Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 20, 1916, Image 1

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Kumania War Offi ,f Ilaijns Defeat of Teutonic Forces
Germans Admit "Defense f$ Stubborn" Serbians Within
Seven Miles of Monastir Greece Demands Germany
Releases Greek Soldiers Taken at Kavala Want Sub
marine War Renewed
By Ed L.
(United Press Staff
London, Sept. 20. Pitched battles ara being fought
along the Serbo-Greek frontier and in eastern Rumania,
while the Anglo-French forces are engaged in warding
off German counter attacks on the Somme front
Interest in these Balkan operations was further
heightened today by reports from Athens that Greece has
made a formal demand on Germany for the release of
Greek troops made prisoners at Kavala, under threat
of war. '
The allied left wing has cleared Fiorina completely of
Bulgarian troops and is moving northward against Mon
astir. The Serbs have captured an important mountain
veak and are attacking the Bulgars with great vigor.
The Italians on the allied center, however, have suffreed
a reverse, according to the German war office which this
afternoon announced the capture of two Greek villages
northeast of Lake Doiran by the Bulgars.
The Italian war office admitted a withdrawal of
Italian advance posts between Gruporoj and Matrica.
Dispatches from both Bucharest and Berlin today an
nounced that a great battle is going on along the new line
of defense taken up by the Russians and Rumanians
south of the Constanza railway. The Rumanian war of
fice claimed the defeat of the main Teutonic force in
heavv fighting. The German war-, office admitted that
the Russians and Rumanians are "stubbornly defending
their positions" on the Dobrudja line but claimed a vic
tory in Transylvania where the Rumanians were driven
back across Szurduk pass.
The French bore the brunt of the fighting on the
Somme front last night. The Germans counter attacked
viciously on a wide front from Clery to the Somme but
gained ground at only one point, Paris announced.
The Italian war office reported the capture of the left
bank of the Maso river and hill 694.
By Cart W. Ackerman, , with the Bulgars, said an Athena dis
united Fress stuff correspondent.) 'patch today.
Berlin, Kept. 20. Supported by Field ! A Central News dispatch said it was
Marshall Von Hindonburg and the ma- learned from reliable sources that the
jority of the German people, Chancellor German and Bulgarian staffs have left
A'onBothmnnn-HoIlweg is expected to: Monastir.
weather the storm that will probably! The Bulgarians have been driven from
break in the rei-hstag when that body: one trench position after another and
t convene September 28. much or the fighting is going on in the
The enmpnigu for a resumption for open. For the first time since the Bal
submarine warfare has been renewed ' kan fighting began large cavalry forces
l.v the reichstn.g critics of Bethmann- are in clash at several points along the
Bulweg. The tuibmnrinc advocates who ! Serbo-Greek frontier.
. hnve never beennble to forgive 1 lie Serbian cavalry is reported to have
chancellor for yielding to the Fnited ' played a large part in the capture of
States, are expected to make trouble! several villnges around Fiorina. The
nnd some are alreadv proposing the for- i troopers pushed the pursuit of the re
inn toin of a coalition ministry. j treating Mulgars so rapidly that they
Three hundred socialists met there to-' were unable to mnke a stand until aft
day in a most important session prcced- cr they had crossed the frontier,
in i; the reiebstag gathering. The so- Berlin dispatches today indicated that
einlists, who supported the chancellor the great battle expected to develop
during the submarine disputes are be-'along the new Kusso Kumanian front
ing urged by their leaders to forget south of the Constanr.ii railway may
factional difefrences and present a solid already be in its early stages.
front in view ot the coming crisis
The attention of the whole country is
centered on the socialist meeting.
Serbians Near Monastir.
r.oinlon, Sept. 20 Serbian troops have
advanced to within seven miles of Mon
astir and are engaged in sharp fighting
l.afe Bud has opened a gnrage fcr
"vacuum cleaners. Nobuddy ever says
anything about a eight-hour day ..for
President Wilson.
Greece Makes Demand.
London, Sept. 20. Greece has sent
an urgent note to Germany, demand
ing the release of the Greek troops re
moved from Kavala, said a Reuter dis
patch from Athens this afternoon which
declared the news to be officially con
firmed. It was officially announced at Berlin
several days ago that the fourth
Greek army corps, stationed at Kavala.
had placed themselves in the hands of
the Germans after the Bulgarian inva
sion began because they lacked food
and were cut off from communication
with Athens by the allies.
