THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEAl, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPT. 22, 1916. FIVE ft LESS MEAT IF BACK Take a Glass of Salts to Flush Kidneys If Bladder Bothers YouDrink Lots of Water Kating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in Bonie form or other, says a well-known authority, because the uric acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, .pahticularly back ache and misery in the kidney region; rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acid stomach, constipation, torpid liver, Bleeplcs8ness, bladder and urinary irri tation. The moment your back hurts or kid neys aren't acting right, or if bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of J ad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablcspo nful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will than act fine. This .famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and Jemon juice, com bined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kid- noys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. ' Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which millions of men and women take now and thor. to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thuB avoiding serious kidney disease. FIFTH CALIFORNIA BOYS MUST REMAIN IN CAMP Sacramento, Cal., Sept. 22. The camp of the Fifth California infantry is very wet today as the result of a downpour of rain, but considerably dry as far as the downing of intoxicants is con cerned. Following two riots between soldiers and negroes, Colonel Burtt issued an order that all soldiers entering saloons would be arrested. A "dead line" has been established and soldiers are only allowed in cer tain sections of the city. LINER BAD A FIRE Galveston, Texas, Sept. 22 The Mor gan liner El Aba arrived here from New York today and Captain Freeman reported a serious fire that started in her bunkers and destroyed a portion of the cargo before it was extinguished last night The extont of the damage has not been ascertained. Journal Want Ads Get Results Yon Want Try one and see. ' fO POLITICS IN PULPIT Asks To Be Permitted to Withdraw From the Ministry San Francisco, Sept. 22. The request of Rev. Newton E. Clemenson for a withdrawal from the ministry will un questionably bo speedily granted by the Presbytery next month, said prominent Presbyterian clery today, following the minister's request in a lengthy. at tack upon the synod because of its al leged attitude toward prohibition. In his attack, Clemenson alleged "eccles iastical politicians" are "making the dogma of prohibition a test of ortho doxy." "I do not believe in sumptuary legis lation, brought about through the agency of the church which inevitably engenders Btrife, divides communities and impedes the work of the ministry," said he in part. "I believe this agita tion in and by the church is dangerous to the state, an infringement of indi vidual liberty, contrary, to Christ's teachings and can accomplish nothing of spiritual value to society." Rev. Clemenson, who also charges the churches are being changed into "po litical convention halls," lectured for the Grape Protective association two years ago in the Presbyterian congrega tion. The resignation is a result, as he charges the synod falsely recorded his trouble with the Oakland Presbytery Ht that time. Harrisburg Pioneer Drowned In River Harrisburg, Ore., Sept. 22. D. C. Holt, for many years a resident of Harrisburg, was drowned yesterday afternoon whilo swimming in the Wil lamette river here, it is feared. The body has not been found, but Mr. Holt's clothes were discovered last evening at a" place above tho ferry landing where he frequently went in swimming. Mr. Holt went across the river about 4:30 in tho afternoon for vegetables. Toward night, when he did not return home, his family becamo uneasy and started a search. The vegetables and his clothing were found on the bank of the river above tho ferry. Grappling hooks came up on tho 2:30 S. P. train from Eugene this' morning and the search for the body will be resumed. Mr. Holt was a member of the drug firm, Smith and Holt, of Harrisburg, and had lived here many years He was past middle age and leaves a wife and eight children, all but two of whom live here. One is at Salem and the other at National City, California. like Cats the Classes Take to the Roofs That a break iri the brotherly lov now outwardly existing between mem bers of the freshmen and sophomore classes is imminent was apparent to any chance prowler in the vicinity of the Sweetland athletic field last night. It has been a custom for each university class to Btrive to keep its members on the grandstand roof at certain, periods of the year, despite tho efforts of the rival classes to eradicate them. When ever the freshmen paint their numerals on the roof, the sophomores make it their business to see that they disap pear as soon as possible. Many and excited battles have been waged by the respective factions on the athletic field since such strife was inaugurated in 190S. The sophomores decided to repaint their dilapidated numerals which have remained covered with tax since last year, but soon after the completion of the task, freshmen wanderers of the night got busy and "the glory that was" paint was soon no more. In all probability this evening will witness re taliatory tactics1 on the part' of both classes. Just when an open break -will occur, it is