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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1916)
"HEKA D a i ly C a p i t a I Jo u r 11 a I- s Cla s s RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS; One Cent per vvok;d for the first insertion. One APARTMENTS THE NEW MARION APARHMENTS Nelson G. Freenion, proprietor, os cillating wall bed, hot water heat, Dutch kitchens. Beautifully locat ed, opp. Marion park. 010 N. Com mercial St., Salem, Oregon. Puone 209. Janitor service. CHIROPRACTIC-SPINOLOGIST DB. 0. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic 'a Fountain Head, Davenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything and pot no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments and get well. Office 400-7-8 U. S. National Bank Building. Phone Main 87. Residence Main 823-R. HOP BASKETS iORLEY'S FAT. BRACED STYLE Depot American fence. Screen for Doors nnd Windows. . Paints, Oils nnd Varnishes. Stoves repaired and sold. B. B. Fleming, 2"9 Court. Phone 124 FOB SALE FOR SALE 45 acres mi. from R. R. station, lVu miles from two good little towns; 15 acres clear, 20 acres reek bottom, fair Buildings. Price 2500.00, half cash, no trade. Square Deal Realty Co, 202 V. S. Bank bldg. WE HAVE Cash buyer for 10 to 20 acres good garden land, well located. Must be bargain. Call Square Deal Realty Co., 202 U. S. Bank bldg. MISCELLANEOUS OREGON SCHOOL OR NEUROLOGY Inc., 428 Hubbard bldg., Salem. All drugless methods tnnglit. Flora A. Hrewater, M. P., donn. private pa tients 1 to 5 p. m. Thone 2124R. tf BEDTJCED FRETGUT RATES To and from all points, east, on all houshold goods, pianos, etc. Consolidated car load service. Capital City Transfer Company, agents for Pacific Coast Forwarding company, 161 South Com mercial street. Phone Main 933. Money to Loan ON Good Seal Estate Security. THOS. K FORD Orer L&dd t Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon CITY AND FARM LOANS Any n- mount; low rates; promptly closed attractive pre-paying privileges. I nave .)';. per cent insurance money to loan on Salem business nnd resi dence property. Thos. A. Roberts, BOS U. . JNnt'l Hank bhlg. MONEY TO LOAN- I have made ar rangements for loan i uiz eastern money, will make very low rate of interest on highly improved farms. Homer H. Smith, room 9 MeCornaei Bldg., Salem, Ore., Phone 90. OSTEOPATH DRS. B. H. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists, llraduate of Amer ican school of Osteopathy, Kirksville, W Alo. Post graduate and specialized in nerve diseases at Los Angeles college Treat acute and chronic diseases. Consultation free. Lady attendant Office 505-500. V. S. National Bank Building. Phone 8.19. Residence 346 North Capital street, i'bone 40". SCAVAVGER SALEM SCAVENGER C'.iorles Soos proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools eleaned. Office phone ' Maic 8247. Residence Main 8272. UNDERTAKERS WEBB t CLOTGH CO. C. B. Webb, A. M. Clough morticians and funeral .directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession employed 499 Court St. Main 120, Main 9883. BIGDON-RIcnARDSO Co. Funeral directors and undertakers, 2."2 North High street. Day and night phone 15.1. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office " corner Commercial and Trade streets , For water service apply at office Bills payable monthly iii advance. WOODSAW CHERRY CITY WOOD SAW We live nd pay taxes in Salam. Let Salem people saw vour wood. Phone "! UPS N. 21st F. L. Keister, Wm. . Frost BOOB," OREGON CAPITALIST DEAD Sulherliu. Or., Sept. 19. ,f. F. Luse president of the .1. F. Luse Land com pany of Sutherlin and ex-president of the Luse Land & Development compa ny ot tt. 1 am, tell to the sidewalk dead from apoplrxv wiiile trvina to catch the train from here to Portland shortly before midnight Saturday night mt. Luse was born in Johnson coun ty, Iowa, in 101. In 1S92 he began buying and selling Canada wheat land mid for several years was employed as a land siilesinnn for the Canadian Pa cific railroad. The Luse Land & Development com pany was organized at St. Paul in 1900 and the company is estimated to have sold more than 1.000.000 acres of farm laud in the provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta. Mr. Luse located at Sutherlin in 1909 buying approximately 8000 acres of land. Tiie .1. F. Luse company, of Sutherlin, under Mr. Luse, has spent a large fortune in developing the valley and town of Sutherlin. The funeral was held here today and the body sent to Portland for burial. Mr. Luse was a member of the Elks and Odd Fellows lodges. " He is sur vived by a willow and mother, three brothers, three sisters, n son, Samuel Luse, who resides nt Luse Land, Sas katchewan, nnd one daughter, Mrs. Nel lie Seegnr, who lives at St. Paul. LODGE DIRECTORY . WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock In McCornack block. A. J. Swelnlnk, C C; 1,. 8. Heer, clerk, 0O7 Court Street Phone 593. IH MOt.AY COMMANDERY. No. 5, K. T. HcKiilnr concluve fourth Friday In each month at 8 o'clock p. m.. In Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously invited to meet with us. Lot 1.. I'earee, E. C, Frank Turner, recorder. SALEM HUMANE SOCIETY D. P. Keeler, president; Mrs. I.ou TUtson, secretarw. All t-asea of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should lie reported to the secretary for Investigation. CIIADWICK CHAPTER, No. 37, O. E. 8 Regular meeting every first and third Tucsdiiy at 8 p. m. In the Masonic Tem ple. Minnie Mueller, V. M. ; Ida M. Itiihcock. secretary. 1AI.EM LODOE No. 4. A.' F. k A. M. Stuted communications llrst Friday In each month tit 7 :.' I. m. in the Masonic Temple. Chas. McCarter, V. M. ; 8. Z. Solver, secretary. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assembly, No. 84. meets every Wednesday nt 8 p. m. In Moose bull. C. O. Matlock. M. A. ; C. A, Vibbert. secretary, Crown Drug store, ,":is State street. A. O. U. W. Protection Lodge No. 2. Meets every Monday evening nt 8 In the Mct'ornack bull, corner Court nnd Liberty streets. A. E. Aufrance. M. W. ; S. A. McFadden. recorder ; A. L. Brown, hnancier; It. B. Dtiucan, treasurer. R. N. of A. "Oregon Crape Camp," No. 1300, meets every Thursday evening tn Mcl'ornnck buildlug. Court and Liberty streets: elevntor. Mrs. Sylvia Sckaupp, 17H1 Market, orncle; Mrs. Melissa Per sons, recorder una North Commercial. Phone 143U-U. CENTRAL I.ODOE. No. IS, K. of P. Mc Cornack building. Tuesday evening of each week at 7 :30. O. E. Harbour, C. C. ; W. B. (illson. K. of K. and 8. HODSON COUNCIL. No. 1. R. k 8. M. Htuted essenfiily first Monday In each month. Masonic Temple. N. 1". Itnsmus sen. Thrice Illustrious Master; Uleuu C. Mies, recorder. SALEM COUNCIL NO. 2B22 Knights and Ladies of Security Meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month nt Hurst Hall. Visiting members are Invited to attend. E. F. Walton, financier, 480 B. 14th Street. - PACIFIC I.ODOE No. Bft. A. I". k A. M. Slated communications third Friday In each month at 7 :.') p. m. la the Masonic Temple. Hal V. Molain, W. M. ; Truest II. Chonte. secretary. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Ore gon Cedar Camp. No. 524(1. meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Me Cornnck ball, corner Court nnd Liberty streets. Elevator service. Geo. Relnohl, V. C. ; J. A. Wright. Clerk LM. HUM CARB OF . YickSoTong CHINESE MEDICINE AND TEA COMPANY ' IIu medicine which will ears Any known Disease Open Sundays from 10:00 a. m. until 8:00 p. m. 153 Sonth High 8tret. S.'m, Oregon. - flung l'.Z THE DAILY CAPITAL JOUKNAL. SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY. SEPT. 19. 1916. IANS ON SOMME (Continued from Page One.) surrendered trenches to the British east of (linchy and north of Cotnbles, but have repulsed French attacks near Bel lay and Vervandovillers south of the Somme, it wns officially announced to day. A French attack on the western slope of Dead Man's hill, northwest of Ver dun penetrated German trenches. Allies Don't Like Htm. Atheus, Sept. 10. Foreign Minister Cniapsnos has received the congratula tory visits of all the diplomats in Ath i"ns, except those of the allies. This is the first dispatch to pass the Anglo-French, censorship at Athens, showing that the allies are not pleased with the new Greek foreign minister. Rain Halts British. Loudon, Sept. 10. A steady down pour of rain hits halted the British op erations on the Somme front and there has been no important fighting since yesterday. General Huig reported this nfternoon that ' British troops entered enemy trenches at Richebourg La Boue at three separate places, taking prisoners and in flicting casualties. Two British Steamers Sunk. London, Sept. 10. The British steam ers Dewa nutl Lord Tredeonr have been nk. " : The Dewa displaced 3,802 tons and was 300 feet long. She was registered at Loudon. The Lord Tredegar displaced 3,850 tons and was 383 feet long. She was registered nt Newport. Italians and Bulgars At It. Paris, Sept. 19. A most violent bat tle is going on between the Italians and Bulgarians east of Boles mountains in Macedonia, said an official statement issued here today. On the Vetrenik sector, Serbian artillery repulsed two Bulgarian counter attacks. Repulsed All Attacks' Sofia, Sept. lit The repulse of all allied attacks around the Greek town of Fiorina was aiiuoiinced by the Bul garian war office todar. Bulgarian troops are continuing their advance against the Rumanians in Dobrudja and have captured the Black port of Mangalia, 23 miles south of Constnnza. Governor Pardons Alexander Dranges Governor Withyiombe today' issued a conditional pardon to Alexander Oranges, who has been Berving a sent ence in the Multnomah county jail. Dranges was sentenced to serve one year in the county jail of Multnomah county on March 17, 1010, for assault with a dangerous weapon. Dranges was successful in the land allotments nt Colville, Washington, last spring, and as ue has to make a selec tion before September 28, he was re leased at this timo in order that he might look out for his interests. His pardon wns recommended by Circuit Judge Robert ti. Morrow, before whom he was tried, and Deputy District At torney John A. Collier connected with his prosecution. The pardon is condi tional upon his leaving the state of Oregon immediately upon his release from the Multnomah county jail, and henceforth remaining outside of the boundaries of this state. Roosevelt Comes Out in Support of Bacon New York, Sept. 18'. Guns of both the democratic and republican parties were turned for the progressive sup port in tomorrow's state primaries, . Governor Charles S. Whitman, can didate for the republican nomination, and Judge Samuel Seabury, candidutc for the democratic nomination were both in New York conferring with progressive leaders and carrying the fight for progressive support up to the last hour. --. ' Colonel RooseveR joined in one of the lending fights today when he came ThHsUny CPSulES are lupsnor to naiun of Copaiba, Cubabt w ln)ectiwii,nd N RtUP'S Is MIDY) 24 HClMiitt lams diseases with out lfl convenience. by all ttrvyeittt. vHVt oo ' fiermanyV Jabberwok . Market Hits the Skids . -" (By' t'uited Press) London, Sept; 1. (By mail) Ger many 's. jnbbcrWork .market has hit the skids.