They were transported into Germany
with their families, said a later Berlin
dispatch where thev are to receive the
same treatment as other neutrals until
allied troops are no longer on Greek
English correspondents asserted that
only a few hundred Greeks remained
at Kavala and that these were cap
tured by the Germans. . The pro-ally
party in Greece used the affair to re
new their agitation for Greece's entry
into the war anil urged the government
to send an ultimatum to Germany.
Gtins and Munitions Shy.
London, Sept. 20. General Falkea
haven until recently chief of the Ger
man general staff, directed a letter to
his oificers declaring that the wastage
of guns during rerent months had ex
ceeded their production) and also that
ammunition supplies were dwindling
rapidly, General Haig reported to the
war office this afternoon.
A document captured hy the British
(Continued on Pa4 Screa.)
Camp Withycombe, Ore., Sept.
20. Preparations were made to
day for tha muHtering out of
the Third Oregon infantry Sat
urday. Captain Kenneth 1. Wil
liams, U. S. A., will be in com
mand at the ceremony. Guards
men who do not take the new
oath and automatically enter
service again, under the new
army regulations will be re
turned to private life.
As Message Tells of Shots
Being Fired Was Coming
Wires Went Down
El Paso, Texas, Sept. 20.
Rumors that Pnncho Villa had
captured Chihuahua City
caused intense exejtement in
Juarez and in Mexican quarters
of this city. Communication
with Chihuahua City is still
interrupted and no confirma
tion of an attack upon the city
can be obtained.
United States government
and military ofticinls here dis
credit the report.
By Webb Miller,
(United Press Staff Correspondent.)
El Paso, Texas, Sept. 20. While a
message was coming over tho wire to
Juarez from Chihuahua City that
shots were heard outside the city, and
it was feared the Villistas were mak
ing another attack, communication
failed and has not yet been resumed.
'. Carranza officials" at Juarez refuse
to give credence to another attack,
saying the message probably referred
to firing Tuesday morning by excited
Refugees from the Chihuahua capital
arc streaming into Juaren and all are
unanimous in their belief that Villa
will again attack the city. They con
firm earlier reports that the bandits
were successful in their raid, with
drew voluntarily and took with them
field guns and ammunition captured
from the Carranzistn gnrrison.
C'arranzista cavalry has Riven up
pursuit of -the Villistas and returned
to Chihuahua City, General Gonzales
nnnouneed todav.
Harsh criticism of General Trevino '
failure to take precautions against at
tack aro being directed at the com
mander bv Cnrrnnza officials and ad
herents on the border.
One high de facto official declared
I that Trevino is cither n Villista or a
coward. It is believed that lirst
Chief Carranza will again attempt to
depose him from command of the de
facto troops in Chihuahua. Twice be
fore Trevino has refused to turn over
his command to another when ordered
to do so nnd ignored the orders from
Mexico City.
Morris Diamond Admits Writ
ing Threatening Letters
Is Insane
Pittsburg. Pa., Sept. 20. Morris Dia
mond, age 02, of Bay City, Mich., was
held for examination by alienists at the
central police court today following his
arrest for writing threatening letters
to President Wilson.
Diamond admitted, when arraigned
before Mngistrate Sweeney, that . he
had written several letters in which
he tobl the president that he intended
i(0 ;u njmi
But I didn't want to do it," he
said. "Mysterious voices from the air
and weather bureau officials at Wash
ington and Columbus sent me spirit ines
snges Hint- it was my ilulv. I heeded
Gabriel De Fiore, of the secret serv
ice, who arrested Diamond on Mon
day at 12S Washington Place, declared
that he believed Diamond insane. The
accused was refused audience with the
president in 1915 when he sought to ask
the chief .executive to interest himself
in Diamond's claim to property in Bay
City. A government grant under which
Diamond's parents got the land in 1N.'!5
was declared invalid some years ago
when a grant dated 1 H32 giving title to
others was sustained in a court action.
Then began a series of letters that grew
increasingly threatening.
Diamond has spent .10 years of his
life in penitentiary in service of sen
tence for forgery, bis captor said.
BUSY 111
Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin,
Minnesota and Missouri
Accepts Hughes Challenge
and Will Defend Eight
Hour Law
By Robert J. Bender.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Asbury Park, N. J., Sept. 20. Presi
dent Wilson is today prepared for an
invasion of the west. The time uud
place at which he will deliver the stra
tegic blows, designed to overthrow
Candidate Hughes, are still undecided,
but the line of attack was thoroughly
mapped out at his conference with Na
tional Chairman McCormick, continuing
for into last night.
