Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 22, 1916, Image 1

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;: 4
Russo-Rumanians ForCe Teutons Back Five Miles Bulgars
Ravage and Burn Country As They Retire Allies Will
I Try to Force Greece to Show Her Hand British Troops
! Advance Mile On Somme Front Russians Victorious
; In Carpathians
London, Sept. 22. ' Under heavy Russo-Rumanian
hammer blows, the Teutonic forces in Dobrudja have fal
len back more than five miles and are still in retreat, said
Bucharest dispatches today.
An earlier official statement reported the Bulgarians
burning villages and ravaging the country as they fell
back. The official statement also reported the capture of
Szekely Udvarhely, an industrial town of about 8,000 in
habitants, forty five miles inside the Transylvanian
Sofia dispatches today admitted that the German-Bul-gar
attacks against the Russo-Rumanian line have been
unsuccessful and that the Rumanians have gained a little
' ground at some points. An official statement issued at
Sofia made no mention of a Bulgarian retirement but re
ported that, the Bulgars are consolidating their positions
in the Dobrudia.
The defeat of Field "Marshal Mackensen in the Do
brudia invasion and the check administered to the Aus
tt-o-Germans on the northwestern frontier of Rumania
has caused a renewal of the demand here for a settlement
of affairs at Athens.
It is no longer any secret that the new Greek cabinet
is not regarded as favorable to the allies; English cor
.respondents at Athens cabled today that it was highly
-improbable that the allies would be able to enter into
cordial relations with the new ministry. Reports have
reached here1 that the revolts which have broken out in
isolated parts of Greece may mean the beginning of a
real revolution headed by E-Fremier vemzelos to over
throw King Constantine and bring Greece into the war.
A wireless disoatch from Rome this afternoon report
ed that the Russo-Rumanians have won victories in the
Dobrudja and Transylvania and that the Russians are
1 i 1 -I 1L! 3 -. Pnl.'n
avcin advancing in me arpaunaiis auu in
Washington, Sept. 22. Ap
proximately 380,040,000 bushels
of the 1910 wheat crop of 611,
000,000, or nearly two thirds of
it, will still be in tho hands of
the farmers, Oetober 1, depart
nient of agriculture officials es
timate today.. This estimate is
based on reports made by trade
publications as government a
gents do' not begin inquiries re
garding wheat held back by far
mers until March.
Movement of the 1910 wheat
crop began in July. During
that month (14,000,000 bushels
were received at the elevators.
In August 80,000,000 bushels,
were received. Receipts for the
past five years during Septem
ber have nvcraged about 14 per
cent of the total yield, which
this year would mean 8!),.r40,
000 bushels.
British Advance ft Mile.
London, Sept. 22. British troops ad-
Be First Gun In Discus
sion of Issues Raised
by Hughes
General Trevino Wires He
Will Annihilate Villa's
Is Making Strenuous Effort to
Prevent Crisis Over Mail
. Seizures
Expected He Will Answer
Hughes' Criticisms Fully
in Porch Speeches
.in the savage fighting going on around
the Smotres mountain in the Cnrpath
vnnced on a mile front south of the inns. The czar's troops have occupied
Ancre last night, capturing two the summit of the mountain and alsa re
uf German trenches between Hers and; . . . . , ,
Mrt.inr...irh. lienernl Hnia- reortcd tn,a h"r llold 0n 0 T8! f 11 e AUstr0
. ' iGerman trenches nenr Kortvnica
1 t, " . w,ii. ii. fJ On both fronts in the Balkans, tl,
-. 1 .....
-j :.. ,!:...,,.:. ti:ii iio ...!
."""' i'"Vr ""I!tlie offensive. The Hussions, co-opernt
toward tl,e I.eSnrs-Guende court hiea. i"g with the Ri inaiiians are making de-
wnv. their next strain? linn of defense terimned
before Bnmiume. The British line is now! nn"n
. j- in....1 Marshal AI
' 1 ' .. ..... .... . i-titrantinij flppnrill n tr tn KllcnnreHt ills-
i.ml Miirt.npmch, General Ha.g report-, MMed7,nlB the slilvi( ftre
" L ...i a d..:.:.i. i i, fightine beside the French and Sorbs.
.-..uni i ..i... ,' P..;i ,,, t lnrw
advances by
i both French and Serbian troops, though
! tho Buliriirinii war office claimed tin
czar's soldiers nrc also vigorously on
attacks on the German-Bui-
lines in Dobrudja where Field
ilnckensen 's armv is steadily
Washington. Soot. 22. Great Britain
iB determined to prevent the mails seiz
ures situation from reaching anything
even approaching a diplomatic crisis.
