Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 22, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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rs. Brown tells her grocer:
"Please send me some tea-black tea."
And he does!
But Mrs. Brown, perhaps, Joes n't realize that .
there are -two distinct types of black tea: English
Breakfast and Ceylon. And that she might like
one better than the other, the -way to choose tea
is by taste. If you will send ten cents, we '11 mail
you the Taste Packet the simplest, surest way
to know good tea.
The Taste Packet tentaim four ftrthmvt tnrthpei
. if Shilling' i Tea -Japan, English Breakfast, Ceylon and
Qiltng-tntugh f make five tr lix (ufi if each taste.
Address; A Schilling W Qcmptny
333 Secend Street, San Francisct .
Schilling's Tea
Sold through grocers only.
Standard packages, S-tz and i-li.
If you want tu keep your hair in
good condition, bo cnri'ful what you
vault it with.
Moat aoapa and prepared shnnipoo.i
couiuin ion union iukrii. tihb dries the
acalp, makes the hair brittle, aud is
very harmful.' Just plain mulsified eo
coanut ait (wuich is pure and entirely
greaselcs), ia muoh better than the
moat expensive soup or anything else
you ran oh for Bhampnoing, as this
ean't possibly injure tho hair.
oimply moisten your hair with water
and rub it in. One or two teaspoonfula
will make an abundance of rich, creamy
lather, and cleanses the hair and acalp
thoroughly. The lather rinsea out easi
ly, and removea everv particle of dust,
dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The
hair driea qifiekly and evenlv, and It
leaves it fine and silky, bright, fluffy
and eaay to manage.
You ean get mulsified eoconnut oil
at moat any drug store. It ia very
cheap, and a few ounces is enough to
laat everyone in tho family or months.
HEDRXE At the Willamotte sauitnr
ium, Thursday, September 21, Iflltl,
to .Mr. and Mra. W.. E. Hedrno of
Nineteenth street, a son.
HERR In the
Roy llerr.
ity September IS, 1910,
Accompanied by his sister, Mrs. May
M. Pettingill, the body was forwarded
by lligdon t Richardson to Kureka,
Cal., for burial.
Maxiage licenses wen issued at the
office of the county clerk today to Glen
K. Gault and Kmuin Oray, 'both of
Scotts Mills, and to lxris B. Carver and
Ruth Sutton, both of Solera.
Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock
the secoud regular meeting of the Sa
lem Woman ' club will bo held in the
public library; tho programme being in
charge or Airs. P. A. blliott, chairman
of the conservation committee. Mrs.
Elliotts' discussion will be on this sub
ject, and she will be assisted by Mra.
W. K. Kirk, who will give a talk on tho
"National Flower" and Miss Matty
Beatry, whose subject will be "The'Na-'
tional Park."
delightful feature also have been ar
ranged for the evening's entertainment
including fancy dances by Margaret
White, Dorothy Each and Harold Mil
ler, Annabelle Golden, Alice MeC'lellan,
-nary Djat, .ircnie Holt and others.
Patrons and .friends are all cordially
"""tu iu participate -n the festivity,
which will open at lull) in the after
noon and 7 in the evening.
These Three Free
Three Cake Palmolive Soap with
1 box Face Powder or A A .
1 package cream,. Trx do
Retail value 80c
Saturday Special
Fry's Drug Store
310 North Commercial St.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Rces of San
Francisco, who have been the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Elliott for a few
days left yesterday for a visit in Port
land before returning to their home
in the south.
Mrs. Charles H. Hadley of Roscburg
arrived in Salem last nigut to visit dur
ing the state fair, and is the house
guest of General and Mrs. William H.
Mrs. J. (,'. Moreland returned yester
day from Hood River, where she has
been visiting her son, Irving Moreland.
-Hawaii, the penrl of the Pacific, is
to be transported to the parlors of the
First Methodist church tonight when
the Kpworth League will hold a- recep
tion in honor of tne new students at
the university. Palms, ukeleles and the
spirit of the island's gracious hospital
ity will be the characteristic note of
the evening's entertainment. It will
be a strictly informal affair.
Chestnut Farm, the country home of
Mrs. Dexter Fields east of town, will
be the scene or the university Y. W. 0,
A. autumnal frolic Saturday afternoon.
Here the cares of registration and be
ginning classroom work will bo wiped
out by rambles through the beautiful
woods, chatting. on tho verandas, games
on the lawn, and various other enjoy
able diversions. The affair is in charge
of Miss Mubel Garrett, chairman of
the committee, who will be assisted by
several other popular students.
Much interest is being manifested in
the school fair to be held tomorrow
afternoon and evening at the Lincoln
school under the auspices of the parent-
loaencrs' association.
The pupils have been working dili
gently preparing their exhibits for the
fair, wllich will include, needlework,
baking, manual training, agricultural
proiucts, etc.
Attractive booths have been arrang
ed lor fortune telling and all sorts of
deicctahles, which will be sold to assist
in paying for the various prizes offer
ed for the pupils' display.
Superintendent Todd will give an in
teresting address at the afternoon gath
ering and Miss Grace Snerwood will
sing several vocal solos. A number of
sing several vocal solos. Professor
G. R. Hyslot, head of the depart
ment of crops of O. A. C will
give a short talk. A number ot
Absolutely. Removes
Indigestion. Onepackage
proves it 25c at all druggists.
The North Salem Woman's club held
an important meeting on Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jonn
Dubuis, on E street. During the meet
ing delegates were named to attend
the State Federation of Woman's clubs
at Seaside on the , 10 and 11 of Octo
ber. Mrs. W. F. Fargo, president, and
Mrs. F. L. Purvine will represent the
club with Mrs. John Dubuis and Mrs. A.
Davidson as alternates. A committee
was also appointed to take charge of
the organization's floral exhibit at the
state fair next week, Mrs. J. F. Hum
phreys being asked to preside as chair
men of the floral committee. Assist
ing her will be Mrs. E. E. Fisher, Mrs.
E. D. Lamb, Mrs. L. 15. Frey and Mrs.
0. A. Davidson.
Later in the afternoon Mrs. E. G.
Smith gave an interesting discussion
on the electric trolleysystem over Ni
agara; Mrs. Merlin Harding sang,
"Sweet Miss Mary" and "A Japanese
Love Song," accompanied by Miss Lu
cille Emmons; Miss Lavonne Coppeck
gave several readings, and Miss, Edna
Daily of Milwaukee, a talk on the Tu
berculosis Sanitorium.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Carrier returned
Thursday evening from a motor trip
to Portland. They were accompanied
to Portland by their guests, Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Ohl, who were returning
home after a several days visit in Sa
lem. It would be greatly appreciated by
the Salem Patriotic League if all those
desiring to assist in providing viands
for the banquet to be given Monday
for Company M, would call Mrs. S. C.
Dyer, 330 North 8ummer street or Mrs.
W. O. Asseln, 542 North Liberty street.
Men's social activities of the
Willamette University were formal
ly ushered in last evening when the
members of the Websterian Literary
society met in their parlors in Waller
hall to elect officers and to map out
the year's work. Laban Stceves was
the unanimous choice of the society for
president for the first term of nine
weeks. He is to be assisted by Maxwell
Ball, vice president; Lestle Sparks, re
cording secretary; Adalph Spicss, cor
responding secretary; James Ewing,
treasurer; Earl Flegel, critic and Earl
Proctor, marshall. There officers will
be formally installed at the next meet
ing of tho society which will probably
be next Thursday evening. The occa
sion is always an impressive one and
is marked by refreshments served by
the incoming officers.
there is one sure way that never
fails to remove dandruff completely
and that is to dissolve it. This destroys
it entirely. To do this, just get about
four ounces of plain, ordinary liquid
arvon; apply it at night when retiring
use enough to moiston the scalp and
rub it in gently with the finger tips.
liy morning, most if not all, of your
ilandrutf will be gone, and three or
four more applications will completely
dissolve and entirely destroy every
single sign and trace of it, no matter
how much dandruff you mav have.
ou will find, too, that all itciiug
and digging of the scalp will stop in
stantly, and your hair will be fluff)-,
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and
look and feel a hundred times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any drug
store. It is inexpensive, and four
ounces is all you will need. This simple
remedy has never been known to tail.
Martin of Stavton is in the
Mrs. F. G. Kuell of Dillard is in the
D. Miller of Albany was iu the city
iouis taciimuiid went to Portland
this morning.
Hub Larson of Falls City was in
the city Thursday.
S. Kevuolds of St. Johns was a Sa
lem visitor yesterday.
George W. r.vro is noma from a bus
iness trip in the Coos Tiav country.
K. Mara and wite of Independence
were registered yesterday at tne Capi
tal hotel.
Miss Lois Martin who recently went
to Portland, will visit friends in the
city during fair week.
Mrs. Maud Leitcl, Miss Mnma Gray.
G. E. Gault and Basil Leitle, all of
Scotts Mills registered at the Capital
C. L. Keisler and wife with three
children left this morning for Dnn
ville, III., where they will make their
permanent borne.
(Continued From Pag One.)
reported attack and capture of Chihua
hua City ia incorrect. My forces have
entirely defeated Villa's men. One side
of the bandit who put up the fight did
not get away alive and numerous pris
oners were captured after a pursuit. I
do not doubt that the entire Villa band
will be annihilated soon.
"This foolish shedding of blood was
with the intention of creating difficul
ties for the conferees of the commission
at New London by the machinations of
American aud Mexican political inter
est. They themselves are now satis
fied with their failure,"
The Obese One to Gasp Hands
with His Inspissated Old
i Friend
New York, Sept. 22. While the t'n
ion League club ia tho official dove of
peace destined to bring former Presi
dent Taft and Colonel Roosevelt to
gether after years of estrangement, it
developed today that William A. Will
eox, national republican chairman and
Elihu Root are the real peacemakers.
When the I'nion League elub arrang
ed to tender Nomine Hughes a recep
tion on October 3, political leaders and
members of the club saw a chance to re
pair a break in the .party bonds. Will
cox as a member of the elub invited
Colonel Roosevelt to attend the recep
tion and Elihu Root, as president of
Stomach Troubles
The Great Woman's Medi
cine Often Just What
I Needed
Cigarettes Mean Expulsion-
Dancing Forbidden, Bil
liards Frowned On
Kesults of the new rulings of the
Willamette university faculty have
been particularly noticenblo in student
J: .- . . ......
uiscu:sions on nnu nDout the campus
tins week. These rules are explicitly
woriieu so as to leave no doubt that
those students who are enrolled for
worn in the institution this year are
to be held to a "strict accountability"
to the new rules of the faculty.
Whereas chapel attendance was semi
compulsory last fall and grew more
strict toward the second semester, this
year sees the rules and regulations
printed in unmistakable black and
white, "All students are required to
attend the daily chape! service in Wal
ler hall," and "persons not fully ap
proving this requirement are requested
not to matriculate." A daily record
is kept of all absentees and, if a stu
dent has five nnexcused absences, his
parents or guardians are notified; if
he has eight such absences, he is auto
matically expelled from the universi
ty. AH social activities are to be subor
dinated "to conserve health and to pro
mote scholarship." Mid-week dates
are to be avoided.
For the mutual good will of all the
faculty also adopted the following een-
cral regulations:
1. A student who uses intoxicants
or cigarettes severs his relation to the
The use of tobacco is discouraged
and its use upon the campus is forbid
3. Visiting pool halls and billiard
rooms is discouraged and will be looked
upon, with disfavor.
4. Students are forbidden to hold
dances aud are requested and advised
not to dance anywhere.
The reasons for the new rulings are
printed on a leatlet handed to. each stu
dent who desires to register. The in
troduction leaves no room for doubt.
It reads: '
"The necessity tot orderly methods
and certain requirements is recognized
by all institutions of learning, as well
as by every other association where
men seek to accomplish a particular re
sult. Unless there be established prin
ciples of guidance the desired end will
not be attained, disharmony will be en
gendered, and every individual suffers
loss. Because this is so important aud
so obvious, the university feels it prop
er to state that should any student find
himself unable to approve the spirit
and the government of the institution
and be unwilling heartily to conform
to them, he is requested not to register."
Grocer ie.
of Quality
With service and attention to each and
every order we receive is responsible for
the increasing amount of business we are
getting. Try us with your next order.
J. L. Busick & Son
456 State Street
Phone 182
the club, extended a similar invitation
to Taft. Both men were informed that
the ether would likely be present and
both accepted.