Before he left for New York todny
uicCormick said that the president prob
ably would accept no western invitntion
before October 1. He is going over a
large list of invitations nnd expects to
confer with McCormick again next
There is no question but that Presi
dent Wilson will discuss at length in his
western speeches the Adnmson eight
hour law. He will argue that when all
th legislation he proposed for settling
the recent strike is enacted, there will
be no recurrence of the recent crisis.
' ' When the president explains the
whole matter to the people of the coun
try," said McCoriV, "and shows how
the nation will be ' free from future
labor strife 'such as that recently
threatened,' the understanding will be
complete and the opposition crushed."
The president's agreement to accept
several invitations to spen in different
western states none as far west as the
coast effectually cleared the demo
cratic atmosphere after a political
thunderstorm which rattled about Shad
ow Lawn for some time last night. The
report had gone out in some quarters
that the president would tour the
country because democratic leaders be
lieved Hughes was gaining strength.
When this reached the president he and
McCormick were in conference. The out
break followed immediately. Both the
president nud his campaign general
slammed the lid down hard on the
"blue funk" talk.
The bang was distinctly heard over
several telephones from the White
House. McCormick informed the news
paper men here that the president had
never intended to make a real tour and
would '-not now. The campaign plans
had not been changed an iota with the
exception of a few additional speaking
dates the chairman said. The presi
dent he said, would speak before several
iion-purtisnn gatherings to discuss the
issues of the day.
Middle West Battle Ground.
Chicago, Sept. 20, The presidential
buttle will be fought to a finish in the
middle west. Both democratic nnd re
publican managers believe Hint Indiana,
Illinois, Wisconsin, .Minnesota and Mis
souri will tilt the scale.
Candidate Hughes' drive through Il
linois, Indiuna and Wisconsin marks the
opening of the big buttle. While he la
in action ,the republican innungcrs have
intentionally kept the other big cam
paigners out of this territory, to give
iii in full swing. A few shurpshooters
have been sniping on the outskirts, but
the spotlight has been centered on the
presidential cnmlidate.
Following Hughes, Theodore Roose
velt, former Senator Beveridge of In
diuna, Theodore Burton of Ohio, Vine-
residential Candidate Fairbanks, Sen
ator Sherman of Illinois, and Harding
of Ohio,, with a host of others, will
enter the debatable territory and the
battle will be uninterrupted until elec
tion eve.
Tho democrats are preparing a coun
ter attack of equal vigor. They have
urrauged for the heaviest attack during
October( although Senator J. Hamilton
Lewis of Illinois, is now on his way
west, over the route taken by Candi
date Hughes in his first western trip.
Vice Presidential Candidate -Marshall,
W. J. Bryan, Senators Stone and Heed
of Missouri; Secretary of War Bnker,
Governor Walsh of Massachusetts; Sen
ators Shnfroth of Colorado, and Wil
liams of Mississippi; Charles A. Towne,
once free silver champion, nnd a great
array of democratic field marshals
will counter charge the republican
From western headquarters in this
city both major parties are conducting
brilliant campnigns to capture the wo
men's vote in Illinois and western suf
frage states. It is woman against wo
man. Both sides have enlisted the ser
vices of women of prominence in the
women 's movement for the day. Tons
of literature are going out and close
organizations are being effected in all
states where women will cast the ballot
in November.
Authorities Expect Strikers
Will Put Up Desperate
Police Ordered To Put End
. to Rioting Regardless of
4 Consequences
New York, Sept. 20 Alter n nght
of the worst rioting sineo the begin
ning of the present strike of ear men
in New York, in which subway, elevat
ed nnd surface cars were attacked, or
ders were issued today to tho New York
police that rioting must be put down
at all costs. The authorities are con
vinced that the striking men do not
intend to abandon their fight for rec
ognition without a most desperate strug
gle and arrangements are being made
for a more rigid guard than ever has
been necessary for protection of the
trains. .
Twenty arrests had tieen made early
today in connection with tho rioting
and of the men now held fifteen have
been charged with commission of a
felony. This is a broad charge which
can be made to cover the actions of
any persons obstructing tiie progress of
public vehicles, or attacking its occu
pants. Conviction on this charge
means imprisonment for not less than
five nor mure than twenty years. It
is the first lime since the strike began
that nnv men arrested for taking part
in violent demonstrations have been
booked on this charge.
As a further safeguard to trains and
surface cars the authorities today
equipped fifteen more automobiles for
patrol duty. Twenty of these already
had been in service and they were kept
lmsv last night answering calls from
every district in the city. These ma
chines are loaded with several patrol
men nnd a lieutenant and Tonm about
the city at large, with no boundary to
their districts.
additional squad of plninelothes
men in chnrgo of n lieutenant also was
sent out from headquarters. These men
will be used as a patrol for house tops,
from which elevated trains have been
attneked repeatedly.