This was the general belief today when
Sir Richard Crawford, commercial ad
viser of the British embassy, anuounc
ed he will go to New ork early next
week to confer with leading bankers
and financiers regarding Kngland's
mnil censorship and its eftect ou-Auier
ican business.
Sir Richard and Secretary of State
Lansing held a long conference yester-
lay. Neither would discuss the meet
ing, but it was learned touay on mgii
authority that Crawford gave to Um
sinir a detailed statement of his plans
a matter of courtesy to me uepari-i
Crawford, acting tinder - his govern
ment's instructions, plans to bend ev
ery effort to come to au unuerstana-
ing with leading bankers and finan
ciers of tins country wuo represent
American manufacturers and shippers
regarding their overseas trade.
This is the latest plan of the British
government to meet' the protests from
American manufacturers that Kngland,
by opening commercial mails, is di
verting business to Knglish establish
Pugilist Hanson Who Slapped
Woman at Dance, Accused
of Murder
i. ,.i i j i. t
It I I'll ' II ill It I lit lit II 1 8 UIIU IHHIU f I . . , , i
Nenville St. W other detaehmenW toiln.vreported marked
exploded a mine and occupied the crn-
The German war office almost flatly "I'V1'"' of 1,11 n"icd aUmU
Shake TJp Russian War Office,
By Carl W. Ackerman.
ft'iiited l'ress utoff correspondent.)
Berlin, Sent. 22. Another shake-up in
; the Russian war office may result from
the failure of the Rnnso-Riimaninn cam
j paign in the Dobrudjn, according to re-
1 V it that the Russians have won a victory
contradicted the British claims of sito-
cess, reporting only grenade engage-1
jiui.ts and artillery duels on the hoinme!
front. Berlin also made no mention!
if heavy Herman attacks against the!
French lines north of the ISomme the
tepulse of which was officially an-
i ... i. . ..i i
..... . a , . r iou.iy. - ,.,.,.. ,,. from Stockholm
tltfirml ailinission came from Ker-i' , . , ,i
1 lie IMIUflUIII. UIC u ipu u.ii.i-u
lover their taiiurc to invaue uignria
j immediately after the Rumnnian decla
ration of war. The ease with which the
I first Hiisso Riimnninn attacks were
beaten back and the fact that the Rum-
I sums have been on trie defensive ever
since Field Marshal Mnckenseii took
charge of the Gerninn-Bulgarian opera
tions, is reported to have aroused much
bitter criticism both at l'etrograd and
Russian critics are complaining that
the diversion of ainmuuitiou supplies
and men to the Dobrud.ju front hulted
the Slav offensive in Galicia, without
aiding Russian plant in the Balkans.
The czar's failure to approach nearer
to Imberg has inspired further criticism.
,,,!! BP .
r - el
- A 11 a Ms
. Fighting la Furious.
Berlin, Sept. 22. Russian troops 'are
attacking the German-Bulgarian line in
the Dobrudja- with great vigor, it was
officially announced this afternoon. Se
vere fighting is going on along the
whole battle front.
Southwest of Topraiserva a German
encircling attack against the Rumanian
flnuk and rear, drove trie enemy uacK
in disordered flight. The loss of Smo
tres summit to the Russians after sev
eral days of fighting in the Carpathians
was officially admitted this atternoon.
'Kothin' 'II rcnlnce th'liverv stnblelNear Kortvnica, the Russians still oc-
s ideal loafin' place," said Ole Niles eupy portions of Austro-German posi
Turner this oiornin', in complainin' I tions. The Teutons, have captured 750
o' th' noise an' lack o' real comfort o'j prisoners and several machine gunes.
th' average garage. A chicken thief! On the western front, ouly grenade
iilee.l th' home o' Tipton Bud last! fights and atrillery duels have occurred
night an' stole his remaiuin daugh-!
ter. I (Continued on Paj Seven.)
Sun I.uis Obisjip, Col.; Sept. 22. Vic
Hunson, middleweight pugalist, was r
liberty today on 610,000 bail awnitin,'
a preliminary hearing on a charge of
The charge wns made after the body
of Mis. Sadie V. Sweeney had been ex
humed at Fresno and death was sluiw'i
to have been caused by a blool i Jot
nenr the heart.
Robert U Mel Oiinell, Mis. Sweeney's
brother, swore to the murder charge
against Hanson. He declares Hanson
slapped Mrs. Sweeney in the face whe-i
she refused to dance with him nt Bismo,
Oil., two weeks ago. She became seri
ously ill immediately afterward, Mr.