No formal burial of the Roosevclt
Taft hatchet would be considered but
there will be a receiving line and in
this receiving line will be three dis
tinguished guests of the evening,
Hughes, Taft and Roosevelt.
I bairman lllcox met Roosevelt at
the Harvard club this afternoon and
they discussed proposed campaign tours
for the colonel.
No definite itinerary was arranged
but Chairman Willcox informed noose
reit that there were many requests for
him and the two discussed the places
where the colonel could do the greatest
All of Colonel Roosevelt s campaign
speeches will be in large cities. He
will make no general stumping tour
stopping at way stations.
A well known society matron whose
vouthl'ul bcautv is so well preserved
-that she is regarded as her daughter's
rival in this respect though sae does
not pose as such attributes her girlish
complexion chictly to two things, enc
says: ,
"I am convinced that many cosmct
ics, by overloading the skin and potes,
tend to aire the complexion, mereui
ized wax has just the opposite effect.
It keens the pores clean, permitting
them to breathe, and removes dead par
ticles of cuticle which are constantly
appearing and which give the complex
ion that aged look. Whenever any skin
begins to get the least bit off color,
muddy or faded, I go to my druggist 's
for an ounce or mereonzea wax, x ap
ply this nightly, like cold cream, for a
week or so, washing it off mornings.
This is what keeps my complexion so
fresh, white and velvety. -
The absence of wrinkles and flab
biness 1 owe to the use of a simple face
bath prepared by dissolving one ounce
of powdered saxolite in a half pint
witea hazel. This keeps the skin
'tiht' and firm. "Social Register.
(Continued from, page one.)
Under the direction of the
Sisters of the Holy Names
Salem, Oregon
Most approved methods, primary
grammar and High. School
Departments, complete course in
Harp, Piano, Voice. Culture, Vio
lin and Hurmony, Elocution and
Physical Culture.
No interference with religion of
Modern Conveniences.
Domestic Comfort
Scholastic year begins Sept,
R. H. E.
Chicago 0 7 2
New York 5 11 0
Perry, Prendergast and Wilson; Sal-
lee and Kariden. Koeher.
R. H. E.
9t. Louis T. - 15 2
Brooklyn 11 19 1
Meadows. Warmouth and Gonzales,
Brottem: Marquard and Meyers.
R. , H. E.
Pittsburg 4 15 2
Philadelphia 7 10 0
Evans, Harmon, Jacobs and Fischer;
Maver and Killifer. -
B. H. E
Cincinnati 8 13 2
Boston 5 8 5
Knetzer and Huhn; Nebf -and Black
burn.' - - - -
W are to nsed to thinking; of Lydla
E. Pinkbam'a Vegetable Compound a
a remedy exclusively for female il.'s that
we are apt to overlook the) fact that it
ia one of the best remedies for disorders
of the stomach.
For stomach trouble of women it is
especially adapted, as it works ia com
pleU harmony with the female organ
ism, since it contains the extracts of the
best tonic roots and herbs. It tone op
the digestive system, and increases the
appetite and strength. Here ia what
one woman writes snowing what this
medicine does:
Newfield. N. Y. "I am so pleased
to say I can recommend Lydia E. Pink
bam 's Vegetable Compound as an eco
nomical and beneficial remedy in most
ailments pertaining to women. At
least I found it so by only taking two
bottles. I had indigestion in bad
form and I am now feeling in the best
of health and owe it all to Lydla E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound."
Mrs. Burb Williams, R.D. No. 29, New
field, N.Y.
Many women raiTer from that "all
gone feeling," and "feel so faint,"
while doing their work. Ten chanees
to one their digestive system is all out
of order. A thUmnnl T t V
American '
R. H. E.
Boston 4.5 0
Cleveland ..; 1 3 1
Shore and Cadv; Bagby and Deberry,
R. H. E.
St, Louis 6 8 3
Philadelphia 3 10 0
Mvers and Haler; Plank and Hart
lev, Hale.
R. H. E.
Washington 5 10 2
Detroit --- 6 2
Thomas and Henry; Mitchell, Boland
and Stanage.
B. H. E.
Xew Tork 3 11 1
Chicago 6 12 0
Mogridge and Alexander; Cicotte
sad Schalk.
ized workers shall be called out.