impossible to predict, but with excitement running so high, the dove of peace will soon be banished to tho tall timber. Albany Boosters Will Attend State Fair The promoters of tho Harvest Festi val are planning a big auto excursion to the state fair at Salem on next Thursday. An effort will be made to secure 130 cars for the trip. It is planned to visit Independence, Monmouth and Dallas on tho trip down and return via Turner, Marion and Jef ferson. A regular schedule for the day will be made and every car required to keep on the schedule. The effort to keep the cars together is made because a much better showing is believed to result of having all the machines in line rather than having them strung out all over the country. - Thursday will be Portland day at the fair and will be tne biggest day of the week. With cowboy hats and fes tival banners present in abundance the Albany cars expect to make a big showing. Any one owning a car and intending to make the trip is being asked to register with Edward Bailey. Albany Herald. - WOMAN PLEADED GUILTY Today EDWIN AUGUST m The Social Highwayman Special World Feature EXTRA ADDED VAUDEVILLE CauiiiMisiiiaS V THEATRE . Mexicans to Help Patrol Bor der, Pershing to Stay for Some Time Yet E Will Begin Paving South Commercial Mr. August Kehrberger has the con tract for paving the street car com pany's part of South Commercial etreet, a strip eight feet wide, from Mission to the city limits, in all 17 blocks. The paving will be concrete and Mr. Kehh bcrgcr will start his men at work Mon day morning. If there are any yet un employed around Salem this will furnish ah opportunity for work. The company has had a big gang at work this week, digging out the broken rock between and each side of the track to the width By Carl D. Groat, (United Press Staff Correspondent.) New London, Conn., Sept. 21. The I Mexican-American commission has about finished its first task that of settling the problem of border patrol. A tentative program for border pa trol was todav practically completed. It provides that General Pershing's forem shall remain where they are for the present. There is an additional proviso by which the Carranza forces will take over a liberal share of the work of protecting the border but- its exact form has not been revealed. The United Press received positive assurances today that tho plan con tains .no recommendation for an im mediate withdrawal. ' The situation remains as it is for the present," it was stated. Tho entire plan, is being submitted to General Bliss for his approval. Soine revamping for military reasons mav suggest itself to Bliss.' It is possible the whole plan will be in shape by Saturday but more probablo that it will requiro another week before it is submitted to Washington and Mexico City for approval. If the scheme suc ceeds and Carranza forces are found adequate, then withdrawal of Amer ican troops will be accomplished later. Villa activities around i nihuanua will not vitallv affeet the situation. Stockton, Cal., Sept. 22. "I deserve it," said Mrs. Lottie Nelson, today, fol lowing her sentence of 18 months in San Quentin for forgery. The woman was arrested for securing money on a forged deed to San Francisco property entered a plea of guilty and asked im mediate sentence. r i T loaay- tomorrow WALLACE REIT) & Cleo Ridgely in "The House of the Golden Windows", PATHE WEEKLY YE LIBERTY of eight feet, and this .work will be completed by tonight from Mission street to Myers. It is expected the city plant will soon begin operations on its part or tne street. French Prune Crop Reports Are Almost Total Failure Run Francisco. Sent. 22. The prune crop of France is almost a complete aifrnniiTiir in cabin nrivicpH re ceived 'here by local business men. The French prune crop is normally from 25,000 to 30,000 tons. This year it is placed at only 1100 tons. PACED FAST MILE FfNi7 i v m Preserve the leather and make your shoes) wear longer. Thar contain no acid and will not crack the leather. Easiest to ua and their thine ImU longer. BLACK-WHITE-TAN KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT! THI P. P. DALLE Y CO., LTD. BUFFALO, N.V. free for all pace. Tho second heat was in 2:00. The first half was done in one minute flat. St. Frisco was not forced to beat 2:0t during the Capi-tal-l'ity stako trot, tne real contest in this event being for the place, which Miss Perfection took from Bacilli and aHrry J. S. Use the Journal Want Ad Way. Coming Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursd ay MARY PICKFORD . In Her Very Best Picture "HULDA FROM HOLLAND" Salem's Onlv Kxclusive 1'ictiire Show YE LIBERTY THEATRE i ,,..:zzzzJ! Columbus, O., Sept. 22. Napoleon Direct and St. Frisco, with T. W. Mur phy driving in 'place of the disabled Edward (leers, yesterday afternoon scored strnight heat victories in the Columbus grand circuit races for which they wcro favorites. Napoleon Direct raced in front in each boat of the Six Days, Starting Monday, September 25 REESE BROS. AFRICANDER COMPANY 15 People 15 Musical Comedy, Minstrel and Jubilee Singers Street Parade Daily Grand Theatre i -tttttttf aii; ; ; ; f tMttWtl t 7 T T TTTTTT T annua fflTUMtt ttttttj iltlZZZllllZl IftfHIUmWUTtHWI I i ... 11111111 xxx mm xxxxx xxxxx Watch this space for 4 t o mn Geer-Krueger 467 Court Street xxxx xxxx xxx XX t. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiW tlttfiti't f tt ftttl HHTl TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT