THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPT. 22, 1916. THREE n ii n W It ii ii ii ii CLOSE CM IN FI Si Barn On Savage Place Burns j! ; Fair Barns and Cars " On Fire n II II II II II II II II II II II II II n I! II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II When in Portland, You are Most Welcome to Make This Store Your Headquarters Scarcely a day passes that at least one, or more, of our Salem friends do not drop in to see us and say "how do you do." Mr. Hammond wishes his Salem friends to feel that this store, of which we are justly proud, belongs, in a measure, to Salem, and a cordial welcome awaits you. , Our 'phone'and a desk are at your disposal. Buffum & Pendleton Co. 127 Sixth Street, former location of the "Lotus," next to Ore- gonian Building. ll ii ii ii , One of . the big barns belonging to George (X Savage and located just I ............ ,1... Cl!!..... 1 J, .1 mm: w"D3. inv oiiritun i-uhu ironi tnc Tliirth II entrance to the fair eround U uumi'u hum morning nnout 4 o'clock, I together with some thirty tons of hay, ll! II II F. N. PENDLETON WINTHROP HAMMOND U QQanQDcaaacEaaaaaaaaaaaiiaacaaaaaaaasaDscassaaaai 4- : Willamette Valley News Gates Items i lloverdale Items i Trouble Last Sunday in Qumaby Hop Yard (Capital Journal Speciul Service) Ooverdale, Sept. 22. .Miss Ktliel ( apital Journal Special Service.) ' OtiinnHv Or Knut OO n,il.ialn? i from ner school. . , ' ' " . "- ' F. A. Woods and family were trading "" " nopptcKtng mens returned Tuesday,;.. uipn, I'ridav. i Sunday in the Masscv hoD vard. when (Capital Journal Special Service) bates, r.ept. 'J"-" "Jl Craig purchased a driving pony of Prof, brother Bert let here Mon toy to bj , k I d itm nn iMruniiiii luisiiicss. l hev return- . . . . ' Jem on personal business, ed Tuesday evening, All hop pickers from Albany. .tr. ,! Mrs. Whitehead-motored to tw0 Japanese pickers had an altcrca- Wilburn Haines and company were m Salem Wednesday. tion with William and John Weese Gates for three nights. They showed Owen Undlcy left home Friduy for over the cweishjp 0f a basket of "The Power of Money" with all its, North Powder, Oregon, where he will ho )s On0 of the japaiiege had his nm kusiuiucs huu 'Ji ",'' '" , 'nose broken and the other some ribs "The Man from krizona " and "The, The (leinian Baptists held services at ,)roken aml , now in a 8lll)lin no.,,,ital. Girl from The Golden West." They, the school house on Sunday afternoon. v, , H ,.,,,. ' ,, will show three nights in Wilhoit, Ore gon. Leslie Dike left yesterday for Pen dleton to stay the week end at the round up. Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson mo tored to Salem last Sunday. They ex pect to return the last of this week. George Random, son and and son-in-law Lyons, left for llornb to hunt and pick huckle berries. They expect to return in five days. Little (won has been ser iously ill with appendicitis. report he was slowly recovering. iates school starts Monday Sept. 25. They have been improving the school house the Inst week by putting in a new furnace and repairing the grounds. Florencve Lansin left Wednesday for Albany, where sue will enter her sec ond year rof high school. Mrs. Fair was in Albany on business tlrs week. Mrs. Bessie Mct'lnry and Mr. Johnson made a hurry up trip to Salem from In dependence, where they were picking hops, anil surprised their friends by be ing married. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson re turned home Monday and are now vis iting her mother, Mrs. Collins. Sublimity Items (Capital Journal Special Service.) Sublimity, Sept. 22. Miss Anna Trango left Saturday for Boaverton. Anthony Spenner is attending . Mt. Angel . college. . . Mifls Joseph Schfewe anil small daughter Philomenc, left Wednesday on a trip to Portland. "B. Prange, our postmaster, was on the sick list one day this week, but is sow able to be around again. Mr. and Mrs. Nealem and children lave moved into Mrs. Crump's house. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ditter and Frank Roeser were Sunday .visitors at Oervais. The parochial schools opened Mon day. The public Rchools will not 0en till October S. Mr, and Mrs. Bernnrd Wernhoff, of Humphrey, Neb., arrived Thursday of last week for a visit with friends who - formerly . lived in that state. They maed the trip here via California and left for the return trip-' Monday via ' Portland.' -" ' Lizzie Odenthal and Thecla Roeser returned Tuesday 'from the hop yard at' Independence. Threshing- in this vicinity is -completed. Journal Want Ada Get Results Ton Want Try on and sse. Mrs. Marie Shiers returned to Salein . , . .,, L..' Kd Drager visited MrZ 71 TrrVZoJ of thaffai, Mr. to Salem Sunday and spent the day Johnson was a resident of tins section with relatives there I for a lo,,K ,lme s0,,ie 12 'ot"'8 aK0' am' Miner llennis lett home Monday tol'l'ile here married Carrie Keison a work in a prune drver below Salem. beautiful and charming girl of the The state dairv inspector was thrui Mverton neighborhood. They leased these parts Tuesday. n0 Walter Morley place and it was The W. W. club met at ;Urs. .umavn "' wacn nons were nign. i nere was ap parently no mental weakness in this strong, bright young man, and there are criticisms heard that the evan eglist, so called, should be allowed to proceed in such a sensational manner. .Mrs. Susan Mc.Munn and her unugh- Tues.lnv for an all day meeting. Dm The last ner was served by the hostess who was I . i l . -. ... 1 jl Li ''ntnmhaiia assisted .Y severtu ui mciun.. The afternoon was taken up by able discussions along the line of cooking, sewing, fruit canning, etc., recipes nnd patterns freely exchanged, and all ile nnrie.l hnniiitf thev miiiht be able to. ter Ella were anions those from Guin- attend the next meeting which will bcjnby attending the funeral of Lelnnd held at Mrs. J. Shaffer's in October. Hendricks which was said to have The threshing is not all finished in been the largest ever held in the city, these units and the machines are short handed on account of the prune dryers needing the men. Chicago, Sept. 22. An ordinance to halt the advance in bread prices -announced yesterday, was proposed to day by Morris Eller, city sealer. His plan is to require bread loaves to be labelled one pound, or one and a half pounds, and prohibiting the sale of loaves weighing three quarters of a pound. . He says this would force bak ers to make pound loaves instead of twelve ounce ones and counts on pub lie sentiment to keep, the price down to six cents. Following the lead of - one large baker yesterday in anouncing increased prices other bakeries are today ex pected to make similar anouncements. The federal department of justice will take no notice of the announced increase it appears the bakers are act-' ing in combination, it was said today.' Bakers here are planning to dodge the Sherman anti-trust law, - it is be-" lieved, in raising the price of bread.' One baker announced the increase yes terday.' Others will follow next week on advice it is said, of corporation law yers, who explained they would avert prosecution under the Sherman law by announcing increases at ' different times.. . Arc You Past 30 Years? Take Hot Water and "Amine three quarters of an hour being taken for the friends to file ill review as they said farewell to one of Salem's finest young men. The floral pieces numbered some hundreds. Hop picking , is completed in almost all vards and all will be finished by Saturday. Threshing continues and prune picking is in full blast. ; The young son of Key. Guy Stover of the Brooks and Clear Lake Evan- gelinal "churches had the misfortune to break the bones in Ins left hand re cently by stumbling upon a stick of wood while the family were in summer ciimi) at Ouinaby Park : Ed Rogers has been appointed agent for the Oregon hlectnc to take the place of J. C Mcr'arlaiin who resigned September 1st and who has been agent since the roud was put through some years ago. Mr. McFarlane was the founder of Quinaby and has made a prosperous village grow- up -from a railroad crossing, but it is part of his progressive policy to start something and when it -is well .established, to pass it on, while he engages in another enterprise. Miss May Weese, oiie of Quiuaby 's most popular young ladies has been seriously ill -but is much improved in health. Miss Eliza -Nolan is expected home shortly from Berkeley,- Cal., whero she has been-the guest or. -rs. mena Bush Thayer, a relative. ; Mrs. Robert Gainer and children of Tncoma arc the guests of Mrs.-Gamer 'a father, F. M. Lick. Mrs. Susari McMonn and her daugh ter Ella, are in Portlaifd whero they went to meet Frederick H. Monroe, president of the Henry George Lecture association of Chicago, who is enroutc to California. While there Miss M; Munn plans to look over the newspaper field with a view to again taking up the work. . a lot of farm machinery, harness and otner tnings, the property of .1. (!. Mill ion, 'who had the Savage farm leased. Thb fire was discovered by Night Watchman Joe Sanger, who gave the alarni and brought everybody in the neighborhood, to do what they could towards saving the adjoining bam and house which was done with the aid of chemical fire extinguishers from the fair ground and the chemical engine from the city department, after a hard battle by Secretary Lea, C. O. Gcngel--j oacn, t. k. i rnnam and others. A string of cars containing the Shetland ponies of M. S. Levy of La Grande, and several draft horses be longing to J. E. Reynolds caught fire, but this was soon put out by the chemicals without serious damage. Tho sheep barn, No. 7, nnd the horse bam, No. 8, at the fair grounds, caught fire, but these too were saved bv the chemicals. Hud it not been for these little fire extinguishers, tho clrances are there would have been but little left of the state fair buildings this morning. ' How the fire originated is not known, but Mrs. Mullan says a man yestcrduy evening asked her if ho might sleep in the barn, but he was told Mr. Mullan would object to this. He then asked if he could borrow some bedding, but this also was refused. It may be he crawled into the barn and started tho fire, accidentally or other wise. Mr. Lcn and others did some good amateur fire fighting, and it is due to their efforts which prevented the spread of the fire until the chemical j engine arrived from the city, that thero , m.i; l-tfi - a it. . are any ouiiuiugs icit at me luir grounds. Bur en & Hamilton Dissolve Partnership The firm of Huron & Ilnnvilton has been dissolved. Mr. Hamilton will re main in the old Buren & Hamilton lo cation, 340 Court street and is replen ishing the stock, part of tho new goods having already arrived. Mr. Hamilton has been in the furni ture business sini'F 1SH4 when the firm of Buren & Hamritoa , was -formed, the firm first was (dented in the building now occupied by Hostein & Greenbanin. After six vears in that locution, it moved to the rooms now occupied by the Salem Hardware company, whero it remained eight years. Then the firm moved into the building especially built for it where it has been for the past eight years. : Mr. Hamilton will retain George Fox who.hns been with the firm eight years and Ed K. Murphy who has been with it ten years. P. C. Kugel who was with The Latest Styles in CLOTHING Including the famous Rosenwald & Weil Water Proof BALMACAANS Also Oregon City MACKINAWS Take a Look Through Our Stock State Fair Visitors Welcome BRICK BROTHERS The House That Guarantees Every Purchase Cor. Slate and Liberty Streets Two Burn to Death ! In Auto Accident Pimples Disappear Galveston, Texas, Sept. There is one remedy that seldom falls Bernard Montgomery "Wakes Up"-Was Given Up As Dead 22. Several to clear awnv all iiiniolps. black henils score persons helidesslv Vntched two and skin eruptions and that makes the men burn to death be'neath nil over-! ski.n 8of,t' e,enr "nd "-oltliy. -turned automobile that went over nil Any druggist cnu supply yon with aenio, .... . . . , " " ., . winch generally overcomes all skin diw embnnkment shortly after midnight eases. Acne, eczema, Itch, pimples, last night causing three deaths. The ; rashes, black heads in most cases give lank exploded ami the flames spread way to itemo. Frequently, minor blem so rapidly that the crowd was unable i M,w disappear overnight. Itching twit to mill the victims fmm l,..,l, ,, I ally stops instantly. Zemo ls snfe, clenii, wreck. ! San Francisco, Sept. 22. Memory returned to Bernard .1. Montgomery of Portland today for the first time in more than four years. But still he has! no recollection of anything that liapn pened since March 3, 1!M2, nor dues I he know how he got to San Francisco j or why he is in the San Francisco i hospital. ' Ten days ago a skeleton recovered , from the Willamette river near Siilcinj was identified ns that of Montgomery. Later it was shown to bn that of K. V. Springer of Salem, who disappeared two years ago. A wife and four children await Montgomery's return to Portland. Hut Montgomery remembers that he had iu fi-.m r;v. venr Itefnrn biihiu withisix children when he left his ranch The dead are: 11. T. Hoach, ago 30. , W. S. Dennis, Jr., age 22. . Miss Clnudy Collier, age 18. The girl wus thrown clear, of tho machine and instantly killed. J. :f. Bonenr tins seriously injured. easy to use and deoeudable. It costs only I '.Tic; un extra huge bottle, Ifl.iKi.' It I will not stain, Is not greasy or sticky nnd . Is positively safe for tender, sensitive ! Bkius- Zemo. CleveUnl .Wedding Invitations, Announcement and Oal'iiiff Cards Printnil at flip .Inn,. ' I nal Job Department. " " No. 9021. . . REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE ' , United States National Bank At. Sniem in the Stale of Oregon, at the close of business on Sept.' Resources. I. 12, llllti. a Loans and discounts (except those shown on b) Total ' Overdrafts, secured, none: unsecured. .'.-l"il.70 IVnrtmitl Jt- Iv i ll T lf I l-t 111 till . willi near Knlnniu, Wash., to go to Portland. I I'. S. Bonds: Ili5.2iil.0t 4fi5,2(Ll 2,45'i.T0 he-with Mr. Hamilton and also Miss '.March .1, IIML', is the lust .late 1 Ruby Wilson, who has been in charge' remember," said .Montgomery today, of the books ten years. "To me that date was just yesterday. The ('. H. ilsiinlli in house furnishing I remember the day particularly be storc is now open for business and with- cause I went to the city ball at in a short time Mr. Hamilton expects; Knlainit to turn in a record if my bonds deposited to secure circulation (par 31,1)011.00 to have" the store entirely refurnished. Billings Case Will Go To Jury Today employes on tho ranch. After that Mrs. Montgomery and I went to Port land, to our home. That is the last I remember. I ..ave a vague recollec tion of coming into the hospital here, I ''" '"' , secu i..,i u nt i..n- " ill. Stocks of Federal Physicians are puzzled by Montgom ery's peculiar ease of amnesia. His head has been examined, but no in-1 a V. S. vuluc) Total V. S. bonds 4. Bonds, securities, etc.: b Bunds other thun I'. S. bonds pledged to secure postal savings deposits .1S,23).00 c Bonds and securities pledged as collateral for state, or other deposits (postul excluded) or bills payable 130,217.13 e Securities other than U. H. bonds (not including stocks) ownvd unpledged 203,54'. 24 31,0110.00 San Francisco, Kept. 22. Those who predicted a speedy verdict in the trinl of Warren K. Billings today charged their opinions, in the closing hours of the trial of the youngmaii on charge of complicity in the prepuredness pa rade dynamiting. Several of these today forecast a long- deliberation, with dis agreement almost a certainty. Tho final gun for the defense was fired this morning by. Maxwell .Vlc.Nutt, chief counsel for Billings, in an argu ment in which the state's case is held - 1: 1 .. .1 .. ..!...! up to rimcuic, niiu tnc viuii i-.uiiii-uwiiiin , i i mio .fin, ,,,.; 4 'the defense, regarding Billings' alibi IM"- " M"r"1'' " ,ng and hi. "double," Al DeCa-sia, are be- "' """,h , ' " "ft". '"!' . .People are realizing more and more every day that the kidneys, just as do the bowels, need to be flushed oca- Steel Makes New Record , Air Full of Bull Tips ing forcibly presented to the jury ns a preponderance of evidence aguiust the murder charge against Billings. ! This afternoon, Assistant District At torney Jnmes Brenuan, who conducted the prosecution will make the state's closing argument. This will be follow ed by the usual battle over requested in structions, followed by Judge Dunne's instructions to the jury, and the jury's Total bonds, securities, etc. reserve bunk (50 per cent of subscriu, ti") ... 