Characterizing a sympathetic strike
as "grossly violative of the laws,
Mavor Mitchel has warned the labor
i0,ler. that he will use all of the "mih-
tii'and civil power vested in the may
or," to cope with sucn a suuuuuu.
hv Samuel Gomners, labor
leaders stoutly maintain that they will
stick by their fight for the right to
organize and claim that the struggle is
on trade unionism and is vital to the
welfare of all organizco laoor.
Gompers, in conference with Mayor
Mitchel, gave unmistkame evidence
that he will support the local leaders in
whatever action they decide to follow.
While the consideration or a general
strike was under way, it was learneo
that many labor leaders suggest a gen
eral boycott on street ranwa
more effective weapon. The plan of
.i,. i,w is to order all union men
..m from, their work until
rfe. transnortation" is provided.
Thev maintain that this will be a more
" . r B . . ' ... . V. ...1 i4 ul-
peaeeful ana eiieciivo
tling the difficulties than a general
strike. ,
Commission Gats In. -
ThB state industrial commission had
-.s.i tkp fiwht and exercising its
legal rights has issued subpoenas for the
traction officials aud strike leaders to
appear before it on .uonaay.. ine uu
nf mediation of the industrial com
mission will argue the adoption of a
compromise and will use its powers to
the fullest extent to enforce the com
promise which provides for the imme
diate calling off of the strike by labor
leaders; the re-employment of strik
ers by traction lines; the reduction of
the time of operation or me
ough's individual contracts t rom two
years to one year.
Meanwhile normal operation of the
subwav and elevated lines has been
maintained. Intermittent disorders in
various parts of the city kept the pulse
busy during the night and early morning,-
but no serious disorders were, re
ported. Partial night service on cross
town lines was attempted for the first
time with heavy police details.
Undaunted bv the warning of the
mavor, Hugh Frayne, state organizer
of "the American Federation of Labor
said today: '
"Trade unionists will not surrender
their riohts to oreanize in this city
This was Frayne'sj parting shot as-he
went into the eonterence wnicn win
decide whether a general strike will be
called. .
"We have made no threats of disor
der,' Frayne said, "and we cannot be
held responsible for disorder. We have
advised against it and shall so con
tinue to advise."
This Is Fourteenth
Million Share Day
New York, Sept. 22. The New York
Evening Sun financial review today
There was no suggestion in the char
acter of today's operations in the gen
eral market of as immediate cessation
of the bullish activity oa the part of;
the prominent Wall Street interests audi
the public. Professional traders exer- $
cised their talents in efforts to move
prices to lower levels but in the best I
: Sister Superior
I Position
The passago of the eight hour
law by Congress has created a
big demand for telegraph oper
ators, both in railway and com
mercial service. Young men and
young women can obtain posi
tions at (75, $80 and $90 per
month. Writo at once for full
particulars to the
i Railway Telegraph Ins't,
Panama Bldg., Portland, Ore. I
- - - - ' A........ ......
rart of the session the changes were in
favor of the holders of long accounts,
reactions when made being relatively
small aud having no bearing upon the,
general course of trading.
- Although realizing liquidation w.-ia
heavy, it was easily absorbed, especial
ly iu the Steel and Copper sliarcs,which
were activo features throughout the
day, with new high points ostablishM
by United States Steel, common, In
spiration and Utah Copper.
Trading was in active volume in souxv
of the rails, particularly in Rending,
Xew York Central and Union Pacific,
tie movement in them accompanying a
revival of talk regarding tho possibili
ty of increased or extra distributions
to the stockholders. The same sort of
talk was heard in Steel common. It
was the fourteenth consecutive mil
lion share day un. I twentieth for the
Marked strength was shown in 'be
greater part of the last hour with fur
ther decided improvement in Steel com
mon whicu crusead 114 in
Steel and Culia Cane Sugar.
Washington, Sept. 22. The
thirty-eiyht Germans, Austrtans
and Turks who were taken .
from tho American steamer
China by a British cruiser some '
months ago, whilo en route
from Shanghai to the Philip
pines, have been released ac
cording to a state department
dispatch from Sydney, Aus
tralia. Their release was tho
result of a state department
Our circulation Is sUU climb- .
ing up read the paper and
you'll know the reason. .
cvwuuvn w a jew oayv