Council deelured, and died -several days
Hnil was furnished by Hanson's fath
er, Vigo Jianson, a wealthy duiiynmn
of San I.uis Obispo.
Hanson is well known in pugilistic
circles throughout the country. He h:is
fought in Kansas Cily and Chicago a
well as in Sun Francisco.
Wheat Takes Jumo
In Chicago Markets
Chieaeo. Sept. 22. Wheat took
Iiimo today uaseu on neavy uuying auu
firm cables. September weut up two
points over a high opening nt si.oz l z;
December up 2 7-8 at 1.5 U Sj May up
1-8 at 1.57 1-8; September was up 3 1-G
over last night's close; December 3 1-4
and May 2 7-8.
Corn showed slight gains on moderate
sales, September going up 1-8 at 87 fi-8;
December up 2 1-4 at 73 1-2; May up 1-4
at 76 7-8.
Oats were firm, September up 3-8 at
45 7-8; December up 3 8 at 48 12; Mat-
up half at 01 5-8.
1'rovisioM remained steady.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Booth accom
panied their daughter. Miss Barbara
Booth, to Turner Wednesday and re
turned yesterday. Miss Booth is to tench
in the Turner hieh school this year
The trip was made by motor. Eugene
By Robert J. Bender.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Long Branch,- N. J., Sept. 22. Presi
dent Wilson will make his first, personal
appearance tor re-election tomorrow
when he speaks from the veranda of his
summer home here to several hundred
business men of Trenton.
Tho gates of Shadow Lawn will be
thrown open to thv public 30 minutes
before the president appears and sev
eral thousand persons in additiou to the
Trenton business ijien are expected to
be on hand to hear him.
Tremendous interest among the demo
cratic leaders centers in this speech. It
will be the first plunge of the presi
dent into a discussion of the issues
Charles K. Hughes has been raising in
ins tour oi too west. m
The eight hour law, what the admin
istratinn holds out to the country, and
what it has done toward laying a foun
dation toward the meeting the competi
tion to face American trade after the
close of the great war are expected to
feature the first of the president's
pore a campaign", addresses.
t. Mnrn n-ill'f'r.lin'-.tiiFincr tta navf fnu-
... ..... . .... . . , - . -
weeks. On Thursday, September 28, he
is expected to greet a band of boy scouts
at Shadow I.awn and probably will
speak briefly to them. The following
Saturday he meets and addresses rep
resentatives of tho Young Men's league
of democratic clubs who will come to
Shadow Lawn. Numerous other meet
ings with delegation are on the cal
ender, awaiting the president's npprov
ai. lite dates tor these will depend en
tirely ou his western trips to fill speak
ing engagements now under considern
The president, it is stnted, will not
accept the invitation of the Trenton
shite fair association to Bpeak there
Wednesday, September 27 the day be
tore Uugucs plans to headline the fin
program. The president iB said to feel
that with hiB summer home iu ew Jer
sev he will be able to speak and see hi
fellow Jerseyites nt all times, and it i
not necessary for him. to make a speciul
trip to Trenton. In nddition, he has
heretofore vetoed all invitations to
speak at stnte fairs.
J he president is preparing with ex
ceptionnl care the speech he is- to dc
liver next Monday before the nntiomi
grain dealers' association at Baltimore
regarded by democrats as one of th
most important he will make during the
1 ho president plans to confer with
Ambassador Walter II. Page at Shadow
Lawn tonigiit. It is understood th
blacklist question and mail interferene
will be discussed.
Villa Is Only Twenty
From Chihuahua But Is
Not Disturbed
Galveston, Texas, Sept. 22.
Two British subjects and 30 out
of 38 Cnrrnii7.n soldiers were
killed when Villistas raided an
oil camp near Tuxpam, Septem
ber 10, according to officers of
the tank steamer Topi In, which
arrived here today. The attack
was made iu conjunction with
the rnid on Chihuahua City.
Two Cnrranza officers sought
refugo iu the Englishmen 's
house and the latter were kill
ed for protecting them, Tho
Cnrranza soldiers were greatly
Washington," Sept. 22. Pro
posed increased rates on lumber
and other forest products orig
inating in Pacific coast terri
tory by way of the Northern
Pacific and Great Northern
railroads to stations in Mich
igan on the Copper Range rail
road were today suspended by
the interstate commerce com
mission until January 23 next.
The rates were to have gone
into effect next Monday.
800,000 TO QUIT
New York, Sept. 21. United States
Steel common advanced ita record
high price to $109.25 this afternoon
during a million share trading day on
the New York stock exchange.
