Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 19, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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All Around Town
There A re at Least 7 Distinct
, 1
f f7J:p;
Wednesday Surprise Sale
No. 813
An offering of large round
Center Pieces at 98c
Another shipment of those
good selling Center Pieces.
Laco insertion and lace edge.
A splendid article for gift
giving-. Von must aeo these
to appreciate the very spe
cial value on sale Q0
tomorrow At ; .-..... Ol
Sale stnrts at 8:30.
Bee window.
Says de Facto Government
Has No Ships and Cannot
Reach Him by Land
Mexiculi, Mexico, Sept. II). via Ca
lexieo, Cat Colonel EBtnban Cnntu,
head of the government if Lower Cal
ifornia, today officially discredited re
ports from San Diego that Cnrranza
soldiers were mobilized near Guaynias
ior nn advance on I until s territory.
The following official Btuteinent was
issued from Colonel Cuntu's offices to
day: . ,
"Governor Cnntu has no news what
ever of the so-called expedition. His
relations with the general government
are as good ns possible. He is under
the impression that the reports were
forged by enemies of the Mexican gov
ernment, who intend to arouse misun
derstanding between (ieneral Carran.a
and Colonel ('until. Two months ago
the same reports were circulated. These
were denied by (lenerni Obrcgou, sec
retary of war."
A member of Cnntu 's staff snid to
day that if the reported preparations!
for invasion of Lower California were
true, the general government oxpodi-i
iion wouiu iiitiioiiiMociiv end in failure.
Good Buy. 12th and Ferry fits.
I Save $5-
1 on Your Next Suit or Overcoat
For $20 and no higher we will make to your order a
SUIT or OVERCOAT absolutely guaranteed to fit and
satisfy you in every way, and to be the equal of gar
ments for which other tailors ask $25 to $30. This
means a clear saving to you of from $5 to $10.
Our New Line for Fall
is now on Display I
Come in and see it TODAY.
Ward K. Richardson !
2395 Front Street
Union Suits Please Everybody
They are:
Perfect fit
Comfort smooth seams, non-binding crotch, soft non-chafing
fiibrics, non -gaping seat.
Strong buttonholes and buttons sewed on to stay.
Wide selection in fabrics, styles and weights.
Very moderate prices for very fine quality. This is tho feature of
Munsingwcnr that will surprise and delight you most.
The Union Suit We Recommend
llecauso it recommends us. It satisfies pleases the buyer and
that's whut we want every transaction in this store to do. AVc are
proud of our-Muiisingwear stock first, because Muiisiugwenr is world
famous for quality, and second, becuuse we know that Munsingwear
will please everybody.
We can fit you correctly in the style, weight and fabric you like
"They have no ships to move such
an expedition," said this stuff officer,
"And if an attempt were made to'
bring the troops 100 miles ' overland
through the desert wastes between
.Mexicali and the Sonora state line al
most insurmountable difficulties would
bo laced by the contingent."
Market Was Firm and
Prices Varied Little
New York, Sept. 10. The New York
Evening Sun financial review today
said: .
Notwithstanding the strenuous ef
forts of .professional traders to drive
prices to materially lower levels in to-1
day's session, the general course of the'
ninrket in the greater part of the five
hours of business presented decided
firmness, with sharp advances in I
ninny issues nnd a marked disregard i
for the activities of operators who'
were anxious to accumulate stocks at 1
a cheaper range. I
The public iigniii was committed to'
the buying side, without, however, ex-1
hibiling the feverish appetite for stock
as reported in the ninrket of recent
preceding days.
Although many of the professional
traders insisted prices would go lower,
strong interests were buyers of all the
prominent issues. This buying was
pronounced in the early afternoon
when I'nited Slates Steel moved into
new high ground when I'nion l'neifir
moved up more than a point and when
the coppers became more prominent.
In the lnte trading prices showed ir
regular and in several instances re
actionary tendencies without the ac
companiment of heavy selling.
