Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, September 19, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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1 1
a mome run
with the bases full-
Ninth inning bases full two out tie score
batter up. Bang! that "homer " into the stands
makes you feel good it does satisfy!
Chesterfields make you feel exactly the same
way about your smoking they satisfy!
But they're mild, too Chesterfields are!
For the first time in the history of cigarettes
you are offered a cigarette that satisfies and yet
is mild! Chesterfields!
This new kind of enjoyment cannot be had in
any cigarette except Chesterfields, regardless of
price because no other cigarette maker can
copy the Chesterfield blend!
Try Chesterfields today!
The Chesterfield Blend
ntjJm the ml ftmov Tarkita tokee
3AMSOUN for richim) CAVALLA for
mmi SMYRNA for ih)mi XANTHI
for fragraaao, aombiaad wita fee kot
WaMtlM loaf.
20 for 10c
.And yet they're MILD
Are Only Game and a Half Sixty
Shy and Go Up Against
American League.
Club. Toda.v. V
Boston 578 .1581
Detroit .500 .5titt
Chicago 500 .509
National League.
Club. Toda.v. W.
Brooklyn 599 .001
Philadelphia .. .51);! .5941
Boston' 584 .587
American League.
Player. AB. H.
Speaker 502 19;j
Cobb 500 182
Jackson 551 193
National League.
Plaver. . AB. H.
Chase 485 KS4
Wheat 529 108
Hornsbv 454 144
(United Press staff correspondent.)
New York, .Sept. 19. The three cor
nered pennant race in the American
league may be decided in the Tiger
Red Sox series beginning today at De
troit. In the meantime the three play strug
gle in the Nationnl league again has
grown tighter. The Phillies are now
only a gnme back of 'the Dodgers and
the Braves ore n bare game and a half
from the Phillies. With this unprece
j dented situation of a triple knot tied in
i the leadership of both big leagues the
1 closing davs of the pennaut races prom-
I ise the wildest baseball scramble in his
The world's championship Red Sox
hold a lead of only half a game over
Detroit as those two teams meet in
their final series ofthe season' this aft
ernoon. If the Red Sox can repeat their
feat at Chicago by taking a majority
of the gnmes they probably will go
home in first place by a fair margin.
On the other hand, if Detroit can pull
a majority of the series out of the
clutches of the Boston gang they will
have the call.
But while the Tigers and Red Sox
are kicking each other around, the Chi-,
cago White Sox, in third place by a
game and a half will be getting a crack
at the much booted Athletics and may
nose their way into the lead position
over both Tigers and Red Sox.
The Dope Sheet
Cleveland still is strong enough to
offer stiff opposition and it will be the
Indians who get the next crack at the
title holders.
The Red Sox still have 14 panics on
their schedule, while Detroit has 10 and
the White Sox 11. If the Red Sox win
eight and lose six of their remaining
games their standing at the end of thi
season would be .578. '. If the Tigers
win six and lose four games they would
be tied for the championship. If the
White Sox" win six and lose five their
standing would be .505.
If the Tigers win every one of their
remaining 10 gnmes they would finish
the season with a percentage of .004.
If the Red Sox win their, remaining 14
gnmes their percentage would be .611.
If the Red Sox make a clean sweep of
the games with the Tigers, they would
have a percentage of .587 and Detroit
would stand at .500. That would leave
the champions with 11 games to play
and the Tigers with seven. Should
Detroit then win ever- one of those
games their percentage would be .584.
Hence, to win the pennant with the Tig
ers winning all remaining games after
the. present series, providing of course
that Chicago doesn't step in, .the Red
Sox would have to win seven games
with four losses.
Chicago, however, must not be count
ed out. The White Sox loom up right
now just as strong as any of the con
tenders. If they can take the entire
series from the Athletics they will be
ready to challenge cither Detroit or
Boston for the fiunl push to the end of
! the season. The situation is full of pos
Isibilitics and on the turn of a single
! game may rest the location of the cities
j which will stage the next world 's series.
I". The National Outlook.
Bill Carrigan'sutehing staff has not
been doing as well as it might lately.
Taken as a whole, the staff has wav
ered slightly. Poor pitching cannot
stand against the fusillade of the Tigers
which they are certain to turn loose,
even though the Jeunings hurlers are
not known as extraordinarily effective.
The Red Sox are not heavy hitters at
best with Jack Barry missing, they are
not so strong defensively as usual.
j In the National league through the
victory of the Reds in one game of a
double header with the Dodgers, Brook-
lyn reliquished half a game of their
I lead and the pace setting job in the
j Tener circuit now hangs ou a single
game. The Phillies ran take first place
1 today if they win and the Dodgers lose.
