Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 26, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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HONORING Mr. anil Mrs. Elinor T.
l.u.ldeii. who are leaving soon to
make their home in Grants Pais,
Mr. and Mrs. V. Connell Dyer will be
boats tonight for an informal dinner,
v Their guests will iucluda a coterie
of the younger married set, who mo1
the close friends of the ivuddens.
Mrs. Mary Gallentine, who has made
her home in Salem for several years,
left today for Clayton, Kansas, where
she will spend tne wlnler. Airs. uni
lentine owns a la rue wheat much in
Kansas and is going east to look after
Iter interests. She was accompanied as
far as Portland by her daughter, Mrs.
Hettie Strode of SOS North Twentieth
v -
Mrs. L. N. Honey of Eugene is the
JioiiBe guest of Mrs. George 11. Burnett.
J.ater in the week Mrs. Burnett will
alra have visiting het Mrs. Mary Pin-
ney of Boise, Idaho.
-Mr. and Mrs. W. Melvin Plimpton
and children, Sherman and Janet, re
turned Sunday evening from a few days
Visit in Portland. They accompanied
Mr. Plimpton's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. w. Plimpton, who motored oacK
again this week to be their guests for
the state fair. Late m the week the
Plimptons will also have as their house
guests Mr. and Mrs. Jlarry Terry of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Speckart of
Olympia, Washington, who have been
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Sehmidt for a couple of days returned
to their home on the Sound this morn-
Mr. and' Mrs. Clarence S. Hamilton
will entertain as their guests for the
fair this Veek, Mr. and Mrs. Cnrniff,
Sirs. C. M. Ogle, and Miss Eva Cox of
Northrup Waters, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Waters of Portland, who
las been visiting his grandmother, Mrs.
B. E. Waters, for a few days, left Sun
day for Corvallis to enter his sophomore
year at the Oregon Agricultural col
lege. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Craig and daugh
ter, Miss Bernice Craig, motored to
Portland Saturday, returning Sunday
The Craigs spent Sunday touring the
Columbia highway.
. Dr. and Mra. Seymour Skiff and
small daughter, Billie, have returned to
Portland after a short visit with Dr.
Skiff's parents, Dr. and Mra. William
F. Skiff. For the fair MrB. Skiff has
as her guest her nicec, Mrs. R. P.
Knight of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Powell (Alice
Bingham) and small son of Lafayette,
will be the guests of the letter's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George G. Bing
Sam, for the fair this week.
Miss Carol Dibble has returned home
from a few days . delightful visit in
Portland, where she was tie guest of
Guests at the home of Mr. aud Mrs.
While You Have Cash to
Spend, Trade at a
Spot Cash Store
Even if you pay cash at a credit store you don't
get cash store prices because there is always a
loss from "bad accounts" that must be added to
the price of every article. You may not know it
but the extra price is there just the same. '
Careful Buying, Economical
Business Management
D .
And an earnest desire to
sible margin of profit explains why we undersell
credit stores. We never buy an article until we
are convinced that it will prove satisfactoiy to
the wearer. You will find a wonderful range of
styles and qualities to select from in every
Everything for the whole family at prices that
credit stores can't match.
", ' t ; '' ' ,. ' .
Corner of Commercial and Chemeketa Sts.
' Our Store Will Remain Closed All Day Wednes
"" ; day Salem Day at the Fair.
IKibert Thompson during the week will
be, Mr. aud Mrs. G. .1. -I'Tink and son or
Philomath, Mrs. W. H. Boles of Benton
and Mrs. Ella . Jones of 'Portland.
Mr., and Mrs. Maurice Winters will
be among the Albany folk coming to
Salem to attend the stiito fair this
week and will be the guests of Dr. and
Mrs. Mark Skiff. "
The home of Miss Adelaide Scriber
on South Commercial street was the
scene of a pleasant surprise party Fri-.
day, when a number of her friends
gathered for the afternoon.
The guests were mostly the members
of the, Woman's Foreign Missionary so-i
ciety 'of the Methodist chinch, of;
which Miss Scriber has been mude a
life member, and on this occasion was
presented with a framed certificate.
Those enjpving the afternoon were:
Mrs. W. H. Cook, Mrs. II. Poiile, Mrs.
C. A. Clark, Mrs. Jory, Mrs. A. A. Lee
and Mrs. M. II. Parounagiau.