Was Carrying Employes to
Work Accident Due to
Car Stoppage
El Paso, Texas, Sept. 22. Although
Pnncho Villa is only 20 miles outside
Ui i liiinlum City, according to an of
ficial announcement by Cnrranza mili
tary authorities at Juarez, "vigorous
pursuit ' of the bandit and his follow
ers has not beAu tukeu up since Colonel
Ramos abandoned it. General Trevino
is still conferring with his sub-chiefs
before risking a chase of the outlaws.
Many refugees, native and American,
who feld from Chihuahua City before
the fighting started Saturday, are anx
ious to make affidavit to assure the ad
ministration at Washington that the
raid was engineered by Villa and was
entirely successful.
Accused of planning to loin villi:. Tt'i
natives were taken from a train during
the night outside of Juarez nud brought i
back to the lutter city. General Gon
zales had received a report that all had
announced their intention of joining the
He Whipped ViUa.
New York, Sept. 22. General Tre
vino. Cnrrnuzista commander at Chi
huahua City, does not ndmit that Fran
cisco Villu "captured" the town as
iitated in official and unofficial reports
transmitted from the border. In a tele
gram here today, Trevino declared the
Villistas were entirely ilelentcd witn
heavy losses, anil churges in addition
tnnt the nttuck was planned "by Amer
ican nnd Mexican political interests"
iu the hope of influencing the confer
ence of tho joint commission ut New
Trevino ' telegram, sent from Chihua
hua Citv to Juiin T. Burns,, the Mexicuu
oiisul here, follows:
"Permit me to inform you tnut a
'Continued on Pago Tws.)
New York, Sept. 22. Ten persons
were seriously injured today when a
taxicab iu which they were being car
ried to work because of the Btreet car
strike, collided with a coal truck on
Avenue A and Tweuticthsstreet and was
This accident growing out of the
labor troubles which rapidly became
more critical today, increased the num
ber of injured in smash-imps resulting
from the strike to nearly 100. Four
persons have been killed and with plans
for a general sympathetic -strike hang
ing in the balance, tin even greater toll
is threatened.
The 10 occupants of the inxicab were
packed into the machine owing to a sus
pension of operation or surface cars,
The car was traveling at a high rate of
speed and three of the passengers were
hurled under the truck when the crash
came. They are in a critical condition.
Philip Colener, the chauffeur, waB ar
rested charged with exceeding the speed
limit. Should any of the victims die
a charge of manslaughter may be placed
against him.
The New York Railways company an
nounced it will attempt to run full serv
ice tonight despite threats of a general
Bnker, Or., Sept. 21. Yelling "fire'
prisoners in the county inn mniio
desneriite attempt to raiai.o early to
day after having started a blazo by
wrapping oil soaked rngs around
small heater.
Desuitc their frantic cries, the war
den refused to open tho gates. A large
crowd gathered in the street, attracted
by wild screnms. The flumes were
quickly extinguished.
Ben Williams, of the extension di
vision of the University, left yesterday
for Portland and Salem on university
business. During his absence he will
handle the exhibit of the Stnte Indus
trial Safety leairue. of which he is sec-
' retary, at the state fair grounds. Eu
gene Register.
Representatives of 65 Labor
Unions Hold Secret
Meeting Today
That Is To Have Workers
Stay Home Until Street Car7
Travel Is Safe
Now York, Sept. 22. A gen
eral strike, which' will bring out
upwards of 800,000 men and wo
men, in sympathy with the
striking carmen was called for
Wednesday morning, September
27, by the labor leaders of New
York in conference here this aft
ernoon. The action was taken after
three hours debato by represen
tatives of 80 unions. National
officers of many unions ani
leaders from nearby cities were
The announcement made, fol
lowing the conference reads i
"It was decided by unani
mous vote that a general -suspension
of all work be declared
in all trades and industries' in
Greater Now York and vicinity,
same to take effect Wednesday,
morning, September 27."
Chickens and Birds Killed
. Windows Broken and
Fruit Injured
Snn Francisco, Sept. 22. The
usual September rain and thunderstorm
sweeping this portion of the stnte last
night damaged tho fruit industry, ac
cording to reports this morning, but
growers engaged in drying hundreds
of tons of fruit expect no serious loss
es if there is sunshine today. The sud
den downpour caught people unawares,
and the unusual conditions here are
echoed in reports from nearby eitia. -1
Salinas rports the most serious dam
age, owing to hail. Hailstones over
an inch in diameter killed chickens and
birds and striped trees of fruit, be
sides breaking many windows. The
damage to the grape and benn crops in
various sections is also reported as ex
tremely heavy.