Brooklyn has 17 games left on the
.calendar, while Philadelphia must play
'19. If Brooklyn wins 10 and loses seven
J-games, the Dodgers' percentage would
be an even .tUH). To win the pennant in
ti is event, the Phillies must win 12 of
their remaining 19 games, providing the
Braves don't sneak in with a few extra
wins and steal the flag from under the
noses of both Dodgers and Phillies. The
Braves are now in third place, a game
and a half behind the Phillies.
Thousand Fans It Is
Estimated Will See
Decisive Contests
' Detroit, Mich., Sept. 19. Detroit was
baseball mad today as Tigers and Red
Sox prepared to go on the mat in the
three gamo series that may determine
the flag winner in the American league
The two teams are now virtually tied
for the top position in the percentage
column, Boston leading by about two
points and the winner of the series will
iiave an edge on all opponents for pen
nant honors.
Sixty thousiind fans, club officials
believe, will witness the threo games
providing that rain doesn't interfere
with the pnstiming.
There was realfoot zip to the air to
day, but a bright sun did much to off
set the cool breezes.
George Dauss and George Foster
probably will be chosen for pitching
honors in the opener although lor t.ie
Carriganers Mays and Leonurd arc al
so possibilities.
Both teams will enter the fray with
crippled infields. '
Boston will be minus the services of
.lack Barry, while for the Tigers, Os
car Vitt will be absent from the hot
corner, due to an injury to his wrist
Sunday. Vitt may be able to resume
play tomorrow.
Watching the Scoreboard
sjc a(c 9c se 9e 9c sfe ?fc ae sjc
Pacific Coast League Standings
W. L. Pet.
Los Angeles 93 lit) .585
Vernon 94 72 .507
Salt Lake 81 77 .513
San Francisco 84 82 .507
Portland 75 79 .48U
Oakland 00 109 .35a
Yesterday's Results
No gnmes played, teams traveling.
Yesterday's big league hero wag
George Tyler. The southpaw hurled a
victory tor the Braves, allowing tne
Cardinals only three hits and drove in
both Boston runs by his own hitting.
The Pirates nearly stopped the Gi
ants' string of victories, but rain
called off hostilities with the score
of the second game a tie. The New
torkers have taken twelve straight.
Benny Kaulf's home run was
oulv Giant tullv in the second.
Han Wagner was manager of the
Pirates while Jimmy Callahan was
kept in bed by illness.
Pitcher Myers, Connie Mack's new
sensation, shut out the Tigers and
shoved them into secourt place.
Even the mighty Cobb failed to do
any damaging work agninst the young
The Phillies scored six runs on the
seven hits they pounded off the deliv
ery of two Cub hurlers.
F.rnie Shaw was just good enougU
to bent the White Sox four to three.
Claude Thomas, a youthful flinger
from the Western league, pitched his
first big league game and shut out St.
Louis 10.
Marsans and Hartley
two hits Thomas allowed.
divided the
Brooklyn took the first conflict
from the Reds, but Rube Marquaril
couldn't make it two in a row, and the
Dodgers slipped half a peg.
Kbbets Field, Brooklyn. N. Y., Sept.
18. Brooklyn lost half a game in tJo
National league pennant race this af
ternoon when she broke even with the
Reds, taking the first Rarae, four to 1,
but dropping the second, 2 to 1. '
Woodburn Schools
In New Building
.Woodburn, Ore., Sept IS. Woodbrun
is promised a very successful term" of
school, which will begin today. The
new 40,000 school and gymnasium
buildings ar? just completed," and will
be ready for occupancy. In addition to
those attending the high school from
this city, there will be over .75 pupils
who have signified their intention of
attending from outside districts. The
faculty will be: J. H. Collins, superin
tendent; high school. W. J. Mishler.
principal and mathematics: Lois Me-
Quaid. buglish; Lucia Mncklin, sciences
and history; F.velyn Conklin. domestic
science and art; Bessie Courtright, com
mercial and histVy; C. R. Lantz, man
ual training. Grammar grads, west
side J.jW. I.eonhard, principal: Lucl
la Walsh, Geneva Gates, Jessie Sims,
Mary Scollard, Mabel Simpson; east
side, primary. May Cook. The teacher
for Cooley school has not vet been se
York, Sept. IS. Selling at
a new record price. 1'nited
108 U,
" fieri ioiny was up just $100 a
share above the low record wtii. h the
stock set during the panic of 1902. To
day's quotation presents an advance
ot fid from the tincp at hi..h th
Journal Want Ads Get Results You sto . sold February 1, 1915 int before
Want-Try oae and see. the regular dividend was passed.