-- ': - -. " "The birds and (lie . beasts were there'-' when General Smuts grabbed most "of German Knst Africa and the kaiser's colonials -fled. ' A blood sweating behemoth doesn't give a darn what flag flies on.' his hunting -ground. Neither does a dik dak or a whiffenpoof or a -man eating piffile So .Germany is cut off from her zoological supply. The first shipload of animals is here from, the flew .British teritory today, consigned, to E. H." Bostock. . - Twenty five balloons goose-stepped at leash about the decks with still a shadow of German accent ill their chat ter. Six porcupines with fixed bayo nets held a small hollow square and 400 birds screeched while a pair of sec retary birds made notes for reference. "The Germans will never regain their animal trade," said Bostock to day. . Wheat Prices Feel Effect of Competition Chicago, Sent. 19. Wheat prices re- maincd down today due to lower foreign Kggs, trade 30c prices caused by freer shipments from Hens, pound 12ya13M:! India and AnstraliuOruJf a. reduction InRoosters, old, per pound 8 Arfentine wheat prices. September , Broilers, under 2 pounds "14Vic wheat was unchaiigqd over, the low' np-1 euing down 1-1 at $1,47 3-4'; May down' Pork, Val and Mutton. quarter at $1.48 3-4. . I Veal, dressed 9lls Corn for December ;und May showed Pork, dressed 1112 l-2c a slight upward trend, while Scptem- Pork, on foot .............. 8 l-29c ber wns quarter below the opening at Spring lambs, MilO 77 l-4c 8" 1-2; December up 1-4 and May quar- ter at 70 1-8. Oats attracted little interest, Septem ber remaining-unchanged at 44 5-8; De cember down 1-8 at 47 1-2, and May up quarter at 50 5-8. Provisions remained firm. Suggests Officials Be Sentenced to Jail San Francisco, Sept. 19. Will Mayor James lloth, Jr., ami the 18 members of the bourd of supervisors have to go to jail for a cjy debt f Supervisor Wulsh stated today that this may be possible, as the officials arc cited to appear be - fore Superior Judgo Hcawell Friday to show whv they are not guilty of con- low wny tney are not Runty or con nipt of court for disoboying a writ of J Wat andate ordering tire city to pay $'10,-Mus tempt of court for disoboying a writ of mandate ordering tire city to pay $.'10,- 000 in 11 judgments for city taxes un- luwruiiy levieu in iuoo. mere is no money on hand, .Walsh aid, to pay the ncht. !-.. "If the court says this is a debt that must be paid, I am 'for paying it," said vtaisn. "If tne trea-sttrer has not the money to pay it, the city has no money for the purpose. Why not, then, put the city in jail for not paying the debt?" Road Work Done In County During August Following is a sitininnry of road work in Marion county done in the month of August. 191(1, as shown by the records in the offico of the county clerk : ' " ' Macadamizing , $."(!" 1.02 Graveling . 491(1.4.1 Bridges .', 220.r,K General repairs and miscel laneous .' ..:. -5N67.I8 New tools and machinery .,...'... &M 'Supervision' salurv ,.i..v 1172.20 Oiling '...'.... .122.0-". Total i.....l9,l.."7 Xo. of Yards -of gravel hauled 4799 No. of yards of rock hauled ... 24(11 So. of yards of rock crushed.... 