New york. Sept. 10. I'nited States
Steel common set another new record
price at 101) a share on the slock ex
change this afternoon. It was up . 1.50
for the dav.
to $10-
(Continued on Page Eight.)
No runs, one hit, no errors.
Second inning: Boston
walked. Mays fanned. Hooper flew to
Vench, Jnnvrin safe on Heilintin's er
ror. Shorten hit to Young, who tagged
third, forcing Thomas. No runs, no hits,
one error.
Detroit Crawford fanned. Heilmnu
doubled to right but was out trying
to stretch it, Hoover to Janvrin to Gard
ner. Scott threw out Bums. No runs,
one hit, no errors.
Third inning: Boston Hoblitzell
grounded to Heilninn. Lewis lined to
Bush, (iiinlner walked. Burns threw
out Scott. No runs, no hits, no errors.
Detroit Mtnnnge grounded to Hoh-
lit.ell who tngged first. Mays threw
out Dauss. Bush died the same way.
No runs, not bits, no errors.
Fourth inning: Boston Dauss threw
out Thomas. -Maya singled. Hooper
lined to Crawford. Janvrin singled.
Bush threw out Shorten. No runs, two
hits, no errors. ", .
Detroit Scott threw out Young and
Cobb. Vench lined to Gardner. No
runs, no hits, no errors.
Fifth inning: Boston, Hoblitzell
singled. Cobb made a great running
catch of Lewis' short fly and threw to
Burns, doubling Hoblitzell at first,
linrdner singled. Scott forced (iardner,
Bush to Heilniau. No runs, two hits,
no errors.
Detroit Crawford singled. Jnnvrin
threw out Heilninn. Crawford taking
second. Burns scored Crawford with a
single. Stnnnge fanned. Burns was
caught off second, Thomas to Scott..
One run, two hits, no errors.
Sixth innings: Boston Thomas sing
led. Mnvs bunted nnd forced Thnnins
at second, Dauss to Bush. Hooper flew
j to Vench. Burns dropped Jnnvrin 's
t foul, being given an error. Jnnvrin
I fanned. No runs, one hit, one error.
Detroit Dnnss singled. Bush bunted
i n fly to Thomas. Young flew to Shor
I ten. Cobb grounded to lloblit.el. No
runs, one hit, no errors.
I Seventh inning: Boston Shorten
doubled. Hoblitzell, sacrificed. Bush to
Burns, Shorten taking third. Lewis, sne
I rificed, fjied to Crawford, Shorten scor
: iug. (iardner singled nnd was out
stealing, Stauage to Heilninn. One run,
i two hits, no errors.
I Detroit Vench flew to shroten. Jun-
vrin threw out Crawford. Heilninn dotib
j led. Bums was purposely walked. Me-
Kee, batting for Stnntge, fanned. No
runs, one hit. no errors,
I Eighth inning: Boston Baker' re
l placed Stallage. Scott fouled to Burns.
Thomas fanned. Mnvs singled. Hoooer
i tripled scoring Mays; Janvrin fouled
I 1,1 lliilfi'r IIiia run ttvi lit tin nr.
Detroit Harper batted for Dauss,
Scott threw out Harper. Mays threw
out Bush. Young singled infield. Cobb
singled. Veach flew to Shorten. No
runs, two hits, no errors.
Ninth inning: Boston James re
placed Dauss for Detroit. Shorten flew
to Heilmnu. Hoblitzell beat out a bunt
to Jumcs.' Hoblitzell stole second.
Lewis and Gardner walked. Boland now
pitching for Detroit. Hoblitiell caught
off third. Baker to Youug to Heilninn
to Burns, other runners advanced on
the ploy. Scott flew to Cobb. No runs,
one hit, no errors.
Detroit Crawford singled. Heilmnu
forced Crawford, Gardner to Janvriu.
Bums flew to Shorten. Dnbue batting
for Baker thrown out by Scott, No
runs, one hit, no errors.
Score bv innings: R. H. E.
Boston ...1 0 0 i) 0 0 1 1 0 3 12 0
Detroit ...0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 t) 1
Mnvs and Thomas; Dauss, Stallage
and Buker.
