Russian, $1.2.
Oats: No. 1 white feed, $27.25.
Barley: Feed, $35.
Hogs: Best live, $9.90.
Prime steers, $7. ' .
Fancy cows, $5.40.
Calves, $7.50. .
Spring lambs, $8.50.
Butter: City creamery, 31c.
Eggs: Selected local ex., 37 l'-2c.
Hens. 15 l-2c
. Broilers, 10(ol7c. "
Geese, lift 11 l-2c.
After a man has made a correct esti
mate of how little he knows he is pre
pared to learn something.
art uiMTMr to BjIuk
f Copaiba, Cubabs or
Mm diaaaas wltk
ftut incafivlftianc.
Hop Market Gains
and Prices Go Higher
Portland, . On, Sept. 26. The . hop ;
market is steady gaining in strength,
with enlargement of tho eastern dc-;
maud. Buying is still confined chicflyi
to California for some reason that the:
dealers here do not understand, but:
they believe that the inquiry will soon I
be turned this way.
It was reported yesterday that'-two!
Eugene lots, those of Anderson," 05
bales, and allrdy, 80 bales, had boon'
bought by T. A. Liveslcy & Co. at 11 's
and 11 cents. Thero were also reports
of 12 cents being oiiered in this state.
Twelve cents was ireelylnd in West
ern Washington, butTgrowcrs would not
sell. In the Yakima section better than
13 cents was offered during the day.
Thershadbolt lot of 150 bales of Yaki
mas was sold.
Tho California market held strong at
13 cents for the best hops and buying
was heavy. Proctor purchased 1200
bales and Wolf 300 bales' at this price.
Among the Sonoma and Mendocino
lots sold at lo cents were: MeCutcbcon
140 bales; Dick Hall, 280 bales; Peter
son, 80 bales; Williamson, 100 bales;
Siemer Bros. 250 bales; Stovey, 150
bales. Wolf purchased 300 bales ot
Volos at 11 'a cents and 100 bales of
liuttes. Buyers offered 12 cent options
on Sacramentos.
In New York there has been a fur
ther advance. Buyers vesterdav paid
55 cents, and there were later offers
of 5(J cents.
Butter is Firm
The decrease in the make of butter
and the outside demund are causing a
firmer market. Jt is said that fivo
cars have been bought to date for shir
ment. It is believed this butter is
going to Europe.
At the produce exchange 30 cents
was bid for extras and 31 cents asked.
Firsts sold nt 28 cents. Seconds were
offered at 28 cents, with 25 cents bid,
Dairy butter sold at 24 cents.
The egg market was firm, with 33
cents bid for current receipts and 34',A
cents asked.
Oregon triplets were offered at 17 la
cents and Oregon young Americas at
HI cents, with .no bul. Eastern cream
bru.. was offered at 24 cents without
bidders. For Oregon cream brick 19
cents was bid and 20 cents asked. Block
Swiss was offered at 2 7 ' -t cents and
27 cents was bid. Tillamook triplets
were offered at 18',f. cents, with 18
cents lint.
Tho poultry and dresst'd aient mar
kets were steady and uni liaiigcd.
Barley Advances
Barley wus the strong feature of the
local gruiu market yesterday. At the
Merchants J-.xchange mils for feed bar
ley were advanced $32 to $35. In the
country blue brewing barley was sold
at .w to if.14 i. o. b. It was reported
that one exporter has tho burley sup
ply closely bought up here.
The wheat market was rather weak.
Bids in the interior wero generally re
duced a cent from Saturday. The car
shortage is keeping buyers out of the
market. They iiguro that they have all
the wheat bought that they can ship
bv the first of the year.
. Hogs Are Higher
The hog market scored a 20 cent
advance at the stockyards yesterday,
which put the top quotation for the
(lay at $1Q,05, The run of hogs was
lighter than usual on Monday and the
demand was keen.
Other receipts wero also light and
cattle and sheep continued firm. Prime
steers sold at $7 and butcher cuttlo at
ftoing rates. Full prices prevailed in
the sheep house,
Pennsylavnia Troops
Making Long Hike
El I'aso, Texus, Sept, 2(1. Facing an
all dav march across the New Mexican
desert under actual war conditions, the
ten mile column of Pennsylvania troops
was under way at dawn on the second
day of the hundred mile hike. The on
ly water supply available had to be
hauled from Kl I'aso during the uigat
by tank trucks.
Yesterday the division marched 18
miles with the loss of only II men who
fell out of the ranks from exhaustion.