7. a Value of banking house (if uueu-uumbored). 140,000.00 8. Furniture and fixtures . ... .... ii'. utrui km iiiti iiw iii-ii ill ner T ll nun u i mi iiiiiua iurv can lie toiind wincn inignt nave:... ... . . V, , , --" ........ Jau-sed the lapse of memory. .... ; ' 11 "! IjT'JL .7 ' .. . .. v ....... ..,ivvu , ui;!1,-, m new lorn, ( lucago and St. Louis 37,400.00 b Set amount due from approved reserve agents in other reserve cities , 100,011.43 I " ', . ,Alrt I --. ' niiMJinii nut- ironi liui M-resh in 1912. thlln i,...!,.,!,..! : i , tn l.'l. Kxchanges for clearing house 14. Other checks on banks in the same cit or town ns rfimHt imr tmiilf word from her husband slnco he (lis-, ,, .n(.ti()ll.. curr'ej!A'.Vick'lViMde,',i" ! ! ! " ' ! in. .otes of other national banks IS. Federal reserve notes ID. Coin and certificates ,-. 20. Legal tender notes 21. Redemption fund with U.Sttrensurer and from ij. S. treasurer 41S,i)iiS..!0 0. 1 IO0.00 110,000.00 12,000.00 1. 00.00 35,100. 48 Montgomerv said his wife and ehil dren lived at Knst Twelfth and llurn side streets, Portland. His niother in- '""' -'n. ...w...... , I 12. iet amount tine front hunks mnl hnii ii-- f, The Portland iKilioo were communi cated with and reported today that Mrs. Montcomerv had received no Montiromerv was taken to tho Ccn tral Kmcrgcncy hospital here on Sep tember 14 by a man giving tho nnme of I). Delevois. Officers are now searching for Delevois. VILL DECIDE TRUST CA8E due Total 110.012..!!) 0,xii5.!)l 2, 1 us.:,:, iwo.07 4MI.0I! 2i'5.00 :io.oo Ss,oi5.20 . :;o.oo 1,550.00 M-3S,72.'1.2o LlRlWties. guilt of Billings. tweak women and "Golden Medical! Discovery," the standard herbal system tonic, (both of which now eome in tflhli.t form tnr enn mniiiii,- et t. nvina iiohally. The kidneys are an eliinina-j an(j taking). Anuric" is now being tive organ and are constantly working,! introduced here, and many local people separating the poisons from the blood.fare daily testifying to its perfectntss. Coder this continual and perpetual When you have backache, dizzy spells action they are apt to congest, and 'or rheumatism, heed nature's warning, then trouble starts. Uric acid backs It means that you are a victim to uric op into the system, causing rheuma-1 acid poisoning. Then ask your drug tism, neuralgia, dropsy and many, gist for "Anuric" and i'ou -will very other serious disturbances. Doctor soon become one of hundreds who Fierce of Buffalo, New York, advo-j daily give their thankful indorsement eates that every one should drink , to this powerful enemy to uric acid, plenty of pure water between meals. I If you have that tired, worn-out feel Every day should exercise in the out-j ing, 'baikache, rheumatism, neuralgia, doer air sufficiently to sweat prof uscly, or if your sleep is disturbed by too fre and from time to time stimulate the queut urination, get Dr. Pierce Anurie kidney action by means of "Anurie." i Tablets pt drug store, full treatment This preparation has been thoroughly ! $1.00, or send 0e for trial package to tried out at his Sanitarium, in the same , Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, say as his "Favorite Prescription" tor-X. y. - i Portland, Ore., Sept. 22. Federal ; 25. Capital stock puid in Judge Wolvertnn is to decide today ! 