Five hundred policemen were on riot
duty last night in the district bounded
by Sixth avenue and the Hudson river
and Forty Second and firry Minn
streets. They were kept busy nil night
nnd far into the daylight hours sup
pressing sporadic outbrenks.
Subway trains were attacked for the
first time since the strike began on
that system when two of them were
stoned in open (daces.
Surfnce cars were forced from their
rims at an early hour. Although bom
bardments of elevated trains were in
cessant tho property dnmngo was slight
Mr. and Mrs. Bollin K. Page and
Mr. and Mrs. V. 1. Fuller of Portland
left this morning for a ten day automo
bile tour into the Crn:er lnke country.
Estate of E. P.
Is Appraised
Beneficiaries Under Will
The estnle left by K. P. McCormick
who died duly 2S, Hi HI, is valued at
about .HOO,0OO, according to tne up
prnisement of Dr. W. II. Byrd, K. M.
La Fore ami Henry B. Thielsen, which
wns filed yesterday in the county court
by George C. Bingham.
This amount will lie uinriuuieu
among the legatees after the cunstom-
nry six months following the advertise I
ment of tho findings of the appraisers.
Percy M. Collier, un attorney of F.ugenc, j
was named In the will as executor witli
the provision that he be not requested!
to give hona lor me periormnnce 01
bis trust.
In the will dated January 25, 1)110,
it was provided that after certuin tie
ciuests were naid. amounting in all to
about $100,000, the remainder of thej
estate, about 700,000 be equally divid-
ed among 2ll nephews anil nieces named
therein. Six of the nephews were given
$2,500 en.-n and do not share with the
20 named, who will reeeivo about 27,
000 each.
One brother and five sisters of Mr.
McCornack were each given 10,000 nnd
the half of block 83, extending frffln
Court street to Chemeketn, known as
the Moody home, was devised to the
nephews and nieces of Kdna Moody Mc
Cornack, subject to a life interest of
Mrs. Mury Moody.
))c jfc )(c ic sfc st s( )(c )t jc fc s)c s(c iC
Washington, Sept. 20. Coun
sellor Barclay of the British
embassy today formally ex
pressed to thetate department
the regrets of ike British . gov
ernment that th!".ter Island
steamer Cebu u Philippine
registry, was stop:ii 'side the
three mile limit sr. tJntish
destrover. V
This Means Withdrawal But
with Villa Active Date
May Be Distant .
By Carl D. Groat
(United Press staff correspondent)
New London, Conn., Sept. 20. A def
inite program for the withdrawal of
American troops from Mexico and for
the establishment of a border patrol
will be completed by the Mexican
American peace conference before
Saturday it was predicted today.
What form this program will take
no outsider pretends to know. One
rumor is that the program will provide
for no immediate withdrawal, because
of Villa's renewed activities. Auother
story is that the commission will sug
gest' a withdrawal as soon as possible,
but that Washington will not acquiesce
in this plan immediately though the
troops ultimately will be recalled.
The commission held no formal ses
sion today. Both American and Mexi
can commissioners were chary, in their
comment. It was learned from reli
able sources, however, that the Mexi
cans aro watching a'.osely the move
ments of the Villistas, fearing the pos
sible effect of new Villa raids on the
work of the commission.
Market Is Active
Bull Prices Shade Off
New York, Sept. 20. The New York
Evening Sun financial review today
Realizing sab's and active profession
al pressure wer reflected in irergular
price movements in the best part of to
day's session, reactions at times running
to fair figures but at no time suggesting
important liquidation or the develop
ment in the immediate future of a
chango in the attitude cither or the
substantial Wall street interests or the
public toward the market,
Traders as a rule were bearish but
their ideas on the market met with no
response from the public, the chief fea
ture on the declining movements being
found in contraction in the volume of
the business.
In the last hour, the entire list sold
off under the influence of traders' ac
tivity on the pact of the professional
element nnd renewed profit taking
liquidation by commission houses de
clines of a point or more being com
mon In the final trading a decidedly firm
er tendency developed, especially it
Anncouiln copper
Vigorous efforts were made to drive
United Stntes Steel, coppers, nnd the
motor stocks to cheaper range, but the
success of the movement was wholly
nut of proportion to the energy ex
panded by the bears
at $800,000
The appraisers found cash on hand as
First National bunk, Kliiinnth
l.ndd & Bush bank, Salem ....