The problem of a water supply for the
remaining tnree nays is looming big,
as the men must cross arid stretches
of 15 to 30 miles without a supply point
The men of the Second Pennsylvania-
regiment felt the first pine j of
desert campaign hardships when their
water tanks saud in the deep sand and
failed to reach camp. Other regiments
were forced to share their water allow
ance with them.
By Mort.
Classified Business
Telephone Directory
A Quick, handy reference for busy people
Salem Elestris Co, Masonia Temple, 127 North High. ............ Hala 1WM
T. V. Bare, 104 South Commercial street ICaU 1M
Truck t Dray Co., corner State ana front street Vila T
No. id Oregon tixpresa S :0Oa.m.
No. S!4 Eugene Limited 8:02 p.m.
No. !!S Willamette Limited . ..9:i2a. m.
No. 12 Hhasta Limited 11:05 a.m.
No. 18 Portland Passenger ....1:27p.m.
No. 20 Portland Passenger ...5:00p.m.
No. 14 Portlund Biprcss 8:04 p.m.
No. 222 Portland fast Freight 10 :0 p. m.
No. 221) Local way Freight . . . .1Q :35 a. m.
'-. SOUTH BOUND .- I '
No. 15 California Express.... 8:32 a.m.
No. 17 Koseburg Passenger. . .11 :20 a. m.
No. 28 Eugene Limited . .... 10 -.01 a. m.
No. 10 Cottage Grove Pass. ..4:1(1 p.m.
Makes connection with No. 74 Geer
No. 11 Hhasta Limited 5)43 p.m.
No. 27 Willamette Limited... 0 :16 p. m.
No. 18 Han Francisco Express 10:30 p.m.
No. 221 riaa Franclsoo Fust
Freight f. . . . .12:01 a. m.
Not 220 Local way Freight. .. .11 :40 a. m.
Bii.BM-Oaia LINB.
No. 78 Arrives at Salem ......0:13 a.m.
No. 76 Leaves Salem 0:50 a.m.
No. 75 Ar. Salem (mixed)' . . . .2:Ot p. m.
No. 74 Leave Sulem 4 :20 p. m.
No connection soqth of Geer.
Salbsi, Fills Cur and Wbstbrm '
No..l(!l I.t. Hiilera, motor ,,...7:Oa. m.
No. 10.1 Lr. Salem, motor 0:46 a.m.
No. 103 Ly. Hulem tor Monmouth - . -
and Alrlle 1 :40 p. m.
No. 187 I.T. Salem, motor , . . . .4 :00 p. m.
No. KM l.T. Salem, motor 6 :15 p.m.
No. 230 Way Fr't lv. Salem. . . .5 :ilO a. m.
No. 12 Ar. Salem 8 :4o a. m.
No. 164 Ar. Salem 11:10 a.m.
No. 1(1(1 -A r. Salem 8:15p.m.
No. 168 Ar. Sulem 0:OOp.m.
No. 170 Ar. Sulem 7:45p.m.
No. S24U Way Fr't ar. Salem... 1:35 p.m.
Oreoon City TrangportaUon Company.
The Orahaniona leaves Salem for Port
land at 6 o'clock on mornings of Mon
day. Wednesday and Friday. No boat south
ot Sulem. Uout leaw Portland Tuesday.
Thnrediiy aad Sum: day mornings until
further nmc.-e.
Our circulation is still climb-'
lng up read the piper and At
you'll know the reason.
Regular conclave fourth Friday In each
mouth at 8 o'clock p. m.. In Maaonlc
Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights art
courteously. Invited to -meet with us.
Lot L. Peurce, B. C, Frank Turner,
president; Mrs. Uiu Tlllaon, accretarw.
All caseo of cruelty or neglect of dumb
animals should be reported to the
secretary tor Investigation.
Iteguliir meeting every first and third
Tuesday at H p. m. In the Masonic Tem
ple. Minnie Mueller, W. M. ; Ida M.
Babcock, secretary.
SALEM LODGE No. 4, A. F. ft A. M.
United communications first Frlduy Id
each mouth ut 7 :3o p. m. In the Maaonlc
Temple. Chas. McCarter, W. M. ; S. Z.
Sulirer, secretary.
UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly,
No. N4, meets every Wednesday at 8 p. m.
In Moose hall. C. O. Matlock, M. A.;
C". A. Vibbert, secretary, Crown Drug
store, 338 State street.
A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge Ne. 2,
Meets every Monduy ereulag at 8 in the
McCorn&ck ball, corner Court aud Liberty
streets, A. E. Aufrance, M. W. ; S. A.