Lightning at Oroville destroyed the
Oro Electric company's pluut burning
it to the ground and plunging the city
into darknpss. I.iehtning struck a
transformer at East Oakland and shut
off all current in that section.
Owing to slippery tracks, there wns
one aerious accident in San Fraucisco
last night, a Valencia street ear skid
ding down a hill and crashing into an
other car.
New York, Sept. S4. Vhether a gen
eral walkout of upwards of 800,000 un
ion workerwi in New York is to be eall
ed in support of the striking employes
of the traction companies rested this
afternoon on the result of a confer
ence of representatives of 65 labor un
ions of the city.
The labor leaders went Into the sea
sion at the Continental hotel at 2:35.
Tho sentiment as they went into their
secret meeting seemed to favor the vot
ing of strong Biipport to the carmen in
their fight which tho leaders regard
as involving the entire question of the
right of workers to organize. A ma
jority of tho lenders apparently were,
in favor of union men nnd women in a
score or moro of trades showing their
sympathy for the carmen by remaining
away from work until tho traction trou
ble is satisfactorily settled. Tho only
question appeared to be whether th
walkout would take the form of an ac
tual strike or a bycott of the car line
and backed up by a novel plan which
would have the same effect as a strut
Sixty-five unions were represented at
the conference cnllcd this afternoon.
Tho majority of the union leaders ex
pressed confidence in their anility u
call a sympathetic Btrike that would
booh bring the car companies to terms.
In addition to calling upon. an union
workers not to patroniae the street cars.
subway and elevated line the leadera
considered a plan of declaring that as
the workers cannot travel in safety un
der present conditions on the transpor
tation lines, they will remain aw&y
from their jobs until the situation m re
stored to normal. This,' it is realized,
will bo only when the truction compan
ies consent to arbitrate or some other
menus is found of bringing the strike
to an end. The conference of the labor
lenders was expected to last most of the
By Ed L. Keen,
(I'nited Press Staff Correspondent.)
London, Sept. 22. Germany will set
another peace kite flying about the
middle of October, British officialdom,
both military and civil confidently
Ueeeut apparently well authenticat
ed rumors have reached London that
Germany, suffering huge losses be
cause of the recent allied offensive, is
endeavoring to suggest an nrmistic
through Spain or the I'nited Stutes.
It is understood in reliable authority
that King Alfonso so far Is unrespon
sive and is unlikely to act. The Ger
mans, it believed here, hope to at
tempt President Wilson to start nego
tiations nt the time when any attend
ant success would be likely to effect
favorably his chances of re-election.
Americans conversant witn inside
British opinion feel certain that any
such move ou the part of Washington
would not only be foredoomed to fail
ure but would arouse the most bitter
resentment of the allies and also per
manently eliminate Washington as a
nt.ttnnitl mediator.
Kvery indication points not only to
the oneness of purpose of all the al
li... to continue the war until a de
cisive peace i obtainable, but to tho
fact Hint the army, the navy and
political lenders ere thoroughly united
in the determination to assume respon
sibility if necessary for the war's con
tinuation after Germany is willing to
quit. If this does become necessary
they will leave it to history to justify
the additional carnago In tho interests
of the removul of the menace of mill
tarvism. It is no secret that the Anglo
French, are prepared both in numbers
and munitions to continue the present
offensive indefinitely regardless of
winter weather. Although thero was
much nervousness a year ago when any
definite peace proposals from Germany
on a basis merely of abandonment of
the occupied territory might have been
considered sympathetically by the
military authorities in view of the real
Preeari'ousness of the situation, they
feel thnt now everything favors tue
allies and that such an abandonment
of occupied territory would only be to
Germany's advantage, enannng ner to
shorten and strcnirthen her lines.
British soldiers' only worry now Is
nnnaildn over ontlmism of civilians be
cause of their recent successes and
those confidently expected in the
future. They realize that the Germans
irn nor vet henten and that a lotig
,nnd arduous task still confront! them. I
At Critical Stage.
New York. Sept, 22. New York's
labor troubles reached their most criti
cal stage today. Before nightfall
thero will be a break either on w y or
the other.
Facing the warning of Mayor Mitch-
el that he will call out the militia in
the event of a general strike in sym
pathy with the striking otreet railway
men, InDor leaders went in session n
finally consider whether 800.000 orgon-
( Continued on Pat Tw 1
Oregon: To
night and Satur
day fair, cooler
tonight except
near the coast;
n o r t hwesterly