September 20. Monthly mect-
ing Commercial club. Address
by Harwood Hall and John H.
September 20. Cherrians attend
Folk county fair.
8ept. 25-30 Oregon State Fair.
Sept. 28. Elk's day at stute
Oct. 4-5-'G Marion County In-
stitute, Salem.
Oct. 13. Inauguration of Pr.
Carl Gregg Doney as presi-
dent of Willamette Univorsi-
October 10-17. Degree of Hon-
or convention.
Ort. 18-19 Maccabee conven-
tion. "
October 17-20. Banti.it state
convention, Salem.
November 7. Presidential elcc-
November , 6. City primary
Dr. Mendeuohn, specialist, fits glasse-
m eorrectjy. U. 8. Bank. Bid.',
The red tie will te worn by the Cher.
rians tomorrow for the afternoon visit
at Dallas and the Polk county fair, ac
cording to an edict Issued by King
Bing Deckebach.
Fresh, cider at Farmers Cider Works,
10c per gallon. sept21
P. O. Brown, who has neen attending
the -North Pacific Dental college at
Portland is returning for his last year.
Donald Byrd will also attend the col
lego entering for his first year.
Drink Cereo. tne Hernia food, the
health drink. Aiik your grocer. tf
Pete Peterson, the talkless individu
al who has been in the city jail for
several days pending an examination as
to his sanity, was committed to the
asylum tor the insane this morning.
No finer stock anywhere than at
Ilartman Bros. Co., jewelers and sil
versmiths. State and Liberty.
The maximum temperature yesterday
was 72, with a minimum of in, nc.cord-
) ing to the official thermometer. The
river is holding noout even witn a
gunge of .5 f a foot below low water
Leading Jewelers' and silversmiths
Hartman Bros. Co., successor to Barr's.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Wheeler of Port
land, accompanied bv C. P. Bishop and
D. F. Wagner, are out on an auto tour
today in the eastern part of the coiin
tv. Mr. Wheeler was a resident of Sa
lem about 20 years' ago.
....Dr. F. H. Thompson has his offices
remodeled and specializes in Ear, Nose,
Eye and Throat. 414 Bank of Com
merce. ,
The Willamette law school will en
roll two students from the same fami
ly, a father and son. In this ease it
linppens to be Fred S. Bynon who is
now in his senior law school class and
A In n A. Bynon who will also qualify
this school term ns a lawyer.
Dr. R. Meuric Roberts, osteopathic
physician, 30!) Mnsonin bldg., phone 40?
Word was received this morning from
Ralph Southwick from Globe, Arizona,
that he had recently been, promoted
nnd now holds tiie job of cashier of
the Wells-l'argo express compnny nt
that place. Mr. Southwick went to
Globe about ten months ago.
Dr. Alice Bancroft, over Stockton's
Eye and Nervo Specialist.
Work on the addition to the Marion
hotel has been progressing according to
, nnd ih two miner stories will be
rendv for occupancy fair week. The
hardware work on these two stories
will be completed today and the fur
nishings will go in the latter part of
the week.
Bring your agates home to be pol
ished. Gardner &, Keene, Jewelers,
There is a general activity in Odd
Fellow lodges preparatory to the Mar
ion county convention to be held in
(Senilis, Saturday October 14. Chemek
etn lodge Xo. l'of Salem will be rep
resented next Saturday evening at a
special meeting to be held at Turner
and the following week the home lodge
will visit other lodges in the county.
Salem's most reliable jewelers, Gard
ner & Kcene.
Mrs. Lizzie Hess of Denver is here
for a few weeks, a guest at the home
of R. R. Rvan, three miles east of the
city. Mrs. Hess has expressed herself
as surprised to ttnd a country with the
wonderful vesetatiou just at this time
of year as she hails from a country
where there is nothing but just bare
rocky mountain sides.
Smoke Hygrade cigars and Salem
will smoke with you smoke others and
and yon give Salem no reveaue.