The Aid Society meeting of the Unit
ed Brethren church of North Seven
teenth street, has been postponed un
til a later date on account of the
state fair, ami also on account of the
illness of Mrs. H. B. McWhorter, wiio
was to have been the hostess for the
Friends of Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Asseln
will regret to hear that they ore leav
ing Salem to make their home in St.
Paul, Minn. Dr. Assekn who has been
in the east all summer will not return,
having Bent word for Mrs. Asseln to
join him as soon as possible.
Railroad Men Heckled
Candidate Hughes
By Perry Arnold
(United Press staff correspondent)
Toledo, Ohio, Sept. 20. Republican
Nominee Hughes got himself heckled
today boldly ignoring . warnings that
ho would face his most unfriendlv au
dience at the Overland plant.
Several lusty voiced democrats and
socialistic questioners "planted" were
waiting for his talk about the Adamson
eight hour law Toledo being a big
railroad center. Hughes was determin
ed he would not be warned off.
Two thousand workmen were assem
bled in the stand, clustered in front
of a dray from wnich the governor
spoke. It was a noisy audience that
gossiped about ether matters so that
the governor wi.ii his frayed throat
had great difficulty in making him
se.- heard. The men cheered his open
ing remarks as to Americanism and
as to labor but then, apparently by pre
arranged signal, there were several
dozen who WHrtedj (veiling "Hurrah
for Wilson" land "take him out",
"get his whiskers" and other choice
A score to one side of the crowd
shouted "How abuut the Danbnry hat
ters! "hut the babel was so groat
Hughes. apparently did not hear them.
After the meeting ho said he had not
heard them. He went on, grinning
mautuiiy, and rapping against any
"rule of force" in governmental ad
ministration. sell on the closest pos
Mr. Albert Commandeers
Autos and Shows Visitors
State Institutions
Through the efforts of Joseph H.
AiDert, tne isage orusn orcnestra oi .iu
children from Burns, accompanied by
about 15 mothers, had the ride of their
lives this morning.
Thirteen autos woro commandeered
by Mr. Albert and the party of 43 were
taken first a rido around the city, and
then to the different state institu
tions. While many of the mothers had
seen the beauties of tho state grounds,
it was all new to tho 38 youngsters,
whose ages range from five to fifteen
Secretary of State Olcott showed
them where the Oregon laws were
made and Judgo Moore of tho Supreme
court gave them a few words of ad
vice when they visited the supreme
court rooms. Warden Minto gave them
a few views of the state penitentiary
and luter they were shown around the
asylum. What interested the girls
most was the amount of food required
to feed the inmates of the various
statu institutions. And next of inter
est was the beautiful flowers. As one
little girl expressed it, " I sure do hate
to leave all theso" flowers and go back
to that dried up country around
Burns," but, sho loyally added, "1 like
it down there "
It was intended to have the illumin
ated fountain play last night but un
fortunately some rewiring and cleaning
could not be completed and while it
will be in operation toght our little
sage chicks will not be here to see,
and it is too bad, for the youngsters
arc so appreciative and come so far to
delight the big crowds at the fair,
that all that Salem could or would like
to do would be but small compensation.
They are a remarkably bright lot of
little ones, and the business men of
Burns, who when the suggestion was
made to send them on a visit to Port
land and the stato fair dug up $2,000
for the trip showed a commendable
pride in the finest and best 'crop"
that any country produces. Their play
ing drew big crowds always and '' Har
ney county's exhibit" at the state fair
was one of that big event's most pleas
ing features.
To remove freckles, blotches or any
complexion difficulty, tho best thing to
do is to removo the akin itself. This
is easily and harmlessly done by the
application of ordinary mcrcolized wax
The wax peels off the defective outer
Bkin, a little each day, gradually bring
ing the second layer of skin to view.
The new skin ia beautifully soft, clear,
white and young looking. Just pro
cure an ounce of mercolized wax at
any drug store and use like cold cream.
BALLARI At the Oregon State In
stitution for the Blind, Monday
morning, October 23, 1910, Miss Lena
M. llallard, in her liitn year.
Accompanied bv tho parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. It. Ballard of Newbcrg, the
bodv was forwarded this afternoon to
Newbcrg, where burial will take place
Wednesday afternoon.
The girl came to the school about
a week nsio from her home at Newberg
and bad not been ill until Sunday,
when she wus seized with a sudden at
tack of convulsions, dying before med
ical aid could reach her.