20, Surplus fund retirement to decide the innocence or I w'ictlipr six directors and officers of ,27. a Undivided profits the Oregon 1'ortlund Cement company shall be temporarily restrained from ! participation in its affairs. I Aiuan Moore, vice-president and treasurer of the company, has asked for the injunctions. He Hants the six en- i .joined from taking part in the stock- : Pendleton, Ore., Sept. 22. A quiet """" " meeting scueuutr.i lor mis an man sat in the bleachers at the Pendle-1 ernoon. -ton Round-Up today and ate his lunch Moore recently filed a 1,000,000 suit out of a sbocbox. The man was Louis u,"'"' '" ""trust law, asking the Lni Some Queer Cayuses ,: Gather at Round-Up W. Hill, .president of the Great North- i,cd Wales court to break up an alleged em railroad, and-one of the biggest ' western cement trust. He named H companies as defendants. New York,. Sept. 22. Optimism re garding the outlook in the steel indus try was registered in "Wall Street today wnen ira.iers sent -: i ,:,.: in tl, it;,,i .,. common cl.n,bLng Hill, with his wife ami four children, I Now he say. he fears the six directors record of 114 .i-K during ! t',,,,?en Brrived at. Pendleton in a special car!"'1 exercise proxies at the stockhold- totlnv. Oovernor W ithvcnmbB nil Sec i " meeting, voting to witnornw ills retnrv Olcott also cot here this after-, "' '", al"0 """t ''ro'" office. A record breaking crowd saw the consecutive million stiarc day or tne present bull movement. The advance was made on a sale of more than 300, 000 shares of steel, much of it to meet demand from outside buyers. The street was full of bull tips on steel. President Farrell's prediction of record exports after the war, made yes terday, rumors of another extra divi dend for steel common, discussion of an alleged steel famine and the re porting of .big equipment orders were used to speed the market leader up ward. noon, wild western sports. J. Hick, of Wyoming, rode a bad lit tle horse, Two Step, until he was hurled against a fence, sustaining a broken leg. Seven riders were thrown hard to day. Fifteen subdued their mounts. In the parlors of the Capital hotel, there was a quiet wedding this after noon when Miss Emma Gray and G. K. it ' r. t n .... t ,i n Kiuiit,. or .-corts -vims, were joined in Union Pacific followed steel up, se 11- ' matrimony hv .T..d. ,g at HH .i s, r,e "" Daniel Webster. The eeremony wa, wit- d.voree from Sou he n Pacific h h- American sold to 111 Maud I.eitzel, of Scotts Mills, and Mrs. The market closed strong. May Ivie. proprietor of the hotel. The ATTRACTIONS ARE MISSINO Portlnnd, Or., Sept. 22. Boxing fans who expected to see .less Willord as part of the regular Sells Floto circus program emitted loud crys of disnp Miintment today. Hisses and crSes of 'fake!" greeted the announcement that the champ would appear during a ''concert" for which an extra charge was made. Krauk (Ifttch, who is also extensive ly billed as being with the show Is not here. The circus goes south tonight. b Less current expenses, interest and taxes uuid 30. Circulating notes outstanding 33. Net amount due to banks and bankers (other than included in 31 or 32) Demand deposits: 35. Individual deposits subject to chack 30. Certificates deposit due in less than .'ill days ... .1?. certified checks 3S. Cashier's checks outstanding iu. I'ostai savings deposits , 41. State, county, or other municipal defiosits se- . secured , by items 3d and 4 of "Resources" Total demand deposits, items 35, 30, 37. 39, 39, 40, 41, and 42 Time deposits (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice): 43. Certificates of deposit 45. Other time deposits , TotuI of time deposits, items 43, 44 and 45 14,215.33 4 724.31 100,000.00 100,000.00 11,401.02 11,200.00 O.XHS.'S 327.S70.0:! 2il.5!l5.30 OOO.Oi 350.00 0,030. H 1S2.707.5S 1S2.707.5S 550,773.04 010,301.42. 503,070.24 1,3SS,723.20 Total State of Oregon, County of Marion, ss: I, K. W. Huznrd, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. K. W. HAZARD, Cashier. ; Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st dnv of September, 1010. JKNNJK BKST, Notary Public. My crrtnmissinn expires June 20th, 1020. j COHKKCT Attest: D. W. KYRK, O. V. KYRK, ...... U. S. P.UiK, Directors. voung folks will live on a farm nearj Scotts Mills. Capital Journal Want Ads Will Get You What You War.t