Xrs. S. E. Johnston of Multnomah
station arrived in the eity today and
will accompany the body of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Clara May Hodges, who died
last Sunday, to Portland. The funer
al services will be held in Portland and
interment will be , iu the Riverview
eemetery. Mrs. HwTbjres ts survived by
a husband and two children.
Millinery openin, extensive showing
of French and American designs, 3
large display rooms, seven fitting mir
rors, rsperief-cd s&hAswomcn. The
French Shop, 3o!t State St.
You want the best printing at the
lowest possible cost. Try the Capital
Journal Job Department.
' Chief of Police Welsh returned last
! night from Arlington with John Exe
des, who is charged with being the man
j who swindled Oust Demas, the Salem
slioc ponsher, out of fflla several weeks
ago. It is expected that ho will be ar
raigned this afternoon.
A verdict for the defendant was giv
en by Justice of tho Peace Webster in
th ease of Capital Street Garage vs.
D. J. Gilliam tnis morning. The trou
ble grew out of a trade between the
parties in which lour motorcycles and
a Cadillac car were involved.
Charged with the "unlawful mutila
tion of and .mving in their possession
the carcass of a deetso as to disguise
tne sex ami prevent the same from be
ing ascertained, which snid deer had;
tken and there been killed by said de- "I am not acquainted with Dr. Mag
fendants," Jesse Bankluirst, Rex Bur-1 nPs personally, but I know him bv remi-
nctt, Jesse Kephart, E. B. Kronk, Bert
Lytle, Frank Reveal and R, E. Brown,
employes of the Silverton Logging com
pany, were arrested this morning. They
will be arraigned before Justice Web
ster this afternoon.
The big grain crops in the eastern same thing would have happened in
part--of the state around Wasco and England, France or even America, if
Pendleton was especially noted by U.' America were at war and a known nnti
G. Holt, who mis just returned from j American wished to enter,
a 30 days auto tour of the eastern part) "Dr. Mngnes was not barred because
of the state ami Idaho. And next to he is a jew, but because of his opinions,
the big grain crops and the money the: I am certain that some other Jew would
sheep men were making, tho absolute i not have refused. Personally I regret
failure of the fruit crop in Idaho was i that he was heard for had lie come to
noticeable. This year in parts of Ida- Petrograd I am sure I could have eon
ho there is no crop whatever of prunes, J vinced him that the Jews here are Rus
apples or peaches as the snow and latojsians first and Jews afterwards. I am
spring killed all the chances of a crop.) Russian myself, but were I not, nnd
o simply as a Jew myself w hich was best
The shup of different millinery, open-1 for my people a Russian victory or a
ing days .beginning 'Wednesday, 500 Russian defeat, I would unhesitatingly
trimmed hats from if.'i.OO to .t2.).0((. The, say a Russian victory and a victory for
French Shop, 3."!l State St. I the allies.
o I - " I believe I could have convinced Dr.
The monthly meeting of the Com-j Mngnes of this. If his co-religinnists
niercial club tomorrow evening will be: abroad are desirous of aiding the cause
much more than just nn ordinary sea! of -the Jews, they will serve best by
sion. Since the last monthly meeting: aiding Ihe allies "
two educators have come into the eom-
inanity, John W. Todd, superintedentj Dr. Mngnes was halted at Stockholm
of the citv public schools, and Harwood ! by the refusal of the Russiun govern-
Httll, superintendent of the iaiem iii -
dian school at ( hemawa, and both will
speak during tho evening. Besides
these addresses ami the regular busi
ness of the session, there will be a dis
cussion of the proposed $230,000 "Sa
lem Industrial Fund."
The most notaDle showing or trim-
med hats ever displayed in the eity.Lj
copies of the lntest lints in filmdom in-
eluding Theda Bara, Marguerite Clark, National
Lillian Walker, Mary l'ickford audi First game R. II. E.
manv other noted star types. J ne.