HOWMAX At the home of her son F.
D. Bowman, at 12t South Libcrny
street, Monday, September 25, 1916,
Mrs. Margaret M, Bowman, in her
87th year.
SIia ia survived bv Two sons. F. D.
I Itowinnn of Salem and O. L. Bowman
I living near the city.
The funeral services were held this
afternoon from the Terwilliger under-
taking parlors, tho Rev.- J. C. Spencer
joiiiciutiug. The body accompanied by
the sons will be tnken Thursday to Fox,
itirant county, Oregon, for burial.
TAPP In tho city Sunday, September
I . 24, 1910, Hobcrt J. Tapp In his 5.3th
l vear.
I He is survived by a wife- living at
Gardner, his mother Mrs. Jane Fergu
son, living in Portland and two sTstcrs.
I The funeral services were held this
'afternoon at 4 o'clock at the chapel of
I Kigdon & Richardson with interment
; in the City View cemerery.
J. L. Smith of Comiilte, Coos county
j agriculturist, is in the city.
I J. K. Churchill was in Portland yes
i terdav, registered at the Cornelius.
Miss Florence Delano of Portland is
a guest at the homo of W. W. Moore.
O. K. Howard, the veicran mail car
rier, is taking his vacation during fair
I week.
! Sergeant French of the XT. S. A., who
! has recently been stationed, at biigene.
! is in the citv.
8. M. Miles of the custom house,
, Portland, motored to Salem yesterday
with his family. They aro guests at
the Judge r. A. Moore aome.
W. 1. Kevnolds or Dallas, super'n
tendent of Polk county schools, is in
tha city, a guest at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Bert Dennis, 277 North
Liberty street. Ho is in charge of the
Polk county exhibits at the state fair.
Tho following were registered yester
day at the Capital hotel: II. K. F.ppert,
Tillamook; P. H. Bake,-Corvillis; K.
H. tonifer, Independence; R. E. Ford,
McMinnville; S. C. Chance, Mt. Angel;
U H. Keilsen, Olendale; W. L, Pro
vost, Bay City; T. J. Milea, Rickreall;
Karl Jobe, Fossil; hart King, Otis.
Absolutely. Removes
Iridigestion..One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Copied From Her
Own Soldier Boys
"Tramp, Tramp, Tramp."
Khaki colored wni-Hted nut mi mill.
tary lines, full skirted, and a jacket
iviui a circular cape almost as long as
itself, such is this trig suit for fall
hi:;ers. The model eamA frnm Pn ritf anil
is excellent for youth.
Wall Street Gambles
StocksWfll Be Higher
New York, Sept, 26. The New York
Evening Sun financial review today
The brand of excitement and enthus
iasm which accompanied the trading
was not in evidence in today's opera
tions but the total business neverthe
less was heavy with sales again running
in excess of a million shares and making
the seventeenth consecutive million
share session. It was an- orderly market
in which price movements exhibited
great irregularity, but with the general
tendency, however, in the best part of
tho five hours of business in the direc
tion of higher levels, especial strength
being shown at times by the steel and
copper issues and some of the rails and
a few of the so-called specialties. A
vast amount of stock came out in the
day. Realizing sales were heavy and
professional tiaders made vigorous ef
forts to bring about materially lower
levels but the market's capacity to ab
sorb offerings again was pronounced.
Reactions brought in a good class of
buying. The failure of tlfe heavy break
in the final dealings in Monday's mar
ket to find reflection in further weak
ness in the opeuing operations created
a favorable impression upon sentiment
in most street circles, while the ease
with which the market took stock and
the absence of indications of weakness
in commission house accounts strength
ened the idea, that eventually the gen
eral list of stocks would move to even
better figures than any so far recorded.
By H. C. Hamilton.
(United ress staff correspond-
Ebbcts Field, Brooklyn, X. Y.,
Sept. 2. Jeff Peffer pitched
the Dodgers to a vietory over
the Chicago Cubs this afternoon,
winning his own game from Mc-
Connell, 4 to 1, with a single in
tho fifth inning which scored
two runa.
The game was a pitchers' bat-
tie, Pfcffer giving five hits, '
while the Robins found McCon-
nell for six. Bad fielding cropped
out throughout the game and
O 'Mara and Knabe were banish-
ed for harsh language.
The Dodgers stilt lead the
league by less than a game.