Security State bunk, Palouse,
Wash I
J 70.01)
V. S. National bank, Salem . .
The McCornack building, also known
as the Meyers department store build
ing, Is appraised at ll."),0O0. The west
half of block 83 on Court street and
Winter, cxtcuding to.Chemeketa, is val
ued at $25,000. A valuation of $15.
500 is placed ou the Mill Creek farm
of 20S ucres, and a two-thirds interest
in 200 acres at Sidney is appraised at
Lots in Plcssant Home addition to
Salem, lol in all, are valued at Hut),
Part of block 2, Knights addition to
Sulem, is appraised at $100 and a lot
in Blunford's addition to Salem at
In Clackamas county, lots in Minth
orne addition to Portland, 34 in all, are
appraised at a total value of 1,000.
Other lots in Clacknmas county are giv
in a value of $70.
Land in Gilliam county is given a
valuation of $1,120,
A policy for 10,000 in the Massa
(Continued on Page (fovea.)
Democrats Get 40 Per Cent
While 25 Will Elect
Wilson z ;
Root, Barnes and Roosevelt
Get Slapped Hard by
New York, Sept. 20.8ixty percent
of the 20,000 progressives who voted
in yesterday's primaries east their bal
lots for Governor Charles S. "Whitman,
republican who won the ropubl;can
gubernato'iol nomination. Forty per
rent supported Justice Samuel Seabniy,
the democratic nominee, wbo will op
pose Governor Whitman at the polls.
This much was indicated in still in
complete returns this afternoon which
indicated also the possible defeat of
Robert Bacon, former ambassador to
France, who hud the support of Colonel
Roosevelt. Ex-Senator Root and Wil
liam Iiarnca of Albany, for the repub
lican nomination to tho United States
seuat". The latest returns show Wil
liam M. Culdcr, of Brooklyn, leading;
Bacon by C.507 votes with 1,146 dis-'
tricts missing, but the former ambas
sador failing to show his expected
strength In delayed returns from up
state. Republican and democratic leaden
placed radically different interpreta
tions on Governor Whitman's capture of
AO per cent of the enrolled progres
sives. .
Results Interpreted. . '
"Even Josephus Daniels cannot find
any confidence for Wilson and Hnabury
In the result of the progressiva primar
ies," said Frederick C. Tanner, rcpub-.
lican state chairman. "The progressives'
have come back to the republican party
and far more .completely than the fig
ures indicated. ' A great number, espe
cially of upstate voters who ate enroll
ed as progressives refused to go to tha
progressive primaries because within
the past few m.u lbs they hn,ve an
nounced themselves openly as republi
cans." "The results in the proeressive prl
mnry show that a sufficiently large per
centage of the enrolled and organised
progressives of New York favor tho
democratic candidates to insure abso
lutely tho re-election of President Wil
son," said democratic national chair
man Vance McCormick, who had just
returned from a conference with Presi
dent Wilson.
25 Per Cent Enough.
"According to the 1012 returns lesa
than 25 per cent of the progressive vote,
added to the democratic vote in tha
state of New York, will trive New
York's electoral vote to Wilson. Re
turns from yesterday's primaries Indi
cate that tho democrats polled conside-
raly more than 25 per cent of the pro
gressives' votes."
John O 'Council, progressive county
clininnnn said that he would call a,
meeting this week to determine wheth
er the tirngressivc organization will be
kent alive.
Tho possible defeat of Bacon, indicat
ed in later returns from upstate this
efternoon was a severe blow to the
former nmbnssador 's followers.
Colonel Roosevelt hnd thrown Ms
support to Bncon becntife he came out
stronirlv for universal military service
while his opponent. Cnliler. fnvomd onlv
n stnndiiur nrmv of 250.000. William
Bnrncs joined tho Bucnn forces and
u'nve the ex-ambassador B big maioritv
in his county. Orminir.ation republi
cans generally supported fabler, how
ever, nnd he received a lend in New
York Citv that Bucon on the face of
this afternoon's returns, will not over
come. Hucon and his managers refuse to con
cede dfeatetno taoitaoin3itioetaoinaoin
cede defeat, however. Indications wera
(inui iney migui even as lor a ri-cuum.
or canvass ot tne vote.
A Nip and Tuck Tight.
New York, Sept. 20. Governor Char-
fContlnued on Pag Five.)
DOWN T&rr-Aj
1 -THS
Oregon: ' To
night nnd Thurs
day fuir, north
eust to east