French Shop, 3."!) State St
With the radical advance ill the
price of wheat comes the announce- Second game R. H. E. j
ment that several grocery items made ; Pittsburg 1 7 2
mostly of the cereal will step up a fewjew York a 12 0.
notches. Yesterday grocers received Evans and W. Wagner; Tcsrenu and
notice that Cream of Wheat would ! McCartiv. 1
cost 7.) cents more a case wholesale.
Other advances are 00 cents a ease
wholesale for Cottolene and a slight ad -
vance ail along the line for salad and
cooking oils. Sultana raisms will niso
be higher, ns there is none now on i.iea,1(i Myers.
market. The war ia Europe is to ,
blame for. these higher prices as Greece
and Duly have exported no currants
and the' bakers everywhere are now
obliged to use raisins. And the worst j
of it nil is that mince ment is likely to;
go higher and mince pie placed on tho j
sheh as a luxurv instead of a neces-i
The mail order houses evidently re -
gard this part of the V. S. as pretty
good territory, ns Postmaster llucke-j
stein has been notified by the postof-l
'ice department that a shipment or.
() sacks of mail containing mail order
catalogs will arrive in the city within
a few days. The shipment comes by
fright from New ork and is tlistriD-j
uted from Salem nt the local parcel
post rates for the second and third
zones. This sends them to all points
within a radius of 150 miles of the
city. Word has neen roceiven irom .Mays and Thomas; jiuuss, .inmes, no
nia'il order house in Chicago that an- land and Baker. '
other big shipment, will be made by
freight to Salem for- distribution. Andj R. H. E.
on top of this news comes the informa ! Washington 0 11 3
tion that a manager of one of the mail Cleveland 0 13 , 3
order houses in nn address declared! (Jallia and Williams; lingby, Morton,
that the mail order business was tjsccbe, Gould and Deberry. O'Neill,
high tide where there was the least ;
newspaper advertising.
Company M Will
Be Mustered Out
Monday Morning
The soldier boys will be mustered out
at 9:30 o'clock next Monday morning,
according to the latest information.
X'ii til positive word is received ns to;
exactly what day the boys will arrive,
no definite date will be made by the
Salem Patriotic League for their re
ception. . j
But as soon as the time of their ar
rival can be announced, those who '
have volunteered to send chicken pie
and other good things will be notified,
as the League intends to give the boys
a genuine home-coining banquet of
homo cooked "vittals."
Besides the banquet, the other big
event of the home-eoming will bo the
reception to which all Salem will be'
invited. It is probable that all patri-
otic organizations in tho city will take,
part in the reception as the Grand j
Army of the Republic has already I
signified its intentions of celebrating
the return. j
However, although the banquet and
reception has been frequently post-
poned, it is here waiting for the boysi
and everybody in town is invited to i
be there.
America's fisheries yield a return of'
20,000,000 double that of England.
New York Rabbis Sympathies
Not His Race Prevented
-By William Philip Simrns.
(United Press staff correspondent.)' .
Petrograd, Aug. 18. By mail.) Dr.
Judap Leon Manges, noted New York
rabbi, was barred from Russia, not be
cause he was a Jew, but because his
public utterances had classified him as
Attorney Henry Sliozberg, a leading
Jew member of the Jewish relief com
mittee and for 30 years an active Israel
ite worker, made this statement today.
He explained why Dr. Mngnes was re
fused udmission to Russia after he had
come to Europe to distribute a fund for
relief ot .Jewish refugees from the war
ZOne, raised in America.
tatiou as a man of absolutely honest
convictions," said Sliozberg.
"He possesses a forceful character,
but if he is pro-German and said things
he is reported to have said in speeches 1
am not surprised that he was not per
mitted to enter Kussin. I believe the
ment to permit him to enter. At his
IWwYork offices it. was snul todny
that he is ntiw in Germany.
' m
pittsburg 2 .) 2
Pittsburg 0 10 0
Jacobs, Scott and rischor; Anderson,
, Kenton ami Rariden, Kocher.