Krumbles' tan
talizing flavor is
due to tho new
Kellogg method
of cooking and
toasting, - which
brings out the
full richness of
the wheat.
Look tor
tkla tanatur
V ,1 1,
. yy: vlll
If ; 4 1 1
ill j 4 m i
iff . w 14
Two of Them Played at Lin
coln's FuneralPlayed for
Boys Last Night
Two veterans of the Civil war, who
played a drum in a fife and drum corps
at Lincoln's fuuernd -in Springfield,
111., greeted the soldier boys on their
return yesterday from Clackatuas. Al
so another veteran who played for
Lincoln when he visited the army of
tne roiomuc at reiersnurg.
They are members of the Oregon
veieran r lie and urum corps now
camping at .ae state fair and felt the
call of patriotism on learning of the
boys' arrival.
.W. H. Brooks, one of the drummers
who played at Lincoln's funeral who
lives at ewbcrg, is 70 years old and
saw service in the 14th Iowa, company
. J. S. Vaughn of Tigard is the other
drummer who played at the Lincoln
funeral at Springfield. lie served in
company E, Fourteenth Iowa.
E. B. Orant of Oregon City, who
piayeu llail to the Cbief" when Lin
coln visited the army at Petersburg
volunteered in company H. of the 142d
New York.
Other members of the Oregon Veter
an Fife and Drum Corps now playing
at the state fair each dav, are:
T. M. Kellogg of the First Wisconsin
cavalry. He was in the regiment that
surrounded and captured Jeff Davis.
Mr. Kellogg lives in Portland.
C. A. Stockwell is a veteran fifer,
and served in company K, of the 83d
Illinois. He was in the charge of Fort
J. W. Chase who served in company
A, of the 2th Wisconsin, as fifer dur
ing the Civil war, spent part of his
time in Libby prison where he was a
member of the Libby prison drum corps
He lives at Wilsonvillc.
W. H. McClelland of Oregon City
served during the war in company G.
mst Uhio, part of the time as fifer.
He went through all of the battles in
which the Army of the Potomac was
John Kellev, who beats the dnim is
the "Baby" of the Oregon Veterans
t ite and Drum Corps as he is 80 years
"Id and haa been in the regular arm?
sinne 1853. Ho played at the Oregon
tair with the Washington guards in
18tt4 and has been here with the corps
every year. Mr. Kelley knew General
Orant when he was in the regular army
in 1854, at the time Grant resigned his
commission with the regular army.
The Oregon Veteran Fife and Drum
Corps was organized sever.il years ago
with 25 members. Now but 14 are liv
ing, and only eight were able to re
port for duty at the state fair grounds.
Washington, Sept. 26 Declar-
ing it is the duty of every inter-
state carrier to furnish such cars
as are "reasonably" necessary
for handling the normal traffio
of which it is a common carrier,
the government today filed its
brief in the supreme court in its
suit to compel the Pennsylvania
railroad to furnish adequate
tank ear facilities for the trans-
portation of petroleum pro-
' The suit is based on the re-
fusal of the road to supply tank
cars for the shipment of pro-
ducts of the Pennsylvania Par-
rafine company shipments be-
ing made by barrel.
By Robert s. Bender,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Princeton, X. J., Sept. 26. President
Wilson cast his ballot in the demo
cratic primaries here today unrecog
nized by the crowds gathered about the
polls and greeted by scarcely a dozen
The president was one of the first
to reach the polls, only thirteen having
preceded him in the firebouse voting
booth. Immediately after voting he
left for Shadow Lawn in his automo
bile. On the way to Princeton, tho presi
dent's party traveled over historic
roads leading through scenes of the
revolutionary war, particularly the
battle fields which became famous be
fore and after tho British defeat at
Along the roadsides, placards have
been posted, tejng of the battles, and
the president had the chauffeur drive
slowly a he read them to Mrs. Wilson.
Pacers Collide and
Both Drivers Spilled
Those who eniov racing were given
an entertainment this afternoon not ex
actly on the program.
In tie 2:18 pace Daisy D, driven by
Kinney, ran away, throwing the driver.