20(15 Xo. of days volunteer work, men; 45- teams.. . out' in support:-. of Robert F. Bacon, candidate for the republican nomina tion for I'nited States senator and op posed William M. Colder. In his statement today Colonel Roosevelt ex pressed a ereluctanee to enter th primary-'fight but states since Bacon has come out squarely for universal military service and ( older against it, he cannot hpt Indorse Bacon because of his stand on. a fatter "which mny determine whether or'irot future gen erations of 'Americans shall walk with beads lifted high or bowed down in shame. " Wedding Invitations, Announcement! and Cal'.iug Cards Printed at the Jour nal Job Department. i f i c d A d v ertisi n g Pa g e - Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion" t THE MARKETS The following prices for fruits and vegetables are those asked by the wholesaler of the retailer, at-d not what is paid to the producer. All other p.-icea are those paid the producer. Corrections axe made daily. . . ' Although the price of wheat has de clined several cents within the past few days and club wheat has also been off,, wheat prices in the city remaiu about the . same, very, much depending on quality. - . . Oman. - Wheat $1.00(51.10 Oats, new . 3(i(u;iNc Rolled barlcv $38.50 Bran $20.00 Shorts, per ton ' $29.00 Hay, clover $9(o$10 Hay, cheat $10.00ll.OO Hay, vetch $11$12 Hay, timothy, j $15($18 Batter. Butterfat .'. 31e Creamery butter, per pound -.34c Country butter .... 23(2 27c Eggs and Poultry. Kggs, case count, cash 28c Steers - 0(as Cows ; S l-24e Bulls 33 1-4 Ewes 44 l-2e Wethers 5 l-2 Vegetables. Tomatoes, Oregon 65c Cabbag .'40 Cucumbers 40c String garlie ....... 15c Potatoes, sweet i. ........ 3 l-2c Potatoes Kfil'i (Beets 40c j Green onions 40 Green peppers 6c ' Carrots, dozen 40 1 Onions $1.75 1 Beans, green and waxed .. . 4e Onions, Walla Walla $1.75 Fruits. j Watermelons lVitalVic Muskmclons $1-2j Peaches, Oregon 25(5 60c fjrapes f l.uuttf 1.00 j Apples 50c(5$1.00 Oranecs. Valencies $1,25 Lemons, per box $7.$$&7.50 .$1.50(71 1.75 .Cantaloupes, per box Bananas, pound ( California grape fruit $3.00 Florida grape fruit ............ - $6.00 Pineapples . 8c Honey $3.50 Retail Prices. Kggs, per dozen, fresh ranch 3."c Sugar, cuno i ..).' Sugur,' beet $7.3.1 Creamery butter ...r. . 40e Flour, hard wheat $1.70(11 2.03 Hour, valley .'.... $1.0." PORTLAND MARKET Portland, Ore., Sept. 19. Wheat: Club, $1.20. Bliiestein, l-32. Forty fold, $1.28. , , , . . Red Humiuii, $1.21. ' Outs: No. 1 white feed.27.50. . Burby: Feed, $32. Hogsi. Best live, $9.(!."Ti 9.75. . Prime steers, $7. ' ) ' ' Fancy cow s." 45.40. ' Calves, $7.50. Spring lumhs, $9.50, Butter: City creamery, ulc. Kggs: Selected local ex., 33c. ' Hens, 15c. . . . Broilers,-10(5 17c. . Oeese, HfiUr. State of Ohio. City of Toledo, t - -V Lucas County, ) Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be Is senior partner of the Hrm of F. J. Cheney ft Co., doing business In the City of To. ImIo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev. ery case of Catarrh that eannot be cured by the use of HAI.T8 CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHKNEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this (th day of December, A. D. J886. (Seal) AW. OLEAMV. " Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cur Is taken Internally nd acts directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free o) F. J. CHENEY V CO.. TolelorO. Bold hv all Drutirlits. 73c. Teke Hall's Femlly Pills for consllpstlsa. By Mort. No matter i i what you want 1 ZZ3 it will save you time and money if you read Capital Journal Want Ads. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people TsltjpbsM ZTBRTTHTKO ELECTRICAL Balem Elestrle Co., Masonis Temple, 127 North High Kala IMC PLUMB IN (J, STEAM FTTTINO AND TINNINO T. V. Barr, 194 South Commercial street Mala 111 TRANSFER AND DRATAOB Salem Track A Dray Co., sorner Stats ana front streets Hala T TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTH KHN PACIFIC. NOHTIl BOUND 1(1 Oregon Kiprrss B :0(t s. m, '.'1 Khk.-tib l.imltel p. in. in Willamette Limited . . .9 :'JL' u. m. la Shasta Limited 1 1:3 a. m. IX it.rtlnnd ragHenger ....l:'J7p. m. 20 I'ortlund I'HssenKer ...5:00p.m. 14 I'ortliind ExDresa 8 :04 p. m. No. 2'.'a I'ortlaud fast freight 10:80 p. m. No. 'SM Local way l'rcllit . . . . 10 :3S a. m. SOl'TII BOU.ND No. California Cipress. ... 8:31 a.m. No. 17 Itoseburg Passenger. .. tl :'Jo a. m. No. 23 Kugene Limited 10:01 a.m. No. 10 t'ottuge Grove Toss. ..4:111 p.m. -Mnkea connection with No. 74 (leer .brunch. No. 11 Shasta Limited .5 :43 p.m. Nq, 27 Wlllametle Limited... 8:UI. m. No. Ill Sao Francisco-Express 10 :30 p.m. No. 221 Mao Francisco Fast. Freight 12 :01 a. m. No. 1I2S Local way Freight. .. .11 :40 a. m. BiLtn-citta Lisa, No. No. No. No. 7.1 Arrives at Fulcra 9:15s. m. 7)1 leaves Maieni P:Mia. m. 75 A r. Salem (miied) , ... .:() p. m. 74 Leave Sulem 4:20 p.m. No connection south of (jeer. BiLCit. Fills Citt and Wsstebs No. 1(11 I.t. Knlem. motor 7:00 s. m. No. 103 Lv. tMilera, motor 9:40 a. m. No. 103 Lv. Salem tor Monmouth and Alrlle 1 :40 p. m. No. 107 Lv. Salem, motor 4 :00 p. tn. No. Hill Lv. Salem, motor 0:15 p.m. No. 2.11) Way Kr t It. Salem. . . . ;0 a. m. No. 1U2 A r. Salem i. 8:40 a.m. No. KI4 Ar. Salem 11:10 a.m. No. 1 0il Ar. Salem 11:15 p.m. No. 1HH Ar. Sulem 8:00 p. m.- No. 170 Ar. Sulem 7 :4," p. m. No. 240 Way Fr't ar. Salem... 1:35 p.m. WILLAMETTE R1VEH ROUTE! ' . Oregon Vtly Ttvntporlatton Company. The (Iroliuiuooa leaves Salem for Port land at 0 o'clock on mornings of Mon day, Wednesday and Friday. No bout south of' Salem. Hout ittlves Portland Tuesduy, "loreduy and Saturday mornings until farther noil.e. SEVEN M. Burger. yy OltEOON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. MORTH BOUND Lt. Salem U'raln No. Ar. Portlaael 4 :.'I5 a. m 2 Owl 8 :63 a. at. 7:15 a. m 8 9:25 a. oa l:45s.m 10 Limited.... 11 :5 a. ou ll:2i) a. m l'i lt:5p. ot, 1 :.'ii) p. m 14 4 :U0 p. as. 4:0p. m 18 Limited ... 5 :.r0 p. as. 5:.'ti) p. m 2D T :4U p. ea. 7:55 p.m. 22 10:00 p. aa. SOI.TH BOl'ND Post land to Salbic I.t. Portland 0 :.'! a. m. Sulem 8 :35 Eugene 10 :55 a. ot, 8:30 a.m. ... C Limited .... 10:11a. ov ID :43 a.m. ........ 7 12:55 p. at, 2 :!'. p. m 0 4 :15 p. n. 4:40 p.m. ... 13 Limited .... 8:40 p. ot, (1:05 p. m 17 Local .... 8:10 p.m. 0:20p.m 19 11:20 p.m. 11 :43 p. uk 21 Owl 1 :55 p. m. MOBTU BOl'ND Lv.Torvallls Ar. Saleoi 4 :10 p. m 20 5 :80 p. m. Lv. Eugeiie. Ar. Saleea 7:35a. in. .... 10 Limited .... 9 :43a. m. 1:55 p. m 10 Limited ... 4 :(M) p. m. 5 :25 p. m 22 7 :53 p. ot. 12:05 p.m. ...... 2 Owl 4:33 a.m. south bound Lt. ftnlem. Ar. Rngens 1 :53 a m 21 Owl 8 :50 a. ot. 10 :15 a. m 6 Limited ....12.23 pm. Lt. Sulem Ar. Albany 12 :65 p. m T 1 :50 p. oa. 8tops at CornlHs Lt. Salem. Ar. Albany 4 ;10 p. m 9 5 ;10 p. m. Ar. Albany . . 7:33-m, I.t. Salem. Ar. Engeo 0:40 p.m. 13 8:50p.m. CtfllVALLIS CONNECTION HOIITU BOUND Lt. Corrollls. Ar. Ralsta 8:26 s. m 10 9:45 a.m. 12:12p.m. ....... 14 1:45p.m. 2:41p.m. .t 10 4:0Op.m. 4:11) p. m 2o 5:30 p.m. 8:18 p.m. 22 T:55p.ot. SOUTH BOl'ND I.T. Salem. Ar. Cervtllla 10:15 a. m B 11:33 a.m. 4:15 p. ni 9 8:38 p. a 12:53 p. Qi 7 2:20 p.m. 0 :40 p. m 13 8 :00 p. at, re imcrt it i nctm