R. If. L.
, Cincinnati 1 12 1
j Hrooklvn .'1 7 0
Scliulz, Musely ami Hiihn; I'I'effer
R. II. E.I
i Chicago 2 S 0
Philadelphia 0 3 2'
Vnnghan and Wilson; Alexander and
It. H. E.
j St. Louis 3 M II
j Boston 0 HI 0!
i Watson, Lot, and Gonzales; Regan i
all,i Blackburn.
American j
k. II. J.. j
Philadelphia -1 10 .2;
, Chicago ' lj
j Nnbors, Sheehan and Haley; Benz, ,
Punl'orth and Lynn.
' j
j R. H. E.
nston 3 12 0;
j Detroit I 1;
Journal Want Ads Get licsults lou
I Want Try one and see.
fill n VP
Capital Journal
ad will do the job. It
only coats lc a word,
and you can't worry
for that amount
Just Phone 81
Special Days To Be Features'
at Shadow Lawn Presi
dent to Speak
By Robert J. Bender
(United Press staff corresiondent)
Washington, Sept. 10. (Aboard tho
president's special train.) There is to
be more political noise at Shadow Lawn
from now on. Tho president, Chairmuu .
Vance McCormick and other political
leaders, have reached the decision that
from now on political horses will bo
spurred all the way down t lie remaind
er ol the stretch.
Several big "Jersey days" several
"open house days" at Shadow Lawn
for women suffrage workers, numer
ous speeches in which the president will
uphold ileniocracy 's record of the past
four years, and an occasional sally in
to surrounding states by the presiden
tial party will be some of the heavy ar
tillery iinliuib'ered.
Democratic "leaders admit the cam
paign from their Standpoint hits brou
necessarily lagging the past week or
so. But 'from the time the president ,
gets bnck to the summer while huuso
things are to be set humming. It is be
lieved the president will be once inoro
strenuously urged to make a western
trip. '
The first political porch speech will
eome on Saturday when the president
will address the 'Businessmen 's League
of Trenton. The same day he expects
to receive n delegation of child welfaro
workers who wi'.l thank him for getting
the child labor bill through congress.
Monday the president goes to Balti
more to address the National Grain
Dealers' association.
- The president spent a quiet day on
the train. Vpou leaving Columbus, S.
('., last evening after the burial of his
sister, Mrs. Annie Howe, he was ac
corded a remarkable tribute. Several
thousand persons gathered at the rouv
end of the train. As it pulled slowly
out, every man removed his hat and
the women stood silent. Tliere was no
sign of cheering.
Entering his car, the president said:
"That was splendid. ' ' .
At all other points where crow. Is met
the train the same silent greeting was
accorded the president.
Why Have Yoiir Capital tied
Ip in an Empty House?
Ad at One Cent a Word will
Get You a Renter.
First-class work. All kinds
of repairing. All work guar
anteed. Twenty-five years'
experience. Leave orders at
Wylie B. Allen Co., phone 11S7.
Residence phone 1405.
915 Highland Avenue.
Notice to Farmers
Woodry the auctioneer will sell
your farm stock. Sales for 2
per cent and guarantee satisfac
tion. Phone oil.
I will tay you the highest
cash price for your used furni
ture. -Phone oil, Woodry the
of Household Furniture at -13(5 South
Sixteenth Street, on
Tuesday, Sept. 19, 1916
Commencing at 1:30 p. in., consisting of
1 good 8-liole range with water front
and reservoir.
2 extra good heaters.
2 dressers, 4 beds, 2 good rugs 9x12;
2 squares linoleum 9x12, 1 round oak
extension table, fall-leaf table, 1 oak
sideboard, 1 longue in green velour, 1
library table, 1 comode, stand, table,
10 dinners, 2 finned oak rockers with
iigh backs and Spanish leather seats
"new." 3 other rockers, garden hose,
axes, spade, kitchen utensils and dishes,
and other things. Everybody eome. .
Terms cash.
Mrs. L. V. Yoho, Owner.
F.N. Woodry,
Auctioneer, Phone 511.