But a little thing like this did not intcr
! fere with Daisy D's pacing, as she went
'around the track ahead of the four
! other entries, coming under the wire
in 2:11 3-4. However, on account of
: having no driver the judges awarded
her fifth place. At the start of the
race. "Wreatness" and Daisy D collid
ed, throwing both drivers and break
ing a wheel of Greatness' sulkey. But
Daisy D just kept on going, making the
heat without a break ahead of the other
In the 3:18 pace this afternoon the
first heat was won by Joe Bnuckley;
Bertie Seattle came in second, Hall Lo
gan third, Sonoma Maid fourth and Dasy
D, driveitesa, being awarded fifth
9 - "
aaaaaaaaaiaa i
Lost? Found? Help? Work? For Rent? For
Sale? House Wanted? Business .Opportunity?
An Auto? A Horse? If your name is in the tele
phone directory '
Rvpttt nlinTiP in Rnlenr Marion ami Polk COUIl
ties connects in an instant with The Capital j
Journal Want Ad Phone No. 81. ; ?K
That Issue He Says Is Wages
of EmployesCites Gov
ernment Hours
Seattle, Wah., Sept. 26. 'The is -
sue at stake is yet to come, and that
involves the wages of the employes."
That, in brief, is the view today of
Louis W. Hill, president of the Great
Northern railwuir. in referenen it lha
Adamson- eight", hour law recently,
pased by congress ' " " "
Hill and his family are in Seattle to-
dav following visits to the Pendleton
Round-1'p and the Rainier National
Park. He leaves hero tomorrow for
Vancouver, B. C, to attend the cele
bration of the completion of the Van
couver, Victoria and Eastern branch of
the Great Northern.
Hill declared that President Wilson
showed a lack of real understanding of j
the situation.
'I have nevjbr been aware," he said,
'that our employes were ambitious
for an eight hour day schedule. As a
matter of fact we shall experience dif
ficulty in getting crews to accept runs
of only eight hours.
"President Wilson would have us
believe that society has accepted the
eight hour day. I might call his atten
tion to the fact that three railway
train crews are usually required to
handle mail trains manned by a -single
postal crew and yet I have not heard
and agitation in behalf of the latter,
who aro employes of the government."
Hill also cited the fact that in tho
state of Washington two years ago the
people voted down a universal eight
iour law.
London, Sept. 15 (By mail) When
a copy reader on a London paper wrote
this headline: "vur homely queen"
above a little article about Queen Mary
he was writing English, not Aineip.
The story told of the queen's home ac
tivities at Windsor Castle.
You are always welcome at our store. -
Make your headquarters here while you visit the
State Fair. Our Fall line is. complete and it's a
pleasure to show our goods.
S Q 1
Salem Day Tomorrow
! Will Hose Many rlaces
Wednesday is Salem day at the state
fair, and as tho Salem folks are su
posed to bo patriotic enough to all at
tend, there will be little doing in thy
down town district. .
The pustoffice will close at noon ami
there will be just the morning deliv
ery of mails. "
All bauks and stores have also signi
fied their intentions of closing at 12
o'clock in order to uive their employe
'"11 opportunity to get in on the after-
noon program.
Tho publio library will also be closed
for the afternoon. King Bing Deckcbach
is making strenuous efforts to have hi
vassals all turn out in uniform, bnt a
the vassals have not been overly ana-
is to appear this week, it is not
known whether the Boosters will turu
out i" force strong for Captain Bick to
Pt them through that famous military
Marshficld drill.
Anyhow, do your shopping early.
Black Silk Stove Polish
Is different. It does not
dry out; cut be used to the
last drop; liquid and paste
one quality: aiMoiuieiy no
waste : no dust or dirt. You
gvtyour muoey a worm.
Black Silk 1
1-1 m W 1 II
atove jroiisn
Is not only moat economical, brrt ft etas a brilli
with auiv
other eolith,
ant, nlky lustra that nnnot t obtained wit
Block bilk Stove folmb doca not
four lime aLfl Irnar nrtiinqrw
rub off - it laats four time
poliab a it aavaayou tima, work aod mooey.
Don't forget when yon
want Btove polfsh, be aura to
ask for lllc: Sllh. Kit isn't
tho best atovopolirh you ever
usedr-our doaiar will refund
your notwy.
Black SiTlc Stm Polish
Worka, Sterling, Illinois.,
Dm Block 811k AirDrylnn
Iron Enamel on grates rcg
Utcra, stove-pipes, ani auto
mobile tire rims. I'rsveaU
rusting. Try it,
Um Bl-rk SIHr Metal Pol
lah for fcii wrwaro, nickel .tin
ware or arses, it works
quickly, coolly sntj Ipares
brilliant surf