McFaddcD, recorder ; A. 1 Brown,
financier: R. B. Duncan, treasurer.
R. N. of A. "Oregon Grape Camp." No.
1340, meets every Thursdiiy evening tn
McCornuck building. Court and Libert!
streets: elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Schaupp,
171 Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Per
sona, recorder. 12U6 North CooiaerclaL
i'houe 1430-M.
M. Burger,
Lv. Salem Train No. Ar. Portias
4 :35 a. m 2 Owl 6 :55 a. au
7:15a.m. 8 ..&:25a.a.
0:45a. m 10 Limited. ... 11:35 k. .
11:20 a. m 12. 11 :35 p. as.
1:50p.m. ....... 14 4 :00 p. a.
4:00 p. m 18 Limited ... 6 :60 p. ov
0:.'!0p.m 24 ....... 7 :4'0 p. oa,
7:05. p.m. ....... 22 10:00 p. as,
Lv. Portland
8 :80 a. m. Salem 8:35 Eugene 10:58 a. aa.
8:30a.m. ... 6 Limited .... 10:11a. a.
10:45a.m. 7 ....... .12 :55 p. a.
2:05p.m. 0 ,, 4:13 p. av
4:40p.m. ... 13 Limited .... 6:48 p. a.
6 : p. m 17 Local .... 8 :10 p. a.
0:20 p.m. 10 11:20 p. a.
11 :45 p. m 21 Owl 1 :55 p. a.
Lr. Corvatlls Ar. Balea
4:10 p. m 20 6:80 p. am.
Lr. Eugene, Ar. Salaas
7 :86 a. m ' JO Limited .... 9 :45 a. a.
1:55 p. m 18 Limited ... 4r00p. a.
5:25 p.m. ........ 2V ....... 7 :55 p. a.
12:00 p. m 3 Owl , 4 :85 a. a,
Lv. Rnlem. - ar. Eugene
1:55 a.m. , .... 21 Owl 8:60 a. a,
10:15a.m. ...i 6 Limited ....12:U5pa.
Lr. Salam .'.. Ar. Albaan
12 :55 p. m 7 1 :50 p. m.
Stops at Corrallla
I.T. Salem. " Ar. Albany,
4:15 p. in. 0 6:10 p. a.
Ar. Alba. aft
.. 7(35 a. a.
I.t. Salem. Ar. Eugene
6:45 p.m. ....... 13 8:60 p. avr
Lt. rorvallla, . ' Ar. Rales
8 :26 a. m 10 :45 a. a,
12 .12 p. m 14 1:45 p.m.
2:41p.m. ....... 10 4:00 pa.
4:10 p. m 20 6:30 p.m.
6 :18 p. m 22 7 :55 p a.
Ly. Salem. Ar. Camilla
10:15a.m. ........ 6 11:38a.m.
4 -.15 p. m 9 5:36 p. a
12:55 p. m 7 2:20 p. at,
6:40p.m. ....... 18 8:00 p. Sb
- Friday nlgbt at 8 o'clock ta McCornack
. block. A. J. Swelnlnlc, C C; L. p. Geer,
clerk, 6U7 Court Street Phoae 598.
CENTRAL LODGE, No. 18, K. of P. Mo
Cornack ' building. Tneadar evening at
euch week at 7 :3U. C. E. Barbour, C. C. i
W. B. Ullsoa, K. ol R. and 8 , .
HODSON COUNCIL, No. 1. R. ft 8. M
Stated asaembly flrat Monday In ca
mouth. Masonic Temple. N. P. Rasmus
sen, Thrice Illustrious Master; Glean C
N'iles, recorder.
SALEM COUNCIL NO. 2622 Knights sail
Ladles of Security Meets every 2nd an
4th Wednesday each month at Hunt
Hull. Visiting membera are Invited to'
uttend. E. F. Walton, flounder, 480 S.
14th Street.
PACIFIC LODGE No. 80, A. F. ft A. M.
Stilted communications third Friday
la each month at 7 :30 p. m. in the
Masonic Temple. Hal V. Bo lain, W. M.;
Ernest II. Cboute, secretary.
gon Cellar Camp. No. 5240. meets every
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Mo
Cornack hull, corner Court snd Liberty
streets. Elevotor service. Geo. Reinoht,
V. C. ; 1. A. Wright, Clerk.
YickSoTong ....
Hat medicine which will enre
Any known Disease
Open Sundays from 10:00 a. m.
. witi? 8:00. p. m. ..
153 South High Stret.
Zilsm, Oregon. ranua iZZ
'Jfa imcrcaa t tnct